German bishop appoints pro-LGBT lay ‘pastoral ministers’ to help people ‘celebrate their transition’

Heiner Wilmer , screen grab youtube

Bishop Heiner Wilmer of the German Diocese of Hildesheim has appointed three lay “ministers” to offer so-called “queer-sensitive pastoral care.”

According to a press release from the diocese, the lay “pastoral ministers” will “provide support” when two lesbians want to register “their child” (i.e., a fatherless child they have obtained by adoption or surrogacy) for baptism, when a so-called “trans person wants to celebrate their transition with a blessing ceremony or parents of a non-binary child [sic] seek pastoral care.”

Contrary to the diocese’s statement, however, no human being is “transgender” or “non-binary,” as there are only two sexes, male and female, which are determined by chromosomes at the moment of conception. Catholic teaching upholds the reality of the sexes and condemns bodily mutilation, such as “transition” procedures, as “against the moral law.” It is never licit to “bless” sinful practices or situations, as Cardinal Robert Sarah has explained.

The Diocese of Hildesheim added that its “queer-sensitive pastoral care will broaden the focus on dealing with gender diversity,” particularly what it referred to as “transgender or intersex people.”

The diocese cites its heterodox declaration, “Blessing for this World,” from March 2021, which claimed, “People are an equal part of the Church regardless of their sexual identity. God’s blessing applies to them and their relationships as partners – because it applies to all loving relationships without exception,” it blasphemously stated.

However, the Catholic Church teaches that God’s blessing does not apply to homosexual and other immoral relationships, which are never “loving.” In fact, the Church has always condemned homosexual activity, as it is contrary to the natural law and divine revelation.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states:

Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity (Cf. Genesis 19:1-29; Romans 1:24-27; 1 Corinthians 6:10; 1 Timothy 1:10), tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Persona humana, 8). They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved. (CCC 2357)

The Catechism reiterates that the homosexual inclination is “objectively disordered.” It also teaches, quoting St. Thomas Aquinas, that loving is “to will the good of another” and that mortal sin, such as homosexual activity, causes the “eternal death of hell” unless it is repented of. (CCC 1766, 1861)

The Diocese of Hildesheim stated that it seeks to build on the “Blessing for this World” declaration and that it wants to establish “safe(r) spaces” for what it called “queer people under the roof of the church of Hildesheim.”

Bishop Heiner Wilmer is a staunch supporter of the heretical Synodal Way. He was one of the 40 German bishops who voted in favor of adopting a document that contradicts the Church’s moral teaching and falsely states that homosexual acts are not sinful or intrinsically evil.

In April 2020, Wilmer criticized Catholics who he said are “fixated only on the Eucharist” and downplayed the negative impact of public Masses being shut down in Germany during the COVID lockdowns.

German bishop appoints pro-LGBT lay ‘pastoral ministers’ to help people ‘celebrate their transition’ – LifeSite (

Shortly before the election in the German state of Brandenburg: Islamist attack concealed – lorry driver is stabbed and fatally wounded

Press censorship in Germany seems to be becoming more and more arbitrary – the kind of thing that usually only happens in totalitarian systems before they collapse.Today on Friday evening, a Syrian German / German Syrian ( aged 40) armed with a knife stormed a petrol station in the north of Berlin on the A 111 motorway. He then tried – similar to the Islamist terrorist in Solingen – to kill or injure as many people as possible. A Polish lorry driver is in mortal danger.

As precarious as ever: the perpetrator is said to already be known to the police for violent offences – a ‘German’ (40) with a Syrian migration background. He was arrested.

Authorities censor ‘Allahu Akbar’ shouts

By chance, however, five members of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ‘Junge Union’ – including a police officer – were at the scene of the crime. According to their statements, the stabber is said to have shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ (‘ Allah is great’) as he ran across the square.

The public prosecutor’s office quickly censored the police’s press work: the perpetrator was ‘German’ – as they announced as usual. A cynical postscript: that’s all they could say.

Deliberate censorship, according to the newspaper BILD:

‘Yet references to the ‘Allahu Akbar’ shouts were already in the first internal police situation report!’

The young politicians also complained about this on the internet:

‘We regret that no mention was made in the reporting of the perpetrator’s connection to Islam (…).’

Translation: Experiencing Islamist violence at first hand! On the evening of September 7, 2024, five members of the Junge Union Mecklenburg-Vorpommern were on their way back from the Eastern Conference of the Junge Union Deutschlands in Cottbus when they stopped at a petrol station outside Berlin.
Just as they were leaving the petrol station, a man with a clear migration background ran into the petrol station and shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’. The members, who were right outside the petrol station, were shocked to realise that the man had pulled out a knife and was attacking the people inside.The members reacted with presence of mind and got themselves to safety in order to call the police from there.We are grateful that our members are unharmed and our thoughts are with the seriously injured person.We regret that the media coverage sometimes failed to mention the perpetrator's reference to Islam through his shouting of the creed ‘Allahu Akbar’.We had to experience this: Islamist violence is real. It can affect us all.

Five days after the attack, the Junge Union wrote: ‘We regret that the news coverage sometimes failed to mention the perpetrator’s reference to Islam through his proclamation of the creed “Allahu Akbar”.’ It continues: ‘We had to experience this: Islamist violence is real. It can affect us all.’ It remains to be seen whether the CDU junior staff also communicated this great realisation to the root of the evil, the Christian Democratic Party’s ‘’We can do it‘’ Merkel.

Verschweigt Staatsanwaltschaft neue islamistische Messer-Attacke? (

Germany: Bavarian town of 4,000 protests over new asylum home for 500 migrants

Rott am Inn, Wikimedia Commons , Andreas Faessler, CC-BY-SA-3.0-DE

As Germany endures its ongoing migrant crisis, the government continues to allocate migrants across the countryside, effectively transforming towns across the nation, many of which have been culturally and ethnically homogenous for hundreds of years. One of the latest cases is the Bavarian town of Rott am Inn, which is seeing wide-scale demonstrations against plans to create a refugee accommodation that will house 500 people.

Protesters gathered at the district council building in Seeon, where they are furious over plans to import 500 migrants, which would then make up more than 10 percent of the town’s population of 4,000.

Notably, residents are blaming the Christian Socialist Union (CSU), which is the political powerhouse in Bavaria and effectively runs the state, with Markus Söder, the minister-president, as the head of the state. In fact, Söder had specifically promised just six months ago to the town that no such asylum home would be built.

The CSU is in a tight alliance with the Christian Democrats (CDU), which has paid lip service to growing rage over mass immigration but has effectively done nothing about the issue in the places it holds power, including in Bavaria. Notably, Angela Merkel, the former CDU chancellor of Germany, is credited with starting the migration crisis in 2016.

“Mr. Söder, you have the power to put an end to this,” reads a poster from a citizens’ initiative. Another reads: “Citizens are still afraid.”

According to the Bayerischer Rundfunk, Heike Bachert from a citizens’ initiative criticizes that there are too many migrants for the small town, with plans for them to move into a former production hall.

It is “no place for humane accommodations,” said Bachert.

Acceptance among the population is low and continues to decline. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) announced a large-scale repatriation offensive last year — but only “something Mickey Mouse-like” happened. “It’s really no wonder that people are losing trust in this policy.”

District administrators from all over Germany met at the Seeon Monastery for the annual meeting of the German District Council from Sept. 9-10, and oone of the topics at the meeting is migration policy. On Monday in Seeon, Söder called for a sharp reduction in immigration.

“What works in Denmark must ultimately work here too,” he said, referring to Denmark’s strict immigration policy.

Other towns across Germany have dealt with similar scenarios, sometimes to an even more extreme degree. One town in Gerolsteiner Land of 110 people saw 60 migrants installed nearby.

Residents in the Johanneskirchen district of Munich, which has only a population of 2,500, revolted against plans to house 900 migrants nearby just last year.

In Berlin, 110 senior citizens were evicted to make room for refugees, notably by a Christian organization that could make more money housing refugees, also just last year.

After government plans to build a refugee home in Oeventrop in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia collapsed last year, more than 750 local citizens attending the meeting burst into raucous applause, underlining the growing German backlash against mass immigration.

Container villages are also popping up against the country, and even in cases when city residents vote against the migrant villages in a referendum, they have still been forced to take them in.

Alternatives to Immigration? Our Immigration Ponzi Scheme is NOT the Solution

In this clip from his longer #NCFDeprogrammed interview, Dr. Paul Morland, one of Britain’s leading demographers and an associate research fellow at Birkbeck College, University of London discusses the failing immigration model that Britain seems to have adopted and analyses alternative solutions. Watch the full-length interview here:    • Will Birth Rate Decline and Mass Immi…   Buy Dr. Morland’s new book NO ONE LEFT: Why the World Needs More Children here:…

“A Salary For Being Trans” : Trans Activists In Spain Prompt Outrage After Meeting With Politicians To Forward A “Transgender Pension”

A prominent trans activist organization in Spain has put forward a proposal for legislation that would guarantee transgender people pensions upon reaching 65. The pensions would be issued regardless of whether the transgender applicant had ever paid into the pension throughout their life.

The proposal was put forward by Federation Platform for Trans Rights, who presented it last week to the parliamentary groups of the Congress of Deputies. The group, known colloquially as Plataforma Trans, was founded in 2015 “with the aim of uniting specifically trans collectives and entities and to fight for a new trans law that recognizes gender self-determination and depathologises trans identities.” During the meeting, all parties sent representatives except the right-wing Popular Party and Vox Party.

Calling it the “Trans Memory Law,” the policy would grant people who identify as transgender a lifetime pension, along with priority access to public housing and housing assistance programs.

This was the second meeting involving the Federation Platform for Trans Rights and top Spanish politicians, indicating the group may soon see their plans realized.

During the previous meeting, the Federation Platform met with representatives from the governing Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party, the SUMAR Coalition, the United We Can Change Europe Party, the Basque Nationalist Party, among others, and asked them to jointly register the Trans Memory Law.

The “historic need” for the law was discussed during the meeting, to provide a form of reparations for “the violence suffered by trans and gender-dissident people during the dictatorship and post-Franco regime.”

The president of the Federation Platform, a trans-identified male named Mar Cambrollé, declared at the time that “the Franco dictatorship and post-Francoism violated the most fundamental rights of trans and gender-diverse people, who not only suffered the worst effects of Franco and post-Francoism with deprivation of freedom, but also suffered [exile].” Cambrollé claimed that trans-identified people were suffering from “extreme poverty” as a result of the legacy of Francisco Franco, a fascist leader who ruled Spain until 1975.

Cambrollé added that “an advanced and democratic society has to repair this systematic violation of a forgotten population, who put their bodies and who, with their visibility, also contributed to bring democracy, widening it with plurality and diversity.”

The lifetime pension proposed by the Federation Platform demands the value represent an economic benefit of the same amount “as the minimum Social Security pension for pensioners over the age of 65 without family responsibilities,” alleging that “the situation experienced by trans, gay and lesbian people who did not conform to the normative roles imposed on men and women during the Franco regime unleashed persecution, imprisonment, stigma and denial of fundamental rights.”

The pension would be able to be collected in addition to any other benefits, employment income, personal or corporate assets, or commercial activities, and would be increased by 50% for those who had previously been imprisoned under the Vagrants and Criminals Act, which targeted “habitual vagrants,” pimps, prostitutes, drunks, drug addicts, and those who supplied alcohol to minors.

Initially introduced in 1933, the law remained in force during Franco’s dictatorship, but made no reference to homosexuals until a reform introduced in 1954. The term “transgender,” however, is not referenced in the law.

The group tells The Objective that people who identified as trans were “discriminated against, pushed aside and for a long time forgotten, and thus consigned to oblivion” during this time.

“These conditions, which were structural in nature, prevented them from having the same opportunities as the rest of the population, pushing them to the margins of society and social exclusion, with a major impact on their physical and mental health. Today, in the twilight of their lives, they are once again hit by the extreme precariousness resulting from a dictatorial regime that was merciless and the neglect of democracy,” it said in a statement.

The proposal caused quite a stir on social media, with many Spanish X users denouncing the apparent preferential treatment trans-identified individuals were set to receive from politicians.

Calling it a “salary for being trans,” one X user added: “And to top it all, priority in public housing, because there is no one more vulnerable than “they/them.”

“Special pensions for trans* people just because they are trans*. And regardless of their income. Priority access for transgender people to public housing and support programmes. What Plataforma Trans are asking for is called privileges,” another remarked.

Germany: Crowds of Muslim migrants wearing burqas on the beach promenade in Travemünde cause outrage (Video)

© Screenshot X

A video from the Baltic seaside resort of Travemünde is currently causing a stir on social media. In the four-minute video, a German man can be seen and heard walking along the beach promenade and commenting on the image he sees there. You could be forgiven for thinking you were in Iran or another Muslim country, says the man, referring to the fact that there are numerous migrants along the promenade. The user who shared the video on X even speaks of a ‘true apocalypse’ in this context: there are hardly any Germans left and almost all the women in the video are wearing a hijab or burka. In the comments, another user confirmed that the place shown in the video was Travemünde. The user who shared the video said that talking about an ‘apocalypse’ was an exaggeration, but tended to be correct, according to the commentator.

The video has provoked numerous reactions: It has been commented on over 600 times and shared over 3,000 times so far. The comments mainly criticise the situation in Germany, with one user stating that Germany is no longer on his list of countries he still wants to visit.

Video aus Travemünde: Migranten an der Strandpromenade sorgen für Diskussionen (

Trump did a great job last night considering what he was up against

By Andrea Widburg

The usual doom-and-gloom has settled like a pall on the conservative commentariat. If our side doesn’t score with a Grand Slam, they invariably consider it a loss. Their attitude is all wrong. When looked at through “real world” lenses, Trump did remarkably well in a venue that was hostile and dishonest—and that many Americans recognized as such. I know this because I’ve been in venues just like that—only without millions of people watching. At the end of the day, I won my case, even though the process was more than usually painful. I believe the same will be true for Donald Trump.

Bear with me while I tell my tale.

Thirty years ago, the opposing counsel on the case, whom I’ll call Smith, had a reputation at the appellate level, where a very nice appellate judge—I know he was nice because I used to babysit for his daughter when I was a teenager—savaged Smith in an opinion. The reason for this savagery was that Smith was a liar. In his briefs before the court, he lied about everything, both facts and law.

Smith did exactly the same thing. During each pre-trial motion (all aimed at either dismissing the case or shaping it before trial), the wave of lies was overwhelming. Each paragraph had multiple lies. Indeed, sometimes each sentence had multiple lies.

Smith misrepresented the record, he misapplied legal authority, and on occasion, he’d go so far as to misrepresent the law. It was a tsunami of lies. He was the legal embodiment of Mary McCarthy’s description of the communist Lillian Hellman: “I think every word she writes is false, including ‘and’ and ‘but.’”

One would think that opposing someone who lies so much would be easy: Simply write a brief rebutting the lies. However, that’s not the case.

Back in the day, courts had page limits. (Now, they have word count limits.) Because rebutting a lie invariably takes longer than stating the lie (it’s not enough just to deny the lie; you must prove why you’re denying it), it would have taken me 50 pages to oppose his 15-page screed, and I never had more than 15 pages and, sometimes, rules being rules, only 10. In the quiet of my office, I had to figure out which lies to tackle and which to ignore. Sometimes, the lies impugned me, sometimes they impugned my client, and always they perverted the issues themselves…and I had so little space.

One also would have thought that the judge handling all these pre-trial motions, having been made aware of Smith’s reputation because of that appellate decision, would have ruled against him when his lies were exposed. However, the opposite was true. The judge decided instantly that my clients were in the wrong and simply overlooked the lies. He was quite explicit about it at times.

Most memorably, after I wrote a bulletproof brief showing that California law prevented Smith’s client from bringing the case, the judge stated, “I understand the law, but I think there’s something here.” The judge’s entire responsibility was to apply the law, but he wanted us to lose, and he was going to keep us in court until that happened.

It was only because I was working with an impressively moral and ferocious senior attorney that the case survived this and went to trial. Most attorneys would have left the client out to dry. But my guy didn’t. He took the case all the way to trial—and we won.

We won because we had a real judge, someone who looked at the facts and the law and recognized that Smith’s client was wrong in every way. Not only did we win the case, but we also won $1.2 million in attorney’s fees. (That’s $2.5 million in today’s dollars.)

Last night, Donald Trump faced exactly what I saw in the San Francisco court system thirty years ago: Kamala Harris was Smith. Everything she said was a lie. She lied about the facts, she lied about Trump, and she lied about her policies. When she wasn’t lying about her policies, she was slithering away from them so the public wouldn’t see the truth.

And then, unlike me, where I at least had a few days to decide on a way to respond, Trump had to decide on the fly what to say. Do I protect my integrity? Do I challenge her lies? Do I just restate my position?

That’s easy to do from the comfort of a living room chair. That’s hard to do when you are on the world stage with a one-minute clock ticking. And yes, Trump is Trump, so he’ll defend his honor first. That’s how he’s wired. And then he restated his position. When you’re under the gun, you make your choices.

And then, instead of a dishonest judge, Trump faced two vicious, dishonest ABC hacks who attacked him with lies, asked him loaded questions that didn’t matter to most voters, and smothered Kamala with kisses. It was, as so many people said, a three-on-one pile-on, not a moderated debate. Or as Juanita Broaddrick memorably tweeted,

What happened last night, though, was just pretrial skirmishing. The true judges are the voters. And I believe that they, like the true judge in my long-ago trial, will look at the facts and discern the truth. The truth is not a smug, condescending liar helped along by two other smug, condescending liars. The truth is the embattled man who, for several years, helped America soar and, given the chance, will do so again.

So, take heart. Trump fought valiantly in a corrupt venue, one so patently dishonest that even ordinary people, the normal people across America facing hordes of violent illegal aliens, unaffordable food, racial divisiveness, and world chaos, will see the truth and vote accordingly. 

Image by AI.

German popular music icon Heino urges: ‘Germany needs a Trump who is on the side of his people’ – Popular music icon doesn’t want stabbers in the country, but wants to feel safe instead

Singer Heino (85, known for his song “Schwarzbraun ist die Haselnuß”), as per Bild’s report, wants a German politician akin to ex-US President Donald Trump. Heino stated, Bild reported on Wednesday, “Germany needs a Trump-like figure who finally sweeps our country clean and pays no heed to his opponents’ opinions.” He added, “Someone with a loud voice who stays firm and prioritizes their country’s and its citizens’ welfare.” Trump is running again for the Republican nomination in the US presidential election on November 5.

Heino expressed, according to Bild’s report, that many share similar views but are too afraid to speak out. “People are terrified of social exclusion,” Bild quoted him further. “I, being 85, don’t care. I stand by my beliefs. I don’t wish for our beautiful country to sink.”

Regarding the ongoing debate on immigration and deportations, Bild quoted Heino saying, “It’s unacceptable to stroll the streets in Germany fearing attack.” He emphasized, “We must address the issue of criminal migrants. Mass deportations are necessary. Anyone committing violence here doesn’t belong here and must leave.”

The debate on immigration and deportations has intensified in Germany due to several violent incidents. In Solingen, an alleged Islamist stabbed three people to death and injured eight more at a city festival in August. A 26-year-old Syrian is in custody for the crime.

Crime statistics nationwide recorded 214,099 instances of violent crime in 2021, an increase of 8.6% since 2022. Violent crimes include murder, manslaughter, rape, sexual coercion, robbery, and bodily harm. In the pre-Corona year 2019, the crime statistics recorded a total of 181,054 instances of violent crime in Germany.

Heino, in his views, mentioned that some individuals in Germany share his sentiments but are apprehensive due to fear of social exclusion, as stated in the article from Bild. Despite being 85, Heino expressed his strong belief in needing a figure akin to former US President Donald Trump in Germany, who would prioritize the country’s welfare and not hesitate in facing opposition.

In reference to the debate on immigration and deportations, Heino, as reported by Bild, highlighted the necessity of addressing criminal migrants in Germany and called for mass deportations of anyone causing violence, asserting that they do not belong in the country.

Germany might benefit from having an analogue of Donald Trump. (

Germany: Six suspects, including two Iraqis, in custody for gang rape

In Herford, North Rhine-Westphalia, an 18-year-old woman is alleged to have been the victim of a gang rape. The public prosecutor’s office in Bielefeld has launched an investigation against seven people from the Minden-Lübbecke district and, according to the information available so far, the crime took place on the morning of August 24. The young woman from Münsterland, North Rhine-Westphalia, was raped in a car in the car park of a fast food restaurant near a discotheque in Go Parc (photo), and the suspects include six men and one woman, all of whom live in the Minden-Lübbecke district. According to the Bielefeld public prosecutor’s office, the suspects are said to be two Iraqis, one German-Syrian and four suspects with German passports. The two Iraqis are in custody. Investigators have searched several homes in the Minden-Lübbecke district and seized evidence, including mobile phone videos.

Further details on the course of events or the state of the investigation have not yet been released.

Gruppenvergewaltigung? Sechs Verdächtige, zwei Iraker in U-Haft | Exxpress

Syrian refugee hailed by Swedish press as ‘integration success’ arrested for attempted murder following school shooting

Swedish police investigate after a shooting into an apartment in Stockholm. (Credit: Shutterstock)

A 15-year-old boy from Syria who arrived in Sweden as a refugee has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder following a school shooting last week.

Authorities detained the boy on Saturday in relation to the attack, which occurred shortly after 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday at Trångsund School in Huddinge.

A gunshot was fired from inside a school restroom resulting in serious injury to one 15-year-old victim who was taken to the hospital for emergency surgery. The school’s principal later announced the surgery had been successful and the victim was not expected to have any long-lasting injuries.

“It happened in a secluded area and no other people were in the immediate vicinity”, said police spokesperson Helena Boström Thomas last week.

The shot victim had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance.

“My whole body is shaking, you don’t think that something like that could happen here. But it can happen anywhere these days,” one student at the school told Aftonbladet.

Swedish news outlet Samnytt reported that the suspect was born in Syria and arrived in Sweden during the peak of the migrant crisis in November 2015 accompanied by his parents and three siblings.

Corroborated by the Swedish Migration Agency, the parents later applied for Swedish citizenship in 2020, which was granted to the father in November last year, but not to the suspect’s mother. The suspect and his siblings are not Swedish citizens.

Samnytt further reported that the 15-year-old suspect had previously been interviewed by Sweden’s public broadcaster, with his family praised as being an example of successful integration into Western society.

The suspect was ordered to remain in pre-trial detention at a closed-door hearing at Stockholm District Court on Saturday afternoon.

“Extraordinary reasons are required when such a young person is detained, and the district court has judged that there are in this case. He is also under restrictions, i.e., limited communication with the outside world,” said emergency prosecutor Urszula Grabowska.

“I have assessed that there are currently exceptional reasons for detention despite the suspect’s young age,” added fellow prosecutor Kajsa Lindberg in a press release.