UK: Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ roam streets attacking people, cops tell Muslims ‘We’re here to protect you’

The War on Our Past: Why the West Must FIGHT For Its History

On today’s #NCFWhittle, we are joined once again by Prof. Frank Furedi of MCC Brussels. Prof. Furedi’s new book is The War Against the Past: Why The West Must Fight For Its History (…. “A war is being waged against the Past. Whether it’s toppling statues, decolonising the curriculum or erasing terms from our vocabulary, a cultural crusade is underway designed to render the past toxic. It is condemned as enemy territory and has become the target of venomous hate. What is at stake in provoking such a strong sense of societal shame towards Western history? “In his book, Frank Furedi mounts a fierce defence of the past and calls for a fight back against the delegitimization of its ideals and accomplishments. Casting the past as a story of shame has become a taken-for granted outlook permeating the educational and cultural life of western society from the top down. Its advocates may see it as a cultural imperative, but a society that loses touch with its past will face a permanent crisis of identity. Squandering the wisdom provided by our historical inheritance means betraying humanity’s positive achievements. Challenging this great betrayal, Furedi argues, is one of the most important battles of our time.”

Berlin: Muslims beat up German man because he drank beer and this is not allowed in Islam

A 20-year-old man was robbed and injured by three people in the Berlin Mitte district last night.
At around 2.15am, the perpetrators reprimanded the young man for religious reasons because of his beer consumption. They then took him to the ground and robbed him of his mobile phone and a bag containing documents. The 20-year-old suffered a cut on his forearm.
Two of the suspects fled on foot in the direction of Museum Island. The third suspect, a 14-year-old, was held by the victim until the police arrived. The alerted officers recorded the personal data of the suspected perpetrator at a police station and handed him over to a guardian.
Rescue workers treated the injured 20-year-old on site. The investigation is being conducted by a specialised police department of Police Directorate 5 (City).

Berlin: Trio beraubt Mann in Rathausstraße | Regional |

International Olympic Committee Was Warned About Male Boxers, World Boxing Organization Vice President Says

A Hungarian sports official has come out and stated that Algerian boxer Imane Khelif is not female. IstvĂĄn KovĂĄcs, the European Vice President of the World Boxing Organization and former Secretary General of the International Boxing Association, told Hungarian press that he had warned the International Olympic Committee about males participating in women’s boxing as early as 2022, but that nothing was done.

In a shocking statement made to Magyar Nemzet yesterday, KovĂĄcs confirmed the speculation surrounding the Algerian boxer, adding that it had been known as early as 2022 that Khelif was biologically male.

“The problem was not with the level of Khelif’s testosterone, because that can be adjusted nowadays, but with the result of the gender test, which clearly revealed that the Algerian boxer is biologically male,” KovĂĄcs said in an interview with Magyar Nemzet, adding that a total of five boxers had been examined including Khelif by the International Boxing Association, and all of them “were indeed men.”

Kovács asserted that he personally reported the shocking result immediately to the International Olympics Committee, “but as unbelievable as it is, they have not responded to this to this day.” The retired world champion boxer also commented that he recently spoke with former women’s world champion Mária Kovács, who bitterly remarked that in modern women’s boxing, “there is a 20 percent chance that one of the athletes will suffer a testicular injury.”

IstvĂĄn KokĂł KovĂĄcs, a former world champion boxer.

KovĂĄcs added that he was actively discouraging Hungary’s Anna Luca HĂĄmori from going ahead with her Olympic match against Khelif, which is set to take place on August 3. While KovĂĄcs said that he didn’t believe Khelif was a particularly good boxer, he expressed concerns that HĂĄmori had not been properly trained to fight a male opponent.

“The biggest problem is that Hámori can only realize her big dream of winning a medal at the summer games at the first Olympics of her life if she beats a man. She was simply not trained for this,” Kovács said.

Despite the risks, HĂĄmori has been taking it in stride, and even pushing back against Khelif at apparent risk of IOC sanctions. On August 2, HĂĄmori posted a photo to her Instagram story showing an AI-generated image of a female boxer facing-off against a large, horned male devil.

The Algerian Olympic Committee submitted a complaint against HĂĄmori to the IOC over her social media posts, and she was reportedly been forced to delete them and may have to apologize to Khelif.

These developments come as a wildfire of debate and discussion have surrounded the participation of Khelif in the women’s category. As first reported by Reduxx, Khelif is one of two individuals previously disqualified from the 2023 IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships for failing chromosomal testing.

Speaking to Reduxx, Marshi Smith, the co-founder of the Independent Council on Women’s Sports, condemned the IOC after reviewing the shocking revelations made by KovĂĄcs.

“The cover-up and championing of male athletes in women’s Olympic sports is the greatest sports scandal of our lifetime,” Smith said. The Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS) is a non-partisan network and advocacy group comprised of current and former collegiate and professional women athletes. Earlier this year, ICONS launched a lawsuit against the NCAA with one dozen female athletes challenging their policies allowing transgender athletes to compete against females and use female locker rooms in college sports.

“The IOC MUST reinstate sex verification testing TODAY to begin to prove their commitment to the rights of female athletes. They are impostors promoting gender parity while deliberately deceiving the public and athletes about the true sex of competitors in the world’s most elite and dangerous competition.”

In addition to demanding the reinstatement of sex testing at the Olympics, Smith, a former NCAA & PAC-10 Champion Swimmer, is also calling for a thorough investigation to be launched into the impact of the IOC’s policies.

“A full and thorough investigation is urgently required, and heads must roll within the IOC to account for this unthinkable injustice against women,” Smith says.

The Women’s World Boxing Championships took place in March of 2023 and was hosted in New Delhi, India. A total of 324 boxers from 64 nations competed during the 10-day trial, marking the largest participation in any iteration of the championship ever recorded. 

However, the grand event was marred by controversy after Umar Kremlev, president of the IBA, announced the disqualification of multiple boxers from the championship.

Kremlev said that IBA executives had met towards the championship’s grand finale to discuss â€œfairness among athletes and professionalism,” after concerns were raised about the biological sex of some participants. Speaking to TASS News, he added that after â€œa series of DNA-tests,” the IBA â€œuncovered athletes who were trying to fool their colleagues and pretend to be women.”

Among the known boxers disqualified from the championship was Taiwan’s Lin Yu-Ting and Algeria’s Imane Khelif. Neither are believed to be transgender, and are instead suspected to be impacted by Differences of Sexual Development.

Following our initial report, many claimed that Lin and Khelif’s disqualifications had been the result of abnormalities in their testosterone levels, but that they were biologically female. However, a subsequent statement by the IBA revealed that testosterone levels had not been the reason for their disqualification.

According to the IBA’s Technical Competition Rules, “woman/female/girl” is defined as “an individual with chromosome XX.” The IBA states that boxers will be subjected to tests to confirm whether they meet this definition, which serves as the gender eligibility criteria for female boxing.

In a statement released July 31, the IBA stated that Khelif and Lin had been provided the opportunity to appeal the disqualification at the Court of Arbitration for Sport. Lin declined to do so, while Khelif submitted an appeal before withdrawing it.

The Court of Arbitration for Sport previously oversaw the case of South African runner Caster Semenya, who had accused World Athletics (then called IAAF) of having “discriminatory policies” concerning athletes with Differences of Sexual Development. Though he claimed to be a biological female, Semenya was found to have XY chromosomes. Most women, including elite female athletes, have natural testosterone levels of 0.12 to 1.79 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L), but Semenya has male gonads producing a normal level of testosterone for a male.

Male athletes with DSDs are sometimes actively sought out by national coaches because of their tremendous “natural” advantage over biological females.

At the 2016 Rio Olympics, male runners with DSDs won all three top spots in the Women’s 800m race.

AfD Demands Inquiry: Did Germany Issue Illegal Visas to Migrants?

The right-wing AfD party has called for an official inquiry into allegations the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued illegal visas to Afghans, Syrians and Turks—supported by forged documentation.

“Under Annalena Baerbock, the Federal Foreign Office has been downgraded to an immigration and smuggling agency. Thousands of migrants were smuggled into Germany in deliberate circumvention of the law,” declared AfD’s parliamentary leader, Alice Weidel.

She said the “systematic abuse” was causing “serious damage to Germany and jeopardising internal security” and called for Baerbock to be “removed from office immediately,” Junge Freihet reports.

As we reported last week, an investigation by Cicero magazine found that Baerbock’s foreign office had urged diplomats in German embassies to go easy on issuing visas for Afghans, Syrians and Turks, even if they had suspected forged documents, brushing aside serious security concerns. This may have even allowed Pakistani agents into Germany.

One case involved a family of seven. The mother and four children had already flown to Germany, but questions arose about the father and alleged son, who were still in Afghanistan. The son spoke Farsi with a Pakistani, rather than Afghani, accent, and the father appeared to be “highly educated, almost military-like,” despite claiming to be a barber.

The embassy wrote to Berlin, saying, “The main character and family could have been deliberately given Afghan identities. 
 There is strong suspicion that this is a case staged by Pakistani authorities.”

In addition to this case, Schengen.News reports that many other Syrians, Afghans, and Turks have entered Germany using dubious documents; several have already applied for asylum.

Investigators claim they are checking hundreds of cases of unauthorised entries and that they are looking through all past decisions that permitted the entry of foreigners on forged documents.

However, to date the minister has been highly selective in her answers to the press. 

Apollo News says that during a visit to a tank manufacturing plant in Flensburg, Baerbock responded evasively when asked about the scandal, without specifically denying the accusations. “I have taken note of the fact that there has already been some reporting, where we have already made it very clear that with regard to visa procedures, established practice is of course in accordance with the law,” she burbled.

France: Chinese migrant accused of raping 71-year-old American woman who rented his Airbnb apartment for Olympics

Nosta Lgia

A Chinese national has been arrested after allegedly drugging a 71-year-old American woman who rented out his Airbnb apartment in Paris in order to attend the Olympic Games.

The suspect is already known to the French court system, and police say he drugged the victim after pouring a substance into her glass of water.

The man was indicted on Aug. 1 for the alleged rape, which occurred on July 25, a day before the opening ceremony for the Paris Olympic Games., according to a police source and a source from the Paris prosecutor’s office who spoke with French news outlet Le Figaro.

According to prosecutors, the woman, who uses a wheelchair, went to rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis and collected her keys for her Airbnb apartment. She already lived in France for several years, but wanted to rent an apartment closer to the opening ceremony.

The suspect met her and offered her a glass of water, and prosecutors say he then poured a drug into her water. The woman felt unwell and then laid down inside the apartment. She complained of her leg hurting, at which point the suspect allegedly said he was a physiotherapist and began massaging her leg. She fell asleep and woke up two hours later with her pants torn off. She then filed a complaint alleging she was raped at a police station.

The man, who was born in China in 1984, was arrested on July 29. The police say he has been arrested for pimping and importing drugs. His home was searched and police found a bottle with an “unknown liquid.”

He has now been charged with two counts of rape.

The Paris prosecutor’s office stated that the “crime carries a penalty of 20 years in prison.”

Northern Ireland Anti-Migration Rally Sees UK Union Jack and Irish Tricolour Flags Fly Side by Side


Anti-immigration sentiment has seemingly united people with longstanding sectarian divisions in Northern Ireland, with a protest against mass migration seeing British Union Jack flags and the Irish Tricolour flying side by side.

In the city centre of Belfast, the capital city of the UK’s Northern Ireland and the previous epicentre of decades-long violent conflict known as ‘The Troubles’, anti-immigration activists from both sides of the “united” Ireland debate put aside their differences to unite around the cause of ending mass migration to the Emerald Isle.

At the scene of the protest, GB News’ Northern Ireland reporter, Dougie Beattie, said with astonishment: “For the first time in my life, I have seen a Union Jack flying alongside a Tricolor.”

Beattie noted that the anti-mass migration protest, organised in the wake of a mass stabbing attack on a children’s dance party in Southport, England on Monday, was mostly comprised of working class people, including some from Dublin.

In stark contrast, he said that a pro-migration counterprotest was mostly comprised of middle and upper-class people, whom he noted have not felt the same brunt of mass migration policies. Rather than flying the Union Jack and the Tricolour, the pro-migration protest mostly featured Palestinian, Antifa, and Pride flags.

Beattie said that the pro-migration crowd chanted “Nazi scum off our streets” towards the working-class anti-mass migration protesters, who in turn, reportedly chanted: “Islam out!”

The Police Service of Northern Ireland, which deployed riot vehicles and officers, said that it was “aware of several planned protests across Northern Ireland today and will be in attendance to ensure the safety of everyone involved”.

Police at one point formed a cordon around the Islamic Centre on University Street as the anti-mass migration protest went past.

Several businesses in Belfast reportedly saw their storefronts attacked, resulting in at least two arrests, the Belfast Telegraph reports.

Ridiculously lenient juvenile sentence for Chechen who wanted to cause bloodbath at German Christmas market

The young terrorists targeted the Christmas market in Leverkusen-Opladen. Screen grab youtube

On Friday, the Neuruppin district court sentenced a 17-year-old from Wittstock in Brandenburg to a juvenile sentence of four years for a planned terrorist attack on a Christmas market in North Rhine-Westphalia. The sentence was handed down for conspiracy to commit murder and for “publicly using the logo of an association subject to an activity ban”, explained a spokesperson for the court. In the non-public main hearing, the allegations made by the public prosecutor general’s office were essentially confirmed, the spokesperson explained. According to this, the accused Chechen had become increasingly radicalised and had agreed with a 15-year-old accomplice, who was also convicted, to procure a truck and use it to kill as many people as possible at the Christmas market in Leverkusen-Opladen. “Those Christmas market visitors who were not killed immediately would have been stabbed with knives afterwards,” the spokesman said.

The younger accomplice had already been sentenced to four years’ imprisonment by the Cologne Regional Court weeks ago for the planned offence. Both had been arrested at the end of last year. As they were minors at the time of the offence, the hearings were held in camera. The judgement of the district court in Neuruppin is not final. The accused and the public prosecutor’s office can appeal against the judgement.

Weihnachtsmarkt: 17-jĂ€hriger Tschetschene plante Anschlag – Jugendstrafe – WELT

Illegal migration to Italy plummets in first seven months of 2024

Illegal migration from the Mediterranean to Italy has dropped in the first seven months of this year.

Italy’s interior ministry provides daily updates on migrant arrivals on its website. As of July 31, 2024, a total of 33,556 irregular migrants had reached the country via the Mediterranean Sea.

In 2023, over the same period, 89.165 people came to Italy illegally. In 2022, the numbers stood at 42,040.

That means total illegal crossings have dropped by more than 62 per cent on last year.

On the island of Lampedusa, the change in migrant arrivals is more pronounced. There, illegal arrivals fell by 77 per cent. In July last year, the small island saw 18,723 arrivals, compared to 4,231 this year.

“We were told that in the summer months, the arrivals of boats would increase, but thanks to the structural immigration policies put in place by the Meloni government, the curve, already declining since last October, has stabilised and continued downward,” Sara Kelany, head of Immigration with Meloni’s Brothers of Italy Party, told Il Giornale.

After years “in which the left devastated Italy’s migration policies in the name of a do-gooder immigrationism, today this government has finally hit the target, defending the borders, fighting against human traffickers and co-operating with the countries of origin and departure,” she added.

The number of unaccompanied foreign minors reaching Italy has also shown a decline. While the full year of 2023 saw 18,820 such arrivals, only 4,188 minors have been recorded in the first seven months of this year. If this trend was to continue, the annual total for 2024 would be around 7,000 unaccompanied minors.

The expected surge in crossings during the summer months of June to August this year has appeared to be milder than anticipated.

Typically, summer provides more favourable conditions for sea crossings, with fair weather benefiting people smugglers.

In June 2023, 15,164 people reached Italy, while the same month a year later saw just 4,902 arrivals. The trend continued in July, with  just 7,465 illegal crossings in July 2024 compared to 23,404 recorded in 2023.

Most migrants reaching Italy come from Bangladesh (21 per cent), Syria (15 per cent) and Tunisia (13 per cent).

In an interview with Tempi magazine on August 1, Meloni referred to the Mattei Plan as the basis for the success. She called it “a very concrete plan that identifies some precise areas of intervention on which Italy can make its contribution”.

Italy will invest billions in Africa in the hope of tackling mass migration at its roots, among other things.