Yesterday, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser presented the 2023 Report on the Protection of the Constitution together with Thomas Haldenwang, Head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Nothing new in terms of content: the real danger comes from the right, left-wing extremism and Islamism are of secondary importance. However, one statement by Haldenwang shocked the public: the caliphate is “a conceivable form of state”. “What else is the introduction of the caliphate? It is one of many conceivable forms of government that exist around the world. There is communism, socialism, there are religiously-run systems, there are monarchies. (…) We have a system that also permits very radical statements. As soon as the demand is that we want to overthrow it all together and then we take up arms, then that is not acceptable,” Haldenwang said verbatim during the press conference.
For the head of the domestic intelligence service, calling for an Islamic theocracy therefore belongs to freedom of opinion and is therefore not a reason for surveillance by intelligence services or attempts at containment, such as a ban on groups with precisely this aim. The same Thomas Haldenwang, however, has been fighting the peaceful and constitutionally loyal patriotic opposition for years and portrays them as extremist. In order to be targeted by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution as a right-wing extremist, it is not necessary to commit acts of violence. Publicly calling for remigration measures or “belittling the state” by making jokes about Ricarda Lang’s appearance or the embarrassing lapses of the German Interior Minister are sufficient.
Such scandalous behaviour is proof time and again of the complete lack of reality in the German ivory tower. While knife attacks on completely innocent people in parks in broad daylight now make the headlines and hundreds of radical Muslims in Hamburg are calling for a caliphate – the main speaker at the event is a trained teacher at Hamburg University – the top constitutional protector declares such events to be covered by freedom of speech. At the same time, the right-wing opposition, which does not stand out either through organised violence or any plans to overthrow the government, is labelled the greatest danger to the state and society. To make matters worse, a whistleblower in the Saxon Ministry of the Interior has come clean about the conditions at the agency. Employees are inadequately equipped in the fight against actual extremists and are therefore exposed to great danger. At the same time, citizens who are critical of the government and make harmless statements are targeted by the authorities and monitored using intelligence service methods. Communications are intercepted, movement profiles are created and even people’s surroundings are scrutinised. Disciplinary proceedings are underway against the employee for his comments.
The head track and field coach at a high school in Oregon has been fired after writing letters to state officials expressing his concerns about allowing biological males to compete with girls.
John Parks, who had been employed at Lake Oswego High School since January of last year, says his contract was terminated shortly after he began speaking out against trans-identified males self-identifying into female races.
Parks explains that he first wrote the Oregon Student Activities Association with his concerns just before the controversial May 18 state championships where a trans-identified male student participated with the girls.
The student, Aayden Gallagher, had been the source of much outcry after dominating a number of races in the qualifying matches leading up to the state championships. In April, Gallagher won multiple awards in Girls Varsity races, but he finally secured his place at state on May 9 when he took two gold medals at the Portland Interscholastic League meet.
Gallagher ultimately seized first place in the Girls Varsity 200m at the championships, and was booed upon taking the winner’s podium.
A transgender runner has just WON the Girls Varsity 200m race at the 2024 OSAA Track & Field State Championships in Eugene, Oregon.
Aayden Gallagher reportedly received a personal police escort to the field.
Following the championships, Parks wrote another letter, this time to Oregon Senator Rob Wagner.
In the letter, Parks argued that current Oregon law, which allows males to self-identify into women’s sports, was creating an unfair playing field for female athletes.
“The OSAA competition rules need to be aligned with what the rest of the world competes under,” Parks wrote to Senator Wagner, referring to the hormone testing and restrictions enforced by the International Olympic Committee and other sporting bodies.
“My proposal to encourage transgender participation is to offer an open division that is so named so it doesn’t identify or discriminate but offers an opportunity to participate,” he continued in his letter. Parks says he does not oppose transgender students playing in school sports, but that separate categories were needed to ensure fairness for girls.
He also noted that mixed-sex competitions were becoming an issue for the trans athletes as well, pointing out that Gallagher had been ‘booed’ by the crowd during the state championships.
“I want them to be able to participate where they’re not ‘booed,’” Parks said, speaking to local KATU. He says he is now in the process of appealing his termination.
“I’m going to fight now because I got wronged,” he told KATU. “I … am fighting for girls, I’m fighting for female sports, and I’m fighting that it be fair for everybody.”
Poster published by Neues Volk (“New People”), a magazine published monthly by the Rassepolitischen Amt der NSDAP (Office of Racial Policy of the Nazi Party), while they were in power. Wikimedia Commons , PD Germany
Despite a Constitutional Court ruling to the contrary, the Spanish government has affirmed that its recent euthanasia law allows assisted suicide for the mentally ill. The government is preparing changes to the official manual of best euthanasia practices to clarify the application of the law, thereby facilitating the euthanasia of those suffering from various psychiatric conditions.
“There was no doubt that mental illness could motivate a patient’s request for euthanasia, in accordance with what was included in the Organic Law of Regulation of Euthanasia,” stated Nuria Terribas, vice-president of the Commission for the Guarantee and Evaluation of Euthanasia in Catalonia, adding “at least, there was not among the members that made up the Euthanasia Guarantee and Evaluation Commissions of the autonomous communities.” The remarks were made at a conference on law and health last week, as reported by the trade magazine Diario Medico.
Terribas explained that the application of the law had become unclear following a Constitutional Court decision. VOX had questioned the euthanasia law’s constitutionality before the country’s Constitutional Court, as allowed under Spanish law. The court returned a ruling that deemed the law constitutional but found that it excluded euthanasia in cases of mental illness, limiting the practice to grave physical situations.
The government of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez disagrees with the interpretation, however. As a result, its bureaucrats are revising the best practices guide for euthanasia to make it clear under what circumstances a person suffering from a mental and not a physical condition can be euthanized.
The first draft of the revised guidance was seen by Diario Medico.
According to the publication, the draft manual states
The Organic Law on the Regulation of Euthanasia (LORE) does not exclude mental illness, allowing people with an unbearable condition due to the presence of mental illness to request PAM (provision of help to die) on equal terms as those whose suffering comes from a somatic disease.
“A thorough psychopathological evaluation is required to identify those who could benefit from assistance in dying,” the revised manual reads and specifically excludes “those who present mild or moderate symptoms of depression or anxiety since these conditions are subject to treatment and improvement.”
It recommends that a doctor who has seen the patient for a prolonged period of time—whether a family doctor or a psychologist—evaluate the patient and his request for euthanasia, “preferably” in consultation with a psychiatrist. The development of the ‘PAM’ category in Spanish law brings it closer to the controversial practice of ‘Medical Assistance in Dying’ (MAiD) in Canada, which critics accuse of ‘mission creep’ in the range of patients it now treats.
The Spanish government’s insistence on overriding a ruling of its own Constitutional Court is yet another flagrant violation of democratic norms and common moral sense.
Long faces among many students: a grammar school cancels its graduation ceremony – for fear of “massive confrontational political rallies”. It is actually the culmination of the high school years: the graduation ceremony. Not at the grammar school in the Tiergarten district of Berlin (Photo). The school management there cancelled the “Abi” celebration in the Charlottenburg district without further ado, as reported by the “[newspaper] Tagesspiegel”. The reason: they are afraid of pro-Palestinian protests by the pupils. A number of graduates had planned to appear with the Palestinian scarf “Kufiya”. According to the school management and school social workers, “massive confrontational political demonstrations were planned by a large proportion of this year’s A-level students”. Based on this information, which the school management had received from a “reliable source”, the safety of those attending the graduation ceremony could not have been guaranteed. The extremely disappointed students were called upon to collect their certificates from the school.
A German man has been fined €6,000 for insulting The Greens party politicians in his home country.
Björn Otto, a patent attorney, was initially issued with a penalty of €45,000 by the public prosecutor but the judge lowered that to €6,000 on June 14.
Greens politicians had filed a complaint claiming their honour was violated by his comments made at the end of 2022, German newspaper Bild reported.
As a vocal critic of the vaccination programme during the Covid pandemic, Otto had installed a video display in the rear window of his car showing images of government politicians including three Greens MPs.
The defendant had titled economic minister Robert Habeck as “Hadreck” and foreign minister Annalena Baerbock as “Blödbock”. Of The Greens MP Anton Hofreiter, Otto wrote: “If you smell what Anton Hofreiter looks like, then we’ll see you on the street!”
A civilian patrol of the Munich police stopped his car, seized the video display and his mobile phone.
State security was informed and contacted the politicians “targeted” by Otto. All of those involved were asked if they wanted to file a criminal complaint for insult and the three Greens did.
Of the others, Chancellor Olaf Scholz, of the Socialist Party, and finance minister Christian Lindner, a Liberal, did not want to do so.
Otto was forced to go to court to fight the €45,000 fine, and his criminal defence lawyer, Marc Wederhake, said they would now also appeal the €6,000 fine.
Both say freedom of expression is on the line and that in a constitutional democracy, people should be allowed to criticise those in power.
Joachim Steinhöfel, a high-profile lawyer, on June 18 criticised the investigators in the Bild newspaper: “If the State security asks politicians for criminal charges, it exceeds its legal powers,” he said.
“This is particularly serious because the State wants to pursue and punish the exercise of important fundamental rights such as criticism of power and freedom of expression by breaking the law.”
In a separate incident, in May this year, Werner Heinrich, a former judge, was fined for calling Habeck “a complete idiot” on Facebook.
In his defence, Heinrich argued that the original definition of the term “idiot” meant “incompetent” and therefore was a fitting description, “since [with] the Greens in the government everything goes down the drain”.
The court saw it as “malicious contempt” and deemed it an “insult directed against persons of political life” under Section 188 of the Criminal Code. Heinrich was forced to pay €7,800.
In another case, in March, Michael Much, a German entrepreneur, successfully fought a €6,000 fine in court for mocking Greens politicians.
In the trailer for the disastrous Netflix documentary Queen Cleopatra, classics professor Shelley Haley states, “I remember my grandmother saying to me, ‘I don’t care what they teach you in school. Cleopatra was black.’” The documentary goes on to depict the queen as black, or at least biracial, with Adele James starring in the title role.
Some of the Cleopatra-was-black business may be the result of ignorance of ancient history, of believing Cleopatra to be a native Egyptian, and of believing native Egyptians to be black. But Cleopatra was not a native Egyptian; rather, she was a member of a foreign dynasty that ruled over Egypt.
When Alexander the Great and his army of Macedonians and Greeks set out to conquer the known world at the time, they liberated Egypt from Persian rule along the way. Alexander commissioned the founding of the fabulous city of Alexandria, and after his death, one of his generals, Ptolemy, became ruler over Egypt, founding a dynasty that ruled from Alexandria. The royal house “kept it in the family” by resorting to intermarriage if need be. Our Cleopatra was the last of a number of Cleopatras in this Ptolemaic lineage.
Educated though they may be, some woke historians pander to the Cleopatra-was-black agenda by reading way too much into the fact that nothing is really known about Cleopatra’s mother. Their non-sequitur reasoning seems to be that since we don’t know exactly who Cleopatra’s mother was, she must have been black! Had Cleopatra’s mother been a Nubian or even a native Egyptian, however, such a fact probably would have been seized upon and used as a cudgel against the legitimacy of her rule by the polemicists and detractors of the day. It would have been the kind of thing that chroniclers of the time surely would have noted. More than likely, Cleopatra’s mother was probably just another Greco-Macedonian Alexandrian.
I’ve often wondered if anything in particular might have contributed to the present-day belief in a black Cleopatra, and I believe I’ve found it. In 1896, an erotic novel by Pierre Louÿs, Aphrodite: Mœurs Antiques, created quite a stir in French literary circles. The subject matter was the life of courtesans in ancient Alexandria when Cleopatra was a young girl. The work is divided into five books, and each book into several chapters. Chapter seven of book three gives a description of the young Cleopatra.
At this point, a caveat is in order for those who may wish to do primary research from the French text: a number of successive editions of the work were published by the Société du Mercure de France, and of those I have seen, the Cleopatra chapter has inexplicably been omitted, so look for a French edition from some other publisher. (Tracking down the reason for the omissions might make a good research project for the scholar of French literature who happens to read this.)
Although there had been a few English translations of the work, the one that really hit its stride was the translation by Lewis Galantière, put out by Random House in its Modern Library series in 1933. The three editors of the Modern Library series were listed on the back of the title page, one of them being a Bennett A. Cerf. Years later, Bennett Cerf went on to become a regular on the long-running What’s My Line? television game show as a panelist. I’m old enough to remember as a youngster watching him along with Dorothy Kilgallen and Arlene Francis trying to figure out the occupations of the show’s guests. Back on point, here’s Galantière’s translation of the description of Cleopatra:
Queen Berenice had a younger sister called Cleopatra. Many Egyptian princesses had borne this name, but this girl became in later years the renowned Cleopatra who destroyed her kingdom and killed herself on the corpse of her dead realm, so to say. She was at this time about twelve years old, and no one could yet tell what her beauty would be. Tall and slender, she seemed not to belong to a family in which all the females were plump. She was ripening like some defectively grafted bastard fruit of obscure and outlandish origin. Some of her lineaments were hard and bold, like those seen in Macedonia; other traits seemed a heritage from the depths of Nubia, where womankind is tender and swarthy. Her mother had been a woman of inferior race and dubious pedigree. It was surprising to see Cleopatra’s almost negroid lips under a delicately formed aquiline nose. Her young breasts were round, small, set wide apart, and the swelling aureolae which crowned them marked her a daughter of the Nile (p. 177).
The Modern Library version of Aphrodite would have been displayed in bookstores, put on order by libraries across the country, and read by educated people. Because of Louÿs’s reputation as an author of great erudition, many readers may have assumed the above description to be based on some kind of actual historical research, when in fact it was nothing more than exotic fiction. Such a widespread dissemination of this sensational work of fiction could not help but contribute to the notion of a black Cleopatra.
According to the German-Turkish SPD businessman Vural Öger (he said this during a meeting with Turkish businessmen in Germany), “what Süleyman started with the siege of Vienna we will achieve with our women”. At the time it was dismissed as a provocation. Then, on the 333rd anniversary of the Battle of Vienna against the Turks, Vienna’s Cardinal Schönborn said: “Will there be an Islamic conquest of Europe? Many Muslims want it and say: Europe is at the end”.
Now the government survey causing a stir:
“Muslims are a majority in Vienna schools.” Der Standard reveals it. Thirty-five percent of public school students in Vienna are Muslim. The percentage of Catholic students in comparison: 21 percent. Christoph Wiederkehr, deputy mayor of Vienna, presented the data.
The first impression you have when you arrive in Vienna is that of entering a museum. The city is clean, the imperial palaces well-kept, customers and waiters in the cafés seem to have been there for centuries, like stuffed birds. But behind the facade painted for tourists, the country is changing so rapidly that in a few years no one will remember what it was like.
Christian Klar, principal of a middle school in Vienna, has just explained how some students now convert to Islam to avoid being bullied by the now majority group within the school. “I got a textbook that says on the back, ‘Islam will win. Some even say openly: ‘We will have more children, it’s just a matter of time.'”
In Western Europe, an unprecedented demographic, cultural and religious transformation is underway which is giving rise to new political forces. A landslide victory for the far right is expected in the September parliamentary elections in Austria. “Historical peoples in a number of cities, districts and departments feel in the minority, where the demographic change in Europe is extremely spectacular,” wrote the French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut.
The Krone Zeitung published impressive data in the case of constant immigration: “In 2046, one Viennese in three will be Muslim.” What we see in schools today will be extended to the whole of society.
When the pro-Hamas groups call a demonstration in front of the Vienna Cathedral, they do so for a specific reason. This story is not an Agatha Christie mystery, with the culprit discovered in the last chapter. We are the guilty ones.
Hermann Broch, the great Viennese Jewish writer of the “Sleepwalkers”, wrote: “Only he who has a purpose fears danger, because he fears for the purpose.” We no longer have a purpose and we no longer fear anything.
Imre Kertész, the great Hungarian writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature and was deported to Auschwitz and Buchenwald, in his book “Den sista tillflykten”, The Last Refuge, attacks “the Europe that produced Hitler” and which today “opens the doors to Islam”, complicit in “suicidal liberalism” and “stupid democracy”, victims of “lies” and “total self-abandonment”.
Kertész launched his last, fatal sinister premonition about the Europe he cared so much about:
“It always ends the same way: civilization reaches a stage of maturation in which not only is it unable to defend itself, but in an incomprehensible way it adores the enemy”.
Vienna’s Reumannplatz, which takes its name from the Jewish mayor Jakob Reumann, is known by tourists for the Amalienbad, the large art deco style swimming pool. However, the Antonskirche with its green dome goes almost unnoticed at the end of the square between two blocks of houses. On the dome is depicted Saint Anthony of Padua, the holy intercessor in case of infertility.
For months, the brick wall in front of the entrance portal of the church has been smeared with Islamic writings and no one seems to care: “Islam will win, with you or without you”.
A man has been shot dead by police in France after reportedly attacking two people with a screwdriver.
At around 7.30am local time this morning, a maintenance worker and a police officer were set upon by the tool-wielding attacker – prompting municipal police in Aubervilliers, on the outskirts of Paris to open fire, killing him.
Karine Franclet, the Mayor of Aubervilliers, said: “We strongly condemn this unacceptable act of violence which led to this dramatic attack.
“Any attack against those who take care of our city is intolerable,” she told AFP.
A police source also told AFP: “This morning in Aubervilliers, a maintenance worker was struck several times by a screwdriver.
“A local police officer, attempting to intervene, was also injured in the arm. A local police officer on the scene drew his weapon.”
The shocking attack took place during a monthly community street-cleaning event in Aubervilliers called “The Big Wash” – where one of the victims had been working.
Neither the maintenance worker nor the police officer attacked by the man are in a critical condition, according to local reports.
The news of the attacks comes just over a month before the Paris Olympics kick off on July 26.
Though there is no indication this incident is terror-related, French authorities have managed to prevent a litany of plots and uncovered several threats this year already.
A mere three weeks ago, police swooped on another Paris outskirt – Roissy-en-France – to discover a man who had used Isis-linked chemicals to blow himself up in his hotel room outside the city’s Charles de Gaulle airport.
The PNAT anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office, working with France’s domestic spy agency, has opened an investigation into the man, who is suspected of participation in a terrorist conspiracy and bomb plot.
The incident at the airport hotel was the “first foiled attack against the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games”, according to French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin – but security threats have sparked concerns across the capital already.
The Olympics’ opening ceremony, slated to take place on the city’s River Seine, was announced to have been drastically scaled back from ambitious initial plans earlier this year.
A senior French interior ministry official said French President Emmanuel Macron – who now faces an election ahead of the Games – had demanded halving the number of spectators from 600,000 following crowd control and security concerns, according to Politico.
The official said the “main threat” to the Games was “Islamist terrorism” – but conceded French intelligence had not yet identified specific plots, and groups like Isis and Al-Qaeda did not have the financial capacity to carry out attacks in France.
The New Popular Front leftist alliance formed to confront the “extreme right” in the snap elections in France have nominated a radical “anti-fascist” activist who is reportedly on the government’s national security watchlist as a candidate for the National Assembly
Raphaël Arnault, the official spokesman of the Lyon Antifa collective “Jeune Garde Antifasciste (Young Antifascist Guard), has been nominated by the far-left La France Insoumise (LFI) party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon to represent the first constituency of Vaucluse in Provence in the National Assembly as part of the New Popular Front electoral alliance comprised of LFI, the Socialists, the green Écologistes party, and the French Communist Party for the snap election called by President Emmanuel Macron earlier this month.
The nomination of Arnault turned heads in France, given his Antifa street activism, with his group reportedly engaging in violence against alleged members of the “far-right”. According to L’Incorrect Arnault’s radicalism has even drawn the eye of the state, with the activist having an ‘S File’ for his “proximity to the radical ultra-left movement and susceptibility to engaging in violent actions” and being considered a “dangerous” person.
An ‘S File’ represents the highest level of threat posed by an individual, typically reserved for organised criminals and Islamist terrorists. In addition to being on the national security watch list, the French magazine claimed to have audio of Arnault threatening to kill feminist activist Alice Cordier.
“This buffoon Alice Cordier who is dividing up the Kurds, I have some advice to give her: let her come there, to the Kurds. We’re going to put a bullet in his head. That’s all that’s going to happen,” the man alleged to be Arnault said on the recording published by L’Incorrect.
✅ Les 30 juin et 7 juillet, mobilisation générale ! Nous pouvons changer la vie et écrire l'histoire !
— La France insoumise 🟣 #NouveauFrontPopulaire (@FranceInsoumise) June 14, 2024
Arnault’s placement on the national security watch list was also confirmed by the Le Figaro newspaper of record in France, citing a “well-informed source”. The paper previously reported that a right-wing activist alleged he was a victim of a “violent attack” by Arnault and another member of the Young Guard. “They fell on me two against one and beat me with a helmet,” the young man claimed.
More recently, Arnault was summoned by the police over allegedly making a defence of terrorism after describing Hamas terrorists as a “resistance” movement after the October 7th terror attacks which saw over 1,200 people killed in Israel and hundreds more taken hostage.
The decision by the New Popular Front to nominate Arnault for the National Assembly was criticised by Catherine Jaouen, the candidate for the race for the populist right-wing National Rally party, saying that “political violence has no place in Avignon” while calling on “all citizens” of the constituency to “stand up against this trend of violence.”
Meanwhile, Mélenchon’s far-left LFI has also come under criticism after nominating Adrien Quatennens for the New Popular Front. The campaign was short-lived for Quatennens — a former National Assembly deputy — with fierce backlash to his nomination over his 2022 conviction of domestic abuse against his wife forcing him to bow out of the race.
“I no longer intend for my candidacy to be used against France Insoumise and the New Popular Front to harm them at a time when all energy must be mobilized to beat the extreme right,” Quatennens said over the weekend.
The German education system is facing a serious crisis as increasingly more and more students are speaking little or no German at all, warns Stefan Düll, the president of the German Teachers’ Association.
“Due to immigration in 2015, the war in Ukraine and other immigration, new people are constantly coming into the system, but the system is slow to keep up because it is moving too fast,” said Dülli, who told new agency DTS that the school system was overloaded due to excessive immigration.
The president says that a high proportion of these children speak little or no German, which is putting an enormous burden on teachers.
“After all, they don’t speak Farsi or Ukrainian. How are they supposed to teach them?” he asked.
He said that students are also less motivated. “The higher the percentage of immigrants, the more difficult it is to motivate the class,” stated Düll. In his opinion, the high number of immigrants could also lead to “the group of illiterates becoming larger.” As Remix News reported last year, 25 percent of 4th graders cannot read in Germany.
“In the end, the lack of reading skills not only endangers the social participation of many people but also Germany as a whole as a business location,” said Susanne Lin-Klitzing, who serves as the chairwoman of the German Association of Philologists.
“Twenty-three different nations meet in the schoolyard, some of whom cannot understand each other at all and who sometimes come from hostile regions, such as Russia and Ukraine. We need a lot of parent-teacher talks, which mostly take place with interpreters. And that brings us to one of the reasons why the teaching profession has become less and less attractive: The psychological stress is enormous and it has increased significantly,” said principal Norma Grube during an interview with Welt last year.
The German education system is facing a serious crisis as increasingly more and more students are speaking little or no German at all, warns Stefan Düll, the president of the German Teachers’ Association.
“Due to immigration in 2015, the war in Ukraine and other immigration, new people are constantly coming into the system, but the system is slow to keep up because it is moving too fast,” said Dülli, who told new agency DTS that the school system was overloaded due to excessive immigration.
The president says that a high proportion of these children speak little or no German, which is putting an enormous burden on teachers.
“After all, they don’t speak Farsi or Ukrainian. How are they supposed to teach them?” he asked.
He said that students are also less motivated. “The higher the percentage of immigrants, the more difficult it is to motivate the class,” stated Düll. In his opinion, the high number of immigrants could also lead to “the group of illiterates becoming larger.” As Remix News reported last year, 25 percent of 4th graders cannot read in Germany.
“In the end, the lack of reading skills not only endangers the social participation of many people but also Germany as a whole as a business location,” said Susanne Lin-Klitzing, who serves as the chairwoman of the German Association of Philologists.
“Twenty-three different nations meet in the schoolyard, some of whom cannot understand each other at all and who sometimes come from hostile regions, such as Russia and Ukraine. We need a lot of parent-teacher talks, which mostly take place with interpreters. And that brings us to one of the reasons why the teaching profession has become less and less attractive: The psychological stress is enormous and it has increased significantly,” said principal Norma Grube during an interview with Welt last year.
While Grube is only one principal, the stress facing teachers and principals is a phenomenon seen across the country, and top teaching officials, such as Düll, are now joining the conversation as well.
Düll’s criticisms of mass immigration come after the National Education Report was presented on Monday, which showed many children do not meet even the minimum education requirements already in elementary school.
In Berlin, 40 percent of students do not speak German as their native language, and in cities like Hamburg, the majority of students have a migrant background. Overall, an astounding 38 percent of all children in elementary schools in Germany have migrant backgrounds.
Following the results of the EU elections, which saw the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party become the second-largest party in the nation, to explain their popularity, Mayor of Tübingen Boris Palmer said young people are dealing with the consequences of mass immigration, which is making them turn to right-wing parties.
“They experience what irregular migration means on a daily basis,” Palmer, who formerly served with the Greens but has since become independent, wrote on Facebook.
“Above all, the young men who have arrived alone are changing the living environment of young people. In the park, in the club, on the street, on the bus, at the train station, in the schoolyard,” he added.
His points are reflected in the data made available from the education system. Teachers in Berlin, for instance, required police intervention in the school system 5 times a day in 2023, with police interventions rising dramatically.