Call for help from German municipalities: 500,000 to 800,000 euros treatment costs for an asylum seeker

In the course of a speech on the current distribution problem of Ukrainian migrants, Kiel’s mayor Ulf Kämpfer ( Social Democratic Party of Germany, SPD) now leaked a revealing figure: to illustrate the burden on German municipalities, he reported on individual cases in which sick refugees from the last large wave in 2015/2016 had to be treated at the expense of the general public – in astronomical amounts. And this is exactly what is threatening to happen again.

Kämpfer combined his memorable statement with the warning that under no circumstances should things go the way they did during the migration crisis in 2015 and 2016 – when asylum seekers who had fallen ill in particular were often sent to the big cities “because the care there is good”. This sometimes resulted in costs of “500,000 or 800,000 euros per patient, which then had to be paid by the municipalities.””

Kämpfer’s “marginal note” once again reveals an insight into the staggering cost dimensions that the German delusion of welcome and saving the world, with its claim of an unlimited intake of migrants, is imposing on its own population without being asked. Caused millions of times over by the thoughtless opening of the borders in 2015 and 2016, which de facto continues to this day, the problem continues to this day and is currently becoming more explosive every day due to the war refugees. The blanket immediate admission of millions of people without a formal legal right of residence, which can only be called insane then as now, is destroying funds and resources that have long been in far too short supply in our own country.