On today’s #NCFNewspeak, NCF Director Peter Whittle, Senior Fellows Dr. Philip Kiszely and Rafe Heydel-Mankoo and Amy Gallagher of Stand Up To Woke discuss: * Media ignore the biggest story of the year: Office for Budget Responsibility DESTROYS economic justification for mass migration * Australia to ban children from accessing social media * National Trust’s “poo with legs” exhibition sums up the dire state of woke infiltration of our institutions.
Month: September 2024
Muslim dress code for non-Muslim kindergarten teachers in Vienna, Austria

In a kindergarten in Vienna’s 14th district, the teachers were instructed to keep their clothes ‘closed in future’ so as not to provoke Muslim fathers picking up their children with the sight of them. While the responsible municipal department MA 10 and the education councillor Christoph Wiederkehr would like to keep the incident under wraps and distance themselves from the instruction on Muslim dress codes, the opposition is stunned and party chairman Karl Mahrer called on councillor Wiederkehr to act immediately: ‘This new case of completely misunderstood tolerance in Vienna shows once again the failure of the Viennese city government to integrate. Councilor Christoph Wiederkehr is called upon to act urgently and protect the teachers in this kindergarten from medieval regulations!’
Councillor Caroline Hungerländer, integration spokesperson for the Vienna People’s Party, is also calling for immediate action: ‘Instead of demanding that they adapt to our values and support the teachers – as they deserve – the teachers are being asked to bow to the medieval image of women held by Muslim fathers. This is unacceptable and must be stopped immediately by the responsible authorities!”The Vienna Freedom Party found even clearer words. ‘If Muslim fathers now want to dictate to kindergarten teachers how they should dress, then a clear stop must be put to this behaviour. Such Islamist parents have no place in this city and should return to their Islamic homeland,’ said Vienna Freedom Party leader Dominik Nepp, himself a father of two. ‘I call on Social Democratic Mayor Ludwig and Education Councillor Wiederkehr to instruct Vienna’s kindergartens to report such outrageous demands immediately and to impose consequences on these parents,’ emphasises Nepp.
Muslimische Kleidervorschriften für Kindergärtnerinnen in Wien: Oppsition ist fassungslos | Exxpress
FRANCE: Trans Activists Set Off Explosion in Attempt to Sabotage Conference Critical of Gender Ideology

A private school in Lyon, France, had its electricity sabotaged on Thursday as trans activists attempted to have a conference critical of gender ideology cancelled. The event was later swarmed by 300 trans activists, who gathered outside of the Institute of Social, Economic and Political Sciences (ISSEP) in opposition to the appearance of feminist activist Marguerite Stern, co-author of the book “Transmania.”
The conference, titled Comment L’idéologie Transgenre Détruit des Vies? (How Transgender Ideology Destroys Lives), sought to discuss the harms of both medical transitioning and the aggression of trans activism. But even before the event was set to officially begin, the venue – a private school founded by right-wing Member of Parliament Marion Maréchal-Le Pen – was targeted for sabotage.
At approximately 4:00 AM on the day the conference was to take place, an explosion occurred and a fire broke out in a room housing an electrical meter adjacent to the venue. As firefighters worked to extinguish the flames, 200 police officers were dispatched to the scene. The officers were present throughout the evening’s event in order to secure the safety of attendees.
Voici les conditions dans lesquelles se tient ma conférence à l’ISSEP. Pas d’eau. Pas d’électricité. Un groupe électrogène pour avoir un minimum d’éclairage. 200 policiers. Parce que j’affirme que les femmes n’ont pas de pénis.
— Marguerite Stern (@Margueritestern) September 19, 2024
C’est lunaire. pic.twitter.com/mUxfHxTZuu
While police are still investigating the cause of the fire, security camera footage caught one unidentified individual setting off an explosive device. The explosion set fire to the electrical meter of the adjacent building, resulting in a power outage for some local residents. This occurred while trans activists had been vandalizing the front of the institute with threatening slogans.
Vandalism on the ISSEP building’s front read: “Dirty TERF,” an acronym which stands for ‘trans-exclusionary radical feminist’ and is often used as a pejorative to harass or threaten violence against women who oppose gender identity ideology.
“No transphobes,” and “TERFs out of our struggle” were also painted on the building’s entrance next to a symbol synonymous with trans activism.

Stern, formerly an active campaigner against femicide, decided to speak at ISSEP Thursday evening despite the damage to the institute and credible threats to her safety which were shared on social media. While the event took place, more trans activists gathered outside of the venue and complained of “transphobia” to local media.
“At the conference, I talked about how children are harmed by puberty blockers, and all the women who ‘transition’, especially the teenagers, and [detransitioners] who find that ‘transition’ destroyed their lives. But I also talked about the ‘TERFs’, the women who resist, because I believe that transgender ideology destroys their lives, too,” Stern told Reduxx.
“When we started the conference, we didn’t have electricity because the workers were still trying to turn the power back on. And this is not the first time a venue where I was scheduled to speak was vandalized. So what I was talking about was happening in front of our eyes,” Stern continued.
“I’m so upset about that fire and the impact on the people living there. Those people who set the fire just didn’t care about human lives,” she added. “They knew that children were sleeping in this building, and the fire could have been much worse if the firemen didn’t come to stop it. Can you imagine? Some children could have died.”
Stern is no stranger to controversy and has been targeted by trans activists for several years.
Last April, when Stern was set to speak at a symposium in Nantes intended to raise awareness of the plight of Afghan and Iranian women, the event had to be postponed in response to violent threats made against her and the venue.
Stern has previously been ousted from her own organization in direct response to her concerns about transgender ideology. Les Collages Contre les Féminicides, a direct action campaign she launched in 2019, involved the creation of murals calling attention to violence against women and girls. In 2022, trans activists destroyed one such mural created in remembrance of the infant victims of shaken baby syndrome by an organization sympathetic to Stern, L’Amazone.
On International Women’s Day in 2021, Stern was pelted with eggs by trans activists in a coordinated and premeditated assault. She, along with members of L’Amazone and the Collective for the Abolition of Pornography and Prostitution (CAPP) had gathered to hold a demonstration at the Place de la République in Paris. The women soon found themselves swarmed and outnumbered by trans activists who called them “SWERFs,” meaning Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminists, and shouted: “No feminism without whores.”
In May, Stern and another women’s rights advocate, Dora Moutot, had death threats chanted at them by a crowd of trans activists outside of Assas University where they had been invited to speak about the book they wrote together.
Demonstrators surrounded the entrance and shouted, “A TERF, a bullet, social justice,” at the two women as they were escorted by police. “They have no shame,” said Stern in footage depicting the scene. “How can they say that in front of police?” marveled Moutot.
Leading up to last night’s conference, Stern was mocked and threatened with violence on social media by trans activists, some of whom joked about hurling eggs at her for their own amusement.
A second protest organized by Jeune Garde, or the French arm of Antifa, which would have occurred at the entrance of ISSEP, was cancelled by order of the police. Stern explained that the police were aware that Jeune Garde protests are “always violent.”
Le Collectif Droit des Femmes 69 coordinated the protest with over a dozen various trans activist and so-called feminist organizations, among them: NousToutes Rhône, Solidaires Rhône, Ensemble ! 69, VIFFIL-SOS Femmes, PS du Rhône, Filactions, Les Ecologistes 69, SOS Homophobie, Jeune Garde, and le Planning Familial.
“As members of the Collectif Droits des Femmes 69, we cannot remain silent in the face of this conference,” the organization’s leaders announced in a press release. “Indeed, this event illustrates in every way what we are fighting: the crass transphobia of a part of the political and media class, increasingly uninhibited in France and elsewhere. Transphobes publicly spread their venom, legitimizing physical, psychological, institutional violence against our trans or non-binary siblings. The feminism we claim is inclusive, we stand up together and for everyone!”
Individual organizations also made public statements on social media vilifying Stern and calling on their supporters to denounce her.
“On Thursday, September 19, ISSEP, Marien Maréchal Lepen’s school, has invited Marguerite Stern to present her book ‘Transmania’. This book, which is nothing more than fiction that aims to demonize trans people and spread hatred, is not based on any scientific reality,” reads a statement produced by Solidaires Rhône. “In particular, it served as support for a transphobic bill aimed at banning the transitions of minors, in complicity with the extreme right.”
Since the publication of “Transmania” in April, which Stern co-authored with her colleague Dora Moutot, the two women’s rights activists have been denied speaking opportunities. For years, the two have faced ongoing threats of violence both online and via publicly posted signage, been publicly condemned by prominent politicians, and even had legal complaints made against them for “misgendering”.
Last year, one of the organizations involved in yesterday’s demonstration, SOS Homophobie, filed France’s first-ever “misgendering” discrimination suit against Moutot. The “Transmania” co-author was accused of “violently attacking” Nicolas ‘Marie’ Cau, mayor of the small town of Tilloy-lez-Marchiennes, by calling him a man.
Switzerland begins covering its most iconic landscape with… solar panels

By Olivia Murray
Say verabschiedung, au revoir, and arrivederci to the pristine beauty of the Swiss Alps, because a bunch of progressive bureaucrats and lawmakers decided that the “climate change” agenda took precedence over maintaining the natural beauty of the environment they ostensibly want to protect.
From a new report out at EcoNews:
The Swiss Alps offer views of some of the most awe-inspiring landscapes in the world. Movies such as The Sound of Music (1965) instilled images of these gorgeous mountains into the hearts and minds of people all over the globe. The landscape of Switzerland is about to change drastically as the government embraces renewable energy and sets up massive solar panel farms on mountaintops and in reservoirs.
We call this sight pollution.
Maybe I have a personal bias, but few things are more unsightly in a landscape than the shockingly ugly “green” energy schemes—like these solar panels but also wind turbines—and the progressives just love to plop them down in landscapes that are for all intents and purposes, world heritage sights.
In the water off the coast of Nantucket?
Along the lavender fields of Provence?
On the white chalk cliffs of Étretat?
The Swiss Alps?!
Seriously, what is wrong with these people?
A nuclear power plant is a heinous sight too, which is why you’d never plunk one down on Capri, in the middle of the Serengeti, or next to the pyramids of Egypt.
Now, the article’s writer actually seems to favor installing solar panels on the mountain tops, writing this:
Not everyone in Switzerland is happy about the fact that the government wants to build solar farms in the Swiss Alps. Many residents are crying out about the potential impact on tourism and local economies. Hundreds of thousands of tourists flock to Switzerland every year to experience the pure magic of the mountains. If they look up and see solar panels dotting the view, they may be less likely to come back the next year. The question is whether or not this risk is worth the benefit of embracing solar energy in the mountains.
On the other hand, some Swiss people are proud of their government for moving toward a sustainable future.
Allow me to answer… no, the “benefit” is not worth destroying the most iconic features of Switzerland. I mean, why not just slap these bad boys across the rooftops of Cappadocia, or affix them to the blue domed roofs of Santorini?
Nothing about solar panels is “sustainable.” They’re unable to be recycled, and contain microplastics and “forever chemicals” that leach into our soil and water supplies when they’re decommissioned, either through use or damage. And of course, mining the materials and elements needed for their manufacture requires diesel-powered heavy machinery.
And, have the progressives done any environmental impact studies on the local fauna? I doubt it.
This obviously isn’t about sustainability, but an agenda that thrives on destroying and demoralizing the West and its treasures.
Austria’s ÖVP ‘accidentally’ votes to abolish biological sex definition under federal law

The Conservative Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) has said it inadvertently voted into force a change of a federal law that has replaced the definition of biological sex with subjective notions of gender identity.
On September 18, in the last session of the Austrian parliament before the elections on September 29, 2024, ÖVP delegates – together with the MPs of the Social Democrats and the Greens – voted into force a change of various federal employment laws.
The package included a change to the Federal Equal Treatment Act – the clause mandating the “equality of women and men” was replaced with a requirement for “equality based on gender”. A separate amendment defined gender as “comprising gender traits, gender identity, gender expression and gender role”.
The change drew widespread criticism from right-wingers, and those on the Left. Heimo Lepuschitz, a right-wing commentator, called it “an epic fall from grace” and said the ÖVP had helped “wokeism” to victory.
Faika El-Nagashi, a Green MP, said she had abstained from the vote because she did not condone the replacement of objective sexes with subjective gender identities.
The new law, she said, constituted “Self ID through the back door”. Self-identification is the idea that a person’s legal sex should be determined not by their biological sex but by their subjective perception of their gender. It is a major goal of the so-called trans movement.
The ÖVP initially did not comment on its reasons for condoning the change in the law. In its election programme the party listed “rejection of excessive gendering” as one of its five key principles in social policy.
On the evening of September 19, the ÖVP then said it had voted in favour of the change by mistake.
The Austrian Press Agency quoted an ÖVP spokesperson as saying: “It just happened to us. We saw it too late.”
In a statement to the press, ÖVP delegate Wolfgang Gerstl wrote: “The original definition of gender would have been perfectly adequate, a change in the legal situation was unnecessary. Unfortunately, with the amendment to the Equal Treatment Act during yesterday’s last session of the National Council before the election, a provision was included which we firmly reject.”
The admission has sparked both consternation and ridicule. Gerald Loacker, an MP for the Liberal Neos party said it showed how inferior Austrian politicians were. Harald Vilimsky, MEP for the right-wing Freedom Party, called the affair an embarrassment for the Conservatives.
The ÖVP has now promised to undo the legal change in the first session of parliament after the elections.
Laughable: Here Are Some of the Sites Where “Extreme” Temperatures Are Being Recorded

These days the Met Office has rebadged its daily “high” temperatures as “extreme”, all the better of course to ramp up fears of heat as part of the Net Zero education process. Last Wednesday’s “extreme” of 20.4°C was recorded at Teddington Bushy Park. As the Google Earth photo below shows, the “extreme” temperature is helped on its way by an adjacent high wall reflecting heat onto the measuring device and a large housing development warming the nearby area. Teddington Bushy Park is a junk class 4 station with internationally-recognised “uncertainties” of 2°C. Joke class 4 station might be a more apt description. How anyone can think information taken at this site is suitable for scientific work that ultimately produces a global mean temperature is a mystery.

Under a classification system set by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) that takes account of temperature corruptions, natural and unnatural, 77.9% of Met Office sites are rated class 4 and 5 and have uncertainties of 2°C and 5°C respectively. The Met Office does its best to explain away the poor siting of most of its UK-wide 380-strong temperature station network. Class 3 – uncertainties of 1°C – and class 4 are said to produce “valid high-quality data”, something that might be in dispute by looking at the Teddington photo. The WMO is said by the Met Office not to preclude the use of data from super junk class 5. For its part, the WMO states that a class 5 is “where nearby obstacles create an inappropriate environment for a meteorological measurement that is intended to be representative of a wider area”. Nearly one in three (29.2%) of the Met Office’s sites are rated super-junk 5 and from this, apparently, the Met Office can produce average temperature figures to one hundredth of a degree centigrade.
Earlier this year, a freedom of information request from the Daily Sceptic finally revealed what has been suspected for a long time, namely that the Met Office temperature measuring system is not fit for the purpose of providing accurate measurements of temperature either at specific local sites or at national and global average scale. To date, the Met Office has not made an official statement on the growing concerns that surround its scientific work following the startling revelations. It does however produce an occasional remark that suggests it is hiding from the implications of the growing criticism. Last June it declared the highest, pardon, the most extreme temperature so far of the summer at Chertsey, another ‘record’ that came under question when it was revealed that the measuring device at Chertsey water pumping station was surrounded by a newly-built solar farm.

This is the solar farm in question and it surrounds what appears to be the temperature measuring station. To be fair to the Met Office, Google Maps puts the station a few yards away – there are sometimes small errors in precise placing of any location. But what is not disputed is that the site is next to a large solar farm with over 1,800 panels. Solar panels generate large amounts of heat in the nearby areas with scientists suggesting warming of 3-4°C. Citizen journalist Ray Sanders recently tackled the Met Office on the Chertsey location and the state-funded weather service admitted it was “aware” of the solar panels near its station. “The temperature measurements meet standards for publication and scientific use,” noted the Met Office.
Over in the United States, meteorologist Anthony Watts has spent decades investigating the temperature output of the local weather service NOAA. He recently presented evidence to show that NOAA’s temperature data was “fatally flawed” with an astonishing 96% of 4,000 plus measuring stations corrupted by poor placement. As in the U.K., many photos of unsuitable locations have been published. The one below from a site in Florida showing measurements taken near a bank of air conditioning units is a particular horror show.

Appearing on a recent Tom Nelson podcast, Watts was asked about the 40.3°C runway record temperature declared for 60 seconds on July 19th 2022 as jets were landing at RAF Coningsby in the U.K. He pointed out that such events were caused by new electronic measurements that reacted to temperature change within one tenth of a second. The previous mercury thermometers took much longer to move and would never have picked up temporary temperature movements caused by gusts of wind or passing jet aircraft.
All of these figures are collected and then adjusted and the “bottom line” is that the data have been changed to increase the warming trend. A number of attempts have been made to estimate the changes caused by numerous corruptions. “We have about 50% less global warming than the media and activists would have you believe”, Watts suggests.

Small German town can’t get rid of Islamist terror supporter and its inhabitants must remain in a state of insecurity

In a documentary about the district town of Tirschenreuth (Bavaria), the Bavarian radio station Bayerischer Rundfunk recently revealed an acute threat situation with which the citizens are being left alone by politicians. They have to live with a highly dangerous Islamist because the Christian Social Union (CSU) state government wants it that way: ever since Abdulhadi B., a Syrian with a criminal record, was accommodated in Tirschenreuth, fear has been running rampant in the town of 8,000 inhabitants. B. is classified as highly dangerous and is only allowed to move around the town with an ankle bracelet under strict conditions. He is not allowed to leave the city and is banned from using the internet.
But the people of Tirschenreuth would like nothing more than for the 36-year-old alien to leave their town for good. Preferably back to where he came from. A request that has so far been thwarted by the responsible state government, as deportation to Syria is still not being authorised.
Above all, the measures imposed are probably fruitless. One resident reports that the Syrian is meeting up with other migrants in the city who he can influence and who also all have smartphones. She is appalled that ‘such a person is allowed to be here’. Other citizens interviewed by the broadcaster agree on what should happen: ‘Deport him’. However, this is not happening because it is supposedly so dangerous in the ‘civil war country’ of Syria. This is a bogus argument, as it was only in July that the Münster Higher Administrative Court ( state of North Rhine-Westphalia) ruled that deportations to certain regions of Syria were possible.
The Syrian is a ticking time bomb that could explode at any time and cause fatalities. In August 2018, he was sentenced to a total prison sentence of five years and three months for two counts of soliciting supporters for the terrorist organisation Islamic State (IS), attempted incitement to manslaughter and assault. But he is at large.
According to the indictment, he had sent chat messages to two men in Syria asking them to carry out a suicide attack or an explosive attack for IS and even wanted to turn his own son into a child soldier for the terrorist organisation. But once again, the ruling class is more concerned about the welfare of criminal invaders than the safety of its own population.
Bürger müssen in Angst leben, weil Regierung Gefährder nicht abschieben will – Unzensuriert
German Left-Wing Activists Received €4.7 Million in Taxpayer Funds
The German left-wing group HateAid, which claims to combat “hate on the Internet,” has received around €4.7 million in taxpayer money since 2019. It is owned to 50% by Campact eV, a left-leaning association focused on opposing the Right, according to news outlet NIUS.
While presenting itself as “independent and non-partisan” and talking about protecting “diversity of opinion” on its website, HateAid warns:
BLOCK QUOTE: Right-wing extremists and other enemies of democracy are taking over the Internet. They are trying to deliberately split society through hate and disinformation.
The association has also called for the introduction of a “law against digital violence” that would include “court-ordered account suspensions”—criminalizing online speech.
A report from the federal government, requested by Bundestag member Christoph Ploß (CDU) and reviewed by NIUS, shows that funding for this non-profit has been steady since it started. The Family Ministry and the Ministry of Justice have given thousands for projects like an “Instagram information campaign on dealing with hate speech” (€49,000) and “Addressing hate as a holistic threat: Support for victims at the intersection of physical and digital violence” (€345,000).
In 2023 and 2024, the Justice Ministry allocated €498,000 and €600,000, respectively, for a project titled “Digital violence in a volatile environment: New areas of phenomenon, forms of violence, and affected groups.” This year alone, with additional funding from the Family Ministry for a project called “Living Democracy,” HateAid has received nearly €1.3 million.
HateAid has also backed several left-wing politicians, including two from the Greens and one from the SPD, in pursuing legal action against online comments. The organization declined to comment to NIUS about whether they covered the politicians’ legal costs. Financing litigation, however, is a service promoted by the HateAid website.
HateAid is part of the Competence Network Against Hate Online, which recently published a study called “Loud Hate, Quiet Retreat.” The study aimed to address the dangers of online hate but ended up classifying legitimate opinions as “hate.” During the presentation of the study in February, Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) called for action against “hate” online to occur even “below the threshold of criminality.”
Campact eV, the majority owner of HateAid, is currently topping its website with an appeal titled “Keep AfD out of power,” illustrated by a composite image comparing Thuringia AfD leader Björn Höcke with Adolf Hitler.
GERMANY: Violent Transgender Shoe Fetishist Could Avoid Charges Of Exposing His Penis To Women Because He’s “Legally Female”

A trans-identified male from Troisdorf, Germany, is facing charges after attacking multiple women in two disturbing incidents involving knives and exhibitionism. But a debate is now raging in court as legal experts weigh whether the man, who identifies as a “woman,” can be charged with exposing his penis, a crime only males can be prosecuted for.
The man, 56, is scheduled to stand trial in Bonn for threats and grievous bodily harm related to two incidents, one from 2021 and one from 2022. Due to Germany’s strict privacy laws, the man’s full name has not been released, but he will be referred to as “Klaus” for the purposes of this article.
In August of 2021, Klaus followed a woman home and attacked her while she was at her front door. Klaus is alleged to have grabbed her from behind and held a knife to her throat while he wrangled her boots off. The woman fought back, suffering cuts to her neck and hands, and was able to send her attacker fleeing thanks to her loud cries for help. Klaus was wearing women’s clothes at the time of the attack, and is said to be a women’s shoe fetishist.
The next year, in December, Klaus exposed his penis to two women on a train. The regional court in Bonn must now decide whether this was a sexual offense, as Section 183 of the German Criminal Code only imposes a fine or a prison sentence to men for exhibitionistic acts. Because Klaus is legally considered “female,” he may avoid this charge entirely.
The uncertainty is the result of Germany’s recently-passed gender self-identification law, which is considered by many to be the most relaxed legislation of its kind in the world. In 2022, well-known criminal defense attorney Udo Vetter warned about the impact the law would have on criminal proceedings, writing on social media that: “Section 183 of the Criminal Code only applies to men. If a man uses self-ID to become a woman, he can no longer commit a criminal offense for exhibitionism.”
The verdict on whether Klaus can also be convicted of exhibitionism is expected within the next two months.
Klaus has an extensive criminal history stretching back years. According to the General-Anzeiger, which referred to Klaus as a “woman,” a reading of his past criminal record took the court over two hours.
In October of 2008, Klaus attacked a 52-year-old woman, violently pulling her to the ground and sitting on her so he could rip her boots off her legs. According to a news article on the incident, Klaus admitted to becoming aroused when he put the boots on after fleeing to a nearby forest. During the subsequent police search, investigators found a whole collection of women’s boots at his home.
The next year, he attacked a 54-year-old woman who was heading home from carnival celebrations dressed as a female pirate in order to steal her boots. When she fought back, he strangled her, cut her face with a knife, bruised her upper body, and fled. He claimed at the time that he had only been able to commit the assault because he had been allowed to walk free from his 2008 crime.
Klaus was ultimately sentenced to two years and four months in prison after being convicted of aggravated extortion and grievous bodily harm. At the time, the court also recommended he be confined to a permanent placement in a psychiatric institution after hearing expert testimony from a psychiatrist who labeled him dangerous and at risk of escalating his behavior to more serious acts of violence.
On the witness stand, Klaus reported that his obsession with women’s footwear had started with his mother’s clothes, and, when he was just 19 years old, he attacked a woman to steal her boots. His parents are said to have sent him to therapy in vain.
His stay in the psychiatric clinic lasted around 7 years and, while confined to the facility for his criminal convictions, Klaus changed his legal sex and received breast implants. Disturbingly, due to the laws in place at the time, Klaus would have had to receive the approval of two mental health professionals to proceed with his legal sex change.
Germany’s new Self-Determination Act (SBGG) comes into effect in November. The law, which was met by overwhelming backlash from women’s rights campaigners, established “gender identity” as a protected characteristic and allows parents to change the sex marker on their children’s documents from birth. The SBGG also creates the potential for citizens to be fined up to €10,000 (approx. $11,500 USD) for revealing a person’s given name and birth sex without their permission – an action that trans activists staunchly oppose and refer to as ‘deadnaming.’
The SBGG allows individuals to change their legal sex and name without any diagnosis of gender dysphoria, and does not discriminate against those with criminal records. Even convicted sex offenders such as rapists, pedophiles, exhibitionists and voyeurs can easily change their legal sex and first name at a registry office.
Former NYC COVID czar held secret sex parties, flouted his own rules during COVID ‘pandemic

New York City’s former COVID response “architect” held secret sex parties during the pandemic even as he publicly insisted that fellow city dwellers remain isolated, undercover footage shows.
“The only way I could do this job for the city is if I found a way to blow off steam every now and then,” Dr. Jay Varma, who served as the “principal scientific spokesperson and architect” for NYC’s COVID pandemic response from April 2020 to May 2021, divulged to an undercover journalist in video footage posted by Steven Crowder on Thursday.
“It’s funny because I did all this deviant sexual stuff while I was on TV,” said Varma, referring to the fact that he had sex parties during the same period he was giving daily televised COVID briefings along with NYC’s mayor. “People are like, aren’t you afraid? Aren’t you embarrassed? And I was like, no, actually, I love being my authentic self.”
However, asked whether he would have “gotten a hard time” if it was publicly known that he held sex parties during COVID, Varma admitted, “It would have been a big deal. It would have been a real embarrassment.”
He told how he and his wife rented out a hotel to have a sex party with eight to 10 people in August 2020 after he had already begun recommending social distancing measures.
“We had to be sneaky about it because hotels didn’t want people gathering there, because I was like running the entire COVID response in the city,” said Varma, going on to share that they took “molly” (MDMA) together.
Then there was the time in 2021 that he joined a dance party of about 200 people underneath a bank on Wall Street — the only time he was nervous, he said.
“I was looking around being like, f***, if anybody sees me here, they’re gonna be pissed. Because this was not COVID-friendly.”
The stunning revelations of the undercover footage are not limited to Varma’s hypocrisy about gatherings and social distancing; his guidelines drove record numbers of adults and children to depression and suicidal ideation.
He also admitted to forcing people to get vaccinated while acknowledging that the immune response triggered by a COVID shot is no different than that triggered from exposure to the virus.
When the undercover journalist mentioned there were people who would not have sex with the unvaccinated, Varma laughed, telling her that the vaccination status of a person with whom one comes into contact “doesn’t make any difference at all.”
“Everybody’s been exposed to the virus … whether you’re exposed to the virus because someone breathed on you, whether someone injected it in you, it’s the same immune response.”
Yet, he admitted not only to convincing former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio to implement COVID vaccine mandates but to essentially forcing people to get the dangerous shots. Thus far, 37,910 deaths and 1,645,999 adverse events after COVID shots in the U.S. alone have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which traditionally reports only a small fraction of total vaccine-induced death and injury.
Without acknowledging the health risk of the shots, Varma explained, “So the way we do it in public health is we make it very uncomfortable to be unvaccinated. It’s like you can’t get a job, you can’t go to a restaurant, your kid can’t go to school.”
“But was it technically kind of like forcing people?” the undercover journalist asked.
“Yeah. That’s what you do. You force people by making it really uncomfortable,” Varma said. “The whole idea is that you build barriers so that people are just like, f*** it, I’m just going to do it because I’m tired of being harassed.”
Retired New York City Fire Department Battalion Chief Tom Lapolla, whose job was terminated during the COVID outbreak due to NYC jab mandates, remarked to LifeSiteNews that the video footage makes clear Varma abused his power.
“He’s having orgies. We’re working the plandemic. He gets a good job after he leaves the city. We lose our jobs. This is tyranny. This is an abuse of power,” said Lapolla, who is running for the New York State Assembly.
“I’m hoping that the state AG, or even the federal government, investigates this,” Lapolla continued. “The mandates weren’t legislatively implemented. This isn’t the will of the people. This is the will of a select few, select elites … and people’s lives were destroyed.”
“I know it firsthand,” said Lapolla, citing the 1,500 or so city workers who lost their jobs for refusing the COVID shots, many of whom are still out of work. He mentioned a young woman he knew who, having lost her job, lost her medical coverage as well and was later diagnosed with lymphoma.
“This is atrocious. The mandate was capricious and arbitrary,” Lapolla noted. He is calling on NYC’s current mayor to “rectify” his predecessor’s administration by “hiring back immediately every single member of the NYC workforce who was terminated because of that unjust mandate.”
“He can do it with the stroke of the pen,” Lapolla added. “We want Mayor (Eric) Adams, in light of this revelation, to make those folks whole again.”