The website of Italy’s national rail operator posted warnings of severely disrupted services: “For the activities related to the organization of the services, changes in the timetable of the regional trains can be expected after controls provided by anti-Covid regulations,” noted Trenitalia and listed at least 16 regions affected by the serious problem.
Positive Corona test results have led Trenord to forcibly cancel journeys, so that large parts of the train traffic in Lombardy had to be rescheduled due to massive staff shortages. According to trade unions, staff shortages have become quite common regardless of Italy’s return to “normal” with the “green pass”.
Pandemic restrictions, which lead to a mad run on test centers in order to obtain “green passports”, have become an own goal for the government, according to Gospa News. They have given employees who would like to stay at home during the holidays the opportunity propose contact with an Omicron “infected person”, “infect” themselves and thus to go into quarantine.
As Gospa News reported, about 67 percent of new positive “cases” in Piedmont are asymptomatic. Moreover, rapid antigen Covid-19 tests do not accurately detect the Omicron variant.
In the meantime, the government appears to be blind an deaf to these facts: A new decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers will impose new restrictions on the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated are not the problem, however, especially because various studies have highlighted that the vaccinated often have a viral load which could be 251 times higher than that of an infected person without the jab.
The government’s new guidelines, which are currently being transposed into formal legislation, include lifting of the quarantine for vaccinated persons who have been vaccinated for less than four months and for vaccinated persons with a “booster dose”.
They also plan the expansion of the Super Green Pass (2G) to almost all public spaces: Public transport, hotels, trade fairs, ski areas and many other leisure facilities while sport stadiums may not be occupied by more than 50 percent.