On Thursday, the dead body of a renowned dentist named Dr Krishnamurthy was found on a railway track at Hattiyangadi near Kundapur in Kerala. The doctor was reported missing from Badiyadka in the Kasaragod district of Kerala and his body was found in mysterious circumstances on November 10.
According to a report by Organiser, the doctor had received threats from leaders of the Muslim League and some other locals to extend support to another dental hospital recently opened in town. The doctor had also received extortion threats and was forced to shut his clinic or face threatening consequences, as per the report.
Another report by Manorama mentioned that the dentist was accused of sexual harassment by a 32-year-old woman. Following this, the accused persons, local Muslim League leaders had come to Dr Krishnamurthy’s clinic and threatened him. They had threatened to file a police complaint if he did not meet their demands. After the threats, Dr Krishnamurthy had gone missing.
BJP leader Kuntaru Ravish Tantri and several Hindu organizations in the state including the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Bajrang Dal organized a protest against the incident and demanded the arrest of IUML leaders who were involved in threatening the veteran doctor.
The doctor had gone missing a few days ago. The incident came to light after his wife and other family members filed a missing report at the local police station. The assistant of the doctor during the complaint mentioned that he was threatened by some local Islamists at the clinic.
The doctor’s body was reportedly found near Udipi railway station, badly damaged by a speeding train.
The locals also discovered his bike and immediately informed to the police about the incident. The Police then lodged an unnatural death case and arrested Muslim League Kumbdaje Panchayat Secretary Ali Thuppakallu, Muslim League Badiyadka Panchayat office bearer Muhammad Hanif Yane Anwar, Kumbdaje resident Ashraf, Annadka resident Muhammad Shiabuddin and Vidyagiri Muniyuru resident Umarul Farooq for abetment of suicide and other relevant charges.
The initial investigation revealed that a group of people led by Ali and Anwar threatened to harm Dr Krishnamurthy in the clinic before he went missing a few days ago.