4 Palestinians Arrested on Espionage Charges in Leros, Greece

Authorities have arrested four Palestinian men on the Greek island of Leros on charges of espionage.

The suspects, aged 24, 34, 31, and 39, were apprehended early Saturday morning after being spotted by a security guard from a nearby immigrant camp.

The security guard observed the men taking photographs of the Naval Technical Facilities Service of Leros (YNTEL/ΥΝΤΕΛ), a key naval base on the island. The incident occurred at approximately 1:00 am, prompting immediate action from local security forces. Following their arrest, a forensic investigation confirmed that the suspects had indeed been capturing images of the naval installation.

Greek authorities have not yet released further details about the case or the identities of the arrested individuals. The investigation is ongoing as officials work to determine the full scope and intent of the suspects’ actions.

The incident has drawn attention to the immigrant camp, established in 2021 despite significant protests from local residents. The camp, located roughly 1 km from the naval base, has been a point of contention within the community.

As the investigation continues, both local authorities and residents are seeking clarity on the potential implications of the arrests for the security of the island and the well-being of the immigrant community.

4 Palestinians Arrested On Espionage Charges In Leros, Greece (greekcitytimes.com)

African attacker dies in botched bombing of Arab-owned restaurant in Germany

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One person has died and four others were injured after an African man detonated an explosive device outside a restaurant in the German city of Solingen on Tuesday.

The incident occurred shortly after 2 p.m. outside residential and commercial premises on Konrad-Adenauer-Straße in the North Rhine-Westphalia city.

German news outlet Junge Freiheit reported the targeted restaurant was an independent chain owned by a large Arab family and the perpetrator was of African origin.

It is understood the attacker approached the restaurant equipped with explosives but detonated the device too early, seriously injuring himself and other bystanders.

“He took something out of the front of his pants. That looked like an explosive device. Then he probably accidentally spilled a liquid, then there was a big bang and the man burned. Witnesses then extinguished it and administered first aid,” one eyewitness told German tabloid newspaper Bild.

According to a press release by Wuppertal Police late on Tuesday, the attacker “suffered serious injuries and had to be taken to a special clinic in a rescue helicopter where he died a few hours later.”

Images of the attacker shortly after the blast went viral on social media.

The authorities also confirmed that a 7-year-old girl and three males aged 35, 38, and 45, were hospitalized after being injured by shrapnel from the blast.

The State Criminal Police Office has commenced its investigation into the attack, supported by specialists.

A motive for the attack remains unclear with German media speculating whether there was a potential link to organized crime or a personal vendetta against the Arab owners. According to WDR, there was a raid on the property two years ago in relation to a gang crime investigation.


German soccer star playing at Euro 2024 says he was heavily pressured into taking COVID shot

Munich (Germany) – 5 March 2024 – Joshua Kimmich of FC Bayern Munich Shutterstock

German soccer star Joshua Kimmich has said that he was pressured to take the experimental COVID shots.

In a documentary published by German state-funded media outlet ZDF, Kimmich, who is currently playing for Germany in the Euro 2024 tournament, recalled the immense pressure he was put under to take the jabs during the COVID crisis.

At the end of 2021, Kimmich was heavily criticized for weeks by pro-COVID shot journalists, politicians, and doctors.

Kimmich said he was made the poster child of the unjabbed by the press and thus accused of being responsible for the alleged “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

The Bayern Munich player recalled that media members even showed up at his parents’ house and came to his grandfather’s funeral to cover the issue of Kimmich refusing the COVID injections.

“That was a really brutal time when you have friends who tell you that if you had been vaccinated, fewer people would have died,” Kimmich said in an interview while being on the verge of crying. “So a buddy told me that fewer people would have died if I had been vaccinated … and that’s brutal; if you don’t have a family, then that can break you.”

“It was almost impossible to continue playing soccer without the vaccine,” the soccer star stated. “I was in quarantine for several weeks as a contact person without having had the coronavirus. It was also the case that Bayern (Munich) no longer paid me my salary, at least during the time I was in quarantine as a contact person.”

“Then you ask yourself the question: What are you going to do now?” he continued. “Do you get vaccinated, and then you can play soccer again, or do the concerns remain, and you sit at home for weeks and months … and at the end of the day, I got vaccinated.”

The soccer player also said that the trust in the management at Bayern Munich had been damaged due to them not respecting his initial decision to refuse the COVID shot.

Kimmich’s wife, who was also interviewed for the documentary, said that the constant media attacks “really got him down because it got very personal at times; it wasn’t fair anymore.”

Overwhelming evidence has shown that the experimental COVID injections have caused millions of deaths and serious injuries, and the dramatic recent pronouncement of a former Japanese government minister apologizing for such deaths attest to that.

In addition to evidence of deaths and serious injuries due to the Covid jabs, it has furthermore been shown that the injections are ineffective in preventing the transmission of the virus.

Since the rollout of the Covid jabs, there has been a dramatic rise of young, previously healthy professional athletes collapsing on the field, with many of them suffering cardiac arrest.


The UK’s New Deportation Law : And what philosophers say about immigration

One of my favorite short stories is “The Lame Shall Enter First” by Flannery O’Connor. The plot centers on an atheist and widower who takes in a violent teenage orphan and attempts to reform him. Neglecting his own young and motherless son, the father focuses all his love and attention on the delinquent and unappreciative teen, even refusing to acknowledge certain crimes the latter commits.

As is common in O’Connor’s work, the ending is gut-wrenching, with the father realizing his neglectful behavior too late as his own son commits suicide.

This complex morality tale came to mind after reading condemnation after condemnation of the UK’s recently passed legislation that would see the deportation of African asylum-seekers to Rwanda to have their claims heard (which, if successful, would allow them to stay there). A similar measure to what Israel did a few years back, the UK has seen African arrivals from small-boat crossings from France go from zero to over 120,000 in just the past five years.

An obvious deterrent measure and an answer to public anger over questionable “refugee” claims (the Global South has never been wealthier and healthier) and immigration generally being 5 times what it was two decades ago, people like Yasmin Ahmed of Human Rights Watch UK issued a statement focusing on the bill’s supposed “devastating impact on human rights” and on the lives of Africans travelling all the way to the UK (again, through France) “seeking safety” (not Britain’s bountiful welfare benefits).

Sacha Deshmukh of Amnesty International UK called it “deeply authoritarian” and a “hatchet to international legal protections for some of the most vulnerable people in the world.”

The Guardian quoted a train of four refugee advocates who called it “inhumane”, “deeply immoral”, “cruel” and “shameful”, respectively. Similarly framed concerns were repeated by the United Nations and the Council of Europe with the former, as well as one nonprofit called Freedom From Torture, even pressuring airlines not to take part.

Contrast this with what the British masses think, which is that the law is certainly a necessary one—Indeed, the deeply unpopular Tories got an approval-rating boost following the bill’s passage. It is as if common people instinctively know that, as Substack-writer “Eugyppius” recently formulated, ‘borders for nations are like the skin of our bodies or the membranes that protect cells… you won’t survive for very long if you can’t control what enters you.’

Numerous critics have pointed to “alternatives” like just letting them all in on special visas so they can avoid the dangerous Channel crossing from France, as if it is the wishes and welfare of the migrant, not the British people, which is the biggest or only concern.

Amnesty International’s Deshmukh further called the law a “national disgrace”; an ironic choice of words perhaps given his likely inability to think in terms of nations and apparent unwillingness to put the interests of his own nation first—While not an indigenous Briton (he’s of South Asian background), Deshmukh was born in London. For types like Deshmukh, putting the rights of fellow citizens before the interests of foreigners discriminates and is thus immoral.

Philosophy professor John Lachs once made an interesting comparison between nations, national boundaries, and the family unit, writing: “One’s own children cannot be told to get in line with all those needing to be fed; the fact that they are ours gives them priority and imposes overriding obligations on us.”

To forgo the nation and put the foreigner ahead of the fellow citizen—as O’Connor’s atheist protagonist did with his own child—is not a supreme virtue, but a diabolical vice. As O’Connor adeptly shows, the father’s perceived humanitarianism was actually rooted in self-aggrandizement and in relieving a sense of guilt he felt toward the orphaned teen. His actions were self-interested, not based on genuine moral, philanthropic considerations.

Various philosophers have tackled the problem of misguided philanthropy and pathological altruism. Michael Novak once described rootless liberalism as being oddly characterized by both an “exaggerated individualism” and “an exaggerated sense of universal community.” “The middle term between these two extremes” he said—that is, “the term pointing to the finite human communities in which individuals live and have their being”—is “precisely the term that the liberal personality disvalues.” By leaping over their own local and national communities and into the Third World when relieving their altruistic urges, it’s as if they perceive philanthropy only in the abstract. Further, they seem compelled by some sort of guilt complex; due, for instance, to the West’s history of Third World colonialism, or to present global wealth disparities.

It is Novak’s “middle term” of community and nation which is ironically so core to the greater, universal humanitarianism pursued by globalists. As was further said by the great Edmund Burke, “to love the little platoon we belong to in society, is the first principle of public affections… it is the first link in the series by which we proceed towards a love to our country, and to mankind.”

The late political philosopher George Grant similarly espoused this principle when he wrote:

It is true that no particularism can adequately incarnate the good. But is it not also true that only through some particular roots, however partial, can human beings first grasp what is good and it is the juice of such roots which for most men sustain their partaking in a more universal good?

Before stepping out into the global community, one first needs a firm grounding in the global community’s basic unit: the nation. Showing love and dedication to one’s own seems an obvious prerequisite to extending the same to strangers. How, for instance, can one show an understanding for the needs, values, and traditions of other nations when they disregard those of their own?


The German state television channels ARD & ZDF label women who do not wear a headscarf as “half-naked”

On Instagram, “Funk” – the digital youth programme broadcasted by ARD & ZDF – posts a clip directed against an “alman Sabine” (sic). She seems to have reservations about wearing headscarves, especially in summer.
The whole thing is disguised as ” a satirical film” …

An actress with a white headscarf, over which sunglasses are casually draped, plays a woman wearing a headscarf in the manner of a theatre club, ironically parroting everything that she and other veiled people supposedly are told by Germans all the time.
“That stupid headscarf. Man, if only I could take it off. But unfortunately I’m forced and oppressed, especially by my father,” she says, while the actress mimes exaggerated poses of despair. At the same time, the film fades in: “What alman Sabine understands”. In this context, it would have been interesting to know not only what “alman Sabine” supposedly understands – but also what “Iran Maryam” thinks about this kind of contribution – a woman who is risking her life to fight against the Sharia’s compulsory veiling in Tehran.
The actress continues: “I just want to be free and walk around half-naked and undress as I should”. So for the licence fee-financed editors of ARD & ZDF, women without headscarves are “half-naked”.

The view of Salafists who, in addition to the hijab and niqab, also propagate the full veil, the burqa. According to these extremists, women who do not cover themselves are flaunting their sinfulness, which must be concealed from the eyes of men.

Eyes wide open, the actress begins the highly ironic climax: “Because only nudity can be freedom, nothing else.” With an artificial high-pitched voice and a contorted face, she purrs: “Man, if only someone could set me free.”
This radio video was produced by the programme “Datteltäter”, whose founder Younes Al-Amaya has already attracted attention with his contacts to the Salafist movement and the Muslim Brotherhood. Contributions from the “Datteltäter” programme appear time and again, encouraging girls to wear headscarves.

Funk is financed by the German broadcasting licence fee and receives around 45 million euros per year.

ARD & ZDF bezeichnen Frauen, die kein Kopftuch tragen, als „halbnackt“ | Exxpress

Germany: Young man dies after beating by migrant gang as he walked home from sister’s graduation party

A 20-year-old German national, beaten into a coma on Sunday evening by several members of a migrant gang, has died in hospital as a result of his injuries.

Philippos and his 19-year-old friend were returning home from a graduation party in the North Rhine-Westphalia town of Bad Oeynhausen at around 1:30 a.m. on Sunday when around 10 migrant males confronted them.

The pair were punched to the floor before being kicked as they lay defenseless on the ground.

As horrified witnesses called the police, the gang casually walked from the crime scene toward the town center.

The victims were hospitalized as a result of their injuries, but Philippos was particularly hurt and was induced into a protective coma which he sadly never woke up from.

Philippos was declared brain dead on Monday evening and died in Minden Hospital on Tuesday.

The Ratsgymnasium Minden confirmed that Philippos was the brother of one of its students and had been attending his sister’s graduation party at the facility shortly before he was attacked.

In a website post on Monday, the school wrote, “We were horrified to learn of the physical altercation in Bad Oeynhausen, in which a relative of a high school graduate from our school was critically injured.

“We are deeply saddened that this very festive day of dismissal and graduation for the students is overshadowed by these events.

“Our thoughts and deepest sympathy are with the affected family,” it added.

The Class of ’24 who were celebrating their graduation had set up a GoFundMe page for the victims and their families following the attack, which has now raised more than €61,000 at the time of writing.

The fundraising has temporarily been disabled following the news of Philippos’ death.

Police continue to search for the suspects and have urged the attackers to hand themselves in.

According to a press release by Bielefeld Police Headquarters, the migrant gang comprised around 10 people, all of whom were male and between 19 and 20 years old. They were described as “Southern,” a phrase often used in Germany to describe men of Maghreb or Arab origin. Some were dressed in Adidas designer tracksuits.

An initial investigation launched into bodily harm and attempted homicide involving serious bodily harm is now expected to be upgraded to homicide. It is being conducted by the Bielefeld public prosecutor’s office and the homicide unit of Bielefeld Police.


Canada: Police arrest activist Tommy Robinson, who criticised Justin Trudeau for being a ‘commie’, later release him with conditions

Tommy Robinson and his arrest, images via The Independent and X/ Rebel News

On Monday (24th June), the police arrested Tommy Robinson, a British activist and critic of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, from Calgary in Alberta province of Canada.

The British activist had a speaking engagement in Calgary, organised by independent news outfit Rebel News. It must be mentioned that Justin Trudeau-led-Liberal Party in Canada has hounded Rebel News on several occasions in the past.

After the conclusion of the event, Tommy Robinson was arrested by the police. Reportedly, a warrant to this effect was issued by the government.

In the meantime, Rebel News founder Ezra Levant informed that he has hired Alain Hepner, a leading criminal lawyer in Calgary, to secure the release of the British activist. He had also sought donations from the public to pay legal fees.

Two hours later, Tommy Robinson posted a tweet stating that he had been released. However, the activist pointed out that he had been directed to give his passport, remain in south Alberta and not leave Canada.

“Ok I’m FREE , we’ll sort of, None of this makes sense , I’m now detained in Calgary , prevented from leaving the city , these conditions stop me from continuing my tour of Canada & meeting with guests for podcasts . I’m not even allowed to leave to travel home,” he said in a tweet.

It must be mentioned that Tommy Robinson had been a vocal critic of the Justin Trudeau government in Canada. The British activist had dubbed the Liberal Party leader as ‘commie’ who is triggered by democracy.

On 10th June, he tweeted, “The far left are running riot in France tonight because the people chose right, and now Trudeau just dropped a video about his “concerns” that the people of Europe chose right. All these people aren’t even pretending not to be commies anymore. They’re triggered by democracy.”

Tommy Robinson was previously arrested in August 2018 for supposed ‘contempt of court.’ OpInida’s Editor-in-Chief Nupur Sharma interviewed him in September 2022 regarding the anti-Hindu Leicester unrest and the menace of Islamism in the United Kingdom.

Canada: Police arrest activist Tommy Robinson after speaking engagement in Calgary, later release him with conditions (opindia.com)

Leftist London Mayor Sadiq Khan Bans City’s Taxis From Displaying ENGLISH FLAGS During European Football Championships

The Gateway Pundit reported that London’s leftist Mayor Sadiq Khan, Khan known for his ties to Islamism and far-left rhetoric, won a third term in office in May.

Now, Khan’s Transport for London (TfL) has imposed a ‘woke’ ban on London’s taxi drivers, warning them against flying an England flag during the UEFA European Football Championship (the Euros) or face serious penalties, including losing their black cab license.

TfL bosses used the excuse that flying the St George’s Cross could be ‘distracting’ and possibly cause road accidents.

Brexit champion Nigel Farage, who recently announced he will stand to be a Reform party MP, is not buying the excuse.

Farage said on X, “Khan really hates England.”

Drivers have slammed the new rule suggesting the flags are no more distracting than advertisements painted on cars and that the decision is another bow to the woke crowd concerned that a display of English pride will offend minorities.

Black cab driver Fred Perkins told The Sun,  “It’s nonsense. It’s all coming down from Khan at the top, because he’s ultimately in charge.”

Adding, “Our society has really gone woke when we can’t fly a little flag for England for the Euros. Loads of drivers used to have flags on their cabs in years gone by.”

Read more:

Nurses sue UK’s NHS after being forced to change in front of ‘transgender’ male

LONDON, UK – July 6th 2019: NHS staff members take part in the annual LGBT ‘pride’ march in London Shutterstock

On June 22, the Daily Mail reported that nurses in the United Kingdom were informed by their bosses that they needed to get with the transgender program and accept men in their changerooms – fast. The headline: “‘You need to be re-educated’: That’s how a group of NHS nurses say hospital chiefs reacted when they complained that a transgender colleague – who shared their women’s changing room – stared as they got undressed.”

As one woman put it on X (formerly Twitter): “We went from #MeToo to ‘reeducate yourself to like men staring at you as you get undressed at work’ in 5 years, and I doubt it’s an accident.”

The nurses at Darlington Memorial Hospital—who were long-serving employees—complained because a 26-year-old transgender-identifying man was acting “intimidating” in the women’s changing room. He stared at their breasts while they got undressed and hung around “longer than necessary” in the changeroom. The man—who calls himself “Rose”—has not undergone any “sex change” surgeries and told colleagues that he was trying to get his girlfriend pregnant. The nurses described him as “a sexually active biological male.”

When the nurses brought forward their complaints, however, they were dismissed; the Mail reports that hospital bosses “allegedly told the nurses they needed to get ‘educated’ and broaden their minds.” A human resources manager informed them that they needed to be “more inclusive.” As a result, eight of the 26 nurses that signed the original complaint letter are “launching an unprecedented employment tribunal against the NHS Trust that employs them, claiming harassment, indirect discrimination, victimisation, and human rights violations.”

Four of the eight spoke to the Mail about their experiences, which have been ongoing since August 2023.

“It’s disgraceful that nurses are ending up in tears prior to their shifts. We are there to be an emotional support for patients who are about to undergo surgery, and it’s very difficult to do that if you’re in a state of distress from having to change in front of a male,” said 34-year-old surgery nurse Bethany Hutchinson. “I think women need to stop being fearful about this and use their voice. We have fought for so long to get women’s rights but it’s just gone backwards, and I’m not prepared to see that.”

Being told that they needed to be reeducated was particularly offensive to Hutchinson. “It is so offensive to us because we are all educated – we need a degree in order to do this job and some of us have multiple degrees. We’ve got very intelligent people on our ward so it was disgusting for them to say something like that to us.”

Another nurse, Lisa Lockey, told the press: “We’ve all been really uneasy about [coming forward]. We know there’s a lot of trans activists who will probably hate us for what we’re doing. But it’s not against trans people [sic]. This is about protecting a female’s space. It’s not to hurt anybody, we want a safe policy.” The nurses have to change their clothes before and after shifts as an infection control measure, and many female staff have taken to using the cubicles to avoid changing in front of the man identifying as “Rose.”

Forty-five-year-old nurse Tracy Hooper noted that the man’s presence in the changeroom “makes me feel on edge,” explaining: “You scan the changing room before you start to undress. It’s just very uncomfortable. I don’t want to get changed in front of a biological man, and I don’t want to see him getting changed either. We’re not asking for him to go in the male changing room either, he should be provided for.”

One nurse, who was sexually abused as a little girl, has PTSD and struggles to be alone around men. The man’s presence in the changeroom brought her close to tears. “I was rummaging in my bag trying to find my lanyard and keys for the locker when a man’s voice behind me said, ‘Are you not getting changed yet?’” she said. “He stood there, two metres from me, with a scrub top on and with tight black boxer shorts with wholes in them and asked [again] whether I was getting changed yet… I felt glued to me seat, I could not move. My hands started to sweat. I was petrified and felt sick and began hyperventilating.”

Right now, the Darlington Memorial Hospital permits people to choose whichever facilities they believe match their “gender” – and it is driving women from their own facilities. A fourth nurse, Annice Grundy, noted: “I won’t get changed in that changing room anymore—I’ve found somewhere else to change, which I don’t feel I should have to do.” Another reported: “We don’t feel safe because we strip down to our underwear and Rose doesn’t just stay by his locker. He walks around in his boxer shorts.”

As the Mail reported: “Today the nurses also say they are worried about the impact on foreign-born hospital staff with different religious backgrounds, who had taken to wearing leggings and tops underneath their uniforms to avoid their bodies being seen, despite the discomfort this causes during work.” This, of course, is not only true for “foreign-born hospital staff,” but also for Christian nurses – and anyone else who prizes modesty.

The nurses’ case is being backed by the Christian Legal Centre. “This case demonstrates as clear as day that this is an issue of biology not ideology,” said Andrea Williams, chief executive of the CLC. “Once we lose a sense of physical reality all kinds of real and dangerous consequences emerge. Legislating to protect and promote ‘gender identity’ places women at risk, which is so strikingly evidenced in this case. There should be no place in workplaces for transgender ideology that denies science and biological reality, and which is exploited in this way.”

“The nurses in this hospital have spoken out with fear and trepidation,” Williams continued. “Between them they have decades of experience on hospital wards, and they are the ones that should be protected and comforted as they simply seek to do the job they love without fear of retribution for speaking up. We stand with this dedicated group of professionals and will pursue this matter until common sense prevails and justice is done.”

The hospital says that the allegations will be fully investigated and reviewed. According to the Mail, “Rose” declined to comment.
