The demographic crisis combined with the population explosion in Africa and effectively open borders add up to the eradication of Europe in the foreseeable future. Last week, over 8,000 welfare colonists invaded the small Italian island Lampedusa in just 2 days. If current trends continue, Africa will soon stretch north all the way through Scandinavia.
Because the extinction of Western Civilization is the ultimate objective of leftism, the Red Pope is on board. It isn’t enough to lure Third Worlders with promises of free money and then let them invade in their infinite numbers to displace Europeans; Europeans must actively help them:
Francis on Saturday condemned “belligerent nationalisms” and called for a pan-European response to migration to stop the Mediterranean, where thousands have drowned, from becoming “the graveyard of dignity”. …
On Friday, he said migrants who risk drowning at sea “must be rescued” because doing so was “a duty of humanity” and that those who impede rescues commit “a gesture of hate”.
By siding with a massive invasion force that is wiping away Europe just as predicted in The Camp of the Saints, Francis characteristically serves his true religion, leftism. Here’s the thanks he gets from other leftists:
Left-wing politicians have criticised [French President Emmanuel] Macron over his decision to attend the Mass, saying it violates strict separation of state and faith, known as laïcité.
He will get even less thanks from the majority population when it becomes Muslim as an inevitable consequence of mass immigration from points south. Christianity will be eradicated, as surely as it was throughout the Christian Middle East when it fell to Islamic armies.
Francis says that defending Europe is “scandalous, disgusting and sinful.”
Hagia Sophia once rivaled the Vatican. After Muslim conquest, it became a mosque. The Vatican will suffer the same fate if Francis has his way.
Moonbattery Red Pope Calls for Europe’s Demise – Moonbattery