First they came for the Jews, now it is the nuns…

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by Giulio Meotti

Marie-Anne Leroux, 56, and Agathe Dutrey, 46, are two nuns belonging to the Fraternité Bénédictine. For years they have served the Catholic community in the center of Nantes, the city of the Dukes of Brittany. Now they announce that they have left the city due to insecurity. They worked in the parish of Notre-Dame. “While I was teaching in church, we had to ask the congregation to turn away a person who had come in drunk, this is the sadness of our daily reality.”

Due to unchecked mass immigration sponsored by the oligarchs who dominate decadent Western regimes, large swathes of Europe are becoming off limits.

I’ve always thought that focusing on a single city helps to better understand that there is a “before and after” in Europe.

In October, the parish priest of Notre-Dame de Nantes, Loïc Le Huen, denounced: “The situation has worsened dramatically. There are those who physically and verbally threaten parishioners and visitors, even spitting on nuns. People stealing candles, pouring wax on the floor, defecating in the confessionals. Previously, adoration took place every Thursday from 19:30 to 23, but since last year it ends at 22 because the faithful want to go home. The insecurity is such that going home late at night becomes complicated”.

But first were the Jews (Europe notoriously does not worry if they cannot wear the symbols of their faith). The 160 families that make up the Jewish community of Nantes have been taking precautions for a long time. “In Nantes, members of the community are not used to leaving the house with a kippah” reveals René Gambin, president of the Jewish community. “In addition, repeatedly they are asked to be careful. To check when the doorbell rings. A series of little things that clutter up everyday life. On the street, I pay attention to who’s behind me. Yes, it’s completely crazy!”. It has been defined as “the excruciating restlessness of the Jews of Nantes”.

The news of two Catholic nuns who had to leave the center of Nantes after years of assaults is just another indication of how crazy the situation is in this peaceful former provincial city of 300,000.

The nuns’ letter is an epitaph to decades of misguided migration policies:

“The escalation of violence we are witnessing will not subside with a stronger law enforcement presence. These can mitigate certain effects, but let no one be deceived: those who create this climate of insecurity have not changed their behavior with the arrival of the police. For us, over time, it has become too tiring. When we are in the church of Sainte-Croix, we are always alert, always ready to react to any lack of respect for the place, the people or the celebration taking place there. During the day, sometimes we have to intervene in church for situations of violence. This constant state of alert prevents us from living prayer as it is lived in our Benedictine vocation. We’re not meant to be security guards, even if we’ve had some ‘self-defense’ lessons.”

As a councilor of the centre-right opposition told the weekly Valeurs Actuelles in an article published in September with the title “Nantes, a lost territory of the Republic”, uncontrolled immigration weighed on the city, with a growing number of “unregulated minors accompanied”, of illegal immigrants who claim to be under 18, along with an unusual concentration of radical left organizations, some of them with violent activists who have been tolerated or sometimes even encouraged by the authorities.

The mayor of Nantes, Johanna Rolland, was first elected in 2014 and is also the first deputy secretary of the Socialist Party. Her majority in the city council is made up of a coalition of the Socialist Party, Communist Party, Greens and other small left-wing parties. With a pro-immigration mayor and city council and the presence of many left-wing NGOs in the city, including some active in welcoming illegal immigrants, Nantes is one of the nine founding members of the so-called “National Association of Welcoming Cities and Territories”, which it joined in 2015, and among the top three French cities, after Paris and Calais, in terms of overall number of illegal immigrants. The city of Nantes and the Loire-Atlantique department, of which it is the capital, are also among those leftist and pro-immigration governments that have donated large sums of money to the NGO SOS Méditerranée for the operation of its ship Ocean Viking which transports illegal migrants across the Mediterranean.

Marc Eynaud, author of Qui en veut aux catholiques?, tells Le Figaro that an anti-Christian tide is underway: “Only in the last three weeks, in mid-February, a decapitated statue of the Virgin in Choisy-Le-Roi, a desecrated church in Orly, an Islamist arrested for threatening a Parisian priest with death, the desecration of a church in the Lyon region, two fires in a church in Ligueuil and three fires in the church of Saint-Roch in Chanteloup-Les-Vignes. On March 3, we learned of the desecration of the church of Saint-Eustache in Paris. This is just what the press reported in recent days and it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Insecurity has alienated a monastic community from a city. Desecrations force churches to be left closed. Health crises deprive the faithful of the sacraments. Dozens of churches burn down every year.”

“I know very well the city where I was born and where I started as a journalist” says Ivan Rioufol of Le Figaro. “When I left Nantes in 1984, it was tranquility itself, even in the most popular districts. Immigrants were a minority. Today Nantes has become Lebanese”. The city is home to the fourth largest mosque in France, with 2,500 worshippers.

Five years ago, the Basilica of Saint-Nicolas in Nantes was almost destroyed by fire. It had completed a refurbishment and was in perfect condition. “The Malakoff mosque has 1,200 seats and erected a 17-metre minaret,” writes Rioufol. “To this ‘cathedral mosque’ are added four other mosques, not to mention the neighboring ones. This influence of Islam has accompanied the new settlement of working-class neighborhoods, under the encouragement of the socialists”. Today there are ten mosques in Nantes. In Nantes the old Church of Saint Christopher has become a mosque. “In 1984, my last article for Presse-Océan was dedicated to the small and unique mosque in the Malakoff district, installed in the place of the ancient church of San Cristoforo” says Ivan Rioufol. “Since then, this modest building has given way to the Arrahma Mosque.” L’Express published a report on the Jesuit church: it is now a furniture salon.

Who decided on the “strange death of Europe” as Douglas Murray called it?

Have we Europeans been consulted?

And where is the resistance? Do we even know how it will end? Bad.

But now at least the streets of Nantes will no longer be troubled by those two nuns and civilization can self-destruct in peace.

First they came for the Jews, now it is the nuns… | ערוץ 7 (