Islamists Are ATTACKING & BURNING Down French Churches. 2 Attacks Every Day

Christians are the most persecuted religion in the world. Less well-known is that persecution of Christians is also happening within Europe. Rupert Shortt, an author and journalist specialising in the global persecution of Christians and author of “Christianophobia: A Faith Under Attack” discusses with Peter Whittle. This is a clip from their longer #NCFWhittle interview. To watch the full-length interview please click here:    • Who is Burning Down French Churches? …  

Will Austria’s Coalition of Losers Govern?

Austrian Flag painted on a Stone – Photo: T. Q. (Unsplash)

The Freedom Party achieved an overwhelming triumph with 29 percent and became the strongest political force in the next parliament.

But the losing parties have rejected any cooperation with the Freedom Party. Federal President Van der Bellen, who must appoint the next Chancellor, also makes no secret of his dislike of the winners. In an interview he stated – albeit a long time ago – that he would not promote an “anti-European” party that did not condemn Russia.

If none of the other parties wants to form a government with the Freedom Party, Austria will only be left with a “coalition of losers”. The most plausible variant is a new ÖVP/SPÖ government.

Although there have been many such governments in the past, such a coalition would not be surprising but would, of course, be a resounding slap in the face for voters.

Will Austria’s Coalition of Losers Govern? – Free West Media

German Foreign Minister: Censor Social Media To “Protect Democracy”

Annalena Baerbock
Photo: @ABaerbock on X, 19 June 2023

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is following in the footsteps of other leftist-liberal politicians who wish to crack down on “disinformation,” i.e., censor free speech on social media in order to “protect democracy.”

On Monday, September 30th, Baerbock called on the European Commission to adopt new rules for dealing with disinformation on social networks. Once again, “disinformation” is being used as the official label for news or views that the European establishment doesn’t want its citizens to see or hear.

The foreign minister cited targeted attacks on democracy as her motive, saying fake news, hatred and agitation were “disintegrating our democratic reality.” As examples of the supposed threat, she cited election influence by Russia and the actions of Islamist groups on the internet. Young people in particular are influenced by fake news, while women are often victims of hate and fake news, she warned.

She said the European Commission and the German Office for the Protection of the Constitution should take responsibility for taking action against algorithms that “work against democracy.”

Baerbock’s words echo those of Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen, who in May announced that she would set up a whole new EU body to counter foreign influence under the name “European Democracy Shield.” The body would be tasked with detecting and removing online disinformation, as well as “inoculating” EU citizens against malign influences by teaching them how to recognise threats.

Like the German foreign minister, von der Leyen spoke of “the rise of foreign interference and manipulation in our societies, our democracies and our elections.”

The increasing popularity of populist, right-wing parties all across Europe has been partly blamed on “fake news” being spread on social media by “pro-Russian” parties—and by Russia itself. Mainstream political forces have found in anti-establishment parties an easy culprit  explaining their loss of support, not willing to acknowledge that their own out-of-touch policies are to blame.

Critics of the “European Democracy Shield” rightly fear that the leftist Brussels bureaucrats of any new EU authority would be the ones to determine what is considered ‘disinformation’ and what is not—and would in effect stifle free speech and right-wing views.

Annalena Baerbock’s words come only a few weeks after the anti-immigration party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) won its first ever regional elections in the eastern state of Thuringia, and finished strongly in second place in Saxony and Brandenburg. At the same time, the Greens barely managed to pass the 5% threshold needed to enter the Saxony parliament and failed to win any seats in Thuringia (3.2%) and Brandenburg (4.1%). Despite recognising that their own failed policies—such as the radical climate agenda and tax hikes—led to their downfall, they now want to take steps to ban the AfD.

Klaus Schwab says AI will control health, finances in transition to ‘Intelligent Age’

World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab announced that the theme for next year’s annual meeting in Davos will be “Collaboration for the Intelligent Age.”

Schwab made the announcement on the WEF Agenda blog on September 24, where he also declared, “We have already crossed the threshold into the Intelligent Age.”

“It is up to us to determine whether it will lead to a future of greater equality, sustainability and collaboration – or if it will deepen divides that already exist.”

Schwab may declare that we are now in the Intelligent Age, but what type of intelligence is he actually talking about?

As we shall see, this Intelligent Age is more about the dumbing of humanity and the rise of smart technologies for mass surveillance and censorship that limits our decision-making capabilities:

The Intelligent Age is also transforming how we live. Cities are becoming smarter, with sensors and AI managing everything from traffic flow to energy usage. These smart cities, and the smart homes within them, are not just more efficient, they are designed to be more sustainable, reducing carbon emissions and improving quality of life. — Klaus Schwab, The Intelligent Age: A time for cooperation, September 2024

In his latest post on the WEF Agenda blog, Schwab lists several examples of how AI and automation is outperforming human capabilities.

Some examples Schwab gives include:

  • In healthcare, AI-driven systems are outperforming humans for the benefit of patients
  • In agriculture, farmers are leveraging AI to optimize crop yields while manufacturers are using intelligent systems to improve supply chain efficiency and reduce waste
  • Finance, one of the most conservative industries, is being upended by AI-driven algorithms that predict market movements with increasing accuracy and speed.

Again, we see the Intelligent Age as being ruled by artificial intelligence while human intelligence is driven down.

Apart from cities becoming smarter with sensors and AI, Schwab says that AI is bringing us closer together in virtual spaces and is forever changing how we communicate with one another.

For example, “AI is taking instantaneous and global communication to the next level, enabling real-time translation across languages.”

This sounds nice, but it also means that people aren’t learning new languages, they are simply using AI translators that are getting smarter by the day while we humans are getting dumber.

Another way in which the Intelligent Age is diminishing human intelligence while eroding our decision-making has to do with what types of information we’re allowed to access:

AI-driven platforms are already beginning to mediate much of our communication, whether through social media algorithms that decide what content we see or virtual assistants who manage our schedules and interactions.

With platforms mediating our communications and censoring content that doesn’t align with narratives coming from unelected globalist bureaucrats, much of our human decision-making is being delegated to public and private entities and their algorithms.

Schwab says that, “As these systems become more sophisticated, they will increasingly shape the flow of information in society, raising important questions about bias and misinformation.”

“As we delegate more decision-making to algorithms, we risk exacerbating social divides if the systems are designed without fairness, inclusion, and an understanding of what it means to be human at their core.”

The WEF founder’s solutions are just what you’d expect of a lifelong unelected globalist with delusions of technocratic grandeur – more public-private partnerships, the fusion of corporation and state, corporatism and fascism on a global scale.

“With the advent of the Intelligent Age, we are confronted both with unprecedented opportunities and unprecedented risks. To navigate this new era responsibly, we need coordinated global efforts across all sectors of society,” wrote Schwab.

Now that we’ve seen what this “Intelligent Age” that Schwab himself invented looks like, let’s look at how he formulated and expanded upon this idea:

We are entering the Intelligent Age, an era far beyond technology alone. This is a societal revolution, one that has the power to elevate humanity – or indeed to fracture it.

If we go back to this year’s World Governments Summit that took place in Dubai in February, Schwab gave an address in which he said that the Intelligent Age was a transition away from the industrial age and into a New Dawn of human civilization powered by technologies from the so-called “fourth industrial revolution,” which is another term Schwab made up in 2016.

“Now, we are not speaking just about the fourth industrial revolution; we are speaking about the transition of humankind into a new era, which is not just characterized by technological change – a new era where humankind will enjoy many more opportunities and possibilities,” said Schwab in his World Governments Summit speech entitled Civilizations of Tomorrow: Built to Fail or Rise?

“It’s a transition. We first had the transition about a hundred years ago from the agricultural society to the industrial society, but today we speak about transitioning into what I would call ‘the Intelligent Age,’” he added.

Schwab would then tell a story about how he plugged his idea of an Intelligent Age into ChatGPT that would reinforce his ideology.

According to Schwab, ChatGPT told him:

Envisioning a future propelled by the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution we see a NEW DAWN of human civilization – one that harmonizes technology with the deepest needs and aspirations of humanity.

This mission unfolds within a society where artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, 3D-printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing become the foundations of our daily life, yet are guiding by a profound respect for human values, creativity, and the natural world.

With this new intelligent age, technology is not merely a tool or an extension of human capabilities; it is a partner in shaping the world where every individual has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Here we see Schwab himself leaning on technology to reinforce his worldview.

As he feeds the algorithm with his globalist ideologies, the algorithm is getting more sophisticated, and it may spew the same rhetoric towards unsuspecting users in the very near future:

It is imperative that we develop environmental, social and geopolitical intelligence alongside technological intelligence.

Schwab has a pattern of repeating himself and recycling phrases that he applies to different “challenges,” whether real or perceived.

For example, if we go back to June of 2020, Schwab said that the pandemic represented “a rare but narrow window of opportunity” to launch the great reset.

The unelected globalist once again said the same of the so-called Intelligent Age.

“The window of opportunity is narrow, but with collective action and responsible leadership, we can seize the potential of this new era and build a world that benefits all of humanity,” wrote Schwab in his latest blog post.

He named next year’s WEF Annual Meeting in Davos “Collaboration for the Intelligent Age,” after first presenting the idea to the World Governments Summit.

He did the exact same thing in 2022 when he declared, “History is truly at a turning point.”

Back when it was still called the singular World Government Summit, Schwab said on March 30, 2022: “History is truly at a turning point. We do not yet know the full extent and the systemic and structural changes which will happen.”

“However, we do know that global energy systems, food systems, and supply chains will be deeply affected,” he added.

Two months later, the WEF held its Annual Meeting in Davos under the theme, “History at a Turning Point.”

This so-called Intelligent Age is yet another term made up by Klaus Schwab, and it has all the same rhetoric of the great reset agenda, such as requiring a whole-of-society approach to sustainability, equity, and making sure nobody is left behind in this brave new digital gulag powered by the fourth industrial revolution.

The Sociable.

‘Some Dutch police refuse to protect Jewish targets,’ officers claim

Officers in the Dutch police force have reportedly been refusing to protect potential Jewish targets amid “moral dilemmas.”

Speaking to Jewish-Dutch weekly Nieuw Israëlisch Weekblad (NIW) on September 29, two veteran police officers now representing the Jewish Police Network, Marcel de Weerd and Michel Theeboom, said they were worried about apparent changes in the corps.

“There are colleagues who no longer want to protect Jewish targets or events. They talk about ‘moral dilemmas’ and I see a tendency emerging to give in to that. That would truly mark the beginning of the end. I’m concerned about that,” Theeboom said.

De Weerd concurred and added: “We see that leadership is struggling with this. Especially now, with the conflict in the Middle East, we risk drifting away from what we should stand for as a collective. We need to keep discussing this with each other.”

According to Theeboom, this has eroded trust between officers and de Weerd said there was increasing polarisation within the police.

Their story was picked up by the national daily De Telegraaf, in which Theeboom said that certain colleagues did not want to be deployed at the Dutch National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam and refused food and drinks from the venue.

Mireille Beentjes, spokeswoman of the police force, told De Telegraaf she had heard of officers making moral objections, admitting there were “no strict policies” in force regarding that and that officers could have moral objections.

“We take moral objections into account when creating schedules. But if there’s an urgent task, you will be deployed, whether you want to or not,’ she said. “You are expected to behave professionally. Others shouldn’t notice anything.”

She referred to incidents of the burning of Qurans, where police officers had not wanted to be posted.

“It pains them when the Quran is burned, but at the same time, they still have to protect the people who do it,” Beentjes stressed.

She emphasised that the core principle remained that a police officer must fulfil their duties. “Neutrality is paramount — it’s always the guiding force. However, open dialogue about these issues is equally important.”

Commissioner of the Dutch National Police Janny Knol, in an apparent attempt at damage control, later said its leadership had “no understanding” of officers who did not want to protect Jewish targets due to moral objections.

He said internal discussions were being held about how the police should handle the situation.

“Police officers are human beings and have the right to their own opinions and emotions,” he said.

“But when it comes to people’s safety, that is our top priority. We are here for everyone. That is the foundation of our work as police officers.”

According to De Telegraaf, more stories have come to light about officers refusing to serve during a Quran burning, Jewish events and protests by climate activists with Extinction Rebellion.

In January of this year, a Quran-burning by the anti-Islam organisation Pegida ended in chaos and violence because, according to observers, there was an insufficient police presence at the event.

Nine Kooiman, President of the Dutch National Police Union, said police officers were expected to carry out their assigned missions.

“If you keep giving in to everyone, there’s no end to it. You are in service of society and must be able to distance yourself from your personal considerations and emotions. A professional attitude.”

Her union colleague, Koen Simmers, said: “It is unacceptable that there are police officers who refuse to carry out tasks and orders, such as protecting Jewish, Christian, Islamic institutions, demonstrations or social events.

“The police are there for everyone. Moral objections may exist and are expressed but if you are not prepared to protect everyone, then you have chosen the wrong job.”

Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom and a staunch supporter of Israel and the Jewish cause, said the reports were “unacceptable.”

“If a police officers do not want to protect Jewish targets, it’s a reason for dismissal.”

Other politicians likewise condemned the reports. Liberal justice minister David van Weel said police officers were not allowed to choose who they protected and had to obey official orders.

Mirjam Bikker, MP for the Christian Union, labelled giving in to said moral objections a “capitulation to anti-Semitism” that was “unacceptable.”

Ulysse Ellian, a Liberal MP, noted: “Especially in these times of unprecedented global anti-Semitism, the Jewish community must be able to rely on the police.”

NCAB, the Dutch national co-ordinator against antisemitism, called the reports “disturbing.”

“There should be no room for this within the government. It undermines the foundation of our constitutional state and damages the trust we may have in our police,” they said.

‘Some Dutch police refuse to protect Jewish targets,’ officers claim (

‘Unlike your daughter, dear Mr. Özdemir, our daughter will not come home anymore’

Ann-Marie Kyrath lost her life in 2023 after a rejected Palestinian asylum seeker stabbed her to death. Her father has now penned an open letter to Green Agricultural Minister Cem Özdemir.

This week, Germany was hit with a surprise column in the prestigious FAZ newspaper by Agricultural Minister Cem Özdemir (Green Party) calling for a rethink on migration policy because his daughter is being sexually harassed by men of migrant origin when she goes out in the city. Now, the father of a teenage girl slaughtered by a migrant on a train in Brokestedt in January 2023 wrote an open letter to Özdemir. The father, Michael Kyrath, notes that although Özdemir may be concerned about the safety of his own child, Kyrath’s daughter is never coming home.

In the powerful open letter, Kyrath notes that 300 children have lost their lives due to Germany’s open border policy.

Özdemir’s daughter is set to graduate high school this year and will be around the same age as Kyrath’s daughter, Ann-Marie Kyrath, when she was brutally murdered by an asylum seeker with multiple convictions, including violent offenses. Although his asylum request was rejected, he was never deported.

In addition, her 19-year-old boyfriend, Danny, was viciously stabbed to death as well. Multiple people were injured. In total, there were 38 stab wounds on the two main victims. The two, a young couple, died in shock and agony.

In fact, at the time of the murder, Remix News covered the event, including with this video:

This week, Germany was hit with a surprise column in the prestigious FAZ newspaper by Agricultural Minister Cem Özdemir (Green Party) calling for a rethink on migration policy because his daughter is being sexually harassed by men of migrant origin when she goes out in the city. Now, the father of a teenage girl slaughtered by a migrant on a train in Brokestedt in January 2023 wrote an open letter to Özdemir. The father, Michael Kyrath, notes that although Özdemir may be concerned about the safety of his own child, Kyrath’s daughter is never coming home.

In the powerful open letter, Kyrath notes that 300 children have lost their lives due to Germany’s open border policy.

Özdemir’s daughter is set to graduate high school this year and will be around the same age as Kyrath’s daughter, Ann-Marie Kyrath, when she was brutally murdered by an asylum seeker with multiple convictions, including violent offenses. Although his asylum request was rejected, he was never deported.

In addition, her 19-year-old boyfriend, Danny, was viciously stabbed to death as well. Multiple people were injured. In total, there were 38 stab wounds on the two main victims. The two, a young couple, died in shock and agony.

In fact, at the time of the murder, Remix News covered the event, including with this video:

Remix News is republishing his open letter in full, which was originally published on

Dear Mr. Özdemir,

Every person is the product of their environment. The experiences of the years teach us to question our perspectives through events.

It looks as if you, Mr. Özdemir, Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, have just had this experience. In a guest article for FAZ, you suddenly call for a vigorous change in migration policy. Apparently there is something to the saying “With age comes wisdom!”

Not long ago, such demands would have been considered right-wing radical in your eyes and therefore out of the question. But as soon as it happens to you, after your daughter has been molested, your opinion turns a full 180 degrees. Welcome to the real world of normal citizens, Mr. Minister.

What gives me the right to write you such lines?

My name is Michael Kyrath. I am the father of 17-year-old Ann-Marie, who was murdered in Brokstedt on January 25, 2023. In addition to my daughter, her 19-year-old boyfriend Danny also died that day after a rejected, repeatedly convicted, “stateless” Palestinian stabbed them both 38 times on a regional train.

In contrast to your daughter, dear Mr. Özdemir, our daughter will no longer be coming home. None of your party friends put themselves on the line regarding our case in the way that you are now doing for your daughter. 

On the contrary! We were told that we should be careful that the murder of our daughter is not abused by right-wing radicals! We received a message from one of your coalition partners saying that he was sorry that “these people” had lost their lives.

These “people” were our children, Ann-Marie and Danny! Teenagers aged 17 and 19, on their way home from school. Two young people who still had their whole lives ahead of them. 

Can you imagine what such an act does to those left behind? To us as parents? To grandparents, schoolmates, teachers, friends, neighbors?

We will never celebrate our children’s graduation! We will never congratulate them on completing their vocational training or university studies! We will not attend their weddings, and we will never welcome grandchildren of our own. We will never be able to hug our children again and tell them that we love them!

Over 300 parents have contacted me who have lost their children in the last five years.

What unites us all are five key points:

1. Always the same perpetrator profile

2. Always the same tool

3. Always the same motives

4. Always the same sequence of events and

5. Always the same phrases from the responsible politicians after such an act!

After the murders of our children, we were told that these were “regrettable isolated cases” and that one could never guarantee 100 percent safety. And that one should not generalize and thereby play into the hands of right-wing radicals. And that one would try to take tough action against such perpetrators. Nothing more has happened in recent years.

“Only” around 300 parents had the courage to contact me and tell me about this dark chapter of their lives. How high is the number of those who did not have the courage?

We were all just “isolated cases,” insignificant, inconvenient, unpleasant.  

Over 300 children murdered and no outcry from the politicians responsible, not even from you, Mr Özdemir! And now you’re speaking out. Now, it suddenly affects you personally because it’s about your daughter. If you had realized this earlier and done something, many of our children would still be alive.

May you never have to experience such a thing!

Best regards

Michael Kyrath, Elmshorn

Shouts of ‘Allahu Akbar’ and cheers – Israel haters cheer on the streets of Berlin over Iran missiles


Israel is attacked with ballistic missiles and the attack is celebrated frenetically in several places in Berlin!

Dozens of Israel-haters took to the streets of the capital to celebrate the Iranian regime, which, according to the Jerusalem Post, had fired 181 missiles.

In Berlin’s Wedding district, people chanted ‘Resistance’ and ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is great). One man shouted: ‘Rockets fired at Israel’ – whereupon numerous people drummed, cheered and in some cases clapped.

Several participants in the rally waved Palestinian scarves as well as the Palestinian and Lebanese flags, as can be seen on videos.

A spokesperson for the Berlin police said he could ‘neither confirm nor deny’ reports of cheering.

In the evening, a pro-Palestinian demonstration also took place at Kottbusser Tor in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin. The police did not initially provide a police statement for any of the events.Iran’s justification for the more than 100 missiles is the killing of Hezbollah terror chief Hassan Nasrallah by Israel’s air force. Israel reported that the missiles hit several cities, including Tel Aviv.

Israel’s army spokesman announced ‘powerful attacks in the Middle East’ for the night. It is unclear whether this also refers to Iran. Only: ‘Today’s event will have consequences.’

Berlin: Israel-Hasser jubeln in Berlins Straßen über Iran-Raketen | Regional |

Iran attacks Israel with 181 ballistic missiles


A short while ago, missiles were launched from Iran towards the State of Israel. 181 ballistic missiles were launched in the attack so far.

Magen David Adom reported that despite several impacts, no casualties during the attack have been reported so far.

United Hatzalah Deputy Spokesman Elias Romano stated, “Following the sirens throughout the country – so far no casualties have been found as a result of the missiles fired. United Hatzalah volunteers went out to scan several scenes where it was reported that there had been missile hits or shrapnel. A number of people were treated after injuring themselves following falls on their way to shelters.”

“United Hatzalah’s Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit provided assistance to over 20 people who suffered from emotional shock.”

The IDF stated in a message to Israeli citizens when the attack began, “You are instructed to remain alert and precisely follow the Home Front Command’s instructions.”

“In the last few minutes, the Home Front Command has distributed life-saving instructions in various areas across the country. The public is asked to adhere to the Home Front Command’s guidelines. Upon hearing a siren, you must enter a protected space and remain there until further notice.

“The IDF is doing and will do everything necessary to protect the civilians of the State of Israel.”

In addition, IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari stated in an announcement to the nation, “Dear citizens, A short time ago, missiles were launched from Iran towards the State of Israel. You are asked to remain vigilant and follow the Home Front Command’s instructions precisely.”

“In the last few minutes, the Home Front Command has sent messages to mobile phones in certain areas with life-saving instructions, directing people to enter protected spaces. You must reach the safest protected space in your vicinity. Upon hearing a siren, immediately enter a protected space and remain there until further instructions are given.

“The air defense system is fully operational, detecting and intercepting threats wherever necessary, even at this moment. However, the defense is not hermetic, and therefore it is essential to follow the Home Front Command’s instructions. You may hear explosions, which could be the result of interceptions or impacts.

“Due to the variety of threats, alarms may be triggered in widespread areas. Stay updated on the instructions via the official pages of the Home Front Command and the IDF Spokesperson.

“Continue to act responsibly and keep calm, as you have done so far, and make sure to follow the guidelines. We are strong and can handle this event as well.

“The IDF is doing and will continue to do everything necessary to protect the civilians of Israel. The IDF is fully prepared for both defense and offense at peak readiness.

“I will continue to provide updates on all developments,” Hagari said.

Multiple explosions were heard in Jerusalem.

Iran attacks Israel with 181 ballistic missiles | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

‘Gay’ father of five granted asylum in Austria, sparking heated political debate

The case of a father-of-five Muslim who has been granted asylum in Austria, claiming persecution in his home country due to his homosexuality, has stirred significant public debate in the country with political figures expressing outrage over the ruling.

The Russian-Tajik dual citizen entered Austria illegally via Turkey and Saudi Arabia on Sept. 22, 2023, seeking asylum for himself and his family, news outlet Heute reports.

Initially, he cited better job prospects and fear of Russian military service as his reasons for fleeing. His first asylum application was rejected in April 2023. However, during an appeal at the Federal Administrative Court in Vienna, the man introduced a new claim that he faced discrimination, stigmatization, and violence in both Russia and Tajikistan due to his newfound homosexuality.

Despite being a devout Muslim and having recently completed a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia, the man stated during the court hearing that he is homosexual and sought refuge in Austria to live openly and meet men without fear.

The court ruled in his favor, noting that his marriage and fatherhood did not contradict his sexual orientation. The man’s previous work in his home country as a butcher, car painter, and construction worker, and his ongoing communication with his wife and children in Turkey via WhatsApp, were also considered in the case.

The asylum decision allows the man to remain in Austria, and he is now eligible to bring his immediate family to join him through the family reunification process.

The ruling has ignited a political backlash, particularly from the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) fresh from its electoral victory over the weekend.

Vienna FPÖ chairman Maximilian Krauss called the verdict a “judicial scandal” and accused aid organizations and lawyers of advising asylum seekers to falsely claim they are gay. Krauss demanded an end to what he called the “fooling of our state.”

The individual in this case is not alone in using the protected characteristic of sexual orientation to overturn rejected asylum claims across Europe.

In November last year, a Nigerian man who was granted asylum in Britain after telling authorities he faced persecution by the Boko Haram terrorist organization for being gay went on to father three children and marry a woman in the U.K. He was subsequently found guilty of masterminding a €252,000 Facebook and eBay parcel fraud scam.

In March, a Syrian asylum seeker in the Netherlands who was found guilty of sexually assaulting four 11-year-old girls in the swimming pool of a Center Parcs holiday resort claimed in mitigation that he was homosexual to fight deportation back to his home country.

Despite proclaiming his sexual attraction to men, the Syrian national also told the court that his wife and daughter were awaiting approval to come to the Netherlands from Turkey under family reunification laws and expressed his concern to the court that a conviction would harm his chances of being granted asylum.