The Khekra police in Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh, on Friday (September 2) arrested one Mohammad Rahees, following a complaint by a Hindu family on August 31, accusing him of threatening them with death. The family, in their complaint, said that the accused issued ‘sar tan se juda‘ threats and also threatened to make their daughter’s objectionable images viral on social media if they ‘do not send her to him’.
Prior to this, in the month of May, the family had submitted another complaint against the same person, accusing him of kidnapping their daughter.
Based on the first complaint, the police had booked Md Rahees under IPC section 366 (kidnapping a woman and compelling her for marriage or to cause her defilement). Later the police registered another FIR against the accused under IPC sections 506 (criminal intimidation) and Section 67 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (Publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form).
According to the second complaint filed with the Khekra PS, the girl’s father allegedthat Md Rahees had been pressuring them to ‘send their daughter to him’ or face dire repercussions. The father further said that the accused had threatened to behead his entire family if they did not agree to his demands.
The accused, as per the girl’s father, had put up an objectionable picture of his daughter as his Whatsapp status on August 23, 2022 and further threatened to leak her obscene pictures on social media when the family did not concede to his demand.
The girl’s father confirmed that Md Rahees was a resident of Ghaziabad. He recalled how on July 18, the accused accosted him and his wife when they were on their way to Delhi on their bike. He added that Rahees threatened his wife by saying, “Send your daughter to me, or I will chop off your head and your husband’s body.” His family has been terrified since then, said the father.
The girl’s father said that seeing the commotion, when the passers-by started gathering near his bike, Md Rahees fled. However, he has been relentlessly pressuring his family to send the girl ever since.
According to a report by Hindi daily Dainik Bhaskar, the victim’s father stated that his daughter used to teach in a school. Meanwhile, that boy used to put up a stall in the Friday weekly market held near the school. On May 30, his daughter suddenly went missing. She left without informing her parents. The distraught parents approached various Hindu organisations for help. They filed a complaint regarding the same at the Khekra PS.
Following the outcry from Hindu organisations, the police recovered their daughter after a month and returned her to the family.
The police confirmed that in her statement before the magistrate, the girl stated that she had that she was in a love affair with the youth and had left with him on her own free will.
However, ever since she was recovered and send back home by the police, Md Rahees had been hounding and harassing the Hindu family. He has been issuing ‘sar tan se jida’ threats and warned of serious repurcussions if they do not send back the girl back to him.