Austrian youth known as Islamist by agencies shot dead after he opened fire near Israeli consulate in Munich on the anniversary of Munich Olympics massacre


On Thursday (5th September), police in Munich, Germany, shot and killed a man who was carrying a long-barrelled gun after an exchange of fire near a museum dedicated to the city’s Nazi history and the Israeli Consulate. The shooting occurred on the 52nd anniversary of the massacre at the Munich Olympics on the 5th of September 1972. The police said that there were no other suspects in the incident.

The man has been identified by police as an 18-year-old Austrian national, who travelled to Germany recently and lived in the Salzburg area. As per reports, he was known to the security authorities as an Islamist. 

“Police officers spotted a person who appeared to be carrying a firearm. The emergency services used their service weapons and the person was hit and injured,” Munich Police said on X. The suspect was armed with an older long gun when he was shot on Karolinenplatz, a square near the Israeli consulate and a Nazi documentation centre.

Later, the police said that “despite the all-clear, the police operation on site continues. The focus is currently on forensic work in particular. At the so-called witness collection point, colleagues speak to potential witnesses. Therefore, the traffic closures remain active.”

A Munich Police spokesperson said: “It was a male person and we know that he acted here with a long-barrelled gun. Due to the intervention of the police, the perpetrator was stopped and probably died at the scene.”

The incident took place on the 52nd anniversary of the attack on Israeli athletes during the Munich Olympics in 1972. However, no link has been established between the anniversary and the shooting.

According to Israel’s Foreign Ministry, the consulate has been closed for a ceremony commemorating the 52nd anniversary of the 1972 Munich Massacre, in which 11 Israeli athletes were killed by the Palestinian terrorist group Black September during the Olympic Games. No consulate employees were injured in the attack.

Talya Lador, the Israeli Consul General in southern Germany, stated on social media that the occurrence demonstrated the dangers of increasing antisemitism.

“We are very grateful to @PolizeiMuenchen for their actions and cooperation. This event shows how dangerous the rise of anti-Semitism is. It is important that the general public raises its voice against it. Our Consulate General was closed today to commemorate 52 years since the terrorist attack at the Olympic Games,” Lador said.

Notably, in the 1972 Munich Massacre at the Munich Olympics by Palestinian terrorists, 11 Israeli athletes, a West German police officer and five of the Palestinian terrorists were killed.

Austrian youth known as Islamist by agencies shot dead after he opened fire near Israeli consulate in Munich (

“WALZ’S FOR TRUMP” – Tim Walz’s Family Snubs Harris-Walz, Endorses Trump

Tim Walz’s family in Nebraska endorsed President Trump.

The family of Kamala Harris’s running mate is backing Trump!

President Trump thanked Tim Walz’s brother, Jeff Walz.

Last week it was reported that Tim Walz’s own brother, Jeff Walz, has reportedly considered joining forces with Trump, publicly criticizing his brother as “not the type of character you want making decisions about your future.”

One post, dated May 2023—the same day the Biden-Harris administration indicted Donald Trump in New York City—reads, “We’ve just become a third world banana republic.”

When prompted by a follower to discuss these concerns with his brother, Jeff revealed that he hasn’t spoken to Tim in eight years and is “100% opposed to all his ideology.”

Read more:

Netherlands Halts Financial Support to Rejected Asylum Seekers

From January 1, 2025 the Dutch government will end payments to failed asylum seekers, with all national government funding of the National Aliens Facility (LVV) to cease next year.

Asylum Minister Marjolein Faber announced:

From January 1, 2025, the state contribution to the accommodation of people who should have left the country long ago will be stopped.

The decision followed consultation with the five major cities which offer emergency accommodation. The spiralling expense of the so-called bed-bad-en-brood (bed, bath, and bread) scheme for rejected asylum seekers has influenced the change of policy, with costs estimated at €30 million a year, according to Netherlands public broadcaster NOS.

Under previous governments, the policy was treated as a temporary measure until its beneficiaries return home or move on to another country, preventing their homelessness in the Netherlands. To its critics, it risked creating permanent dependents and exercising a pull factor on future asylum seekers.

While the Party for Freedom (PVV) under Geert Wilders pursues the change at a national level, the five cities processing the scheme—Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Eindhoven and Groningen—have been told they are free to keep up the payments at their own expense. All five mayors oppose the decision, and Amsterdam has already announced it will continue funding. The other municipalities are developing their own responses to the shift in policy.   

Calls to cut social benefits for all migrants who are required to leave their host countries are growing in Europe. For instance, this week Germany’s Special Representative of the Federal Government for Migration Agreements and Free Democratic Party (FDP) politician Joachim Stamp declared:

Everyone who is required to leave the country immediately should only receive a ticket for the flight home and a small start-up grant of a few hundred euros after arriving in the destination country,

Stamp followed up his earlier suggestion by stating that European Union member states should form partnerships with third countries such as Rwanda, primarily to deal with migrants being aided across borders by Russia and Belarus as a  form of “hybrid warfare”.

Attempted terrorist attack outside Israeli Consulate in Munich


An attempted shooting attack took place Thursday morning near the Israeli Consulate in Munich, Germany.

No one was injured, and the shooter, who seemed to be operating alone, was neutralized.

According to the German Foreign Ministry, the Israeli Consulate is closed Thursday to commemorate the massacre of Israeli athletes in Munich. None of the Consulate staff were injured and the shooter was neutralized by German authorities, who are managing the incident.

Local police reported a “major operation underway near ​​Breinerstrasse and Karolinenplatz square. Incident occurs on anniversary of 1972 Munich Olympics attack, in which 11 Israeli athletes were murdered.”

Germany’s Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser commented on the shooting: ‘This is a serious incident. The protection of Israeli facilities is of the highest priority to us.”

The Bild news site reported that, “Several shots were fired near the Nazi Documentation Center in downtown Munich on Thursday morning. The Süddeutsche Zeitung had previously reported that the shots were fired in front of the Israeli Consulate General, which is just a few meters away.”

Attempted terrorist attack outside Israeli Consulate in Munich; no injuries | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

Germany: Police are searching for this Arab-looking Jew-hater

Photos Police Heidelberg

On the 2nd of September 2024 at around 6 p.m., an assault was committed against a married couple on Neckarmünzplatz in Heidelberg. The incident was triggered by a T-shirt worn by the wife, which showed a Star of David and the words ‘BRING THEM HOME NOW’. A previously unknown young man took this as an opportunity to approach the victim and grab her by the T-shirt. He also asked her to take off her T-shirt. The woman suffered minor injuries to her upper body. The husband then rushed to help his wife and was injured by the perpetrator with a punch to the face.

As the police approached the scene, the perpetrator fled and was able to escape despite an immediate manhunt.

The Heidelberg Criminal Investigation Department has taken over the further investigation. Witnesses who can provide relevant information about the perpetrator or the offence are asked to call 0621/174-4444.

The offence was partially videotaped by a witness. At the request of the public prosecutor’s office in Heidelberg, the local court in Heidelberg ordered the publication of the photographs of the perpetrator taken in this way.

The perpetrator is said to be between 175 and 180 cm tall, slim build, Arab phenotype, wearing a white T-shirt, black long trousers and black shoes. He has a conspicuous tattoo on his entire right arm.

POL-MA: Heidelberg: Politisch motivierte Straftat am Heidelberger Neckarmünzplatz; … | Presseportal

Germany: Migrant living illegally in Germany announces knife attack at funfair

Blasheimer Markt , Wikimedia Commons TUBS ,CC-BY-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0

In connection with a suspected knife attack at this week’s Blasheimer Markt funfair, officers from a special task force were able to arrest a 41-year-old man in Warburg today, Tuesday. This was preceded by two days of intensive investigations by the Minden-Lübbecke police.

As part of further enquiries against a 40-year-old man, a man from Stemwede (41) who was known to the police came to the attention of the officers. He is suspected of having announced a knife attack to the younger man at the Blasheimer Markt funfair in recent days.

After intensive and in-depth investigations, an address in the centre of Warburg was located as the Stemwede man’s place of residence. Based on indications that the man was dangerous, the investigators called in a special task force in addition to their own civilian forces for the planned arrest. During the course of the arrest, which was carried out in the midday hours, the local authorities were also supported by officers from the Höxter police in close co-operation.

After being brought before a judge at Höxter District Court, a longer-term detention order was issued until next Monday. This was followed by a transfer to police custody in Minden.

The 41-year-old is currently being investigated for illegal residence, suspected violation of the Weapons Act and disturbing the public peace by threatening to commit criminal offences.

POL-MI: Spezialeinsatzkommando nimmt Mann aus Stemwede fest | Presseportal

It’s come to this: School girls labeled ‘transphobic’ for opposing boys in their locker rooms

Nosta Lgia

The transgender war on women has come to Nevada’s Washoe County School District. From a local news station

Parents and students are pushing back against transgender students being allowed to change in girls’ locker rooms in the Washoe County School District. “He also gets a front-row seat to view naked females,” said a woman, whose granddaughter attends Spanish Springs High School.

“Girls feel uncomfortable in locker rooms under any circumstances, but especially when they have to share the space with someone who is biologically different from them at birth,” added a student at Spanish Springs High School, who is directly impacted by a boy who identifies as a girl changing in her locker room.… “A minor cannot have a sip of alcohol, that’s good. But in Washoe County schools right now a minor male can change in the locker room in front of minor females,” said one parent during public comment.

Parents, grandparents, and girls showed up at the Washoe Country School Board of Trustees meeting on August 27 to demand a change to the current policy at Spanish Springs High School. Trustees, however, stated that trans-identifying males have the right to female spaces under Administrative Regulation 5161, which stipulates that they are allowed to use locker rooms that “correspond to their gender identity.” One parent responded angrily: “Every parent should be notified that the male is invading the girls’ locker room. Irrespective of any law that permits.”  

In fact, instead of protecting female-only spaces, the school has instead set up a separate changing area … for the girls. Of course, any girl who makes use of this space will immediately be labeled “transphobic” and ostracized by school staff. 

Understandably, this solution proved unacceptable to many of them. “I believe in my heart that telling girls to [undress] with a boy and making them feel like they are excluding somebody or discriminating by speaking up by saying they are uncomfortable,” one parent told the board. “By doing that, you are teaching the children silence.”  

There are many who dismiss the “so-called bathroom wars” as cynical political culture war – dismissing the modesty and privacy of girls as if they are meaningless. In fact, the transgender movement is successfully stigmatizing and marginalizing those who seek up to defend women and girls. Consider what Julie Jaman wrote about her experience at a YMCA in Washington state at Fox News earlier this year: 

While showering after my weekly swim, I heard a man’s voice. Peering past the billowing curtain, I saw a biological man in a woman’s swimsuit looking at two little girls. I was flabbergasted. My immediate reaction was instinctual and protective. I’m a mother of daughters. I also have experience as an advocate for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. I know that men should not be allowed in women-only areas; it’s unsafe and creates potentially traumatizing situations for women and children. I told the man to leave “right now.” Within seconds, a YMCA staff person appeared. I asked her to get him out. Without any inquiry, she immediately accused me of discrimination, banned me from the pool for the rest of my life, and called the police. Instead of protecting the little girls or trying to understand my concerns, I became the accused. I was the culprit.

This is not merely a nonsensical “culture war” intended to gin up hostility toward people who are different. It is about protecting female-only spaces – and indeed, protecting young girls. 

Thus far, Utah, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Tennessee have passed laws protecting female-only bathrooms and locker rooms, with several other states considering following suit. Additionally, nine states have passed laws ensuring female-only bathrooms at schools. These laws, as the stories cited above demonstrate, are unfortunately necessary. 

It will never stop being surreal that parents are fighting school board trustees to prevent boys from being allowed to change alongside their daughters – and that trustees, backed by the LGBT movement and Democratic politicians, are doing everything to stop them. The fact that the natural modesty of young girls is now considered “transphobic” is incredibly revealing and shows us the dark heart of the transgender movement.

Female progressive in Clergyface reimagines Jesus Christ as an abortion mill worker

By Olivia Murray

In a dark world, both spiritually and morally, the Christian church is meant to serve as a light to humanity—the Apostle John even allegorizes certain churches as “lampstands” in the Book of Revelation.

Well, it’s safe to say that the light of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has long been extinguished; the oil is all dried up, the wick is no longer smoldering, and its leaders are the epitome of the (spiritually) blind leading the (spiritually) blind.

Case in point: Rebecca Todd Peters, one of the churches female “pastors,” recently made the claim that if Jesus Christ were here today, he’d be doing the dirty and murderous work of a seedy abortion mill, “holding women’s hands and offering support and love” as a hired assassin stabs, dismembers, and rends the precious little ones in their wombs into pieces for extraction—yes the same little ones that Peters would theoretically believe were created and knitted together in the womb by the God she pretends to serve. See what Peters had to say in a recent “sermon” before “churchgoers” below:

The “hatred” from “protesters?” Are we talking about some dramatized pro-abortion music video scene or real life? I’ve personally spent countless hours on the sidewalk outside the Tucson Planned Parenthood abortuary, and with a clean conscience, I can aver that I’ve never witnessed a single act of aggression or hate from the pro-life crowd—however, I have seen a number of vicious fits from the clients, or even people driving by, deeply disturbed by someone silently praying, or offering gifts of layettes.

Peters should count her lucky stars that Jesus Christ isn’t here today, because if He were, according to the very faith in which she proclaims to believe, she’d be crying out for boulders to crush her, to avoid the wrath of the Lamb (Jesus). From Revelation:

And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

According to this Scripture, in which Peters ostensibly claims to believe, people of every conceivable status will find themselves wanting; it won’t matter if you were a king, if you donned clergy robes, or if you fancied yourself virtuous, thinking (in error) that you were doing the right thing—retribution will come, and there will be no one to whom you may appeal. (Perhaps Peters ought to familiarize herself with the phrase, “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.”)

Peters herself is post-abortive, having been pregnant four times (only allowing two of those children to live), and reportedly volunteers as a “clinic escort” on a monthly basis, to “seek to respond to Micah’s call in my life.” Peters is referring to Micah 6:8, which she calls her “motto” and “mantra,” that instructs the reader to “do justly,” “love mercy,” and “walk humbly” with the Lord. Now Proverbs 6 details “six things” that the God of the Bible hates, including but not limited to, hands that shed innocent blood. The Old Testament is full of instances in which God makes this clear; what immediately comes to my mind is the death of wicked Jehoram at the hands of Jehu, whose body was then thrown into the vineyards that once belonged to Naboth, before it had been stolen by Jehoram’s even nastier parents (Ahab and Jezebel). As God has routinely punished hands that shed innocent blood, I’m entirely confident that God does not look upon the “work” of an abortion mill as a just, loving, merciful, or humble endeavor.

Of course, nothing about a progressive female “pastor” makes sense, but an X user has the best response: “What in the demonic dribble was that!?”

Crete: Egyptian man molested a 12-year-old girl at the beach

A young girl experienced terror on Sunday afternoon in Crete when an Egyptian man took her in his arms in the sea.

A 12-year-old girl and her family went to Kokkinos Pyrgos Beach in Crete to enjoy a swim. Little did they know that the carefree swim would turn unpleasant because of the molestation the child experienced.

According to Creta Live, the 12-year-old was coming out of the water after a long swim when, with her eyes closed, she felt someone lift her in their arms. Then she quickly wiped her eyes and saw the Egyptian man holding her back and legs and holding her in his arms.

Then the man said “hello” and smiled at the 12-year-old. In a state of shock, the child took advantage of the fact a woman was nearby and began to swim quickly towards land.

Arriving on land, the little girl revealed what she had experienced to her parents and burst into tears. Panic immediately ensued, and the parents demanded an explanation from the man.

After a police investigation, it turned out that the perpetrator was a 30-year-old Egyptian who had been working in Crete for the last two years. He claimed that he would molest the child since he is the father of two young children who are in Egypt and sends them money.

In his testimony, he added that if he wanted to harm the 12-year-old, he would not have done it on a beach that is full of people.

The 30-year-old was found guilty of the charge of sexual indecency and given an eight-month suspended prison sentence. He appealed against the conviction.

Crete: Egyptian Man Molested A 12-year-old Girl At The Beach (