Is Rishi Sunak English? Trump, Ukraine and the New World Order. JD Vance Schools Europe on Liberty

Watch our new documentary on IMMIGRATION & THE RISE IN R&PE here:    • EXPOSED: How Immigration Has Caused a…   On today’s #NCFNewspeak, Amy Gallagher, Rafe Heydel-Mankoo and Harrison Pitt discuss:

  • Trump as the great disruptor of the existing world order
  • Fraser Nelson’s view on who qualifies to be English
  • JD Vance lectures Europe’s elite on their biggest threat.

“The school will be attacked by Daesh on September 11, 2025”: Thirteen-year-old arrested in France for making threats and glorifying terrorism

A student from the Blaise-Pascal College in Massy (Essonne) was arrested on Thursday, February 20, after posting insults and threats against teachers and the school on TikTok, as reported by the newspaper Le Parisien.
The arrest for glorification of terrorism was made possible by a report from Pharos, the state platform for illegal online content and behavior, which was initiated by the principal of the school in question.
A video of Osama Bin Laden with the message: “This school will finally be attacked by Daesh on September 11, 2025” had been distributed on the thirteen-year-old student’s TikTok account. Religious chants in Arabic and another video showing a plane crashing into the school were also discovered, triggering the alarm.

Although the investigation is still ongoing, the police are said to have the necessary information to determine the origin of the publications and videos glorifying terrorism. The accused student has already been punished with citizenship training at the Holocaust memorial in Paris and will be summoned by the judiciary at a later date.

“Ce collège sera attaqué par Daesh le 11 septembre 2025” : un ado de treize ans interpellé pour menaces et apologie du terrorisme – Valeurs actuelles

Man seriously injured in attack at Holocaust Memorial in Berlin

Screenshot X

An assailant seriously injured a man in an attack at Berlin’s Holocaust Memorial on Friday evening, police said.

German media reported that the man was stabbed.

Police said they were investigating the attack at the memorial, a field of 2,700 grey concrete slabs near the Brandenburg Gate in the heart of Berlin.

It is also located near the US Embassy.

There was no indication yet of motive for the attack.

Berlin police said the victim was seriously injured at around 6pm local time and taken to a hospital.

The German newspaper Tagesspiegel reported that the man was injured in a stabbing, citing police sources. Another newspaper, Berliner Zeitung reported the same.

Police said they were attending to the witnesses who saw the attack, while the newspapers reported that police were carrying out a manhunt for the perpetrator.

The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe is a memorial in Berlin to the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust.

The attack comes two days before Germans vote in a national election on Sunday.

Message to Germany: “The Left Will Always Have Leverage Over CDU”

German voters go to the polls on Sunday, February 23rd, in the knowledge that the next chancellor of Germany will probably be Friedrich Merz.

The leader of the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is the lesser of two evils for many voters who believe that the ‘grand coalitions’ of the past—an alliance of the CDU and the Social Democrats—were responsible for hurling Germany into multiple crises.

The government led by former CDU leader Angela Merkel, as well as the current one controlled by social democrat Olaf Scholz, have been instrumental in damaging the country’s economy. Their ill-founded energy policy led to the disposal of safe and secure resources, such as nuclear power and cheap Russian gas, and a huge rise in energy prices.

These governments are also at fault for welcoming the mass migration wave of 2015-16—the start of an ongoing wave of millions of people surging to Europe, most of whom made the journey illegally, crossing Europe’s fragile borders unchecked.

This Willkommenskultur under Merkel has led to the drastic reshaping of Western European societies, the creation of parallel societies populated by migrants who do not wish to integrate, and a soaring rise in crime. Recent terrorist acts—and knife attacks committed by failed asylum seekers—only add to the bitterness that Germans feel towards their leadership, whom they rightly blame for not protecting them.

In this context, it is no wonder that voters are flocking to the current opposition parties— especially to the ones on the Right.

The right-wing Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), which was formed in 2013, will most likely get its best-ever result on Sunday, expecting to receive 20-22 percent of the votes and finishing in second place. The party has consistently campaigned on an anti-migration platform, and its rise in popularity reflects the anger Germans are feeling.

Some voters, however, may still feel that the AfD is too far to the right, and want something more predictable: a CDU whose leader has vowed to take the party back to its conservative roots, and has promised to be just as tough on migration as the AfD. Friedrich Merz’s recent decision to allow the AfD to support his motion to turn back all illegal and undocumented migrants at Germany’s borders marked a watershed in the country’s history as it broke—if only briefly—the taboo that mainstream parties are under no circumstances allowed to cooperate with the “far right.”

Merz has maintained that he would never form a coalition with the AfD, but the question remains whether he can be trusted to truly steer the CDU back to its conservative past, away from the Left and the Greens with whom it has gladly flirted for many decades.

The party leader’s insistence that he would be tough on migration and crime, prioritise Germany’s economy and industries over the fight against climate change, and perhaps even turn nuclear power back on seem alluring to many.

Bence Bauer, director of the MCC’s Hungarian-German Institute think tank in Budapest told

It is very hard to say that you want a U-turn on migration policies, on nuclear energy, or on woke policies when you are the one who caused the whole problem. Merz faces another dilemma: apart from him and CDU Secretary-General Carsten Linnemann, the bulk of the party’s leadership consists of Merkelists. It is interesting to note that not every CDU lawmaker supported Merz’s anti-migration proposals in the parliament on January 29th while all the AfD MPs did.

The CDU, together with its Bavarian sister party CSU, is on course to win Sunday’s election with about 30-31% of the votes. That will hardly be enough to form a government, posing the question: who will Merz enter into a coalition with?

The answer is simple: it will not be the AfD. It could be the liberal FDP party—if it manages to pass the 5% threshold—but even then, their total number of MPs would be too few for a majority. That leaves none other than the Social Democrats and a return to the grand coalition, or the Greens, and a return to radical climate and woke policies.

As Bence Bauer explains:

If you take AfD out of the equation, as a party that no one else wants to do business with, then the leftist parties, including the SPD, the Greens, and Die Linke, will always have a majority and always have leverage over the CDU. The question is how long will the voters bear another grand coalition with all its nuanced compromises.

Whatever Merz decides, Germany will be left in limbo, and the voters’ desire for change—such as the closure of borders to illegal migrants, which polls say that 70 percent of Germans support—will be ignored.

Prosecuting ‘Unacceptable Opinions’: Europe vs. the United States

Image courtesy of Reality Bites by Broc Smith. (Broc Smith’s cartoons are collected in RealityBites II: Editorial Cartoons That Bite.)

A cultural war appears to be brewing between Europe and the United States.

At the Munich Security Conference on February 14, 2025, U.S. Vice President J.D. Vance surprised attendees by downplaying external threats to Europe, instead emphasizing what he called “the threat from within” Europe. Vance argued that the greatest danger to European democracy stems from its own leaders’ retreat from fundamental values, such as freedom of speech and democratic principles. He lambasted European governments for suppressing free speech, citing examples like Sweden’s conviction of a Christian activist for burning a Quran, Germany’s crackdowns on anti-feminist online comments, and the UK’s restrictions on religious expression near abortion clinics. Vance compared these actions to “Soviet-style” censorship, suggesting Europe is abandoning the liberties it once championed during the Cold War.

On CBS television recently — in a scene straight out of the Stasi, East Germany’s secret police for political repression — three German prosecutors being interviewed explain that their job is to suppress “unacceptable opinions.” When the journalist asks them for an example of such an unacceptable opinion, one of the prosecutors replies “reposting false information.”

If disseminating false information becomes a criminal offense, every political party will immediately have to close up shop. All political parties, as well as many of us imperfect creatures, are constantly disseminating questionable information, false at the margins or at the core.

In Europe, for instance, when Belgian and German environmentalists for years passionately maintained, with the support of most of the media and a host of “experts,” that the destruction of civilian nuclear power would be beneficial to the “climate” but have no impact whatever on electricity bills, it was a lie wrapped in a massive untruth sprinkled with falsehoods. If disseminating such an exquisitely pure lie should lead to imprisonment, just about everyone could provide the judicial authorities with a list of at least 100 green politicians, along with a host of other offenders, who straightaway belong in prison.

The question, however, clearly is not actually about repressing all false information – just that, it seems, which displeases the so-called “left” as well as many of Europe’s newcomers. As one of the three German prosecutors put it, “Freedom of expression is fine, but there are limits.” There are, and they are carefully laid out in the 1969 US Supreme Court decision Brandenburg v. Ohio, which found:

“A state may not forbid speech advocating the use of force or unlawful conduct unless this advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.”

The so-called “left”, nevertheless, appears to have reinvented itself in a form that rejects everything that is not itself. Many of that bent sometimes seem to be on a permanent hunt to kill, destroy and debone anything it regards as “different”. From the UK to Germany, if you express an opinion contrary to the mood of the doctrine of the hour, it presumably becomes legitimate for the courts and the media to tear you apart. The police knock on your door in the middle of the night to arrest you in front of your children because of something you said that your neighbor might not have liked.

Marie-Thérèse Kaiser, a politician from Germany’s right-wing political party Alternative für Deutschland, was convicted in May 2024 by the district court in Verden for incitement to hatred. She had posted on social media in 2021, questioning the socialist mayor of Hamburg’s decision to welcome Afghan refugees, by citing statistics about Afghan men’s involvement in gang rapes in Germany. The court ruled that her statements violated the “human dignity” of Afghan refugees as a group, and fined her more than €6,000. The court did not contest the validity of the statistics. She was therefore convicted not for peddling “false information,” but for telling the truth.

In July 2024, a woman, 20-year-old Maja R, in Hamburg, Germany, was convicted of a hate crime and sentenced to prison for calling a man involved in the gang rape of a 15-year-old girl a “disgraceful rapist pig” on social media. The man had received a suspended sentence, prompting her outrage. The “disgraceful rapist pig” is free; Maja is in jail.

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested and fined in Birmingham, England, on December 6, 2022 for praying silently outside an abortion clinic within a “Public Space Protection Order buffer zone.” Under the “Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022,” protests in such zones are restricted, including prayer that deemed “intimidating.” In fact, in the UK, praying inside your own home is illegal when your home is close to an abortion center.

The truth is that in the Europe of 2025, the police can knock on your door in the middle of the night for a post on Facebook or X, or even a silent prayer. In Europe, freedom of speech is dying.

The effect of these German prosecutors on the American conscience is immeasurable. Americans are horrified to discover that the continent that saw the birth of European civilization is ferociously repressing opinions on the grounds that they displease the ruling class.

The irony is, of course, that this repression of opinions is primarily an American concoction. Herbert Marcuse, Judith Butler, and others who provided the conceptual tools for this totalitarian repression, are Americans. It was the humanities departments of major American universities that forged those weapons, pliers, and conceptual machetes of this new totalitarianism, before Europe greedily gobbled them up. Marcuse promoted the concept of “liberating tolerance,” which he described in Orwellian terms as “intolerance toward movements from the Right, and tolerance for movements from the Left.” Europe practices Marcuse’s concept exactly: freedom to express left-wing and Islamist opinions, fierce repression of all supposedly “right-wing” speech and ideas. The American USAID development programs massively financed the media throughout Europe, to try to justify the legitimacy of repressing, punishing and monitoring so-called “hatred” and all the political “phobias” (trans, Islam, etc.)

Freedom of speech, like it or not, is a cornerstone of free societies, there to protect the minority from John Stuart Mill’s “tyranny of the majority” Without it, there would have been no abolition of slavery, no women’s vote, no racially integrated education, admittedly badly in need of repair — and no civil rights movement. As the freed slave Frederick Douglass said:

“Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one’s thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist. That, of all rights, is the dread of tyrants. It is the right which they first of all strike down. They know its power. Thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers, founded in injustice and wrong, are sure to tremble, if men are allowed to reason…. Equally clear is the right to hear. To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker. It is just as criminal to rob a man of his right to speak and hear as it would be to rob him of his money…. [T]here must be no concessions to the enemy. When a man is allowed to speak because he is rich and powerful, it aggravates the crime of denying the right to the poor and humble…. A man’s right to speak does not depend upon where he was born or upon his color. The simple quality of manhood is the solid basis of the right – and there let it rest forever.”

Truth requires debate: no one has a monopoly on truth. Freedom of speech lets ideas slug it out in the open — “bad” ones get dismantled, “good” ones appear sharper. Without it, we are stuck swallowing whatever the powers-that-be decide is “correct.” History shows us that suppressed speech protects dogma, not facts—think Giordano Bruno, Galileo, Darwin or the Soviet Union’s Lysenkoism.

The good news is that the funding of this industry of lies by the US government is over. You can be skeptical of certain practices in Islam without being “phobic” and refuse to allow biological men (xy) to take part in women’s (xx) competitions without being “hateful”. Let us hope this trend will jump the pond.

Yale scientists link post-COVID jab illness to biomarkers that include elevated spike protein

Wikimedia Commons .
 , CC-BY-2.0

Yale University scientists recently published a study linking post-COVID shot illness (“post-vaccination syndrome”) to distinct biomarkers, including elevated levels of circulating spike protein.

The Yale researchers’ study digs deeper into the causal mechanisms behind a cluster of symptoms commonly experienced by those suffering long-term side effects from the COVID shots, including excessive fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, insomnia, tinnitus and exercise intolerance.

They found that post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) was associated with the recent reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus, elevated levels of circulating spike protein, which the COVID shot was designed to produce in the body, and an increase in certain types of white blood cells as well as a decrease in other types.

Remarkably, the study showed that some participants with PVS had detectably elevated levels of spike protein – which causes an immune response – more than 700 days after vaccination. Persistent spike protein is associated with “long COVID,” YaleNews noted.

“That was surprising, to find spike protein in circulation at such a late time point,” remarked Akiko Iwasaki, Sterling Professor of Immunobiology at Yale School of Medicine (YSM) and co-senior author of the study. 

“We don’t know if the level of spike protein is causing the chronic symptoms, because there were other participants with PVS who didn’t have any measurable spike protein. But it could be one mechanism underlying this syndrome,” Iwasaki said.

Along with lingering spike protein, the researchers are investigating other possible contributors to PVS, including “autoimmunity, tissue damage, and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) reactivation. 

“One person might develop chronic symptoms due to immune dysregulation, while another experiences lingering effects from viral reactivation,” explained Harlan Krumholz, co-senior author of the study. “We need to map these different pathways carefully to understand what is happening in each case. This work is just beginning, and further studies are essential to guide diagnosis and treatment.”

The researchers intend to conduct further trials with a larger group of people to seek to validate their findings. “This is far from a final answer on PVS,” Iwasaki said. 

Another group of Yale researchers published a paper in 2023 describing the cluster of symptoms known as “post-vaccination syndrome.” A week before filling out surveys, high percentages of participants reported psychological distress: 82 percent reported fearfulness, 81 percent felt “overwhelmed by worries,” 76 percent reported depression, and 72 percent reported hopelessness.

Several prominent doctors, including Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Joseph Mercola, have shared protocols to detox from the COVID spike protein. For example, Mercola noted:

A group of international doctors and holistic practitioners who have experience helping people recover from COVID-19 and post-injection illness compiled natural options for helping to reduce your body’s spike protein load. The following are spike protein inhibitors, which means they inhibit the binding of the spike protein to human cells:

Prunella vulgarisPine needles
Dandelion leaf extractIvermectin

Ivermectin, for example, docks to the SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor-bending domain attached to ACE2, which may interfere with its ability to attach to the human cell membrane. They also compiled a list of spike protein neutralizers that render it unable to cause further damage to cells. This includes:

N-acetylcysteine (NAC)Glutathione
Fennel teaStar anise tea
Pine needle teaSt. John’s wort
Comfrey leafVitamin C

The plant compounds in the table above contain shikimic acid, which may counteract blood clot formation and reduce some of the spike protein’s toxic effects. Nattokinase, a form of fermented soy, may also help to reduce the occurrence of blood clots.

Europeans who love freedom have a friend in the White House

Nosta Lgia

By J.B. Shurk

I really dislike most of Europe’s political leaders.  So many are prissy aristocrats who deserve a wet finger in their ears or their underpants pulled over their heads.  They all display an obnoxiously snobby demeanor and tip their heads so far back that you’d think they had eyeballs inside of their noses.  The U.K.’s Keir Starmer; France’s Emmanuel Macron; Poland’s Donald Tusk; Germany’s Olaf Scholz; and Europe’s reigning queen, Ursula von der Leyen, all remind me why so many of our ancestors risked life and limb to escape the lords and ladies of Europe.

As a red-blooded American from a part of the country where “Live Free or Die” and “Come and Take It” still mean something, I do not enjoy having European toffs lecturing us about the blessings of “green” energy, the dangers of free speech, or the morality of turning a Ukrainian civil war into an excuse for turbo-charging WWIII.  I find it stunning that the leftovers from Europe’s hereditary guild of inbred nobles still see themselves as global leaders of anything when they lack the military strength to protect their own countries from invasion. 

For eighty years, American schoolchildren have read in simple textbooks about the importance of rebuilding Europe’s struggling post-WWII economies with financial aid through the Marshall Plan.  They have learned why American troops were needed to safeguard Europe from the scourge of the Soviet Union’s expanding “Iron Curtain.”  Even with these events put into their proper historical context, though, I suspect that most young Americans learning about them for the first time fully expected America’s umbrella of economic and military protection to one day end.  When the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed, America’s mission in Europe seemed complete.  After all, how many decades could the United States be expected to foot the bill for Europe’s security?

Apparently, the answer is “forever.”  To this day, one-sided trade “deals” restrict most American exports from ever reaching Europe while giving European producers much greater access to American consumers.  For all of the West’s blather about “free trade,” we have highly controlled markets that are engineered to artificially stimulate Europe’s economy at America’s expense.  At the same time, the United States continues to shoulder most of the military costs for defending Western Europe, freeing up European governments to invest their treasury savings in projects that might greatly benefit their own citizens.  How have European leaders used these economic and military gifts from the United States?  They have adopted oppressive forms of socialism that make many Americans wonder whether anything was really gained by liberating Europe eighty years ago.

Censorship and political persecution are endemic across Europe today.  The U.K. locks up pro-life Christians for praying silently on the street.  Germany arrests citizens for making fun of politicians online.  Romania cancels elections when the “wrong” candidate wins.  European governments may be too impotent to declare war against actual foreign enemies, but they are lions when it comes to waging war on their citizens’ private thoughts and public speech.

Europe used to have some of the most fascinating writers, artists, and intellectuals in the world.  For hundreds of years, they challenged social convention and expanded human knowledge.  Today, freethinkers who express unapproved opinions are not welcome.  Science is always “settled.”  Dissent is always “misinformation.”  Unsanctioned points of view are always “hate speech.”  Europe has constructed a prison around the minds of its citizens and calls this “freedom.”  Europe has built an unaccountable bureaucracy that forces its citizens to obey and calls this “democracy.”  The European Union is fast becoming the “politically correct” reformulation of the old Soviet Union.

That leaves Americans in a tough place — at least those of us in the United States who believe that personal freedom is worth any price.  As Vice President Vance pointed out in Munich last week, “the Cold War positioned defenders of democracy against much more tyrannical forces on this continent.  And consider the side in that fight that censored dissidents, that closed churches, that cancelled elections.  Were they the good guys?  Certainly not.”  For freedom to survive in Europe, Vance argued, European leaders “can’t force people what to think, what to feel, what to believe.”  In effect, Vance held up a mirror to the continent’s “ruling class” and asked them to consider how much they resemble the totalitarians of Europe’s recent past.  

Covering their eyes and ears, those present understood nothing.  Instead, many European leaders condemned the vice president’s speech as deeply insulting.  They were flabbergasted that an American leader could see in their lands the growing shadow of despotism.  They preferred to mock Vance’s effort as “silly and immature,” rather than to recognize it as the warning that it was.  America has done much to support Europe’s survival this last century, but Americans have no interest in subsidizing tyranny.  

Vance’s speech was more than a warning to Europe’s Old Guard.  It was also a message of support for those in Europe who today feel ridiculed, silenced, and persecuted.  As President Trump’s most visible emissary, Vance was telling those who have been censored and harassed that the new American administration has their backs.  During the Cold War, Europeans who fought for freedom became heroes.  Vance is encouraging a new generation of heroes to fight for free speech again today.  In the United States and across Europe, liberty-loving people must unite.

German authorities arrest Chechen teen over suspected attack plot on Israeli embassy

The Israeli Embassy building in Berlin, Germany (Screen capture Google Street View)

An 18-year-old ethnic Chechen has been arrested on suspicion of planning an attack on the Israeli Embassy in Berlin, German newspaper Bild reports.

German police confirm the Russian national was detained on Thursday and placed in investigative custody today, and that he is under investigation for planning an attack. They decline to comment further on the background and motive.

The Israeli Embassy could not be reached for comment outside of business hours, while state prosecutors and the Russian embassy did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Bild says the investigation was the result of a tip-off from a foreign intelligence agency. It says the suspect was trying to leave the country via Berlin’s BER airport when he was detained.

Chechen teen held for planning attack on Israeli Embassy in Berlin, Bild reports | The Times of Israel

US VP Vance slams Romania election annulment as risk to Western values

Wikimedia Commons , Gage SkidmoreCC-BY-SA-2.0

US Vice President JD Vance has criticised Romania’s decision to cancel its presidential election late last year.

Speaking at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington on February 20, Vance condemned the annulment of Romania’s December 2024 ballot, arguing the decision does not align with “American values”.

“Friendship is based on shared values,” Vance declared. “You do not have shared values if you cancel elections because you don’t like the result – and that happened in Romania.”

His remarks were directed at Romania’s Constitutional Court, which scrapped the vote after declassified security documents alleged Russian interference in favour of hard-right NATO critic Călin Georgescu, who had won the first round. Moscow has denied the accusations.

Vance’s latest European broadside marked his third in recent days.

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference on February 14, he accused the EU of embracing censorship, referencing former European Commissioner Thierry Breton’s response to the Romanian election annulment.

“A former European Commissioner sounded delighted that the Romanian Government had just annulled an entire election,” Vance noted.

“The same could happen in Germany, too,” he warned as that country prepared for upcoming snap federal elections on February 23.

He also accused the EU of censorship on February 12 during the AI summit in Paris.

Speaking on February 20, French President Emmanuel Macron defended the Romanian authorities’ decision. He claimed the country’s Supreme Court had uncovered evidence of Russian meddling via social media and vote-buying operations.

“The Romanian Supreme Court massively identified that Russia through proxies, ie intermediary channels had manipulated the elections with the massive use of certain social networks,” he said.

Macron also dismissed Vance’s criticism and concerns regarding free speech in Europe.

“There’s a false discourse on the rise — the so-called defence of ‘free speech’,” he said.

“I heard JD Vance say he was shocked by the decision. For me, it’s not the decision that was shocking, but the fact that Russia interfered on such a massive scale,” he added.

The Romanian court’s decision to annul the election has been raised elsewhere.

The Venice Commission, a key legal advisory body for the Council of Europe, recently expressed concerns over the move and cast doubt on its legitimacy.

During CPAC, Vance also turned his sights on Germany, targeting the government for what he called its its heavy-handed approach to online speech.

“Germany’s entire defence is subsidised by the American taxpayer. There are thousands upon thousands of American troops in Germany today,” he pointed out.

“Do you think the American taxpayer is going to stand for that, if you get thrown in jail in Germany for posting a mean tweet? Of course not,” he said.

He emphasised that shared values were the foundation of US-European alliances.

“Let’s defend democracy. Let’s have free expression — not just in the United States but across the Western world. That is the path to strong alliances in Europe,” Vance said.

Meanwhile, Germany’s CDU/CSU candidate, poised to win the upcoming election, has warned that US billionaire Elon Musk could face consequences for alleged interference in German politics via his X platform.

With tensions between Washington and Brussels rising, Vance’s remarks could be seen as a portent that the transatlantic alliance may be heading towards greater turbulence.

Five North Africans wanted for stabbing of Italian teen in Milan

Authorities in Milan are searching for five North African males suspected of stabbing a 16-year-old boy and leaving him for dead in the Italian city.

The Italian teenager was accosted by the migrant gang around 9 p.m. on Thursday evening outside the Merlata Bloom shopping center in the western suburbs of the city.

The gang surrounded the teen and the girl he was with before assaulting him and stabbing him multiple times in an attempt to steal his wallet, cell phone, and scooter.

Emergency responders arrived quickly, treating the victim for wounds to his head, back, and hand before transporting him to Niguarda Hospital where he remains in a serious condition.

Authorities from the General Prevention Office of the Milan Police Headquarters are working to reconstruct the sequence of events and identify the attackers.

According to initial reports, the assailants were described as of North African origin, though their identities have not yet been confirmed. Witnesses provided accounts that could aid investigators in tracking down those responsible.

This latest attack follows another violent incident at the same location involving a 19-year-old victim who was also stabbed and robbed of his cell phone. He too was taken to Niguarda Hospital in serious but stable condition.

Local residents and employees of the shopping center have voiced concerns over recurring violence in the area, describing frequent incidents of crime, muggings, and assaults. Some have expressed frustration over the security situation, calling for increased safety measures.

“Crime, attacks, and robberies. It is the usual situation here,” one told local news outlet Corriere Della Sera.

In November last year, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi announced the deployment of 600 additional police officers to Milan, citing concerns over integration challenges and rising crime rates, particularly in areas with significant immigrant populations.

Piantedosi offered damning statistics on the disproportionate involvement immigrants have in committing crime, noting that 65 percent of all offenses in the city are committed by foreign nationals despite representing 20 percent of all residents.

“These figures highlight integration challenges that must be addressed to reduce marginalization and its consequences,” he added.

At the same time, Milan’s left-wing mayor Beppe Sala accepted that the Italian city can no longer be considered a safe place to live.

I won’t claim Milan is a safe city, but it is making an effort to address challenges faced by all international cities,” he said.

One such challenge is the rise in sexual assaults across the city, an issue that gained mass coverage during New Year’s Eve celebrations when several women reported assaults by migrants.

Six Belgian students shared their experience of being sexually assaulted by a large group of foreign men while celebrating the festivities in Milan’s Piazza Duomo, describing the experience as “a night of terror.”

Just last month, Milanese authorities arrested one Egyptian national and were on the lookout for nine other men of North African origin in connection with the gang rape of a 19-year-old student who was partying at a nightclub with her boyfriend.

The brutal attack occurred outside the Alcatraz club after the victim and her boyfriend had stepped outside the club. They were then accosted by a gang of 10 people who initially attempted to rob them but when they resisted, proceeded to rape the female victim.