Barren wasteland, empty fields, hostile desert – and in the middle of Germany! With an embarrassing panic tweet, the Green Party’s Katrin Göring-Eckhart, who is, after all, Vice President of the German Parliament, has caused astonishment – and incredulous head-shaking.
Alarm! Due to man-made climate change, desertification is already beginning in the middle of Germany. The drought catastrophe already has our latitudes firmly under control. This is what Gatrin Göring-Eckhart (Greens) wanted to suggest on Twitter. To do so, she posted a link with a picture showing such a desert right on our doorstep – the “Lieberos Desert”.
Anyone familiar with the history of this sandy area, 95 kilometers from Berlin, will have immediately recognized the Green politician’s gaffe – because it has nothing whatsoever to do with climate change. Created by a large forest fire in 1942, the area was used for many years as a Soviet military training area. Because heavy tanks constantly rolled through the area, the “tank desert” remained just that: a desert. Environmentalists are even fighting to preserve this area.
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