David Sassoli passed away this week. According to news reports he died after a “serious complication due to a dysfunction of the immune system”. But what caused the complication?
Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, had been receiving treatment in an Italian hospital since December 26. All of his appointments had been canceled.
The stay was necessary “because of a serious complication due to a dysfunction of the immune system,” according to SRF : “In October, Sassoli already missed a parliamentary session because he had a fever. He was previously treated in hospital for pneumonia.”
The treating hospital Centro di Riferimento Oncologico in Aviano refused to provide information when asked about the cause of death. Of course, it would be particularly interesting to know whether the “complication” was related to the secondary effects of the Corona jabs.
No information about this is currently available which means that vaccine injury cannot be ruled out since Sassoli was considered a vehement supporter of vaccination campaigns and EU vaccination passports. The politician had suffered from leukaemia (blood cancer).
Cancer patients in particular have reported experiencing massive episodes of illness after their mRNA injections. Overall, excess deaths have increased significantly since the vaccine campaign began: “At many hospitals, the number of patients reported to have post-vaccine injuries rose fivefold or more after Covid vaccines were introduced in December 2020, medical records databases show,” noted science reporter Alex Berenson. At some hospitals it is even ten-fold.
On December 15, EU Commission President Von der Leyen said in Sassoli’s presence: “And we know that according to scientists and initial data on the Omicron variant, triple vaccination is the best available protection we currently have worldwide against Omicron.” This statement, when measured against all the data now available internationally, is totally false and misleading. Perhaps Sassoli was motivated by these words to have a “booster shot”.
In mid-October 2021, Sassoli was still defending multi-billionaire George Soros against accusations by Slovenian Prime Minister Janša. The latter had announced that 226 MEPs were puppets of the self-proclaimed philanthropist. Sassoli called on Janša to refrain from such “provocative” statements. Sassoli was on friendly terms with the WEF and Klaus Schwab as well. For example, he gave a speech at the WEF on February 22, 2020, at the beginning of the “pandemic”.
For the left-wing socialist party Partito Democratico, Sassoli stood as the top candidate in the European elections in 2009 and was elected to the EU Parliament with over 400 000 preferential votes. From 2014, Sassoli was Vice-President of the EU Parliament, and from 3 July 2019 he served as President.
Perhaps Sassoli’s death has been a wake-up call to stop the dangerous jab campaign?