Professed radical Muslim tolerated as GP in Hamburg, Germany

How seriously do German authorities really take the fight against radical Islam? This question inevitably arises when you consider the case in Hamburg, in which the medical doctor Dr Omar S. is suspected of having links to the extremist Hizb ut-Tahrir (HuT). This group is in favour of a ‘caliphate’, Sharia law and the rejection of all Western values such as freedom of expression and equal rights. Particularly explosive: Dr S. runs his practice in a socially deprived district with a high proportion of migrants, which makes the risk of radicalisation there particularly sensitive.

As reported by the newspaper Bild, S., who specialises in circumcisions according to Muslim rites, is said to be a secret cadre of the radical Islamic Hizb ut-Tahrir according to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. This group, which was founded in 1953, has been banned in Germany since 2003, but it appears that suspected members can still work publicly as GPs. This makes it all the more astonishing that the red-green governed city of Hamburg operates S.’s practice on a municipal property and that the authorities would even have had a right of veto. Yet despite evidence and public statements by the doctor glorifying radical Islam, he was allowed to practise.

Back in 2020, S. made it clear his stance on Facebook: ‘We hope that Islam will soon replace the corrupt secular capitalist system as the world’s guiding principle.’ Such statements should have been reason enough to carry out an in-depth investigation into his activities and connections. But nothing happened.

The case clearly shows how inadequate the authorities’ approach is in the fight against radical Islam. While there is growing unease among the population about increasing radicalisation, no clear steps are being taken. The fact that S.’s practice will now not be reviewed until the end of 2024 casts a poor light on the ability of the responsible institutions to act. What is particularly worrying is that the practice is located in Steilshoop, a neighbourhood that is already characterised by social tensions and a high proportion of people with a migrant background. A GP who presumably also acts as a recruiter for extremist ideologies could gain dangerous influence in this neighbourhood.

Islamisten unter uns: Bekennender radikaler Moslem in Hamburg als Hausarzt toleriert – Unzensuriert

Syrian asylum seeker tears a necklace with a Christian symbol from the neck of a German pensioner out of hatred for Christians

In the Thuringian town of Gera, the serial offender Rasem A. from Syria tore a cross of Christ from the neck of a 79-year-old man in broad daylight. He later beat up several people. FOCUS online knows the criminal record of the migrant, who served several prison sentences.

On June 5, 2024, a brutal and unprecedented act of violence took place in the centre of the Thuringian city of Gera.

At around 12 noon, a 27-year-old refugee from Syria approached a German pensioner and ripped his necklace with a Christ cross from his neck. The symbol was a silver pendant worth around 250 euros. He then allegedly hit the 79-year-old victim in the face with his fist. The senior citizen suffered a bleeding wound.

According to FOCUS-online information, the alleged perpetrator Rasem A. acted completely unexpectedly. He did not shout anything either before or during the offence. An investigator told FOCUS online that it was a ‘lightning attack’.

According to the public prosecutor’s office in Gera, the motive for the offence is obviously ‘religious’. Senior public prosecutor Thomas Riebel told FOCUS online: ‘According to the statement by the accused, he saw a disregard for Christianity in the way the victim is said to have worn the cross.’Apparently, the Syrian was bothered by a second necklace that the pensioner was wearing around his neck and felt that it had affected his religious beliefs. The immigrant, who came to Germany in 2015, did not provide any further details.

After the act of violence, police officers briefly arrested the Syrian near the scene of the crime and took him to court for a custody examination. There, however, Rasem A. was released again. According to the police, detention was not possible ‘due to a lack of legal requirements’.

However, the thug was known to the police and the judiciary and had several previous convictions; he is considered a serial offender. FOCUS online exclusively publishes Rasem A.’s criminal file:

2017, Gera Regional Court, multiple offences of grievous bodily harm, two years and six months juvenile sentence.
2019, Gera District Court, offence against the Narcotics Act and other offences, two years and nine months’ imprisonment, to be served in full.
2022, Gera Local Court, offence against the Narcotics Act and multiple assaults, one year prison sentence, to be served in full.
This list alone reveals that the migrant is prone to serious acts of violence and is not deterred even by coercive state measures.

The – apparently legally correct – decision not to remand him in custody after the brutal attack on the pensioner on on 5th of June proved to be fatal in retrospect. Just two days later, the 27-year-old struck again in Gera city centre.

At short intervals and independently of each other, Rasem A. beat up nine victims, some of them pensioners.

‘Among other things, he punched a man in the face, causing him to suffer a brain haemorrhage and a stroke. He was admitted to hospital,’ Thomas Riebel told FOCUS online. Some of the other victims also suffered serious injuries. When police officers tried to arrest the perpetrator, he was unruly.

Nevertheless, this time a magistrate sent Rasem A. to a prison.

The Syrian is now in a psychiatric facility where he is ‘provisionally accommodated’, as Thomas Riebel from the Gera public prosecutor’s office told FOCUS online on Monday. It is said to be the Stadtroda Specialist Clinic.

In addition, his office had prepared a petition in the precautionary proceedings, which was submitted to the Gera Regional Court at the end of August 2024. It is to be examined whether the man should be permanently placed in a psychiatric hospital.

‘The defendant is accused of 15 counts of intentional bodily harm in the petition,’ explained the senior public prosecutor. ‘Of these, one case involves an assault on law enforcement officers, one case involves robbery and one case involves attempted robbery and extortion in combination with grievous bodily harm in combination with damage to property’.

Riebel did not want to give any details about the Syrian’s medical condition ‘due to the protection of his privacy’. ‘A brief forensic psychiatric report was initially prepared. The final report is still pending.’

It is currently not known whether the Gera immigration authorities have attempted to deport the serial criminal to his home country of Syria.

The Syrian’s defence lawyer, Udo Freier from Greiz, did not want to comment on the case to FOCUS online. ‘We would first like to wait for the full expert report on my client’s state of health,’ said the lawyer on Monday.

Gera: Syrischer Intensivtäter (27) reißt Rentner Christus-Kreuz ab und kommt in Psychiatrie – FOCUS online

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Feast Day of St Euphemia the Great Martyr

On September 16, the Greek Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast Day of St Euphemia the Great Martyr.

The Holy Great Martyr Euphemia the All-Praised was the daughter of Christians, the senator Philophronos and Theodosia.

She suffered for Christ in the year 304 A.D. in the city of Chalcedon, on the banks of the Bosphorus opposite Constantinople.

The Chalcedon governor Priscus circulated an order to all the inhabitants of Chalcedon and it surroundings to appear at a pagan festival to worship and offer sacrifice to an idol of Ares, threatening grave torments for anyone who failed to appear. During the impious pagan festival, 49 Christians were hidden in one house, where they secretly attended services to the True God.

The young maiden Euphemia was also among those praying there. Soon the hiding place of the Christians was discovered, and they were brought before Priscus to answer for themselves. For nineteen days the martyrs were subjected to various tortures and torments, but none of them wavered in their Christian faith nor consented to offer sacrifice to the idol. The governor, beside himself with rage and not knowing any other way of forcing the Christians to abandon their faith, sent them for trial to the Roman Emperor Diocletian. He kept the youngest, the virgin Euphemia, hoping that she would not remain strong if she were all alone.

Saint Euphemia, separated from her brethren in faith, fervently prayed the Lord Jesus Christ, that He strengthen her in her impending ordeal. Priscus at first urged the Saint to recant, promising her earthly blessings, but then he gave the order to torture her.

The Holy Martyr was tied to a wheel with sharp knives, which cut her body. The Saint prayed aloud, and as it happened, the wheel stopped by itself and would not move even with all the efforts of the executioners. An Angel of the Lord, came down from Heaven, removed Euphemia from the wheel and healed her of her wounds. The Saint gave thanks unto the Lord with gladness.

Not perceiving the miracle that had occurred, the torturer ordered the soldiers Victor and Sosthenes to take the Saint to a read-hot over. But the soldiers, seeing two fearsome Angels in the midst of the flames, refused to carry out the order of the governor and became believers in the God Whom Euphemia worshipped. Boldly proclaiming that they too were Christians, Victor and Sosthenes bravely went to suffering. They were sent to be eaten by wild beasts. During their execution, they cried out for mercy to God, asking that the Lord would receive them into the Heavenly Kingdom. A heavenly Voice answered their cries, and they entered into eternal life. The beasts, however, did not even touch their bodies.

Saint Euphemia, cast into the fire by other soldiers, remained unharmed. With the help of God she emerged unharmed after many other tortures and torments. Ascribing this to sorcery, the governor gave orders to dig out a new pit, and filling it with knives, he had it covered over with earth and grass, so that the martyr would not notice the preparation for her execution.

Here also Saint Euphemia remained safe, easily passing over the pit. Finally, they sentenced her to be devoured by wild beasts at the circus. Before execution the Saint began to implore that the Lord deem her worthy to die a violent death. But none of the beasts, set loose at her in the arena, attacked her. Finally, one of the she-bears gave her a small wound on the leg, from which came blood, and immediately the holy Great Martyr Euphemia died. During this time there was an earthquake, and both the guards and the spectators ran in terror, so that the parents of the Saint were able to take up her body and reverently bury it not far from Chalcedon.

A majestic church was afterwards built over the grave of the Great Martyr Euphemia. At this temple the sessions of the Fourth Ecumenical Council took place in the year 451 A.D. At that time, the Holy Great Martyr Euphemia confirmed the Orthodox confession in a miraculous manner, and exposed the Monophysite heresy.

With the taking of Chalcedon by the Persians in the year 617 A.D., the holy relics of the Holy Great Martyr Euphemia were transferred to Constantinople (in about the year 620).

During the Iconoclast heresy, the relics of Saint Euphemia appears to have thrown into the sea. Pious sailors recovered them. They were afterwards taken to the Island of Lemnos, and in the year 796 A.D. they were returned to Constantinople.

German ‘Citizens’ Council’ Wants To Criminalise Spread of “Disinformation”

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser. Photo: Leonhard Lenz / Wikimedia CC0 1.0

German left-wing Interior Minister Nancy Faeser is intent on cracking down on what she describes as “fake news,” and has set up a citizens’ forum that has recommended punishing individuals who spread “disinformation.”

The initiative to silence free speech in the name of preventing “disinformation” seems more like the work of an authoritarian regime than a democratic government—but seeing how the left-liberal ‘traffic light’ coalition of Germany has attempted to silence opposition journalists and rewarded media outlets that have spread fake news, the new proposals should come as no surprise.

The so-called “Forum against Fakes—Together for a Strong Democracy” project was set up by the interior ministry to develop recommendations on how to deal with “disinformation.” According to the ministry’s website, around 424,000 people submitted their ideas to the project online.

The final report was handed over to Nancy Faeser on Thursday, September 12th. One of the most startling recommendations, writes news website Apollo News, supported by 91% of the so-called Citizens’ Assembly, is to examine how the “spread of disinformation” could be prosecuted or sanctioned. According to the report, handing out punishments would discourage others from disseminating false news.

It concludes:

Disinformation on the internet is a threat to democracy, as it can undermine citizens’ trust in politics, public discourse and state institutions.

It does not, however, elaborate on what constitutes “disinformation,” which means anyone whose political opinions are frowned upon by the liberal political establishment could become the target of the police and the law. As Apollo News observes:

If the plans were to be implemented, there would de facto be a kind of truth authority that decides what is right and what is wrong.

If such a law were to be enacted, it is questionable how it could be implemented in accordance with the freedom of expression enshrined in the German constitution.

Nancy Faeser said her ministry would “analyse the recommendations and examine the extent to which they can be incorporated into the ministry’s further work in this area.”

The minister warned that

when it comes to measures against disinformation, it is about nothing less than protecting our democracy. Foreign states, especially Russia, are using disinformation and propaganda to undermine the public’s trust in our democratic system and its institutions. Thousands of false reports, manipulated images and misleading clips can be found online.

Faeser also said freedom of speech is of “high value” to the constitution, and that she “would never interfere” with it—an interesting choice of words from the minister who tried and failed to ban the right-wing Compact magazine for “inciting hatred” and “aggressively propagating the toppling of the political order”; i.e., harbouring views critical of the government.

On the other hand, the state, through its various ministries and agencies, funds the left-wing Correctiv website, even though it has proven to actually spread false information about the opposition anti-globalist Alternative für Deutschland party. All these actions only undermine the credibility of government claims to protect freedom of speech.

France: An illegal migrant was convicted of sexual harassment. His lawyer pleads the cultural difference between France and Pakistan. ‘He understood that you first have to address the woman before you touch her’

Mr M. is brought before the judges of the court in Créteil for sexually harassing a woman in Choisy Park and beating her husband. Although he has no criminal record, he is brought before the court immediately due to his illegal residence in France and faces a severe sentence: the public prosecutor demands ten months’ imprisonment with an arrest warrant.

More specifically, 32-year-old Mr M. is accused of sexually assaulting a woman in Choisy Park, then beating her husband, relapsing and consuming cannabis.

The presiding judge refers to the statements made by Mrs G., who describes the following scene: After spending some time with relatives in the Parc de Choisy, she decided to go home and started walking to leave the park. After a few steps, she felt followed and turned around when Mr M. touched her genitals with his hand, focusing on her buttocks without penetrating her. She assures him that she hit him on the shoulder, to which he replied: ‘I want you, you’. Mrs G. immediately called her husband, who had remained in the park, who rushed over and is said to have been hit by Mr M.: ‘He kept coming at my husband, who hit him back with his fists.’ The couple call the police, who arrest Mr M…

For the last hearing of the day, the benches of the 12th Criminal Chamber of the Court of Créteil have emptied: only the judges, the lawyers for the defence and the joint plaintiffs, the defendant, his interpreter and a journalist are still present.

Unless my memory fails me, we saw each other on May 14th of this year and you promised me that we would never see each other again…’, the judge starts.

Finally, the defence lawyer has the floor. He stands up and says: ‘There is still a lot to be done in educating men, especially if they come from Pakistan. This one is the result of a patriarchal system, this culture where forced marriage is still practised.’ The lawyer develops his line of defence for several minutes, focusing on the cultural gap between the laws of the country where Mr M. is on trial and the customs of his country of origin.

In order to create empathy for his client, he also mentions his ‘frustrated sex life’ using very specific elements: he was 25 years old when he had his first sexual relationship – with a prostitute – and his last sexual intercourse was several months ago. The lawyer assures that his client has now understood the lesson well, which he summarises clumsily: ‘You have to approach the woman first before you touch her. The lawyer demands a lenient sentence with simple probation, for which his client is eligible, and an acquittal in relation to the violence against Mr G. To help Mr M. ‘better control his sexual impulses’ and treat his alcohol addiction, he also demands a commitment to medical treatment.


After a break for deliberation, the court found Mr M. guilty on all three counts (sexual assault, violence, cannabis use) and sentenced him to eight months’ imprisonment with an arrest warrant and a ten-year ban on residing in France. He must pay 2,000 and 200 euros to Mrs G. and Mr G. respectively.

But I’m not in a position to pay,’ says the defendant and seems to sincerely regret it.

There is an organisation, Sarvi, that will pay for you, and if you stay in France, you have to pay back.
And after eight months in prison, I’ll be deported?
That’s another organisation that takes care of that.

TJ de Créteil : « Il reste beaucoup de chemin à parcourir dans l’éducation des hommes, surtout quand ils viennent du Pakistan » – Actu-Juridique

‘We’re all afraid of the stabbers!’ — Refugee container village built on daycare center site in German town

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A site in a German town earmarked for a children’s daycare center has been repurposed as a container village for migrants, leading to protests from locals enraged by the decision.

Around 150 residents of Kirchheim, Upper Bavaria, took to the streets at the weekend against the asylum accommodation that will comprise 32 two-story containers housing 192 asylum seekers.

The accommodation should be available for occupancy from mid-October.

Local authorities were taken aback by the response of residents when they were invited to conduct an on-site visit of the accommodation, planted in the heart of a new residential estate. The buildings will actually border the gardens of terraced houses.

“A daycare center was once planned here – now we have a refugee village,” resident Helga Bauer told Münchner Merkur.

“No one wants to have a facility like this in front of their house. We’re all afraid of the stabbers,” added Reinhard Bauer, another concerned local.

Kirchheim, Wikimedia Commons , MaxM, CC-BY-SA-4.0,3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0

The daycare center initially planned for the site has been delayed indefinitely, with locals fully expecting the proposal to be scrapped in exchange for semi-permanent asylum accommodation.

Local politicians like District Administrator Christoph Göbel have promised that the buildings will only be occupied by Ukrainian refugee families until the end of 2026, but there is no guarantee on who will be the new neighbors after that date.

“We have a lot of refugees in Germany and in the Munich district. That’s a fact,” Göbel told the crowd. “It costs a huge amount of money, I don’t enjoy it, but I have to do it.

“We already said that we were reaching our limits. There are now 8,000 refugees and will have to make room for 2,000 more in 2025. We now have 266 properties in the district and urgently need more and new ones,” he added.

But the locals aren’t convinced that Ukrainians will be the sole occupants.

“I know for a fact that Syrians and Afghans will come,” said one attendee at the protest.

“Busloads of Syrians and Afghans are guaranteed to arrive,” shouted another. “There are a bunch of young men who are bored and don’t know what to do all day,” they added.

The move is the latest in a long list of German towns being inundated with new arrivals without their consent.

Just last week, protesters gathered at the district council building in Seeon, where they expressed their fury over plans to import 500 migrants, which would then make up more than 10 percent of the town’s population of 4,000.

Remix News has covered this issue extensively as local authorities continue to find inadequate solutions to the federal government’s open borders agenda.

Video: ‘Asylum Seeker’ Openly Mocks Naïve Germans

Muslim asylum seeker obtained German passport and mocks Germans: “You are helpless, I conquered your land. Now I belong to system, everything belongs to me, everything is under my feet!”

Federation of German Industries: A fifth of industrial value creation under threat

Wikimedia Commons , Andreas Schiblon,CC-BY-SA-4.0

Word is out that Germany’s industrial base is tanking

The Federation of German Industries (BDI) wanted to know more and therefore commissioned a study from the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and the German Economic Institute (IW).

It is now available – and the outlook is dire. It is no longer a question of “belief and opinion, but of data and facts,” said BDI boss Siegfried Russwurm at the presentation.

He also got straight to the point: “Germany has fallen behind almost everywhere. […] The years of driving the country into disrepair are now taking their toll.” Structural problems have accumulated: high energy costs, high labor costs, high corporate taxes, bureaucracy, a shortage of skilled workers – not to mention the acute geopolitical problems facing the export nation Germany. Germany has a “fundamental location problem,” concluded the association’s head.

The study he presented paints a bleak picture of the future: by 2030, around a fifth of industrial value creation in Germany will be threatened. The BDI boss specifically mentioned digitization and artificial intelligence (AI).

Additional investments of more than 1,4 trillion euros will be required to make Germany competitive again. The entire “industrial policy agenda” must be realigned – but so far nothing has really been done to address this.

The BDI president’s pessimism was shared by Michael Hüther, director of the IW, who also drew attention to various structural deficits. One of Germany’s previous strengths, the strong interlinking of the individual industrial sectors, could suddenly turn out to be an Achilles heel if one link in the chain is weakened.

It remains to be seen whether the “traffic light” coalition will heed the experts’ warnings. Sadly, given the “achievements” of German industrial and economic policy over the last two and a half years, such optimism is misplaced.

Federation of German Industries: A fifth of industrial value creation under threat – Free West Media

Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’ playing out for real in Scotland

Leftist Arcadia by AI.

By Andrea Widburg

There’s a report of rampaging seagulls in Scotland. It resonates with me, so I’m sharing it with you. It’s a reminder that part of climate change madness stems from the fact that city dwellers (the ones who most fanatically embrace all leftist shibboleths) are completely removed from anything but curated nature or they truly hate humans.

So, here’s the story from the Daily Mail:

Seagulls are menacing coastal communities and major cities alike, sparking hundreds of complaints to councils the length and breadth of Scotland.

As the birds travel to new areas – increasingly inland – in search of food, we can reveal that nearly 700 complaints have been raised this year already, with the number surpassing last year’s total of around 600.

They include horrifying accounts of children left bloodied by the birds swooping on people and household pets and, while coastal communities are severely affected, complaints also include scores of revolting tales of the gulls feasting on rats in Scotland’s biggest city.

The birds, which are coming further inland to feed than ever before due to reducing fish numbers, are protected under law in Scotland, although special applications can be made to remove them if they pose a serious risk. (Emphasis mine.)

The story plays into my biases because I despise seagulls. I grew up in San Francisco, and my junior high school was two miles from the Pacific Ocean, as the seagull flies. Many kids littered the schoolyard at lunchtime, so the seagulls would brutally harass us for an hour, seizing our food and pecking at and pooping on us. Bats have been described as “rats with wings,” but so are seagulls.

I’m not stupid. I recognize that seagulls are incredibly graceful flyers and have an important role in the natural ecosystem. But I still dislike them intensely, and I feel for their Scottish victims.

The story’s also important because it highlights a few things about leftists.

For all of their climate madness, leftists reject the core survival idea that we must be stewards of nature. Overfishing the oceans will leave us without food. The aggressive seagulls, as they fly further inland, are harbingers of that problem.

Being a steward of nature doesn’t mean being a crazy climate changista. Indeed, it’s the opposite because it sees nature serving man and not vice versa.

Speaking of overfishing the oceans, it’s important to note that the worst practitioners of this are almost certainly Tim Walz’s beloved Chinese. If you’re familiar with the “Tragedy of the Commons,” it is they who are so greedy in the first instance that, soon, nothing will be left for anyone.

Resource depletion is a serious problem and needs to be addressed without the garbage of climate change floating around to impede the real issue.

The seagulls’ aggressiveness should also remind us that nature is red of tooth, claw, and beak. Yes, we can despoil one area (or species) or another, but nature will always reach out to compensate.

I first had this thought during a long-ago visit to Cartagena, Columbia. I found it a grim place because the people lacked the energy and resources to push back against the encroaching jungle. This taught me that containing nature to create habitable communities that favor people requires energy and money, something America once used to have.

I still have that thought daily now that I live in the Southeastern part of the U.S., a place with abundant rain and sunshine. The effort to keep water, plants, and animals from destroying my home never stops and is quite expensive.

Don’t get me started on my travails with squirrels, which are rats with fuzzy tails. I also keep a wary eye out for the ubiquitous alligators in my community. We don’t get the huge ones here, but they’re big enough to do damage to those who aren’t careful with themselves, their children, or their pets. Here, nature is part of the region’s charm, but it’s not friendly.

For those who live in America’s or Europe’s cities, nature is so distant that they have no idea just how unfriendly it is. As leftist cities decay, they’re becoming aware of the scourge of rats, and cockroaches are just a fact of life, but urban leftists have created gauzy, Disney-esque fantasies about the larger predators—e.g., coyotes, bears, lions, boars, wolves, etc. In communities that have started protecting these animals or stop pushing back against them, people are no longer safe:

We are having to relearn the same lessons our ancestors always knew: Wild animals and people cannot share the same spaces. It’s a zero-sum game.

When it comes to urban-dwelling leftists, they either don’t understand that it’s a zero-sum game, so they believe in some Arcadian fantasy of co-existence, or they’ve been so brainwashed with hatred against humankind that they want the advantage to go to the animals, with the humans sent to the abattoir. Just look at Kamala Harris’s climate director. She’s explained that she thinks it’s probably unethical to have children because of the climate. She’s not alone.

That seagull story touches on all of it. Instead of focusing on increasing our resources, leftists focus on the chimera of “climate change,” which allows them to redistribute wealth. Meanwhile, people who are naïve (or worse) insist that bears, boars, seagulls, and other beasties should have preference over humans, all in service of a fantasy about coexistence or because they really hate people (except for themselves, of course).