She incited hatred against Israel, glorified violence and wanted to “turn Neukölln into Gaza”. Since Friday, Shireen M. (27) has been on trial for this at the criminal court in Berlin-Moabit. An appearance with a headscarf, protective mask and black sunglasses. Right at the start of the hearing at 9.30 a.m., the accused admitted to inciting hatred against Israel and sharing hate content on Instagram. Specifically, on the 18th of October 2023, she allegedly called on her 450 followers to carry out violent riots in the Berlin district of Neukölln.
“Men” were to come to Pannierstraße at 10 pm with stones, batons and masks. The following was posted: “We will turn Neukölln into Gaza. Set everything on fire.” And: “Our brothers and sisters are being massacred in Gaza.” That same night, there were indeed serious riots on Pannierstraße. Cars, rubbish bins and tyres were set on fire. Pro-Palestinian rioters battled with the police in the streets. 65 police officers were injured!
Shortly after the riots, Shireen M. shared videos glorifying the violence. Explosive: Back in August 2022 – well before the Middle East conflict – M. shared a photo of a pro-Israeli demonstration. She wrote: “You would need a suicide bomber here now”. M. also shared Hamas propaganda shortly after October 7. The photo shows an Israeli soldier lying dead in a pool of blood, with a black boot pressed onto his head. Inhumane! The evidence is overwhelming. But the Danish-born woman with German citizenship feigns ignorance. In court, she says that she naively shared the posts online and did not create them herself. She is not politically active and has never come into conflict with the law. She is pregnant and is due to give birth to her second child in August. The trial had to be repeatedly interrupted for this reason. Two further trial days have been scheduled. A judgement is expected at the end of June.
On today’s #NCFWhittle we speak with classically-trained actor, singer, writer & podcaster, Clifton Duncan about the state of acting, arts and culture in America and the West after 15 years of exposure to woke ideology.
A former Scottish National Party (SNP) Equalities Officer who threatened to “beat the f**ck out of some TERFs and transphobes” has been convicted of sexually assaulting six young adults. Cameron Downing, 24, who uses “he” and “they” pronouns, was arrested this week and faces sentencing at the High Court in Edinburgh on July 16. Downing’s lawyer, Michael Meehan, asked the court for bail prior to sentencing, which was denied by Judge Alison Stirling.
During his trial, Downing denied wrongdoing and instead claimed that he was dealing with poor mental health when the crimes occurred. Jurors deliberated his verdict for two days. Downing was handcuffed and taken to a jail cell after the verdict was announced.
Reduxx first reported on Downing’s violent threats when he was elected to the SNP in September of 2022. In addition to threatening violence against women critical of gender ideology, Downing also received backlash for posting that he “fucking hate[d] women who advocate for single-sex spaces.”
Downing’s sex crimes spanned a period of several years. According to the court, his criminal conduct began when he was just 16 and continued until early 2023.
During a police investigation into his crimes, it was discovered that Downing had also blackmailed one of his sexual assault victims by telling the young man that if he refused sex, Downing would make a false report of rape to police.
“You should want that with all your f*****g being because the alternative is losing me from your life and most likely facing a court case for RAPING me,” he wrote to the victim.
He continued by telling the young man that he would tell his friends, family, and employer that he was a “rapist” if he refused Downing’s advances. The victim is now 22 years old.
Downing abused males and females, and one female victim said that Downing began to abuse her when she was still a teenager.
She told the court that she was intoxicated at a party when Downing encouraged her to take a shower, after which she had no recollection of what happened, but that she awoke in a bed, covered in bruises. She said that Downing later denied touching her, claiming gay and wouldn’t want to “look at [her] saggy t**s anyway.”
Downing is set to attend a sentencing hearing next month.
Beloved author and women’s rights advocate JK Rowling expressed a lack of surprise at Downing’s convictions on social media.
“Amazing, the way men who proudly proclaim that they want to harm people turn out to really enjoy harming people. Almost like there’s a connection,” wrote Rowling on X (formerly Twitter).
Amazing, the way men who proudly proclaim that they want to harm people turn out to really enjoy harming people. Almost like there's a connection.
Downing is not the first person the SNP has employed who was later found to have expressed contempt for those who advocate for women’s sex-based rights.
Shortly after his appointment, video began circulating of Adamson screaming repeatedly at a woman during a demonstration in Edinburgh in September of 2021.
A transgender male who expressed a desire to physically assault women who oppose self-identification policies has been appointed a Learning Disabilities Officer in Scotland's governing party.
During the incident, female protesters had gathered to demand the SNP and the Scottish Green Party protect women’s sex based rights in law. The women were carrying signs reading “save our single-sex spaces” and “sex not gender.” Adamson, while using a walker, was caught on film abruptly charging at one of the women and hurling slurs in her face.
Shortly after his hiring was announced, internet sleuths began searching through Adamson’s Twitter account and found a number of disturbing posts. Adamson referred to women’s rights activists as “evil TERFs,” and had called former Prime Minister Liz Truss a “demon” and a “bitch” who had to be “put to death.”
Adamson’s role within the SNP was reportedly suspended following additional threats he issued at Tory leadership candidate Rishi Sunak.
The wildest thing about the new book by swimmer-turned-activist Riley Gaines is that it had to be written in the first place. Swimming Against the Current: Fighting for Common Sense in a World That’s Lost its Mind (Center Street, 2024) is part memoir, part manifesto, written by a young woman famous not primarily for her impressive career—12-time All-American swimmer, two-time Olympic Trial Qualifier, five-time SEC Champion—but because she was forced to compete against a man. That experience turned her into an activist, and her account is a fascinating glimpse at the collision between college sports and transgender activism.
Swimming Against the Current: Fighting for Common Sense in a World That’s Lost its Mind Riley Gaines Center Street, 2024
Gaines cites two key radicalizing events in her life (she is 24 and thus not old enough to remember 9/11). The first came on March 18, 2022. Gaines was swimming for the University of Kentucky in the 200-yard National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) freestyle championship. She tied for fifth place against Lia Thomas, a mediocre male swimmer who had recently begun to identify as female and promptly break records and clean house at swim meets across the country. Just before the event, Gaines and the other girls had been stunned when, without any warning from coaches or anyone else, Thomas strode into their changing room and began to undress. Gaines describes the scene:
I was getting dressed back into my clothes from my practice suit when it was like someone unplugged the sound. Dead silence. My back was turned toward the door, but before I even turned around, I knew what the silence meant … Upon turning around and shifting my eyes to the 6’4” Thomas, I immediately felt the inherent need to cover my chest, as someone with a male gaze and a male voice entered the room. Some of the girls grabbed towels, or shirts, or whatever was close by and covered the exposed parts of their body. Other girls looked the other way. We were all in various stages of nakedness. None of us said a word. I can’t accurately put into words the feelings of violation when hearing a man’s voice in the locker room when you are fully nude. Thomas walked toward the corner of the locker room and began to change out of a woman’s practice suit and get naked. Right in front of us. No introduction, no ‘Excuse me,’ no explanation, no privacy for us.
Scenes like that are playing out in changing rooms wherever the transgender movement has gained ground. Locker rooms, it seems, are always the first territory they wish to take. Gaines writes that Kylee Alones of North Carolina State University, a 31-time All-American swimmer, was so uncomfortable with being forced to undress in front of Thomas that she took to changing in a storage closet. It is truly bizarre to consider: the most decorated swimmer of all time said she was “grateful” to have a closet in which to change, because NCAA officials rejected girls’ requests for privacy. Natural modesty, once a prized virtue, is forbidden in Trans America.
Gaines observes that we are enduring the fourth wave of feminism, “the wave where men make the best women.” Indeed, Lia Thomas—a male with a functioning penis—was the star of a TV special for Women’s History Month on ESPN. ESPN did not mention Thomas’s physical advantages (many of his swim times were comparatively ridiculous) and profiled no actual women. When Gaines and Thomas tied for fifth place, an NCAA official told Gaines that Thomas would get the trophy. When she asked why, he told her—with a defeated look—that he had been informed that Thomas had to be holding the trophy when the press photos were taken.
Gaines was not the only girl to speak out—she writes that many others did, as well. Most did so anonymously for fear of backlash. Gaines does an excellent job describing the world of competitive swimming and the years of gruelling work it takes to compete at a college level, and the crushing disappointment felt by girls who lost their positions and prizes to males against whom they were forced to compete. The female swimmers were frequently warned by university officials ahead of competitions: “Shut up and swim. Use the ‘preferred pronouns.’ Don’t talk to the press. Say the right lines.”
Throughout the book, Gaines refers to Thomas—accurately—as a male. In the prefatory “Author’s Note,” Gaines explains that it is essential to identify men and women accurately. If she participates in the charade of “preferred pronouns,” it undermines the foundational premise of her case against males in female sports—if “he” is a “she,” why can’t “she” compete against the other women? Gaines also rejects the phrase “biological female,” which implicitly implies that there are other kinds of females. I sympathize with her struggle to find the right language—initially, I also used many of these phrases as I tried to navigate how to report on the transgender movement.
The other radicalizing event for Gaines occurred on 6 April 2023, when a speech at San Francisco State University ended with Gaines getting mobbed by trans activists. Campus police hustled her into a classroom as the rioters bayed for her head— “Let us at her!”—punching her several times before she reached safety. She was trapped for hours until she could be extracted by a phalanx of San Francisco cops, who served as bodyguards to get her through the mob. It is yet another example of the gaslighting the transgender movement specializes in: they portray themselves as the victims of “violence” for nonsense like “misgendering,” while simultaneously excusing genuine violence. The men in dresses don’t like being called out.
The university apologized not to Gaines, but to the LGBT community, for any trauma they might have experienced while swarming and assaulting her.
Swimming Against the Current also contains helpful chapters on the physical advantages of men in sports. Gaines notes the example of Venus and Serena Williams losing to Karsten Braasch, the 203rd-ranked male tennis player, in 1998—he had been drinking beforehand and smoked during the breaks. Males in female sports often pose a genuine danger, as well. Fallon Fox, a trans-identifying male, famously cracked his female opponent’s skull during an MMA match; and in 2022, a trans-identifying male spiked a volleyball into a female player during a high school game and partially paralyzed her. The case Gaines makes is concise and compelling.
A key conclusion of Gaines’ book is that much of the transgender movement’s success is enabled by collective cowardice. NCAA officials, coaches, university administrators, sports journalists—many of them were willing to tell Gaines that they supported her, but only privately. That is precisely why the transgender phenomenon has grown so swiftly: because of thousands of small acts of cowardice. Every time someone uses a “preferred pronoun” knowing that it is a lie, the transgender movement wins. Every time we allow someone else—like Gaines—to take fire while we watch from the sidelines and only whisper encouragement in secret, we are part of the problem.
Fortunately, Gaines herself has become tremendously effective. At the time of writing, 23 American states have passed some version of legislation requiring athletes to compete in the category that matches their biological sex. Like so many others, Gaines is an accidental activist—a dissident drafted by the other side. She wasn’t planning to go to war for women’s rights, and in defence of privacy, modesty, and fairness. She was planning to be a dentist. Now, she’s taking on trans activists, Democrats, and university officials in her campaign to restore sanity. If Gaines succeeds in her crusade, then perhaps a return to common sense will end up being her greatest legacy.
Two young girls were victims of an attempted rape yesterday, Friday June 14 at 11:40 pm in Dijon (Côte-d’Or), as Valeurs actuelles has learned from police sources. Two men, a 23-year-old Afghan refugee known to the TAJ (Traitement des Antécédents Judiciaires) and a 20-year-old man also claiming to be Afghan, attacked the girls as they strolled through the city.
The two men offered to perform a sexual act against payment. After the victims refused, the main suspect took off his trousers and tried to undress one of the girls by grabbing her buttocks.
A police trainee, who was travelling in his car, heard the victims’ screams and intervened to help them. He took them to safety in his vehicle before following the attackers. The girls were able to notify the police and the two men were arrested shortly before midnight and taken into police custody. The National Prosecuting Authority (CPN) was called in.
A 40-year-old man from the Middle East, who once looked for refuge in Bolzano, has been sentenced to a total of almost nine years in prison. The court in Trento sentenced him to four years for membership of a criminal organisation with terrorist activities. The court in Bolzano sentenced him to a further four years and ten months for domestic abuse in 2021.
After serving his sentence and being released from prison, the man lived in a guesthouse with a fellow countryman without a permanent job. His status as a political refugee, which he was granted in 2008, was later revoked. A renewed application for international protection was rejected.
The man belonged to the “JWEB” organisation in Merano, which trained extremists for attacks in Europe and worldwide. Due to the serious accusations and his dangerous personality, Quaestor Paolo Sartori decided to expel him.
He was taken to the Deportation Centre in Gradisca d’Isonzo (Gorizia), where he is awaiting deportation to his country of origin.
Quaestor Sartori emphasised that the expulsion of people who pose a threat to security is necessary to ensure public safety.
At least three people were injured in the attack around 9.30pm on Friday night, with two – a woman aged 50 and a man 75 – suffering severe wounds. A second man, 56, was slightly injured.
Police have not yet released a statement as to the current condition of the victims.
According to local media reports citing police information, the perpetrator was an Afghan national.
A police spokeswoman said the attacker went for police officers on their arrival in Genossenschaftsweg in Wolmirstedt, Saxony-Anhalt. One officer drew his pistol and fatally shot him.
“Firearms were used,” a police spokesperson told Bild on Saturday morning.
“The perpetrator died in hospital.”
The publication shared a picture of a body covered by a blanket being stretchered from the scene.
The knifeman is also suspected of murdering another man, aged 23 and also from Afghanistan, earlier in a high-rise building close to where the family party took place.
Police were alerted when he threatened people on an allotment on his way to the party venue, according to the Magdeburger Volksstimme newspaper.
Germany on high alert amid fears extremists could target the European football tournament.
Nancy Faeser, the German interior minister, said: “We are arming ourselves against all conceivable dangers with the maximum commitment of the security authorities.
“Our focus ranges from the threat of Islamist terror to hooligans and cyber attacks. The Federal Police will protect Germany’s borders, airports and rail traffic.”
German police have set up a command centre in the city of Neuss in the Rhine region where counter-terror police from across the continent have gathered to work on ensuring safety in and around the Euros.
Earlier this month, police arrested a known Islamist at Cologne Airport on charges that he had transferred crypto currency to an Islamic state cell in Afghanistan.
The suspect, identified only as Soufian T in line with German privacy laws, reportedly applied for jobs as a security guard at outdoor screenings of Euro 2024 matches, but his application was rejected based on a tip off from Germany’s domestic security agency.
An Islamic teacher is said not to have been given a contract as a regional teacher because she did not wear a headscarf. According to a court judgement – which is not legally binding – the teacher was discriminated against by the Islamic Religious Community (IGGÖ) because of her religion. According to a first-instance judgement by the Labour and Social Court, an Islamic teacher was discriminated against by the Islamic Religious Community (IGGÖ) because she took off her headscarf, report the weekly “profil” and the daily “Der Standard”. The woman is said not to have been given a contract as a regional teacher because she did not wear a headscarf. The court found direct discrimination on the grounds of religion and the IGGÖ intends to appeal the judgement.
The plaintiff, who was employed by the IGGÖ from 2006, had worn a headscarf since she was a child. However, according to court documents, she gradually took it off from around 2016, first in her private life and then in class. According to the judgement, which is not legally binding, this led to the plaintiff’s application for employment as a Viennese state teacher not being dealt with further and not being forwarded to the Vienna Education Directorate.
“The motive for this was that, in the opinion of the authorised inspectors, the plaintiff did not wear the headscarf required for a woman’s head covering according to Islamic doctrine, or did not wear it constantly or sufficiently”, the court found “direct discrimination on the basis of religion”. The IGGÖ is now to pay compensation of 15,000 to the plaintiff for the personal injury suffered.
— Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧 (@TRobinsonNewEra) June 14, 2024
North Africans enter a Catholic mass in Toledo, Spain, filming themselves riding around the church on scooters. Taking liberties everywhere they go. Mass deportations needed.
On today’s #NCFNewspeak, NCF Director Peter Whittle, Senior Fellow Rafe Heydel-Mankoo and Amy Gallagher of Stand up to Woke discuss the right-wing victories in the EU parliamentary elections, the UK elections and the Tory & Labour manifestos and the rise of Reform.