Panicking German Establishment Attempts To Ban AfD 

Photo: Jörg Braukmann, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Its popularity has continuously grown due to its tough stance on immigration, and the fact it has called out the recent German governments for their poor handling of the economy and the energy crisis.

The establishment parties, afraid of the AfD’s rise in the polls, are using all kinds of undemocratic methods and dirty tricks to undermine the AfD’s credibility: they are legally spying on the party, withholding state funds, and publishing false media reports, including an “investigative” left-wing article about the Potsdam meeting, which falsely claimed that the participants of the conference had discussed the deportation of German citizens of foreign origin.

If a motion to ban the AfD were passed, the constitutional court would then decide whether the party poses a threat to the country’s democratic order and the rule of law. As we recently reported, there is an aversion among many MPs to ask the court to impose a ban—mostly because constitutional law experts believe the AfD does not meet the conditions required for a ban, namely because it does not fight the free democratic basic order “aggressively and combatively.”

The debate could be a symbolic move, aimed at demonstrating a commitment to confronting the AfD, but it could also backfire, and further strengthen the party.

The Greens themselves will put forward a competing motion in the parliament on Thursday, signed by 43 MPs, “to determine the unconstitutionality of the AfD.” This motion does not intend to ask the constitutional court for a ban directly. Instead, it wants the Bundestag speaker to appoint a group of “experts to examine the prospects of success” of a potential ban.

AfD co-leader Alice Weidel has previously criticised attempts to ban her party, saying that these “reflect the undemocratic spirit of the competing parties.”

However, the latest motion will likely not in any way impact AfD’s decision to support the CDU/CSU’s draft bill to tighten asylum laws, which is being debated on Wednesday in the parliament. The right-wing party has expressed its backing of the plan, under which illegal and undocumented migrants would be turned back at the country’s borders.

The centre-right alliance has been criticised by the leftist parties for accepting the votes of the AfD and tearing down the cordon sanitaire surrounding the right-wing party in order to push through its initiative. But apart from collaborating on this issue, it is unlikely that the CDU/CSU will be willing to cooperate with the AfD on any other matter.

The German parliament will debate on Thursday, January 30th whether to ban the opposition right-wing Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party.

A group of lawmakers, 113 MPs, have called for parliament to discuss a motion which would invite the constitutional court to decide whether the party is unconstitutional.The motion is supported by MPs from the centre-right CDU/CSU alliance, the far-left Die Linke, as well as the two governing parties, the Social Democrats (SPD) and the Greens.

The signatories claim that the AfD “opposes central basic principles of the free democratic basic order,” questions human dignity, and strives for the “ethno-nationalist strengthening” of the German identity.

The motion cites court rulings, investigation by journalists, and the domestic intelligence agency’s classification of the party as evidence. It also mentions the infamous, and misreported, Potsdam conference at the end of 2023 where members of the AfD and other right-wing movements met to discuss their plans for halting illegal migration.

Proposals to ban the party have cropped up many times during the past few years, with politicians from the radical left to the centre-right espousing the idea.

The AfD is stronger than ever: polls suggest it will achieve its best ever result in the national elections on February 23rd—it is currently polling in second place at 23%. It also recently won its first state election in the eastern state of Thuringia, gathering a third of all votes.

Its popularity has continuously grown due to its tough stance on immigration, and the fact it has called out the recent German governments for their poor handling of the economy and the energy crisis.

The establishment parties, afraid of the AfD’s rise in the polls, are using all kinds of undemocratic methods and dirty tricks to undermine the AfD’s credibility: they are legally spying on the party, withholding state funds, and publishing false media reports, including an “investigative” left-wing article about the Potsdam meeting, which falsely claimed that the participants of the conference had discussed the deportation of German citizens of foreign origin.

If a motion to ban the AfD were passed, the constitutional court would then decide whether the party poses a threat to the country’s democratic order and the rule of law. As we recently reported, there is an aversion among many MPs to ask the court to impose a ban—mostly because constitutional law experts believe the AfD does not meet the conditions required for a ban, namely because it does not fight the free democratic basic order “aggressively and combatively.”

The debate could be a symbolic move, aimed at demonstrating a commitment to confronting the AfD, but it could also backfire, and further strengthen the party.

The Greens themselves will put forward a competing motion in the parliament on Thursday, signed by 43 MPs, “to determine the unconstitutionality of the AfD.” This motion does not intend to ask the constitutional court for a ban directly. Instead, it wants the Bundestag speaker to appoint a group of “experts to examine the prospects of success” of a potential ban.

AfD co-leader Alice Weidel has previously criticised attempts to ban her party, saying that these “reflect the undemocratic spirit of the competing parties.”

However, the latest motion will likely not in any way impact AfD’s decision to support the CDU/CSU’s draft bill to tighten asylum laws, which is being debated on Wednesday in the parliament. The right-wing party has expressed its backing of the plan, under which illegal and undocumented migrants would be turned back at the country’s borders.

The centre-right alliance has been criticised by the leftist parties for accepting the votes of the AfD and tearing down the cordon sanitaire surrounding the right-wing party in order to push through its initiative. But apart from collaborating on this issue, it is unlikely that the CDU/CSU will be willing to cooperate with the AfD on any other matter.

UK losing wind gamble A warning for world

Image: max_gloin via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

By Vijay Jayaraj

On a frigid January morning, the fruit of the U.K.’s overreliance on wind energy was reaped when its contribution to the national grid plummeted to a pitiful zero.  Solar output, meanwhile, was a paltry 1% of power generation.

This wasn’t just a fluke, but rather a stark illustration of the dangers of building an energy system around inherently unreliable sources like wind and solar.  The British government’s gamble on wind energy to meet aggressive and unattainable net-zero targets is leading toward an energy crisis of unprecedented proportions.

The Volatility of Wind Energy

Wind power’s appeal has always been its promise of environmentally clean, inexhaustible energy.  But real-world experience shows the technology to be damaging to ecosystems and unreliable.  Although Earth will always have wind, knowing when and how much is as impossible as the foolish pursuit of controlling the climate.

As the monthly production chart from GridWatch demonstrates, wind energy swings wildly from nearly 100% of the output to complete collapse within days or even hours.  This winter, as a very cold high-pressure system settled over the U.K., wind turbines went idle just when demand for heating and electricity surged.

January’s failure forced the U.K. to rely heavily on gas-fired power plants and electricity imports from the continent.  During these periods, the high cost of imported power inflates energy bills that are already among the highest in Europe.

British households, on average, pay nearly double the electricity rates of their mostly nuclear-powered French counterparts.  This disparity is largely due to British policies that subsidize renewable energy while penalizing more reliable fossil fuel-based generation.

Paying to Stop the Wind

Adding insult to injury, the U.K.’s energy policies include a perverse mechanism: compensating wind turbine operators to switch off the machines during periods of high wind.  On January 24, as Storm Eowyn battered Ireland and Scotland with gusts exceeding 100 miles per hour.  Such high winds require some turbines to be idled to prevent grid overload and mechanical damage.

“Consumers face a triple hit in constraint costs at times of high winds,” says Lee Moroney of U.K.’s Renewable Energy Forum. “Not only do they pay for electricity that wind farms predicted they would generate but were instructed not to because of grid congestion, but they also have to pay a bonus to the wind farms for the trouble of reducing output. And they must also pay for the costs of turning up conventional generation (such as gas-fired power stations] to make up the shortfall.”

The U.K.’s dwindling domestic gas production and reliance on imports mean that fluctuations in wholesale gas prices hit consumers hard. In 2024, energy bills skyrocketed by 80% compared to 2019 levels, a trend that shows no signs of abating. These costs are exacerbated by government-mandated levies to fund “renewable” energy projects and carbon offset schemes.

The branding of wind energy as a green solution is false advertising in the extreme:

  • Manufacturing turbines requires vast amounts of fossil fuels – from mining and processing rare earth minerals to producing the steel and concrete for their massive structures.
  • The amount of land required for a turbine to produce comparable amounts of energy is many times that of nuclear and fossil fuels.
  • Extraction of rare earths, essential for turbine magnets, is associated with severe environmental degradation and human rights abuses in mining regions.
  • Wind turbines kill wildlife, especially birds and bats, and are suspected to contribute to whale deaths in offshore locations.
  • Wind turbine blades become non-recyclable waste that often goes to landfills.

Citizens of the U.K. have missed serious power blackouts by a whisker.  But recent events highlight the dangers of prioritizing ideology over practicality and serve as a warning to those who would allow climate dogma to guide energy policies.

UK’s leftist government smears critics of ‘two-tier policing’ as ‘right-wing extremists’

Pro-life activist Isabel Vaughan-Spruce is confronted by police as she silently prays near an abortion center in Birmingham, England YouTube/Screenshot

A leaked Home Office counter-extremism dossier says that “claims of ‘two-tier’ policing, where two groups are allegedly treated differently after similar behavior” are a “right-wing extremist narrative,” according to The Telegraph today.

The dismissal of “two-tier policing” comes after mounting concern amongst Christians that police have cracked down too heavily on peaceful thought and expression, rather than focusing on violent crime.

On 6th March, a Dorset retiree will become the fourth individual to face trial under “buffer zones” regulations, for holding a sign near an abortion facility reading “Here to talk, if you want.” Read more.

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce’s case caught the world’s attention when she was seen on a viral video being arrested for praying in her head near an abortion facility in Birmingham.

Vaughan-Spruce was arrested on two separate occasions for praying peacefully in her mind, leading to one court trial at Birmingham Magistrates’ Court (at which she was fully acquitted), and one lengthy police investigation. With support from ADF UK, Isabel received an apology and a settlement from West Midlands Police following her ordeal.

Responding to the comments found within the leaked Home Office dossier, Vaughan-Spruce stated:

The Home Office’s abrasive and outright dismissal of widespread concerns about “two-tier policing” runs contrary to the experience of countless everyday British people.

I have been arrested multiple times, faced an intrusive police investigation, and dragged into court – simply for standing silently on a public street nearby an abortion clinic, praying, imperceptibly, in the privacy of my mind. Meanwhile, how many true criminals roam the streets, unchecked? How many of the perpetrators of the grooming gangs were left unaccountable for their violent and despicable actions towards children?

The priorities of the Home Office seem to have been turned on their head. They must acknowledge their misstep here before entirely losing the confidence of the public.

Jeremiah Igunnubole, legal counsel for ADF UK, who supported the defense of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce and others prosecuted for their thoughts and peaceful speech, said:

Over the last 3 years, we’ve supported several individuals in court who have been prosecuted simply for praying, or offering help, near abortion facilities.

In the wider public square, we’ve also given our support to innocent people like Dia Moodley, a preacher from Bristol, who was arrested and put in cells simply for comparing Islam to Christianity in response to a question.

While the Home Office has committed significant time and resources to cracking down on the expression – or even contemplation of – Christian beliefs, the crime rate statistics prove that they have not directed police resources to where it’s needed most.


CANADA: Trans-Identified Male Charged After Allegedly Sexually Assaulting Multiple Women While Staying At A Women’s Shelter

A trans-identified male in Edmonton, Alberta, has been charged after allegedly sexually assaulting multiple women at a women’s shelter in the city. Mika Lin Katz, 37, is also known as Michael Collins.

On January 24, the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) issued a press release on the incidents, revealing that Katz had first come to their attention in August of 2024 after two women came forward to report they had been victimized by Katz. Following an investigation, Katz was arrested and charged with two counts of sexual assault.

Despite the serious nature of the charges, Katz was then released with conditions, including to not contact or communicate with any of the complainants; not possess any weapons, firearms or ammunition; and not be within 50 meters of any women’s shelter in Alberta.

Photo released by Edmonton Police Service.

However, two additional victims have since come forward and reported that Katz had also victimized them in August of 2024 at the same shelter. The incidents took place on different days. On Thursday, January 23, Katz was re-arrested by EPS and faces two additional charges of criminal harassment and sexual assault.

The EPS is now asking any additional complainants to come forward, as Katz is believed to have potentially victimized more women.

Anyone who feels they may have been harmed by Katz is asked to contact the EPS at 780-423-4567

Reduxx has identified multiple social media profiles believed to belong to Katz, including one where he claims to have started taking cross-sex hormones in January of 2024. Katz identifies himself using “she/her/they/them” pronouns, and utilizes a “transgender pride” banner across several of his Facebook accounts.

On one of his Instagram accounts, Katz calls himself a “woman trapped in a man’s body”,” and follows a number of transgender and lesbian-focused pornography accounts.

Katz also operated a profile on ChatKK, a free chat site, seeking “female friends” explicitly, and claiming to have been “widowed due to unforseen” circumstances.

Mika Katz. Photo FACEBOOK

This is not the first incident involving a trans-identified male being accused of sexually assaulting women at a female shelter in Canada.

In April of 2023, a man was apprehended in Windsor, Ontario, in relation to a sexual assault that had taken place at a local women’s shelter. The suspect was identified by Windsor Police Service as 32-year-old Desiree Anderson, also known as Cody D’Entremont. Anderson, who appears to have since detransitioned, was later acquitted of the charges after his lawyer argued that the victim was not credible.

Similarly, in 2022, it was reported that a woman was allegedly raped by a sex offender at a women’s shelter in West Parry Sound after the predator identified as transgender in order to gain access to the facility.

Shane Jacob Green, 25, was arrested on August 24, 2022, by Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). At the time, the OPP issued a notice stating Green had been charged with two counts of sexual assault, four counts of failing to comply with a probation order, and one count of failing to comply with a release order. But it was later revealed that the crimes had occurred while Green was staying in a local women’s shelter.

Despite Canada’s vast size, there is only one known single-sex shelter in the country.

Vancouver Rape Relief (VRR), located in the province of British Columbia, is Canada’s oldest rape crisis shelter. In 2019, it was stripped of its city funding after asserting it had a right to provide services exclusively to females. Trans activists successfully lobbied the Vancouver city government to make the shelter’s funding contingent on accepting males who identified as transgender. 

As a result of its hardline stance on being exclusively for women in need, VRR was targeted by trans activists repeatedly in incidents of disturbing vandalism which included nailing the corpses of dead animals to its charity shop door.

Germany: African migrant suspected of killing young CDU politician

Christoph Rosenschon was murdered, and now police believe the suspect is a West African migrant.

German police are investigating what may be the first murder of a German politician in modern history of the federal republic by a migrant. In the city of Beelitz-Heilstätten, a migrant from Guinea, located in West Africa, is under suspicion for having stabbed to death 26-year-old CDU junior politician Christoph Rosenschon

Nearly two weeks ago, on Jan. 14, the fire department responded to a house fire at an apartment building on Doktro-Hermann-Street. Neighbors had already removed a lifeless man, later identified as Rosenschon, from the apartment building.

Rosenschon was an active campaigner for the CDU-Beelitz board for the Junge Union, which is the youth wing of the CDU. However, Rosenschon did not die due to the fire but was instead stabbed to death

Bild reported that the young man had “massive injuries to the neck and larynx area.” However, for nearly two weeks, there was little information released about the case.

Then, a 24-year-old African migrant, identified as Mahmadou-Alpha B., was arrested for another stabbing over the weekend, and police were able to connect him as a suspect to the previous murder of the CDU politician. This time, he targeted a 57-year-old Ukrainian woman, who he stabbed in the neck in the same house at Doktor-Hermann-Street.

The woman was apparently in the Mahmadou-Alpha B.’s apartment receiving a massage before he stabbed her in the neck and began to choke her, according to police.

Mahmadou-Alpha B. then released her and jumped out of the bathroom window of the first floor, according to an exclusive report from Nius.

The woman was treated for her wound, which was a 5-centimeter cut, but was not life-threatening. Police arrived on scene and arrested the African man.

The suspect is now under investigation for murder and attempted murder, but a spokeswoman for the prosecutor’s office was unable to provide information as to whether the man was legally residing in Germany or had previous convictions.

Mahmadou-Alpha B. has now been admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

Investigators believe there is a connection between the two attacks due to both victims being stabbed in the neck in the same location. In addition, there are further clues that point to Mahmadou-Alpha B. being the suspect in the first murder case.

France: The headmaster of a public primary school in Le Blanc-Mesnil, who ‘advocates radical Islamist ideology’, is suspended by the school board

The suspended teacher and school headmaster regularly visited the ‘radical At Tawhid mosque in Blanc-Mesnil’, according to the judgement of the Paris Administrative Court of Appeal. 90 Av. Danielle Casanova – Google Maps

On January 20, the school board of Créteil suspended a teacher from Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis), who was also the head of the school, because he was close to ‘radical Islamist ideology’ according to the Paris Administrative Court of Appeal. He had been in charge of this state primary school in Blanc-Mesnil for at least five years.

According to the specialised media outlet ‘ToutEduc’, which uncovered the case, it all goes back to an administrative control measure taken by the Ministry of the Interior in the summer of 2024. As part of the Olympic Games, dozens of micas (individual control and surveillance measures) were imposed on people who had been ‘convicted of terrorist offences or were highly radicalised’. This led to an outcry from human rights organisations.

The teacher was targeted by one of these authorities by decree dated the 24th of June 2024. He was ‘prohibited from moving outside the territory of the commune of Blanc-Mesnil without prior permission for a period of three months’ and ‘obliged to report to a police station once a day at 9.30 am’. He challenged this measure before the administrative court in Montreuil and then before the administrative court of appeal in Paris. Twice, on the 2nd of August 2024 and the 17th of January 2025, the judges ruled in favour of the Ministry of the Interior, considering him to be ‘addicted to radical Islamist ideology’. […]

They also listed his ‘attendance at the radical At-Tawhid mosque in Blanc-Mesnil’, the weekly religious lessons he ‘receives from a teacher who adheres to this ideology’ and his daughter’s schooling ‘at the Institut Tarbiya, an offshoot of the La Madrassah Quran school in Paris’.[…]].

Le Parisien / Le Blanc-Mesnil (93) : le directeur d’une école élémentaire publique, « acquis à l’idéologie islamiste radicale », suspendu par le rectorat – Fdesouche

Irish government pours money into Soros-backed sex workers ‘anti-Whorephobia’ group

The Irish Government funds the Sex Workers Alliance Ireland (SWAI), an organisation backed by billionaire George Soros.

Official records of the Irish government’s website confirm that the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth allocated a €9,387 grant to SWAI under the 2024 LGBTI+ Community Services Funding program.

This funding was awarded to SWAI or their “Sex Worker Awareness Training” a programme aimed at educating services on the discrimination and barriers sex workers face, ensuring stigma-free and non-judgmental support.

According to their mission statement, SWAI is an anti-capitalist, anti-ableist, anti-xenophobic, trans-inclusive and anti-white supremacy and acknowledges, and rejects, the ‘whorearchy’ that exists within sex work.

“Whether a sex worker through choice, circumstances, or coercion, any sex worker’s voice is as valuable and necessary as another’s,” the website reads.

They also fight against Whorephobia.

According to the Global Network of Project Whorephobia describes hate speech and overt discrimination against sex workers. It intersects with racism, xenophobia, classism, and transphobia, which often leads to structural discrimination, violence, and abuse.

SWAI celebrated the grant on social media on January 23.

Notably, SWAI has also benefited from substantial financial support from Soros-backed organisations.

The group received money from the Open Society Foundation (OSF).

“The Open Society Foundations, founded by George Soros, are the world’s largest private funder of independent groups working for rights, equity, and justice, ” the website reads.

Reportedly Soros has given the OSF €32 billion since its creation.

According to SWAI financial reports, in 2021, SWAI received €10,745 from the Open Society Foundation and €69,869, in 2022, through the Open Society Policy Centre, now known as the Open Society Action Fund (OSAF), a lobbying organisation part of US billionaire Soros’ network.

This is not the first time Soros’ network has financially supported SWAI.

According to the OSF website in 2017, between 2017 and 2019 they granted $100,000 to SWAI “to provide organization level support”.

Reports from Irish Media The Journal show that in 2015, the US billionaire Soros funded the campaign by the SWAI, which opposed The Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill of 2015.

The bill wanted to criminalise the purchase of sexual services, but SWAI  argued it would increase violence against women involved in prostitution.

In 2021, the Sex Workers’ Alliance of Ireland (SWAI) also received €135,000 from the Irish State through Rethink Ireland’s 2020-2023 Equality Fund.

According to NGO Rethink Ireland, this €3 million fund “is supported by the Peter Kinney and Lisa Sandquist Foundation and the Government of Ireland.”

In 2020, the Department of Justice previously refused the group funding, citing the sex worker organisation’s refusal to acknowledge that “prostitution is inherently exploitative of vulnerable people,” reported The Irish Examiner.

Despite this, the Irish government’s continued financial backing of the Sex Workers Alliance Ireland raises questions about its alignment with broader international agendas.

The organisation pushes a total decriminalisation of sex work in Ireland based on the New Zealand model.

National Socialism was a leftist ideology, that’s why the Hitler slur isn’t sticking to Elon Musk

By D. Parker

These days the far-left is in big trouble. Like a washed-up magician with nothing but a bag of old, worn-out tricks and linguistic sleight of hand, they have nothing to offer but hoaxes and lies without the merest ring of truth. Their usual deceptions have been exposed, and no one is buying them anymore.  They judge people on the color of their skin instead of the content of their character, and so their racist projections fall on deaf ears.  Their song and dance on climate change has become a punch line covering everything except their credibility.  They’ve become the “Sideshow Bob” of political entities, and at every turn stepping on a rake and getting so justifiably smacked square in the face.  Now that they are shriveling to a pitiful political minority, cancel culture is being shown to be a paper tiger — as it always was.  Still, its being a supposed force to be reckoned with was a bluff.

Their latest failed little scam bit arose when a defender of freedom and free speech made a certain hand gesture that leftists immediately seized upon, or “pounced on” as they like to accuse; one of the sad little hoaxes they’ve always played, which is at once both ridiculous and wrong on multiple levels.  People have always waved their hands, but if you do it in the wrong way, the left will accuse you of sympathies with a certain socialist national worker’s party.

Since this is being written on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we’ll start with the infuriating fact that the ever-so-casual use of these slurs diminishes the horrific crimes of the actual National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Coupled with the fact that far too many ignore the genocide of other socialist and communist mass murderers such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot.

But what is worse for the far-left is that while these accusations carried some weight in the past, they are no longer effective, and now the leftist Pravda media is perplexed at why it isn’t working this time around as exemplified in a piece in Axios: 

Musk and Tesla remain untouchable after Nazi salute accusations

Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, standing behind a podium bearing the Seal of the President of the United States, on Monday twice gave what scholars, journalists and rights groups said was a Hitlergruß, or Nazi salute.

It doesn’t seem to have done him (or his company Tesla) any visible harm.

His reaction only served to further inflame much of the glee with which the sign was received within the far right.

Context: Musk has been making inroads into the far right for some time, endorsing the hard-right AfD in Germany, failing to stop the posting or amplification of pro-Nazi content on his social media site X, and responding to an antisemitic post on X as ‘the actual truth.’

Part of the reason this perennial deceit from the far left failed was the fact that you can easily find all manner of images and videos of leftists making similar gestures.  But there can also be a deeper reason all of this is falling apart for the far left — people are no longer intimidated into silence in stating basic historical truths — that the National Socialist German Workers’ Party was a socialist workers’ party (Note, we’re not using that other ancient name since it’s been exploited by the left to hide its collectivist ideology).

The lie from the anti-liberty left was that socialism supposedly was popular at the time, so the NSDAP merely included it as a PR move — except that Rudolf Jung, considered to be the “Karl Marx of Hitler’s National Socialism” or chief ideologist and who reportedly coined the phrase Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz (‘the common good comes before self-interest’) wrote in the 2nd edition of the book National Socialism Its Foundations, Development published in 1922 on page 56 stated that:

The unedifying conditions in the Pan-German movement, which was originally conceived of as a grass-roots movement, inevitably led to the evolution of a unique political and trade-unionist tendency. This tendency reached its consummation in 1904 with the founding of the ‘German Workers’ Party.’ In its principles, the thus-named Trautenau Programme, the party demanded – as the National Socialists do today – a partial socialization in the form of economic nationalization and provincialization. One would therefore be perfectly correct in regarding this programme as a socialist one.

This additional quote cements the point that National Socialism was socialist:

In 1918 – in the interim no Party Conferences were able to take place – this finally occurred; at the same time, the party’s now more clearly-defined socialist character was also reflected in the adoption of its new name.

This is from the 1920s, when the left was just starting with their big lie, and we have three data points that blow it out of the water.  So, when a leftist regurgitates the old “read a book” throwaway line, they should probably start with this one.  All of this was recently summarized in a TIK history video.

Further proof of the fact that National Socialism was socialist and leftist can be easily found in chapter 5 of Adolf Hitler’s Second Book that states NSDAP Is Socialist And Nationalist.  In the German version of the book, Adolf Hitler openly states: “Ich bin Sozialist.” I am a socialist. See a translated passage below:

I am a socialist. I see no class and no social estate before me, but that community of the Folk, made up of people who are linked by blood, united by a language, and subject to a same general fate.   

Of course, that’s not the only time that plain fact is stated, as explained in the video that also noted that Hitler was a socialist and leftist: What Modern Socialists Don’t Want You To Know About Hitler, Dr. Rainer Zitelmann, the author of a groundbreaking book on Hitler’s National Socialism, went through all of his speeches and utterances in writing the book.

We can also see the same admission that Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP were leftist in the quote from the Toland biography:

We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.

Thus, it’s easy to see why this perennial deception from the left is no longer a weapon in their little culture war. Enough people have picked up that this has always been a complete contradiction, and now with all of the facts coming out in the open, their game plan falls apart before the opening round.

UK: Labour minister Sir Stephen Timms has been urged to “come clean” after attending an event hosted by the Muslim Council of Britain which backed proscribed Palestinian terror group Hamas

Sir Stephen Timms , screengrab youtube

Labour minister Sir Stephen Timms has been urged to “come clean” after attending an event hosted by the Muslim Council of Britain – in the face of a Government pledge not to engage with the group.

Timms, alongside at least three other Labour MPs, all attended the MCB’s annual leadership dinner last week – despite a recent Whitehall vow not restore to ties with the group after cutting them in 2009.

The MCB has been kept at arm’s length by successive Governments since 2009, when then-communities minister Hazel Blears suspended ties with the group after a senior member of the body backed proscribed Palestinian terror group Hamas.

The group said: “We remain committed to building bridges and contributing constructively to the national conversation, regardless of government engagement.”

Writing to Home Secretary Yvette Cooper on Monday, Timothy said: “All this raises serious questions about the Government’s policy towards the MCB.

“Can you confirm that it is Government policy that no minister should engage with the MCB?

“If that is so, why was Mr Timms at the dinner on 23 January? Does this reflect a change in Government policy or did Mr Timms defy collective responsibility?”

He later wrote on social media: “The Government says it does not engage with the Muslim Council of Britain.

“But last week a minister attended the MCB annual leadership dinner, and MHCLG refuses to publish documents that allegedly discuss restoring ties.

“Why won’t they come clean?”

A Government spokesman said: “There has been no change to Government policy on non-engagement with the Muslim Council of Britain.”

French Government Obsessed with Migrants—and Own Survival

Immigration is once again at the heart of French political debate. Éric Lombard, the minister for the economy, made his presence felt by explaining on television that France needed more and more immigrants. When Rassemblement National (RN) president Jordan Bardella presented his own New Year’s greetings to the press, he spelled out how the left-wing temptations of François Bayrou’s government is putting its survival at risk more than ever.

While Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau is struggling to get the country out of the all-immigration impasse it has been locked in for decades, his colleague Lombard, has just cruelly rebuffed him. Retailleau, like two thirds of the French people, believes that immigration “is not an opportunity for France,” Lombard, however, sticks with the exact opposite. In a TV interview, he argued that “we can have different assessments within a government.” and that France must “of course” remain a country of immigration, which remains necessary “to fill jobs in companies, factories and hospitals.”

Eugénie Bastié, a journalist at Le Figaro, described the comments as “cynical and irresponsible.”

Migrants are seen as cannon fodder for society’s dirty work. For these petty technocrats, populations are interchangeable boxes on Excel spreadsheets, and they ignore the cultural dimension of immigration, its security consequences and the identity divides it creates. Our Western economies, focused exclusively on services and consumption, are addicted to immigration. This addiction is unsustainable in the long term and we are already paying the price.

On the morning of Monday, January 27th, Bardella also voiced such concerns during his 2025 address to journalists, in the face of a government that is constantly giving “pledges to the Left” and plunging the country into “worrying inertia” with a “façade of soft consensus and compromise that satisfies no one.”

While Bardella believes that the minister of the interior is “sincere” in his firm stance on immigration, he adds that “his communication effects, which are designed to put the RN electorate to sleep, won’t fool anyone.” Bardella is firmly in favour of holding a referendum on immigration—an idea shared by Retailleau but condemned by the rest of the government.

Bardella did not make a clear statement on the prospect of the Bayrou government facing censure on the budget issue. “For us, censure is not a toy. And for us, censure is not an end in itself,” he reiterated.

Marine Le Pen’s party is calling for a new dissolution of the National Assembly to end the instability—which constitutionally cannot take place before the summer of 2025. “Only a return to the people will give the country a stable majority,” Bardella insisted. With this in mind, the RN is getting ready and has already started to select its candidates.

On the evening of January 27th, Prime Minister Bayrou, as guest on the LCI news channel, being aware of these tensions, tried to find a cautious point of balance that would be satisfactory to listeners. Let us add, a minority of whom now intend to follow the minister of the economy down the path of ever more immigration. Bayrou explained that immigration “is one of the most important issues before us.”

While there are, in his view, jobs that no French are willing to fill, François Bayrou pointed out that “foreign contributions are positive for a people provided that they do not exceed a certain proportion.” The PM continued along the same path: “The meeting of cultures is positive, but as soon as you have the impression of submersion, there is rejection. In France, we’re getting close to that.” His comments were almost instantly condemned by the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet.

Of course, all this verbiage remains at the level of declarations of intent, justifying Bardella’s description of the team in place as a “ministry of words.”