Due to seven pro and contra rallies, Vienna has been in a state of emergency around the LGBTQ quarter since the early hours of the morning. One of the usual woke drag queen readings for the sexual LGBTGQ infiltration of children has been taking place there since 10am.
The police are on site with a large contingent, because despite all the left-wing interventions (by the Greens and the SPÖ), no prohibitions were issued. The Rosa-Lilla-Villa has been cordoned off with barriers since 7 am.
The mood on site was heated, but there were no incidents for the time being. Embarrassing for the Rosa-Lila-Villa, which apologised to the residents “for any inconvenience”. By rehashing the old stereotype of “right-wing extremists”:
“The protest and speeches of the extremists could become loud and chaotic. We regret that they are putting the neighbourhood in this particular kind of predicament.”