German public prosecutor’s office orders arrest of Syrian: Islamist plotted attack on German soldiers

Wikimedia Commons , SSGT MARIA J. LORENTE, USAF,  PD US Air Force

The public prosecutor’s office in Munich has had a suspected Islamist arrested for planning an attack on German soldiers, the public prosecutor’s office has announced. The man had wanted to attack soldiers during a lunch break in the city centre of the Bavarian town of Hof and kill as many of them as possible, it was reported on Friday. A few days ago, the 27-year-old from Syria had bought two machetes about 40 centimetres long for this purpose, and the arrest warrant for the man was obtained and enforced on Friday. An investigating judge at Hof District Court had ordered the warrant to be executed on the charge of preparing a serious violent offence endangering the state.

Investigators are convinced that the accused wanted to cause a commotion with his attack and create a feeling of insecurity in the population.

Generalstaatsanwaltschaft nimmt Syrer fest: Islamist plante Anschlag auf Bundeswehr-Soldaten | Exxpress

Convicted rapist from Guadeloupe jailed in France for attempted rape of 102-year-old nursing home resident

Wikimedia Commons , Правительство Калининградской области, CC-BY-4.0

A convicted rapist from Guadeloupe has been handed a 20-year prison sentence for the attempted rape of a 102-year-old resident of a nursing home in the French city of Rouen.

On Wednesday, the Seine-Maritime Assize Court found 39-year-old Laury Jean-Baptiste guilty of the offense, which occurred on Feb. 17, 2023 in the Sapins district of the city.

The court heard how the elderly victim had been found in an adjacent room to her own in the early hours of the morning in shock and with scratches on her forearms, face, and lower abdomen.

She told carers that a man had attempted to rape her while she lay in bed but she had managed to resist and cause him to panic and flee.

Sadly, the victim passed away less than a month after the attack.

CCTV footage from the home confirmed the intrusion of a tall male of slim build, leading police to the suspect who was due to complete a personal assistance internship at the home.

Further investigations found positive traces of the suspect’s DNA on the victim’s clothing, bed, and the window ledge to her room, which is believed to be how he had gained access.

He was arrested in early March and held in pre-trial detention.

Up until his trial, the suspect denied the attempted rape charge, initially claiming to have been at his former girlfriend’s house on the night of the attack, before later changing his story to accepting his presence at the home but insisting he was simply trying to find a place to store his belongings.

His story changed further still this week in court, telling the judge: “I confused the lady with my 58-year-old lover that I had already come to see at night — a secret relationship.

Speaking about the encounter, he added, “I lay down next to her. I caressed her. She was afraid, I was panicked. I left without brutality. I like it when relationships are sensual. I was not erect, my penis was not in the mood.”

Jean-Baptiste has a previous record in his home country having been convicted of raping a 50-year-old victim in similar circumstances at her home in Guadeloupe back in 2010.

A psychiatric report provided to the court found no psychiatric disorders but a significant criminological dangerousness within the suspect who was described as “perverse.” The expert added that the suspect has “below-average intelligence.”

He told the court he endured a difficult upbringing, claiming that his mother had been particularly violent and practiced witchcraft with animal carcasses.

His prison sentence was confirmed in court on Wednesday.

Former Cop on Starmer’s Orwellian Nightmare. What To Do if Police Tell You to Check Your Thinking?

On today’s #NCFDeprogrammed, hosts Harrison Pitt and Connor Tomlinson are joined by former policeman and free speech campaigner Harry Miller of We Are Fair Cop, a group of gender critical lawyers, police officers, writers & professionals dedicated to upholding Articles 8-11 ECHR & removing politics from policing. They discuss the Orwellian nightmare of Starmer’s Britain and why things are far worse than most people appreciate. What should you do if the police visit you and tell you to check your thinking?

At Least FIVE Male Inmates Transferred To Minnesota Women’s Prison, Including Two Convicted Pedophiles

A total of five male convicts were transferred to a Minnesota’s women-only prison following the adoption of a gender identity policy by the Department of Corrections in January of 2023. Two of the men who are now being held at MCF-Shakopee, a female correctional center, are sexual predators serving sentences related to the abuse of children.

Among them are Elijah Thomas Berryman, 26, who was first arrested in April 2022 and accused of sexually abusing a minor multiple times. He pleaded guilty to four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct in March of this year, and according to the Minnesota DOC website, is currently serving his 25-year sentence at the women’s prison.

Another, Sean Windingland, 35, sexually assaulted two 6-year-old relatives and posted videos of the abuse and grooming on pornography and pro-pedophile websites.

Windingland admitted to engaging in sexual contact with the young girls when questioned by investigators, but claimed that the children had consented. He pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct in 2019. Windingland is now serving his 36-year prison sentence among women at MCF-Shakopee.

The third, Bradley Richard Sirvio, is a convicted murderer who is serving a life sentence. Sirvio, 52, beat a man to death with a hammer before setting his house on fire in November of 1995. A repeat offender, Sirvio has several other convictions that include multiple charges of assault, burglary, and theft. He was quietly transferred to MCF-Shakopee in November 2023, a full five months ahead of the date that a newly-drafted gender identity policy was set to take effect.

Bradley Richard Sirvio. Source: Minnesota DOC

The two remaining men confirmed by Reduxx to have been transferred into the women’s prison are Nathan Charles Johnson, serving two years for aiding and abetting a burglary, and a trans-identified male who uses the name Christina Suzanne Lusk, but was born Craig Lusk.

In June 2022, Lusk launched a discrimination lawsuit against the Minnesota Department of Corrections which ultimately resulted in the implementation of measures permitting male convicts to be housed in the female estate. Lusk, who was serving a five-year sentence for the possession of methamphetamine at the Moose Lake correctional facility for men, was backed by the trans activist non-profit organization Gender Justice – which was recently revealed to have received nearly $500,000 in taxpayer funds from the administration of Governor Tim Walz.

The Democratic vice presidential nominee’s office handed out $448,904 to Gender Justice just one year after the organization filed the sex discrimination complaint against Minnesota’s DOC on behalf of Lusk, according to a review of public records published by the taxpayer watchdog group

Lusk was arrested on two drug-related felonies, but was ultimately only convicted on one after striking a plea deal. He pleaded guilty to first degree possession of a controlled substance, and was sentenced to 98 months in prison. The defendant fact sheet lists Lusk’s gender as “male,” though he had changed his legal name the year prior.

Lusk had a previous felony conviction for first-degree robbery.

The legal claim, which was successful in court, demanded that Lusk be transferred to MCF-Shakopee and refers to him as “a woman who was assigned male at birth”, using feminine pronouns throughout.

“Gender identity refers to a person’s innate sense and deeply held understanding of their own
gender. Everyone has a gender identity,” reads the complaint. Lusk began taking female hormones in 2009 and received chest implants in 2017.

Gender Justice further demanded that Lusk be given “women’s undergarments,” and claimed that DOC “punished Ms. Lusk for having breasts and for wearing women’s clothing.” Additionally it was stated that Lusk was “repeatedly misgendered and misnamed”.

Craig ‘Christina’ Lusk shortly after undergoing a chest implant procedure in 2017.

As previously reported by Reduxx, a Facebook account belonging to Lusk showed that he was obsessively posting about seeking female sexual partners, and that he wanted “a bride from Japan”.

As a result of a settlement between Gender Justice and the DOC, Lusk was awarded a $495,000 payout, of which approximately $250,000 was allocated to cover the cost of legal fees. The DOC also rolled out a new policy that would streamline the process for male convicts to transfer into the women’s prison.

The legal team responsible for arguing Lusk’s case was honored with the title “Attorneys of the Year” by law publication Minnesota Lawyer.

The new transgender inmate policy, which was revised in April last year and came into effect at the beginning of April 2024, established an Agency Gender Identity Committee in order to identify and make placement recommendations for “incarcerated people who are transgender” or “gender diverse”. The document cites as an authority the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), a lobbying group that Reduxx has repeatedly connected with sex offenders and sexologists sympathetic to pedophiles.

Christina Lusk.

This week, a woman formerly employed at the Minnesota Department of Corrections came forward to tell Alpha News that she had resigned from her post in protest of the new policy allowing men who claim a transgender status to be transferred into the female prison estate. Alicia Beckmann, who worked as a GED instructor at MCF-Shakopee, says the policy which prioritizes “gender identity” over biological sex creates an “unsafe environment.”

“I think it has just created a lot of risk, a lot of unknown confusion, frustration, anger,” Beckmann said. “It just has a vibe that doesn’t sit right with a lot of us who work at Shakopee because we are a women’s correctional facility.”

“We house every custody level. We have what would be considered low-level offenders who are there on DWI charges, theft charges, drug possession. Then, you bring in biological males who are violent, who would be housed at a custody level four facility. I just believe we’re re-victimizing some of these women, re-traumatizing them. They are incarcerated, however, they all have a past and a lot of their past includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. I think allowing men to live amongst these women is traumatizing and it’s also unsafe for staff,” she added.

Beckmann remarked that the policy had caused a climate of fear among staff at the women’s prison. “We just fear saying anything. I’ve been away from the DOC now for a few months and I still fear any kind of retaliation from the agency for speaking out, and I’m speaking out for these women who deserve a chance to be rehabilitated and returned to society. I just don’t think the way they’re doing it is appropriate.”

‘NGOs are government organisations in disguise’

screen grab youtube
The screen grab youtubeAfD's parliamentary group wanted to know what the situation was regarding the funding for alleged "non-governmental organisations".

German historian Dr. Stefan Scheil examined a recent response from the federal government to a query from the AfD.

This inflow of funds is by no means obvious from the usual budget documents. For example, Tesla billionaire Elon Musk, brought to light some time ago that the German government was actually directly sponsoring human trafficking activities of many individual organisations, disguised as “sea rescue,” using millions of euros of German taxpayers’ money.

The AfD’s question was aimed at uncovering this viper’s nest, and it demanded general information about who had been favoured as “first recipient, intermediate or final recipient”.

The answer, as printed in the document 20/10952, was, as mentioned, very comprehensive and offers considerable insight into the extent to which political Berlin is literally buying the support that is commonly referred to as civil society and is presented under this brand name as evidence of “democratic structures” that are not part of the government.

The Foreign Office, which also provided money for trafficking operations in the Mediterranean, cited limitations on “classified information” to be viewed on site in Berlin only by “authorized persons”. It was maintained that the allocation of funds was not systematically recorded and, on top of that, the manual effort allegedly required to answer the AfD question was likely to “massively restrict the ability of the affected areas to work”.

So a lot of money is being spent and there is no “realistic” way to keep track of it. One can only imagine how such funds are being used in secret.

There was nevertheless quite a lot of other information that proved to be insightful. Around forty recipients were listed on each page, which made a total of around ten thousand organisations, foundations, associations, limited companies and also people who received funding.

Individuals are the exception, and they are quite unusual. A telling example of this is the name Juba Akili, who appears on the list. If you don’t know him, he is a former SPD city councillor from Regensburg who has been making headlines for some time now with his initiative to stop serving alleged “Nazis” in the region’s bars and restaurants. He received 64 000 euros from the federal budget every year over the entire five-year reporting period.

And then there was “Annemarie Schimske”, a Social Democrat who was also named as a recipient of 461 000 euros in 2020, for whatever reason. Some other recipients are not specified in more detail either, such as “Asyl eV”, and which was also given a one-off payment of 371 000 euros in 2020. Or a “LAGO” with no further details, receiving 655 000 euros in 2023. And so it goes on and on, page by page.

Of course, there are also well-known names such as “Correctiv”, the organisation that made a name for itself at the beginning of the year with the staged reporting of a Potsdam meeting of CDU and AfD politicians as an alleged new “Wannsee Conference”. There is also the Amadeu Antonio Foundation of the former agent of the GDR state security service Anette Kahane or the abortion organisation “pro familia”.

Around a million is given every year to the “Turkish Community eV” and money to hundreds of other migrant communities. As an individual item, the Central Council of Jews receives, not surprisingly, many times this amount. Caritas, the German Red Cross, German sport in many forms and also the “Foundation for Connectedness with Germans Abroad” were also given huge sums.

It will take some time to process the information obtained, especially since the government will, in case of doubt, stonewall the matter just as the Foreign Office did. What is certain, however, is that the scant documentation and the barely transparent justification for several of these payments can be read as evidence of a large pool of swamp creatures all of whom are systematically corrupted by government money. The “non-governmental organisations” are, to a large extent, in fact government organisations.

‘NGOs are government organisations in disguise’ – Free West Media

German Gov’t Flops Attempting to Fact-Check Trump on Green Energy Debacle

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock wants to lecture the whole world, but always receives nothing but disapproving responses. Foto: Olaf Kosinsky / Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0 de)

Germany attempted to defend its disastrous energy policies in a fact-check-style response to former President Donald Trump who held up Berlin as a warning to the American public in Tuesday’s debate with Vice President Kamala Harris.

Mr Trump urged U.S. voters to reject the green agenda favoured by the Democrats and Harris, noting that even Germany has had to walk back its Energiewende transition as evidence of the foolhardy nature of the green agenda.

“You believe in things that the American people don’t believe in,” Trump said towards Harris. “You believe in things like, we’re not gonna frack. We’re not gonna take fossil fuel,” referencing her long-standing opposition to fracking, a position she has attempted to flip-flop on.

“Germany tried that and within one year, they were back to building normal energy plants,” Trump continued. “We’re not ready for it.”

The comments apparently triggered Berlin’s Foreign Office, which wrote on X: “Like it or not: Germany’s energy system is fully operational, with more than 50% renewables. And we are shutting down – not building – coal & nuclear plants. Coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest. PS: We also don’t eat cats and dogs.”

However, amid the cut-off of Russian energy, which roughly coincided with the planned phaseout of Germany’s fleet of nuclear power stations, Berlin was forced to turn back to traditional and more reliable forms of energy, and in February approved plans to build between 15 to 20 new gas-powered plants, with the proviso of an eventual upgrade to burn hydrogen within the next 10 to 15 years.

Meanwhile, in 2022, the leftist coalition government in Berlin was also forced to turn back on over a dozen mostly coal fire power plants and granted permissions for 11 more in a move that Chancellor Olaf Scholz described as a “temporary” measure amid the Ukraine War-sparked energy crisis.

Although the “traffic light” government, which includes Scholz’s Social Democrats and the Greens, had said that it hoped to phase out coal power entirely by the end of the decade, the energy crisis has also forced Berlin to push back the deadline to Angela Merkel’s previous date of 2038. Yet, there have been doubts raised about the viability of the new deadline as well, including by the deputy leader of Merkel’s Christian Democrat Union party Jens Spahn earlier this year.

Even government coalition member and finance minister, Christian Lindner, has raised questions about shutting down coal plants, warning last year that it could result in further energy price shocks if there is not a reliable replacement source. “Put simply, energy is expensive when it is scarce. That’s why now is not the time to shut down power plants,” the liberal politician said last year.

The unreliability of green energy sources, in concert with Moscow’s move to cut gas and oil supplies following European sanctions over the war in Ukraine and the ultimate sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines — a project Donald Trump strongly opposed and sanctioned — has plunged the German economy into chaos, with wholesale electricity prices the first half of this year hitting an average of €67.6/MWh, compared to €38.3/MWh during the same time in 2019, representing over a 76 per cent increase.

Germany, which largely banned fracking for natural gas in 2017, has turned to more expensive Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) shipped in from countries like the United States and Qatar to keep its economic engine churning. However, the soaring cost of energy has been attributed, in part, to hampering German industry, with auto giant Volkswagen even reportedly considering shutting down factories in the country for the first time in the history of the company.

Adding insult to injury, a report this week from Norwegian engineer and researcher Jan Emblemsvåg of the University of Science and Technology in Trondheim found that current German emissions would have been significantly lower if Berlin had invested in nuclear power, rather than abandoning the clean energy source in favour of so-called renewables.

The report found that German emissions would have fallen by around 73 per cent if it had invested in more nuclear power at the turn of the century, while the supposed green transition has only coincided with a 25 per cent drop. Even worse, Emblemsvåg estimated that opting for nuclear would have saved the country some 600 billion euros if it had maintained nuclear and even if it had invested in nuclear, it would have still been 300 billion euros cheaper than the costly and inefficient green sources.

Antifa Vandalises Conservative School of Political Science in Lyon

Marion Maréchal looks on next to the logo of the new “Institut de Sciences Sociales Economiques et Politiques”, ISSEP (Institute of Social, Economic and Politic Sciences) she launched on June 22, 2018, in Lyon during a press conference to inaugurate the school.Screen grab youtube

A school of political science founded in Lyon by Marion Maréchal MEP has been vandalised by Antifa-style militants, protesting the visit of Transmania author Marguerite Stern, who was scheduled to give a lecture on transgender ideology.

The Institute of Social, Economic and Political Sciences (Institut de Sciences Sociales, Economiques et Politiques, or ISSEP) set itself the goal of training a new elite of committed people who are off the beaten track of ‘woke’ correctness—allowing Maréchal to continue her political struggle by other means. It boasts a teaching team keen to host personalities who speak a different political language.

Stern’s visit is scheduled for Thursday, September 19th. In an attempt to prevent the conference from taking place, antifascist groups in Lyon launched an intimidation campaign against the university. After sending threats by email and on social media, the activists took action by spray-painting graffiti on the façade of the institute, which read, among other things, “hi, trans fight back!”, or “Stern get lost”.

Photo: Courtesy of ISSEP

Transgender activists are calling for the pressure to be maintained and for a demonstration to be organised, in the hope of getting the organisers to back down and cancel their conference. This has happened previously, such as in Nantes, where a Spring of 2023 conference featuring Marguerite Stern had to be cancelled in the face of threats.The ISSEP management announced that it has no intention of giving in to destabilisation manoeuvres. According to ISSEP founders Marion Maréchal and Thibault Monnier in a press release:

If the extreme left thinks it can make us back down under pressure, it knows very little about us. We are delighted to welcome Marguerite Stern to our premises and we will give her our warmest welcome.

The school has video recordings of the attackers that have been passed on to the police along with a complaint.

Marguerite Stern confirmed on X that she would indeed be visiting ISSEP, under police protection, but also under private protection. 

“It’s not fear, but a certain contempt that I feel,” added Stern in her post. A few months ago, she told us that she had definitively broken with the Left by becoming aware of its imposture and its repeated violence, in defiance of the freedom of expression that she cherishes and defends.

‘Influencer’ Calls for Intifada in Paris

Nosta Lgia

French political influencer Elias d’Imzalène has been reported to the public prosecutor by the French Interior Ministry after he called for an Intifada to be carried out in Paris, according to Le Parisien on Tuesday.

He made the remarks at a Sunday pro-Palestinian rally in Paris.

In footage published on X/Twitter of the demonstration, d’Imzalène can be seen calling to the crowds, “Are we ready to carry out an Intifada in Paris? In our suburbs? In our neighborhoods? 

He added this should be conducted “to show them that the route to liberation comes from us, it starts in Paris and will pass through Marseille, and soon Jerusalem will be liberated.”

He further affirmed that as such, “Jerusalem will become the capital of all the revolutionaries.” 

He later added, “This genocide has accomplices,” and listed US President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron.  

The French newspaper said the French authorities view such remarks as a “provocation to take up arms against the authority of the State or against a part of the population.”

The comments were also a provocation, according to Le Parisien, citing the authorities, “to the deliberate harming of the life and integrity of persons, in this case, persons of Israeli nationality or of Jewish faith, as well as persons in positions of public authority.”

D’Imzalène is the founder of the Islametinfo website and has been the proponent of the claim, which argues there is a “state Islamophobia” in France. According to French media, since 2021, d’Imzalène has been flagged by Fiche S, the marker identifying an individual thought to be a threat to national security.

German bishop appoints pro-LGBT lay ‘pastoral ministers’ to help people ‘celebrate their transition’

Heiner Wilmer , screen grab youtube

Bishop Heiner Wilmer of the German Diocese of Hildesheim has appointed three lay “ministers” to offer so-called “queer-sensitive pastoral care.”

According to a press release from the diocese, the lay “pastoral ministers” will “provide support” when two lesbians want to register “their child” (i.e., a fatherless child they have obtained by adoption or surrogacy) for baptism, when a so-called “trans person wants to celebrate their transition with a blessing ceremony or parents of a non-binary child [sic] seek pastoral care.”

Contrary to the diocese’s statement, however, no human being is “transgender” or “non-binary,” as there are only two sexes, male and female, which are determined by chromosomes at the moment of conception. Catholic teaching upholds the reality of the sexes and condemns bodily mutilation, such as “transition” procedures, as “against the moral law.” It is never licit to “bless” sinful practices or situations, as Cardinal Robert Sarah has explained.

The Diocese of Hildesheim added that its “queer-sensitive pastoral care will broaden the focus on dealing with gender diversity,” particularly what it referred to as “transgender or intersex people.”

The diocese cites its heterodox declaration, “Blessing for this World,” from March 2021, which claimed, “People are an equal part of the Church regardless of their sexual identity. God’s blessing applies to them and their relationships as partners – because it applies to all loving relationships without exception,” it blasphemously stated.

However, the Catholic Church teaches that God’s blessing does not apply to homosexual and other immoral relationships, which are never “loving.” In fact, the Church has always condemned homosexual activity, as it is contrary to the natural law and divine revelation.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states:

Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity (Cf. Genesis 19:1-29; Romans 1:24-27; 1 Corinthians 6:10; 1 Timothy 1:10), tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Persona humana, 8). They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved. (CCC 2357)

The Catechism reiterates that the homosexual inclination is “objectively disordered.” It also teaches, quoting St. Thomas Aquinas, that loving is “to will the good of another” and that mortal sin, such as homosexual activity, causes the “eternal death of hell” unless it is repented of. (CCC 1766, 1861)

The Diocese of Hildesheim stated that it seeks to build on the “Blessing for this World” declaration and that it wants to establish “safe(r) spaces” for what it called “queer people under the roof of the church of Hildesheim.”

Bishop Heiner Wilmer is a staunch supporter of the heretical Synodal Way. He was one of the 40 German bishops who voted in favor of adopting a document that contradicts the Church’s moral teaching and falsely states that homosexual acts are not sinful or intrinsically evil.

In April 2020, Wilmer criticized Catholics who he said are “fixated only on the Eucharist” and downplayed the negative impact of public Masses being shut down in Germany during the COVID lockdowns.

German bishop appoints pro-LGBT lay ‘pastoral ministers’ to help people ‘celebrate their transition’ – LifeSite (

Shortly before the election in the German state of Brandenburg: Islamist attack concealed – lorry driver is stabbed and fatally wounded

Press censorship in Germany seems to be becoming more and more arbitrary – the kind of thing that usually only happens in totalitarian systems before they collapse.Today on Friday evening, a Syrian German / German Syrian ( aged 40) armed with a knife stormed a petrol station in the north of Berlin on the A 111 motorway. He then tried – similar to the Islamist terrorist in Solingen – to kill or injure as many people as possible. A Polish lorry driver is in mortal danger.

As precarious as ever: the perpetrator is said to already be known to the police for violent offences – a ‘German’ (40) with a Syrian migration background. He was arrested.

Authorities censor ‘Allahu Akbar’ shouts

By chance, however, five members of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ‘Junge Union’ – including a police officer – were at the scene of the crime. According to their statements, the stabber is said to have shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ (‘ Allah is great’) as he ran across the square.

The public prosecutor’s office quickly censored the police’s press work: the perpetrator was ‘German’ – as they announced as usual. A cynical postscript: that’s all they could say.

Deliberate censorship, according to the newspaper BILD:

‘Yet references to the ‘Allahu Akbar’ shouts were already in the first internal police situation report!’

The young politicians also complained about this on the internet:

‘We regret that no mention was made in the reporting of the perpetrator’s connection to Islam (…).’

Translation: Experiencing Islamist violence at first hand! On the evening of September 7, 2024, five members of the Junge Union Mecklenburg-Vorpommern were on their way back from the Eastern Conference of the Junge Union Deutschlands in Cottbus when they stopped at a petrol station outside Berlin.
Just as they were leaving the petrol station, a man with a clear migration background ran into the petrol station and shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’. The members, who were right outside the petrol station, were shocked to realise that the man had pulled out a knife and was attacking the people inside.The members reacted with presence of mind and got themselves to safety in order to call the police from there.We are grateful that our members are unharmed and our thoughts are with the seriously injured person.We regret that the media coverage sometimes failed to mention the perpetrator's reference to Islam through his shouting of the creed ‘Allahu Akbar’.We had to experience this: Islamist violence is real. It can affect us all.

Five days after the attack, the Junge Union wrote: ‘We regret that the news coverage sometimes failed to mention the perpetrator’s reference to Islam through his proclamation of the creed “Allahu Akbar”.’ It continues: ‘We had to experience this: Islamist violence is real. It can affect us all.’ It remains to be seen whether the CDU junior staff also communicated this great realisation to the root of the evil, the Christian Democratic Party’s ‘’We can do it‘’ Merkel.

Verschweigt Staatsanwaltschaft neue islamistische Messer-Attacke? (