Ilaria Salis, a teacher, was arrested last year and held in police custody for “assaulting and severely beating several people on the streets of Budapest with fellow Antifa activists.” Her violent nature should have led to her shunning and dismissal both as a teacher and as a politician, but that would only be in a normal society. The left has led Western societies into madness. Ilaria Salis was named as the main defendant in the Antifa case, yet she managed to secure a seat with the Greens and Left Alliance in European Parliament elections, showing up the bottomless pit of degeneracy of the Left. She now avoids justice at the expense of her victims — escaping “a potential 20 year sentence under MEP immunity.”
Italy: Antifa activist accused of hammer attack in Hungary elected to EU Parliament –
A tense row kicked off on GB News after 5Pillars Editor Roshan M Salih said he “wants everyone in Britain to become Muslim”.
The remark came about during a discussion about the power of the Muslim vote in the country after a new poll showed 63 per cent of British Muslims continue to back Labour.
This is despite the party’s stance on the Israel-Gaza conflict being deeply at odds with large sections of the community.
Salih took aim at media institutions including GB News, who he claims are guilty of stoking up Islamophobia in Britain.
Patrick asked: “Is the objective to be the dominant political force in Britain?”
Salih said the suggestion was “ridiculous” due to Muslims making up a relatively small portion of the entire British population.
He added: “We’re what, four million people in this country out of 70 million. I don’t know what that is in percentage terms.
“Even if we wanted that to be true, that isn’t going to happen for hundreds of years.
“I will be honest about it, I would love for the whole of Britain to become Muslim. I believe Islam is the truth and I believe that it is a wonderful thing for everybody.
“The reality is, we are a small minority in this country and it’s more about protecting ourselves from Islamophobia and racism and trying to project what we believe is an equitable foreign policy. We don’t believe our country should be helping Israel slaughter and massacre the people of Gaza.
“There is a lot of anti-Muslim feeling in this country whipped up by the mainstream media, even by GB News I would say and people are afraid because of that reason. I would say it’s false propaganda.”
Patrick went onto comment that he would take a “massive objection” to Salih’s comments, and argued that many Britons have a right to feel concerned about the growing influence of Muslims on the country’s affairs.
Probed by Salih as to why he feels that way, the GB News star responded: “The rise of terrorism, that’s an obvious thing.
“Obviously that’s a threat.”
The editor of the British Muslim news website 5Pillars refuted Patrick’s argument to say terror groups like Isis and al-Qaeda “don’t represent Muslims”.
He added: “They’re not from our community and we’re not hiding them under our bed.”
St. Thomas Beckett in stained glass, Canterbury Cathedral
The great cathedrals, so full of beauty and interest, are now like whales washed up on an alien shore, the faith that built them a flickering light,” James Patrick once wrote. He was right. Everyone accepts that the great churches of Europe are still very important, somehow—remember the publich outpouring of grief when Notre Dame was burning?—but most can no longer articulate why. The recent “rave in the nave,” in which a booze-fueled disco was held in Canterbury Cathedral, one of England’s oldest and most storied churches, caused outrage from believers and nonbelievers alike. The event—which was defended by the presiding rector, a gay man ‘married’ to his partner—just seemed unseemly, somehow. We’re not sure what these spaces are for anymore—but not for that.
But why not? If the ancient cathedral—whose origins date back to 597, when Augustine of Canterbury was sent by Pope Gregory the Great to evangelize the English—is simply a grand old building, then what is the problem with disco lights raking the ancient columns and a makeshift bar in the nave as young people dance the night away a stone’s throw from where St. Thomas Becket was martyred in the 12th century? If nothing is sacred, nothing can be desecrated. If nothing is sacred, there is no sacrilege. If nothing is truly sacred, then hosting a disco atop the grave of St. Dunstan makes sense. As Ben Sixsmith noted recently in The Critic, Britain cannot be a ‘culturally Christian’ country without Christians.
It isn’t just Canterbury, either. A rave was held in the 1,000-year-old Winchester Cathedral, in Guildford Cathedral, and in Hereford Cathedral, which was built atop the tomb of St. Ethelbert the King. These parties are being held in churches across the UK to raise money for their upkeep now that tithes have dried up, and so the churches that once hosted choirs singing sacred songs now feature music that, according to one attendee, is “from recent decades—in this case the 1990s, and so songs from artists such as Eminem, Britney Spears, Elton John and the Spice Girls.” Lose yourself, indeed.
Even where the ancient songs are still the primary fare, things have changed. I was asked to give a talk to a group of Christian students in the Round Church in Cambridge recently, and my wife and I took the opportunity to attend Evensong at Cambridge’s King’s College Chapel. The world-famous choir comprises 16 boy choristers between ages 9 and 13 and 14 male undergraduates. The service was gorgeous—the sonorous readings from the King James Bible, the choir in the cavernous church, Thomas Cranmer’s Book of Common Prayer. Then, right in the middle of the liturgy, the choir launched into a frenzied, jarring modern song called “Identity,” about a body found in the river. It was clearly supposed to be about the forgotten members of society, or something. It was the liturgical equivalent of graffiti on stained-glass windows.
Exploring England’s religious heritage is rewarding despite all that. Cambridge’s religious history runs deep—one church actually has Anglo-Saxon foundations. It is also the site of the White Horse Inn, known as “Little Germany” and “the birthplace of the Reformation in England,” where scholars debated the freshly published works of Martin Luther. A short walk away is The Pickerel Inn, where Lewis and Tolkien regularly met for a pint. The Round Church itself was built around 1130 and features a wonderful exhibit titled “The Impact of Christianity in England.” The great abolitionist William Wilberforce attended services there at least once, and it was thrilling to speak amongst the same towering stone pillars that once hosted the greatest man in Great Britain.
We also visited the Chapel of St. John the Evangelist in the White Tower at the Tower of London. It is a stunning example of Anglo-Norman ecclesiastical architecture, built in 1080 for William the Conqueror. Chairs face several large stained-glass windows at the front of the tunnel-vaulted nave of white Caen stone, with the arches held aloft by thick, round pillars. It was here that a mob found Simon Sudbury, Archbishop of Canterbury, at prayer during the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381, dragging him to his death at Tower Hill. It is still used as a place of worship, and it feels cool and solemn within. Medieval kings and queens worshipped here; a stone’s throw away on the green, two Protestant queens were ordered beheaded: Anne Boleyn by her vicious husband Henry VIII and Lady Jane Grey by Bloody Mary.
Lady Jane and her husband Guildford had been offered their lives in exchange for conversion to Catholicism; both refused. Jane refused her husband’s request to meet one last time, as she felt it would be too painful and that they would meet very shortly in Heaven. Still, when she saw her husband’s headless body borne back to the chapel, she cried out, “Oh, Guildford, Guildford!” Just 17 years old, she arrived at the place of execution an hour later with the words, “Good people, I am come hither to die.” She read Psalm 51 and panicked only briefly when she could not find the block blindfolded. Her hands were guided to it; she grasped it and said, “Lord, into Thy hands I commend my spirit,” and the axe fell. She is buried in the saddest church in England—the nearby Chapel Royal, where a Yeoman Warder told us about all the distinguished men and women buried beneath the floor, from Thomas Cromwell to Thomas More.
These chapels, churches, and cathedrals have served as both the sacred spaces where God met man and the stage upon which English history unfolded. Even the atheist Richard Dawkins, who has long reveled in the collapse of British Christianity, has been having second thoughts, observing recently that he “would not be happy if, for example, we lost all our cathedrals and our beautiful parish churches.” Like those who object to the churches being turned into dance floors, however, he cannot seem to quite articulate why; he reminds me of those who, as Allan Bloom noted, “talk facilely about the sacred” the same way a man “keeps a toothless old circus lion around the house in order to experience the thrills of the jungle.” Great Britain, which at the current rate of secularization will run out of Christians by 2067, does not even have enough faith to believe in sacrilege.
A few years ago, there was a wave of trad’ memes posted to social media by various online commentators cosplaying as crusaders, featuring photos of Hagia Sophia and slogans such as “Retake Constantinople!” The real work, I’m afraid, is much closer to home. Perhaps, for starters, the West’s culture warriors might consider retaking Canterbury, Winchester, and Hereford.
A soldier in Spain is suing the Ministry of Defense for almost €50,000 after accusing officials of not properly facilitating or accomodating his “gender transition.” Francisco Javier López, 43, recently announced he identified as a lesbian, but that he would not be changing his name or physical appearance in any way.
As previously reported by Reduxx, López began his journey to “womanhood” in Spring of 2023, following the enactment of Spain’s controversial Trans Law. The legislation dramatically relaxed its requirements for changing legal documents, striking down a requirement that the individual provide medical reports demonstrating they had gender dysphoria or were undergoing cross-sex hormone therapy. The only formalities López had to complete were the presentation of his request at the Civil Registry, and waiting for a cursory three-month period.
Despite revising his legal sex, López has said he will not be changing his name or undergoing any alterations to his body in the form of hormones or surgery.
“I’m not going to get an amputation, nor will I have any surgery,” López told Spanish media. “I am happy with my body and I like women.” He continued by revealing his alleged motivations for the change, stating: “I realized some things and I felt like a woman. For example, I’m a beautician, and I feel better talking to women than men.”
López is the father of an underage girl, and, just months prior to deciding to change his sex marker, he appeared on a dating reality show called First Dates. During his time on the show, he confessed to liking “long hair and high heels,” and also said he had a “high heel shoe fetish.”
SPAIN: A transgender soldier is threatening legal action against the Army after not being given access to the women's locker rooms fast enough.
Francisco Javier L.G., who will not be changing his name or appearance, identifies as a "lesbian woman."
López has been in the military since 1999 and is stationed in the southern city of Seville where he is a heavy machinery mechanic. After his change of sex marker, López told Diario de Sevilla that he requested use of the female facilities at his barracks.
“I could not continue using a locker room contrary to my gender, so I requested the use of the locker room that corresponded to my gender, which I understand should be a female locker room, since I am a woman,” he said.
But the Army refused his request, claiming that there were space issues and that the women’s facilities were already over-occupied. After filing a complaint, the Army then told López that the expansion of the female locker rooms were underway, and offered him access to the women’s senior command locker rooms on a fixed schedule in the interim. López would have been able to use those facilities at set times, preventing the female soldiers from having to interact with him in the intimate space.
But López believed that those measures were unfair, and said he felt discriminated against because of his transgender status.
The soldier is now suing the Ministry of Defense for violating his human rights, and seeking just under €50,000 in compensation for the transphobic discrimination he claims to have endured. In the filed complaint, López was referred to with “she/her” pronouns and as “Mrs. Francisco Javier López.”
The lawsuit explicitly rejects the accommodations that the Army had tried to negotiate, stating that forcing López to use the women’s facilities in isolation constituted “a severe restriction of the rights of Mrs. Francisco Javier López … leaving her isolated and targeted … when her only desire is to receive equal treatment based on her gender identity.”
The lawsuit argued that López was faced with both “legal insecurity and a state of job and social insecurity” after being placed under a “notorious limitation” in the use of female facilities.
His lawyer also told press that this restriction revealed “various serious and culpable breaches caused by the [Ministry of Justice],” and that the facts could imply the “existence of a conduct detrimental to the fundamental rights” of López. In particular, the right to respect for his dignity and his physical and moral integrity.
López is not the only civil servant in Spain who had made headlines recently after declaring himself a “woman” and expecting special legal accommodations as a result.
In the small, autonomous city of Ceuta alone, it has been revealed that 37 male civil servants have changed their legal gender. Of them, the vast majority are associated with the Military, National Police, Civil Guard, or Local Police, and these new “females” have curiously all chosen to retain their male names and continue their lives “as men.”
As previously reported by Reduxx, one of the men recently came forward to boast of his success, stating that he changed his legal gender after the Trans Law was implemented in Spain in March of 2023.
Roberto Perdigones, a 35-year-old Army corporal, changed his legal sex to “female” after deciding he identified as an “intersex bigender” person. Perdigones explained that “externally, I am a straight man and internally a lesbian woman.”
Perdigones immediately began benefitting from his “sex change,” receiving an increase in his pension after he was reclassified as a “mother” because he was a “woman” who had a child. He also announced his intention to seek a promotion utilizing the so-called “affirmative action measures” designed to increase female presence in the Armed Forces command.
The surge in men rushing to change their gender markers has been denounced by some trans activists as “trans fraud,” despite the fact that they had been the ones to campaign to relax self-identification requirements.
A recent survey has attempted to quantify what Belgians feel towards Jews, a small minority representing 0.3% of the country’s population.
According to an IPSOS poll, 14% of Belgians express an aversion to Jews, twice as many as the French. This figure rises to 22% in Brussels, the capital, which is also the capital of European Union, where 11% of the population have sympathy for Hamas.
We suspected that anti-Semitism was widespread in Belgium, but this survey provides further confirmation, showing that the public attitude towards Jews has deteriorated even further since October 7, 2023. An increase in anti-Semitic acts has been denounced by Belgium’s League against Anti-Semitism.
What is striking about the survey is that, for every question, anti-Semitic prejudice is much higher in Brussels than at national level. It happens that the population of the capital of Belgium and the EU is between 30% and 40% Muslim.
Thus, 16% of Brussels residents think there are too many Jews in Belgium (versus 11% nationally); 29% say that Jews are responsible for economic crises (14% nationally); 48% say that Jews feel superior to others (34% nationally), and 47% say that Jews do to Palestinians what Nazi Germany did to Jews (35% nationally).
In the country as a whole, 43% of Muslims think that Belgian Jews are not really Belgians like the other inhabitants of Belgium.
These figures are staggering. Many other signals testify to the sad reality that Jews are no longer safe in Brussels. Jewish community sites are protected by concrete bollards, cameras and security airlock entrances. While the Muslim hijab headscarf is ubiquitous in public areas of Brussels (worn by more than half the women in some neighborhoods), no Jewish yarmulke is seen on the streets there anymore. After an increase in incidents endangering Jewish teenagers taking the metro, a Jewish school near the Gare du Midi, a predominantly Muslim district, had to be moved. The compulsory Holocaust curriculum has not been taught in most Brussels schools for a long time now; teachers are afraid to broach the subject in classes where the majority of the pupils are Muslim. After October 7, on the campus of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Jewish students were molested and harassed.
Back in 2011, a study by Vrij Universiteit Brussels sociologist Mark Elchardus already showed that half of Brussels’ Muslim students were anti-Semitic.
The rise in anti-Semitism, appears, in fact, to coincide with the growth in Muslim immigration, which accelerated from 2000 onwards. The political world behaved as if they were the three monkeys: did not see, did not hear, did not speak. At Holocaust commemorations, the authorities repeat with their hands over their hearts that anti-Semitism has no place in Belgium, while passively witnessing its rise without ever acknowledging it.
Since October, 7, the reactions from Belgium’s political class have been overwhelmingly hostile to Israel and often tinged with anti-Semitism. From the Socialist Party, a member of parliament, formerly Minister of Defense, compared Israel’s military response to Nazi crimes in an X post: “Gaza today is Warsaw yesterday.”
The president of the Parliament, who liked the MP’s post, refuses to call Hamas a terrorist organization. The Minister for Development Cooperation likens the State of Israel to the Third Reich. The Minister of Culture called for Israel’s exclusion from the Eurovision song contest.
Even the Belgian Prime Minister, after his trip to Israel in November 2023, was congratulated by Hamas: “We appreciate the clear and bold positions of Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo”. De Croo announced his resignation this week, following his party’s disappointing results in the elections for both Belgium’s Federal Parliament and the European Parliament.
These positions have often been taken to appeal to Muslim voters, all the more so in the run-up to Belgium’s general election that took place on June 9, but in a veritable vicious circle, they further fuel the anti-Semitism of this electorate and beyond to a large section of the population.
The Muslim vote has become essential to the success of the left-wing parties, whose electoral weight in Brussels, as a result of immigration, has risen in 20 years, from 34% to 54%. Compared to the now hundreds of thousands of Muslim votes, those of the 30,000 Jews in Belgium, a genuine minority, do not carry much weight. Over the past 20 years, some of us have tried in vain to draw attention to this serious trend, which neither the media nor the political world has been willing to see.
Perhaps the heartbreaking testimonies of Brussels Jews that speak for themselves. A fellow countryman of mine confided:
“Having arrived from Hungary in 1945, my grandfather always told me that Belgium was a safe country for Jews and that our family would never risk anything here. Today, I explain to my children that their future is not here, and that they must prepare to make their lives elsewhere.”
Another fellow countryman, whose family left Turkey at the beginning of the 20th century and moved to Portugal after October 7, observes:
“Brussels is a territory lost to political calculations…. Unlike France, there are no real red lines. The atmosphere leaves no room for hope”.
The fate of Belgian Jews seems to be sealed. These testimonies are worth every analysis. Belgium is gradually becoming free of Jews — Judenrein — while joyfully and conscientiously celebrating the high mass of a highly racist multiculturalism.
Anyone who is baptized and confirmed and who professes the faith of the Church is Catholic. In Germany, as is so often the case, things are quite different. Here, you are only Catholic through the church tax, at least if you are a taxpayer.
This tax is by no means voluntary but a compulsory levy which – thanks to Adolf Hitler – is collected by the state and paid directly to the Church; even back payments and advance payments are mandatory.
It is clear that the church tax is an imposition: membership in the Church should not be dependent on monetary payments.
Nevertheless, German practice is rigorous: anyone who does not want to pay can only declare their “withdrawal from the Church” (“Kirchenaustritt”) at the registry office, even though this “withdrawal” does not exist under canon law.
Once you have “left,” you are in a bad position; basically, you are considered “excommunicated,” while heretics and schismatics belong to the Church as long as they pay their taxes. So let’s say it like it is: if you are Catholic in Germany, you don’t have to believe anything, you just have to pay – I certainly don’t want to know what Jesus Christ has to say about this.
Was it not He who drove the merchants out of the temple with a scourge of ropes because they had turned the place of prayer into a den of thieves? But let’s be honest: no one in the “German” church is interested in Jesus Christ anymore; here, as everywhere else, it’s all about one thing: money. And thanks to the church tax, income is flowing in at unimaginable levels.
The fact that this system has been able to survive can be explained by the authority-based thinking of the Germans, but also by their ignorance: not even the German Pope Benedict XVI was able to convince his compatriots that their tax practice is profoundly at odds with the mission of the Church.
Above all, however, the bishops cling to the church tax like the devil to a poor soul. After all, the tax system has made the Church in Germany incredibly rich but equally faithless and decadent. The “Synodal Way,” which was staged with a lot of money, has brought this to light in a shocking way: In the meantime, even most German bishops deny the fundamental truths of the Catholic faith; yet they unabashedly continue to take church tax from the faithful.
Just how perverse this is can currently be seen in the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising: Cardinal Reinhard Marx has now established a “Synodal Council” there to enforce the heretical decisions of the “Synodal Way.” This involves lay people baptizing, marrying, and preaching at Holy Mass – all this despite the Roman veto and against all of canon law.
Catholics in Munich are thus faced with a paradox that should accurately be called the most severe spiritual abuse: in order to remain “Catholic,” they have to finance a “church” that is no longer Catholic itself but rather “Marxist” at best. If they fail to do so, they are “excommunicated” by Marx, who, as a heretic and schismatic, has long since automatically incurred excommunication.
Such confused conditions will no longer be sustainable in the long term, and in Germany, the disintegration of the Church can now be felt everywhere.
One thing is certain: the Germans will not return to the communion of the Church; the German schism is irreversible.
What can a German Catholic do in this situation?
First of all, there is no hope of help from Rome. The Vatican is in the red and needs the money from the German dioceses. Moreover, Francis himself is flirting with the heretical ideas of the Germans, which is why he has not put the brakes on their schism.
As a result, German Catholics are currently experiencing the total loss of Catholicism on all sides.
Anyone who wants to remain Catholic in Germany, therefore, has no other choice: they must make a clear decision against the heretical bishops and their church tax system. At the same time, this includes a courageous confession: only those who are baptized and confirmed and who live according to the principles of the Catholic faith are Catholic. To be a German Catholic today means to become a confessor against heretical bishops; one almost feels like in the time of Arianism.
I would, therefore, like to say to all German Catholics: don’t be afraid! Free yourselves from the compulsion of the church tax, from the yoke of unbelieving bishops, and from German heresy! That is the only way to remain Catholic in Germany. Or would you rather become “Marxist” – and even pay for it?
I studied abroad for a year in England during the very early 1980s. One of my flatmates was a Welsh woman. By that, I don’t mean that she came from Wales. I mean that, as she said of her heritage, “My ancestors have been here since Caesar’s time.”
My friend, a pure Celt, was lily white, which all Welsh people were until recently. As late as 1981, when I traveled with my friend to Cardiff or up north to her family’s ancestral farm, it was 99% white. Nevertheless, the government now insists that the Welsh National Coal Museum must “decolonize” itself by presenting the history of the Welsh coal-mining industry “through the lens of black, Asian and minority ethnic people.”
The Welsh Government has told its National Coal Museum to teach “decolonised” history through the lens of ethnic minorities.
Wales, which is 93.8 per cent white, is calling on the former Blaenavon pit to play its part in making the principality “anti-racist”.
Under these plans, museums must provide an “authentic and decolonised account of the past, one that recognises both historical injustices and the positive impact of ethnic minority communities”.
What’s important to note is that the reference in that quote to Wales being 93.8 percent white refers to its current population. At the peak of Welsh mining, the miners were white and, like my friend, of Celtic stock:
However, Wales, like the rest of the United Kingdom, is changing. The First Minister of Wales (that is, the leader of the Welsh government), who is pushing for this initiative is a member of the essentially communist Labour Party. He’s also half-Zambian and was, in fact, born in Zambia to a Welsh father and a Zambian mother:
According to GBN, the way to prove that the Welsh coalminers, as beleaguered a group of entirely white people who ever lived, were in fact colonizers, the Museum will point that the coal they dug out of the mines affected the world economy:
Group for Education in Museums, an advisory body, claimed in its official guidance that while such connections might not be initially “obvious” all Welsh museums “will have some evidence of colonial and imperial trade and wealth”.
I assume that the theory behind this is that the coal provided energy for the British Empire as a whole, and the British Empire was the ultimate, evil “white colonizer.” Everything’s connected, just like “the hip bone connected from the thigh bone.” Funnily enough, this connectivity always stops right at the point that we’re about to learn about African and Muslim complicity in the slave trade, but that’s a story for another post.
However, because it’s going to be a tough road to decolonize the coal mining system, I have a suggested shortcut to focus on the “black” aspect of mining. Enjoy:
NCF Director Peter Whittle, Senior Fellow Rafe Heydel-Mankoo and Amy Gallagher of Stand Up to Woke discuss “We Have Been Subverted” a new article by Ayaan Hirsi Ali in which she argues that preservation of our way of life is threatened by our inability to recognise the threats working to subvert it. Read the article here:…
Eric Ciotti, President of the French centre-right party The Republicans, has been called on to resign after agreeing to an electoral alliance with the hard-right National Rally (RN) for the June 30 French legislative elections.
“I want my political family to move towards an alliance with the National Rally,” he said on June 11. Some members had already joined him, he added. The two parties held similar political positions, including on immigration.
Ciotti said he recognised that his centre-right party was “too weak to oppose … [French President Emmanuel] Macron’s bloc and the left-wing bloc”. An alliance with RN was a way to “avoid the danger” posed by the hard-left party La France Insoumise.
In the proposed alliance, Republican candidates would not have to stand against hard-right RN candidates in the two rounds of the French elections.
This is the first time in French history that The Republicans has aligned itself with the hard-right party RN at a national level, prompting strong criticism and rejection from Republicans bigwigs.
Eric Ciotti n’engage que lui. Il doit quitter la Présidence des @lesRepublicains
— 🇫🇷 Olivier Marleix (@oliviermarleix) June 11, 2024
In response, the leader of The Republicans in the lower house of parliament, Olivier Marleix, called for Ciotti to resign. “He must leave the presidency of the party.”
Gerard Larché, President of the Republicans in the Senate chambers, backed Marleix’s calls.
“Following Eric Ciotti’s declarations, I believe that he can no longer chair our movement and must resign from his mandate as president of the party,” Larché said.
Valérie Pécresse, the current President of the Regional Council of Île-de-France, called for other colleagues to denounce the agreement with RN. “Honour, righteousness, convictions are not empty words. Not everything can be bought. The Republicans must immediately denounce the agreement proposed by Ciotti with the RN,” she said.
RN’s de facto leader, Marine Le Pen, saluted what she called Ciotti’s “courageous choice” and “sense of responsibility”.
She also welcomed what she stated was the fact that “40 years of a pseudo-cordon sanitaire, which caused the loss of many elections, is now disappearing”.
President of France’s National Rally (RN) party, Jordan Bardella, says his political movement will support candidates from the centre-right Republican party in the June 30 elections as part of what could become a formal electoral alliance.
With the EU election over and national conservatives standing significantly stronger in most EU countries—including the two largest, Germany and France—mainstream party leaders are showing just how little they learned from what happened. Instead of listening to the people who are increasingly rejecting Europe’s dominant center-left paradigm, some are still working towards alienating them. Because, as Rod Dreher wrote in his recent column, “it is always easier to blame the supposed evils of those one hates than face up to your own side’s failures.”
During a live television event on Sunday night, Chancellor Scholz’s ruling Social Democrat (SPD) party’s co-leader, Lars Klingbeil, called the members of the national conservative AfD “Nazis” while the AfD co-chair Alice Weidel was there with him in the studio.
“The result of the European elections is a wake-up call for many people to realize that the Nazis have become stronger in this election,” Klingbeil said shortly after the provisional results came in.
Naturally, Weidel snapped and asked who he was referring to exactly. “You know that I mean the AfD and you,” the SPD chief replied. Weidel asked, “You just called me and the party Nazis?” “Yes,” Klingbeil answered.
The comment came just after it had been confirmed that, despite the constant demonization from all corners of German society, AfD finished second with nearly 16%, ahead of all three parties of the ruling ‘traffic light coalition,’ including the SPD.
Unfassbare Entgleisung bei Lars Klingbeil! In einer Gesprächsrunde nach Europawahl, beleidigt er Alice Weidel und die AfD als "Nazi". Sie haben recht Herr Klingbeil, die Menschen werden aufwachen, weil sie gesehen haben, daß nicht nur ein schlechter Verlierer sind, sondern das…
The same is happening in France, where Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin from Macron’s ruling Renaissance party equated Marine Le Pen’s election winner National Rally (RN) with the Nazi regime.
The minister’s comments came in response to the center-right Les Républicains (LR) leader Éric Ciotti announcing that his party is open to teaming up with National Rally for the coming snap elections in less than a month, needed after President Macron dissolved the Parliament due to his party’s crushing defeat on Sunday.
According to Darmanin, a pact between Les Républicains and National Rally is equal to “signing the Munich agreement,” the infamous appeasement deal between Nazi Germany and the Allied powers in 1938.
For the LR, the move is only a logical one, as siding with the winner tends to be more profitable than joining the losing side. Especially when the ‘Gaulist’ center-right is on its way toward obscurity, receiving only six seats in the EU election, as opposed to Le Pen’s 30. Some are capable of learning, after all.
Between National Rally, Les Républicains, and Eric Zemmour’s Reconquête, the united French Right could have 44.2% in the coming parliamentary elections, based on the EU election results. Macron tried to outmaneuver this alliance by pitching one of his own, but it seems that the leftist parties (the social democrats and greens) do not want to be in the same camp as the humiliated president.
Instead, an alternative challenger camp is beginning to take shape from everyone on the Left but Macron, including far-left formations. The “Popular Front,” as it will be called, will include the Socialist Party (PS), the green EELV, the Communist Party (PC), and the radical-left France Unbowed (LFI), who reached 31.6% between them in the EU elections.
The obvious counterproductivity of this hypocritical fuss about the “far-right” didn’t escape X-owner Elon Musk, who posted that he didn’t understand the outrage in the center. “They keep saying “far right”, but the policies of AfD that I’ve read about don’t sound extremist. Maybe I’m missing something,” the billionaire wrote.
Why is there such a negative reaction from some about AfD?
They keep saying “far right”, but the policies of AfD that I’ve read about don’t sound extremist. Maybe I’m missing something.
Of course, these comments are not specific to either Germany or France, as the same message had been repeated by Brussels over and over again in the lead-up to the EU elections.
A month before the EU election, the European Parliament released its official campaign video, meant to increase the historically low turnout. As an institution and not a political organization, the Parliament should have been impartial to stay true to democratic principles, but of course, it wasn’t. The video in question features Holocaust survivors giving testimony of their horrific experiences, urging people to use their vote or “others will decide” the fate of Europe for them.
The love of freedom and the hatred of oppression resonates with everyone, so the message does seem impartial at first. But since the EU institutions and the mainstream parties spent the entire campaign calling sovereigntist, national conservative parties “far-right” or “extreme-right,” you know exactly what the video was trying to achieve and who it referred to under the ominous label “others.”