German ‘diversity’ festival awash in blood as a diverse immigrant slaughtered attendees

A victim in Solingen. Photo: X

By Andrea Widburg

Leftism is not a monolith. Instead, it has a core leadership group, which is often highly cynical and uses leftism to achieve power. That’s why most “leftist” leaders are billionaires when they die. Next, there’s an inner circle of fanatic true believers who are the movement’s energy and enforcers. Last, there are the “lumpen” masses or useful idiots, who blithely follow where they’re told. Members of this last class were at a “diversity” festival in Solingen, Germany, when a Muslim immigrant stabbed 11 people, killing three.

The New York Post offered this information after the attack:

Three people were killed at a festival in Germany and several others were injured by a knife-wielding maniac on Friday night, authorities said.

The attacker — described by festival organizers as a “knifeman” — was still on the run hours after unleashing the bloodshed.

The horror unfolded around 9:30 p.m. in a central square of the “Festival of Diversity,” a three-day event marking the 650th anniversary of the founding of Solingen.

In the immediate aftermath, German officials, echoing Sergeant Schultz, said that they knew nothing. Maybe that was true, but the rest of us assumed that it was a Muslim attack, and, of course, our assumption was correct:

Islamic State claimed responsibility Saturday for a knife attack at a festival in Germany that left three people dead and eight hurt, according to reports.

The terrifying attack, which caused panic at the event in Solingen, was “in revenge for Muslims in Palestine and everywhere,” the militant group said on its Telegram account

The attacker has been on the run for almost 24 hours.

A 15-year-old was arrested Saturday in connection with the German incident, authorities said.

Police cautioned the young suspect was not the attacker — but instead had been accused of failing to report a crime, according to CNN.


The attacker specifically targeted victims’ necks, police said, as per the Washington Post.

There are two takeaways from this:

First, disarming people does not end violent crime. Neither knives nor guns kill. Instead, it’s the people wielding those weapons who do the killing. When everyone is disarmed, there are no good people available to stop either a knife or a gun attack.

Second, diversity is a virtue only when people want to assimilate. In that case, they voluntarily combine to make a homogenous entity with a little spice around the edges reflecting the remnants of the original cultural differences. However, when only one group seeks this “diversity,” it simply advertises to the predators that its members are gathered together for the slaughter.

America survived mass immigration from the 1880s through the 1920s because its institutions focused relentlessly on assimilation. The point of public schools wasn’t primarily to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic. The point, instead, was to take a polyglot population and squeeze them into the American mold. Diversity remained at home and in restaurants. In the public forum, it was all American.

That attitude still prevailed for immigration through the mid-1960s. Then, however, a rising tide of cultural Marxism created the myth that America would be stronger by encouraging people not to assimilate—not to learn the language and not to embrace the political and cultural values. The melting pot morphed into the salad bowl and has now become the American Balkans. The Balkans have never ended well.

I’m terribly sorry for those who died at the festival and for their loved ones, as I am for those who were wounded. However, because those victims were at a “diversity festival,” we know that they were the left’s cannon fodder, and, as with the Balkans, that never ends well.

47 people are listed on the Swiss terror risk list

The Swiss authorities are alarmed. The threat of Islamist terrorism is ‘very present’ in Switzerland. But the challenge is growing with the new generation of ‘tiktok terrorists’, whose surveillance is reaching its limits.

The Director of the Federal Intelligence Service Christian Dussey recently announced: In the current year, there have been around 30 arrests for suspected attack plans in Switzerland and Europe. More than in the entire previous year.

There are currently 47 people on the Federal Intelligence Service’s risk list who could support or promote terrorism, as reported by the Sonntagszeitung newspaper.

The Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland confirms the worrying development. The number of terrorism cases has ‘increased significantly’ in the last two to three years. It is currently processing ‘around 100 cases’ as well as requests for legal assistance from other countries. The main focus is on extremist movements within Islamism.

‘This shows that the phenomenon of jihadist-motivated terrorism in Switzerland has by no means gone away. It is still very present,’ says a spokesperson.

What is particularly worrying is that the suspected perpetrators are getting ever younger. Terrorism expert Peter R. Neumann speaks of a new phenomenon in the Sonntagszeitung newspaper: ten years ago, young terrorists were the exception rather than the rule.

Neumann calls them ‘tiktok terrorists’. They often start on platforms such as TikTok or Instagram and later end up in closed groups such as Telegram. There they share videos of attacks.

The head of the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS), Mr Dussey, is now calling for more staff to cope with the heightened security situation. In Austria, modern methods are being discussed, such as the monitoring of messenger services like WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal. This is already possible in Switzerland – but only with the authorisation of the Federal Administrative Court.

Terror has returned to Europe. Recently, a man attacked visitors with a knife at a city festival in Solingen, Germany, leaving people dead and injured. In Vienna, Taylor Swift concerts were cancelled due to the threat of terrorism. And Switzerland has not been spared either: the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS) reports an ‘increased’ threat situation.

In March, an orthodox Jew was critically injured in Zurich. He was stabbed by a 15-year-old boy who showed solidarity with the Islamic State (IS). Three youths from eastern Switzerland were arrested. They are suspected of supporting IS and planning bomb attacks.

NDB alarmiert: 47 Leute sind auf Schweizer Terror-Risikoliste (

BREAKING: Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested in France

Wikimedia Commons , TechCrunch, CC-BY-2.0

Pavel Durov, the co-founder and CEO of messaging app Telegram, was arrested at an airport outside of Paris on Saturday, French media reported.

French officers detained Durov at around 8:00 p.m. local time after his private jet landed at Le Bourget Airport. The billionaire entrepreneur had been under an arrest warrant as part of a police investigation in France into alleged lack of moderation and “criminal activity” on Telegram, according to Reuters.

Durov, who was born in Russia but holds dual citizenship in France and the United Arab Emirates, had been traveling from Azerbaijan.

The Russian embassy in France said it is taking “immediate” steps to clarify his situation. 

Founded in 2013 and based in Dubai, where Durov also lives, Telegram is one of the largest social media platforms in the world, with more than 900 million users. It offers end-to-end encryption in messaging to protect users’ privacy.

Durov left Russia in 2014 after resisting demands by the Russian government to share private data on the social network VK, which he co-founded but later sold.

Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of X, shared the news of Durov’s arrest, saying, “Check out this ad for the First Amendment. It is very convincing.”

In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Durov said that U.S. federal law enforcement had tried to convince a Telegram engineer to change the platform’s software so that law enforcement could read users’ messages.

“Whenever I would go to the U.S., I would have two FBI agents greeting me at the airport, asking questions. One time, I was having my breakfast at 9 a.m., and the FBI showed up at my house that I was renting. And that was quite surprising. And I thought, you know, we’re getting too much attention here,” Durov told Carlson. 

“My understanding is that they wanted to establish a relationship, to, in a way control Telegram better,” he continued. 

Durov added that Telegram seeks to avoid censorship and noted that it was one of the only major social media platforms that did not remove accounts skeptical of restrictive COVID measures. 

Carlson slammed the arrest of Durov, writing on X, “Pavel Durov sits in a French jail tonight, a living warning to any platform owner who refuses to censor the truth at the behest of governments and intel agencies. Darkness is descending fast on the formerly free world.”

He pointed out that while Russia sought to gain control of Telegram, it was ultimately France, “a western country, a Biden administration ally and enthusiastic NATO member,” that detained Durov.

Turkish Nationalist and Pro-Government Groups Pressure Authorities to Cancel Greek Orthodox Ceremony

Tensions are high in Trabzon, Turkey, as nationalist and pro-government groups pressure authorities to cancel a Greek Orthodox ceremony scheduled for August 23rd at the historic Panagia Sümela Monastery. The ceremony, marking the Assumption of Mary, is organized by the Istanbul-based Ecumenical Patriarchate.

This year’s event has been particularly contentious. Initially planned for August 15th, the anniversary of the Ottoman conquest of Trabzon, it was postponed by a week due to objections from nationalist groups. Despite the rescheduling, opposition persists, spearheaded by figures like retired admiral Cihat Yaycı, a close associate of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Yaycı, who leads the Turkish Maritime and Global Strategies Center, argues that the ceremony promotes Greek propaganda, separatism, and anti-state activities. He has called for a public vigil to prevent the event from taking place, urging Turkish patriots to join him.

Several organizations have echoed Yaycı’s stance, including the Vatan Party and members of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), an ally of Erdoğan’s government. They argue that Sümela Monastery, currently a museum and historic site, should not be used for religious rituals.

The controversy has drawn criticism from local businesses who fear the impact on tourism. Metin İnan, president of the Uzungöl Tourism Operators Association, cautioned against politicizing tourism, highlighting the negative experiences of Arab tourists targeted in recent years due to xenophobia.

In response to the escalating situation, the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies announced that attendance at the August 23rd ceremony will be restricted to guests approved by the governor’s office. The site will be open to the public after the ceremony concludes.

This year’s events highlight the ongoing tensions surrounding religious freedom and the legacy of historical events in Turkey. The situation remains tense, with the potential for further controversy surrounding the ceremony.

Turkish Nationalist And Pro-Government Groups Pressure Authorities To Cancel Greek Orthodox Ceremony (

TERROR IN GERMANY: ISIS Claims Responsibility for Attack at “Festival of Diversity” Which Killed at Least Three People – Two People Including a Youth Arrested

Credit: The Guardian Video Screenshot

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier today that an “Arab-looking” man attacked several people who were celebrating the ‘virtues’ of diversity at a major festival in Germany Friday night.

The killer, who, as Jim Hoft revealed, was screaming “Allahu Akbar,” stabbed three people to death while wounding eight others at the Festival of Diversity in Solingen, a city around 25km east of Dusseldorf. Emergency workers were reportedly fighting for the others.

The attack happened on a central square, the Fronhof, at around 9:45 PM local time.

Now, it appears the horrifying mass murder is a direct result of Islamist terrorism.

The Daily Mail reported Saturday that the Islamic State group had claimed responsibility for a knife attack, saying that the assailant was one of their members.

“The perpetrator of the attack on a gathering of Christians in the city of Solingen in Germany yesterday was a soldier of the Islamic State group,” said a statement from the ISIS news agency on the Telegram messaging app.

ISIS also revealed in their statement that the attack came “in revenge for Muslims in Palestine and everywhere.”

The Guardian reported a 15-year-old was arrested in connection with the attack. It’s important to note the youth is NOT the assailant but may have some involvement.

Two witnesses said they saw the teen talking to the attacker before he unleashed his terror activity and said that they heard him say: “I’m going to stab everyone.”

Public prosecutor Markus Caspers said the youth at this time is suspected of “failing to report a crime.” He also stated the 15-year-old spoke with the assailant “shortly before the crime.”

Read more:

AUS: CEO of Female-Only Social App Ordered to Pay $10k to Trans-Identified Male for ‘Indirect Gender Identity Discrimination’

In a landmark decision, an Australian court has ruled that the CEO of a female-only networking application intended as an “online refuge” for women committed “indirect gender identity discrimination” by rejecting the membership of a male who “identifies” as a woman.

Aussie women’s rights advocate Sall Grover has been subject to a lengthy litigation process over the past three years after trans-identified male Roxanne Tickle filed a discrimination complaint against her with the Australian Human Rights Commission. Tickle had been barred from using the female-only platform Giggle for Girls after Grover identified him as male based on a photo he submitted for during the membership application process.

While reading out the verdict and reasons for his decision at the Federal Court of Australia Friday morning, Justice Bromwich referred to Tickle with feminine pronouns.

“Roxanne Tickle is a transgender woman whose female sex is recognized by an official updated Queensland birth certificate… I have found that Ms. Tickle’s claim of direct gender identity discrimination fails but that her claim of indirect gender identity discrimination succeeds.”

Justice Bromwich then ordered Grover to pay Tickle $10,000 compensation, in addition to court costs up to $50,000, within 60 days. Grover told Reduxx she intends to appeal the decision within a month’s time.

The court case, known as Tickle v. Giggle, tested the meaning and scope of the Sex Discrimination Act (SDA), which was altered in 2013 under the government of prime minister Julia Gillard.

The revisions to the SDA made it unlawful under federal law to discriminate against a person on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status. The case has the potential to set a precedent in regards to whether a self-declared gender identity, or a legally fictitious recording of sex, will take priority over biological sex in the law.

Australian Human Rights Commission barrister Zelie Heger told the court that sex was no longer defined in the Sex Discrimination Act but that “importantly the Act recognises that a person’s sex is not limited to [being a man or a woman]”.

Tickle, a man who claims to be both intersex and transgender, claimed he attempted to join the female-only app in February 2021 but found that his membership was revoked in September that year. The Giggle app utilizes a screening process which uses AI to determine the sex of an applicant based on a selfie. Tickle was initially granted access to the female-only digital community by the AI.

During an interview with The Australian in April 2022, Grover explained that she took it upon herself to remove Tickle after seeing his photo and identifying him as male. “The person was removed from the Giggle app because they are male, no other reason. The removal was manual. I looked at the onboarding selfie and saw a man. The AI software had let them through, thereby making a mistake that I rectified.” Lawyers defending Grover said that she had been unaware that Tickle identified as transgender during the screening process.

Tickle was therefore was booted from the community, and then made several attempts to contact Grover to complain. He sent Grover multiple emails and called her at her home in October 2021. Tickle first filed the discrimination complaint with the with the Australian Human Rights Commission against Giggle creator and CEO Grover in December 2021.

“I believe that I am being discriminated against by being provided with extremely limited functionality of a smartphone app by the app provider compared to that of other users because I am a transgender woman,” Tickle wrote in the complaint. “I am legally permitted to identify as female… I believe that Giggle and Sall Grover have decided in error that I am male.”

Tickle bizarrely went on to compare Grover to a white supremacist group, saying, “I have been unable to locate a Facebook page or website for the Ku Klux Klan in Australia. Yet groups that favor discrimination against people based on their gender identity appear to have no need to hide their face.” He then went on to list several Australian women’s rights groups which are critical of males being permitted to identify as female, and referred to this position as “bigotry”.

Tickle had, in his first complaint, sought damages from Grover of up to $200,000, alleging that her “persistent misgendering”, or referring to him as male, had prompted “constant anxiety and occasional suicidal thoughts”. He also requested that Grover be made to “seek out education” regarding the concept of gender identity.

In July of 2022, Tickle, being unable to bear the costs of pursuing the matter further, filed a Notice of Discontinuance with the court, and the complaint was dropped. But five months later, Tickle filed another complaint, having received a $50,000 grant from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney, and assistance from Barry Nilsson lawyers, who run a multimillion-dollar pro bono program.

In contrast, Grover was left with no other option than to crowdfund an incredible $500,000 in order to defend herself against the discrimination claim.

A statement provided with the appeal for donations highlights the importance of the ruling: “The decision by the Federal Court will have far-reaching implications, likely influencing not only the Australian legal system but also international law and policy regarding the intersection of gender identity and sex-based rights. It will serve as a crucial reference for future legal frameworks and discussions on sex discrimination and sex-based rights, and their direct conflict with gender-identity ideology worldwide.”

The argument made by Grover’s legal team was that Tickle was discriminated against on the basis of his sex, which is not prohibited, rather than on the basis of gender identity, as he claims. Justice Bromwich’s verdict stated that “these arguments failed” due to a “long history of cases decided by courts going back over thirty years” which he said established that, “in its ordinary meaning, sex is changeable.”

“In relation to the direct discrimination claim, the evidence did not establish that Ms Tickle was excluded from the Giggle app by reason of her gender identity, although it remains possible that this was the real, but unproven, reason,” Justice Bromwich told the court.

Justice Bromwich went on to say that “that indirect gender identity discrimination did take place” on the basis that “Tickle was excluded from the use of the Giggle app because she did not look sufficiently female according to the respondents.”

Throughout the court proceedings, Grover refused to refer to Tickle with feminine honorifics or pronouns. “I don’t think it’s kind to expect a woman to see a man as a woman,” she said at a hearing in May.

In addition to his attempts to access the female-only social networking app, Tickle has been playing field hockey on a women’s team. He has opposed proposed legislation which would have prohibited men from identifying into women’s sports, while boasting of using the women’s change rooms.

On his personal Instagram account, Tickle has also shared photos of his underwear, jokes about sex toys, and several cartoons drawn by Canadian transgender diaper fetishist Sophie Labelle. Recently, Tickle took to X to reveal that the youngest girl he competes with on the field hockey team is just 15 years old.

Grover, a former Hollywood screenwriter, created the Giggle app after experiencing “horrific” sexism in the industry, including both sexual harassment and assault.

Speaking with feminist author and activist Julie Bindel, Grover defended the right for women to gather without the presence of men. “The reasons for female-only spaces have not gone away. So we should not be in a position to have to justify them. We do not have to relive the trauma we have gone through at the hands of men every time we want to defend why we want to be away from them occasionally.”

Grover told Reduxx that in her perspective, gender identity ideology is used as a political tool against women. “Trans activism targets women unlike anything I have ever witnessed,” she said. “Once you have studied it, you cannot unsee that it is a toxic male supremacy movement, made up of many men who are not even trans-identifying, who simply hate women. The evidence is all there, in writing.”

News of the decision has been met with disappointment and outrage by women’s rights campaigners and politicians both nationally and abroad. Senator Claire Chandler, who has also been vocally opposed to gender identity policies for several years, expressed her dismay by saying, “The Sex Discrimination Act which is supposed to protect women and girls is now a tool to punish women trying to offer female-only spaces… This is a disgraceful and dangerous situation.”

Liberal Member of Parliament Moira Deeming, who was suspended from her own party for nine months after attending a women’s rights rally organized by UK campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen, and who has been fighting her own legal defamation battle, shared a supportive statement saying, “We’re with you all the way.”

Similarly, UK barrister Allison Bailey, who sued trans activist organization Stonewall for discrimination, warned, “This should be a wake-up call if one were needed. Gender identity legislation leaves women with no enforceable boundaries against any man.”

The UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women and Girls, Reem Alsalem, also weighed in on the verdict and promised to provide a more “detailed reaction” in the week to come. “Not only disappointed but also very concerned about this dystopian ruling on #TickleVGiggle , which distorts key concepts like sex and discrimination while dodging Australia’s international human rights obligations vis-à-vis women. If unchallenged, this decision would set a dangerous precedent.”

The Australian government has recently come under fire for censoring citizens critical of gender identity ideology. Multiple women have experienced retaliation for speaking out. Last year, Kirralie Smith was visited by New South Wales Police after speaking to media about Riley Dennis, a trans activist who had been the subject of mass complaint after injuring female players while competing in a women’s football league. Smith’s public Facebook page was also removed at the request of Australia’s eSafety Commissioner, Julie Inman Grant.

Germany: Muslims demonstrate outside Nuremberg cathedral

Demonstrations of this kind are a declaration of the Muslims’ permanent presence in Europe, and their imminent takeover. Western politicians, however, remain oblivious to the implications of such displays, which is understandable in light of the fact that admitting those implications would amount to an indictment of their immigration policies going back decades.

Report: German ‘Diversity Festival’ Mass Stabbing Suspect Shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’, Was a ‘Visitor to Local Mosque’

Screen grab X

The suspect in the mass stabbing attack at a German “festival of diversity” reportedly shouted out “Allahu Akbar” and is said to have been a “visitor to a local mosque”.

German paper of record Die Welt has claimed to have obtained an internal report from police in Solingen in the wake of the mass stabbing on Friday evening that left three people dead, including two men aged 67 and 56 and a 56-year-old woman. Eight others were injured during the attack, including four who were seriously wounded.

The police report is said to have stated: “A witness injured in the crime stated that the unknown suspect was ‘known from Solingen’ and that he was also a visitor to a local mosque. A witness reported that the suspect shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ during his crimes.”

A manhunt is currently underway in Germany for the suspect, who successfully fled the scene of the attack, which took place on Friday evening in Solingen city centre at a diversity festival as the city celebrated its 650th anniversary.

Police have so far not released any description of the suspected attacker, saying that there are a large number of witness statements that need to be checked and cross-referenced.

The suspect is reported to have specifically stabbed the victims in their necks, leading to further speculation that the attack was terror-motivated.

According to the German newspaper Bild, witnesses to the attack saw the alleged knifeman talking to a 15-year-old prior to the attack. He is said to have told the youth: “Today I’m stabbing everyone.”

A 15-year-old was arrested on Saturday morning for allegedly failing to notify authorities of a planned attack. Der Spiegel reported that the youth comes from Kyrgyzstan and was arrested at a refugee shelter. He has reportedly refused to testify.

Commenting on the latest attack, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Saturday: “The attack in Solingen is a terrible event that has shocked me greatly. An attacker has brutally killed several people. I have just spoken to Solingen’s mayor, Tim Kurzbach. We mourn the victims and stand by their families.

“I wish the injured a speedy recovery. The perpetrator must be caught quickly and punished to the full extent of the law.”

The attack comes amid a sharp rise in knife crime, with 8,951 knife-related instances of dangerous or serious bodily harm recorded last year in Germany, a rise of nearly 9.7 per cent over the previous year. Last month, Berlin Police Chief Barbara Slowik said that the rise in knife crime is largely attributed to young foreign males in the country.

German ‘Diversity Festival’ Stabbing Suspect Shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’: Report (

German state broadcasters blame the Solingen massacre on ‘xenophobes’

While the Solingen attacker is still on the run and some of his victims are struggling to stay alive in hospital, the German news programme tagesschau24 is speculating about the motive for the attack. The ‘southern appearance’ (previously described as ‘Arabic’) of the perpetrator is not mentioned. Instead, the correspondent in Solingen speculates that the attack could have been carried out because ‘people are perhaps against foreigners, for example’. The reporter goes on to say that this cannot be answered precisely. There are ‘various possibilities that could be behind it’. However, German public broadcaster ZDF has also failed to make a name for itself in its coverage of the attack in Solingen. They do address the witness statements that the perpetrator had an Arab appearance, but not without immediately relativising the information in a subordinate clause. When asked by the presenter whether there is any further information about the perpetrator, the reporter explains that there are ‘witness statements’ that ‘according to them, the perpetrator is an Arab-looking man’. But then he says: ‘Whatever that means’.

Following the attack at the 650th anniversary celebrations in Solingen, in which three people were killed and eight others injured, more and more details are gradually emerging about the fugitive perpetrator. Originally, there was talk of a man with an Arab appearance. However, two young people reported two perpetrators who ‘stabbed people’ and tried to ‘slit their throats’. They described the men as being of Turkish-Moroccan origin, one with a patchy full beard, the other with a moustache. Both were dressed in black. According to police circles, they are looking for a single perpetrator with a ‘southern appearance’, 20 to 30 years old and an athletic build

ARD-Bericht: Anschlag verübt, „weil man beispielsweise vielleicht gegen Ausländer ist“ – Apollo News (