Statements about polygamy, justified jihad or marital rape… The Bleuets mosque in Marseille, France, where the Salafist Imam Ismaïl preaches, is facing closure proceedings

A member of the Les Bleuets association, whose president is Sébastien Yeranotsian, was personally handed a letter on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, informing him of a procedure for the administrative closure of the Les Bleuets mosque in the northern districts of Marseille. The reason for this was the radical practice of Islam, a fundamentalist view of the religion that legitimises jihad, the introduction of Sharia law and the use of violence preached by Imam Smaïn Bendjilali, also known as Imam Ismail.

The reason for this is the fundamentalist view of religion preached by Imam Smaïn Bendjilali, ‘which legitimises jihad, the introduction of Sharia law and the use of violence’, says police prefect Pierre-Edouard Colliex. (…)

Another red line that Imam Ismail has crossed concerns discriminatory statements against women. ‘This is one of the focal points of his speech, in which he recognises the right to polygamy and legitimises marital rape, as he points out that the woman does not have the right to deny herself to the man, or, for example, he considers the appearance of women to be the devil’s poison arrow. A whole rhetoric of the devilish woman in utterances circulated to a young audience …’, the prefect of police of the Bouches-du-Rhône department expressed his concern. On Monday, the imam’s home and the premises of the mosque were ‘visited’. During the searches, written, audio and video documents were seized, which underpins the initiation of proceedings to close the Bleuets mosque. (…) La Provence

About 300 to 350 worshippers visit them on Friday, according to the authorities, who emphasise, however, that the strong presence of this imam on social networks gives him a larger audience. (…) BFMTV

Marseille : propos sur la polygamie, légitime le djihad ou encore le viol conjugal… La mosquée des Bleuets, où prêche l’imam salafiste Ismaïl, visée par une procédure de fermeture administrative – Fdesouche

Transgender Pedophile Who Sexually Assaulted His Children Now Being Held At Illinois Women’s Prison

A transgender pedophile in Illinois is being housed in a women’s prison after being found guilty on multiple counts related to the sexual assault of his two children. Michelle Blessent, born James, is being held at the Logan Correctional Facility in Lincoln, Illinois.

As previously reported by Reduxx, Blessent, 35, was initially arrested in April of 2023 in a file which included five counts of predatory criminal sexual assault of a victim under 13.

But on November 15 of that year, three more charges were applied, including one additional count of predatory criminal sexual assault of a victim under 13, one count of grooming, and one count of exploitation of a child. In a public notice posted to their official Facebook, the Bloomington Police Department confirmed that the new charges were related to the original victim. During the course of the trial, a second young victim under the age of the 13 was named. Both of the victims are reported to be Blessent’s biological children – a boy and a girl.

At the time of his original arrest in April, a public information officer with the Department admitted that they were treating the arrest as that of a woman because of Blessent’s “gender identity.” 

In a statement to local radio station Cities 92.9, Officer Brandt Parsley explained that Blessent’s arrest marked “uncharted territory for the police department.” He did confirm that Blessent had legally changed his name to Michelle, as evidenced by McLean County Circuit Clerk documents reviewed by Reduxx. According to the records, Blessent applied to change his name in July of 2022 and successfully completed the process in December.

Following the initial release of Blessent’s mugshot, many members of the community expressed confusion because the police had described Blessent as “female.” On Facebook, many took to the Bloomington Police Department’s comments to note that Blessent was male, and that describing him as a “woman” was inaccurate. 

As a result, some trans activists defended Blessent in the comments, condemning the Bloomington Police Department for not censoring “transphobic” remarks on their press release.

On June 26, Blessent was sentenced to 42 years for each of two counts of predatory criminal sexual assault of a victim under 13, as well as three years for a count of grooming. The sentences will run consecutively, totaling 87 years. Under Illinois law, Blessent must serve at least 85% of the time for the counts of sexual assault, meaning he will not be eligible for parole until 2095, at which point he would be 106 years of age.

Bodycam footage was released of Blessent’s arrest two weeks ago, showing the man being approached by police officers at his home. in the video, Blessent is seen wearing a short floral dress, and officers refer to him using feminine pronouns. According to Police Insider, Blessent told police he could not have sexually assaulted the children because estrogen made it difficult for him to maintain an erection.

But disturbingly, Blessent is being housed in a women’s prison.

Despite legally being male, and having an accurate sex marker in the Illinois Offender Directory, Blessent has been sent to the Logan Correctional Center for Women in Lincoln.

Blessent’s offender directory profile.

But Blessent is not the only trans-identified male who has been sent to Logan.

In 2019, the Illinois Department of Corrections approved the transfer of a transgender inmate from an all-male prison to a women’s prison after he claimed he’d been the victim of sexual harassment and abuse. Janiah Monroe, born Andre Patterson, had successfully obtained transfer with the assistance of various trans activists and law firms, while claiming he had been struggling with PTSD from his initial placement in a men’s prison.

Monroe, who had convictions on several felonies including second-degree murder, was later accused of raping a female inmate at Logan, sexually harassing female inmates, and threatening staff members.

Though the IDOC attempted to move him back to the men’s estate, Governor Pritzker’s office overruled the decision and allowed him to remain at the women’s prison. Pritzker is known for being an ardent supporter of trans activism, and is the brother of Jennifer Pritzker, a trans-identified male billionaire who frequently funds trans causes.

Monroe has a projected discharge date of March 2054.

A third trans-identified male who was briefly incarcerated at Logan, Strawberry Hampton, was released in 2019. Hampton, who was serving a sentence for burglary, sued the IDOC alleging discrimination and abuse while he was in custody. A federal judge later ordered IDOC staff to undergo extensive training on transgender issues.

UK Gov’t to Release Some 5,500 Prisoners Early to Free Space Amid Sentencing of Rioters

Wikimedia Commons, Oli96, CC-BY-SA-4.0

The emergency Operation Early Dawn measure to clear prison space amid the sentencing of anti-migration rioters, protesters, and social media posters will reportedly see at least 5,500 criminals released early by the autumn.

The left-wing Labour Party government of Prime Minister Keir Starmer enacted emergency measures on Monday to free up prison cells in England as over 1,000 people have been arrested in connection to the outbreak of violence, or for posts on social media, in the UK following the mass stabbing at a children’s dance party in Southport last month allegedly by a second-generation Rwandan migrant teen.

According to Sky News, Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood is reportedly planning to cut the mandatory time behind bars before parole by 40 to 50 per cent for certain criminals. This would result in 5,500 prisoners being released back on the streets early in September and October.

The measures will specifically target prisons in the Cheshire, Cumbria, Lancashire, Manchester, Merseyside, the North East, and Yorkshire regions. In total, the prison system capacity of England and Wales currently stands at 89,191, however, as of Friday 87,893 slots were occupied, the BBC reports.

The government has claimed that those convicted of domestic abuse, sexual offences, terrorism, and some violent offences will not be eligible for early release. Those involved in the recent riots will also not be eligible.

Prisons Minister Lord Timpson said: “We inherited a justice system in crisis and exposed to shocks. As a result, we have been forced into making difficult but necessary decisions to keep it operating.

“However, thanks to the hard work of our dedicated staff and partners, we have brought forward additional prison places and now introduced Operation Early Dawn to manage the pressure felt in some parts of the country.”

Operation Early Dawn, which was previously used by the former Conservative government in May amid prison overcrowding, will also allow for the holding of criminals in police cells while they await trial.

Some have warned that this measure will have a negative impact on the ability of police forces to function, including Mark Fairhurst of the Prison Officers’ Association

“It’s justice delayed at the moment, because we are now clogging up police cells, so they might have to delay some of their operations. When they arrest people, they have to make sure that they have got them a custody space because we might have prisoners filling up their cells and of course they have to pay overtime to supervise prisoners,” Fairhurst told the BBC.

“In reality, the most serious offences will end up in court; we will guarantee them a prison cell, and the lesser offences, the police will decide ‘do we hold on to them or do we bail them’,” he added.

However, Deputy Chief Constable Nev Kemp of the National Police Chiefs’ Council said: “We are working closely with criminal justice system partners to manage demand in the system and ensure that the public are safe.

“Policing will continue to arrest anyone that they need to in order to keep the public safe, including policing protests and events and ensuring that people are arrested as expected.”

German Chancellor Caught Lying About Cutting Illegal Migration

Olaf Scholz
Photo: Michael Lucan, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE, via Wikimedia Commons

The numbers show that the ‘traffic light’ government has not reduced illegal migration to Germany, but Chancellor Olaf Scholz has claimed in public that “irregular migration [was] significantly reduced” on his watch.

In contrast to the true figures (see below), the German Chancellor declared:

In recent years we have already significantly reduced irregular migration—together with states and municipalities, by the way. That is a great success and shows that it is possible.

Unfortunately for Scholz, his coalition has not reduced illegal migration to Germany. Since he took office in December 2021, the totals of both asylum applications to and known (i.e. recorded) illegal entries into Germany have skyrocketed.

Even 2020’s slight reductions in asylum/illegal entry totals both coincide with the global coronavirus pandemic and precede Scholz’s coalition! Some success.

Lying about the figures goes hand-in-hand with wanting to silence debate about migration. Incredibly, Scholz doubled down on his “significant” reductions by announcing:

We need answers like this on the matter and not debates about open borders for everyone or extremists who are forging their expulsion plans in Potsdam villas.

The not-so-cryptic reference to “Potsdam villas” draws on a publicly funded “exposé” in Correctiv magazine of a secret ‘remigration’ plan to expel German citizens—which turned out to be nothing of the sort. Another lie, in fact.

Imam from extremist-led London mosque claims ‘Zionists’ behind violent riots that rocked Britain

He said that riots were fueled by misinformation spread by supporters of Israel YouTube

An imam from an extremist-led London mosque has blamed “Zionists” for the violent immigration riots that shook the UK.

Ashraf Dabous, of the Lewisham Islamic Centre, said that rioters were being “manipulated and misguided” so that supporters of the state of Israel could vilify Muslims.

Press TV, Iran’s state-funded channel, made similar assertions where they forged supposed links between the rioters and “the Zionist entity”.

Dabous, who has been deputy imam at the mosque since 2017, made the remarks during a sermon last week that was then posted on the centre’s YouTube channel.

He said that riots, which broke out after the murder of three young girls in Southport at the beginning of the month, were fuelled by misinformation spread by supporters of Israel.

The imam conceded that the rioters were prejudiced but said they had been misled by “individuals who do not have their best interests at heart”.

He went on: “It’s quite well known now publicly, due to information that has been released online, that their manipulators are Zionists and they are supporters of the state of Israel.

“With ground that has been lost over the past few months, something had to take place that would try to win some ground back for the Zionist agenda. What a better way than to paint the Muslims being savages and killers and barbaric, which in reality is a projection of the Zionist state itself.”

The mosque made headlines in 2016 when a High Court judge found its head imam, Shakeel Begg, to be endorsing extremist positions and “encouraged religious violence”. They added that he could “plant the seed of Islamic extremism in a young mind”.

However, Begg has remained head imam of the Lewisham Islamic Centre [LIC], which has regularly hosted schoolchildren from the local borough.

The mosque has received hundreds of thousands of pounds in Government grants for its school, which closed in 2019. It also retains links with the local council, reports The Times.

The BBC had previously described Begg as an “extremist” who sued the broadcaster for libel. Lord Justice Haddon-Cave, who oversaw the libel action, found in favour of the broadcaster in 2016.

He concluded Begg had been “telling Muslims that violence in support of Islam would constitute a man’s greatest deed”.

Begg has continued to engage with the community despite the High Court finding against him. According to LIC’s Facebook page, it hosted children from local schools, including primary-age pupils, on at least six occasions in 2022 and 2023.

Police have also continued to engage with Begg, with Lewisham police giving testimony to assist his libel case against the BBC. They highlighted his “principled” stance against Prevent, the counter-extremism programme.

A Met Police spokesperson told the publication: “Begg does not hold an advisory role with the Met. He attended a faith breakfast alongside representatives from other religious backgrounds.

“These events are part of our critical engagement work to understand the effect of policing on all of our communities. The main focus of this particular event was a discussion around the stop-and-search charter.

“An attendee’s presence at an event does not amount to our support for their views. We do not condone any views which encourage division.”

Massive immigration in Europe is dangerous, says French ex-border boss

screen grab youtube

Fernand Gontier, the former director of the French Border Police, has warned that mass migration into Europe is becoming “unmanageable” and “destabilising.”

Speaking to Le Figaro on August 18, Gontier warned that France’s Border Police were increasingly finding it difficult to manage the influx, especially since they are struggling to recruit new members.

“Illegal immigration, forced and massive, is becoming unmanageable, dangerous and destabilising for democracies and our ways of life,” he told the outlet.

“Borders thus make it possible to protect the general interest in the face of individual foreign interests.”

Gontier warned that the French Border Police and customs did not have the means to carry out their duties properly. He pointed to a lack of staff and technological equipment, little cooperation between different parts of the French government, and an increasingly restrictive legal framework.

He cited the decision of the Council of State court in February this year that prohibits the forced expulsion of illegal immigrants

On a European level, Schengen also posed a problem, because “there is a real lack of co-operation” between different agencies.

Frontex, the European border agency, is recruiting 10,000 extra staff to work for it but Gontier said Paris was “reluctant” to put extra pressure on the agency because of the question of sovereignty.

Border guards lack access to technology such as thermal detectors, carbon dioxide detectors, heartbeat detectors or silhouette detectors that can identify people attempting to cross borders hidden in vehicles, for example.

“These tools are almost exclusively used at the approximately 120 airports and ports that are border crossing points,” Gontier noted.

They are not used at the internal borders, “even though the latter represents 90 per cent of illegal immigration entering the national territory.”

Fabrice Leggeri, former head of Frontex and current MEP for the French hard-right National Rally Party, agreed with Gontier.

“The revelations of the former head of the PAF are damning: lack of resources, inadequate training, lax legal framework … Border control has deteriorated, threatening our security,” he wrote on X.

“As Fernand Gontier recommends, we need increased resources, real coordination and the use of advanced technologies to support border police.”

Germany’s state media follows the footsteps of BBC, downplays attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh as aftermath of ‘political violence’

Deutsche Welle (DW), the state-owned broadcaster of Germany, has been the new entrant in the race for whitewashing the Islamist onslaught on minority Hindus in Bangladesh.

On Monday (19th August), DW News published a video, decrying attacks on the Hindu community in the Islamic Republic by violent Muslim mobs and accused Indians of fuelling disinformation on social media.

“Violent anti-government protests in Bangladesh have fueled many false claims of attacks against the nation’s Hindu minority. Here’s what’s been circulating online,” read the caption of a 2-minute 29-second video shared by it.

DW News highlighted an arson attack on the Hazrat Garib Shah Mazar Sharif in Bangladesh’s Jessore, which was allegedly shared as an attack on a Hindu temple on social media.

“In this video, a Hindu temple in Bangladesh is allegedly burning. The video has over 280,000 views, but it’s false. Videos of alleged burning Hindu temples or houses were shared and viewed thousands of times during the deadly protests in Bangladesh. A lot of such attacks have actually been happening in Bangladesh, but not every claim is true,” it alleged.

Soon after, the national broadcaster of Germany roped in an ‘expert‘ named Thomas Kean to suggest that the motives behind attacks on Hindu minorities are unclear. “These attacks have been reported, particularly in India, as being religiously motivated. And it’s not clear that that’s the case,” Kean was quoted as saying.

DW News gives political spin to religious targeting of Hindus

However, DW News was quick to conclude that most attacks on Hindus were ‘politically motivated’ due to the reputation of Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League as ‘protector of Hindus.’

According to experts, many of the incidents were in part politically motivated against members of the formerly governing Awami League party, but also out of opportunistic reasons, as law enforcement was basically non-existent in those days. And secondly, Hindus make up almost 8% of Bangladesh, a minority in the Muslim majority nation. The former prime minister has seen as Awami League has been seen as the main protector of minority communities like Hindus,” it claimed.

Interestingly, DW News glossed over the fact that 91% of the population in Bangladesh consists of Muslims (most of whom are Sunnis). Islamic scholars in Bangladesh are often seen deriding visitors at mazhars at ‘mazhar pujaris,’ thereby keeping them at par with ‘Kafir’ Hindus.

Thus, it is not surprising if a Sunni-majority Muslim mob set fire to Hazrat Garib Shah Mazar Sharif. They are known to attack religious shrines belonging to Shias, Sufis, Hazras and Ahmadiyas in the Indian subcontinent.

As such, citing the case of an arson attack on Mazhar cannot nullify the fact that temples were targeted because of their religious character. DW News has not been able to highlight a single case of an attack on mosques, which are sacred to the Sunni majority Muslim mobs.

DW News blames India

One of the strategies employed by DW News to give political colour to religious violence against Hindus was the frequent reference to India.

It is a known fact the Modi government supported Sheikh Hasina’s regime in Bangladesh. The state-owned broadcaster of Germany chose to exploit the relationship to suggest a sinister agenda behind the alleged dissemination of ‘fake videos’ by Indians.

And Indian Prime Minister Modi and Hasina have close political ties. India views events in Bangladesh as a problem for security, trade and influence. So, different groups in India might have their own interests in sharing such content,” DW News claimed.

Denialism and perpetual victimhood

It cited another expert Sumon Rahman to drive home the point, besides using it to play the perpetual victimhood trump card.

“They might be worried about what’s been happening to the Hindus of Bangladesh. There might be genuine worries. They might have, you know, acquired a moral license to cast their evil eyes on Indian minorities who are Muslims,” Rahman claimed.

DW News further attributed unknown experts to allege that “some Indian right-wing media view Sheikh Hasina’s downfall through an Islamophobic lens and exploit the religious tensions in the form of myths and disinformation.”

It claimed that ‘disinformation originating from India’ was leading to the suppression of real incidents as fake, without actually highlighting any such real cases.

In that way, the state-owned media of Germany conveniently avoided the need to mention the role of violent Muslim mobs in orchestrating attacks on the minority Hindu community. The hitjob by DW News is nothing but a masterclass in political propaganda.

OpIndia had previously reported how Islamists had infiltrated student protests and carried out over 205 attacks on Hindu homes, businesses and temples.

BBC whitewashes anti-Hindu violence in Bangladesh

Recently, BBC had resorted to cherry-picking, selective fact-checking and drawing false equivalence to downplay the hate-filled religious motivation behind the targeted attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh.

Despite more than 205 targeted attacks on Hindu shops, temples, and businesses, BBC sought to fact-check ‘some videos’ to whitewash the systematic cases of religious persecution in Bangladesh in its entirety.

We found that many of the videos and claims shared online are false,” it had claimed. BBC pointed out how Sheikh Hasina’s party Awami League was targeted and that it comprised both ‘Hindu and Muslim members.’

The UK’s national broadcaster thus shrewdly laid the foundation to justify attacks on Hindus as an aftermath of political turmoil in the Islamic republic.

In that way, people around the world voicing concerns about the plight of Bangladeshi Hindus could be accused of peddling misinformation.

As such, BBC did not disappoint when it claimed, “far-right influencers in neighbouring India shared false videos and information that gave a misleading view of the events.

Given that the Modi government supported Sheikh Hasina’s regime in Bangladesh, BBC saw to it that India was frequently mentioned in the article.

It insinuated that ‘fake online videos’ about attacks on Hindus and their labelling as hate crimes was a larger ploy by India and accounts espousing ‘Hindu-nationalist values’.

While cherry-picking fake videos and selectively fact-checking them to whitewash genuine cases of atrocities on Bangladeshi Hindus did not prove fruitful, BBC claimed that assessing the motives behind attacks was difficult.

Working out exactly what has happened in Bangladesh over the last few weeks has proved difficult. Many real incidents and attacks have taken place across the country, but the motivations are difficult to assess: religion or politics,” it alleged.

BBC then immediately imparted a political angle to the attacks by claiming that Hindus were largely ‘supporters of Sheikh Hasina’ and that any attack on them was the consequence of their political affiliation and not religious identity.

BBC was not able to explain why only Hindu temples and not mosques were targeted if the attacks were solely political. To further downplay attacks on Hindus, BBC highlighted photo ops about Muslims allegedly protecting temples.

When false claims about attacks on Hindus went viral online, some Muslim protesters decided to guard Hindu temples,” it claimed.

Interestingly, BBC did not explain who was endangering the Hindu religious sites or the religious affiliation of the perpetrators. It’s an interesting case where alleged temple protectors are identified with their religion but not the attackers.

Explained: DW News downplays attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh, gives political spin to religious violence like BBC (

UK Set to Adopt ‘Blasphemy Law’ to Protect Muslims – This won’t end well

Britain’s far-left government, under prime minister Keir Starmer, is preparing to introduce a blasphemy law that will criminalize criticism of Islam, following civil unrest sparked by uncontrolled illegal immigration and the Islamization of the United Kingdom.

The National Secular Society (NSS) warned Tuesday that “adopting an ‘Islamophobia’ definition will inflame, rather than dispel, community tensions and division” and “undermine the right of those oppressed by fundamentalist religion to speak out, including women, LGBT people, and those who hold different religion and beliefs.”

The NSS letter to Angela Rayner, deputy prime minister and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, also warned that adopting the definition will “increase pressure” on the government to adopt other “religion-phobia” definitions.


Secularists are raising the alarm about the likelihood of a blasphemy law to protect Islam after a spokesman from the prime minister’s office confirmed that the government was looking “closely” at the issue of creating a “specific definition” of Islamophobia and “is engaging with stakeholders” on the issue.

The spokesman noted that the current government’s election manifesto had given a commitment to engage with stakeholders, and “strengthen protections by closely monitoring Islamophobic hate.”

“There is work ongoing on that and we will provide an update in due course,” he added, while refusing to confirm or deny whether the government was working on legislation to criminalize criticism of Islam.

Free speech campaigners fear that Starmer’s government will adopt the definition framed by Britain’s all-party parliamentary group 2019 (APPG), defining Islamophobia as “rooted in racism” and “a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.”


“I have consistently highlighted the risk that a Labour government will legislate to ban ‘Islamophobia,’” Dr. Tim Dieppe, Islamic scholar and head of public policy at Christian Concern, told Souls and Liberty.

“The Labour Party has formally adopted the notorious APPG definition of ‘Islamophobia’ in its code of conduct, which means that no Labour politician dares to say anything that could possibly be perceived to be Islamophobic for fear of being suspended or expelled from the party,” Dieppe lamented.

“The definition is so vague that adopting it in law will in effect introduce an Islamic blasphemy code,” he warned. “This must be resisted by all means possible. If people are no longer free to criticize Islamic beliefs and practices then we will have lost the country to Islam.”

In a detailed briefing to the Free Speech Union in March, titled Banning Islamophobia: Blasphemy Law by the Backdoor, Dieppe argued that “criticism of Islam is not the same as criticism of Muslims.”


“Striking a believer, for example, is a crime; debating her beliefs is a right,” Dieppe explained. “The definition of ‘Islamophobia’ immediately conflates the religion of Islam with Muslim people and makes this into an issue of ‘Muslimness.’”

“It may have been more useful for the report to discuss the term ‘Muslimophobia,’ which would at least make clear that it did not seek to prohibit criticism of a religion, but rather irrational discrimination,” he urged.

Dieppe also criticized the “wrongheaded” attempt at equating Islamophobia with racism, writing: “Islam is not a race. It is a religion. People from all kinds of ethnic backgrounds are Muslims. Muslims do not see themselves as anything like a separate race.”

“Even if Islam was a ‘racial’ religion, restricted to a particular ethnic group, criticism of the beliefs and practices of this religion should still be allowed in a free and open society,” he insisted. “Defining ‘Islamophobia’ as a ‘type of racism’ is clearly an attempt to stigmatize any criticism of Islamic beliefs or practices as racist.”


While atheists and secularists such as Peter Tatchell, Richard Dawkins, and Pragna Patel are strongly opposing the introduction of a blasphemy law, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW) have equated Islamophobia and racism in their public statements.

In 2020, Bp. Paul McAleenan, the CBCEW’s lead bishop for migrants and refugees, issued a statement calling Catholics in Britain to “oppose racism in all its manifestations.” McAleenan defined “Islamophobia” as one of the “different forms” of racism.

Earlier, Bp. John Arnold of the Diocese of Salford said that Catholic schools would seek to combat “Islamophobia” as a way to help Muslims to integrate into British society.

In a paper titled “A Catholic Approach to Islamophobia,” Xavierian missionary Fr. Carl Chudy describes Islamophobia as one of the “western epistemic racisms.”

“Within a long history of Europe’s colonization in the world and post-colonization that clung to western hegemonic thinking, epistemic racism leads to the orientalization of Islam,” Chudy writes.


Responding to the 2015 massacre of 17 people by three jihadis in Paris following French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo’s publication of cartoons of Muhammad, the founder of Islam, Pope Francis appeared to endorse a blasphemy law protecting Islam from criticism.

Referring to Alberto Gasparri, who organizes the pontiff’s trips and was standing by his side on board the papal plane, Francis said: “If my good friend Dr. Gasparri says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch.”

“It’s normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others,” the pope added.

In October 2020, Pope Francis’ Muslim dialogue partner, Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayyeb, demanded an international law banning criticizing or insulting Islam, a day before three Catholics were slaughtered in Nice’s Notre-Dame Basilica.

Al-Tayyeb, who signed the Abu Dhabi Human Fraternity pact with Pope Francis, said the re-publication of Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons of Muhammad were “an explicit act of hostility” against Islam and its prophet.

“Cartoons insulting our great prophet, which are promoted by some newspapers, magazines and even some policies, are absurd. They are a break from all moral restrictions, international customs, and general law,” the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar announced at a ceremony in Egypt to celebrate Muhammad’s birthday.

Islam prescribes the death penalty for those who insult or mock the religion’s founder following Ibn Taymiyya’s landmark legal treatise Kitāb al-ṣārim al-maslūl ʿalā shātim al-Rasūl, which stipulates that anyone “who curses (sabba) the Prophet Muhammad must be killed without further recourse.”

Somali Maniac Escapes During Disney Movie

Mursal Mohamed S. ,

It’s as if we were living in a ham-fisted movie intended to drive home the point that moonbattery is insane. But this is too perfect to be fiction:

[A] Somali migrant in Germany, Mursal Mohamed Seid (24), who brutally murdered his roommate by inflicting 111 stab wounds before decapitating him, managed to escape custody during a trip to the cinema to watch a Disney film.

Seid had attempted to escape before. Yet they let him out to enjoy movies.

Seid’s crime shocked the nation when, in 2021, he viciously attacked his roommate Alex K., 52, in a homeless shelter in the Bavarian town of Regen. The brutal nature of the crime—111 stab wounds leading to the decapitation of the victim, with such force that the intestines erupted from the body—has been described as one of the most horrific acts of violence in recent memory. The Somalian perpetrator was quickly apprehended and placed in a high-security ward at the Mainkofen District Hospital in Bavaria, a facility designated for the treatment of dangerous offenders with severe mental health issues.

Then Disney magic — combined with comparably moonbatty German authorities — set him free.

Seid was allowed to attend a family-friendly screening of a Disney film, part of a rehabilitation program intended to reintegrate patients into society. Accompanied by female guards, he seized the opportunity to escape during the movie, managing to evade authorities for a grueling eight hours. The escape triggered a massive manhunt, with over 100 police officers deployed to track him down.

Seid is again enjoying three hots and a cot complements of German taxpayers until his next escape. Even if authorities could muster the will to send him back to Somalia, he would only return.

Moonbattery Somali Maniac Escapes During Disney Movie – Moonbattery