The De-Christianization of Spain Under Socialism: A Daily Reality Intensified in Catalonia

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In Barcelona, the names of saints are being erased from the streets. Hand in hand with the most radical and ideological (and contradictory) feminism, the roles of saintly women have been replaced with the names of local women who were not saints, highlighting their fathers’ last names.

Instead of recognizing women for their merit and virtue, the supposed feminist discourse replaced their sanctity with a man’s name. They claim to fight against the patriarchy (which literally means «the rule of the fathers»), but they have only exacerbated it (in its most profound essence, not in the sense their ideology assigns to it, which asserts that the «patriarchy» oppresses women).

This happened in the Gracia neighborhood of Barcelona. The streets once named after Saint Agatha, Saint Rosa, and Saint Magdalene have now been renamed Agatha Badia i Puig Rodon, Magdalene E. Blanc, and Rosa Puig Rodon.

Historically, socialism has been linked to atheism, and now that the socialists are governing in Catalonia, they are demonstrating it. The Barcelona City Council, controlled by the Socialist Party, justifies the decision to change these names, citing an initiative to increase the number of streets named after women. However, the streets already bore women’s names—they simply didn’t want them to be those of saints.

Raquel Gil, Councilor for «Feminism, Equality, and Democratic Memory,» dismissed the official narrative, stating, «Today we decided that women have first and last names beyond beliefs and other issues.»

Although they have not protested in this particular case, there is a movement in Spain called «Against the Erasure of Women,» led by feminists who challenge the gender agenda that allows men to declare themselves women.

Moreover, in Spain, thanks to the «Trans Law»—which emerged from the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 (yes, that’s its name)—people can legally change their gender without needing to present a medical certificate; their testimony is sufficient.

In the case of the Barcelona City Council, however, it’s evident how feminist lobbying is pushing for more female representation in street names. However, they are erasing the historical names of several streets that honored women—in this case, three saints.

In light of the de-Christianization of the streets, European Parliament member Hermann Tertsch warned that it is only a matter of time before the street names are replaced by Islamic names. And not just any Muslim names, but those of terrorists and leaders who were fought against during the Crusades.

In other words, Tertsch predicts that a Catalonia alienated from its history will end up glorifying its historical enemies. After all, the Reconquista took place in 1492 after more than 700 years of fighting against the Islamic advance in the Iberian Peninsula.

Vox leader Gonzalo de Oro also criticized the name changes, saying that «the renaming of streets dedicated to saints and the monarchy only reflects the left’s obsession with eliminating anything related to Catholicism and Spanish identity.»

He accuses Ada Colau, and now Jaume Collboni, of attempting to «erase» streets named after saints. De Oro considers it «absurd» to change the name of a historic street just to remove the word «saint.»

Even the People’s Party (PP) has reacted. The PP president in the city council, Daniel Sirera, remarked, «It’s ideological and reflects the left’s obsession with destroying Catholicism.»

In doing so, they ignore the impact that these saints had on people’s lives. In the case of Saint Agatha, for example, her role was specifically to care for women with ailments, as she is the patron saint of women who have been victims of abuse or breast cancer.

Although most of the streets affected have been those dedicated to female saints, there is also a case involving a male saint. The name of San Rafael Street, in the Raval neighborhood, is in the process of being changed.

There is already an initiative underway to protect it, led by e-christians, which aims to preserve Christian traditions and restore historic names.

Forum Libertas criticizes the city council’s measures, arguing that they seek to erase over 150 years of history and deny the fact that this heritage is something many citizens wish to preserve. They point out that the new street names imposed by the Barcelona City Council aim to subvert this reality.

Finally, they lament that historic names have been replaced with ideological figures. As J.R.R. Tolkien said: «Evil cannot create anything new, it can only corrupt or ruin what good forces have invented or built.»

Hundreds of doctors resign from British Medical Association over its support for puberty blockers

According to reports in The Times and The Telegraph, hundreds of doctors are not only going public to express their anger with the British Medical Associations’ decision to reject the Cass Review’s findings on the dangers of puberty blockers – and many are resigning.  

According to The Telegraph: “Doctors with decades of experience have resigned from the British Medical Association because of the union’s opposition to the Cass review.”  

As I reported earlier in this space, on August 1 the British Medical Association – the U.K. doctor’s union – called on the government to lift the ban on puberty blockers for minors and called for a pause on the implementation of the National Health Service’s Cass Review. 

Initially, 1,000 senior physicians from across the U.K. responded by publishing an open letter to chairman of the BMA, Professor Philip Banfield; that number is now up to 1,400, with 900 of those being BMA members. Among their accusations is that the 69-member council passed their policy at a “secretive and opaque” meeting.  

“We write as doctors to say, ‘not in my name,’” the letter read. “We are extremely disappointed that the BMA council had passed a motion to conduct a ‘critique’ of the Cass Review and to lobby to oppose its recommendations … It does not reflect the views of the wider membership, whose opinion you did not seek. We understand that no information will be released on the voting figures and how council members voted. That is a failure of accountability to members and is simply not acceptable.”  

The letter further stated that the Cass Review “is the most comprehensive review into healthcare for children with gender related distress ever conducted” and urged the BMA to “abandon its pointless exercise” of attacking and opposing the recommendations. 

“By lobbying against the best evidence we have, the BMA is going against the principles of evidence-based medicine and against ethical practice,” the doctors wrote, in an almost unprecedented broadside against their own union in protest of the BMA’s brazen transgender activism. 

As first reported by The Times, comments made beneath that open letter “reveal many doctors have torn up their membership cards in response to the union’s stance on the review.” One commenter stated: “On the basis of the BMA’s outrageous stance on the superbly researched and written Cass Report, which has my full support and endorsement, I have decided to leave the BMA having been a member for 50 years since I qualified as a doctor. Increasingly, they not only fail to represent my views, they display no respect for the very premise and ethos inherent in being a medical professional.” 

Another doctor wrote: “As a union, primarily, it is the role of the BMA to represent its members, and not to drive clinical opinion, especially in specialist areas. I am considering resigning after membership of 42 years.” A third stated: “I left the BMA partly because of this sort of behaviour on the part of the leadership, having been a member for some thirty years.” Jacky Davis, a consultant radiologist and council member, told The Times

This minority has voted to block the implementation of Cass, an evidence-based review which took four years to put together. They have no evidence for their opposition. The Cass review is not a matter for a trade union. It is not our business as a union to be doing a critique of the Cass review. It is a waste of time and resources.

‘The immigration crisis is first and foremost a crime crisis’ – Police union boss says Germany is no longer safe, labels Islam the biggest threat


In what is increasingly becoming a PR disaster for the far-left German government, the terror knife attack in Solingen, perpetrated by a Syrian national, is highlighting the unavoidable connection between immigration and exploding crime and violence. In the wake of the attack, German police union (DPoIG) chairman Manuel Ostermann slammed the status quo, called the immigration problems a crime problem, and said Islam was the greatest threat to the country in terms of security.

“Yes, our country has changed. Nothing about it is positive. Germany is no longer a safe country. We have a massive problem with knife crime. The migration crisis is first and foremost a crime crisis. And the greatest danger to life and limb of people living in Germany is clearly posed by Islamists. This reality can no longer be ignored or tabooed. Now is the time to recognize reality and implement clear measures in the constitutional fight against precisely this security policy madness,” Ostermann said in a video statement.

As the leader of the second-largest police union in Germany, with nearly 100,000 members, his words carry extra weight with the public and police forces who have to deal with Germany’s surging insecurity.

In an interview, he said that politicians often deliver empty phrases following such attacks, and Solingen was no different. He noted that the Islamist terror attack in Mannheim, which resulted in a police officer’s death showed, there is little concern for what officers have to face.

“It is incomprehensible that budgetary resources for the police are being cut while the threat level is increasing,” Ostermann told Apollo News.

According to Ostermann, asylum policy is failing. The trade unionist said there is a lack of deportation detention centers, bureaucratic insanity, and a lack of action from politicians. The fact that most deportations fail “speaks volumes,” he said.

Ostermann’s stance is a sharp repudiation of Interior Minister Nancy Faeser’s claims for years that the far right is the country’s biggest extremism threat, despite ample evidence showing otherwise. Now, with record violent crime levels in Germany, record amounts of foreigners committing crimes, an Islamic extremist knife attacker in Mannheim who killed a police officer earlier this year, and the latest attack in Solingen during the Festival of Diversity that killed three, her claims are looking more and more ludicrous.

Meanwhile, Social Democrat (SPD) leader Saskia Esken claimed in response to the Solingen massacre that “I don’t think we can learn much from this attack.”

Germany is in serious Islamization trouble

by Giulio Meotti

In the Die Welt, Peter Schneider, one of the most famous German writers, described the mentality of the cultural demi monde: “At a dinner in a foundation in Berlin, an artist told me that he didn’t understand the discussion about refugees. ‘Ten million refugees in Germany: I wouldn’t have a problem with that.’”

Yes, what’s the problem?

During the “festival of diversity” in the city of Solingen, Germany, nine people were stabbed and three died while the terrorist was shouting “Allahu Akbar”.

At the European Football Championships, the national anthems were played, as usual, before the matches, but a presenter from the German ZDF added: “And above all diversity”. “Diversity” is more important than freedom and life in today’s democratic West.

Even at the supermarket, you are no longer safe from the slogans of “diversity”. And then, if there were a problem with knives, the German government has just found the solution: blades no longer than six centimeters.

The city of Solingen in North Rhine-Westphalia also felt compelled to celebrate its 650th anniversary with a “festival of diversity.” Vielfalt in German.

Colorful puppets, slogans against racism, stands for friendship between peoples, fun, music, hearts, food. Who wouldn’t be happy to participate? And the motto could hardly have been more appropriate in the traditional “German knife capital,” the famous “Solingen”, and which unfortunately lived up to its reputation.

It feels like a bad joke.

But we’re in North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous state in Germany, where more than a million Muslims live. Solingen is near Düsseldorf, where for the first time road signs in Arabic are being installed, as if we were in Gaza (or Israel, where road signs are in 3 languages to begin with).

Wow, what more “diversity” could they have done, renaming it the “Caliphate of North Rhine-Westphalia”? Maybe, considering that Muslims entered a swimming pool in Geldern, also in Rhine-Westphalia, shouting “Allahu Akbar”.

Germany’s most famous incumbent mayor, Boris Palmer of Tübingen, attributed the success of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party among young people to the consequences of mass migration. “They experience what irregular immigration means on a daily basis,” Palmer wrote. “In the park, in the disco, on the street, on the bus, at the train station, in the schoolyard a”. And at diversity festivals.

But while in Solingen the “diversity festival” lasts a couple of days at the end of summer, in the rest of the country it never stops. About fifty knife attacks in Germany every day.

Journalist Julian Reichelt wrote after Solingen:

“Monday: Man stabbed to death in front of his apartment in Schwabach. Monday evening: Man stabbed to death in Hamburg train station. Tuesday: Police shoot woman with knife in supermarket. Wednesday: Execution with a shot to the head at Frankfurt central station. Friday: Three dead in Solingen due to knife terrorism. A completely normal week in Germany”.

Wangen im Allgäu: Syrian man stabs four-year-old girl in supermarket. On a regional train between Hamburg and Kiel, near the town of Brokstedt, two thousand inhabitants who certainly did not ask to end up on the geographical map of the clash of civilizations, a Palestinian Arab asylum seeker stabbed to death two girls aged sixteen and nineteen. Then three were wounded with a knife in a dormitory in Ravensburg. Then an asylum seeker in Illerkirchberg, a small town near Munich, killed a girl who was going to school (and seriously injured her friend). Meanwhile, a Chechen migrant killed a man at an LGBT festival in the city of Münster.

In Oggersheim, a Somali shouting “Allahu Akbar” stabbed twenty-year-old Jonas S, who happened to be walking past him, with a twenty-centimeter blade. When a friend rushed to help, the Somali stuck the weapon in the neck of thirty-five-year-old Sascha K. The man had no escape and died. He then attacked the 20-year-old again, stabbed him in the head and severed his right forearm. The Somali then entered a pharmacy and stabbed a customer at the cash register in the chest. The Somali said he “wanted to kill German men”.

Brokstedt, Illerkirchberg, Oggersheim, Mannheim, Solingen… They strike everywhere, in small and medium-sized cities, in the provinces and on the outskirts.

“In the course of the demographic change due to the Muslim majority population in the metropolises expected in the near future, other priorities than diversity may emerge,” writes Botho Strauss, the great German writer and playwright, one of the most important of his generation, included among the possible candidates for the Nobel Prize in Literature (he will never win it, lest they award a “racist”).

And yet they had done everything they could to rebuild society as a mega “festival of diversity”: Ramadan lights in cities, “no-go zones” for Jews, justices who use Sharia law, schools that ban miniskirts to avoid trouble from migrants, muezzins who call to prayer, the Bundesliga that allows Muslim footballers to break their fast for Ramadan on football pitches, publishing houses that censor books that criticize Islam, professors who are critical of Islam forced to teach in bulletproof vests, comedians indicted for mocking Erdogan, party leaders who open up to Islamic law, Islamic patrols, a boom in forced marriages…

And while Solingen was counting its dead and had yet to catch the attacker, in front of the Nuremberg cathedral no time was wasted – with jihadist flags.

It’s called occupation and replacement, although I understand that it sounds better to call it “diversity.”

Rüdiger Safranski, author of bestselling biographies of philosophers, asked the question of questions to Spiegel: “It’s not a conspiracy theory that the decisive political task of the next 10 to 20 years will be mass immigration. And you have to ask yourself: can we still maintain liberal society in this situation?”

The answer is simple: nein nein nein.

But for our elites there is never enough “diversity” and their greatest concern is that reality does not “pour water into the mill of right-wing extremists.”

Aren’t the peoples of Europe tired of being subjugated, humiliated and stabbed to death by the bastard children of multiculturalism and because of those who live behind high walls? How long will we grease the cogs of our guillotine?

Germany is in serious Islamization trouble | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

In France Macron helps fanatics and socialists fight authentic Right

It was a widespread assumption that French president Emmanuel Macron called the unnecessary parliamentary elections in June and July on the assumption that the Rassemblement National (RN) of Marine Le Pen would win and he would then have the three years that remain in his presidential term to torment the government and improve the chances of his own party winning the next presidential election, which he is term-limited from contesting himself.

Whether this was the strategy or not, the result of the election was to put the left-wing coalition of parties, the New Popular Front (NFP), with the almost nihilistically extreme France Unbowed (La France Insoumise) Party principal among them, in as the largest parliamentary force. Thus came after an extraordinary agreement of joint withdrawals between the president’s party, Ensemble,  and the NFP  to sandbag the populist conservative RN. The French system provides for a second election between the two front-runners where there is no majority on the first ballot, but withdrawals of first and second candidates in tactical exchanges between parties for the second ballot are permitted.

The final result on July 7 gave the far-left coalition of Socialists, communists, greens, and France Unbowed parties 180 members of the National Assembly, to 159 for Macron’s Ensemble Party, to 142 for the Rassemblement National. There were also 39 more or less conservative Republicans. The manoeuvring for the second round of the election between the top two contenders did reduce the RN from being, by a considerable margin, the leading party in the first round to only the third in the final round in elected deputies, but this required a great deal of dubious horse-trading and featured such spectacles as having some of Macron’s senior party colleagues ardently campaigning for the election of a communist representative from the port city of Le Havre.

In negotiations over the last several weeks, the president has tried to crack the solidarity of the NFP and induce the Socialists to join his own followers and the Republicans in a comparatively centrist coalition, but has so far failed to break up the solidarity of the NFP which his own partisans did so much to elevate.  Macron’s Ensemble coalition withdrew 82 candidates from the second round of voting and the NFP withdrew 134, all in support of the other party and thus denied the NR the victory that it won in the popular vote, winning the largest number of votes by significant margin in both the first and second rounds.

The simple fact is that the NFP is a pantomime horse of vintage French theatre-of-the-absurd anarchists and single-issue fanatics with an accompanying escort of somewhat more presentable and routine socialists. No such coalition would be capable of governing France coherently and to the extent that it could, as an intact coalition, influence government it would be an agent for esoteric quixotry and outright chaos.

The principal fact of the current disorganised French political condition is that it is time to end the pretence that the RN is an extreme organisation that no respectable political movement can cooperate with successfully. It is time that Marine Le Pen, who inherited her position from her father, whom she subsequently expelled from the party as a Holocaust denier, received some recognition for her successful work in moving the party from a redneck Poujadist angry bourgeois party to a sensible, nationalist populist conservative party that is considerably better house-trained than most of the left.

President Macron must realise that as his Ensemble alliance is entirely dedicated to him and he cannot run again for president, that it is going to vanish entirely in the chasm between the left and the RN if he does not now sponsor it in an alliance which will preserve the party that he founded. (For the uninitiated, it should be kept in mind that French political parties come and go, merge and divorce, and change their names with astounding frequency and none of the three present principal parties existed under the same name a decade ago.)

Effectively, there is a Gaullist, nationalist, conservative bloc of voters, who, unlike Anglo-Saxon conservatives are not necessarily particularly capitalistic as France still clings somewhat to the Richelieu-Colbert (17th century) concept of an extensive government influence in the private sector. Opposing this, there is a social democratic bloc of voters that can sometimes ally itself with the Gaullists and sometimes with communists for the purposes of government. There is the smaller group of traditional moderate conservative Republicans and the French far Left, although the communists have been beaten down and constantly outmanoeuvred by the socialists, especially by the late President François Mitterrand. The far Left in France, and by Anglo-Saxon standards it is very far Left, is almost never more than 20 or much below 15 per cent  of the total.

Whether Macron or the Left like it or not, Marine Le Pen is now the authentic leader of the legitimate and traditional French Right. Her party is not extreme in any respect and while an incumbent president and a reactive and rather vital Left, led in fact by the engaging but politically insane Jean-Luc Mélenchon,  succeeded in outmanoeuvring the RN last month, it is the largest political formation in France and in the next presidential election the RN will either be unstoppable, or stoppable only by an unholy and incredible embrace between incompatible political units which, if successful, would for the first time bring the Fifth Republic to a point of incoherence disturbingly reminiscent of the Third and Fourth Republics.

Without Macron at its head, Ensemble would not be representing anyone and would vanish in the vortex between Mélenchon’s fun house Marxist dream of a Sixth Republic, and Le Pen’s now reasonably-palatable and much-retreaded populist Right. The litmus test of these matters in France is the obligatory retirement age which Macron raised from 62 to 64, for the unexceptionable motive of wishing to avoid the bankruptcy of the pension system. The Left wishes to take it back to 60 and below and Le Pen would settle for a retrenchment to 62 (which would be irresponsible).

Macron’s fetishistic pursuit of barring the door to Le Pen would be better replaced by organising an informal coalition of his own followers with Le Pen while he still has a slightly larger parliamentary party than she does. Whatever the vagaries of the French Right, they are a delightful sojourn in mature political science compared to the tenebrous thickets of the French Left, which is infested with outright political lunatics. It is time for a change and there is no reason to wait three years for the people to enact it.

In France Macron helps fanatics and socialists fight authentic Right – Brussels Signal

French President Macron Says Arrest of Telegram CEO is Not Political (Yes, it is)

Within the larger Western Intelligence Community and government control system overall, there is always internal communication and coordination amid the primary players (the G7 and G20 crowd).  No government does anything against a major communication player or Big Tech voice without the other governmental leaders having fore knowledge.

The U.S State Dept and Biden administration knew the French government were going to arrest Pavel Durov.  The context and the issues behind the justification are ridiculous.  Is Tim Cook now responsible for criminals who organize bank robberies on Apple iPhones?

(Via Fox News) – French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday claimed that Telegram CEO Pavel Durov’s arrest outside Paris over the weekend was “in no way a political decision.”   The development came after a French magistrate on Sunday extended the 39-year-old Russian-born billionaire’s detention, French daily newspaper Le Monde reported.  

[…] The Paris prosecutor’s office said in a statement Monday that the suspected violations include complicity in selling child pornography and in drug trafficking, fraud, abetting organized crime transactions and refusing to share information or documents with investigators when required by law, The Associated Press reported. 

Jean-Michel Bernigaud, secretary general of Ofmin, a French police agency tasked with preventing violence against minors, said Durov’s arrest was related to the platform allegedly not properly moderating content related to child sex crimes.  (read more)

The tech world, Big Tech leaders, internet researchers and every normal person of stable constitution, knows that nothing about those justifications is accurate to the motives of the leftist government in France.  What the government fears most is unregulated information that is averse to their interests.

“Crimes against children”?… Where was this concern when minors were force vaccinated at the behest of the same government entities now decrying “crimes against children.”  This ruse is nonsense.

The good news is that I doubt very seriously these insufferable western dictators can break Pavel Durov.  Twitter owner Elon Musk, Edward Snowden, Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski, Craft Ventures’ David Sacks, META’s Mark Zuckerberg and many more within the Big Tech network have called for the released of Pavel Durov on their social media platforms.

The best thing the average citizen of the West can do is immediately cancel any travel plans to France and use economic power to show Macron that the world values free expression and speech.  Boycott the insufferable French government, because if this effort is successful the chilling impact will ripple out quickly.

Pavel Durov is a big hero in Russia and throughout the EU for his stance on privacy in tech.

Despite Macron’s silly statement about the non-politics of his government targeting, perhaps Elon Musk and President Trump could personally contact Macron and tell him they are 12 hours away from making public statements that will bring big financial hurt to France.

AUS: Hobart City Councillor to Face Discrimination Tribunal for “Misgendering” Trans-Identified Male Who Threatened to Assault Her

A city councillor in Hobart, Australia, is under investigation for a social media post describing a trans-identified male as a “man.” Louise Elliot, who was previously the subject of a tribunal inquiry for saying “trans women are men,” was previously the victim of threats from the very individual who reported her for “misgendering” him.

On July 24, Elliot announced via her X account that she was being subjected to yet another investigation, this time for labeling a trans-identified male who threatened to assault her as a “man.” The incident had occurred the day before while Elliot was campaigning at a shopping center. The man, who cannot yet be named, reportedly walked by Elliot and told her “I’m going to rip you to shreds.”

On X, Elliot says she says the individual was overtly male in appearance and behavior.

“I described them as a man as that’s what I saw; an obvious male person with heavy male build, male jawline, male gait, male voice, and definitely male aggression,” Elliot wrote. “This person threatened me, and now I’m the one being investigated for ‘misgendering.’ There was no visible name badge, no ‘transwoman’ tattooed on forehead. I have lawyered up to fight this, again.”

Although details of the allegations are limited while the investigation is underway, Reduxx has seen documentation confirming that Elliot is accused of “possible incitement to hatred, serious contempt, or severe ridicule on the basis of gender identity” by “misgendering and insulting transgender women” and “referring to their ‘abuse.’”

However, in a 17-page document outlining Elliot’s alleged offenses, it is claimed that her language may “go further… and may have the effect of inciting hatred towards transgender women and transgender people more generally.”

Elliot’s legal defense, lawyer and former Liberal Party candidate Katherine Deves, received a letter from the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Sarah Bolt, on August 13 notifying Elliot that the complaint against her is set to proceed to the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. A footnote beneath Bolt’s signature reads, “Celebrating difference, embracing equality.”

Curiously, the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner’s referral report, which details specific statements made by Elliot, contains an error and falsely accuses Elliot of producing a “Candidate Report Card” which was in fact created by the Australian Christian Lobby. The leaflet, which Elliot had no part in creating, rates her positively and states that she “supports parental rights” and “will protect vulnerable and sex-confused kids.”

But despite having not made the materials herself, Elliot is accused by the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner of inciting hatred by “making a negative association for access to gender affirming hormone replacement therapy for transgender youth, thus encouraging hated towards those people that support and facilitate transgender youth in accessing this life-saving medical intervention.”

The report also highlights several social media posts made by Elliot, including one post made to her X account on July 29, 2023, which read: “The rabid, screaming, narcissistic, volatile men. I can clearly remember their faces, their taunts and abuse, their stench. Being in the thick of the Hobart event changed everything. The dangers of the cult became very real.”

Elliot’s statement refers to the reaction from trans activists to a women’s rights event she attended on March 21, 2023, organized by Standing for Women and led by British women’s rights campaigner Kellie Jay-Keen. In a video of the event, which was live-streamed at the time, a large mob of hundreds of trans activists surrounded the women and attempted to drown out their voices with chants and shouts.

Anti-Discrimination Commissioner Bolt commented, “By this post Louise Elliot misgendered and insulted those transgender women present.”

Speaking to Reduxx, Elliot called the investigation a “waste of resources,” as it is taxpayers’ money which funds “this rubbish.”

“Yet again the law is being weaponized and significant taxpayer money wasted attacking people who tell the truth. This absurd complaint is essentially about me correctly identifying men as men and referring to them as such,” Elliot said.

“A very obvious male person proactively got my attention and threatened me in a local supermarket, telling me that ‘I’m going to rip you to shreds’ while doing a strong arm sign – then yelled out ‘trans rights’. And now I’m being investigated for discrimination and inciting hatred for calling him a ‘he’. This person threatened me, but now the law is after me,” she continued.

Elliot has endured multiple warnings and investigations since attending the Let Women Speak rally last March. Just one month after her participation, where she delivered a speech stating that it is impossible to change sex, and that “trans women… remain biological men,” Elliot received a letter from Anti-Discrimination Commissioner Bolt informing her that an investigation had been opened into her statements for “inciting hatred” under the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act.

“While the majority of men are decent, kind, and caring people, men present an inherent danger to women. The vast majority of sex offenders and violence perpetrators are men. One in ten Australian women have experienced violence at the hands of a stranger. One in five Australian women have experienced sexual violence,” Elliot said at the rally.

In November, Anti-Discrimination Commissioner Bolt ruled that Elliot’s case would proceed to a tribunal inquiry. In response, Elliot continued to be vocal about her situation on X, revealing that she had additionally been cautioned by a Code of Conduct panel within the Hobart city council for criticizing gender ideology training as a form of “re-education” initiated after the investigation against her was opened by the ADC.

“We had a training session from a local organization, and I questioned some of the details that were in their fact sheet. Some of the details I found quite concerning, for example, statements that, ‘Trans women are not dominating women’s sport.’ I disagreed with that and tweeted some pictures of trans women playing in women’s soccer, and it’s happening globally,” Elliot said.

“In the fact sheet we had, they also tried to say that because black women are women, trans women are women. And I found that really quite a disturbing statement, quite racist and far from the truth.”

The fact sheet presented during the diversity training session, run in September by Working It Out Tasmania, also argued that trans-identified males do not pose a risk in female-only spaces.

“There is very little evidence of women’s spaces being secretly infiltrated by people with criminal motives, eg, sexual assault. Nearly every story that has emerged in the media or research regarding this has been disproven or discredited,” the document stated.

The ADC investigation into Elliot for her statements at the women’s rights rally was dropped in March, after nearly a year. The process was costly for the Hobart councilor, and Elliot said she had to spend nearly $20,000 in court and legal fees to defend herself. While she has been crowdfunding to offset her costs, the ADC investigations into her for allegedly “inciting hatred” have been funded by taxpayers.

In addition to the litigation, Elliot says she’s also been experiencing harassment from her colleagues for criticizing gender identity ideology. In a video she shared to X in October, Elliot described how she had been singled out for her views.

“Over the past several months, I’ve been copping some pretty heavy bullying by some of the Hobart City Councilors, and collectively as a council. You hear the Hobart City Council talking a lot about inclusion, diversity, and being welcoming and kind… But inclusion is welcomed if you agree with their thinking. If you don’t agree, then you are heavily excluded and targeted and bullied,” she said.

During one meeting, the Deputy Lord Mayor Councilor Helen Burnet put forward a motion that the council write to three different organizations to complain about Elliot. The councilors wrote to the Integrity Commission, the Anti-Discrimination Commission, and local government officials to request action be taken against Elliot over a series of posts she made on X.

Elliot further revealed that she had been sent a letter by Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Helen Burnet chastising her for her views.

“You have consistently spoken out against transgender people and have on the public record refuted that transgender women are women,” the letter read. At Burnet’s request the city council asked the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner to consider that Elliot had, in their view, breached the Anti-Discrimination Act of 1998, which was amended in 2019 to include the subjective category of gender identity, but does not presently provide legal protections on the basis of biological sex.

The imam of a mosque on the island of La Réunion has been arrested. He is accused of sexually abusing 13-year-old girls. The girls report being touched for years during lessons at the madrassa

The imam of the mosque in Le Port on La Réunion was arrested on Monday August 26 after three young girls filed a complaint of sexual assault on August 6, according to our information.

The 13-year-old victims had reported sexual harassment committed by the Muslim preacher for several years during classes at the Quranic school, a police source told Valeurs actuelles.

Investigators have since confiscated computer and photographic material, but have not found any child pornography documents. The accused was taken into police custody and denied the allegations at his hearing.

The imam of the mosque in Le Port, a parish in the west of the island, will be presented on Wednesday August 28 in view of his arraignment. Several dozen potential victims will be heard soon.

Valeurs actuelles

Spain’s Leaders Silent Amid Migrant Crisis in Ceuta

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The pleas for help from the North African Spanish exclave of Ceuta have gone seemingly unheard by the country’s central government, El Debate reports. 

Ceuta, a historic Spanish city on the tip of northern Africa and bordering Morrocco, is a longstanding entry point for both legal and illegal immigrants into Spain from Africa. In recent weeks, the pressure of irregular entries has intensified. On Sunday, 1,500 people tried to enter the city irregularly, according to the central government’s representative in the region, Socialist Cristina Pérez, adding that of those arrivals, only about 150 or 200 would be able to be quickly deported back over the Moroccan border. She called the situation in the city “extreme.”

Juan Vivas, the regional president of Ceuta, who is a member of Spain’s opposition center-right Partido Popular, has also called on support from Madrid and the rest of the country to handle the avalanche of migrants. 

“We need the support of the State, of the autonomous communities, and that is why I insist once again on this request for help and assistance from those who can and should provide it. Aid and help that is protected by a sense of State, by solidarity, and by institutional loyalty,” he said on Monday. 

So far, there has been no response from the central government, neither from prime minister Pedro Sánchez nor any of the four ministers whose departments have competencies related to migration, border protection, and foreign relations. 

The public calendar of the minister of the interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, has been empty since August 2nd. Foreign relations chief José Manuel Albares gave a radio interview on Monday morning but failed to mention the situation in Ceuta at all. Head of the migration and social inclusion ministry, Elma Saiz, has not made any public statements and her X account on Sunday evening included only a post showing her attendance at a village festival. Margarita Robles, the country’s defense minister, has not publicly spoken about the situation since August 16th when she said that she was not aware the regional government of Ceuta had not communicated a need for help to Madrid.