“Defending Italy Is Not a Crime”: Salvini Reacts to Prosecutors’ Request for Six-Year Sentence

Wikimedia Commons , 
Kasa Fue

Matteo Salvini, Italy’s right-wing deputy prime minister, is hitting back after Italian prosecutors requested on Saturday a six-year prison sentence against him for blocking migrants from disembarking at one of the country’s ports in 2019.

“Six years in prison for blocking landings and defending Italy and Italians? Madness. Defending Italy is not a crime and I will not give up, not now, not ever,” Salvini wrote on X.

Salvini, a partner in Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s coalition, is on trial for alleged “deprivation of liberty and abuse of office” for preventing the Lampedusa landing of the Open Arms ship run by a Spanish NGO and “keeping 147 migrants at sea for weeks.” In a video message on X, the deputy prime minister described in detail the events leading up to his decision to prevent the landing in Italy:

On July 29, 2019, a Spanish NGO ship, the Open Arms, sets said from Syracuse headed to Lampedusa. It will never reach Lampedusa. Suddenly, it deletes its destination from the logbook and heads towards the Libyan coast.

On August 1st, it manages to intercept a boat with illegal immigrants on board. From that moment, it begins to sail through the Mediterranean picking up more illegal immigrants and heading towards Italy. On August 20th, it arrives off the coast of Sicily with 164 illegal immigrants on board.

In the preceding days, it had stubbornly refused every request for help, assistance, or disembarkation at ports other than Italian ones. They said no to Tunisia, they said no to Malta, they even said no to the flag state, namely Spain. More than twenty days of sailing in the Mediterranean while holding all these illegal immigrants on board when it would have taken just 72 hours to reach Spain.

This Spanish ship refused, not once, but twice to disembark the illegal immigrants at two ports made available by Spain. and even refused the aid of a military ship sent by the Spanish government.

During the Mediterranean journey of the Open Arms, we always rescued and disembarked sick people, pregnant women, and minors on board.

Together with my government colleagues, I had signed the ban on entering Italian territorial waters. Thanks to my government’s actions, landings, deaths, and disappearances in the Mediterranean Sea decreased. In the year before I took office, there had been 42,700 illegal landings. During my tenure at the Ministry of the Interior, arrivals were reduced to 8,691. After me, unfortunately, the landings went back up, exceeding 21,000 in the same period.

This Spanish ship was never prevented from going anywhere, except to Italy because we could no longer be the refugee camp for all of Europe. No government and no minister in history has ever been accused or put on trial for defending the borders of his own country.

Article 52 of the Italian Constitution states: “The defence of the Homeland is a sacred duty for every citizen.”

I declare myself guilty of defending Italy and Italians. I declare myself guilty of keeping the promise I made.

“The prosecution has asked for former interior minister Salvini to be sentenced to six years,” Open Arms’ lawyer Arturo Salerni told AFP, as the “long and difficult trial” nears an end.

A verdict in the trial, which began in October 2021, could come next month, he said. Salvini would be free to appeal any decision.

Prime Minister Meloni also criticised the prosecutors and vowed to continue to support Salvini. “It is incredible that a minister of the Italian Republic risks 6 years in prison for doing his job defending the nation’s borders, as required by the mandate received from its citizens,” she wrote on X. “Transforming into a crime the duty to protect the Italian borders from illegal immigration is a very serious precedent. My total solidarity with Minister Salvini.”

Fellow deputy premier and leader of the centre-right Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani also defended Salvini. “Matteo Salvini did his duty as interior minister to defend the law,” Tajani wrote on X. “Asking for 6 years in prison for this seems unreasonable and moreover without any legal basis.”

French right-wing leader Marine Le Pen also offered Salvini a message of support on Saturday night, alleging he was the target of “judicial harassment aimed at silencing him.”

For wanting to put an end to migrant smuggling and protect Italy’s borders when he was interior minister, Matteo Salvini has been subjected to judicial harassment aimed at silencing him. The trial and the 6-year sentence requested against him are extremely serious at a time when migratory flooding is increasing throughout Europe. We stand by you, Matteo, in solidarity and more than ever.

Salvini thanked her and promised not to “give in”.

Prosecutor Geri Ferrara told the Palermo court in Sicily that there was “one key principle that is not debatable.”

“Between human rights and the protection of state sovereignty, it is human rights that must prevail in our fortunately democratic system,” he said.

The ship was at sea for nearly three weeks before a court ordered the disembarkation of the illegal migrants on the island of Lampedusa.

Members of Open Arms have testified that the migrants’ physical and mental well-being reached a ‘crisis point’ as sanitary conditions onboard became dire, including a scabies outbreak. Salvini, interior minister at the time, testified in January that he had understood that “the situation was not at risk” onboard the ship.

“The POS (safe port) should have been provided immediately and without delay,” prosecutor Marzia Sabella said Saturday, according to Italian media reports.

In 2019, serving under Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Salvini implemented a “closed ports” policy under which Italy refused entry to NGO ‘migrant rescue’ ships stranded while crossing the Mediterranean. This was a tough measure against traffickers who operate boats between North Africa and Italy and Malta, the deadliest migrant crossing in the world. And, as Salvini points out in his video message, it worked. “Thanks to my government’s actions, landings, deaths, and disappearances in the Mediterranean Sea decreased. In the year before I took office, there had been 42,700 illegal landings. During my tenure at the Ministry of the Interior, arrivals were reduced to 8,691. After me, unfortunately, the landings went back up, exceeding 21,000 in the same period. “

Much of the trial has been focused on determining whether the decision-making and responsibility in the case lay with the Conte government or Salvini alone.

Salvini previously faced a similar trial, accused of refusing to allow 116 migrants to disembark from an Italian coastguard boat in July 2019. But it was thrown out by a court in Catania in 2021.


Islamist organisation that wants to force children to wear headscarves is financed by North Rhine-Westphalia Minister President Wüst

Screenshot/Wüst: Landesregierung NRW

Tax money to fund Islamists? A foundation in North Rhine-Westphalia, which is chaired by CDU Minister President Hendrik Wüst, is to finance an Islamic association that wants to force little girls to wear headscarves.

Hendrik Wüst, Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia since October 2021, is known to want to ‘not allow our way of life to be destroyed’ after Solingen. But how does it fit together that he is allegedly simultaneously feeding Islamic extremists who are doing just that with the German taxpayer’s hard-earned money?

Specifically, it’s about the ‘Support the Woman’ project. The Islamic operator pretends to be in favour of women’s rights and equality, but behind the pink facade lies a misogynistic Islamic project. Underage girls are specifically approached in pedestrianised areas to test out the Islamic headscarf and are sold a supposedly ‘feminist’ version of Islam, which in reality propagates the subordination of women.

The association ‘Das Licht e.V.’, founder of the project, propagates the ideologies inherent in Islam, which fundamentally reject equality between men and women. In the Islamic world view, women are considered ‘naked’ and ‘manipulated’ if they do not submit to the restrictive Islamic dress code. A central aspect of the project is the depiction of the headscarf as protection against men, which cements the assumption that men have uncontrolled urges from which women must protect themselves by covering themselves. This backward way of thinking in the political religion of Islam degrades women to objects who must hide themselves from the supposedly inescapable danger posed by men. The depiction of the headscarf as a ‘protective measure’ is more reminiscent of archaic ideas in which women bear responsibility for the behaviour of men instead of viewing both sexes as equals.

The focussing on young girls in public is particularly alarming. They are encouraged to try out Islamic symbols such as the misogynistic headscarf at a critical age when they are still easily influenced.

This pressure and the subtle indoctrination, which is reinforced by free headscarves and ‘gifts’, shows a clear attempt to win children and young people over to a one-sided, strict interpretation of Islam.

The ‘Support the Woman’ website also offers questionable advice on how to avoid shaking hands, a common form of greeting in Western societies. Such ‘tips and tricks’ deliberately promote the separation of Muslims from the majority society and contribute to the Islamisation of our society.

The association ‘Das Licht e.V.’, initiator of the ‘Support the Woman’ project, received almost 9,500 euros between 2020 and 2021 from the NRW Foundation for Environment and Development, which is dominated by the CDU and chaired by Minister-President Hendrik Wüst, who, according to the magazine Nius, is the chairman of the foundation’s board. To make it clear once again: The project specifically recruits minors to propagate Islamic values, such as wearing the headscarf. Why is North Rhine-Westphalia distributing taxpayers’ money to support an Islamist organisation? Why is Wüst supporting such a project with public money?

Islamisten-Verein, der Kinder unters Kopftuch zwingen will, wird von NRW-Wüst finanziert » Journalistenwatch

For cookery lessons: Austrian pupils were forced to buy ‘halal meat’

The fact that Sharia law (Islamic law derived from the Quran) and not the Austrian legal system once applied in Austria was previously relegated to the conspiracy theorists’ imagination. However, an example from Lower Austria now shows how some people are pandering to Muslim traditions.

Specifically, it concerns a teacher at the secondary school in Felixdorf in the Neustadt district of Vienna in Lower Austria. She wrote a letter to the parents asking the pupils to buy ‘only halal meat’ for cookery lessons. The reason: there are many Muslim pupils in the class.

It was not surprising that this letter from the teacher caused incomprehension and uproar among the parents. The request to buy meat products in Turkish supermarkets was argued by the teacher:

This ensures that all culinary preparations meet religious requirements and can be enjoyed by all pupils without hesitation.

The cookery teacher added that the meat requires a ‘HALAL certificate’. This went too far for the parents and they expressed their anger online. One woman asked on X:

‘Why is it always the locals who have to get used to something?

According to the newspaper Kronen Zeitung, which was the first to report on the matter, the Lower Austrian Education Directorate then called a halt. The school management immediately withdrew the content of the letter and sent a new letter to the parents. Such unauthorised parental information on the part of the teacher is absolutely not in line with the Lower Austrian Education Directorate and is rejected in the strongest possible terms, it said.

Für Kochunterricht: Schüler wurden gezwungen, „Halal-Fleisch“ zu kaufen – Unzensuriert

Europe’s open border utopia is over

Mayence, Germany

by Giulio Meotti 

The photograph is only nine years old, but it seems to come from another era. And above all from another country. Ten days earlier, Chancellor Angela Merkel had uttered the famous phrase “Wir Schaffen Das”. We can do it. It would become the motto of the culture of welcome with which German-led Europe had responded to an unprecedented wave of migration.

That morning, the Chancellor visits a refugee reception center in Berlin. Shaker Kedida asks her for a selfie. Merkel nods and poses. The image became the visual equivalent of “Wir Schaffen Das”, a milestone in political communication at the time on a par with Obama’s Yes we can. There was no room for skepticism about immigration and borders. Merkel did it all on her own, without consulting the other EU governments.

Today, not only would a German Chancellor taking a selfie with migrants be an impossible action, but Olaf Scholz’s left-wing government has also decided the unthinkable: the suspension of Schengen and the return of border controls.

Why? Because, as former French intelligence chief Pierre Brochand put it, we have realized that “a model that refuses to distinguish between the aspirations of the Swedish accountant and the Pashtun warrior, the Californian nerd and the Sahelian shepherd, the Béarn farmer and the young Algerian ‘harrag’, as if they were all interchangeable, does not work”.

Germany has announced the suspension of Schengen (def, The Schengen Area is an area encompassing 29 European countries that have officially abolished border controls between each other, ed.) for six months and of the European dream of free movement of people and goods due to the danger of terrorist infiltration and uncontrolled migratory flows.

Even Jacques Attali, the intellectual champion of globalism, said it clearly: “The issue of borders is essential. Europe is a sieve and we have done everything to destroy internal and external borders. It is not that Europe does not know how to protect itself, it is that it does not want to protect itself”.

Schengen is a fantastic political and economic fact, but in the conditions that Europe has created from that fateful photograph it does not hold up: with the external borders of the EU fallen, from Ceuta to the Polish forests to the Greek islands to the waters of Lampedusa, Schengen becomes synonymous with a Titanic Europe.

In 1990, on a boat anchored in Schengen, a Luxembourg town on the Moselle bordering France and Germany, ministers from five European countries signed an agreement that would have eliminated their internal borders.

Jean-Claude Juncker, the soporific Luxembourger, as president of the European Commission will go so far as to say that “borders are the worst invention ever.”

If now even the progressive German government is reintroducing border controls, it means that the European situation is somewhere between desperate and irreparable.

The likely next German chancellor, Friedrich Merz of the CDU, has just said that knife attacks happen almost every day, that there are on average two gang rapes a day in Germany and that most of the perpetrators are young migrants who are totally disrespectful towards women. “This is the reality of Germany and we must put an end to it.”

In the first seven days of September, German police intervened in more than 100 crimes involving a knife. That’s according to a new website called Messerinzidenz (Knife Incidence), which analyzes daily police reports to create a real-time knife crime tracker.

Meanwhile, the terrorist threat is once again shaking Europe. And it takes a lot of censorship to hide these facts.

On August 23, an Islamist slit the necks of three people in the German city of Solingen. In Germany, this type of Islamist nihilism is, disturbingly, becoming the new normal.

In the city of Mannheim, an Islamist stabbed six people during an anti-Islam demonstration. A police officer died from his injuries.

During the European Football Championship, an Iraqi ISIS “sleeper agent” was arrested near Stuttgart.

Another ISIS plot is foiled before the Euro 2016 final between England and Spain.

Three teenagers, aged 15, 15 and 16, are arrested, accused of planning attacks on churches.

Two Afghans are detained for planning an attack on the Swedish Parliament.

German police arrest four Hamas members, who were planning to attack Jewish sites.

Two boys, aged 15 and 16, are arrested for an attack on a synagogue and a Christmas market.

Last month, if it hadn’t been for a CIA tip-off, Austria could have suffered one of the worst Islamist atrocities ever on European soil during a Taylor Swift concert in Vienna.

In March, four terrorists associated with ISIS-K killed 145 people at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall.

Without closing its external borders, Europe will implode.

In a long essay for Quadrant magazine, German essayist Wolfgang Kasper calls it “a stress test for Western civilization”.

Aristophanes satirized a civilization that did nothing but bet on horse races. Accustomed only to peace, most Romans had come to doubt that wars had ever really happened or were possible again. The population had entrusted its security to the garrisons stationed on distant borders. Within the walls, the empire had become a sort of “civil paradise”: the entire population, wrote Publius Aelius Aristides, had turned to pleasures of every kind. “Gyms, fountains, temples, arches and schools filled the cities…”.

Now Europeans discover that if you don’t defend the borders you are going to collapse. The question is whether it will be enough to put an end to the boiled frog syndrome.

Europe’s open border utopia is over | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

Scottish Independence Rally ‘absolutely empty’ as handful of protesters wave Palestine flags – ‘What has this got to do with Scotland?!’

Pro Palestine flags appeared at the rally GB News

Ten years after Scotland’s historic independence referendum, a rally in Glasgow’s George Square marked the anniversary with a notably sparse turnout.

GB News Scotland reporter Tony McGuire said that the square was “absolutely empty”, attributing the low attendance to divisions within the Yes movement and a decade of stagnation in the independence cause.

Curiously, pro-Palestine flags were visible in the background, prompting GB News host Darren Grimes to question their relevance to the Scottish independence rally.

The subdued atmosphere stood in stark contrast to the fervent campaigns of 2014, when over two million Scots voted against independence.

Speaking on GB News, Tony said: “It’s absolutely empty here in George Square.

“The attendance for these kind of events has dropped down. And that’s because we’ll have a whole cacophony of reasons, splits within the Yes movement and essentially 10 years of not clearly moving the dial in either direction.

“Scotland’s Government, the SNP, have still been unable to find that kind of sweet spot for telling Westminster that there’s an electoral mandate.

“But nevertheless, today at the rally we’ve heard from speakers such as Tommy Sheridan, who is a big political player up here in Glasgow, who demanded if the pro independence parties get more than 50 percent combined in 2026 at the next Scottish election, then we should just declare ourselves independent.

“I’m not quite sure if that will fly. But after him, of course, we also heard from Alex Salmond, a man who doesn’t be about the bush and does not mince his words.

“He had some particularly cutting remarks to say about the Government.”

Former First Minister Alex Salmond delivered a forceful speech criticising the SNP’s handling of independence efforts.

In his fiery speech he said: “They’ve had 10 years of mandates for a referendum and they have done nothing.

“Our biggest industrial facility is threatened with closure and they stand by and do nothing.

“Hundreds of thousands of pensioners are threatened with fuel quality this winter and they do nothing. That has to end.”

The low attendance highlighted the challenges facing the independence movement.

The presence of pro-Palestine flags at a Scottish independence event highlights the complex political landscape and potentially divided focus of activists.

As Scotland approaches the next Scottish elections, the independence movement faces a critical juncture.

Salmond’s call for action if pro-independence parties secure a majority in 2026 sets a potential timeline for renewed efforts.


UK Liberal Democrats declare pro-life Christians incompatible with party’s ‘fundamental values’

David Campanale.

 Opponents of legal abortion cannot be candidates for parliament under the banner of the U.K.’s Liberal Democrat Party, the party has declared in documents unearthed in the course of a discrimination suit on behalf of ousted pro-life candidate David Campanale.

As previously covered by LifeSiteNews, Campanale, an Anglican and award-winning veteran BBC journalist who said in November 2022 that after he was “overwhelmingly selected” for a Liberal Democrat selection “in a top target parliamentary seat,” he was called to the home of the party’s honorary president and “subjected to a two-hour interrogation about my Christian views,” including on abortion and homosexuality.

Campanale was ultimately de-selected via a vote of a party Extraordinary General Meeting. In response, concerned members filed a complaint with the Equality & Human Rights Commission (EHRC), saying there were “multiple alleged breaches of equality law and our party constitution” evidencing “a supposedly liberal organization allowing clear religious discrimination and hostility to thrive within its ranks.”

On Friday, The Telegraph reported that party papers submitted in its defense at the Liverpool County Court argue that Liberal Democrats “had a right to deselect” Campanale because his “expressed religious beliefs against abortion, gay marriage and legal sex change conflicted with the fundamental values set out” by the party, and that “such beliefs could, through their incompatibility with the Liberal Democrats’ policy positions on those matters, undermine the party’s ability to gain the confidence of the electorate in the constituency of Sutton and Cheam.”

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams warned that such a stance sets a “worrying” precedent.

“If it is indeed impossible even to hold dissenting views, this ought to make it impossible for Orthodox Jews and most Muslims as well as Catholic and other Christians to represent the party. Is this really what the Lib Dems are saying?” he asked. “It is not enough to preserve one’s private conscientious judgement, it seems; total agreement in private and in public is demanded.”

The Liberal Democrat defense denied the vote was about religion, but rather about Campanale’s “negative behaviours” such as “failure to listen,” “expectation that others should do his work for him,” inability to take criticism, and failure to be sufficiently transparent about his views, including his past membership in the Christian People’s Alliance party.

In 2019, the Liberal Democrats released a manifesto pledging to “decriminalize abortion across the UK whilst retaining the existing 24-week limit,” “legislate for access to abortion facilities within Northern Ireland,” “fund abortion clinics to provide their services free of charge to service users regardless of nationality or residency,” and “make intimidation or harassment of abortion service users and staff outside clinics, or on common transport routes […] illegal.”


‘Austria has no choice but to accept migrants denied at German border,’ Bavarian government claims in fresh spat with Vienna

 Joachim Herrmann (CSU) , Photo: Markus Spiske / wikimedia.org (CC-BY-4.0)

Austria has no choice but to take responsibility for illegal migrants denied entry to Germany, regardless of concerns expressed by Vienna, Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann has claimed.

The spat between the two neighboring nations over who must receive illegal migrants refused at new German border controls escalated late on Thursday, as the CSU politician responsible for home affairs in Germany’s most southern state had his say.

“This is not about whether Austria will take someone back, but rather whether Germany will deny someone entry,” Herrmann said in an interview with Welt.

“If Germany refuses to allow someone to enter the country, then the person concerned is still in the neighboring country and has not entered Germany. In this respect, the question for Austria does not arise as to whether they want to take someone back,” he added.

Herrmann’s remarks were in response to comments made by Austrian Interior Minister Gerhard Karner earlier this week who claimed there would be “no wiggle room” and insisted that Austria would “not accept people who are rejected from Germany.”

The argument has stemmed from Berlin’s decision to implement checkpoints at borders with other EU member states, effectively suspending the passport-free Schengen area that ensures free movement across the bloc. The border controls will be in place for six months from Sept. 16.

Both governments believe the law to be on their side.

The Austrian opposition and poll-topping Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) sided with the German center-right politician, using the opportunity to take aim at the open borders agenda it says the government in Vienna has adopted during its time in office.

Its security spokesman Hannes Amesbauer said that the Austrian government was responsible for allowing asylum claimants into the country and accused the ÖVP of being wedded to mass immigration.

“Instead of closing the borders, the ÖVP is constantly bringing new migrants to Austria,” he said. “Karner has been reimporting illegal returns from Germany for years,” he added.

Tensions over the unilateral long-term suspension of the European Union’s border and asylum rules by Germany is expected to increase tension with neighboring countries to the east and the south where illegal migrants are currently travelling through from Africa and the Middle East to reach Europe’s largest economy.


Violent Transgender Inmate Released On Parole After Quietly Serving His Sentence In A Women’s Prison In Canada

A violent transgender inmate has been released on parole after serving his sentence in a women’s federal prison in Canada. Cassidy Honsinger, 29, stabbed a teenager repeatedly in a park in Cornwall, Ontario.

Honsinger was first arrested on September 10, 2022, after attacking a 17-year-old girl he had no prior interactions with. According to Parole Board of Canada documents provided to Reduxx, the girl had been sitting with a friend at a local park when she saw Honsinger riding his bike nearby. For reasons that are unclear, she began to call at Honsinger, who then responded by approaching her, pulling out a steak knife, and stabbing her repeatedly. Police were immediately called.

Witnesses observed Honsinger casually walking to his nearby home from the park, exiting shortly after to dispose of his knife in a sewer drain on the street. Honsinger was arrested shortly after, and the knife was retrieved from the sewer.

While the victim survived the attack after being rushed to hospital and treated for quarter-inch punctures on her body, she would later provide an impact statement to the court revealing that she was suffering from limitations in using one of her hands as a result of her injuries. She also spoke about her fear of going out following the attack, and had to begin a medication regimen to combat the night terrors she suffered due to trauma.

Honsinger was ultimately sentenced to two years in federal prison for aggravated assault. During the hearing, it was learned he had a previous “not criminally responsible” designation as he had a number of “mental health challenges.” The designation was applied in 2014, after Honsinger was charged with four counts of assault for strangling his own mother.

The Parole Board of Canada document reviewed by Reduxx notes that Honsinger had been formally diagnosed with “schizophrenia, anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Anti-Personality Disorder, Borderline intellectual functioning, Cannabis Use Disorder (possibly in remission), and Attention Deficit Disorder.” It goes on to state that, when not on medication, Honsinger becomes “paranoid, experiences auditory and visual hallucinations, and becomes violent toward others and property.” It adds that he has expressed threats of violence and death to others.

But Reduxx has now learned that Honsinger had been housed at the Grand Valley Institution for Women for a portion of his sentence.

According to Heather Mason, a Canadian advocate for incarcerated women’s rights, a source at Grand Valley told her that female inmates had been “walking on eggshells” around Honsinger.

“My source revealed that he had significant mental health problems, including schizophrenia, and the women were concerned that he might experience an episode and become violent towards them,” Mason explained. “She pointed out that they were extremely vigilant and kept their distance from him, changing their routines and demeanor to minimize contact and prevent provoking him.”

Mason says that she was first made aware of Honsinger’s presence at Grand Valley, a female federal penitentiary, in fall of 2023. Honsinger’s parole documents indicate a statutory release, which occurs after completing two-thirds of the sentence, suggesting he served at least 16 months.

Prior to being sent to Grand Valley, Mason says she had been informed that Honsinger had been detained at a psychiatric hospital in Quebec.

After learning he was released on parole, Mason says she began to have concerns for the safety of those around him.

“Based on my opinion, he poses a substantial risk to others due to his violent past, including altercations with his mother, correctional officers, and community health professionals,” she says. “Additionally, his history reveals non-compliance with community supervision and an extended psychiatric hospital stay, where he struggled with medication adherence and exhibited recurrent violent behavior.”

Mason goes on to condemn the policies which enable males to self-identify into women’s prisons in Canada.

“The inclusion of violent males misidentified as women in female programming and institutions raises concerns, as it obscures women’s unique experiences and histories by incorporating trans-identified male statistics, which can inaccurately represent women’s criminal behaviour pathways and have severe repercussions as this data is incorporated into risk measures, security classification, reclassification, programming, and parole,” she explains.

“These women have been punished through their prison sentence and should not be subjected to further punishment by living in fear of violent attacks, including being beaten or stabbed, by a male inmate who poses a significant threat due to his mental instability and history of violence.”

report released by the Correctional Service in 2022 revealed that 82% of “gender diverse” prisoners in Canada who had a history of sexual offending were men who identified as transgender. Almost all had committed their crimes prior to claiming a transgender status. The overwhelming majority committed offenses that caused death or serious harm to their victims, over half of whom were women or children.

In June of 2017, the category of “gender identity” was made a protected characteristic after it was added to the Canadian Human Rights Act via a controversial piece of legislation known as Bill C-16.

The Canadian government claimed the bill had been assessed for its impact on women prior to approval, but has repeatedly refused to release any details of the assessment’s findings.


The ‘climate change’ hoax is a direct threat to, well, everything

Nosta Lgia

By Eric Utter

Climate change? And we’re looking back basically 150 years? Out of the 4.54 billion years the Earth has been in existence? That is not even a measurable percentage. It is statistically insignificant, in the manner that white supremacists are to America’s population.

This is as if “experts” studied the northern hemisphere, measuring light from late June until mid-December and decided that mankind, in these heavily populated industrial areas of the north, was causing the hemisphere to grow ever darker.

“There can be no debate, the science is settled,” they might well claim.

“Man-caused darkness is a fact.”

But the science wouldn’t be settled. They would just be wrong. Like they have been about every single catastrophic prediction and projection pertaining to global warming thus far. Much as they were wrong about the COVID-19 vaccines, the lockdowns, Hunter Biden’s laptop, Russian collusion, and far too many other things to list here.

That much is settled.

The following is a brief history of changes on Earth:

First, there was no Earth. Then there was an Earth.

Then there was ‘primordial soup,’ if you choose to believe the experts.

Then, life somehow appeared. All of the planet’s land was together in one giant continent called Pangia. And then that giant landmass started breaking apart, separating into multiple continents that began gaily drifting away from each other. Then there was an Ice Age. Then there was interglacial warming. At some point, dinosaurs became extinct. We still don’t know why. Then there was another freaking Ice Age. Then there was another period of rapid warming. Then there was an Ice Age again. Then there was yet another period of rapid warming. Lather, rinse, repeat. Twice.

Through all of this, there was nary an automobile, lawnmower, or gas stove … let alone a city, factory, or coal processing plant in existence. In fact, for the vast majority of this time, homo sapiens did not exist. So now tell me again about climate change.

Climate change started out as the ‘global warming’ scare (which came hard on the heels of the ‘global cooling’ scare), but when the climate did not act in ways that the global warming alarmists predicted, they simply changed what they called the ongoing existential threat. “Climate change!” they exclaimed. “The planet’s climate is changing, and we are to blame.” The climate changes? Well, that’s a safe bet. Maybe the next time I’m in Las Vegas I will stop in at the local sports book and tell them I want to bet on, say, the Cowboys-Eagles game. “Which side do you like?” they might ask. “Cowboys -3 or Eagles +3?”

“Neither,” I’d reply, “I Just want to bet that the score will change throughout the course of the game!”

Pretty sure I might be ‘escorted’ out.

It is the elites telling us that the Green New Deal must be implemented for our own good who should be escorted out. Those trying to promptly ban fossil fuels, internal combustion engine vehicles, gas stoves, etc., would spend us into oblivion while destroying people’s livelihoods and pursuit of happiness, the economy … and the very environment they claim to want to save.

The world would, in fact, grow darker. But, hey, you might own nothing … and like it. Right?

If we allow this to happen, man-caused chaos, pain, and deprivation would be all too real.

Will we?

Unfortunately, ‘global dumbing’ I can believe in.     
