The news from the UK, which saw the Conservatives wiped out

By Andrea Widburg

The main headline out of the UK is that the Conservative party was stunningly defeated. Not only was Prime Minister Sunak given the boot, but Labour swept the board. What also happened is that Reform UK, which is the MAGA party of the United Kingdom, won a large share of the popular vote (although that didn’t move the Parliamentary needle much). Still, I suspect that the UK is on the glide path to what we’ve already seen in Italy, France, and the Netherlands—namely, unhappy people of all races but shared values giving the boot to open borders and Islamism.

The situation in the UK yesterday was very similar to the situation in America in 2016 and, sadly, still in 2024: The two major parties have shared values that are antithetical to the people. Thus, whether Labour or Democrat, Conservative or Republican, they all want big government, mass immigration, climate change policies (which speed the “embiggening” of government), and endless wars, and they’re either advocates for or willing to live with sexual identity madness. The only difference is that the Conservatives and the Republicans are less honest about their goals than are the Labourites and the Democrats.

However, after decades of having these values forced upon them, normal people, both in America and abroad, look at what’s become of their worlds, and they hate what they see.

Image: Nigel Farage. YouTube screen grab.

Yesterday, England had its election, and the results were as predicted: Labour won in a landslide, the Conservatives were decimated, and Reform UK got a foot on the ladder. I thought I’d share emails from a friend as she watched the news hour by hour. Right before the news started coming in, my friend wrote:

We both voted (postal votes) a couple of weeks ago. Reform, of course. I estimate that they might win between 3 and 30 seats but am hoping to be pleasurably surprised. Or perhaps (not pleasurably) disappointed.

The election will not be won by Labour, but lost by the faux Conservatives. The level of anger against them is truly astounding. Today we drove up to Stratford and on the way saw a couple of posters for the North Cotswolds MP. Each had a huge black X scored across it, and another big black X over the MP’s face.

So Labour will end up with a huge number of seats, and the rest will go to the faux Cons and the ‘Liberal’ ‘Democrats’. In other words, the entire House of Commons will be packed with left-wing, pro-immigration, net zero enthusiasts. Nigel & Co will, I hope, be a small but irritating thorn in the side of them all.

By the way, there has been a huge problem with postal votes at this election. Thousands not printed, delivered or returned in time. Councils blame the Royal Mail; the Royal Mail blames the councils … That’s the way it is here these days.

Then, as the vote counts started arriving, she shared with me both the good news and the frustrating news:

3.30 a.m. A toast drunk to Nigel Farage who just won his seat. Eighth time lucky!

Labour have now won 130 seats. Conservative 18 seats (some won by real conservatives) but with losses of 60. They have been knocked into third place by Reform in many constituencies.

A sizeable vote for Liberal Democrats as a protest vote in traditional Conservative-voting areas.

3.40 a.m. Reform win their third seat. Worryingly, a prominent Labour MP loses his seat in Leicester to a pro-Palestine independent candidate.

Suella Braverman, a likeable true Conservative (and friend of GB News), has held her seat on the south coast.

Richard Tice has just won the fourth Reform seat. 400 seats still to declare.

4.05 a.m. Bury St Edmunds, a beautiful Suffolk market town, has just been taken by Labour. It’s been Conservative since 1820!

Labour has taken Portsmouth from the Conservative Penny Mordaunt who carried the sword at the King’s coronation and was tipped as a future Conservative leader.

4.40 a.m. Just waiting for the result in the Prime Minister’s constituency … And that of Jeremy Hunt, the Chancellor … Both held their seats, though Hunt (very unlikeable man – eyes alternately shifty and manic) only just did so. Sunak has conceded the election at the point where Labour has now won 300 seats and the Conservatives have won 60 (and lost 149).

It has been a bad night in Scotland for the English-hating Scottish Nationalists. 28 seats lost so far. They have run Scotland into the ground on so many fronts, particularly health and education.

Jacob Rees Mogg, a rather likeable very old-fashioned Conservative from Somerset (the “Minister for the 18th Century”) has just lost his seat to Labour. Astonishing!

5.15 a.m. A very grey dawn has broken. The Conservatives continue to haemorrhage seats. 189 lost so far. Labour now on 359 with 136 seats to declare. The turnout for this election has been very low with many voters staying at home; apathy has clearly played a part.

Disappointed that Reform is still only on four seats. Even the Scottish Nationalists have done better on six seats.

At this point, my friend went to bed. When she woke up, there were still only four reform seats. However, on a vote-by-vote basis, the Reform party did incredibly well, coming in third place, with almost as many votes as the Conservatives. That rise, combined with the Conservative fall, should be the death knell for Britain’s RINOs.

The new Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, a hard leftist, may think he’s in the catbird seat. Still, I think he’ll discover that the rising discontent that led to Reform UK’s numeric success will redouble as the Labour government goes from the Conservatives’ soft leftism to their planned hard leftism.

Because Starmer will have even more power than Biden, the British people will quickly feel double or triple the pain that the last few years brought them, whether in decreased government services (especially health care), rising costs of living, the further degradation of their education system, and increasing violence, especially from the Islamists among them. My bet is that there’ll be another swing vote soon, with Reform UK surprising everyone.

UK Police Investigate 12-Year-Old for Saying ‘Wipe Out Hamas’

Counter-extremism officers probe 12-year-old Jewish boy over ‘destroy Hamas’ comments and his toy crossbow© GB News
You gotta listen to this. Share it. Police went after and are investigating a 12 year old Jewish boy for saying he wants “Hamas wiped out” We have Islamists calling for the death of Jews on our streets, mosques radicalising people in support of Hamas, people openly supporting Hamas on our streets, rabbis being attacked.. .. And the person they actually decide to investigate is a 12 year old Jewish boy for just stating what the government policy is on proscribed terrorist groups. A boy who has been horrifically bullied for being Jewish at school too. Once again, the victim blaming of Jews by our UK institutions is horrifying.

A12-year-old Jewish boy is under investigation by counter-extremism officers after he said that he wanted Hamas to be “wiped out,” a family member has claimed.

The boy’s family, who have requested anonymity, have been interviewed by counter-terrorism police and local officers regarding radicalisation concerns after his comments about the terror organisation, they said.

The officers have also reportedly raised concerns about the boy posting a video online of him shooting a chair with a toy crossbow purchased from English Heritage.

The 12-year-old’s mum shared details of the meeting with GB News, which we have been able to verify in part due to an audio recording.

“The officers were absolutely determined to challenge us over the crossbow video, they asked us if we had combat knives or air rifles.

“It felt like they were trying to paint us as IDF radicals,” the boy’s mother said.

Northumbria Police and Counter Terrorism Policing North East said they were unable to discuss individual cases or identify anyone who may or may not be the subject of a Prevent referral.

The family, who are from South Tyneside, sought support from campaign group Fair Cop, which says it monitors police attempts to criminalise people for expressing opinions that do not break any laws.

Fair Cop’s Harry Miller attended a meeting between the family and the police, though the meeting appears to have started before he arrived.

In an audio recording of a portion of the meeting heard by GB News, the officers say they were not willing to “hash over” what they had already discussed after Mr Miller turned up to the meeting.

The officers also requested access to the boy’s “Snapchat handle.”

Several references to Hamas and the crossbow toy are made in the audio recording, which has not been disputed by officers.

Mr Miller, a former police officer, said this case was “another instance of the police wilfully missing the target because hunting down school children with toys is easier than confronting actual terrorists.”

He added: “Fair Cop will continue to stand between these idiots and the public until they stop behaving like the woke, cowardly Stasi they have become. The Home Office needs to get a grip. Sack every complicit Chief Constable.”

The child’s mother said that the police probe started after six months of the 12-year-old being targeted by bullies at school.

“Some of the boys were doing Nazi salutes towards my son in a PE changing room.

“My son’s arm was broken, which we think was an accident, but one of them was proud and gloating about it,” she claimed.

She told GB News that she believed that the boys had told teachers that her son was an extremist, misrepresenting him and anything he might have said.

“They are bullying my son. They follow him around. They tell on him for everything he says and does and sometimes they lie about him.”

The concerned mum said: “They asked him if the PE changing room showers reminded me of gas chambers. They sang Nazi songs to him, so loudly that teachers must have heard it.”

The boy’s mother, who did not want to identify the school her son attends, said that the safeguarding lead at school asked him a few weeks ago if there was anything on the news that was upsetting him.

The child is understood to have said: “I am concerned about Hamas, I think Hamas should be wiped out, they are terrorists.”

The mum said that this remark was included in a report to Prevent, the government’s counter-extremism body.

She claimed that the boy’s comments about the proscribed terrorist group were raised as a concern by detectives in the room.

“They made a point of asking both of us for our views on Hamas.

“As parents, we felt under investigation from the state for perfectly legitimate perspectives about a terrorist organisation.

“They weren’t even able to answer what ideology they were looking into.”

Jonathan Turner, chief executive of UK Lawyers for Israel, told GB News: “The counter-terrorism officers appear to have forgotten that Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation under UK law. This means that under UK law Hamas is illegal and should not exist.

“It seems that the boy and his parents are being persecuted for his expressing in colloquial terms what is merely the position under UK law. What next? Will they be probing English Heritage?”

Rory Geoghegan, founder of the Public Safety Foundation, said the alleged investigation should “set alarm bells ringing among police leaders.”

He told this broadcaster: “With a terrorist watchlist of more than 40,000 and hundreds of unknown and unvetted men illegally entering the country via small boats on a daily basis, you’d think our police and security services might have their hands full.

“Yet it is a child who supports the comprehensive defeat of Hamas – a proscribed terrorist group responsible for horrific terrorist atrocities – who is getting a knock at the door from the authorities to have their thinking checked.

“Cases like this should set alarm bells ringing among police leaders. Sadly, too many police leaders appear to simply look the other way when the problematic issues of ‘woke’ social justice activism and ideology are involved.”

Mr Geoghegan, a former police officer, added: “If British policing is to have any sort of positive relationship with the majority of British people by the end of the 2020s, it urgently needs to refocus on the values and principles on which our model of policing was built.”

In a joint statement, Northumbria Police and Counter Terrorism Policing North East told GB News:“We are unable to discuss individual cases, or identify anyone who may or may not be the subject of a Prevent referral. All referrals are treated in the strictest confidence and will always prioritise the safety and welfare of those concerned.

“Prevent is a multi-agency approach to safeguarding and supporting those most at risk of radicalisation through early intervention. It seeks to protect young and vulnerable people against all forms of extremist activity, regardless of ideology.

“Those closest are best placed to spot the signs that someone might be vulnerable to radicalisation. We’d always encourage them to ACT Early so those concerns can be discussed in more detail. Specially trained officers will listen carefully to the concerns and offer any additional support that may be necessary. Receiving support is voluntary and may be used to protect someone who is considered vulnerable and to prevent a situation escalating into something more serious.

“As a Force, Northumbria Police is committed to supporting its diverse communities. We make it our mission to forge strong relationships and we are here to offer support whenever it is needed.”

EXCLUSIVE: Counter-extremism officers probe 12-year-old Jewish boy over ‘destroy Hamas’ comments and his toy crossbow (

Norway: Culture Minister exposes her breasts during Pride event, receives praise from country’s Prime Minister and event organiser

Norwegian Minister of Culture and Gender Equality Lubna Jaffery, images via Martin Solhaug Standal / NTB and X

In June this year, the Minister of Culture and Gender Equality in Norway courted controversy for flashing her breasts during the Oslo Pride event. A video of the incident has now gone viral on social media.

The Norwegian legislator, Lubna Jaffery, was awarded the ‘Fag Hag 2024’ award during the event for being a top ‘patron of queers’. Soon after, she lifted her top to expose her breasts.

Jaffery was seen wearing covers over her areola region. The disturbing action of a sitting Minister not only drew praise from the audience but also Norway’s top leadership.

When quizzed about the incident, the 44-year-old Lubna Jaffery emphasised, “I am very grateful to have been named Fag Hag, the main patron of queers, during Oslo Pride this year. This is a great honor…Put yourself out and (do) not take yourself too seriously.”

Norwegian PM, Oslo Pride Head praise Lubna Jaffery

The organiser of the event, Joakim Aadland, commented on the controversy and remarked that it was the best thing to have happened during the ‘Oslo Pride’ in several years.

“I think it’s wonderful that we have a minister who goes ‘all-in’ and is not afraid to put herself forward a little. I’ve never experienced the applause she received in the ten years we’ve had Pride. So it’s clear that the audience appreciated Lubna’s stunt,” he claimed.

Similarly, Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store also heaped praise on Lubna Jaffery for her appearance at Oslo Pride. “Lubna is a confident, free and wonderful person who is warmly welcomed at cultural events all over the country,” he was heard saying.

Norwegian Minister Lubna Jaffery flashes her breasts during Oslo Pride event, video goes viral (

Greece Arrests Seven Muslim Migrants in Arson Attacks on Synagogue, Hotel

Greek authorities arrested seven individuals linked to arson attacks targeting a synagogue and an Israeli-owned hotel in central Athens this year, police announced on Thursday.

The anti-terrorism unit apprehended a group of four, including a 25-year-old Greek woman, two Iranian nationals (ages 46 and 36), and an Afghan accomplice (44). They are accused of using a makeshift bomb to attack a building housing the Israeli hotel and restaurant on May 15th. The charges include arson with potential endangerment to life and racially motivated vandalism of foreign property.

In a separate incident on June 18th, a 44-year-old Greek man and a 26-year-old Afghan on a motorcycle allegedly threw flammable material at a synagogue, causing a fire. Police also arrested a 30-year-old Iranian believed to be their accomplice. These individuals face accusations of arson, gun possession, and robbery.

Authorities confiscated mobile phones as evidence from a residence in Athens and a prison cell. Five of the suspects remain in custody, while two await trial under restrictions.

This follows an incident in March 2023 where Greek police arrested two individuals suspected of planning an arson or bomb attack on the same synagogue and an Israeli restaurant. Israel’s intelligence agency, Mossad, commended Greece for preventing the attack and accused Iran of orchestrating it.

Greece Arrests Seven In Arson Attacks On Synagogue, Hotel (

74% of Germans dissatisfied with government’s action against illegal migration, 69% want fewer migrants coming in

A new poll reveals a German public overwhelmingly dissatisfied with the left-liberal ruling government’s migration policy, with the vast majority of Germans clearly turning against mass immigration.

The Insa poll shows that 74 percent of respondents say the government is failing to take enough action against immigration, while only 17 percent of voters say the government is taking “sufficient’ action.

In addition, 72 percent of respondents say it is right to carry out asylum procedures outside the EU’s external borders, while only 16 percent say the measure is wrong.

The poll also shows that Germans are not only against illegal immigration, but want lower levels of all immigration, including legal immigrants. The poll shows 69 percent of respondents would like (rather) less migration to Germany, while only 11 percent would like (rather) more migration. Another 14 percent do not care and 6 percent refused to answer.

“Green voters (38 percent) are the least likely to say that they are in favor of less migration, but even among this group, a relative majority wants fewer or rather fewer immigrants: Only 29 percent of Green voters want (rather) more migration,” writes Bild.

BSW voters (87 percent) and AfD supporters (92 percent) were the most likely in favor of less migration, according to the poll.

The results show the incredible disconnect between what Germans want and what they are getting from the government. The “traffic-light coalition” that rules the country, the Social Democrats (SPD), Greens, and the Liberals (FDP) have moved forward with a program that will expand benefits to migrants, provide expedited citizenship to millions of newcomers, a relaxation of immigration rules, and plans to boost immigration from a range of non-EU countries.

In addition, the federal government has presided over an explosion of foreigner crime, with a record high of 41 percent of all crimes committed by foreigners in 2023, including 6 out of 10 violent crimes.

Furthermore, migrants cost Germany €48.8 billion in 2023, meaning they cost the state as much as nearly the entire German army, known as the Bundeswehr.

French Elections: The Revenge of the Left?

The candidates for the second round of the French parliamentary elections are now in battle order. After the Rassemblement National (RN) came out on top on June 9th and 30th, the “republican front” was reconstituted with formidable efficiency in order to limit the election of deputies from the national Right to a minimum. The alliance between the Left and the Centre is consolidated without the slightest hesitation. As a result, after two successive elections in which a party that responds to a need for greater identity and security came out on top, France is in danger of ending up with a left-wing government. In the secrecy of the polling booth, will voters once again allow political correctness to dictate their future?

On the evening of Tuesday, July 2nd, nominations closed for the second round of legislative elections, to be held on Sunday, July 7th. Intense negotiations took place in the space of just two days, with the left-wing New Popular Front (NPF) and the Macronist centre having one obsession: to prevent the RN from obtaining an absolute majority at all costs, which is still within the realms of possibility according to some polling institutes responsible for projecting the number of seats in the future National Assembly.

The stakes were as follows: in just over three hundred constituencies (out of 577), triangular scenarios were looming, i.e., the arrival in the second round of three candidates, generally the RN (most often in the lead), followed by the NPF and Ensemble, Emmanuel Macron’s party. This configuration is known to favour the leading party, in this case, the RN. The Centre and the Left have therefore worked intensely to unite and withdraw one candidate in the hope of concentrating their votes and beating the RN. This is no more and no less than the umpteenth repetition of the ‘republican front,’ motivated by pseudo-moral considerations, which has prevented the national Right from coming to power for several decades.

At the end of the negotiations, no fewer than 220 withdrawals were recorded—including 127 NPF candidates who withdrew in favour of Macron and 81 withdrawals by Macronists in favour of the left-wing coalition. It is clear that the ‘republican front’ still has a long way to go and has found new ways of parading itself before the French people. Some of the calls to beat the RN have been much talked about, such as that of Xavier Bertrand, a candidate in the Les Républicains party’s primary for the 2022 presidential election, who in his constituency prefers to give his vote to a communist rather than the RN.

Without an absolute majority, the RN president, Jordan Bardella, has made it known that he will refuse to become prime minister. In the spheres of power, discussions are well underway as to how to go about governing without the RN. Prime Minister Gabriel Attal has put forward the concept of a “plural majority” to extol the merits of a grand coalition-type team whose aim would be to stubbornly pursue the very policies that are being rejected out of hand by a growing number of French people. The outgoing President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, has no hesitation in referring to a “grand coalition ranging from the LR to the ecologists and the communists.” The Left, meanwhile, hopes to be able to take the lead and build a coalition around its own programme: “La France Insoumise will only govern to apply its programme, nothing but the programme, but the whole programme,” hammered La France Insoumise coordinator Manuel Bompard on BFMTV on Tuesday, ruling out participation in a grand coalition given the obvious lack of legitimacy suffered by Emmanuel Macron and his camp. 

While it is true that 2/3 of the French people did not vote for the RN, it is also true that 3/4 did not vote for the NFP and 80% did not vote for Emmanuel Macron’s party. Under these conditions, the problem of the legitimacy of the government that will take over the reins of the country from July 8th will arise with intensity. The situation that has arisen as a result of this total lockout of the elections is particularly serious and has not escaped the notice of the wisest observers. Whatever solution is chosen, it is quite clear that there is an ideological collusion between the left and the centre, reflected in the desire to leave France in the rut of immigration, insecurity, and loss of self-confidence. The left and the centre redouble their media efforts to try and distinguish themselves, but in essence, they defend the same line and the same principles.

As the journalist Ruth Elkrief, who was not very kind to the RN in the past, explained, “Proposing a left-wing prime minister to French people who, twice in less than a month, are saying that they want less immigration, more security and more authority, is a provocation!” Dominique Reynié, a political science researcher, comes to the same conclusion: “Rather than solving the problems, as the RN voters want, we are setting up a system involving all the forces that have run the country to block the political consequences of these unresolved problems,” he explained on the LCI channel.

It now remains to be seen what, in the medium term, will be best for France, which is suffering from its procrastination and is being consumed by a slow burn. The answer to this question is not unequivocal. There is another possible scenario. 

Marine Le Pen has raised the possibility of a compromise if a relative majority of 270 deputies is obtained by her camp—which would then have to be supplemented with representatives from other sides to pass the 289-elected mark: a situation that is, all things considered, more favourable than that of Emmanuel Macron in the previous legislature, whose party could count on just 250 deputies. But the RN’s constrained exercise of power with a small majority would be a perilous exercise. At the very least, in the short term, certain essential reforms, such as the abolition of the right to legal residence and the privatisation of public broadcasting, would finally be put on track. In the medium term, no party at the head of a cohabitation government has ever been in a position to win the next presidential election. Emmanuel Macron knows this and has certainly banked on it. The RN could lose its political credibility in a truncated experience.

On the other hand, the arrival in power on July 8th of a left-wing unity government would be an immediate disaster, as there would be no new direction given to the country by those who have been running it for decades without being able to tackle the ills that are undermining it. But this situation could only increase the desire of right-wing voters, cheated once again by the republican front and disappointed in their expectations, to take their revenge in 2027, and this time for good.

French Jews Come to Their Senses and Vote for the National Rally – There is only one party willing and able to halt mass Muslim immigration

French Jews have long been wary of the parties of the right, parties that historically have welcomed antisemites and even some collaborators as members. Jean-Marie Le Pen, the father of Marine Le Pen and the founder of the far-right National Front, will always be remembered by French Jews for repeatedly describing the Nazi gas chambers as a mere “detail” of World War II. His daughter broke with him over this remark, denouncing him and expelling him from the party. Since then, she has had nothing to do with him personally or politically. Still, French Jews have been wary of supporting Marine Le Pen — until now. They have finally come to their senses. They have seen during the last eight months how Marine Le Pen and another rightist political figure, Eric Zemmour of the Conquête Party, have attacked Hamas and supported Israel. They now understand that the greatest threat to their wellbeing in France comes from both the burgeoning Muslim population, and from the hard-left Jean-Luc Mélenchon, head of the political party La France Insoumise, who attacks Israel, defends Hamas, and opposes any limits on Muslim immigration. More on French Jews and their political turn to the right can be found here: “French Jews turn to far-right National Rally: ‘We’re voting for the nicest enemy,’” by Michael Starr, Jerusalem Post, June 30, 2024:

Many French Jews are turning away from their prior political mainstays and are voting for the right-wing National Rally in Sunday’s parliamentary elections, Jewish Paris resident David told The Jerusalem Post, as problems arising from immigration and cultural change have risen to the forefront of political discussion.

“Cultural change” is a veiled reference to the effect on French society and culture of millions of Muslims now living in the Hexagon and receiving a cornucopia of benefits from the French state. Many, perhaps most, of them do not wish to integrate into the larger society,, nor to obey French laws or accept French mores, convinced as they are that the French, as Infidels, are the “most vile of created beings.”

David said that everyone in his synagogue was voting for National Rally, as were many other religious Jew he knew. Many of his leftist Jewish friends were either voting for right parties of not voting at all.

“We’re voting for the nicest enemy,” said David, referring to National Rally’s founder’s controversies with Holocaust denial and antisemitism. “It is very hard to vote for them [National Rally], who wants to vote for those who have a history with Nazis.”…

David is confused. Jean-Marie Le Pen founded the National Front, not the National Rally (Rassemblement National). The National Rally’s head, Marine Le Pen, has no “history with Nazis.” It is her father who made an intolerable remark about the Nazi gas chambers being a mere “detail” of World War II, and for that she expelled him from the party, and has had nothing to do with him ever since.

“France has changed so much in the last 10 years,” said David. “The French are not having children.”…

The fertility rate of French women is now 1.8, well below the replacement level of 2.1. The fertility rate for Muslim women in France is 2.9.

“The French don’t deserve a man like Zemmour,” said David, describing the leader of Algerian Jewish extraction as an intelligent man who had a passionate love for French culture and society. Zemmour had long warned about how increasing immigration could change the character of the republic’s culture.

Moving from the Left to the right is a dramatic change for some French Jews, who David said had been left with a difficult choice — But difficult or not, based on what David said, his friends have made the choice all the same.

I disagree with David. French Jews do not have a difficult choice. If they wish to have a future in France, there is only one party that is both willing, and able, to call a halt to mass Muslim immigration. That is the National Rally.

French ‘feminists’ don skirts, go topless, and start mopping the floors in protest of the ‘far-right’ winning at the ballot box

By Olivia Murray

Nudity warning, but this video perfectly sums up the utter stupidity that’s apparently a shared trait between leftist women in the West:

They’ve got their bare boobs out, doing “housework” in a skirt and heels, looking cute enough with their makeup, all without the financial stability and safety net of a provider husband because…they’re mad about electoral results. Seriously, if you’re going to become a cliché male fantasy, at least get the serious benefits that a man brings to the table as a partner. Why give all that up for nothing in exchange?

If the relationship between men and women is all so gross and transactional, as leftist feminism routinely implies, then this little stunt just goes to show how truly incompetent leftist women are when they come to the bargaining table. Leftist feminism accuses men of being pigs who “only want one thing” which means any woman who adopts such an ideology and then acts like the woman epitomizes stupidity—a more intelligent woman would use that knowledge, and her femininity, to her advantage.

Shouldn’t embracing the “traditional wife” role be the dangling carrot to getting the benefits of a “traditional husband” role? The dynamic promoted by traditional conservatism, or the “far-right,” assumes that men are to be monogamous providers, loving and cherishing their wives, and this is objectively a good deal for a woman. You can work but you don’t have to, and you have a man to protect you physically, emotionally, and financially. It goes without saying that infidelity, neglect, or abuse are of course immoral behaviors, and would not be considered an accurate and good reflection of the traditional conservative male role—which is what these leftist feminists cling to when making their specious cases for progressive leftism.

I wasn’t the the only one taken aback by the irony though; OutKick’s Clay Travis said this on X:

French feminists are mopping topless to protest right wing success in elections. Finally a protest I can support.

Seriously, no wonder they don’t get anywhere in life, because they hand out the only things they have to offer, with no expectation of receiving anything valuable in return. I mean, this is the culture that considers a guy a “gentleman” if he pays for the abortion after he knocks you up instead of ghosting you completely—what a low bar. If you act like a cheap whore, you’re going to get treated like a cheap whore.

What’s sad is that you know these women either didn’t have fathers, or any fathers they may have had weren’t strong male figures who protected their innocence, and told their little girls they loved them. Case in point:

(A “body count” is the new term for notches on a bedpost.)

How dumb are leftist women? Infinitely dumb, until proven otherwise.

Surv1v4l1st, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
Image: Surv1v4l1st, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

BREAKING: Leftist Labour Party Wins UK Election in Landslide – Worst Result in Tory Party History – Nigel Farage’s Reform Party Surges

The leftist Labour Party has won the United Kingdom’s general election in a landslide and their leader Keir Starmer will become Prime Minister.

While the votes have not yet been counted, a relatively accurate exit poll has Labour winning a landslide of around 170 seats.

Meanwhile, Nigel Farage’s Reform Party is projected to win 13 seats, although their vote share is likely to be considerably higher.

If the exit poll is correct, then the Conservative Party formerly led by the likes of Maragret Thatcher and Winston Churchill has experienced its worst election result in its electoral history.

While styling himself as a moderate, Keir Starer is another far-left proponent of open borders, high taxes and the woke agenda. The man who will hold the post of Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, has previously compared Donald Trump to Nazi Germany and the KKK.

Read more:

UK: Trans-Identified Male Found Guilty Of Rape Claimed To Have Been Regular BBC Guest

A trans-identified male has been found guilty of rape after sexually attacking a woman during a night out. Lexi Secker, previously known as Alexander Secker, was said to have committed the crime when he was “living as a man.”

The assault is said to have taken place in Blunsdon, Wiltshire, in April of 2023. While details are extremely limited, it is known that Secker began identifying as woman in the period between the assault and his court hearings.

But in a statement on the arrest, Wiltshire Police referred to Secker as a “person convicted of rape,” adding that he was recorded as a male by police but “tried as a woman” in court.

In subsequent coverage by the BBC, feminine pronouns were used for Secker. A photo of the criminal was noticeably absent from reports on the conviction, which had sparse details on the incident beyond noting he had been remanded into custody awaiting sentencing.

But while Secker was “tried as a woman” and referred to only by his “preferred” name in news reports, he appears to have gone before the court without having completed any legal “gender” change at all.

In a publicly accessible database of court records, Secker appears under the name “Alexander.” This would indicate British media outlets chose to utilize the name he preferred, one which may have obscured his identity from other potential victims, rather than report on him accurately.

Under his legal name, Secker has a lengthy digital footprint revealing he has fathered two children and worked with a registered charity.

According to his profile on Creative Pool, Secker had been a Creative Media Practitioner at Digital Writes – a registered charity which receives funding from the UK Arts Council and describes itself as “enriching creative experiences” for youth.

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, Digital Writes received a substantial COVID Emergency Response Grant and boasted that it enabled them to hire Secker. On a page dedicated to discussing the impact of the grant on Digital Writes, the organization stated that it “meant we could offer employment to a local creative media practitioner, Alex Secker.”

Secker is quoted as saying: “This has been amazing for me, being able to earn a living for me and my family, doing the work I love.”

Describing himself as an “award-winning filmmaker with two feature films widely distributed,” Secker has directed 10 films, most of which were in the horror genre. One of his most recent releases, Follow the Crows (2018), was funded in part using an Indigogo campaign. The year prior, Secker had won a People’s Choice Award at the Swindon Fringe Festival for his debut stage play, a political thriller called The Door.

Reduxx has also found a defunct blog belonging to Secker in which he claimed he appeared “regularly” on BBC Wiltshire to discuss films.