London Acid Attack Leaves 14-Year-Old Girl with Potentially Life-Changing Injuries, Police Search for ‘Black Male’ Suspect

Westminster AcademyGoogle Maps

A suspected acid attack at a London school on Monday afternoon has left a 14-year-old girl hospitalised with potentially life-changing injuries while police say they are searching for a “black male” in connection to the incident.

At around 4.40 pm on Monday, an attack with what police believe was an “acidic” substance left three people injured at the Westminster Academy in Paddington.

According to the Metropolitan Police, a 14-year-old girl remains in hospital after she suffered injuries which may be life-changing. Another two victims, a 16-year-old boy and a 27-year-old woman, also suffered injuries during the attack but thankfully they are not believed to be life-changing or life-threatening.

The boy remains in hospital while the woman has since been discharged. Two police officers who attended the scene were also said to have been hospitalised as a precaution after they reported feeling unwell.

The police force said that tests of the substance used in the attack are ongoing, however, initial indications have led officers to believe that it was “acidic” in nature.

The Met said that the suspect has been described as a tall, slim, black male, who was wearing dark clothing and either a mask or balaclava to obscure his face. The suspect is said to have used an e-scooter to flee from the scene.

Lead investigator Detective Chief Inspector Dean Purvis said: “Officers were on routine patrol when they were flagged down to this terrible incident.

“From our enquiries so far we believe the two young victims were on Alfred Road when they were approached by a lone suspect who threw a substance at them before fleeing down Harrow Road.”

“A member of staff bravely and selflessly rushed to provide first aid to the two victims, sustaining injuries herself in the process. Fortunately she has now left hospital.”

Purvis added: “I know how incredibly concerning this incident is to parents and pupils and the wider Westminster community. We are in close contact with the school and local authority, and I can assure people that a thorough investigation is well under way, and that my officers will not stop until the suspect is found and arrested.”

In a statement following the attack, Numera Anwar, the principal of the school, said per the Daily Mail: “One pupil, a teacher and a member of the public have been injured in an incident outside the school building on the main road involving an acid-like corrosive substance.

“This was a distressing incident which took place after school hours when students and staff were leaving the school site. We are offering support to families and relatives of all involved.

“We are working with the local authority and will have counsellors and other support available onsite. The welfare of the students at Westminster Academy is always our priority and that continues to remain the case.”

Anwar said that while it is an “unsettling time” for parents and the community, she urged “everyone to avoid speculation as this will not be helpful and may compromise the investigation.”

The school remained closed on Tuesday, with pupils continuing their lessons online.

The leader of the local Westminster City Council Adam Hug commented: “This is a truly shocking attack on school pupils and a member of staff. The council has been in touch with Westminster Academy and we will provide educational psychologists and any other support to help children through what is a traumatic ordeal. Our thoughts are with all those who have been affected.

“Clearly this attack will be unsettling for the whole academy and the wider community, and we will be working with police to provide reassurance and whatever support we can.

“We would urge anyone with information about what has happened to contact the police.”

Earlier this year, the nation was shocked by a chemical attack in the Clapham district of South London. A woman and her two young children were injured by a corrosive alkaline substance, leaving the mother with life-changing injuries. Nine others were injured during the attack.

The culprit, Abdul Ezedi, an illegal migrant from Afghanistan who was granted asylum in 2020 despite previously being convicted in Britain of sexual assault, was found weeks after the attack in the River Thames after a suspected suicide.

Free Fuellmich, the Unsung Hero Who Called Out the ‘Plandemic’

By Janet Levy

This is one of the very few websites where you will read this story. Dr Reiner Fuellmich, a leading attorney, has been under arrest in Germany for almost a year now. From the silence in the mainstream media, it would seem he is a dangerous spy whose arrest cannot be made public. Try Google, and sparse details emerge. A Vice article that declares him a “conspiracy theorist” provides almost nothing of his side of the story, a right normally accorded even to gangsters and murderers.

So, who is Fuellmich? What has he done to be held in jail? And why is the media ignoring his case? Fuellmich is a German attorney who had a flourishing practice for over 20 years. He also has a license to practice in California. In 2009, his law firm was ranked among Germany’s top 20 for investor protection. He also played a major role in the Volkswagen emissions scandal and the Kuehne+Nagel bribery case.

What has brought the authorities’ wrath upon him is his spearheading “Nurenberg 2.0,” a movement to sue the elite who orchestrated the Covid-19 pandemic as part of the Great Reset. Fuellmich was a co-founder of the German Corona Investigative Committee (GCIC).  This non-government committee probed the virus’s spread, its actual danger, the PCR test’s reliability, and how much damage the anti-pandemic measures (including the vaccine) caused.

The committee also investigated if measures such as lockdowns, masking, social distancing, and quarantine protected people from Covid-19 or just caused panic so that Big Pharma could generate huge profits on the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests, and vaccines. As is well-known, independent scientists have cast doubt on the efficacy of the PCR test, saying it has at least ten major flaws.

The committee had received donations from many sources. Since members were afraid that governments might freeze the funds, it was decided to buy and hold gold worth a million euros. As another safekeeping measure, Fuellmich and another committee member, Viviane Fischer, withdrew funds as private, secured loans from the committee. Fuellmich, who borrowed €700,000 (about $782,000), was to pay it back by selling his house. Both, the gold purchase and the loans were clearly documented.

Some committee associates have charged Fuellmich with embezzling the amount he took on loan—even though (or perhaps because) the sale proceeds from his house (€1.158 million) ended up in the account of one of his accusers, Marcel Templin. Another charge is that the gold purchase was without the committee shareholders’ knowledge. Again, the purchase is documented, and the gold cannot be sold without both Fuellmich’s and Fischer’s signatures. Fischer has now turned against him. An additional charge, which the prosecutor later added, is that his law firm obtained €15,000 in emergency aid during the pandemic by submitting false information.

Fuellmich was unceremoniously arrested last year in Mexico, where he was with his wife, Inka. They had lost their passports, so the embassy asked them to collect fresh ones on October 12 last year. When they arrived, Inka was given her passport and allowed to go, but Fuellmich was picked up by six men and brought to Germany via the U.S. 

An arrest warrant was served against him only after he was brought to Germany. This was because there was no international warrant against him. Besides, he had not been notified, as required, of the warrants that Germany and the E.U. issued. Any court would have declared the arrest illegal and ordered action against those who took him into custody. But that has not happened. Clearly, a long-planned game is being played out.

Coverage of the court proceedings in Göttingen by Bam!News (available here and here) shows reason to suspect that Fuellmich has been set up and that the squabbles leading to the litigation are an act of sabotage. In fact, during the trial, Fuellmich testified that two of his accusers are infiltrators.

The details of the proceedings are shocking. At one point, Fuellmich’s defense lawyer presented a leaked document showing that either the BKA (the federal criminal police office) or the BNA (the internal intelligence service) worked to set him up. It’s not clear which agency, as the last two letters of the acronym are redacted. The document claims that Fuellmich is a “dangerous personality” owing to his “considerable following” and a “threat to public security and democratic order.”

In a statement from jail this July, Fuellmich says the security agencies have influenced the presiding judge and other members of the court. Therefore, the judges are hearing only the prosecution witnesses. They refuse to hear the defense witnesses brought to refute the charges against Fuellmich. The most recent news is that the trial continues and Fuellmich remains in detention.

As the West descends into the abyss of totalitarianism, Western governments are increasingly silencing, persecuting and imprisoning those heroes of truth and liberty who speak out against the degradations of our liberties and the proliferation of false narratives designed by a globalist oligarchy intent on destroying Western civilization.

Among the valiant paladins of the resistance who have suffered incarceration are former White House chief strategist and media executive Steven K. Bannon; former law school professor and dean, John Eastman; and former aide to President Trump, Peter Navarro. There are others, too numerous to mention.

Fuellmich stands tall in that pantheon of heroes. His committee interviewed over 150 experts—doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists, intelligence operatives, judges, and even former members of the WHO—and came to the following shocking conclusions:

  1. With a survival rate of 99.97%, Covid-19 was no more dangerous than the common flu, did not cause excess mortality, and children were at no risk from the coronavirus. Research by Stanford professor and physician-researcher John Ioannides found that mortality was equivalent to that of the seasonal flu and that people were unnecessarily driven to panic.
  2. The PCR tests were unreliable and were used to prove mass infection. According to former Pfizer vice-president and biotech leader Dr Michael Yeadon, the false positive rate was 89-94%.
  3. The mandates, including lockdowns, had no impact on the incidence of Covid. Sweden, with its laissez-faire approach, and Britain, with its strict approach, had comparable rates of disease and mortality.
  4. There were credible reports worldwide of doctors and hospitals receiving financial incentives for declaring deceased patients Covid victims.
  5. Healthcare systems were never in danger of being overwhelmed. Many hospitals were empty. An example: the Hospital Ship Comfort, anchored outside New York City, took in no more than 20 patients when it could have accommodated 1,000.
  6. The Covid mandates were designed to destroy regional economies, create dependence on global supply chains, reduce population, and install a world government under the aegis of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the U.N.

Fuellmich and some of his committed colleagues resolutely worked to identify the guilty parties, including many financial, pharma, and tech companies. They were determined to prosecute them under criminal law and sue them for civil damages through a class action lawsuit. An international network of lawyers was to take up the cases and present the overwhelming evidence from experts. Live streaming would ensure that the public would decide on the political consequences for world leaders complicit in the global “plandemic.” So Fuellmich had to be stopped and stopped he was.

In his statement from prison, Fuellmich says, “In reality, it is freedom of expression and justice that are under attack here. Two pillars of democracy. Two pillars we will defend to the end.” If you agree with Dr Reiner Fuellmich and refuse to surrender freedom to fear and false narratives, please sign the petition to free him.

Great Britain: Unregistered Chickens Could Land Their Owners in Jail

AI-assisted image

Today is deadline day for British chicken owners to register each of their individual birds with the state. From October 1st, it will be illegal to keep unregistered chickens in England, Wales and Scotland. The new law also applies to pigeons and birds of prey.

Formally, the regulations are to aid preparedness for avian flu and similar diseases. However, some observers are hinting that the law means that Parliament is losing focus on the big issues. Former Conservative and UKIP MP Douglas Carswell noted:

In Britain from next Tuesday it will be a criminal offence to keep a chicken without registering it with the authorities.  Clown country

Under previous rules, flocks of 50 or more had to be registered with the government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Now the laws are being extended to cover individual birds, whether their eggs are destined for commercial or personal consumption—including chickens kept as pets.

Following a consultation exercise under Rishi Sunak’s previous government, attracting fewer than 3,500 respondents, the Labour government is implementing the new measure. Only 13% of those taking part in the survey thought new rules applying to individual birds were needed.

Jane Howorth, the chief executive of the British Hen Welfare Trust, supports the changes but is concerned that volunteers could be deterred from keeping “‘rescue hens:”

There has been an outpouring of frustration that people will have to comply with another level of bureaucracy.

To date, the regulatory regime does not include “psittacines and passerines (budgies, parrots, canaries and similar species) kept within a dwelling or in a dedicated ‘bird house’ without any access to the outside.”

All other keepers are now legally obliged to review their records annually and keep DEFRA informed of their bird ownership. Those who do not comply risk a £5,000 (€5,989) fine or six months’ imprisonment. Coincidentally, the new regime launches within a week of the UK being officially declared avian flu-free.

The wording of the new law is as pedantic as one might expect. However, it does not move Britain any nearer to resolving a key question, namely which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Swiss bishop denounces ‘suicide pod’ after euthanasia death of American woman

Sarco, a euthanasia device invented by Philip Nitschke, Wikimedia Commons , Ratel, CC-BY-SA-4.0

A Swiss bishop warned against Switzerland’s “dangerous” new suicide capsule after an American woman committed suicide in the pod last week. 

During a September 25 interview with a Swiss Catholic media outlet, Bishop Felix Gmür, the president of the Swiss bishops’ conference, condemned Switzerland’s “suicide pod,” which recently ended the life of a 64-year-old American woman suffering from immune problems.

“The suicide capsule is dangerous because, unlike other assisted suicide organizations, a medical assessment is not required,” said the bishop, adding that the capsule “makes suicide too easy to access.”

Instead of taking her life, Gmür explained that he “would have directed the suicidal person towards palliative care, which has a holistic understanding of the person and looks at them in both their clinical and their psychosocial and existential dimensions.”

“Relatives also play an important role in ensuring that the desperate person does not see themselves as a burden and feels loved and supported,” he continued. “It is important to communicate with relatives and with a pastor, as well as to find out where hospices are available and how palliative and humane care is provided there.”

Though Gmür spoke out against the “suicide pod,” he has contradicted the teaching of the Catholic Church on numerous issues, including “women priests” and sexuality.

Gmür’s statement on the suicide capsule comes after it was used for the first time last week to end the life of a 64-year-old American woman suffering from a compromised immune system.

Switzerland has allowed assisted suicide since 1942, with the requirements that the person willfully chooses suicide and is deemed to have “sound” judgment. 

The country’s broad euthanasia policy has made it a tourist attraction for those around the world who wish to end their lives. However, the capsule appears to have gone a step too far even for Switzerland, as local police were brought in after the pod took its first victim.

Swiss police have arrested several people, including Florian Willet, chief executive of pro-euthanasia group The Last Resort, for “inducing and aiding and abetting suicide,” according to a report from CNN.

The pod is called Sarco, short for sarcophagus, the name of the coffins in which ancient Egyptian pharaohs were buried. The futuristic-looking 3D-printed capsule was first unveiled in 2019 for assisted suicide in Switzerland but was met with controversy.

It’s founder, Philip Nitschke, who has been nicknamed “Dr. Death” for his attempt to “glamorize” suicides, explained how the pod works in a recent interview with the South China Morning Post.

Once a person is inside the pod, he or she is asked who they are, where they are, and if they know what happens when they press the button.

The death in the pod can also be activated by a button, gesture, voice control, or blink of the eye for those who cannot vocally or physically communicate due to severe illness or mobility issues.

After they answer, a voice says, “If you want to die press this button.” Once the button is pressed, the pod is flooded with nitrogen, causing the oxygen to plummet from 21 percent to 0.05 percent in the air in less than 30 seconds.

“They will then stay in that state of unconsciousness for… around about five minutes before death will take place,” Nitschke explained.

He added that, “Once you press that button, there’s no way of going back.”

The death inside the pod is filmed, and the footage is handed to a coroner. 

The push to debut the pod this year comes after the pod was banned earlier this month after prosecutors questioned the legality and ethics of the pod, pointing out that it is unclear who is responsible for the death and who operates the pod.

Because his honour had been wounded: Ali ambushes his German ex-wife Claudia in the forest and shoots her dead

A gruesome murder shocks the community of Witzeeze in Schleswig-Holstein. A 59-year-old man apparently shot his ex-wife there – the mother of his four children. He lay in wait for her in the woods – probably out of wounded honour.

On Saturday morning, a 59-year-old man allegedly shot and killed his 55-year-old ex-wife in Witzeeze, Schleswig-Holstein. Now more and more details about the case are coming to light. As the newspaper ‘Bild’ reports, the perpetrator Ali K. ambushed his ex-wife Claudia K., who had been separated for five years, in a wooded area. He intercepted her on her morning walk. He shoots three times. Neighbours hear a loud scream. Claudia K. dies.

According to ‘Bild’, the perpetrator flees – but to the nearest police station. As it is not occupied, he calls the emergency services. He confesses to the murder, is arrested a short time later and is now in custody.

But why did Ali K. murder his ex-wife? According to the Bild newspaper, he couldn’t cope with the divorce and Claudia K.’s new life. The newspaper quotes a friend of the family: ‘As the patriarch Ali considered himself to be, he couldn’t cope with the divorce. Even before that, Ali K., who felt his honour had been wounded, had often turned up at his ex-wife’s house and there had been arguments.

According to the family friend, the 59-year-old ‘couldn’t stand’ the fact that his ex-wife led an independent life. In addition, the businessman was ‘furious’ that he had to make Claudia K. payments during the divorce. He had made a lot of money from property, and now his wife was getting some of it.

In seiner Ehre gekränkt: Mann lauert Ex-Frau im Wald auf und erschießt sie – FOCUS online