FRANCE: Gynecologist Suspended From Practice After LGBT Organization Files “Transphobia” Complaint

A French gynecologist has been sanctioned by medical authorities after a trans activist group reported him to the Minister of Equality for comments which they deemed to be “transphobic.” Dr. Victor Acharian, who operates in the Pau region, has been prohibited from practicing medicine for five months, with an additional one-month probationary period.

In August 2023, a trans-identified male and his partner visited Dr. Acharian’s office in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques. After a few minutes of waiting, the secretary told the man that the doctor had refused to see him.

“I told her that I’m not competent, but I can guide you. I can refer you to services that can take better care of you. But after I said that, things went south,” gynaecologist Victor Acharian told Euronews, while referring to the trans-identified male with feminine pronouns.

“I thought I was being honest when I said it wasn’t my speciality. I don’t know how to treat them,” he added, while stating that this was the first time someone claiming to be transgender had requested an appointment at his office.

The trans-identified male allegedly shouted, “You’re transphobic!” while leaving the clinic. According to Dr. Acharian, the patient then began reacting violently to the refusal and insulted the staff.

The trans-identified male’s partner left a negative Google review for the gynecologist’s clinic, complaining that Acharian refused to provide services to him. “It was my trans partner’s first appointment. He refused to see her, his secretary threw us away coldly. I advise against [visiting]. Never again,” the review stated.

In response, the doctor remarked that his practice was only open to patients who were “real women.”

“SIR, I am a gynecologist, and I take care of real women. I have no skills to take care of MEN, even if they have shaved their beards and come to tell my secretary that they [have] become women. My GYNECOLOGICAL examination table is not suitable for examining men. You have specialized and very competent services to take care of men like you,” Acharian wrote, emphasizing his text with capitalized letters. “Thank you for informing TRANS people to never come for consultation with me.”

The trans-identified male who had attempted to set up an appointment with the gynecologist then contacted the Conseil National de l’Ordre des Médecins to complain about the incident. Soon after, trans activist organization SOS Homophobie made a public statement condemning the doctor as “transphobic.”

“We denounce the transphobic and discriminatory remarks of gynaecologist Victor Acharian in Pau. Transphobia is a reality with serious consequences, particularly in access to health. It affects the entire territory.” The organization also tagged Bérangère Couillard, France’s Minister of Equality between Women and Men and the Fight against Discrimination, in an apparent effort to have Dr. Acharian investigated.

After the incident became widely publicized, Dr. Acharian defended himself while apologizing for his emotional reply.

“I reacted spontaneously, out of anger, and I felt I’d been unfairly attacked. I reacted with very clumsy words that may have offended. I’m well aware of that, I’ve expressed my regrets on several occasions,” said Dr. Acharian, while adding, “Just because it’s a cavity doesn’t mean it’s a classic vagina.”

In 2021, Acharian had made a similar comment to an individual who used the name using the name Tuncay CILGI, after they had left a one-star review without comment. Acharian responded: “Dear Sir. I do not know you. You cannot know me, since I am a gynecologist, and I only treat women. As for your political militancy, that does not concern me.”

On December 16, 2024, the Conseil National de l’Ordre des Médecins sentenced Acharian to a five-month suspension, followed by a one-month probationary period. During that time, if the gynecologist is found to have engaged in transphobia or denied another trans-identified male patient, he would be sanctioned again.

“We are pleased to have confirmation that what happened that day was totally abnormal,” the trans-identified male’s lawyer said.

Trans activist organization SOS Homophobie posted a statement to their website suggesting that the doctor’s actions were potentially “also punishable by criminal sanctions.”

Women’s rights advocate Margeurite Stern, who has also been harshly criticized by SOS Homophobie, commented on the situation on X. “Gynecologists are trained to treat WOMEN’s genitals. Not inverted penises or cavities created using pieces of colon or peritoneum,” Stern said. “We live in a world of lunatics.”

Last September, Stern endured a terrifying ordeal after an explosion was set off at a building where she was scheduled to speak as part of a conference, titled Comment L’idéologie Transgenre Détruit des Vies? (How Transgender Ideology Destroys Lives). The event sought to discuss the harms of both medical transitioning and the aggression of trans activism. But even before the event was set to officially begin, the venue – a private school founded by right-wing Member of Parliament Marion Maréchal-Le Pen – was targeted for sabotage.

Security camera footage caught one unidentified individual setting off an explosive device. The explosion set fire to the electrical meter of the adjacent building, resulting in a power outage for some local residents. This occurred while trans activists had been vandalizing the front of the institute with threatening slogans.

Vandalism on the ISSEP building’s front read: “Dirty TERF,” an acronym which stands for ‘trans-exclusionary radical feminist’ and is often used as a pejorative to harass or threaten violence against women who oppose gender identity ideology.

The explosion and threatening message occurred after police cancelled a demonstration organized by over a dozen various trans activist and so-called feminist organizations, including SOS Homophobie, as well as NousToutes Rhône, Solidaires Rhône, Ensemble ! 69, VIFFIL-SOS Femmes, PS du Rhône, Filactions, Les Ecologistes 69, SOS Homophobie, Jeune Garde, and le Planning Familial.

Thousands Protest in London Demanding Release of Jailed Anti-Grooming Gang Activist Tommy Robinson

Tommy*s address: : Stephen Yaxley-Lennon
   HMP/YUI Woodhill
   Tattenhoe Street
   Milton Keynes
   MK4 4DA

Thousands of Britons protested in London on Saturday the incarceration of English activist Tommy Robinson, whom supporters claim is a political prisoner in the UK.

Organisers claimed that upwards of 20,000 people poured into the British capital to demonstrate their support for anti-grooming gang activist Tommy Robinson, the Express reports.

Robinson is currently serving an 18-month prison sentence after admitting in October to contempt of court for repeating allegations about a Syrian refugee, which the court had previously found to be libellous.

The activist and filmmaker rose to international prominence for protesting against Muslim child rape grooming gangs and the failures of British authorities to safeguard mostly young white working-class girls.

Robinson has been jailed multiple times during his activist career, including for filming grooming gang defendants as they entered a courtroom in 2018. The men were later found guilty of committing a “campaign of rape and other sexual abuse” against young girls.

For breaching Britain’s court reporting restrictions, Robinson was jailed at London’s high-security Belmarsh Prison, where he claimed to have been placed in effective solitary confinement amid concerns of attacks against him from other prisoners.

Last month, an audio recording was published online of Robinson speaking during his current incarceration, during which he also claimed to be in solitary confinement at the behest of the government and asserted that it amounted to “mental torture”.

During the demonstration on Saturday, protesters held placards saying “free political prisoners” and “stop the isolation”. Others hailed Elon Musk for his support of Robinson and his decision to reinstate the activist’s social media account on his X platform.

Many protesters were also seen wearing MEGA (Make England Great Again) hats, in reference to Donald Trump’s trademark red hat.

A counterprotest organised by the leftist Stand Up to Racism group was also held on Saturday, which organisers said was meant to show solidarity “against racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism and to say that we won’t let the far right divide us”.

At the time of this reporting, the Metropolitan Police said six people were arrested during the demonstrations.

‘Muhammad’ now most popular name for baby boys in England and Germany

By Eric Utter

In England and Wales, “Muhammad” was the top choice for parents naming their baby boys in 2023, out of all possible choices.

According to the BBC in a report published last month:

Muhammad was the top choice for parents naming their baby boys in England and Wales in 2023, with more than 4,600 children registered with the name.

It has been among the top 10 names for baby boys since 2016, but has now overtaken the previous favourite, Noah, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Moreover, there are several common spellings of the name, meaning that, in one form or another, it is even more widespread than the report, issued by the Office for National Statistics indicated.

Muhammad is now the most common name for baby boys in Germany, too. And it is in the top 10 for boys’ names in the (formerly) United States.

In the U.K., Muhammad has been among the top 10 names for baby boys since 2016, but as the BBC report noted, it has now overtaken “Noah” for the top spot according to the O.N.S..

Think about that. Think about the symbolism of Muhammad overtaking Noah. In the West.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Bible, Noah “was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on Earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God.

Now God saw that the Earth had become corrupt and was filled with violence. God observed all this corruption in the world, for everyone on earth was corrupt.”

As punishment for disobeying Him, He would visit a great flood upon the earth and its inhabitants. God told Noah to build an ark. And so he did. He took his wife, three sons, and their wives with him. And, of course, the animals.

By contrast, Muhammad had several wives over time, one of whom was apparently six years old when betrothed, nine when the ‘marriage’ was consummated.

Noah took a diversity of animals on the ark, hoping to see to the repopulating of the Earth.

Christianity urges its adherents to love one another, even one’s enemies. Sharia law calls for devout Muslims to convert, enslave, or kill non-Muslims, i.e. “infidels.”

Once common Biblical names such as John, Abraham, Mary, and Esther are becoming ever scarcer in the West. They are being replaced by ‘hip’ and non-binary names like Max, Bailey, Quinn, and Sage. And, of course, Muhammad.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with this trend, a name like “Mohammed Muhammed Mohammad” doesn’t exactly shout diversity and inclusion. Neither does Sharia law.

Yet there is a burgeoning — and bizarre — partnership of sorts between hyper-secular progressives and radicalized Muslims, both of whom seem hell-bent on fundamentally transforming the U.S. — or destroying it outright. The combination of cultural degradation, Marxism, and Sharia law would be fatal to all Western nations if not aggressively opposed.

Ironically, if progressives and devout Muslims were successful in their power grab, they could not possibly co-exist, one would have to utterly defeat the other.
Better to go back to the Biblical roots of our founding. Better to be that shining city on a hill.

UK woman suffering from ‘aggressive’ blood cancer after she received COVID shots

Vials of Astrazeneca, Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines Shutterstock

Patients in Great Britain are speaking out about the injuries they experienced after receiving COVID-19 vaccines, with some going so far as to allege a link between the controversial shots and cancer diagnoses.

The Daily Mail reported that 16,824 claims have been submitted to the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS), and 188 Brits so far have received compensation for vaccine-related ailments as of the end of November 2024 at a maximum of £120,000 apiece (potentially reaching a total of more than £22 million). Most claims have been denied, but 8,018 are still pending.

The vast majority of the claims were linked to the AstraZeneca COVID shot, which was widely used in Europe but not in the United States. Last year, the company withdrew its vaccine worldwide; AstraZeneca insisted the move was for business reasons, but it shortly followed a wave of lawsuits from families over reported injuries due to the shot as well as a court ruling linking it to serious blood clotting.

In its latest report, the Mail tells the stories of several applicants, arguably the most concerning of which is 38-year-old bank fraud investigator Jennifer Furno’s. She received her first AstraZeneca shot in March 2021 and a second four months later. Shortly after the follow-up, she began suffering from leg tingling and numbness, gastric distress, and mild rashes, and was later found to have a blood clot on her lung.

Not yet considering a connection, Furno took a Moderna COVID booter in November 2021, and later the same month experienced worsening rashes, limb and joint swelling, and a pulmonary embolism on her lung. 

A doctor initially diagnosed her with “an over-active immune response,” but despite taking immune suppressing medications her symptom continued to worsen. “’I was convinced it was some sort of cancer. I felt so unwell,” she recalled.

In December 2022, one rheumatologist finally told her that there did “appear to be a temporal link between the onset of her symptoms and her first COVID-19 vaccine dose,” and the following July the London Clinic performed a skin biopsy that found “aggressive” blood cancer, specifically cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. “The vaccine is likely the causative thing, something like this it can trigger,” she says she was told.

Thankfully, she was eventually able to secure a bone marrow transplant and reported, “I’m now cancer-free, vaccine-free.” Her injury claim has not yet received a verdict.

“Certainly, hospitals and doctors are not believing young people who were fit and healthy before,” Furno says. “Young people need to be listened to and not judged as being health anxious. There needs to be less of a stigma about vaccine injuries and that it is recognised condition that needs treatment.”

A large body of evidence has indicated serious problems with both the safety and effectiveness of the COVID shots, about which the federal government and medical establishment have been evasive and dismissive.

In America, the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports 38,264 deaths, 219,594 hospitalizations, 22,134 heart attacks, and 28,814 myocarditis and pericarditis cases as of December 27, among other ailments. CDC researchers have recognized a “high verification rate of reports of myocarditis to VAERS after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination,” leading to the conclusion that “under-reporting is more likely” than over-reporting.

An analysis of 99 million people across eight countries published in February in the journal Vaccine “observed significantly higher risks of myocarditis following the first, second and third doses” of mRNA-based COVID vaccines as well as signs of increased risk of “pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis,” and other “potential safety signals that require further investigation.” In April, the CDC was forced to release by court order 780,000 previously undisclosed reports of serious adverse reactions, and a study out of Japan found “statistically significant increases” in cancer deaths after third doses of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines and offered several theories for a causal link.

In January, a long-awaited Florida grand jury report on the COVID vaccine manufacturers found that while a low percentage of the millions of vaccinations resulted in serious harm based on the data it had access to, such events do occur, and there are “profound and serious issues” in pharmaceutical companies’ review process, including reluctance to share what evidence of adverse events they did find.

The Murder of Salwan Momika and Why Koran Burning Matters – He died, along with many others, to wake us up

Salwan Momika, an Assyrian Catholic refugee from Iraq, was murdered in Sweden by Muslim terrorists.

Momika, like many dissidents, knew that the track he was following by protesting against Islam would lead to his death. “I know very well that Muslims will kill me one day, but I am not afraid and I will not back down from my principles and defending Sweden and the West, and I am ready to pay the price for that,” he wrote.

Before his murder, the Swedish justice system had dragged Momika through a trial for burning Korans. That trial likely helped bring him to the attention of his killers and led directly to his murders.

Even though Momika had come from Iraq, he was accused of racism and put on trial. This was likely done to silence him and appease Sweden’s growing violent Muslim colonial population and the Islamic terrorist state of Turkey.

In death, the media covered him by implying he was a bigot.

The Washington Post whose infamous obituary for the Caliph of ISIS described him as an “austere religious scholar” dismissed Momika as an “Iraqi at the center of Koran burnings shot dead before court verdict” while the New York Times headlined its story “Salwan Momika, Man Behind Quran Burning in Sweden, Is Killed”.

Media outlets tend to cover Koran-burning protests as acts of hate. And that’s one way to look at them. Most people believe that other people’s holy books shouldn’t be burned and that’s a reasonable position. Burning those books seems like an act of hate.

But Momika was burning the Koran to draw attention to exactly what happened to him. Muslims call their terrorists ‘martyrs’, but Momika was an actual martyr willing to die to warn the West of what was coming.

He died, along with many others, to wake us up.

The tension at the heart of Koran burning is that religion within Islam is not a private matter, it is a matter of inflexible theocracy that demands the murder and enslavement of non-Muslims, the suppression of women and every evil we see from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan to Iran to Afghanistan.

Burn a Bible and Christians and Jews will be outraged, but they won’t kill you. Muslims will kill you for burning a Koran, but not just burning a Koran. The list of things they will kill you for is as long as the texts of Islamic Sharia law. That is the hard unhappy reality the West is up against.

As a refugee from an Islamic theocracy, Salwan Momika, like dissidents the world over, burned the Koran to be free even knowing, as many in Iran do, that doing so would likely cost him his life. Burning Korans, like women in Iran removing hijabs, is not an act of hate, it is a love of freedom. In those flames, they defy tyranny and declare that they would rather die as free men and women than live as miserable slaves of Allah.

Salwan Momika’s protests were flames of freedom. His death is another desperate warning that the time is drawing near where we will all have to choose between freedom and slavery.

The Murder of Salwan Momika and Why Koran Burning Matters | Frontpage Mag

Convicted Pedophile Who Owns Multinational Surrogacy Empire Charged with Sexual Assault of Young Employee

A prominent surrogacy agency in Europe is under investigation following accusations that its pedophile owner sexually assaulted an employee. José María Hill Prados, 63, is being accused of forcing a young employee to perform sexual acts as part of his employment with Gestlife.

Gestlife is one of the largest surrogacy firms in Europe, operating offices in 11 countries dedicated to facilitating child exchange contracts. On its site, it boasts that it has helped “2100 children be born,” and that over 55% of its clientele are “LGBTQIA+ couples.” But authorities in Barcelona are now investigating the company after an employee came forward to accuse the owner of sexual assault.

According to the complaint, the 20-year-old victim, who will be referred to as Alejandro, was in a precarious financial situation when he came upon a job advertisement on Instagram which promised regular work with a stable income. His confidence was bolstered by the fact that he knew the job offer to have associations in the “gay world.”

Interested in applying for the position, Alejandro responded to the advertisement and was connected with a man named “Albert,” who was in fact Gestlife’s owner, José María Hill Prados, using a false name. The two began chatting over Telegram via messages which automatically set to be deleted after 60 seconds.

During their conversation, Prados, as “Albert,” offered Alejandro employment “in exchange for him maintaining a sexual relationship with the head of the company,” referring to himself. Because Alejandro was struggling to make ends meet, and the salary far exceeded his current compensation, he accepted the job.

At the time, in April 2021, Alejandro did not have many friends, and similarly lacked a strong relationship with family members, making him particularly vulnerable to influence.

The Gestlife website offers vague employment opportunities and allows interested parties to submit an application.

Alejandro was then scheduled for another interview with Prados, this time in person, who once again took on a fake identity of “Diego.” Under the false identity, Prados questioned Alejandro about his sexual interests and if he would be “willing to let himself be penetrated.” Prados also stated that the victim must agree to sexual intercourse once a week.

However, over time, the situation worsened. Prados took Alejandro to his home in Premià de Dalt, Barcelona, where he sexually assaulted the young man in order to “verify” that the nature of his employment contract was “understood.” Prados then contracted Alejandro as an office worker for Gestlife.

Prado’s demands for “sexual favors” quickly became constant, and Alejandro was forced to endure being raped by the convicted pedophile several times a week while also being threatened by him. In his legal complaint, Alejandro states that he was raped by Prados repeatedly, even after he asked him to stop, and that the surrogacy business owner would, at times, refuse to wear a condom.

Though Prados continued to use the fake identity of “Diego,” Alejandro soon discovered his real name, and learned that Prados had previously been sentenced to eight years in prison for sexually abusing two children, and for creating illicit pornography of the acts he subjected them to.

As previously reported by Reduxx, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), a Paris-based consortium of investigative journalists, exposed Prados as a serial child sexual abuser who, before entering the surrogacy industry, founded a Russian children’s foster organization called Padres para Siempre (Parents forever).

In 1996, Prados, who was 36 at the time, was investigated by a Barcelona court for the crime of corruption of minors and several more sexual assaults of which his four adopted children, aged between 12 and 17, were reported to be victims. However, the details of the case were sealed from the public.

Defense lawyer Jordi Rojo used Prados’ children, those he abused, to argue against his imprisonment, and told the court that his client “loves his children very much and is very concerned about what could happen to them now.” The four minors, two brothers aged 17 and 16 and another two boys aged 13 and 12, had been taken into the care of the Generalitat’s Children’s Department during the court proceedings.

On the day the children were expected to testify in court regarding the allegations, they suddenly backed down and denied that they had ever been sexually abused. As the children had not yet made a statement on the record, Prados could not be convicted.

But soon afterwards, in 2007, Prados was sentenced to eight years in prison for sexually abusing two children at the Casal Dels Infants del Raval center for minors in Barcelona. Prados was alleged to have exposed the children to pornographic films in order to groom them at his home in Cervelló, Spain, where he also sexually assaulted them. Prados was convicted of raping both of the children and for creating pornography of the assaults.

During court proceedings, it was alleged that there were more than 30 children who had been victims of rape and sexual abuse at the hands of Prados and nearly a dozen other men while he worked at the Casal Dels Infants del Raval. A total of 13 individuals were arrested in addition to Prados. It has come to be known as one of the most shocking modern pedophilia scandals in Barcelona.

The sentence was ultimately anonymized, with Prados’ identity being obscured as ‘Carlos Jesús’ by the court. However, his identity, along with the identity of one of the child victims, was later revealed after the boy came forward to recant his allegations and claim that he was pressured into making the accusations. But the judge disagreed, finding that there was sufficient evidence to sustain the conviction. Prados would go on to serve his full prison sentence.

In 2015, Prados set up a surrogacy company called Subrogalia based in Spain, according to corporate records. The company, one of over a dozen currently owned by Prados, was quickly mired in controversy and allegations of child trafficking.

Prados’ business partner in the ventures is Didac Giménez Sánchez, who has been revealed to have been one of the child victims Prados had been convicted of raping in 2007.

Sánchez (left) seen sharing an office with child sexual abuser Prados (right) in a photo shared to Subrogalia’s Twitter profile that was quickly deleted. Source: El Confidencial.

The OCCRP probe into Prados’ extensive criminal empire found that Subrogalia had been investigated in at least two countries out of the nine where it now operates. Alleged crimes include selling and trafficking of babies, in addition to providing clients with infants that were not biologically related to them.

Subrogalia has operations in as many as nine countries, according to the OCCRP, including Russia, Greece, and, briefly, Mexico. But the primary source of the company’s revenue can be traced to its clinics in Ukraine. The OCCRP investigation cites a former manager who said that, before the war, women in Ukraine bore approximately 100 babies annually for paying parents, each earning the company around €8,000 (approx. $8,600 USD) in profit.

Before the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, the Eastern European nation earned a reputation as an international hub for the sale of babies through surrogacy contracts. The industry has been known to target women who are struggling financially, offering them payments of approximately $11,000 for a healthy baby – more than three times the average yearly salary in Ukraine.

In order to distance the company from the litigation, Subrogalia Ukraine rebranded as Eurosurrogacy in 2017. Concurrently, Subrogalia Spain was renamed to Gestlife.

Prados’ enterprises have a specific focus on providing gay men children, and Gestlife boasts that the majority of its clients are gay couples and single men.

“More than 55% of our parents are single men, gay couples, or single gay men, who, at a certain point in their lives, have received the call of parenthood. Surrogacy for gay couples, or for single men, is the best way to achieve parenthood, due to the practical impossibility of a successful international adoption process. The number of surrogacy cases in Spain has, in the last two years, surpassed the number of international adoptions,” reads Gestlife’s website on a page aimed at “LGBT” customers.

Prados and Sánchez were also business partners with one of the largest IVF clinic chains in the world, the BioTexCom Clinic in Kiev, which has implanted embryos for about 95 percent of Eurosurrogacy’s Spanish clients.

In 2018, Sergii Antonov, a Kiev-based lawyer specializing in the medical field, told the press that of the estimated 2,000 infants born through surrogacy in Ukraine every year, nearly half were through BioTexCom.

BioTexCom told the press that its management was unaware of Prados’ criminal record when they went into business together. This claim is not entirely without merit: in addition to his surrogacy network, Prados is also the figure behind a shadowy corporation dedicated to burying and erasing incriminating information from the internet.

“We erase your past,” boasts Eliminalia, a business led by the convicted pedophile, which has netted millions in revenue over the past decade for restoring the online reputation of hundreds of clients who have been convicted and investigated in 54 countries for corruption, money laundering, sexual abuse and drug trafficking.

Earlier this month, Reduxx received a legal threat via email ostensibly sent on behalf of Diego Sánchez Giménez, the alias of Didac Giménez Sánchez, Prados’ victim and business partner. The email demanded the full retraction of Reduxx‘s article naming Prados and Sánchez.

“The content of the article links my client to criminal activities, specifically child trafficking, document forgery and fake marriages, in an unfounded and gravely defamatory manner, causing irreparable harm. These allegations are entirely false, lack evidentiary support, and have been refuted in various judicial instances,” read the email, which was signed Alvaro Rocha.

But while claiming to be a communications from “legal counsel”, the email was sent from a business address linked to a company known as iData Protection. Reduxx discovered that Prados had recently renamed his criminal online reputation enterprise Eliminalia to iData Protection – meaning that the legal threat demanding the removal of incriminating information about his various corporations had come directly from Prados himself.