Criminalizing Dissent in Canada

Lefties in western countries keep bemoaning “authoritarianism” while behaving like authoritarians. Orwellian convolutions of language are used to redefine their political opponents, no matter how powerless, as “authoritarians” even while they accuse them of sedition and incitement which is the sort of language actual authoritarians use to stifle political dissent.

The Trudeau government has followed the familiar political blueprint of the EU and the American Left in defining anyone opposed to their rule from the center or the right as dangerous seditionists, along the while criminalizing participating in those protests.

Two serving members of the Canadian military’s elite counter-terrorism unit are under investigation for allegedly taking part in protests in downtown Ottawa.

The individuals are members of Joint Task Force 2, this newspaper has confirmed. JTF2 is the unit that would be called upon to deal with terrorism and at times provide protection for VIPs such as the prime minister.

The actions of a third Canadian Forces member, who had served with JTF2 but is now assigned to the procurement section at the Department of National Defence, is also under scrutiny.

Maj.-Gen. Steve Boivin, the commander of Canadian Special Operations Forces Command, confirmed he has ordered the two investigations into the alleged activities of those in his organization.

“The Canadian Special Operations Forces Command does not condone its members supporting and/or actively taking part in causes that jeopardize the apolitical imperative associated with their functions,” Boivin said in a statement to this newspaper. “I expect our members to act in ways that demonstrate Canadian Armed Forces values and ethics, and to uphold them both on and off duty.

Would members of the Canadian Armed Forces who participated in racial protests, environmental protests, or pro-immigrant protests get this kind of treatment?