The therapist, who practised Roqya and Hijama, established in the town centre of Thann, was sentenced to one year suspended prison and a fine of €5 000 for the illegal practice of medicine and nursing. Reciting suras from the Quran, honey, olive oil and Quranised water were his remedies.
Roqya is a Quranic practice with therapeutic aims, based among other things on prayer and ablutions with Quranised water. Hijama is a kind of “add-on” option that involves “dry” or “wet” methods of cupping, i.e. with incisions to cause bleeding.
The 46-year-old Thann resident practised both of these practices at a surgery in Thann town centre. An anonymous letter sent to the prosecutor in January 2022 asks the police to look into these activities. (…) L’Alsace