Hands in his pockets, Fuwad O. (presumably 29 years old) seems to sit bored in the courtroom. For him, everything is at stake before the Frankenthal Regional Court: the prosecution accuses the Afghan of two attempted murders.
A 29-year-old suspected “refugee” from Afghanistan almost stabbed to death with a knife a 36-year-old woman and her daughter, who was 16 at the time of the crime, in Speyer, Rhineland-Palatinate. The crimes were committed in October 2022, and the attacker’s motive was apparently jealousy, as the daughter refused to have a relationship with the Afghan. After the attacker had already stabbed the daughter three times with a kitchen knife, the mother rushed over, whereupon the Afghan also attacked the mother with 13 stab wounds.
BILD / https://www.fdesouche.com/2023/06/21/nous-lavons-accueilli-comme-un-ami-en-allemagne-un-migrant-afghan-poignarde-une-mere-et-sa-fille-mineure-apres-avoir-refusait-davoir-sexuelles-avec-lui-maj-ju/