Syrian war criminals arrested abroad

Wikimedia Commons , Tobbe, PD-self

They are alleged to have killed and tortured civilians on behalf of the Syrian regime. A total of eight suspected war criminals have now been arrested in Germany and Sweden.

In 2012, those arrested are alleged to have been involved in the violent suppression of a demonstration in a district of the capital Damascus, in which at least six people died. The German Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office accuses the five suspects arrested in Germany of killing and attempting to kill civilians as crimes against humanity and war crimes.

Four defendants are also accused of torture, and there is a further strong suspicion of deprivation of liberty resulting in death and war crimes against property. The suspects are a Syrian citizen and four stateless Palestinians.

The three people arrested in Sweden are Swedish nationals, Ulrika Bentelius Egelrud, public prosecutor and head of the investigation, announced on Tuesday. They are alleged to have committed serious violations of international law in Syria in 2012. She did not provide further details on the accusations against these three individuals.

The Free Palestine Movement (FPM) militia, to which all those arrested in Germany and Sweden are attributed, is said to have exercised control in the predominantly Palestinian district of Al-Yarmouk in Damascus from 2011. In addition to suppressing the demonstration, several suspects are alleged to have repeatedly subjected civilians there to massive physical abuse and made arrests.

Killing, torture – Syrian war criminals arrested abroad |

Reform UK Is Taking Votes From Labour, Too

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The media narrative through this election campaign has been that Reform will secure votes from non-voters and disgruntled Conservative Party supporters. But Britons who backed Labour in 2019 are choosing to back Nigel Farage instead of Sir Keir Starmer, too.

New polling suggests that Reform is taking 7% of the 2019 Labour vote. And that’s after both the Tories and Labour, as well as the mainstream media, spent about a week bashing Farage over his belief that the war in Ukraine was in part “provoked” by NATO and EU expansion.

Fieldwork for the JLP polling of just over 2,000 voters also took place after Channel 4 released its exposé of what it described as a Reform canvasser saying deeply offensive things about migrants and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Reform reported the broadcaster to the elections watchdog after it emerged that the individual is an actor who specialises in both “rough speaking” and “secret filming.” The party has also now claimed that Channel 4’s undercover plants attempted to “trap” Reform volunteers into commenting on Tommy Robinson, the founder of the English Defence League (EDL), and George Floyd.

The figure of 7% seems low, but it is—as pollster James Johnson pointed out—“a statistically significant increase” from the 3% of 2019 voters switching to Reform recorded the week before.

It is also worth noting that reports pointing to the percentage of Tory voters choosing to back Reform this time around (32% according to one recent poll) describe those who voted for the party in 2019 as Conservatives. But many of these individuals are likely to be traditional Labour voters—those in so-called ‘Red Wall’ seats who switched to the Tories for the first time at the last general election in the hope of ‘getting Brexit done’ under Boris Johnson.

All that is to say that Reform is taking more votes from Labour than many are giving them credit for. Not—given Britain’s large-party-favouring electoral system—that this will mean they’ll win any more than a handful of seats in Parliament.

Allegations of priest’s torture in custody outrage Poland

Father Olszewski is being detained in connection with a corruption probe against politicians from the former ruling Conservative s (PiS) Source: Profeto Youtube

Claims regarding the alleged maltreatment of a detained priest in Poland have prompted outrage in the country.

An investigation by Poland’s Commissioner for Human Rights Marian Wiącek has been launched into the alleged mistreatment of Father Michał Olszewski, who was arrested earlier this year over accusations he acted illegally on behalf of politicians from the previous Conservative (PiS) government.

Father Olszewski, who is the head of the Profeto Foundation in Warsaw, was detained in March after being accused of receiving money from the “Justice Fund” dedicated to helping victims of crimes. The current government alleges that cash was used for party political purposes by then PiS justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro and his associates.

Polish portal has published letters sent by the priest from his cell which allege that, while being taken to prison, he was publicly humiliated at a petrol station by being “paraded” in handcuffs to the lavatory.

The priest claimed he was subsequently denied food for almost 60 hours while in custody, was forced to beg for water, and was ordered to urinate in a bottle when he requested to use the toilet.

He added that his sleep schedule in custody was disrupted by bright lights being shone at him at hourly intervals throughout the night, and that he had been told that he was under special surveillance.

A district court in Warsaw recently extended Father Olszewski’s detention by another three months. Poland has been criticised before by watchdogs such as Amnesty International for lengthy detentions of suspects before they are charged. All such detentions are based on court orders.

The priest’s attorney, Krzysztof Wąsowski, called the alleged treatment of Father Olszewski  “a scandal on at least a European scale” and reminiscent of the communist era of repression in the 1950s.

He claimed detaining his client was unnecessary and seemed to be designed to force the priest to admit to the allegations and to provide evidence that could lead to other individuals being charged.

Wąsowski added that the practices of denying water and toilet access have been classified as torture and degrading treatment under international conventions such as the 1984 UN Convention against Torture.

The Polish prison service issued a statement on July 2 denying the claims and expressing “surprise” at Father Olszewski’s allegations. It argued that “the priest has been in detention for over three months and has not until now produced any allegations of mistreatment”.

PiS MPs said they were preparing to report the matter to the UN.

PiS leader Jarosław Kaczyński told the Polish Press Agency (PAP) on July 2 that Father Olszewski “was the subject of torture and those responsible for this abuse will face consequences in the future”.

Tusk has alleged Kaczyński may be guilty of criminally failing to report the abuse of public money from the Justice Fund and has publicly called on the prosecutors to speed up their investigations.

PiS politicians denied any wrongdoing, arguing that the funds were allocated in accordance with the procedures governing the use of the fund.

The current ruling majority’s representatives claimed the money was used in part to pay for some PiS politicians’ political campaigning and cited a letter from Kaczynski to Ziobro, published by daily Gazeta Wyborcza on 1 July, in which the PiS leader warned Ziobro against misusing resources from the  Justice Fund.

Allegations of priest’s torture in custody outrage Poland (

Bishop Eleganti: COVID shots have led to ‘turbo cancer,’ excess deaths, other ‘harmful side effects’

Bishop Marian Eleganti YouTube screenshot

Swiss Bishop Marian Eleganti said the Catholic hierarchy’s embrace of COVID restrictions was a “declaration of bankruptcy of faith” and lamented that the COVID shots have caused “many harmful side effects,” including “turbo cancer,” excess deaths, and premature births.

During a video interview with LifeSiteNews journalist Andreas Wailzer in German, Bishop Eleganti was asked what he thought about the Austrian bishops’ support for the country’s general COVID jab mandate.

“For me, that was clearly a fall from grace,” the former bishop of Chur said.

He said that “informed consent” and autonomous decision over one’s own body was the “basic dogma” in medical ethics during the past decades and noted that the Congregation (now Dicastery) for the Doctrine of the Faith under Cardinal Luis Ladaria had declared that there must not be forced COVID injections.

“Nevertheless, the Pope imposed [a shot mandate] on all employees in the Vatican as head of state. Otherwise, they would have lost their jobs or been given another one,” Bishop Eleganti stated.

“So, for me, that was clearly an injustice.”

“We now know, and this is coming to light more and more worldwide, that we simply cannot ignore the fact that these measures were not evidence-based, that the vaccinations did not guarantee this protection against transmission, that there was no ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’”

“Today we have turbo-cancer phenomena; we have excess mortality since the vaccination programs in all countries. We have a decline in births due to premature births and so on.”

“So much injustice happened, and there were so many harmful side effects,” he continued. “Today we have turbo-cancer phenomena; we have excess mortality since the vaccination programs in all countries. We have a decline in births due to premature births and so on.”

“There are many parameters that point in the same direction, that a lot has been done wrong. The masks were not evidence-based, and so on. That was also known, and these were political decisions.”

The Swiss bishop also criticized the role of the globalist U.N. and WHO in stripping away national sovereignty and acting “like a world government.”

“The WHO is also financed by private foundations such as Bill Gates and others,” Bishop Eleganti said. “And these institutions are not democratically legitimized, and they are also at the mercy of the powerful of high finance.”

“And that’s where you have to be critical, and nations must not give up their sovereignty so that so few people in the back room suddenly decide for the whole world like a world government and impose something on all countries that remains highly controversial, also in the future.”

The bishop reiterated that the Church “did not play a good role” during the COVID crisis.

He said that bishops and other Church leaders showed their lack of faith in the supernatural by shutting down public Easter celebrations and the healing springs in Lourdes, removing the holy water from the churches, and treating the Eucharist like “a contaminated thing.”

“For me, that is a declaration of bankruptcy of faith,” Bishop Eleganti charged.

“As it is written in Psalm 90, ‘Even though a thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, such evils will not afflict you,’” he stated.

“And so also when the plague rages by day and by night,” he continued.

“It is also quite clear, a sacramental [holy water] that I use to place myself under the protection of God… I can’t maintain an attitude of total unbelief at the same time… [to believe] that it does not help me at all, but on the contrary could even harm me.”

Bishop Eleganti stressed that Catholics “cannot rely on secular strategies” that were often nonsensical but must resort to prayer.

He said that even people outside the Catholic Church “somehow felt” that the Church hierarchy’s response to COVID “was a surrender of faith, as if God did not exist.”

Geert Wilders’ Party Takes Over Dutch Immigration Ministry – Will the invasion finally be turned back?

Despite repeated victories by Geert Wilders and his PVV parties, the political establishment in the Netherlands and the EU did everything possible to block him from actually taking office. And despite the massive PVV victory in the last election, that’s still the case.

But Wilders’ PVV is the largest party in the new governing coalition, which includes a mix of good and bad parties, and will hold the immigration ministry.

Migration is at the heart of the crisis in America and Europe.

PVV’s first choice for immigration minister, Gidi Markuszower, was sidelined because being Jewish, they wouldn’t be able to call him a Nazi, which is what they’re already doing with Marjolein Faber, the second choice, who was forced to apologize for previous comments about the invasion of the country.

Now, seven months after the election, PVV may finally be able to do what Dutch voters have repeatedly authorized it to do, reduce the mass Islamic invasion of the Netherlands which no dikes have been able to hold back.

The PVV is the last hope of the Netherlands. The mass invasion of Europe is about to bring down the curtain on thousands of years of history. The hour is late. And the enemy is abroad in the streets of the greatest cities of Europe.

At the European Football Championship, Turkish players celebrate their scored goals by giving the Islamist fascist salute of the “Grey Wolves”

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The European Championship in Germany has its first scandalous match. Several undignified incidents occurred during Turkey’s round of 16 match against Austria (2:1). Cups and objects repeatedly were thrown onto the pitch during corner kicks.

Presumably a coin hit Austria’s Marcel Sabitzer on the head, who collapsed as a result but was able to continue. The scene occurred in the 78th minute when the game was interrupted due to two changes by the Turkish team.

The Turkish supporters had already attracted attention for their fanaticism on several occasions. In the first match against Georgia, they blew the whistle during the opponent’s national anthem. They are now the most dreaded group of fans at the European Championships.

What’s more: The Turkish double goal scorer Merih Demiral, who plays for the Saudi club Al-Ahli, cheered in the Leipzig stadium by giving the fascist “wolf salute”. The sign of the Turkish “Grey Wolves” is banned in Austria, but not in Germany.

“Grey Wolves” is the name given to supporters of the right-wing extremist “Ülkücü Movement”, which is monitored by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Germany and banned in Austria. Demiral scored the fastest goal in the knockout round of a European Championship after just 57 seconds in Leipzig and in the 59th minute. The Austrians only managed to score the equaliser in the 66th minute and were eliminated.

On Saturday, Turkey will play the Netherlands in Berlin for a place in the European Championship semi-finals. Once again, their fans will be clearly in the majority. Turkish officials had already labelled themselves the “second host” due to the overwhelming number of Turkish spectators in the German stadiums

Wie die Türken bei der EM alle Sympathien verspielen (

“By the Koran of Mecca, I will call my brothers to behead you”. Threats against a teacher: MP Aymeric Caron stands up for the pupil at the request of her family and protests to the French school inspectorate

Aymeric Caron

The incident took place at a school in Paris. In mid-March, ten-year-old A. is said to have made a distinctive threat to his teacher: “By the Koran of Mecca, I will call my brothers to behead you.” He had just been punished for taking part in a fight. He was first transferred to another class and then to another school. At the family’s request, Aymeric Caron contacted the school inspectorate to protest. These comments were never made, the MP from Paris assured us.

Aymeric Caron obviously has problems with primary schools. In September 2023, he was accused of breaking down the gates of his daughter’s school in Versailles to accompany her to her classroom, which was forbidden by school regulations. At the time, he had complained of “political exploitation”.

This time, the new incident took place in Paris, in a school in Rue Championnet (18th arrondissement, Aymeric Caron’s constituency), where a pupil had threatened to kill a teacher. According to the Ministry of Education, Aymeric Caron overstepped his role as a member of parliament by intervening in this matter.

The school stands united behind the shocked teacher. The newly re-elected MP, on the other hand, claims that the threat was exaggerated, relying solely on the statements of the child’s mother and a parents’ representative, who speak of “discrimination” and even “racism” on the part of the Ministry of Education. Two completely contradictory versions.

[Exclusif] Menaces contre une prof : le député Aymeric Caron prend fait et cause pour l’élève (

FRANCE: Trans-Identified Male Awarded 7,000 Euros For “Gender Discrimination” After Being Called By His Birth Name

A trans-identified male in the Maine-et-Loire region of France has been awarded €7,000 in compensation after a court determined he was the victim of “gender discrimination” by his former employer.

Syntia Dersoir, 22, had filed a complaint against the McDonald’s franchise where he worked after management referred to him by his legal, male name and asked him to remove the makeup he wore during his shift.

‘Syntia’ Dersoir. Source: Haut Anjou

Dersoir began working at a McDonald’s located in Segré-en-Anjou Bleu beginning from September 2022. He was hired under his birth name and was legally registered as a male at the time. In early 2023, he began wearing makeup and prosthetic breasts to work, and, by the spring of 2023, he obtained an alteration of his identification documents.

Dersoir alleged that the discrimination happened over several weeks in 2023 after he began wearing his prosthetic breasts and makeup to work. Management at the McDonald’s branch where Dersoir was employed continued to refer to him by the name he had been hired under, his male name, despite his requests to be called by his feminine preferred name.

The man also alleged that management instructed other staff to also refer to him by his male name.

According to his legal complaint, Dersoir detailed that during one shift, when he was wearing lipstick, a manager asked him to leave or to go to a nearby store and purchase makeup remover. In March of 2023, Dersoir obtained a note from his doctor allowing him to take sick-leave, citing the stress he was suffering from the discrimination he had been subjected to.

Dersoir complained to the French Labour Inspectorate, and was provided a lawyer by the French Democratic Confederation of Labour (CFDT), a conglomorate of national labour unions. He also filed a criminal complaint against the management at the McDonald’s where he had been working.

In response to Dersoir’s allegations, the lawyer representing McDonald’s, Maître Pascal Landais, claimed that management had only ever asked Dersoir to follow the workplace makeup policy that applied to all staff.

“We asked him to tone down his make-up, not to remove it,” she clarified. The McDonald’s policy described that all employees should wear “light and discreet makeup” only for both uniform and hygiene purposes.

French media has run sympathetic stories on Dersoir, profiling him as a victim of discrimination. Some outlets are criticizing the managers at the fast-food chain, which uses the slogan “come as you are” in the country. One outlet suggested that Dersoir’s bosses had “trampled on” the sentiment behind the slogan and are “guilty of moral harassment and discrimination.” 

On June 24, the employment tribunal of Angers ruled in Dersoir’s favor, ordering the franchise to pay him €7,000 in compensation. Dersoir’s lawyer was excited about the verdict, noting that it set a precedent and that other “victims” may now be able to come forward.

“As soon as a large brand is convicted … it necessarily provokes a discussion. This is a first to condemn McDonald’s, which presents itself from the angle of tolerance, for precisely the opposite,” the lawyer said.

Charlotte Duval, the Deputy Secretary General of the Maine-et-Loire Services Union, similarly praised the decision, stating: “This ruling is very positive … it is the recognition of [Dersoir’s] victimization. It may also open the door to other people who are experiencing this kind of situation to talk about it.”

Dersoir is in fact the second trans-identified male in Europe to take legal action against a local McDonald’s for “gender discrimination,” with the other incident occurring in Germany.

One day after Dersoir won his case, a trans-identified male in Berlin appeared at the Berlin Labor Court after filing a case against the Central Station franchise where he had been employed.

Kylie Divon, 27, is seeking compensation for “gender identity discrimination” after being denied access to the changing room reserved for female employees.

European youth have had enough of Brussels’ politics

Nosta Lgia

In Germany, France, and even Belgium, the EU election results have created internal political crises. In some countries, new parliamentary elections have been called to clarify the political values and direction that voters want their respective countries to take.

At the same time, there has been little discussion as to which demographics have turned against the liberal status quo in Brussels the most. Which social group has been the most opposed to EU bureaucracy and open borders.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, young people indicated their inability to lead a normal life within the European structure and its ideological backdrop. They simply feel that they have no future because their current lives and the conditions in which they live, which appear to be objective, are in total chaos. We are talking about a generation, people of an age who are no longer dependent but who have not yet been able to establish a stable existence of their own.

They are our children and grandchildren, not categories with an “X,” “Y” or “Z.” They are young people, “the envied age” of our elders,  but also a generation doomed to be lost in terms of Europe’s situation and future vision. Moreover, their unacceptable alphabetical designation is reminiscent of the degenerate ideology that seeks to ensure that more and more “minority” groups form the fabric of civilized societies, with the result that all forms of division within nations are exacerbated, as is already the case in the international arena.

This fact is further proof that today, subjective will is overriding necessity and the objective values of the community. Young people have clearly had enough of this, and their votes are a clear sign of it.

On June 9, they voted against it, trusting in the power of democracy and assuming that their demand for change would be understood by the officials at Brussels headquarters.

But tomorrow, when it is clear that the ladies and gentlemen who have been addressed are bureaucrats interested only and exclusively in maintaining their power, and have no regard for the interests of the people of Europe, there will be no other means left to those who want change but to blow up the increasingly petrified edifice.

The only question is whether we, the ancestors, the parents, will be offended by the efforts of our “impudent” successors, or whether we will accept that what we have done wrong, they will be able to put right, or at least try to.

Let them allow the truth to once again be the totality of objective facts, as opposed to the subjective will of those who see themselves as the chosen ones. Let them remove the vested interests that prevent normal functioning. Good work, young people!

French rappers call for the murder of Le Pen and Jews in a brutal song


The ten-minute rap with conspiracy theory and violent undertones was released on Monday evening and has provoked many reactions. In it, the rappers profess their “hatred” of the RN electorate and an “artistic use of violence”.

In a track published on Monday evening entitled “No pasarán”, a collective of around ten rappers, including Fianso and Akhenaton, call on people to vote in favour of the New Popular Front and against the Rassemblement National. “Come on, let’s get the bayonets out; if the left gets through, we’ll get the good plans out (sic)”.

The rappers are characterised by the use of extremely violent lyrics and insults. “Jordan you’re dead” is repeated three times in the first few seconds of the song, before “Marine and Marion” are labelled “hoes” and a plea is made for “a beating with a stick on these horny bitches”. The rappers follow up with explicit threats. “Fuck Bardella’s mum”. “If the fascists come by, I’ll make them disappear with a big calibre”. “The inside of their souls has faded, they deserve to die”. “We vote against the pigs”.

Finally, the rappers attack “Sheitanhayou” – meaning Netanyahu – and celebrate Palestine “from the Seine to the Jordan”. “The 30s and their smell are making a comeback, normal that Sheitanhayou is the white man who provides the contact”. The authors of the song condemn the fact that with “the same lyrics” they were seen as “anti-racist and pacifist” yesterday and as “anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists” today.

“You can’t call shameful statements that should outrage us all ‘pithy punchlines’,” wrote the director of the Foundation for Political Innovation, Dominique Reynié, on X. “The new new popular front. Makes you want more, doesn’t it? I hope the public prosecutor’s office will look into this abomination,” Marine Le Pen also reacted on X.

“The famous ‘pithy punchlines’: calls for murder, violent misogyny, blatant anti-Semitism and conspiracy theories. The mental universe of the extreme left is becoming increasingly toxic,” criticised Jordan Bardella. The Rassemblement National also announced that it would file a lawsuit for death threats, insults, sexist slurs and incitement to violence. The leader of the Reconquista party contented himself with replying “No restarán”.

«Jordan t’es mort», «tous des francs-maçons», «Palestine de la Seine au Jourdain» : des rappeurs appellent à voter contre le RN dans un single brutal (