While hundreds of private jets flew to the UN climate summit in Egypt not long ago, several cold records were smashed at the South Pole. On 16, 17 and 18 November, records were broken or equalled. On 18 November, the mercury dropped to -45,2 degrees Celsius. The previous cold record dates back to 1987. Then it reached -44,7 degrees on the same day.
The winter of 2020-2021 in Antarctica was the coldest since measurements began in 1957. You would expect the mainstream media to report on it extensively, but nothing of the sort has been done.
It has been a bad year for climate fanatics. In the Great Barrier Reef, coral growth has never been better. This is despite journalists and “experts” warning just a few years ago that it was likely to disappear.
According to the latest satellite data, global temperatures have remained virtually unchanged for more than eight years.
Meanwhile, European Commissioner and European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans considers the final agreement reached at the climate summit in Egypt “too small a step forward”. According to him, too many countries are “afraid to make the necessary efforts to reduce climate change”.
Opposition gagged
Jan de Laat, an authoritative scientist attached to Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC), is critical of the government’s wind turbine policy. He linked the rise in heart problems to the noise of wind turbines.
Zembla wanted to interview him, but De Laat has been gagged with a speaking ban.
“If the wind turbines are placed in such a way that you cannot sleep well at night, then at some point – because it is a long-term exposure, every night again and again – it results in health problems,” the scientist told Dutch outlet EenVandaag late last year.
After he publicly made a direct link between heart problems and wind turbine noise, the wind industry complained to his employer.
He had agreed to an interview with Zembla, but a day before the filming, he said the university imposed a speaking ban on him. They strongly discouraged him from speaking to the outlet.
An employee of the programme phoned a spokesperson who confirmed the ban: “We stand by the same advice at the moment, yes.”
“How do ministers Dijkgraaf and Kuipers, and LUMC feel about this scientist being gagged by the hospital where he works?” asked FVD MP Pepijn van Houwelingen. “How does that relate to academic freedom? And how can truth-telling happen when criticism is stifled?”
Earlier this year, Dijkgraaf disingenuously wrote on Twitter that “academic freedom, integrity and independence must always be guaranteed”.
Subsidies for Microsoft
In the province North-Holland lies the Wieringermeerpolder, the largest wind farm in the Netherlands, which has permanently changed the horizon with hundreds of millions in subsidies from the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
When the wind farm was built, it was underlined that as many as 370 000 households would benefit from clean and, above all, inexpensive green power from the new wind turbines. But once the wind turbines were erected, citizens discovered that they were actually for multinationals Microsoft and Google, US companies that pay little or no tax in the Netherlands.
Microsoft is taking all the proceeds from the new wind farm for its own data centre where servers of the Americans are also kept. The Dutch government thus handed over 660 million euros in subsidies to provide power to Microsoft.
Electrical engineer Arnold Uilenhoet responded: “I think Microsoft and Google have played that cleverly.” Microsoft’s data centre uses a huge amount of power. The data centres in Wieringermeer will soon consume 4 percent of the total Dutch power supply, Uilenhoet calculated.
“This is just popular deception,” he said, explaining why Dutch taxpayers are being lied to.