‘Women don’t have the right to say no’: ‘The Arrahma mosque in Strasbourg dismisses its imam Hassan Benzad after he legitimised rape and domestic violence

At the beginning of October 2024, the Arrahma mosque in the Hautepierre district of Strasbourg dismissed its imam for serious misconduct. He had made statements that legitimised rape between spouses and violence in marriage.

It all started with a video that was posted on social networks. On the 15th of September 2024, Étienne Delarcher, a journalist using a pseudonym, shared a video on his X account (formerly Twitter) that had been recorded in the prayer room of the Arrahma mosque in Hautepierre. This video coincides with the publication of his book, published in May 2024 by Editions du Rocher, entitled ‘Au cœur de l’islam en France’ (At the heart of Islam in France) and subtitled ‘trois ans d’infiltration dans 70 mosquées françaises’ (Three years of infiltration in 70 French mosques).

‘If a woman says no to her husband, Allah is angry with her,’ claims Hassan Benzad, former imam of the Arrahma mosque in Hautepierre.

Rue89 / « La femme n’a pas le droit de dire non » : la mosquée Arrahma de Strasbourg (67), licencie son imam Hassan Benzad, après des propos légitimant le viol et les violences conjugales – Fdesouche

The Mask is Off – Catholics begin to confront Pope Francis’ globalist agenda

Among the unintended consequences of Pope Francis’ recent letter to the American bishops on immigration, the exposure of his globalist worldview and agenda ranks as the biggest.

FrontPage Magazine has reliably reported on that agenda over the years. But this time, perhaps for the first time, Catholic journalists and analysts are discussing it openly.

Edward Pentin, a veteran Vatican correspondent who has written for numerous print outlets, broached the subject in his most recent blog post.

“Just a fortnight into the Trump presidency and the damage wrought by the Pope and the Vatican allying too closely with Democrat-run globalism on a variety of moral issues is becoming clear,” wrote Pentin, alluding to an article from the director of a Catholic think tank in Italy.

Nine days after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, Stefano Fontana, who leads the Cardinal Van Thuan International Observatory on the Social Doctrine of the Church, accused the Vatican of colluding with “the owners of the Web, the major press, the universities, the so-called philanthropic foundations, the international agencies, the main Western governments and the management of the European Union,” he wrote, to create “an elitist and totalitarian post-democracy managed by the American Democratic administration” that would enforce policy on immigration, the environment and gender ideology.

FrontPage’s readers might remember Pope Benedict XVI, the ostensible theological conservative, advocating a supranational authority “with teeth,” he wrote, to make economic, social and political decisions for individual countries. Benedict even argued that the nation-state is obsolete because it has become ineffective in making such decisions.

“There are many reasons to argue that the Catholic Church had contributed to that totalitarian system,” wrote Fontana, who argued that such a commitment muted the church’s moral voice on homosexuality and abortion, as FrontPage long argued.

Regarding abortion, the church’s voice “has become feeble and almost absent, preferring to intervene on immigrants and the environment,” Fontana wrote. When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022 in a 5-4 decision — with all three of Trump’s selections voting to overturn — “the Vatican simply took note,” Fontana wrote. Before Trump pardoned protesters who blocked entrances to abortion clinics, “the Church had not mobilized any protest in their defense.”

Meanwhile, “homosexuality is now accepted as something normal — ‘God loves us as we are,’ ” Fontana wrote, with the church “not willing to fight any battle on the subject.” Fontana cited Francis’ advocacy for legal recognition of same-sex couples and the blessing of same-sex unions, and Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich’s support for same-sex couples adopting children.

His fellow bishops consider Cupich as one of the more notorious papal sycophants.

Yet perhaps the most blatant example of the Vatican’s embrace of globalism concerns COVID-19. Francis not only persuaded Catholics to get the mRNA vaccine as an “act of love,” despite concerns about the use of aborted fetal cells in the vaccine, because “love is also social and political,” he said. The pope not only purged Puerto Rican Bishop Daniel Fernandez Torres for opposing vaccine mandates.

Francis used a Vatican medical conference in 2021 to promote mRNA vaccines (See pages 6 and 7 in the second link). Moderna supplied both the funding for the conference and its CEO, Stephane Bancel, to speak on the potential for such vaccines.

Though ensuing research has shown the COVID-19 vaccines to be ineffective and deadly, neither Francis nor his bishops nor the Vatican as a whole have admitted any responsibility for perpetrating scientific fraud.

“Not a word has been heard, I don’t say of apologies but at least of rethinking or course correction, from the ecclesiastical leaders,” Fontana wrote. “No bishop has said he regretted having closed the churches and sanctuaries in obedience to the WHO, of having supported the self-interested lies of paid virologists, of having forced his priests (even today those who refuse to get vaccinated are opposed and discriminated against in the dioceses).”

For Fontana, the Vatican’s alliance with globalist utopians constitutes moral capitulation.

“The first difficulty of the Catholic Church is precisely … not having been able to free itself from the dominant ideological power … not having defended justice as it should have,” he wrote. Declaring the World Economic Forum to be an ally of common welfare while persuading American bishops not to withhold communion from politicians who support legalized abortion, Fontana added, “demonstrates a line of obsequiousness to the current system of social control.”

R.R. Reno, the Catholic editor of the journal First Things, also connected the pope’s position on immigration to globalism.

“The practical upshot of the Holy Father’s letter is nothing other than the globalist, open borders position, glibly theologized,” Reno wrote Feb. 11. “This, Francis implies, is the only position permitted for true Christians who honor Christ’s universal love.”

In reinforcing the connection between the Vatican and globalist utopians, Reno accuses Francis of exploiting desperate migrants as human shields protecting his “woke” agenda.

“Pope Francis claims to be taking the side of the vulnerable, but his rhetoric aligns with attitudes and statements characteristic of progressive elites,” Reno wrote. “‘Inclusion’ is a tell-word, and it crops up often in papal pronouncements regarding immigration. The Holy Father insists that we must not enforce immigration laws. To do so would lead us ‘to give in to narratives that discriminate.’ That’s the same rationale for not enforcing laws against shoplifting.”

Those human shields also provide the soldiers to trigger the kind of social disintegration that would make a so-called Great Reset necessary. After the COVID-19 pandemic, Francis imitated the WEF in calling for such a reset. In 2021, the Vatican even held a one-day economics conference, “Dreaming of a Better Restart.”

“Reading Pope Francis over the years has led me to believe that he harbors an apocalyptic dream for the West, one in which mass migration and ecological peril overturn the foundations of Western confidence and global hegemony,” Reno wrote. “In this regard, his thinking accords with post-colonial ideologues and those at pro-Hamas rallies.

“The West is a den of iniquity. Its capitalism foments greed. Its enterprises have raped mother nature and polluted the biosphere. Its vainglory, especially American pride, has brought war and ruin to foreign lands. The wretched of the earth are fully within their rights to rise up, migrate, and destroy the Behemoth.”

Francis thus threatens to transform the Catholic Church from a protector of Western civilization, a historic role, to its destroyer.

“I see Pope Francis as more than a wooly-headed moralizer,” Reno wrote. “By all appearances, he’s an accelerationist, someone who welcomes catastrophe rather than appealing to Catholic social doctrine to make nuanced judgments that might help us humanize, as best we can, the policies and actions necessary to prevent the social upheaval that attends rapid demographic change, and the disorder it will bring.

“The Argentine Jesuit seems to relish collapse. It will provide an opportunity to break the iron grip of homo economicus and build a new world, a ‘fraternity open to all.’ This borderless fraternity is a true utopia, a world of no-place, a future universal society free from the grave evil of loyalty to one’s country — Donald Trump’s terrible crime against universal love.”

In other words, Francis becomes John Lennon. Imagine.

Bishop Joseph Strickland — one of Francis’ most forthright critics whom the pope purged from his post in the diocese of Tyler, Texas — argued that the Vatican’s globalist agenda includes a strong monetary component, as FrontPage recently exposed.

“There has long been a concern about the Church’s financial ties — particularly with globalist organizations — as well as concern about government funding and wealthy donors who have a vested interest in certain political outcomes,” Strickland wrote Feb. 13. “Especially in the case of immigration, there is a large financial element at play. Stronger immigration enforcement means less funding for these programs, which is undoubtedly a large factor in the Vatican’s stance.

“On the other hand, abortion and gender ideology do not offer the same direct financial incentives for the Church to oppose them aggressively. While Catholic doctrine condemns these practices unequivocally, to speak out about them risks alienating powerful political allies and financial supporters.”

Those allies include Columbia Economics Professor Jeffrey Sachs, a papal advisor who helped develop the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Sachs wrote a book advocating abortion as a means to limit population worldwide.

For years, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò warned about Francis’ alliance with globalist utopians. Reaction to the pope’s letter on immigration has proven Viganò right.

Not for nothing did Reno call that alliance an “apocalyptic dream” and Francis’ letter a “suicide note.”


FRANCE: Prominent LGBT Activist Arrested for Raping Handicapped 4-Year-Old Girl Revealed as Leader of Pedophile Ring

A prominent LGBT activist who was recently arrested on charges that included the rape of a 4-year-old girl has been discovered to have organized a pedophile network in France. An investigation conducted by the Office of Minors (L’OFMIN), a newly-created branch of the French National Police, has uncovered a pedophile network that extends from the Loire-Atlantique region to Belgium.

Reporting on the revelations, Le Parisien neglected to name LGBT activist Pierre-Alain Cottineau as the leader of the criminal organization, choosing instead to refer to him as a “32 year-old family assistant in Loire-Atlantique.”

Cottineau was well-known in Loire-Atlantique for his political activism, which included advocacy for the LGBT community, youth, and minority populations. In 2021, he stood for departmental elections under the banner of La France Insoumise (LFI), a left-wing political party that has a hard-line “zero-tolerance” policy on “sexist, racist, anti-Semitic or LGBTIphobic remarks or behavior” amongst its members.

Cottineau, a professional caregiver and family aide, co-founded multiple activist organizations, including the Oudon Solidarity and Mutual Aid Collective, as well as the LGBTQI+ Association of Ancenis (EsAc). In 2018, Cottineau was elected president of The Rainbow Shelter (L’Association Esprit Arc-en-Ciel – ESAC), and hosted the community’s first-ever “forum” to combat homophobia and transphobia.

In addition to his LGBT activism, Cottineau was a member of the Association Lily Cerise et Cie, an organization which, according to its website, advocates against domestic abuse. The group also offers sex education lessons to very young children, and volunteer members have been invited by elected officials to discuss “children’s rights, consent, and intimate parts of the body,” according to information posted to their social media.

In materials aimed at children which introduce LGBT themes, Lily Cerise et Cie promoted and endorsed ESAC while Cottineau had worked in a leadership role.

A judicial review is underway at the Nantes court regarding OFMIN’s investigation. Among the horrific discoveries: the rape of very young children, including infants; victims being targeted in “the professional environment of a suspect”; sex orgies involving children broadcast on the darknet; and suspicions of drugging victims.

A total of four suspects in addition to Cottineau have been arrested to date. Among them is a man who has been convicted of the homicide and rape of minors in Belgium.

Law enforcement officials from several European countries were able to identify the suspects by analyzing child sexual abuse videos posted online. They are facing life imprisonment for the rape of minors, acts of torture and barbarism committed against minors, and human trafficking in an organized gang.

According to Le Parisien, Cottineau is suspected of being the network’s organizer and of providing victims to other sexual predators via his connections as a family assistant and early childhood professional. Cottineau allegedly offered up children and babies for men to rape from various regions of France, as well as abroad, using encrypted communications applications. During the pre-arranged sessions, the men would film the rape of the victims – with some of the children being in such a state of lethargy that investigators believe they may have been drugged.

Currently, a total of four victims under the age of five have been identified, though OFMIN expects there are more.

In September, Cottineau was arrested at Nantes Airport upon return from a vacation in Tunisia and charged with subjecting a severely developmentally disabled toddler he had fostered to horrific sexual and physical abuse.

Upon police interrogation, he admitted to sexually and physically abusing the little girl, and distributing videos through pedophile networks in France.

Cottineau obtained approval from Child Welfare services to become a foster parent on December, 1, 2023, specifically requesting children under the age of 6. He was rapidly matched with a developmentally disabled 4-year-old girl on December 7, 2023, who was then placed directly in his home.

OFMIN, in collaboration with Dutch authorities and the French National Police, became aware of graphic and violent child sexual abuse videos being exchanged through Telegram. Investigators were able to ascertain the whereabouts of the young victim by identifying a very unique medical bed seen in the footage. By tracing the sale and shipment history of the bed, police were led to Cottineau.

The crimes of which he is accused are severe enough to receive the classification of “acts of torture and barbarism,” a distinction reserved for brutal sexual abuse.

“I do not wish to go into detail, but for an act of torture or barbarism to be qualified, it is necessary to demonstrate the exceptional violence exercised,” emphasized Renaud Gaudel, public prosecutor of Nantes. If convicted only on charges related to the torture of the disabled girl, Cottineau may face life imprisonment.

“During his police custody, the interested party admitted to being the author of the rape to the damage of this very young child, as well as several sexual assaults,” said Gaudel.


French news outlet Le Point takes on Wikipedia over alleged ‘left-wing smear campaign’

Wikimedia Commons, Wikimedia Foundation, CC-BY-SA-3.0

The French news outlet Le Point has launched a legal offensive against Wikipedia, accusing the online encyclopedia of a “meticulously co-ordinated” smear campaign orchestrated by left-wing activists.

The magazine claimed in an appeal published on February 20 that anonymous contributors had been distorting its image, labelling it as “Islamophobic” and “hard-right”, while citing left-leaning sources to back these allegations.

“For several months now, Le Point, like many others, has been the target of a meticulously coordinated smear campaign on Wikipedia,” it said.

“This operation is carried out by anonymous contributors using well-known methods.”

The publication’s editors, along with high-profile figures from across the French political spectrum, have signed a petition denouncing what they see as Wikipedia’s systematic bias.

The heart of the controversy lies in Le Point’s Wikipedia entry, which until recently described the publication as an “Islamophobic” and “hard-right” outlet known for “breaches of professional ethics”.

Such descriptions have since been removed but Le Point argued that its portrayal remained biased due to reliance on French left-wing media sources such as Libération, Mediapart, Arrêt sur Images, Acrimed, Politis — all of which have been highly critical of the magazine.

By contrast, Wikipedia’s entry on Mediapart primarily cited sources from Mediapart itself, raising further concerns about possible editorial double standards.

In response, Le Point has formally put the Wikimedia Foundation — Wikipedia’s parent organisation — on legal notice as of February 17, signalling its intent to fight what it said it viewed as an ideological smear campaign.

The collaborative encyclopedia is not taking the accusations lying down and and accused Le Point of intimidation.

In an open letter dated February 17, Wikipedia editors condemned the methods of Le Point journalist Erwan Seznec.

The letter detailed how an 18-year Wikipedia veteran known as “FredD” received an email from Seznec, warning him that Le Point was preparing to publish an article exposing his identity, position and employer.

“After contributing to the Wikipedia article on Le Point, FredD, a volunteer editor with over 30,000 contributions, was shocked to receive an email from Erwan Seznec stating: ‘We’re going to do an article on you, revealing your identity, position, and seeking an official reaction from [FredD’s supposed employer],’” the letter read.

Wikipedia claimed that was an attempt at intimidation.

Across the Atlantic, US billionaire Elon Musk has also criticised Wikipedia.

“Since legacy media propaganda is considered a ‘valid’ source by Wikipedia, it naturally simply becomes an extension of legacy media propaganda!” Musk wrote on X on February 21, urging users not to donate to the site.

He reacted after his Wikipedia page was updated to reference a controversial hand gesture he made during US President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

These disputes have highlighted an increasingly contentious battle over Wikipedia’s role in shaping public narratives.

While the site maintained strict editing policies to prevent misinformation, concerns over systemic bias have persisted.

Wikipedia itself acknowledged that the demographics of its editors, who tend to come from specific regions and ideological backgrounds, could influence content and framing.


Likely German Chancellor Rejects Trump, Accuses U.S. of Russian-Style Election Interference, Calls for ‘Independence’ From America

Following his party’s victory in federal elections on Sunday, Friedrich Merz, the likely next Chancellor of Germany, rejected overtures from President Donald Trump while calling for “independence” from the United States and accusing Washington of election interference.

On Sunday, German voters firmly rejected the former leftist governing coalition of Social Democrats and Greens in favour of the supposedly conservative Christian Democrats and the populist-right Alternative for Germany (AfD).

In response to the election results, President Donald Trump commented on his Truth Social platform: “Looks like the conservative party in Germany has won the very big and highly anticipated election. Much like the USA, the people of Germany got tired of the no common sense agenda, especially on energy and immigration, that has prevailed for so many years.”

“This is a great day for Germany, and for the United States of America under the leadership of a gentleman named Donald J. Trump. Congratulations to all — many more victories to follow!!!” Trump added.

However, the successor to Angela Merkel and likely incoming chancellor Friedrich Merz, whose party came first in Sunday’s vote but fell well short of a majority with just 28.5 per cent of the vote, was quick to reject a right-wing alliance with the AfD in favour of a left-wing coalition and to distance himself from Trump and America in general.

“I am communicating closely with a lot of prime ministers and heads of EU states, and for me, it is an absolute priority to strengthen Europe as quickly as possible so that we achieve independence from the U.S., step by step,” Merz said per state broadcaster DW.

“I never thought that I would ever need to say something like that, on television, but after the latest statements made by Donald Trump last week, it is clear, that the Americans — at any case these Americans, this administration — mostly don’t care about the fate of Europe one way or another,” the CDU leader added.

Merz went on to accuse the Trump administration of having committed election interference, likely hinting at key Trump ally Elon Musk, a vocal supporter of the anti-mass migration Alternative for Germany party,

He said that the “interventions from Washington were no less drastic, dramatic, and ultimately no less brazen, than the intervention that we have seen from Moscow.”

The likely incoming chancellor has previously threatened that Musk’s companies may face “political” or “legal” repercussions for his supposed interference during the election campaign. In addition to his X social media platform, Musk’s Tesla firm also has a major “gigafactory” manufacturing plant in Germany.

Merz has also confirmed that he intends to continue Germany’s restrictive speech laws. In response to criticisms over Berlin’s censorship regime from U.S. Vice President JD Vance earlier this month at the Munich Security Conference, Merz said: “Freedom of speech remains freedom of speech, but fake news, hate speech, and crimes are subject to legal restrictions and independent courts.”

Following the strong result for the AfD, which saw its support double over the last election in 2021 to 20.8 per cent on Sunday, Musk predicted: “At this rate of growth, the AfD will be the majority party by the next election.”

The X boss also highlighted the growing base of young voters who backed the anti-mass migration party as a sign of the inevitability of an eventual election win for the AfD.

According to public broadcaster Tagesschau, the AfD was the second-strongest party among 18-24-year-old voters at 21 per cent, only trailing behind the socialist Die Linke (The Left) party at 25 per cent. The AfD led all parties among 25-44-year-olds, however, with one in four (24 per cent) backing the party.

Regardless of voters clearly rejecting the leftist ‘traffic light’ coalition government, Merz has said that he will seek to form a new government with the ousted Social Democrats (SPD) and potentially even the far-left Greens rather than working with the AfD. This is despite apparently aligning more closely with the right-wing party on issues such as the green agenda and migration.

The CDU leader said that he would begin talks with the leftist party on Monday and that he is “very confident” in their ability to form a government in the coming days. However, SPD co-leader Lars Klingbeil downplayed the idea of a quickly formed coalition, saying that it is “not certain” that his party will even be willing to join with the former Merkel party again, indicating that Merz may need to give concessions to the left on key areas of policy such as mass migration, notwithstanding his campaign promise of clamping down on the border.


‘You won’t get out of here until one of you has sex with me!’ – Mohammad S. rapes 18-year-old German girl under threat of machete attack

It is a scenario that has become all too common in Western Europe in recent years: two young women in the city of Erfurt, Germany were lured into a man’s apartment, where one of them was raped after they were both threatened.

According to Public Prosecutor Dorothee Ohlendorf, the accused man, identified as 25-year-old Mohammad S., met the two women on the night of Aug. 31, 2024, in downtown Erfurt. Both of the women were 18 years old at the time. They have testified that they were “slightly drunk” when they met Mohammad.

He then convinced both of them to accompany him back to his apartment.

Once they arrived, Mohammad offered them cocaine. The two young women soon decided to leave, but according to their testimony, he blocked their exit, saying, “You won’t get out of here until one of you has sex with me.”

He then threatened the women with a 20-centimeter-long (eight-inch) machete.

Mohammad sexually assaulted one of the women in his bed while her friend was forced to lie motionless on a sofa, less than a meter away. The attack continued until dawn broke.

The accused rapist wasn’t done with them yet, however. Before he would allow them to leave, he took photos of their ID cards and told them that if they ever told anyone about the attack, he would find them.

According to the German newspaper Bild, the subsequent investigation revealed that Mohammad S. had previously been convicted of other crimes. What is worse is that investigators discovered that he had allegedly been repeatedly abusing a girl who was under 14 years of age since March 2022.

Mohammad has defended the abuse on the grounds that it was a “relationship,” claiming that he did not know that the girl was under the age of consent. Whether or not this is accurate is expected to be revealed in his next hearing, on Monday.

Mohammad’s trial is currently underway. He has refused to confess to his crimes, and has also accused the two women of stealing money from him.

A verdict is expected in Mohammad’s trial next week.


Movie Adds Muslims to Story of ‘William Tell’ for Diversity – “There were always many races in Switzerland in 1307”

Switzerland needs to be more diverse and apparently a movie about the life of William Tell also needs to be more diverse. Someone took a look at the legend of William Tell and decided, “this needs more Muslims.”

And there we are.

The new movie adaptation of the legend of William Tell throws in some added material by giving him a Muslim family.

Here we encounter the now classic representation of The Crusades: a confused, savage conflict, in which the Muslim Jerusalemites are terrorized by Christian men-at-arms. We see the injured Tell is nursed by Muslim civilians; we eventually see that he bolts down a fellow crusader to save his own Muslim savior…

This adaptation centres on the story of Tell turning on his own in order to save a woman named Suna who is under attack from European soldiers… We meet Tell as he returns to Switzerland as a staunch pacifist and starts a family with Suna, his now wife, played by Iranian actress Golshifteh Farahani

It’s a radical departure from the previous depictions of Tell’s wife, usually presented as a white Swiss woman named Hedwig who stays out of the action or cowers on the periphery as her husband takes aim at perilously placed fruit. In Hamm’s version she’s a far more formidable force, showing great wisdom and impressive fighting skills

And even more diversity…

In Hamm’s adaptation, he reminds us of the historical truth that there were different races, religious sects and orders across the European continent all those centuries ago. The character of Furst, for example, is played by Amar Chadha-Patel (The Creator, Dashcam) as a highly skilled warrior from the Middle East — though he’s often depicted as a Caucasian character, typically a Swiss Catholic priest.

There were always different races…. in Switzerland? In the 14th century?

It’s not just wokeness though, it’s wokewashing. If you’re going to take what is basically the Swiss version of Robin Hood and turn it into the Swiss version of Mel Gibson’s The Patriot, someone may notice that you have no original ideas, but throw in some ‘diversity’ and suddenly your material is fresh and edgy.

Which is why when it comes to modern entertainment, assume it’s woke until proven otherwise.

But this is still way too conservative.

In the next adaptation, William Tell will be a black woman to remind us that there were always many races in Switzerland in 1307.


No more ‘climate change’ Popes

By Silvio Canto, Jr.

As a lifelong Catholic, I am sorry to hear of the Pope’s health. I love my Catholic faith and no one does Easter (or Holy Week) like we do.

Who is going to be the next Pope? There are some strong candidates such as Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, 65, from The Democratic Republic of the Congo:

President of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar, Fridolin Ambongo Besungu made headlines when he rejected a controversial declaration of Pope Francis — with the papal blessing, no less.

The conservative Capuchin declared the doctrine of Fiducia supplicans — which allowed priests to bless unmarried and same-sex couples — null and void on the African continent. Besungu was able to achieve explicit blessing from Pope Francis in an emergency meeting in 2023 shortly after the release of that teaching, the Catholic Herald reported.

A Besungu papacy would be seen as a sharp rebuke of the left-leaning principles of Pope Francis. The current pontiff made Besungu a cardinal in 2019.

Rebuke of Pope Francis? I like that with all due respect to the ailing Pope.

Another good choice would be Cardinal Wim Eijk, 71, from the Netherlands. He is regarded as one of the most conservative of the front-runners.

There is also an American on the list: Cardinal Raymond Burke, 76. He is a proponent of the Latin Mass and a public critic of Pope Francis’ liberal tendencies.

I love the Latin Mass. My father was an altar boy in Cuba and learned all those Latin lines that we don’t hear anymore.

No one knows who it will be because it all happens in secret and we just get to wait. No polls here.

The Catholic Church has two serious problems, from losing members to a current Pope who keeps making the leftist case for illegal immigration and climate change.

So stay tuned. The smoke will eventually go up and a new Pope will reveal himself in the balcony. I’d love to see one of these three men on the balcony.


GERMANY: Two Trans-Identified Male Inmates Housed in Women’s Prisons Were Transferred Out After Threatening Female Inmates, Inquiry Reveals

Two transsexuals caused major problems in the women’s prison in the Lichtenberg district of Berlin.Photo: Uli Herrmann / Wikimedia.org (CC BY-SA 3.0)

There have been at least five cases of trans-identified males assaulting female inmates after being transferred to women’s correctional facilities in Germany, with four of these attacks being described as “sexually motivated.” Two of these male prisoners have had to be relocated back to a men’s prison as a result of their aggression. The new information has come to light following information requests submitted to the Ministry of Justice by the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

Last April, the German Parliament, or Bundestag, passed one of the world’s most far-reaching laws allowing sex self-declaration on demand. The Self-Determination Act (SBGG) establishes ‘gender identity’ as a protected characteristic, allows parents to change the sex marker on their children’s documents from birth, and imposes hefty fines of up to €10,000 (approx. $10,800 USD) for revealing a person’s given name and birth sex without their permission – referred to by trans activists as ‘deadnaming.’

The SBGG came into effect on November 1, 2024, but violent male criminals were already being transferred into women’s prisons ahead of the policy. It is not clear when trans-identified males began to be housed in women’s facilities, but as previously reported by Reduxx, official information from the Senate Department of Justice in Berlin shows that since 2023 “15 people whose sex was registered as male at birth have been imprisoned in the Berlin correctional facility for women.” 

In January, the Federal States’ Ministry of Justice confirmed that at least five trans-identified male inmates had physically assaulted female inmates on several occasions, and that four of these men had been sexually aggressive. The admission was made in response to an information request from the AfD filed in December. Previously, all federal states had denied sexual attacks by imprisoned trans-identified men when asked by media.

Now, a response to a follow-up inquiry filed by AfD politician Marc Vallendar has revealed that two trans-identified males had to be removed from women’s prisons in Berlin due to the danger they posed to the safety of female inmates. Published February 7, the responses from Berlin State Secretary for Justice Dirk Feuerberg bizarrely claim that there haven’t been any incidents in women’s correctional facilities, while also stating that men had to be removed for security reasons.

“Two people with a trans identity of female were expelled from the women’s prison during their detention, and transferred to the men’s prison, and in both cases this was for security reasons due to threats against female prisoners,” Justice Feuerberg said, in response to Vallendar’s information request.

“It is noteworthy that despite the overall low number of transfers, two prisoners had to be sent back to the male estate because they threatened female prisoners in the women’s prison,” said Vallendar. “This shows that the new self-determination law destroys even the safety of women in prisons.”

Confusingly, government officials once more denied any negative repercussions as a result of gender identity policies. Justice Feuerberg claimed that there had been no “unpleasant surprises” in Berlin’s correctional institutions.

“What is the Senate’s position on the statement by René Müller, head of the Federation of German Prison
Officers (BSBD), who warned of a ‘weakening of gender segregation’ and possible ‘unpleasant surprises’ in the prison system?” wrote MP Vallendar.

“Contrary to the statement made by Mr. René Müller,” replied Justice Feuerberg, “there have been no ‘unpleasant surprises’ in the prison system of the State of Berlin since the principle of separation was reformulated in the Berlin Prison Act.”

When asked what impact the Self-Determination Act (SBGG) will have on the Berlin prison system, Justice Feuerberg dodged the question entirely, stating: “The effects of the SBGG (Self-Determination Act) cannot currently be assessed. It is possible that simplifying the process of changing the legal sex will lead to an increase of cases, where decisions must be made about accommodation, taking into account the needs of the person concerned, the requirements of security and order, the needs of other prisoners, and ensuring the achievement of the objectives of incarceration.”

The public inquiry response comes on the heels of news that Berlin prisons are planning to ditch sex-specific signage. One prison, Tegel, which is one of Germany’s largest prisons, has already done so, according to T-Online. The decision to remove sex-specific terms from the facility was made in response to complaints from trans-identified male inmates who claimed they were being discriminated against.

As previously reported by Reduxx, in May of 2024 women‘s rights organization Initiative Lasst Frauen Sprechen (Let Women Speak) began to file Freedom of Information requests requesting figures from all ministries of justice in the federal states in Germany on how many men have been or are currently imprisoned in women’s correctional facilities since 2023.

The campaign group also asked for information on the nature of the crimes the men had committed. For a response, the Ministry of Justice in Saxony demanded an egregious €1,100 fee.

The response from government officials show that males are already being housed in women’s prisons in every federal state, a practice that began months ahead of the German self-identification law coming into force in November. The only federal state that does not house men in women’s prisons is Saarland, because there are no women’s prisons in the region. As a result, trans-identified male criminals in the state may be relocated to female facilities in other federal districts.

However, details of the male inmates’ crimes and convictions were not provided on the grounds that the Berlin prisons do not report the offenses to the Senate Administration. Therefore, that information is not required to be revealed through the Freedom of Information Act.

German outlet NiUS also facilitated a request for similar information and received a response from the Ministry of Justice in Saxony indicating that three males had been housed at the Chemnitz correctional facility for women between 2023 and 2024. The inmates had criminal records indicating assault, sexual assault, sexual harassment and assault on law enforcement officers. One of them was convicted of rape.

Last month, a survey by Die Welt was conducted in the 16 state justice ministries across the country, confirmed a number of incidents involving trans-identified male inmates who had been housed in women’s prisons.

In Vechta, a women’s prison in Lower Saxony, three sexual assaults were reported to have taken place by the same transgender perpetrator between 2023 and 2024. While the trans-identified male was not identified, it is known he had been convicted of the possession of child sexual abuse material.

One of the most widely-reported incidents occurred in 2023 at the Frauen-JVA Chemnitz, a full year ahead of the passage of the SBGG. The male inmate is said to have sexually harassed female inmates, repeatedly pressured them for sex, threatened them with assault, and masturbated in the corridors of the detention center.

The sexual harassment only came to light after a letter from a female inmate was published by German press. Following outcry, the trans-identified male was returned to a men’s prison.


Ex-Muslim Reveals the TRUTH About Islam & the Abuse of Non-Muslim Women

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