Speaking to our director Peter Whittle, Reform Party Leader Nigel Farage identifies the main issues in the general election. Whilst immigration, housing and the cost of living will be the key issues, he believes that the Reform Party also needs to fight for free speech as “something fundamental about our freedom has been lost”
Month: June 2024
Facebook owner Meta fined for censoring right-wing MEP

Facebook owner Meta has been fined almost €28,000 after it censored a right-wing MEP in Belgium.
The Ghent Court of Appeal ruled on June 3 that Meta unfairly limited the reach of Vlaams Belang’s Tom Vandendriessche in 2021 with a so-called “shadowban” over allegations of hate speech.
Meta alleged that the MEP was also guilty of supporting so-called “dangerous individuals” and “hate organisations”, as well as of cases of bullying and harassment, with the social media firm also limiting his ability to advertise on the platform as a result.
According to the court, Meta was unable to provide sufficient evidence that the Vlaams Belang lead candidate actually engaged in the activities they accused him of.
It also found that the company had profiled the politician based on his right-wing political beliefs, a process that is forbidden under the European Union’s GDPR regime.
This latter violation prompted the court to award Vandendriessche €27,279 in compensation, with the sum designed to cover the additional advertising costs the MEP incurred due to the shadowbanning.
A further €500 was also awarded to the politician to compensate for any damage Meta had done to his reputation.
The court ruled that an additional claim by Vandendriessche that his Facebook page continued to be secretly shadowbanned following 2021 — despite claims to the contrary by Meta — could not be proven.
Vandendriesche hailed the ruling as an “important step for protecting freedom of expression on social media”.
“Anonymous technocrats should never dictate what can be said and heard,” he said.
“I hope that this ruling makes it clear to Facebook that they can no longer censor me, and many citizens with me, without consequences.”
The right-wing politician went on to express concern that companies such as Meta were having an undue effect on democracy.
“They can influence elections by promoting certain opinions or making them invisible,” he said.
“Protecting freedom of expression on social media will be an absolute priority in the next legislature.”
The ruling comes amid continued controversy surrounding the use of censorship heading into the European elections.
Maximilian Krah, the lead candidate for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, has had his influential TikTok account artificially limited by the Chinese firm.
He has since attempted to get around the restriction with the help of his supporters, encouraging other users to re-upload his content to their own social media accounts in the hopes of bypassing the ban.
Facebook owner Meta fined for censoring right-wing MEP (brusselssignal.eu)
The oldest olive tree in the world: Elia Vouvon, scientists from the University of Crete have estimated it to be 4,000 years old

The Greek name “Elia Vouvon” (Greek Ελιά Βουβών), the Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves is among the 20 ancient olive trees of Crete, and it is probably the oldest olive trees in the world that still produces olives.
The ancient Olive Tree of Vouves (Elia Vouvon) is located in the village of Ano Vouves on the island of Crete. It is believed to be the oldest olive tree in the world and still produces olives.
It’s only one of seven olive trees in the Mediterranean, which are believed to be over 2,000 years old. Although its exact age cannot be verified, scientists from the University of Crete have estimated it to be 4,000 years old.
With a trunk circumference of 12.50 metres and a diameter of 4.60 metres, to this day, its olives are highly prized.

The Olive Tree Museum of Vouves is ideally located next to this particular Olive Tree of Vouves, which is visited by over 20,000 people each year worldwide. The giant tree has been declared a “natural heritage monument” by the Secretary-General of the Region of Crete due to its unique ecological and historical importance.
You may visit the olive tree by car (about 40 minutes driving time from the town centre), heading west from Chania, take the exit to “Tavronitis” and then follow the signs towards “Ano Vouves.”
The Oldest Olive Tree In The World: Elia Vouvon (greekcitytimes.com)
Islamist Murder: German Government Still Won’t Deport Failed Asylum Seekers

While opposition politicians demanded resumed deportations in the wake of the deadly knife attack by an Islamist in Mannheim on Friday, the German government doubled down on not deporting failed asylum seekers. Instead, representatives for the traffic light coalition called for national unity, placing blame on the ‘far right’ for ‘instrumentalising’ the political violence to call for tightening immigration laws.
Anti-terrorism prosecutors have taken over the investigation into the knife attack committed by an Islamist asylum seeker from Afghanistan. German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann said there are clear indications of an Islamist motive for the attack. The federal prosecutor’s office said the attack may have been religiously motivated: the perpetrator is suspected to have wanted to prevent critics of Islam from exercising their right to freedom of expression.
The 25-year-old Afghan injured six people, including anti-Islamist activist Michael Stürzenberger, at an anti-Islamism rally in the southern German city of Mannheim on Friday, May 31st. One of his victims was a 29-year-old policeman, Rouven L., who he stabbed several times in the head. The officer died in hospital on Sunday. The attacker was shot and wounded by police, and remains in hospital. He faces possible charges of murder, attempted murder, and five counts of serious bodily harm.
As we reported, Sulaiman Ataee arrived in Germany in 2013 and his asylum application was rejected a year later. However, he remained in the country illegally for another nine years. In 2023, he received a temporary residence permit after fathering a child who automatically gained German citizenship.
The stabbing has inflamed the debate on the failures of Germany’s open-border policies and whether to deport dangerous migrant criminals. The opposition anti-immigration party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) made it clear that “immigration from Afghanistan must be stopped” and deportations to the country restarted. Deportations to Afghanistan were suspended three years ago when the Islamist Taliban movement regained power there.
Politicians from the centre-right opposition CDU/CSU alliance, which during its time in government oversaw the influx of hundreds of thousands of migrants, also urged the current left-liberal government to act, with Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) saying conditions should be created for the possibility of returning criminals and those who pose a threat to Syria and Afghanistan. Even Hamburg’s Interior Senator Andy Grote, a member of the governing Social Democrats (SPD) said “we must find a way to resume deportations to Afghanistan for criminals, but also for those who pose a threat, and Islamist enemies of the constitution.”
However, his seems to be a lonely voice within the government, as other social democrats made it clear: now is not the time for deportations to resume. Development Minister Svenja Schulze said Germany has to continue to take in many people from Syria, Afghanistan, and other countries as asylum seekers because it is important to reduce the imbalance between the main refugee host countries in the Global South and the countries in the Global North.
The government’s special representative for migration agreements, Joachim Stamp—of the liberal FDP—also poured cold water over efforts to restart deportations, saying repatriations to places like Syria are impossible “if butchers like Assad rule there.” Instead, he believes spreading a “positive migration narrative” in society would be a good solution in this tense migration debate.
Other politicians chose to shift the debate and put the blame on the “far right” for stoking societal divisions. At a migration conference hosted by the SPD on Monday, there was not much talk of the Mannheim attack and Islamism in general, however, parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich said it is now important to express “disgust” towards all those who instrumentalise “criminal violence” for their political demands. “The country must not be divided,” he added.
Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock—of the Greens— struck a similar tone, saying “if the aim of extremists, whether far-right or Islamist, is to split a free society, then the answer has to be that we answer together as a society.” She urged fellow politicians not to instrumentalise the attack by demanding tougher migration laws.
In its scathing attack on the government, the country’s most widely-circulated daily, Bild, denounced politicians from both the Left and the centre-right for talking but not acting on deportation and reinstating law and order on the borders of Germany. “I seriously ask myself: Who should a stable democrat vote for in this country if he simply wants law and order?” the author of the article asks.
Mass immigration and decline in security intrinsically linked, say majority of French

The vast majority of French citizens, including many on the left, believe the growing feeling of insecurity across the country and mass immigration are intrinsically linked, new polling has revealed.
According to a poll conducted by CSA for CNews, Europe 1, and JDD, 68 percent of respondents see a correlation between immigration and the rise in delinquency in France.
The link is widely recognized among right-wing voters, with 94 percent of Republican supporters and 93 percent of those aligned with the National Rally acknowledging such a link. However, a significant minority of those who support pro-immigration left-wing parties also share this concern.
A total of 43 percent of Socialist Party supporters, 38 percent of La France Insoumise (LFI) voters, and 34 percent of Green supporters share the view that high immigration is destabilizing France’s security.
The link is also widely accepted by voters of French President Emmanuel Macron’s governing Renaissance party, with 68 percent of his supporters agreeing there is a link.
Women are more likely than men to agree that immigration is affecting national security, with 70 percent of females agreeing with the statement compared to 67 percent of males.
Similarly, older people view mass immigration less favorably, with 76 percent of those aged 50 and over acknowledging its negative effect on the country, although a majority in every age bracket concurs with that view.
Immigration is a leading issue in France ahead of the European elections taking place later this week and a topic right-wing politicians like Marine Le Pen, Jordan Bardella, and Éric Zemmour are campaigning hard on.
Le Pen and Bardella’s National Rally is expected to dominate the elections and emerge as France’s largest party in the European Parliament, suggesting its hardline approach to mass immigration is resonating with the electorate.
The party’s successes have led to a tactical shift from previous establishment parties, including the center-right Republicans. When asked recently about the links between mass immigration and national insecurity, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy replied, “Who can seriously say that there aren’t any? This does not naturally mean that a foreigner is a delinquent. But of course, the link is obvious.”
“The number of foreigners in our prisons and the part they take in delinquency in general are clear. To deny it is nothing more than a new denial of reality,” he added.
Last August, President Macron said the country needed to “reduce immigration significantly, starting with illegal immigration,” warning the current arrival rate was “not sustainable.”
This followed remarks by Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin a year prior revealing that half of criminal acts in the largest French cities are committed by foreign nationals.
Polling conducted in December last year showed French citizens remained disillusioned with the government’s open-door immigration policy, with 80 percent of respondents supporting a ban on immigration and nearly two-thirds backing a referendum on the issue.
Islamic Totalitarianism Wants to ‘Conquer France’, Warns Populist Leader Ahead of EU Elections

Mass migration will be the death of French civilisation and Islamic totalitarianism is seeking to “conquer France”, was the message from populist leader Jordan Bardella during the National Rally’s final campaign gathering ahead of the European Parliament elections.
More than 5,500 supporters of the populist right-wing National Rally (RN) flocked to the Dome of Paris arena on Sunday as the party’s president and the top candidate of the party’s election list, 28-year-old firebrand Jordan Bardella.
Receiving a rock star reception, Bardella cast this week’s European Parliament elections in stark terms, warning that French civilisation itself is at stake if the open borders agenda of Brussels and Paris is not reversed, public broadcaster France24 reported.
“Our civilisation can die because the migratory submersion will have changed our morals, our customs, our ways of life. In countless neighbourhoods, the French no longer recognise the France that saw them grow up,” he lamented.
Arguing that it is imperative to “preserve our way of life” in the face of mass migration, Bardella said that France risks empowering foreign systems, warning that “Islamic totalitarianism wishes to conquer France to impose its rules here.”
“We are standing in the face of erasure and disintegration,” the National Rally leader said.
This warning was echoed by former RN presidential candidate and leader of the party in the French National Assembly, Marine Le Pen, who said on Sunday: “The issue of these elections is the disappearance of France. The nation or its dilution.”
The message against mass migration from Bardella has clearly struck a cord in France, with a survey last week from Ipsos for Le Monde finding that his National Rally party is on pace to secure 33 per cent of the vote when France heads to the polls on Sunday to select the next European Parliament.
This is more than double the support for Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance (RE) list, which is only projected to secure 16 per cent of the vote. Meanwhile, fellow anti-mass migration party Reconquête is polling at around 5 per cent, taking the total populist vote to around four in ten.
Strikingly for the National Rally, its support has surged among younger voters, who have traditionally steered clear of the right-wing party. According to Ipsos, 34 per cent of voters under 30 are planning on voting RN, the highest of any party. This climbs even higher for those between the ages of 22 and 25, with 38 per cent backing the populist party.
Bardella has been credited with bridging the gap with his adept social media strategy on Instagram and TikTok with a message focussing on the economic hardships faced by younger and working-class people as a result of mass migration, the green agenda, and the globalist policies of Brussels and Paris.
The party has also leaned in hard on the personal charm and charisma of the 28-year-old politician, with France24 noting that the campaign event on Sunday felt more like a “concert” rather than a political rally, reporting: “The presence, on Sunday in Paris, of very many young people, and particularly young girls, could lead us to believe this. As well as the ‘Jordaaaannn!’ and the ‘I love you!’ shouted at the top of their lungs and interrupting his speech as during a concert.”
One 18-year-old girl told the broadcaster: “It’s my first meeting, I wanted to see what it was like and, above all, I wanted to see Jordan Bardella… He is someone eloquent, who knows how to speak to young people with words that we understand… And what’s more, he’s handsome.”
Young attendees also rejected the media characterisation of the National Rally as “far-right”, telling the broadcaster that the message of the party is not radical but merely just “right”.
Picking up on the theme, Marine Le Pen declared: “I see a lot of young people in the room. I tell the youth to go and vote. If the youth votes, it’s France that wins. You are the groundswell, the great current which has long travelled underground, sometimes repressed, sometimes dammed. But the dikes of political correctness are giving way one after the other.”
Claude Monet’s Poppy Field is the latest to receive the inbred-looking cave dweller ‘climate action’ treatment

By Olivia Murray
Why do all the thugs who deface precious works of Western art have the same inbred, low-brow, cave-dwelling look?
On Saturday, the Poppy Field painting by Claude Monet was the latest masterpiece to suffer from the typical vandalism stunt so often perpetrated by deranged and uninformed “non-coping” individuals attempting to draw attention to the “need” for “climate action” policies. See below:
Here’s more of the story, from CBS News:
The activist with the group Food Riposte targeted Claude Monet’s ‘Poppy Field’ painting, affixing a sticker that covered about half of the artwork with an apocalyptic, futuristic vision of the same scene, according to The Associated Press.
The group said it’s supposed to show what the field would look like in 2100, after it’s been ‘ravaged by flames and drought’ if more action isn’t taken against climate change.
I mean, did this little French creature walk straight out of the Cro-Magnon cavern and head to the Musée d’Orsay? I hate to insult the intelligence of the cave people of antiquity by comparing them to a modern leftist “green” zealot, but the analogy seems apropos.
Don’t you love how this person used petroleum-based adhesive to glue his/her hand to the wall? How predictable.
Is that a shirt with a screen-printed (petroleum-based) slogan, or some type of electrical tape with polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, which is known as a petrochemical product? Either way, it’s oil!
Did this little goblin eat recently? Obviously, and it’s not like she’s living off the land and harvesting her own food from the field to the table, which means she only ate because diesel farm equipment plowed a field and collected the grain, and diesel trucks drove it to a food plant and then to the supermarket—I can just see her now, sipping a coffee and eating a croissant in a capitalistic cafe with images of “revolutionaries” like Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, and Leon Trotsky plastered all over the place.
And is that sticker he/she slapped on the painting using petroleum-based dyes and plastics? Of course, because how could it not?
Why don’t they ever choose to deface modern “art”? Why do they always go for the beautiful pieces of priceless cultural value? Why can’t they go after the rotten banana fastened to the wall with duct tape, or something by Jean-Michel Basquiat, whose work resembles the screen-printed mass-produced discount-looking “art” that used to hang in the Stalinist versions of Taco Bell, once the fast food chain revamped its look post-1990s?
Because…it’s the culture they’re targeting, nothing else. They aren’t attacking ugliness, because they are ugliness. There’s nothing about soulless and nihilistic garbage that offends them…but work that represents objective beauty and traditional life? That’s an entirely different story, and a great offense to a person whose entire identity rests in destructive leftist ideologies.
Below is the very interesting point made by Craig Kelly, a former member of the Australian parliament, on the true irony of attacking the particular work of Monet:
— Craig Kelly (@CraigKellyPHON) June 1, 2024
A brainwashed extremist, mentally ill from the woke mind virus and alarmist propaganda, has attacked Monet‘s "The Poppy Field near Argenteuil"
Monet painted this in 1873 at a time CO2 levels were dangerously low, below 0.03% of the atmosphere -… https://t.co/pmkdC1xa45 pic.twitter.com/ToQ6lK7x7U
Is the attempted assassination of anti-globalist Slovakian prime minister a warning of things to come?

On May 15, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot in what the country’s Interior Minister Matúš Šutaj Eštok described as a “politically motivated” assassination attempt, according to reports from Euractiv.
Based on eyewitnesses cited by Euractiv, Fico was greeting people at the House of Culture in the Slovak city of Handlová when he was shot.
Eštok cautioned that Slovakia was “on the edge of a civil war” owing to political disagreements with the Fico government, also declaring that Juraj Cintula, the 71-year-old man who fired five bullets at Fico, may have “acted as part of a group of people that had been encouraging each other to carry out an assassination,” as per Reuters reports.
According to local reports, just two hours after Cintula’s attempted killing of Fico, the suspect’s “communication history” online was deleted.
While Slovak authorities found that Cintula had no prior criminal record, he had been outspokein in his opposition to Fico’s government. Materials uploaded on social media depicted Cintula participating in an anti-Fico protest, chanting, “Long live Ukraine!”
Based on reports by Slovak media, Cintula told police that he had planned the attack a few days prior, but that he did not plan on killing Fico.
The CNN news outlet quoted Eštok as saying:
The reasons (the suspect gave) were the decision to abolish the special prosecutor’s office, the decision to stop supplying military assistance to Ukraine, the reform of the public service broadcaster and the dismissal of the judicial council head.
Interestingly, the reactions of mainstream media outlets to Fico’s attack belie their bias against the bullet-ridden Slovak leader, whose Smer-Social Democracy Party won last year’s elections on a campaign that resisted mass migration, guarded national sovereignty against centralized European Union control, and lambasted NATO’s military aid to Ukraine.
For instance, the BBC news outlet had this to say:
Fico has been accused of cosying up to figures like Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, which has led some analysts to speculate that he might be trying to steal a page from the regime of a leader described by the European Parliament as running a ‘hybrid regime of electoral autocracy.’
Likewise, the U.K.’s Daily Mail portrayed Fico as a “pro-Putin” “anti-vaxxer”:
Critics argue that he has abandoned Slovakia’s pro-Western course..he is fiercely opposed to immigration and has criticized same-sex marriages. He became the country’s most prominent voice against masks, lockdowns and vaccinations during the Covid pandemic. He is also an admirer of Vladimir Putin and has vowed not to support Ukraine.
Furthermore, Sky News claimed that “Fico has long been a divisive figure,” characterizing the Slovak leader as “pro-Russian, anti-American.” Responding to mainstream media outlets’ “palpable coldness” to Fico’s shooting, particularly that of Sky News, Brendan O’Neill wrote in The Spectator:
A guest commentator said Fico’s views are ‘very divisive in Slovakia’ and ‘very divisive in the EU’. And therefore – wait for it – ‘it’s not surprising that this sort of event might take place’. Got that? Because Fico is a controversial figure, according to the EU anyway, it shouldn’t be a great shock that someone decided to shoot him. It is hands down the most disturbing thing I’ve heard on a mainstream news channel in some time. A democratically elected leader is riddled with bullets, Slovakian democracy itself is horrifically assaulted, and you’re not surprised?
O’Neill added:
The commentator on Sky listed Fico’s supposedly problematic views. He’s a populist and a nationalist, we were informed. Worse, he opposes military aid for Ukraine. What are we saying here? That it is ‘not surprising’ if public figures who hold such views – that nationhood is important, that the EU can be a pain in the backside, that aid to Ukraine should stop – are set upon by maniacs? This strikes me as a very dangerous message.
Fico’s supporters have blamed the onslaught of media villainization of the leader as one of the causes that prompted Cintula to shoot him. Eštok also decried the unfavorable media coverage of Fico:
It was information that you have recently presented. The way you presented them, I think each of you can reflect.
As Conor Gallagher wrote in Naked Capitalism:
… it’s the questioning of the NATO line and opposition to digging the Project Ukraine hole even deeper that got Fico and Smer in hot water with the Atlanticists that run Europe nowadays. Fico and Smer are relentlessly labeled pro-Russia for nothing more than their belief that Project Ukraine is not good for Slovakia. Not that there’s anything wrong with being pro-Russia, but since when does not wanting to go to war with Russia make one ‘pro-Russia’?
In comments about mainstream media portrayals of the Eurosceptic Fico as “pro-Russian,” Sputnik columnist Dmitry Babich said:
Such clichés became commonplace in mainstream European press against any non-systemic political leader who stands for his or her country’s sovereignty or veers from the EU’s ‘common foreign policy,’ not necessarily in unison with Russia.
On the same note, senior research fellow at the Global Policy Institute George Szamuely remarked:
[The alleged shooter is] basically on the same side as all of the EU media, the EU apparat, all the EU political figures who have been denouncing Fico and Slovakia for their supposed pro-Putin, for his supposed pro-Putin agenda, for his being in the service of the Kremlin. {The media has] come up with another story, which is that, somehow, Fico brought this on himself… because he’s such a polarizing figure. He’s so divisive and the political atmosphere in Slovakia is very, very toxic. A lot of hatred, a lot of hate speech. And, who’s behind it all? Robert Fico.
“There is social polarization and political antagonism in all of Europe, but usually nobody is shooting at prime ministers. [This happened] only in Slovakia,” Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, a former security and foreign policy advisor to late former Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou, declared in statements to Sputnik, commenting on the dangerous situation which has developed in the heart of Europe in the wake of the attempt on Fico’s life.
“What people will think all around Europe is that this is a signal to any politician who would like to disagree with the main NATO and the European Union policies – that he has to be careful not to be assassinated,” Konstantakopoulos elaborated.
“I will remind you that they have already blown up the Nord Stream pipeline, and we’ve also had the assassination or attempted assassination of Russian journalists and politicians inside Russia. So it seems that [going back] long ago there was a ‘war party’ in the West which has decided not to permit a Russian victory in Ukraine. And that means using all possible means,” Konstantakopoulos highlighted.
Pro-Ukraine forces hoping to “discipline” leaders who do not support Ukraine in its conflict against Russia can use violence or other ways to push their agenda forward, Konstantakopoulos told Sputnik.
In context, Brussels has previously threatened to undermine the economy of Viktor Orbán’s Hungary if he vetoes Ukraine’s attempt to become an EU member. Also, in May this year, the Verden regional court in Lower Saxony, Germany, ruled that the Rotenburg Eurosceptic Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) leader Marie-Thérèse Kaiser was guilty of “incitement to hatred” for posting crime statistics showing that Afghanistan refugees committed a disproportionate number of sex offenses in the country.
The German court’s ruling caught the attention of billionaire Elon Musk, with Musk posting:
Are you saying the fine was for repeating accurate government statistics? Was there anything inaccurate in what she said?
Last year, AfD co-leader Tino Chrupalla was reportedly attacked with a syringe, causing him to go into anaphylactic shock, during an election campaign event in Ingolstadt, Bavaria. Nevertheless, the Associated Press (AP), citing German prosecutors and police, stated that “there were no indications yet that Chrupalla was attacked.”
Days earlier, Alice Weidel, another AfD co-leader, along with her family, had been scurried away to an undisclosed location for safety following intelligence reports of an upcoming attack on the nationalist politician. Rather than keeping silent or denouncing violence, leftist German Green Party MP Renate Künast, in an X post, questioned if Weidel had staged the “security problem to suit the election” in Bavaria at that time.
On April 10 of this year, Fico ominously predicted that assassination attempts like the one on his life could very well happen in his country:
And I’m just waiting for this frustration, intensified by Dennik N, SME or Aktuality (Slovak news), to turn into the murder of some of the leading government politicians.
Fico’s ominous predictions are not entirely unfounded, given the history of covert operations (that were sometimes violent) in Europe.
Following Fico’s shooting, India-based news outlet Firstpost ran an article citing U.S. journalist Nebojsa Malic and Habertürk reporter Ozcan Tikit stating that a continuation of “Operation Gladio” was linked to the attempt on Fico’s life.
The same article described Operation Gladio as “a clandestine operation involving a network of ‘stay-behind’ armies established in Europe during the Cold War,” backed “by NATO and the CIA with the cooperation of European intelligence agencies,” to gear up for a possible invasion by the then-Soviet Union.
Notably, the article reported that “NATO played a central role in coordinating these secret armies aiming to ensure that resistance would continue even if the official military forces were defeated or occupied,” ensuring “violent incidents including bombings and assassinations to destabilize the political situation.”
Firstpost added:
While initially intended as a defensive measure against a Soviet invasion, some of these groups became involved in internal political activities including influencing elections, engaging in acts of terrorism and manipulating political processes to counteract left-wing movements and parties.
Strikingly, while Fico has been labeled as “pro-Russia” by many mainstream media outlets, these same media outlets were quick to point out his attacker’s apparent links to pro-Russia paramilitaries and anti-immigrant forces, rather than highlight the attacker’s sympathies for the Kyiv regime under anti-Christian leader Volodymyr Zelensky. Ironically, Sky News reported the fact that Cintula, the would-be assassin, had commemorated the birthday of Marxist terrorist Che Guevara, a key figure in the Cuban revolution.
Evidently, the EU globalists, as echoed by their sycophants in establishment media outlets, have revealed their true colors once again via their reactions to Fico’s shooting. In view of the impending European Parliament elections from June 6 to 9, during which conservative and Eurosceptic politicians are set to win many votes, it is very likely that the globalist brahmins in Brussels and their coterie are panicking to retain power, even as their legitimacy to lead is declining.
In desperation, it would not be surprising if more assassinations (both physical and character) aimed at dissident leaders or public figures take place in the future.
First Muslim Senator Keeps California a Sexual Abuse Sanctuary State – Little girls are being sold outside into sex slavery in the state capitol

In California, it’s okay to shoplift or solicit sex from a minor. Both are misdemeanors which means that they’re hardly even worth prosecuting.
That’s why less than 10 miles from the dark dome of the California State Capitol building, the state’s inferior copy of the U.S. Capitol, lies the ‘Blade’ where children are sold into sex slavery.
One study estimated that there were over 13,000 victims in Sacramento, the state’s capital, in past years. That included an estimated 1,600 minors: some as young as only 12 years old.
And the numbers are incomplete because many will never be freed since the perpetrators, those who sell and solicit them, continue to be protected by California’s political elites. Little girls are being sold outside into sex slavery within driving distance of the Capitol building with the complicity of the legislators comfortably and profitably running the state on the inside.
California’s pro-crime policies helped decriminalize soliciting minors for sex, along with shoplifting and many other crimes, and activists have been trying to criminalize it again. After several rounds of legislation were blocked by California pro-crime leftists, Senate Bill 1414 appeared to be on the verge of sailing through. A bipartisan piece of legislation, it already had a promise of support from Gov. Newsom and conservatives and anti-trafficking groups behind it.
But by the time that Sen. Susan Eggman took to the Senate floor and blasted her party, the pro-crime contingent had successfully managed to undermine the child protection bill yet again.
“I’d like to say as a progressive, proud member of this body for the last 12 years, I’m done. I’m done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children. I’m done,” she fumed.
“I don’t want to send more black and brown men to prison. I don’t want more people in prison, but I don’t want people buying girls. I don’t want people buying little girls anymore. I’m tired of saying it’s okay and that we have to protect the men who do it.”
Who was protecting the men buying little girls? Sen. Eggman’s colleagues.
Those colleagues allegedly included Sen. Aisha Wahab, the first Afghan or Muslim senator, who had joined with her political allies to amend Senate Bill 1414 to protect those soliciting 16-year-olds for sex. Worse still, the process weakened the punishment for child predators.
“Today, the Senate Public Safety Committee refused to pass my bill to send child sex buyers to prison. Instead of making the buying of kids a felony with prison time, the committee forced me to take amendments I didn’t agree with and watered down my bill to allow a fine or minimum county jail time,” Sen. Shannon Grove, a Republican who was behind the bill, spoke out.
Previous compromises with pro-crime Democrats had already weakened the penalties so that only two-time offenders with an age difference of at least ten years would end up on the sex offender registry, but Sen. Grove drew the line at protecting those who solicit 16-year-olds for sex. The ‘hostile’ amendments were added anyway.
Sen. Wahab shut down efforts to bring more witnesses to testify in support of the bill.
“Solicitation is not trafficking. Solicitation is not prostitution. Solicitation is a verbal request of an action in exchange for money that is usually sexual in nature,” the first Afghan Muslim politician had argued.
And the resulting bill, according to Sen. Grove, allows child sexual solicitation to “still be charged as a misdemeanor, punishable by as little as 2 days in jail OR up to a $10,000 fine.”
“Are you forcing these amendments on me, Madam Chair?” Sen. Grove had asked.
“Most likely, yes,” Sen. Wahab retorted.
And that made them ‘hostile amendments’ which protected men buying young girls.
It was fitting then that Sen. Aisha Wahab was named after the historical Islamic figure of Aisha, the 7-year-old ‘child bride’ of Mohamed, the founder of Islam, whom he married and raped.
Protecting sex predators was the latest controversial move by Sen. Aisha Wahab who had only been elected in 2022, but has managed to infuriate community members with some ugly moves.
Wahab, who claims to be the “First Afghan Woman in the Nation to Be Elected to Public Office”, had previously advanced a ‘Hinduphobic’ ‘caste discrimination bill’ targeting Hindus. Indian-Americans in Wahab’s district responded to the Anti-Hindu effort by the only Muslim senator with a recall campaign that was, like a number of such community efforts, sabotaged by the Democratic political machine which had protected the radical Muslim leftist politician.
“It’s disappointing to see that this is their third attempt, based on the fact that I carried a bill about civil rights and they’re not happy with it,” the Muslim politician blasted Hindus.
Joining the Hindu recall effort were district members upset over Wahab’s support for criminals. And they say that her tampering with efforts to protect children is only the latest example of it.
Sen. Aisha Wahab had previously run for Congress and has her sights set on national office. Meanwhile the sex trafficking in the victims, whom Sen. Wahab cruelly abandoned, goes on.
While Muslim ‘sex grooming gangs’ are something that Americans tend to associate with British cities, a Justice Department report had previously warned about sex trafficking across the border involving not only Latin American gangs, but “Iranians, Pakistanis, Iraqi, Saudi, Russian, and Somali facilitators.” Most are traditionally groups that share Sen. Wahab’s Islamic religion.
One interview described a, “bunch of pimps” with “infrastructure like a gang” with “Saudis mostly, one is Iranian and one is Pakistani.” That resembles similar setups involving Muslim sex grooming gangs operating in the UK.
How bad is America’s ‘sex grooming gang’ problem? We may never know because California continues to serve as a ‘sanctuary state for sexual abuse. After a prolonged battle to crack down on sex trafficking, a crackdown on sexual solicitation has been averted thanks to Sen. Wahab.
Austria: Teacher rejects reading from the Bible because it is ‘not fair to Mohamed’
Islam is playing an increasingly important role in schools. A recent case at a grammar school in Döbling shows how far consideration for Muslim pupils can go: A teacher refused to read aloud from the Bible because it was ‘not fair to Mohamed’.
As the newspaper Krone reports, in this case the Ministry of Education referred to the responsibility of the Directorate of Education, which in turn stated that there were ‘no guidelines for dealing with religious texts in German lessons’. This incident shows that teachers are often left alone when it comes to dealing with religious topics in everyday school life. It seems as if the focus is increasingly on avoiding conflicts with pupils or parents.
Thomas Krebs, a member of the teachers’ union, is now calling for harsh punishments for radical pupils and their parents. He emphasises that no improvement is possible without the support of parents. Krebs proposes that violent and radicalised pupils and their parents should be obliged to attend instruction meetings with the police. If this obligation is not fulfilled, he calls for fines of up to 5,000 euros.