With German Elections Looming, Angela Merkel Seems Determined to Sabotage Her Own Party

2015 Migrant Crisis architect Angela Merkel has again lashed out at her successor in German politics for moving away from the open borders paradigm and working with the populist-right, saying she finds it impossible to “remain silent in such a situation”.

Former German Chancellor and leader of the Christian Democrats (CDU) Angela Merkel has again been drawn back into undermining her successor as party leader, just as he fights the final weeks of the election campaign that could put the CDU back in the driving seat of German politics.

Friedrich Merz, a rival to Merkel when she was in power, has spent months trying to rebrand the centre-right conservative CDU from a party that most associate with recklessly open borders to one that can be trusted with power again. Yet as the party leads the polls in the final weeks of the campaign for the snap Federal elections this week, his leadership has come under withering fire from his predecessor.

Speaking at the invitation of German newspaper Die Zeit on Wednesday night, Merkel fielded questions before an audience of paying guests in Hamburg and said she was unable to “simply remain silent in such a situation” when the party she once led — and led to crashing electoral defeats — was seeking to enact border controls. Particularly galling for Merkel is Merz agreeing to work with sovereigntist-populist-right wing party the Alternative for Germany (AfD) to get enough votes to pass motions.

She said, reports Die Welt: “Look, I am a citizen, I am a former Chancellor, I had inquiries and I did not think it was right to simply remain silent in such a crucial situation. Instead, I found it so important that I therefore expressed my opinion on the process.”

The AfD has been subject to a so-called firewall or cordon sanitaire for years, and Merkel remains dedicated to keeping the strongly polling force thoroughly frozen out of German politics. Insisting her migration policies, which boosted AfD’s popularity a decade ago after her economic policies led to the party’s creation in the first place, were not “misguided” Merkel also said the AfD rising in the polls now is “no longer my responsibility”.

Remarkably, when asked at the speaking event, Merkel could not give a straight answer whether she believed the political party she led as Chancellor and giant of European politics for 16 years was even her political home any more. As noted by Welt, while Merkel enjoyed an enthusiastic and sympathetic crowd of people who had paid to see her, when she claimed absolute certainty in her border policies which led to the 2015 migrant crisis having been correct, the hall struggled to rouse an applause.

The event’s remarks are the second time Merkel has emerged from retirement to criticise the conservative leader that replaced her. Last week, she said Merz’s move to work with the AfD to pass a border control motion was “wrong”, saying only “democratic parties” should work “moderately in tone” together in the Bundestag.

Germany is less than two weeks away from the Federal elections which will decide the composition of its parliament, the Bundestag, for the next five years. The election was called early in November after the present left-wing coalition government collapsed.

Despite the attempts to undermine it by its previous leader, the centrist-conservative CDU remain ahead in polling but not by enough to hope to govern alone.

The AfD have been polling in second place for some time and seem likely to gain a record number of seats. A right-right coalition of CDU and AfD would, to the dispassionate observer, seem the most logical post-election coalition, yet snobbery around working with populists persists and would likely trigger an anti-Donald Trump-like revulsion response among legacy political and media circles.


Preferential treatment for asylum seekers at dentists’ angers Germans

Wikimedia Commons, Nightflyer, CC-BY-4.0

An investigative report on the differences in treatment of patients with various kinds of insurance by German dentists is causing outrage in Germany because it showed asylum seekers were more financially desirable patients than most Germans.

In the segment aired by public broadcasting company ZDF, a dentist said that he and his colleagues would rank patients in several categories. Private patients were the most desirable, closely followed by asylum seekers. “Social services pay for everything with taxpayer money”, the dentist – who remained anonymous – said.

Patients with the standard German health insurance conversely were much less welcome as the refunds were usually much lower, he continued.

Emre Uysal, a dentist from Cologne, confirmed that patients with the standard German health insurance are actually “loss makers” for doctors because the costs often exceed the budget per patient which the health insurance companies will refund.

A newsletter by a German doctors’ network confirms this. It recommends that dentists focus on treatments that are not subject to the health insurance companies’ budget constraints. These include treatments paid for by the state such as those paid for by welfare offices or treatments of asylum seekers.

He also said that the influx of Ukrainian refugees meant that ordinary patients had to wait longer for appointments. “Ukrainian patients have told me that in Ukraine people must pay for all their high-quality dentistry out of pocket. Consequently, we have patients [from Ukraine] with a big demand for treatment. The consequences for other patients are clear: the waiting times get longer and longer”, he explained.

The remarks are a late vindication for Friedrich Merz, leader of the Conservative CDU party. In September 2023, Merz said that asylum seekers were clogging up the German health system. “They sit at the dentist’s and get their teeth done new and the German citizens next door do not get an appointment”, Merz said on German TV. He was accused of incitement and ignorance by the Left, even though dentists asked by conservative media confirmed Merz’ claims.

The deteriorating quality of the health system is currently high on the agenda in Germany. At the start of the new year many health insurance companies have raised contributions – in some cases by 16 per cent. At the same time health insurance covers ever fewer costs. Since the EU ban on amalgam, a alloy of mercury used for fillings, took effect on January 1, 2025, for examples, dentists’ patients with standard insurance need to pay around €100 themselves for fillings. Experts attribute this discrepancy to the ever-rising number of people who do not contribute to the German health insurance system but still obtain benefits.

Preferential treatment for asylum seekers at dentists’ angers Germans – Brussels Signal

France: 12,450 free city bus tickets, but they’re only available for migrants

The French city of Rouen is offering 12,450 free bus tickets, but they’re only available to NGOs and other organizations who support migrants.

The proposal was put forward to the Rouen Metropolitan Area Council on Monday, Feb. 3. The community will now distribute the bus tickets to foreigners who are newly arrived in France in order to aid them in their administrative procedures.

“The Metropolis has committed to a second Territorial Reception and Integration Contract with the State on Sept. 30, 2024,” explains the proposal submitted to the elected representatives for a vote.

The aim of this contract is to “facilitate the integration of new arrivals in our territory regardless of the reason for granting their first residence permit in France (international protection, family reunification, health, etc.). It was co-produced with associations, refugees and new arrivals, and institutions.”

French taxpayers must foot the bill for public transport for foreigners, which has often now been made unsafe by foreigners, especially for women.

“People who have just arrived in France can travel for free on the Astuce network by benefiting from the Contact pass (297 trips over 6 months),” wrote Rouen authorities in a statement.

Often local associations foot the bill for migrants using public transport or the French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII), but migrants must first register with these organizations. Now, Rouen wants to help pay for one-way tickets to reach these organizations to help them register.

The city notes that “a large part of these structures work exclusively with volunteers and live off donations.”

The city did the math and found that 12,450 tickets should cover the needs of these migrants.

It is therefore proposed to give 12,450 “one-trip” tickets to associations in 2025, “to be distributed among the structures”. It is then up to them to distribute the tickets to newcomers “as part of justified trips to open their rights (administrative procedure or access to a public service).”

In addition, the Rouen Metropolis also announced it will send money to other pro-migrant programs as well “to improve the integration of new arrivals.” That means taxpayer euros for “World Refugee Day 2025,” a sporting and cultural event supported by ASPTT to celebrate International Refugee Day on June 20.

These are just small costs; however, migrants are costing France in the billions every single year on housing, healthcare, and education, including €500 million alone last year for emergency migrant housing.

Experts estimate that the cost of foreigners to France each year reaches at least €25 billion.

France: 12,450 free city bus tickets, but they’re only available for migrants

Why not let the Afrikaners in?

Relatives plant crosses for victims of farm attacks. Bill Gobey (cross shown) was shot in the face in 1987 and his spouse killed at Hekpoort when robbers tried to steal a safe from their rondavel.[1]

Witkruis Monument, a monument complex that commemorates lives lost in South African farm attacks. Bill Gobey was shot in the face (and according to court documents died shortly afterwards from an unrelated cause) and his wife killed at Hekpoort, North West, when robbers tried to steal a safe from their rondavel.Wikimedia Commons, JohnnyhurstCC-BY-SA-3.0

By Mike Konrad

Elon Musk seems to be at the head of a drive to allow White South Africans to immigrate to America as refugees.

While the present Zeitgeist might disapprove, I say: Why Not?

Only a small summary of history is needed.

The Dutch East India Company set up a trading station in Africa’s south in 1652, in what would later become Cape Town. Then French Protestant Huguenots, fleeing persecution in France, soon arrived. After the Napoleonic Wars, the British took over the Cape area, and a large British contingent immigrated in. This would establish the main white groups: The British and the Afrikaner Dutch, (with some Huguenot French).

One cannot forget the Boer War from 1899 to 1902. The Afrikaner Dutch farmers (the Boers) lost, but not before giving the British a sound bloodying. What has to be remembered is how brutal the British were to the Boers, setting up concentration camps. This permanently introduced friction between the Afrikaner and English communities.

In 1948, the Afrikaner (Dutch) speakers would elect a government which set up the infamous Apartheid system which earned South Africa the enmity of the whole world. The present Zeitgeist is that the whites of South Africa – whatever their European ancestry – should suffer for the “greatest” crime in history: racism.

I am not defending Apartheid, but the South African Whites are Westerners, and the West should not abandon its people to a vindictive, hostile, government in South Africa.

It is time to let them immigrate to the United States.

Trump vows to save white South Africans while Musk calls for welcoming them as refugees – Yahoo! News

Many claim that whites in South Africa are disproportionately wealthy, and that they hold far too much of the country’s fertile land.

[There are] persistent racial disparities in the formerly white supremacist state, particularly the fact that white landowners control three-quarters of its freehold farmland despite making up just 7% of the population.  – Yahoo! News

While admitting that there are disparities, it cannot be denied that whites are subjected to anti-white violence, and that the South African nation is falling apart.

Is a crime against humanity at risk of unfolding in South Africa?

Musk, the Pretoria-born billionaire who owns X (Twitter), and Tesla, fears that there might be.

Earlier this year, he wrote that he’d heard of calls for ‘a genocide of white people’ in his former homeland.

Musk isn’t alone in his concerns. Steve Hofmeyr, a South African singer with a cult following, thinks that the ‘g-word’ is an appropriate way to describe what is unfolding: ‘If you think that the slaughter of South African farmers is not genocide enough, ask them about their land, language, religion, education, universities, heritage, monuments, safety, dignity and the race-based regulations imposed upon them and their children’ … – The Spectator

One can see the writing on the wall, and South Africa will be going down the anti-white path that destroyed Rhodesia.

If the whites of South Africa are the original problem, and if the government of South Africa allows such violence against whites to continue (or at least, cannot stop it), then give South Africa what it wants. Let the whites come to America, and allow South Africa to once again be a pure region for people of color.

Russia has already taken in 15,000 Boers.

Up to 15,000 Boers, the descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa, are planning to move to Russia amid rising violence stemming from government plans to expropriate their land, according to the delegation. – Protothema (2018)

What is the matter with the West that we cannot take the Boers in? After all, the Boers are a Western people. They should be allowed to come here.

In 1965, the United States changed its immigration laws. Prior that that, preference was given to immigrants from Western Europe, with the United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland and Poland being given the top four immigration spots.

As a result of the Civil Rights era policies, the United States decided to change ethnic or racial considerations when taking in immigrants. As long as race would no longer matter within the United States, and as long as Jim Crow was being abolished, then why not take the next step and change the immigration flow coming in.

The progressives had gone too far.

In 1965, the United States was approximately 88% white, and – even though being white is now considered a negative. But can anyone doubt that the country was far more stable when the core demographic was West European?

I am not saying that people of color are inferior, but countries with a solid ethnic demographic are more cohesive and stable. Japan (which is Asian) and Poland (which is East European) have a solid ethnic bloc, and do not take in large amounts of outside immigration.

By the present way of thinking, their lack of diversity should make them weaker. However, that lack of diversity has actually made Japan and Poland stronger. Both nations have weathered occupation and have come out to survive.

The standard definition of a nation was to have a common language, a common history, a common sense of identity, and one set of laws for all. French history books used to open with, “Our ancestors, the Gauls,” and there was a degree of truth to it. The vast majority of the French – even to this day – can trace at least one ancestor back to the Gauls. Though, like America, that is also changing.

In the pursuit of equality, the successful formula of the nation-state has been played around with, and it has caused havoc. People may be equal, but are they compatible? Ethnic groups may be equal, but they are not identical. This confusion of equality and identicality is destroying the West.

Can anyone really tell a Pole from a German by just appearance?

But those ethnicities were NOT identical, equal though they are. Probably no two groups were less outwardly distinguishable than the Highland and Lowland Scots. They were definitely not compatible.

The nation-state formula can be adjusted by relaxing one or two of the requirements – in the case of America, there was a preference for West Europeans, not necessarily any one ethnicity.

However, like a rubber band, the formula cannot be stretched too far without snapping, and with such a snap, the nation-state disintegrates.

Of all nations, Israel understands this. Israel has a decided preference for Jewish immigrants. Maybe we should adopt this attitude for our core: West Europeans.

The Whites of South Africa are primarily of Dutch, English, and French (Huguenot) stocks, essentially the same stocks which founded North America (both Canada and the United States). 

After decades of taking in millions of non-Westerners, it could only help American cohesiveness to bring in some of the foundational stocks, and strengthen America’s ethnic core. South African Whites would integrate rapidly.

Ask yourself this – and I have often heard Black Americans complain about this – why don’t we suspend non-Western immigration until every Black American has a middle class job?

Blacks often complain that employers will hire Latin immigrants rather than hiring blacks. There is a degree of truth to that complaint. Bringing in White South Africans could only improve America, and would create the jobs needed to hire many blacks.

I am not arguing for racial inequality – and by the way, I like Latins, and I speak a bit of Spanish. Nor am I Dutch, English, or French in ancestry. I am saying that any nation which destroys its demographic core will eventually fall. It is time that we re-fortify America’s demographic.

Let the White South Africans in.


Syrian attacks woman in her own home, threatens to kill her and cut out her heart

Wikimedia Commons, Nifoto, CC-BY-SA-4.0

A 42-year-old Syrian asylum seeker was temporarily detained at a psychiatric unit in Germany after allegedly attacking a woman in her own home, telling the stranger he had to kill her because she had given him cancer.

The disturbing incident occurred in Sankt Augustin, a town in the Rhein-Sieg district in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The attack occurred one morning when Anna, the victim, was in her bathroom. Hearing the doorbell ring, she assumed it was her husband who had forgotten something after leaving for work and opened the door. Instead, a man dressed in black forced his way inside, threw her to the ground, and began hitting her with a stick.

Anna sustained head injuries and began bleeding, but a brief distraction from her dog gave her the opportunity to escape. She ran outside, screaming for help, and alerted neighbors who quickly called the police.

Responding to Anna’s cries, neighbors intervened and managed to subdue the attacker until law enforcement arrived. According to Anna, the suspect made chilling statements, claiming he needed to kill her and remove her heart because she had given him cancer.

It is understood there was no prior relationship between the victim and her attacker.

Authorities identified the man as a Syrian refugee who had applied for asylum in Germany. Suspecting a mental illness, the police transferred him to the Bonn LVR psychiatric clinic for evaluation and treatment.

After three weeks in psychiatric care, the suspect was released before exhibiting further troubling behavior just two weeks later, leading to his re-admission. The duration of his new stay remains uncertain as the police have remained largely silent on the matter.

As reported by WDR, Anna expressed deep concern, knowing that the man knows where she lives and has threatened to kill her.

Dr. Michael Schormann, chief physician at LVR Clinic Bonn, explained the legal constraints surrounding the attacker’s commitment to the psychiatric unit.

“The requirements for compulsory hospitalization are very high. After a three-week treatment, if the immediate risk appears reduced and the patient refuses further treatment, we are legally obligated to discharge them,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the public prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation into the attack. The suspect is being investigated for “dangerous bodily harm,” with authorities also considering whether charges of attempted homicide may apply.

State CDU Interior Minister Herbert Reul argued that individuals like the suspect should not be allowed to roam free. He stressed the need for better coordination between authorities and proposed stricter policies, stating, “We need clear decisions on what happens with such individuals — whether they remain in long-term care, require continuous police monitoring, or if deportation should be considered.”

For Anna, the ordeal has left lasting trauma. While she acknowledges the importance of supporting refugees, she insists that solutions must be found to ensure public safety. “I don’t want to live in fear anymore,” she said.


Canadian Kink

Reduxx reports that Dustin Hrycun, 45, a Canadian psychologist who worked with vulnerable youth in Calgary, has been charged with possessing and disseminating child pornography through the social media app Kik, which is “notorious for its use in facilitating in child sexual abuse”:

now-deleted online profile posted to Psychology Today listed Hrycun as a “sex-positive,” kink allied,” “queer allied,” “transgender allied,” and “non-monogamy” expert offering counseling services for teens and adults.


Hrycun has produced over a dozen bizarre videos of himself writhing to the song “Moonlight Desires” by Lawrence Gowan to advertise his services as a psychologist. The videos are part of a campaign Hrycun created which he calls “non-monotonous Mondays,” but rather than showcasing any professional expertise, they often depict him behaving as though suffering from mental illness. [see pic above]

In one video, Hrycun is dressed in drag and mimes a seductive dance; in another, his face is painted to resemble a tiger and he continuously sprays water on himself as the makeup runs down his chin; in his pinned post, Hrycun is seen bound with a bag over his head, and after he frees himself, what appears to be jets of soda burst in front of his lap.

In all of the videos, Hrycun lipsyncs the lyrics: “You’ve got ways to take hold of my thoughts, overriding my senses… These moonlight desires haunt me, they want me.”

By definition, “kink” and “queer” refer to disordered desires that either flirt with or dive headlong into the unnatural. But they aren’t just about indulging in harmless, private sexual pleasures. There is a moral and even civilizational consequence. To “queer” something, for example, in today’s usage among Left-wing radicals, has a broader and more insidious meaning. As I have written elsewhere,

“queer” doesn’t mean simply “homosexual.” As Logan Lancing and James Lindsey explain in their book The Queering of the American Child, queer theory is a radical ideology that seeks to convince people that nothing – nothing – is normal or natural, that everything including gender and sexuality is a social or political construct imposed upon people by the “dominant” classes. Queer theory’s purpose is not to simply normalize deviant sexual practices and identities but to deconstruct the very concept of normalcy.

And thus it is only one small step further to cross the next boundary and draw children into the orbit of satanic perversion.

The fact that the disturbed counselor Hrycun can openly advertise kink allied,” “queer allied,” and “transgender allied” as professional credentials is indicative of the normalization – even the celebration – in our culture of a dark, subversive drive to destroy our culture. If we are to survive, much less thrive, as a civilization, this godless drive must be extinguished.


Notorious Killer Who Murdered Mother and Two Young Daughters Now Identifies as Transgender, Sympathetically Profiled by Newsweek

Steven / Linda Hayes

A sadistic killer serving life for the brutal murder of a mother and her two daughters has received a sympathetic profile in Newsweek that has sparked outrage. In the interview, Steven Hayes, who is now calling himself Linda Mai Lee, blamed his “gender identity” woes for the killings, and promoted “gender affirming care” for inmates.

Hayes is currently serving six life sentences and a maximum sentence of 999 years, plus 99 months and 999 days, at Oregon State Penitentiary for the Connecticut home invasion and slaughter of Jennifer Hawke-Petit and her two young daughters. The 2007 killings, which shook the country due to the brutality, has come to be known as the Cheshire murders.

In his interview with Newsweek, Hayes told reporter Joshua Rhett Miller that he was “happy to be alive” since he began claiming to be a transgender woman and started taking female hormones in 2018. Hayes said that he has been provided with makeup, jewelry, and women’s underwear, including bras. The fetish items, Newsweek states, “eliminated [his] thoughts of suicide,” and Hayes is now seeking to undergo a breast augmentation and hair replacement procedure.

“My whole life I hid who I truly was and tried to deny it to myself,” Hayes said. “I had so much hate for who I was pretending to be, I stayed high and always wanted to die.”

Referring to the violent killer with feminine pronouns, Newsweek reported that “her former anger” which led to the slaughter of the Petit family “had been fueled by the question of her gender identity,” and that Hayes was now participating in Equality-8, a club for “LGBTQ” inmates.

When speaking with Miller, Hayes claimed to have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria at the age of 16, but curiously was not told of the diagnosis at the time – leading to a storm of “intolerance” brewing inside of him, and resulting in the killing spree for which he was convicted.

“I hurt, so I hurt others,” Hayes said. Newsweek, while portraying the convicted rapist and murderer sympathetically, added: “According to research by the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law, transgender people are over four times more likely than others to be victims of violent crime.”

In the early hours of July 23, 2007, Hayes, along with accomplice Joshua Komiserjevsky whom he met at a halfway house, broke into the Petit family’s home in Cheshire, Connecticut. The two men would then enact a horrific seven-hour crime spree that would result in the sadistic killings of mother Jennifer Hawke-Petit and her two daughters, Michaela, 11, and Hayley, 17.

The Petit family: Michaela, William, Hayley, and Jennifer

Upon entering their home, Komiserjevsky proceeded to beat Dr. William Petit with a baseball bat before restraining him in the basement. Hayes and Komisarjevsky bound Jennifer, Michaela, and Hayley by their wrists and ankles to their bedposts and placed pillowcases over their heads.

The two men then ransacked the Petit home in a frenzied search for cash. Hayes was spotted on a gas station surveillance camera purchasing $10 worth of gasoline. Dissatisfied with the spoils of their burglary, Hayes abducted Jennifer and drove her to the bank in the morning, forcing her to withdraw $15,000 from her line of credit.

Hawke-Petit was able to inform the bank teller that she and her family were being held hostage by the men, and that they were threatening to kill them. The bank manager called the police while she was still with the teller. The Cheshire police then dispatched a crew of officers, who sent up a vehicle perimeter around the Petit’s house, while concealing their presence.

After Hayes returned from the bank with Jennifer, both he and Komiserjevsky escalated their brutality. Komiserjevsky raped 11 year-old Michaela, who he had spotted at the supermarket the day before. Prosecutors would later argue in court that the entire spree had been motivated by Komiserjevsky’s interest in sexually abusing the young girl. Komisarjevsky photographed the assault and rape on his cell phone.

Hayes raped Jennifer’s corpse after strangling her to death with a pair of stockings, and the two men doused her lifeless body in gasoline. They also poured gasoline on the two girls, who were still alive and bound in their rooms, before setting the house ablaze. Hayley managed to break free of her restraints and ran out of her bedroom, but collapsed and died of smoke inhalation in the hallway. Young Michaela’s body was found in her bed, her hands tied to the frame.

William Petit was the sole survivor of the slaughter. He had successfully freed himself, exited the house through the basement, and crawled to a neighbor’s house.

Both confessed to their crimes when questioned by police, and both would write letters boasting about the murders. Hayes was convicted in October 2010, and sentenced to death that December. Komisarjevsky was found guilty the following year and received the death sentence, as well, but the two killers would later have their sentences revised to life terms in prison.

Ultimately, the revised sentence would come even after claims made by Hayes in October 2011 that he had murdered 17 other women, including hitchhikers, run-aways, and sex trafficking victims. During Komisarjevsky’s trial Hayes had been conducting written correspondences in which he had made the claims, which local press described as a “twisted pornographic fantasy,” in a three-page handwritten letter on notebook paper.

“Yes, I’ve killed before,” Hayes bragged. “I have 17 kills throughout the Northeast United States. Perfect victims and well-executed, controlled endeavors.”

Hartford Courant, July 1, 2012

The letter stated that Hayes was willing to provide details about “every victim, all 17, and where they can be found and the whole life story behind it.” He also claimed to have taken pleasure in forcing the victims to write goodbye letters to their loved ones in such a manner as to make their disappearances seem voluntary.

“With most, a second and third note would be written, by the girls themselves, and I would mail these weeks and months later. The notes would be detailed and disarming. This was key because while the girl would be gone within hours, the notes gave the appearance of what I wanted, a runaway or a girl who left her boyfriend, or a hooker drug addict who went to greener pastures,” Hayes said. “Easy pesy.”

In the letter, Hayes also criticized his partner in crime for not being “worthy” of him. “I’ve searched my whole life for someone who could embrace and had the capacity for evil as I possess,” Hayes said. “I thought I finally found it in Josh… But events show Josh, while (he) had the proper evil intent, lacked in the most serious aspects, commitment and control.”

“So yes,” Hayes wrote, “the Petit home invasion was a dry run in the partnership between Josh and myself. I do now realize that had we gotten away, I would have killed Josh. He was not even close to being worthy of my partnership.”

Hayes would later recant the claims, saying he fabricated them in an attempt to be killed more swiftly. Bizarrely, while already on death row, Hayes said he wrote about killing 17 other women because he wanted police to grant his request for soda, a pepperoni pizza, and oysters with hot sauce. Hayes has a lethal allergy to oysters and therefore the letter confessing to over a dozen murders, he said, was an elaborate rouse to commit suicide.

The death sentences doled out to Hayes and Komisarjevsky were vacated in August 2015, when the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty was unconstitutional and retroactively commuted all death sentences to life imprisonment.

While incarcerated at SCI Greene, a state prison in Pennsylvania, Hayes told Newsweek that he first became aware of transgenderism via an inmate named William Scott, who Hayes refers to as “Kim.” According to Hayes, Scott slipped information for a transgender support group into his cell in 2018.

Hayes told the outlet that the Cheshire murders would never have happened if he had “accepted” himself earlier.

“Every moment of that night haunts me because that is not who I am as a person… What happened goes against everything I believe and will haunt me forever. What makes it worse is knowing that I would never have been in that situation if I had accepted who I am sooner. I could have prevented years of pain I caused everyone if I had only accepted myself.”

In 2019, Hayes told listeners of a podcast hosted by Joe Tomaso that he had begun identifying as woman while in SCI Greene, and that he had been cited for contraband because he had a hand-fashioned bow in his hair and altered his prison gear to be more “feminine.” It was while he was at SCI Greene that Hayes changed his name, noting that he adopted the surname “Lee” in honor of a man he had been in a sexual relationship with at the facility.

“I did finally openly admit my personal truth that I am transgender and lived a life of severe gender dysphoria,” Hayes said. The inmate is currently proceeding in an ongoing lawsuit demanding $150,000 from the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections for having previously confiscated his “gender affirming” items. In 2023, he was transferred to Oregon State Penitentiary, which he described as being “amazing by comparison” to Pennsylvania.

However, Hayes’ repeat claims of “gender dysphoria” are somewhat contradicted by expert testimony that was given by forensic psychiatrist Dr. Eric Goldsmith for the defense team during Hayes’ trial. According to Goldsmith, Hayes was motivated by a sexual fetish, not by “gender dysphoria.”

Since the age of 16, Hayes had been in and out of prison for charges ranging from writing bad checks to petty larceny. From a young age, Hayes learned how to manipulate those around him. While being held at the Cheshire Correctional Institution at the age of 17, Hayes penned a letter to prison officials seeking to have his sentence reduced.

“I feel that in the three months I have been here at Cheshire I have learned that I cannot go around breaking the law and expect to get away with it. I know what I did was inexcusable, but I will promise anything that it will never happen again,” Hayes wrote. “You have probably heard promises before, so all I can ask is that you accept my promise as the truth.”

During Komisarjevky’s trial in 2011, his legal counsel said Hayes checked out 24 fictional books in prison the year before the home invasion. Komisarjevsky’s attorneys said the majority of the books, according to the Connecticut state Department of Corrections, “pertain to very violent murders to include strangulation, rape, arson, serial killing, satanic torture and the burning of victims. Most victims are women.”

Currently, the Wikipedia entry on the Cheshire murders lists Hayes under the name “Linda” and refers to him with feminine pronouns. The site’s “talk” page for the article, which provides guidelines for editors, advises that the article “should adhere to the gender identity guideline because it contains material about one or more trans women.”

The Wikipedia entry on the Cheshire murders refers to Steven Hayes as a woman called “Linda”.

“Precedence should be given to self-designation as reported in the most up-to-date reliable sources, anywhere in article space, even when it doesn’t match what’s most common in reliable sources,” read the Wikipedia recommendations. Any person whose gender might be questioned should be referred to by the pronouns, possessive adjectives, and gendered nouns that reflect that person’s latest expressed gender self-identification.”

The issue of referring to Hayes as though he were actually a woman named Linda is a contentious one, with disapproval being expressed by Wikipedia users and editors. “This is a rapist and a murderer, and he only started identifying as a woman decades after his crime, yet you call him ‘she’ when talking about the rape and murder. This is ridiculous and an insult to the victims,” one critic remarked.

“Groomers supporting rapists and murderers. I stopped financially supporting Wikipedia years ago. I don’t regret it,” replied another individual.


German gays back hard-right AfD, poll suggests

Alice Weidel, Foto: AfD

The hard-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is the most popular among German users of gay dating app Romeo.com, according to the site’s survey.

In the poll conducted from January 24 to February 2, almost 28 per cent of more than 60,000 respondents on the dating app said they would vote for the AfD in the upcoming Bundestag election on February 23.

All German users received an in-app message with a participation link to the survey on Romeo, one of the world’s largest gay dating apps.

Users voted anonymously and were asked only their age and voting intention. Romeo stressed that the method was not suitable for making statistically robust election predictions and that lesbians did not participate.

While the survey was not representative of the gay population as a whole, given the large number of participants it did seem to indicate a high favourability for the hard-right party.

Next to AfD being the most popular party among respondents on the app, the Greens came in second, with 19.9 per cent. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) was third at 17.6 per cent.

The Social Democratic Party (SPD) scored 12.5 per cent and the Left party 6.5 per cent. The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) got 4.5 per cent. The Liberal Party came in last with 3.6 per cent.

Some 7.3 per cent of respondents replied with “others”.

When broken down by age group, there appeared to be a generational shift.

Among men above 60 years of age, AfD was less popular, scoring 19.8 per cent. The CDU was most popular, scoring 21.7 per cent, followed by SPD with 20.8 per cent.

For the youngest group, 18-24-year-olds, the AfD topped the poll at 34.7 per cent.

Among the 25-39 age range, AfD was also most popular, with 32.3 per cent, with the same among 40-59-year-olds, at 27.2 per cent.

The AfD has often been criticised as homophobic by its opponents, despite the fact that the party’s co-leader, Alice Weidel, is in a lesbian relationship with a woman of Sri Lankan descent.

Her party has also been highly vocal about the rise in homophobic violence in recent years, although linking it to rising mass migration to Germany.


“Only Two Sexes”: Will Europe’s Populists Follow Trump—and Biology?

Wikimedia Commons, Roger Cook and Don Shanosky, PD ineligible

Courage is contagious. So, it turns out, is sanity. President Donald Trump’s executive order affirming the male-female sex binary is already having an international impact. Canadian Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, in response to journalist questions about the statement, cautiously affirmed that he, too, only “knows of two genders.” On January 24, Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom (PVV) concurred in stronger language, posting on X

Trump is right, there are only two genders: male and female. Let’s bring common sense back to our society. No more woke madness or indoctrination. No more nonsense.

Wilders’ populist PVV, which won a quarter of the seats in the Dutch House of Representatives in 2023, plays an outsize role in Dutch politics. Wilders himself proved too controversial to cobble together enough support from coalition partners to become prime minister (a position now held by independent Dick Schoof), but his party is the largest in the House, and his victory—referred to by the Associated Press as “one of the biggest political upsets in Dutch politics since World War II”—gives Wilders significant influence.

Wilders’ opposition to gender ideology is representative of populists across the West. He supports the sexual revolution and abortion, but the transgender movement has become a microcosm of the insanity and totalitarian instincts of the woke progressive project. Wilders, an atheist, does not oppose the cultural revolution that transformed the West after World War II but believes that it has now gone too far. Dutch Christians see Wilders as a conditional ally rather than an ideological fellow traveler. 

Throughout his career, Wilders has portrayed himself as a defender of liberal Dutch values—including feminism and gay rights—against the encroaching forces of mass Muslim immigration. His public statements include occasional references to “the Christian character of the nation,” but these are a rhetorical weapon rather than affection for the Dutch Calvinist heritage. Like other clever populist politicians, Wilders is willing to honor Christianity insofar as it helps him create a coalition opposed to mass migration from non-Christian countries.

As the transgender movement’s extremism became increasingly clear, their agenda proved a bridge too far for many defenders of the post-war liberal consensus. In 2022, Wilders’ PVV voted against the Transgender Act, which sought to allow trans-identifying people, including those under the age of 16, to easily change their gender on official documents, citing female safety in sex-segregated spaces—but hedged their bets slightly by calling it “symboolpolitiek” (symbolic politics) that wouldn’t genuinely help trans-identifying people. 

In 2024, a majority of MPs voted to “shelve” the law entirely as too controversial. Several other parties voted with the PVV, and the Telegraph noted that recent polling data “revealed hardening attitudes towards transgender people in the Netherlands, which has traditionally been among the most liberal countries on trans rights.” A national survey indicated only a quarter of Dutch people agreed with the statement: “People should be able to change [sex on] their passport from the age of 16 without a statement from an expert.” The politicians clearly noticed. 

 “We are absolutely not against changing sex,” stated Nicolien van Vroonhoven, the NSC MP who put the motion forward. “But it should not be too easy either. There are real risks to women’s safety. In England, for example, men are suddenly given access to women’s prisons, and that is not something we should want.” The transgender movement was once seen as the natural successor to the gay rights movement, and the T tacked onto the LGB. Most progressive politicians still believe this—or at least, claim to. Others are not so sure, especially as the last half-decade has given us a good look at what the transgender agenda looks like in practice.

Wilders has been willing to condemn the “madness” of gender ideology, and during the 2022 debate, he asked incredulously: “What is it? Tomorrow you’re a camel? The day after that, a dromedary?” But again, he hedged: “If people are transsexual, they get all the respect from the PVV. We have no problem with that.” In short, Wilders’ position appeared to be something approximating support for the foundational premise of gender ideology—that men can become women, and vice versa—but not “self-identification” and an ever-multiplying panoply of genders.

The brilliance of the Trump Administration’s executive order on gender, however, is that it thoroughly and painstakingly rejects gender ideology in its entirety. I don’t know if Wilders read it before he posted his support, but if so, his statement may indicate the realization that many are coming to: You cannot accept the premises of gender ideology while opposing the inevitable consequences of its social implementation. If “transgender are women,” they should be granted access to women’s facilities. If they are not women, then they should not. There is no centrist position on gender ideology. It is true, or it is false. Premises are policy.

The clarity of the American position creates the space for other leaders to reject gender ideology in its entirety. Donald Trump’s executive orders make it clear that his administration recognizes the impossibility of a “centrist” approach to the transgender agenda. The now-famous question “What is a woman?”, so indicative of the insanity of the past decade, has social implications from top to bottom. Europe’s populists have sensed that the transgender agenda represents, in the minds of many, the overreach of the progressive project. But they cannot merely oppose bits and pieces of it; they must reject the entire agenda or ultimately fail to fight the madness.

It appears that Geert Wilders understands this. His statement is certainly unequivocal enough. Populists and conservatives everywhere should follow suit. 


‘I’ll shoot you in the head, by the Quran, I don’t care! By Allah, I will kill you all!’ : A man wanted for two years threatens passers-by in Deauville, France

According to Ouest-France, a 23-year-old man who had been wanted for two years to serve several prison sentences was arrested in Deauville after making death threats while under the influence of alcohol. On January 28, 2024, he attacked passers-by on the city’s promenades (photo) and threatened, among others, a female jogger by imitating a shot from a pistol. Among other things, he shouted: ‘I will shoot you a bullet in the head, by the Quran, even if I have to appear on the BFM TV channel, I don’t care! By Allah, I will kill you all!’

Arrested by the police, he was charged before the court in Lisieux on the 4th of February 2025. Although he was charged with glorification of terrorism, this offence was not punished. He has already been convicted of numerous other offences (possession of weapons, drug trafficking, driving without a licence, resisting law enforcement officers, etc.).

« Je vais mettre une balle dans la tête, sur le Coran, même si je dois passer sur BFM, je m’en fous ! Par Allah je vais tous vous tuer ! » : Un homme recherché depuis deux ans menace de mort des passants à Deauville (14) – Fdesouche