Switzerland: 11-year-old Muslim in Valais suspected of terrorism

It is the absolute worst in a whole series of cases since the beginning of the year: younger and younger people are apparently becoming more responsive to Islamist propaganda, as the Swiss security authorities have emphasised on several occasions.

The juvenile court in Sion has now confirmed research by Swiss public broadcasters SRF and RTS, according to which the police intervened with an 11-year-old boy at the beginning of June. The boy was questioned by the cantonal police in connection with the publication of ‘racist and discriminatory content on social media’, according to the juvenile court.

The 11-year-old admitted that he had been in contact with people abroad who were presumably close to extremist movements. The juvenile court did not specify which movements were meant. However, according to information from RTS and SRF, the authorities assume a clear Islamist-jihadist context.

In the cases of Islamist radicalised youths that have been made public in Switzerland since January 2024, the youngest person was 14 years old.

The Valais authorities have opened proceedings under juvenile criminal law against the 11-year-old, whose citizenship they have not disclosed. The presumption of innocence applies. The teenager is at large and socio-educational measures have apparently been initiated. The extent to which the young person has been radicalised appears to be an open question for the Valais authorities. This is not yet apparent. According to the juvenile court, further investigations are underway.

It is possible that the 11-year-old very quickly came into contact with radical Islamist content on social media, which is how the links to extremists abroad were established and the youngster then spread this content. Recently, experts have repeatedly heard of such cases.

Conspicuous behaviour with extremist content, such as swastika graffiti in school buildings or Islamist slogans on the playground, occur time and again, according to experts. There are dozens of cases involving young people – mostly aged 14 and older – which are then often investigated. In the Valais case, too, the question arises as to why the boy made these posts and whether there is a risk that he could commit acts of violence. This may require forensic expertises.

It seems clear that the authorities became aware of the 11-year-old boy’s posts and decided to intervene. This is probably also against the background of a recent increase in the threat of terrorism, which, according to the authorities, is characterised by jihadist propaganda, such as that of an ‘Islamic State’ (IS).

The fact that very young people are also responding to this propaganda, disseminating the content, in some cases planning attacks or even taking action, has already been shown several times across Europe.

Elfjähriger im Wallis unter Terrorismusverdacht wegen Propaganda – News – SRF

College Warns Professors to Report Student “Mocking of Our Pronoun Policy”. As a “women’s college that is gender diverse”

What began under the guise of sensitivity, tolerance and inclusivity ended up in exactly the kind of totalitarian and authoritarian bureaucratic regimes that the Left used to rebel against and make fun of before it took power.

The first rule of every authoritarian system is a warning not to mock the system. That’s the Left now.

Consider this Title IX letter from Mount Holyoke College.

MHC, a female college, insisted that the “regular and consistent practice of using intentional pronouns aligns with the College’s commitment to non-discrimination as a women’s college that is gender diverse.”

Lest anyone mock the idea of a “women’s college that is gender diverse” or any other part of its pronoun policy, the letter warns that mocking the policy is a violation of the policy.

“On August 1, Title IX regulations expanded to include misgendering, deadnaming and mispronouning as prohibited acts and thus expanded the set of prohibited activites of concern to mandated reporters.”

Then it provided a set of Stasi guidelines to faculty “for faculty observations of misgendering in their classrooms” ordering faculty to “report when misgendering occurs in the following ways”.

That includes “when there is open mocking of our Pronoun Policy”.

Urgently report all mocking of the pronoun policy to the pronoun policymakers who will make sure the student will be unemployed for life… for social justice.

The one thing you can’t have in a gender-diverse women’s college are women mocking gender-diverse pronoun policies. Perhaps MHC will have a ducking stool for them. Or just force them to share a room with a gender-diverse transgender man.

Some would say this violates the free speech of its female students, but MHC is committed to its “gender diverse community of students” and urges professors to turn in all students who have a sense of humor.

There’s gender diversity at the women’s college, but no diversity of thought is allowed.

And a sense of humor will get you 3 – 5 years of gender diverse remedial womens’ studies.


Nice: An armed man vandalises the Sacré-Cœur church, statues are destroyed and a woman is threatened with a knife. The arrested man, who is said to be a tourist, is also alleged to have thrown stones at another church in the city

A man was arrested on Friday afternoon, September 6, for vandalising the Sacré-Cœur church in Nice. He had broken several statues and threatened a woman with a knife.

The Sacré-Cœur church in the Rue de France in Nice is in a state of shock. Several statues were vandalised by a person shortly before 3pm on Friday September 6. The threatening-looking man had a knife in his possession (…).

One of the surveillance cameras shows the suspect entering the church at around 2.40 pm. He is carrying a rucksack and wearing shorts, which suggests that he is a tourist.

‘A man came in, he was large. He threw his knife towards a woman and she tried to dodge the knife. He was furious and started vandalising the statues. Then he went down into the crypt and people were praying. Then, as he was leaving, he broke another picture of the Virgin Mary,’ reported Father Jean-Baptiste in an interview with Valérie Much, a journalist from France 3 Côte d’Azur. (…)

The police quickly intervened at the scene to arrest the suspect. The identity of the man is not yet known (…).  France 3 Régions

The man is also suspected of throwing stones at the church of Voeu. (…) Nice Matin

Nice : un homme armé vandalise l’église Sacré-Cœur, des statues détruites et une femme menacée au couteau. L’individu, interpellé et qui serait un touriste, aurait également jeté des pierres dans une autre église de la ville – Fdesouche

Welsh Government Awarded Gender and Sexuality Contract To Firm Headed By Child Sex Offender

The Welsh Government is conducting an internal review after it was discovered they had awarded a research contract related to sexuality and gender to a firm whose director had been jailed after admitting three charges of sexual activity with a child.

The director, James Mullen, had previously served eight months in prison after he was caught “writhing” on a girl at the Catholic boarding school where he worked as a history teacher. The incident occurred in 2013, just after a parent-teacher event on campus.

According to a Daily Mail article from the year the incident occurred, Mullen had groomed the girl over the course of his six months of employment, with text message exchanges being uncovered wherein Mullen acknowledged the relationship he had with the girl was immoral.

During a court hearing, it was also learned that Mullen had been sent to complete a child protection course when he was hired at the school which he passed with a 100% score.

Mullen ultimately pleaded guilty to three charges of sexual activity with a child while in a position of trust. He was then banned from teaching for life and was subjected to a 10-year sex offender registration following the completion of his prison sentence.

After being released, Mullen returned to school and was awarded a PhD in Ancient History from Newcastle University. According to his LinkedIn, during the course of his studies, Mullen “contributed to the Westminster All Party Parliamentary Groups reviewing safeguarding policy.”

In 2022, the same year he received his degree, Mullen set up a company called “Laurel Research Consulting,” later bidding for a contract with the Welsh Government to research conversion therapy on the basis of gender and sexuality.

According to Nation Cymru, the Government’s contract read that it was seeking to “understand more about the experiences of conversion practices in Wales. The term ‘conversion practices’ refers to any efforts to change, modify or suppress a person’s sexual orientation, gender, expression of sexual orientation and/or expression of gender, regardless of whether it takes place in a healthcare, religious or other setting. The research will understand who experiences conversion practices, the forms these practices take, by whom they are conducted, and the reasons why they are carried out; identify settings where conversion practices occur; provide insight into the impact of conversion practices; understand the support available; and provide evidence-informed actions, recommendations, and best practice.”

In 2023, Mullen’s company was awarded the contract, despite having no relevant experience or expertise in the field of gender or sexuality. At the time, Mullen would have still been registered as a sex offender.

The government is now reviewing how it came to award Mullen’s company the research contract, and whether any vetting had been conducted prior to the decision being made.

This controversy is the latest in a series of recent incidents involving pedophiles being linked to LGBT causes in the United Kingdom.

As previously reported by Reduxx, the founder of the largest Pride organization in Surrey was arrested last month and charged with multiple counts of sexual abuse against children. Stephen Ireland, 40, was was taken into custody with one of the volunteers from his organization, David Sutton, 26.

According to Surrey Police, Ireland and Sutton, both of whom worked with local pride organization Pride in Surrey, were jointly been charged with 15 offenses, including:

  • Six counts of conspiracy to sexually assault a child;
  • One count of conspiracy to kidnap a child;
  • Four counts of arranging the commission of a child sex offence;
  • One count of conspiracy to administer a substance with intent;
  • One count of publishing an obscene article;
  • One count of voyeurism;
  • One count of perverting the course of justice.

Ireland was further charged with an additional 22 offenses of a serious nature, including the rape of a child, the sexual assault of a child, six counts of making indecent photographs of children, two count of possessing prohibited images of children, and more. 

In all cases, the victim is said to be under the age of 13.

But just weeks following the announcement about Ireland and Sutton, another charity was rocked by scandal after it was learned that one of their contributors had been convicted for distributing videos of babies being raped.


‘Woke’ German Bank Terminates AfD MP’s Account Immediately After His Election Win

Photo: Niteshift, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A lawmaker for the German anti-immigration party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has had his bank account closed for unknown reasons. Sascha Schlösser, a recently elected member of the Thuringia state parliament, made the public aware of his plight in a post on X on Thursday, September 5th.

“The DKB [Deutsche Kreditbank Aktiengesellschaft] did not miss the opportunity to congratulate me on my election as a member of the state parliament for the AfD and has terminated all my accounts,” he wrote, attaching a photo of the letter sent to him by his bank. The bank did not give a reason for the closure, but all signs point to yet another ‘debanking’ scandal—where financial institutions get rid of clients for political reasons.

The DKB did not explain its decision but cited the general terms and conditions, according to which the contract may be terminated by both parties at any time. When asked by conservative media outlet Apollo News, the institution chose not to disclose the reason for termination due to banking secrecy.

However, the publication writes, the decision was taken shortly after Sascha Schlösser, who has until now been a member of the Erfurt city council, was elected to the state parliament of Thuringia.

The AfD became the strongest party in the state following the elections on September 1st, winning a third of all seats. The anti-globalist, anti-immigration party’s triumph and its rise across Germany has angered the liberal political establishment which has been using all sorts of political and legal methods in recent years to undermine the credibility of the party.

The Berliner Volksbank recently closed the AfD’s donation account, bowing to pressure from a liberal group who said AfD is “outside the constitutional order.” Last year Tino Chrupalla, the co-leader of the party, stated that Postbank had terminated his account because he’s an AfD member.

De-banking has become a phenomenon all over the Western world, famously brought to the media’s attention by British politician Nigel Farage whose account at the British private bank Coutts was closed due to his political views.

Sascha Schlösser received his own letter only two days after the elections on Sunday, with the bank requesting him to balance his account and to destroy his credit cards.

Though reasons for the decision were not given, the DKB participates in anti-right-wing initiatives, writes Apollo News. The bank says it has “committed itself to democracy, the rule of law, diversity and tolerance,” and after the European elections in June—where the AfD were runners-up—it stated that the election had made it clear “that democracy will not be maintained by itself and must be constantly defended.”

As an institution owned by the publicly regulated Bayerische Landesbank, the DKB should be committed instead to being politically neutral, which it clearly is not.


BREAKING: Migrant shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ storms into German police station armed with knife and declares his intention to kill all police officers – ISIS propaganda material found in his flat

Following the failed attack on a police station in Linz am Rhein (photo), investigators have discovered evidence of radical Islamist motivation. A 29-year-old Albanian man stormed the police station in the Rhineland-Palatinate town at 2.40 a.m. with a machete and shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’, the Koblenz public prosecutor’s office reported.

‘As part of the ongoing search measures in the flat, a flag of the terrorist organisation ‘Islamic State’ drawn on a wall was discovered.’ The State Centre for Combating Terrorism and Extremism took over the investigation ‘for attempted murder by attack with a machete’.

The attempted murder of the migrant on Friday morning was apparently only prevented by a security gate. The 29-year-old stormed the police station and threatened to ‘kill the police officers’, according to police spokesman Jürgen Fachinger.

However, only the first of the two doors opened. The officers had to press a button to open the second. And they did not. On the contrary: they also closed the first door in this way, so that the attacker was trapped between the two doors.

All of the officers’ appeals over the intercom to make the attacker realise his hopeless situation were to no avail. The migrant continued to make violent threats and was extremely aggressive.

The Linz police officers then called the Special Forces from Koblenz for help. The special unit stormed the security gate two hours later. They incapacitated the migrant with a Taser and arrested him. The Albanian was slightly injured in the process, according to the police spokesperson. The man is in custody. The public prosecutor’s office will decide later today whether to apply for an arrest warrant.

„Allahu Akbar“ gerufen: Machetenangriff auf Polizeiwache war islamistisch motiviert (jungefreiheit.de)

AfD Brandenburg support spikes as Greens risk zero-seat election result

(c) https://www.wahlkreisprognose.de/trends-in-brandenburg/

Support for the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is surging in Brandenburg ahead of the State’s parliament elections this month, data gathered by pollster Infratest dimap has found.

Published on September 6, the survey also showed that support for the country’s Greens had dropped to 5 per cent — down 2 per cent on August — meaning the party risks elimination from the region’s parliament under electoral threshold rules.

As things stand, the AfD looks likely to come first in the September 22 vote with 27 per cent support, up 4 per cent on the previous August survey.

It is followed by Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democratic Party (SPD), which is also up 4 per cent from the previous poll, now sitting at 23 per cent support.

Other centrist parties have fallen back. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) sits at 18 per cent, down 1 per cent.

Also down is the populist left Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), which has dropped by 2 per cent to 15 per cent.

AfD’s rise came after its successes in both Thuringia and Saxony on September 1, with the party outperforming expectations to finish with more than 30 per cent support.

Although this result saw the party come in first and second place, respectively, it appears unlikely to enter into government as every other group has vowed not to work with them.

Its success is still likely to have a political impact, with the AfD’s Thuringia result giving the party a blocking minority in the State.

As a result, certain official actions there, such as the appointment of judicial and security personnel, cannot go ahead without AfD support.


Belgium: 2 Moroccan migrants jailed for raping young man, making him scream ‘long live Morocco’ while they filmed his rape

The crime scene: Le Carré d’Or Liège https://www.google.com/maps/place/Das+Goldviereck/

Mohammed and Jalal, two Moroccan nationals, were sentenced to five-year imprisonment each, with one-third of the sentence suspended, for raping a young man at gunpoint while he had been enjoying a night out with friends in the square in Liège.

Contrary to the wishes of the public prosecutor’s office, the court dismissed the charges of kidnapping, homophobia, and racism. According to the public prosecutor’s office, the criminal acts could have been qualified as such because the suspects held the victim in the toilet and made him scream “Vive le Maroc,” which translates to “Long live Morocco,” in English.

On Nov. 25, 2023, at around 4:00 a.m., while on patrol in the square in Liège, police were stopped by a young man at rue du Pot d’Or, who told them he had been raped. He explained that he had gone to a café with friends to celebrate one of their birthdays, and as soon as they arrived, two men followed them into the toilets.

Mohammed tapped the young man on the shoulder and mimed the gesture of snorting drugs. The two girls declined what appeared to be an offer to consume narcotics, while the complainant was unaware of the meaning of the mimed gesture. Mohammed then said, ”No, it’s not what you think,” winking at the young man.

When the two girls entered the toilet to go to the women’s bathroom, Mohammed grabbed the young man by the hood of his sweatshirt, placing his hand over his mouth to prevent him from shouting out, and led him into the men’s toilet. One of the protagonists pulled out a firearm at that point. A knife was also displayed.

The two convicted migrants then forced the young man to perform oral sex on each of them, hitting him, insulting him, and forcing him to shout “Vive le Maroc.” The two men filmed this act with their phones.

The two suspects were quickly arrested by police.

One of them stated that it was the young victim who had actually sexually assaulted them. However, the court rejected this claim, as the video recovered by police proved the victim’s version of events.


The German Economy is Struggling And Border Control Rhetoric is to Blame, Claims Globalism Institute

The populist right may not having power in Germany yet but it is certainly their fault that the economy is underperforming, a top globalist thinktank says, blaming them for anti-immigration rhetoric it says is killing economic growth.

The old neoliberal orthodoxy that immigration equals economic growth may be dead and buried in the minds of many, but it still lives on in the hearts of think-tankers like the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), which blames insufficient migrants for Germany’s gloomy economic forecast.

The IfW, which works under the jaunty motto ‘Understanding and Shaping Globalization’, slashed its expectation for growth in 2025, saying unemployment was likely to rise while manufacturing and construction drifts “deeper into recessionary territory”.

While actual political leaders come in for some criticism, with the German central government not spending enough money and the European Central Bank’s interest rate decisions being cited, German media was quick to pick up on the IfW also blaming people talking about border control.

Moritz Schularick, President of the Institute said: “The German economy is increasingly facing a crisis that is not only cyclical but also structural in nature… the asylum debate is poisoning the dialog about the economic need to attract skilled workers from abroad. As long as this remains the case, we can watch our growth opportunities dwindle”.

That immigration is a fundamental ingredient for economic growth has been Western dogma for decades, with practically all discussion of the possibility of border control ultimately ending with governments refusing to budge because they believe border controls would crash the economy. Yet cracks are finally starting to appear in this belief, with a report earlier this year looking at the British experiencing noting that, shockingly, record levels of immigration did not in fact correlate with increased in GDP per capita.

As reported at the time:

According to data from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), while the United Kingdom’s GDP grew by 0.1 per cent last year — amid record levels of immigration — GDP per person fell by 0.8 per cent, drastically behind the G7 average of 1.2 per cent, despite the UK seeing the second-highest level of population growth, which has largely been driven by mass migration… The CPS report remarked: “If large-scale migration of the sort we’ve seen is really so great for the economy, we have to ask ourselves why we are not seeing this in the GDP per capita data”.

… The report found that of the net two million migrants who came to the UK from non-EU nations over the past five years, just 15 per cent arrived in the country with the principal aim of working.

The report also found that the rush to import people from around the world has come with an economic cost. Migrants from Spain, for example, earn 40 per cent more on average than migrants from Pakistan or Bangladesh. Meanwhile, migrants from the Middle East, North Africa or Turkey between the ages of 25 to 64 were nearly twice as likely to be ‘economically inactive’ than native-born Britons.
