German Vice-Chancellor accused of plagiarising large part of doctoral thesis

Robert Habeck, Germany’s Vice-Chancellor and economics minister, has been accused of plagiarising major parts of his doctoral thesis.

The 55-year-old Greens party politician studied literature and philosophy in Hamburg where he submitted his dissertation titled “The Nature of Literature” in 2000.

On February 10, Stefan Weber, a well-known plagiarism researcher, published a list of 128 passages in which Habeck had allegedly failed to reveal sources of quotes and ideas.

In an accompanying statement, Weber wrote that his research also allegedly showed Habeck had apparently never read many of the sources he did list but had instead copied them from other undisclosed sources – a violation of scientific standards.

Weber had already announced in August 2024 that he was investigating Habeck’s thesis, which he called a “science simulation” back then.

Following the allegations, Germany’s political and media establishments were quick to close ranks around Habeck, seen as something of a media darling.

Even before Weber’s allegations were published, Habeck had addressed his followers in a video downplaying the accusations.

The University of Hamburg said it had audited the dissertation and not found evidence of “scientific misconduct”.

Weber answered with his own video statement, calling the media debate “incredibly dishonest”.

“This is the first time ever that accusations of plagiarism have been invalidated before they have even been published”, he said.

He added that he had sent a short excerpt of his research on Habeck to three journalists in January 2025 and accused two of them, both working for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, of passing his e-mail on to the Greens politician.

In addition, Weber said that both journalists had told him they would not want to publish news on the plagiarism allegations before Germany’s general election on February 23.

“In Germany, a journalist is always a political activist, too,” Weber concluded.

After he published his full list of 128 instances of alleged plagiarism, the University of Hamburg said it would review Habeck’s thesis again.

Accusations of plagiarism are a known political instrument in Germany.

Several high-ranking politicians have had to step down in the past over revelations that they copied parts of their academic theses.

One of the most prominent “victims” was Conservative minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU), who was shown in 2011 to have illicitly copied parts of his thesis on constitutional law.

Guttenberg subsequently resigned from all public offices.

Other politicians similarly targeted have included Liberal MEP Silvana Koch-Mehrin and foreign minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens).

No Farms, No Food: Tractors Return to London to Protest the ‘Death Tax’

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Thousands of British farmers descended on London on Monday, bringing tractors—and even a tank—to the streets of Westminster. The protest, organised by Save British Farming, was aimed at the Labour government’s controversial inheritance tax reforms, which will see a 20% levy imposed on farms worth more than £1 million starting in April 2026.

Whitehall, the road which is the centre of government power in Britain, was completely blocked as farmers honked their horns and displayed banners condemning the policy as an existential threat to British agriculture. Signs reading “No Farms, No Food, No Future” and “Labour Are Liars” captured the anger and desperation of a community that feels abandoned by the government.  What is Inheritance Tax?

Jeff Gibson of Kent Fairness for Farmers summarised the frustration, stating

Food security is national security. The government must listen before it’s too late. spoke to farmers at the protest on Monday. Michael, a third-generation sheep farmer from Cumbria, said the changes were a “death sentence” for family farms like his.

My father and grandfather built this place with their bare hands, and now the government expects me to sell it just to pay their bill. They don’t understand farming—we’re asset-rich, but cash-poor. If they don’t reverse this, they’ll see British food production collapse before their eyes.

Meanwhile, Sophie, a young dairy farmer from Gloucestershire, said she grew up dreaming of taking over the family farm—but now that may be impossible. 

We’re not wealthy landowners; we’re workers, up before dawn and still going after dark to keep Britain fed. If this tax isn’t stopped, thousands of young farmers like me will be forced out, and once these farms are gone, they’re gone for good.

Earlier in the day, Nigel Farage, leader of Reform UK, made a passionate plea at Belmont Farm in north London, calling for an end to “death taxes.” Speaking at the Farmers To Action campaign event, Farage said, “No to death taxes full stop. End death taxes. They are wrong. They are immoral at every level.” He emphasised that inheritance tax unfairly penalises families who have already paid taxes throughout their lives.

Farage also pointed out that 100 Labour MPs now represent rural constituencies, warning that their inaction on this issue could cost them dearly in the next election.

The London protest is just the latest in a wave of farmer-led demonstrations across Europe. From France to Germany, farmers have been blocking roads and staging mass protests against policies that threaten their way of life. However, while much of the European unrest has centred on environmental regulations, fuel taxes, and proposed free trade deal, British farmers are primarily battling financial devastation caused by inheritance tax reform. The common thread, though, is a growing sense of betrayal by governments that claim to support domestic agriculture but enact policies that make it unsustainable.

This is not the first time British farmers have taken their grievances to Westminster. A similar demonstration took place in December, with over 650 tractors rolling into London. That protest was a warning shot, but today’s gathering is significantly larger and more determined. As Save British Farming founder Liz Webster put it, “Every time we come back, we get bigger. We are not going away.”

As MPs debate the inheritance tax changes in Parliament, the farming community has made it clear that this fight is far from over. Webster has warned that if the government refuses to engage in meaningful discussions, further action, including potential supply chain disruptions, could be on the horizon.

For now, one thing is certain: Britain’s farmers will not go quietly.

Hollywood Rages Impotently About Anti-Fascist Trump – Clinging to a failed strategy

In the wake of a recent poll which only confirmed what Donald Trump’s election landslide proved – that celebrities have become politically irrelevant – Hollywood continues to rage impotently against the new President with their tired, old, ineffective smears that he and his new administration are “fascists” and “Nazis.”

To recap: the Left has spent every waking moment since Trump announced his presidential run back in 2015 trying to demonize him as Hitler 2.0. The coordinated media smearing of Trump as a more dangerous fascist than Benito Mussolini was so relentless and demonstrably false that it ultimately backfired; last November, voters rejected the fear-mongering propaganda and embraced a positive, hopeful movement to make America great again.

But the Left refuses to take the lesson to heart. Hollywood in particular still teems with bitter, angry, self-righteous elites who cannot accept that those cisgender white nationalists in the flyover country they so despise voted this fascist strongman into the White House. To paraphrase the quote attributed to film critic Pauline Kael about Richard Nixon, “How could Trump have won? Nobody I know voted for him,” the Hollywood elites wonder.

One giveaway that the Left was hyperbolizing about Trump was their kneejerk (ab)use of the word “fascist,” which they won’t or can’t even define correctly. To the Left, “fascist” is the go-to label for anyone and anything that stands in the way of their lust for one-party hegemony – and no single person is more of an obstacle to that obsession than Donald Trump. In fact, “fascism” is best defined by the man so closely associated with it that he is called the Father of Fascism – Il Duce himself, Mussolini: “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”

This is a Big Government slogan. This is the slogan of a Party that wants to consolidate all power into a State that maintains that power by crushing dissent.

But Trump is a man who campaigned on dismantling the Deep State, and in whose first couple of weeks in office he has taken a wrecking ball to the bloated, corrupt bureaucracy of an out-of-control federal government. But Hollywood won’t let the truth get in the way of a necessary narrative.

As an example: last Saturday at the International Goya Award event in Spain, erstwhile heartthrob actor Richard Gere was honored with an award and – as Hollywood anti-Americans do – took the opportunity to bash President Trump: “We’re in a very dark place in America, where we have a bully, a thug, who’s the president of the United States.”

Gere, you may recall, said all the way back in 2016 that Trump is “a guy who’s obviously Mussolini,” a “clown,” and a “demagogue.” This is the same Buddhist actor who fretted in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks that the mass-murdering terrorists were “creating such horrible future lives for themselves because of the negativity of this karma” and urged Americans to offer jihadists the medicine of “love and compassion.”

In another instance of Hollywood’s insistence on flogging the dead horse of calling Trump fascist, the industry rag called The Hollywood Reporter (THR) published a recent piece by Scott Roxborough and Patrick Brzeski compiling 40 of “The Best Anti-Fascist Films of All Time.” Roxborough and Brzeski, THR’s Europe Bureau Chief and Asia Bureau Chief respectively, begin by declaring that the article is timely “in the wake of Elon Musk’s Hitler-like salute at Donald Trump’s inauguration,” which they call “a gesture that sparked outrage and reinvigorated the cultural conversation about fascism’s alarming reemergence.”

The article goes on to blather about the contemporary threat of “authoritarianism,” “tyranny,” and “unchecked power,” which the authors clearly associate with the rise of Trump, whom they mention a few times. And it urges readers to muse upon the movies in the list – from Casablanca and Cabaret to Schindler’s List and American History X – and find the inspiration to “remember, reflect, and resist.”

First, Musk’s salute at Trump’s inauguration was not a “Hitler-like” sieg heil but a gesture of love and gratitude from Musk to the crowd. It was an innocuous gesture that literally every politician on earth has been photographed similarly making at one time or another, including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Kamala Harris. Every serious human being acknowledges this; no serious human being believes Elon Musk is a white supremacist. Only the propagandists of the Left declare otherwise, because Leftism is the politics of personal destruction, and this ugly smear against Musk is designed to mark him as the apotheosis of evil.

Second, the gesture did not “reinvigorate the cultural conversation about fascism’s alarming resurgence.” There was no “conversation” – only shrieking propagandists like the authors of this article, on the one hand, seizing an opportunity to paint their political opponents as Nazis, and serious adults on the other hand refuting their lies.

There is no alarming resurgence of fascism. What the Left calls the rise of fascism is actually a resurgence of patriotic opposition to the woke madness and Big Government leviathan of the Biden administration. The MAGA movement is demonstrably not fascist; if anything, leftists are the real fascists. Consider the thuggish brownshirts of Antifa, whose very name ironically means “anti-fascist” – terrorist shock troops enforcing the anti-democratic agenda of the Democrat Party. They’re not anti-fascist; they are the fascists.

Trump is the anti-fascist President. Yes, he is wielding power – as any president would, and should. He is not wielding it, however, to grow the power of the state but to diminish it. His record number of executive orders have been directed at exposing and eradicating government corruption and inefficiency, disempowering federal law enforcement agencies that had been weaponized against American citizens, and dismantling subversive ideological programs like DEI initiatives. And he is doing all this with a mandate from the American people.

Feel free, Hollywood and the rest of the Left, to continue your failed strategy of demonizing your opponents as Nazis and fascists. We’re moving forward with making America exceptional again, and you’re simply shrieking into the void.

CANADA: Transgender Advisor to Minister of Women Who Claimed Trans-Identified Males Do Not Have Advantage In Sport Previously Beat Female Runner In A Women’s Race By 6 Minutes

The advisor to the Canadian Liberal government’s Minister of Women, who claimed on X that trans-identified men do not have an advantage over women in sports, is a trans-identified male who previously dominated a women’s 5km race.

Nathanielle Morin is currently the advisor to Member of Parliament Marci Ien in her capacity as the Minister of Women, Gender Equality and Youth. On February 6, Morin took to X to respond to the recent executive order from President Trump that finally banned biological males from competing in women’s and girl’s sports in the United States.

“Under the Trump administration, we will defend the proud tradition of female athletes, and we will not allow men to beat up, injure and cheat our women and our girls,” President Trump said on Wednesday. According to Morin, this was tantamount to “exclusion… discrimination… [and] promot[ing] hate.”

Morin shared an infographic made by Schuyler Bailar, a trans-identified male who competes in women’s sports. The infographic reads: “Trans athletes are not a threat; transphobia is,” an infographic created by fellow transgender athlete Schuyler Bailar.

In the infographic, Bailar claims there is “evidence” to support the claim that “trans women are… NOT biological men” and that sex is “bimodal,” not “binary.” Bilar goes on to state that “trans women do not have an advantage and biological diversity is everywhere.” The supposed evidence referenced by Bailar is not linked in the graphic.

In response to the post, Quillette editor Jon Kay highlighted that Morin himself had once dominated a women’s race in Ottawa, Ontario.

At the 5km event, organized by BougeBouge in February of 2024, Morin recorded a time of 25 minutes and 32 seconds in the Female 30-39 category. The fasted female in the same category came in second place with 31:16, a whole 5 minutes and 44 seconds behind Morin, followed shortly after by the woman in third place. Morin’s time placed him as the “fastest female” across all categories, nabbing the prestige from a young girl who had competed in the 10-12 age category.

Had Morin been running with other men, he would have come in third in his age category and 10th overall.

Before serving as Marci Ien’s right-hand man, Morin worked under Canada’s Minister of Health, Jean Yves-Duclos, from February 2020 until January 2022, where he was not only partly responsible for “working on Canada’s answer to the COVID-19 pandemic,” but also “trans-health issues.” It is unclear how much influence Morin had in the department during his time working there.

He had also previously received a glowing report from the CBC’s French language arm, Radio Canada, while campaigning to become a Liberal Member of Parliament during the 2021 election.

“Of the many, Liberal candidate Nathanielle Morin stands out for the uniqueness of her background. A woman and young – she is 28 – she is a rarity in the political arena. A trans woman to boot, although she does not base her campaign on this reality,” Radio Canada wrote, even though a significant proportion of Morin’s comments on his X account relate to transgender issues.

Criminal Migrant Avoids Deportation with Chicken Nugget Defense

You read the headline right: an Albanian criminal was allowed to stay in Britain partly because his son will not eat foreign chicken nuggets. Truly, the Labour government’s attempt today to prove its worth on tackling illegal migration could not have got off to a worse start.

A report in today’s Telegraph points to an immigration tribunal in which it was deemed “unduly harsh” for the 10-year-old boy to be forced to move to Albania with his lawbreaking father because of sensory issues—the only stated example of which was the child’s distaste for the “type of chicken nuggets that are available abroad.”

The case was heard under the previous Conservative government, but remains a damning indictment of Labour’s supposed efforts to clamp down on illegal border crossings given that the judge’s ruling was made possible because of the UK’s attachment to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), from which prime minister Keir Starmer says “we will never withdraw.”

Labour has already been able to get some deportation flights off the ground and will use all the PR stunts at its disposal to claim “we are putting an end to” illegal migration. But so long as ECHR rules apply, removals on anything like the scale Britons want to see will remain impossible, often for ridiculous non-reasons. Hence Reform leader Nigel Farage’s comment to this month that in order to get serious on border security,

The first thing you have to do is change the law, get rid of the ECHR.

Robert Bates, who is research director at the Centre for Migration Control, also told this publication today that whatever Labour’s attempted distractions—or, as he put it, efforts to “pull the wool over our eyes”—suggest, “the British public aren’t fools.”

They can see the hotels full of young men, the pictures of the boats, and the sketchy businesses with untoward hiring practices. All representations of state failure.

Distancing itself from the failure displayed by the chicken nugget case, Labour stressed that “the government appealed that ruling straight away and that’s still before the courts. So that is an ongoing issue.”

But Bates argued that whatever the outcome, “we need a clear out of all immigration tribunal judges.”

A Europe that sides with Palestinian Arab terrorists digs its own grave

by Giulio Meotti

Georgios Tsibouktzakis was born and raised in the Greek town of Evosmos. The Tsibouktzakis family was poor, so after completing elementary school at age 12, Georgios put his studies aside and took a job in a textile factory.

Young Georgios experienced a religious awakening. After studying at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Georgios decided to go to Israel. Why not? Christianity was born in the land of Israel. The Christian Bible is full of references to Judea (no, there is no mention of “Palestine”). After three years, he became a monk and was given the name Father Germanos. He was ordained a priest and deacon. He was assigned to live at the monastery of St. George, not far from Jerusalem in the Judean desert.

For many years, Father Germanos was the only resident of the monastery, which stands where a cave opens up in the very high rock walls; the Bible says that the prophet Elijah took refuge there. Father Germanos spent his days praying and studying.

Until June 22, 2001.

That evening, the priest was returning from Jerusalem. An Arab terrorist with a sniper rifle was hiding above the highway near the exit from the Jewish community of Ma’ale Adumim. The terrorist saw the yellow Israeli license plate. And he opened fire. Because if you have an Israeli license plate, you’re probably Jewish, and if you’re Jewish, you deserve to be murdered. Thus, the priest’s life ended at age 34.

This week, Ismail Raidadeh, the terrorist who killed Father Germanos, was released from Israeli prison (along with dozens of other lifers, some with 45 life sentences, such as Mohammed Abu Warda, responsible for the bus massacre on Jaffa Street in Jerusalem).

The order to kill the priest was given to Raidadeh by Marwan Barghouti, who is serving 5 life sentences.

Meanwhile, three Israeli hostages arrived from Gaza, tortured and starving. “He looks like he was in Bergen Belsen,” say the relatives of one of the hostages.

Chilling images that evoke familiar and dark times. But the anti-Semitic propaganda machine, this time for the first time oiled by “good” people, will succeed in convincing public opinion that the Jews are the only ones responsible for their appearance.

But let’s leave Gaza aside for a moment, which is the worst part of what the international community calls “Palestinian territories” and which are nothing but a hellhole of Jihad, submission and death. Barghouti was chosen by our media and politicians to be the “good” part, that of the Palestinian Authority financed by Europe and America.

Barghouti is an honorary citizen of the city of Palermo. The city of mafia massacres honored a murderer who sent young tanzim to kill Jews (and priests). Obviously in the name of “peace” and “two states for two peoples”, right?

In France, many cities have named streets and squares after Barghouti, such as Valenton. A square in his name was inaugurated in Coulounieix-Chamiers. The socialist municipality voted by a large majority for the proposal to name the square of the Castle of Izards in honor of the Palestinian Arab terrorist. A photo of Barghouti was displayed at the Stains town hall. The arch-terrorist was granted honorary citizenship by twenty French cities, including Ivry-sur-Seine. And then Gennevilliers, La Courneuve, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, La Verrière, Vitry-sur-Seine.

Marwan Barghouti mural on security barrier
Marwan Barghouti mural on security barrier Kobi Gideon/Flash 90

Left-wing French MPs also went to pay homage to Barghouti in prison. Members of the Belgian Parliament have launched a campaign to nominate Barghouti for the Nobel Peace Prize.

In the French town of Bezons, among the honorary citizens there is also Majdi al Rimawi, leader of the terrorist cell that killed the Israeli Minister of Tourism, Rehavam Ze’evi.

In cities that name streets after Barghouti, mega mosques financed by Qatar are being built. In Aubervilliers, a city with a Muslim majority, where Barghouti became an honorary citizen just 48 hours after the slaughter of Father Jacques Hamel, they throw Molotov cocktails at Jewish schools.

These are cities from which Jews have fled in recent years. In Stains, Jewish families have gone from 250 to 50, in La Courneuve from 300 to 80…

Like in Gaza: since 2005 there have been no more Jews and the only ones are those in the Hamas tunnels.

The weekly Marianne takes us to Stains:

“The mayor of this municipality has chosen to place his mandate under the banner of a strong ‘Palestinianism’, even if that means aligning himself with Hamas propaganda. In the meantime, the Jewish inhabitants of the city are leaving. One of the streets is renamed after one of the Prophet Mohammed’s wives. A new mosque will be built on land provided by the municipality through a long-term lease. It will be built on three levels to accommodate more than 1,000 worshippers. Over the years, the town has been emptied of its Jewish inhabitants. The town’s only synagogue seems to have disappeared from the social scene. A synagogue? ‘I don’t even know if there is one,’ confesses a municipal officer who lives in Stans.”

The town outside Paris of Argenteuil is twinned with Kobar, Barghouti’s home village. Argenteuil is the capital of French Salafism. A city conquered by Islam.

“Sometimes,” wrote Blaise Pascal, “we learn more from the sight of evil than from an example of good.”

A Europe that sides with terrorists digs its own grave.

UK: Pakistani paedophile avoids deportation because it would ‘harm his children’

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A Pakistani pedophile has managed to avoid deportation despite preying on “barely pubescent girls” as it would “harm his children”, a court has heard.

The man, who has been granted anonymity for his own protection, was caught in August 2022 messaging decoy children he believed were young girls online.

He was jailed for 18 months, with the judge ruling that he was “in denial” about the offences and that the man had “very little prospect” of rehabilitation.

A lower tribunal judge however later ruled that he should not be deported back to Pakistan as it would be “unduly harsh for the children to be without their father”.

The judge said it would not be fair on the children, who could see him for up to 12 hours a day under “supervised contact”.

His wife’s claim that she felt partially responsible for his behavior as the two could not have sex whilst she was in hospital for treatment for Covid was also taken into consideration.

The court was told: “Her guilt would be an additional burden and would detrimentally impact her ability to care for her children, albeit not at a level requiring social services intervention.”

However, the ruling has since been appealed by the Home Office, who criticised the decision as “contrary to the evidence, plainly wrong and rationally insupportable”.

Upper tribunal judge Judith Gleeson said the judge had failed to take account of the strength of the sentencing judge’s remarks, adding: “His characterisation of these offences as a mere blip in the appellant’s life is unsound and inadequately reasoned.

“The emphasis on the wife’s failure to provide intimate relations to her husband when she was unwell, and/or a new mother, does not explain why the claimant felt the need to engage with barely pubescent girl children online.

“The absence of marital relations is no excuse and should not have been given weight in the judge’s reasoning.”

The man, known online as MH, arrived in the UK on a spousal visa in 2018, was told he would be deported while in prison in late 2022.

He submitted an appeal on human rights grounds, which was rejected in June 2023, one month after his release, however his second appeal was accepted in June 2024.

MH told the tribunal hearing that he began grooming the young girls online in March 2021, when his wife was in hospital with Covid.

He continued for the next year until digital paedophile hunters caught him and he was arrested.

The case is ongoing.

Trump appoints anti-Tusk conservative hawk as US ambassador to Poland

President Trump’s pick for US ambassador to Poland (R) with Polish President Andrzej Duda (L) during a visit to Poland in December 2024. Source: Chancellery of the President of Poland

US President Donald Trump has named Thomas Rose as ambassador to Poland.

Rose is a political commentator and entrepreneur who has on numerous occasions criticised the present Polish government led by Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

Trump wrote on his social media platform Truth Social on February 6: “Thomas is a highly respected businessman and commentator, who had a successful radio show on Sirius XM for almost a decade, and served as the Publisher and CEO of The Jerusalem Post.

“He will make sure our interests are represented in Poland, and always put America First.”

Rose responded in a post on X: “I am deeply honoured and profoundly humbled to be asked by our history-making POTUS to serve as Ambassador to Poland,” describing himself as “a not-so-secret agent of MAGA [Make America Great Again] Judeo-Christian Conspiracy”.

He is no stranger to Poland where in December 2024, he met the Conservative (PiS) aligned Polish President Andrzej Duda, whom he called “the greatest friend America has in the European Union”.

During Trump’s first term, the US President enjoyed close relations with Duda and Polish media has reported the two may meet in March. Trump may also attend Warsaw’s central and eastern European summit hosted by Duda in late April. 

Rose said he believed Poland was facing a choice between a close alliance with the USA or the European Union.

On January 20, the day Trump was sworn in, he  told Polish Conservative broadcaster wPolsce24 that at its coming presidential election in May, Poland had to decide if it “wants to move closer to the centre of power in the EU, or whether  to remain a proud, sovereign country that fulfils its alliance obligations”.

Rose has in the past taken to X to criticize Tusk and his government for its position on issues such as the take-over of  public media and its policies toward Israeli prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In January, Rose commented on the possibility that Poland could detain Netanyahu under an ICC warrant if he attended the ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

“Donald Tusk, be careful,” wrote Rose on X. “Threatening to arrest the Prime Minister of the Jewish State at Auschwitz, of all places,  is not unnoticed by the USA. Poland deserves better!”

Later he congratulated Duda for successfully pressing Tusk to overturn that decision by writing on X that the Polish President had “prevented a rift in US-Polish relations”.

Rose has worked as a journalist, including a spell as the editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Post from 1997 to 2005 and has  previously served as a senior advisor to Mike Pence when the latter was vice-president during Trump’s first term.

He has also served in Indiana’s state government, worked as a journalist for Japanese television in the 1980s and authored the non-fiction book Big Miracle, which became a Hollywood film in 2012.

Of late, Rose has hosted a Conservative Bauer and Rose talk show on the SiriusXM satellite radio network and recently criticised the US Agency for International Development (USAID) as “the largest Democrat money-laundering operation in history”.

News of his nomination was welcomed by senior figures from the opposition PiS. Waldemar Buda, a former PiS government minister, declared Rose “a friend of Poland”. Former PiS party spokesperson Beata Mazurek warned that “Tusk’s regime will have a big problem” once the new ambassador is in place.

Grzegorz Schetyna, a senator with Tusk’s Civic Coalition and a former foreign minister, told commercial television Polsat News on February 7 that he hoped for a “new beginning” in Poland-US relations. He said he believed the new ambassador “will be pleasantly surprised at what he finds in Poland”. 

Tusk’s party was close to the previous US ambassador Mark Brzeziński appointed under ex-US president Joes Biden. He spoke at a political event organised by the Civic Coalition during Poland’s parliamentary elections campaign in August 2023.  

Brzeziński was reported by Polish media to have lobbied the State Department to back Tusk’s decision to put Polish commercial broadcaster TVN, which US company Discovery wanted to offload, on a list of strategic companies whose sale could be blocked by the government.

Swiss Voters Lead the Way on Rejecting Emission Curbs

The Goesgen nuclear power plant is seen near Daeniken on August 13, 2022. Switzerland could face electricity shortages this winter. Reduced gas supplies from Russia and offline French nuclear plants are to blame, as the country depends on European electricity imports over the winter months. Photo: Wikimedia Commons,, CC-BY-SA-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0

After a set of strict emissions limits was voted down at the polls on Sunday, Switzerland’s Young Greens—who unsurprisingly brought the proposals forward—complained that “defenders of the status quo” had been victorious. Clearly, the opposite is the case: Swiss voters signaled a small yet decisive shift away from Europe’s destructive green drive.

Brussels is, however, more likely to pay attention to those Swiss lawmakers desperately searching for other ways to legislate ‘for the environment’—and, as issues surrounding the EU’s Green Deal show, against competitiveness.

Among other measures included in the ‘Environmental Responsibility’ proposals, voters rejected reducing greenhouse gases emitted through consumption to 10% of their 2018 levels within the next decade. Bloomberg says they did so—with 69.8% voting against, no less, and with none of the country’s 26 cantons voting in favour—because of “economic concerns.”

Social Democrat Linda De Ventura said the vote was “not a statement against climate protection,” while the Greens accused their opponents of “scaremongering” by emphasising economic issues rather than “planetary protection.” Swiss professor Stefan Legge added that proponents of the measures might actually have been happily expecting defeat,

Because even if they fail in a vote, this way you put a topic on the agenda.

Switzerland is already tied to ‘net zero’ by 2050 commitments, although this latest vote could suggest these will soon come under heavier scrutiny, too.

Lukas Golder, from the gfs.bern research institute, said that while this set of rejected environmental measures is popular among much of the Left, there is no such appetite for such “drastic” proposals across the wider population.

A higher proportion of voters rejected the measures than polls suggested ahead of Sunday. Golder’s comments suggest that had the turnout been higher than 38%—which is fairly low by Swiss standards—the margin against would have been greater still.

Legos called ‘heteronormative,’ problematic

Wikimedia Commons, Otto Normalverbraucher , PD-self

By Eric Utter

According to the U.K. Telegraph, the group of U.K. museums known collectively as the Science Museum offer self-guided tours called ‘Seeing Things Queerly’ during which one can explore “stories of queer communities, experiences and identities.”

What else would one go to a museum to do?

The ‘tours’ are reportedly the creation of a group of staff and volunteers who identify as ‘the Gender and Sexuality Network.’

The most controversial aspect of the tour is a bucket of LEGO bricks presented alongside a warning that the toys may reinforce the apparently outdated notion that heterosexuality is somehow “the norm”:

Like other connectors and fasteners, Lego bricks are often described in a gendered way. The top of the brick with sticking out pins is male, the bottom of the brick with holes to receive the pins is female, and the process of the two sides being put together is called mating.

This is an example of applying heteronormative language to topics unrelated to gender, sex and reproduction. It illustrates how heteronormativity (the idea that heterosexuality and the male/female gender binary are the norm and everything that falls outside is unusual) shapes the way we speak about science, technology, and the world in general.

Let’s take the asininity from the top, shall we?

Seeing things clearly is far more important than “seeing things queerly.”

No matter how hard ideologues and advocates try, they can’t succeed in their goal of “queering everything.”

Sorry, you can’t make eggs queer. You can’t “queer” sand. Or your toaster. And wanting to do so is an admission that you need help.

“Male” and “female” exist regardless of one’s deepest desires or fevered fantasies. And that’s a good thing, too, because if they didn’t, no one would be here.

A rectangle is a rectangle and a circle is a circle, irrespective of what someone calls them. A chair is a chair, a rock is a rock, a knife is a knife, and so on … no matter what I deem “my truth.” And I am not a member of the opposite sex, an African-American, six-foot-five, or a German Shepherd simply because I claim to identify as such. I can bitch about being “assigned” human at birth, but that only pits me against my Creator.

Here is one definition of male, from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: designed with a projecting part for fitting into a corresponding female part.

“Designed.” “With a projecting part for fitting into a corresponding female part.” Very simple. And supremely important. If Legos didn’t have male and female parts, they wouldn’t stick together, and the ‘buildings’ and ‘vehicles’ we build with them would fall apart. The same goes for robot or ‘human’ figures.

Legos wouldn’t be Legos without male and female parts.

Nor would people be people. You can try to take the person out of their gender, but you can’t take the gender out of the person.