Pakistan: Islamist mob burns tourist alive over allegation that he desecrated Quran, drags victim out of the police station and lynches him

Lynching of tourist by Islamists in Swat, images via X

On Thursday (20th June) night, a mob of frenzied Muslims lynched a man after accusing him of desecrating the Quran in the Madyan area in Swat district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.

As per reports, the victim was a native of Sialkot district in Punjab province of Pakistan and had been on a visit to Swat as a tourist. The Muslim mob alleged that he set fire to some pages of the Quran and used it as a pretext to carryout his lynching.

It must be mentioned that the Swat police had initially taken the ‘blasphemy accused’ into its custody to prevent any untoward law and order. However, the frenzied mob charged at the police station dragged out the victim and took him away.

While speaking about the matter to Dawn, Swat District Police Officer (DPO) Dr Zahidullah Khan informed, “People set fire to the police station and a mobile vehicle.” A total of 8 people were injured during the attack.

The victim was then lynched and his body was set on fire (torched). A video of the disturbing incident went viral on social media on Thursday (June 20th night).

Following the incident, a heavy police force was deployed in Madyan area to pacify the situation and bring law and order under control. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur has taken cognisance of the matter and appealed to the Muslims to maintain peace.

He has also summoned a report on this matter and directed SDPO Dr Zahidullah Khan to control the situation immediately.

Christian man killed by Muslim mob in Sialkot

In May this year, an elderly Christian man named Nazir Masih was lynched by a frenzied Muslim mob over dubious allegations of Toheen-e-Mazhab (blasphemy). The incident took place in Mujahid Colony in Sargodha city in Punjab province of Pakistan.

The Muslim mob vandalised Masih’s house, looted his factory and set him ablaze over rumours that he burnt pages of the Quran. In reality, the victim was acting out of goodwill and that cost him his life.

While speaking about the matter to Swarajya, the nephew of the victim Tariq Sajid said that a massive storm swept through their neighbourhood in the intervening night between 24th May and 25th May.

As a result, debris accumulated on the street in Mujahid Colony and made it difficult for people to commute. The elderly Christian man swept the street and collected the garbage near an electricity pole, without knowing that it contained a box full of pages from the Quran.

Nazir Masih then set the garbage on fire. A Muslim passerby saw the victim burning the debris and concluded that he intentionally burnt the holy Islamic text. This gave rise to a rumour that the Christian man deliberately committed blasphemy.

Sajid told Swarajya, “My uncle was only trying to do a good deed by cleaning the street, but see what it did to him.” He added that the contents of the box (known as Muqaddas Quran) must have accidentally fallen into the trash during the storm.

Reportedly, the radical Islamist outfit Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) put up boxes on street corners across Pakistan so that people can keep discarded holy texts in them instead of garbage bin.

According to Sajid, a jealous woman must have triggered the Muslim mob by falsely accusing Nazir Masih, a well-to-do Christian, of blasphemy.

Pakistan: Islamists lynch tourist in Swat over ‘blasphemy’ allegations, burn his body (

Youth Quake: Britain’s Right Wing Youth Pressure Farage to Set Up Reform UK Youth Wing

On today’s NCF Deprogrammed, hosts Harrison Pitt of the European Conservative and Connor Tomlinson of Lotus Eaters are joined by Charlie Downes of the Centre for Migration Control to discuss the rise of Britain’s right wing youth and their campaign to establish a youth wing of Reform UK

Rapist in Hamburg named a “freak”: Woman gets higher sentence than the rapists themselves

Because a 20-year-old girl insulted a rapist as a “dishonourable rapist pig” and a “disgusting freak”, she has now been deprived of her freedom for longer than eight out of nine of the rapists involved.
The gang rape in Hamburg’s City Park caused quite a stir, not only because a 15-year-old girl was sexually abused and raped by nine perpetrators aged between 16 and 20, but also because the Hamburg district court only handed down a single prison sentence and eight suspended sentences.

Now there is a new scandal: as reported by the Hamburger Abendblatt newspaper, the Hamburg district court sentenced a 20-year-old to a longer prison sentence than eight out of nine of the rapists themselves – because she had called him a “dishonourable rapist pig” and a “disgusting freak”.

She had posted the WhatsApp messages spontaneously when she learnt about the rape of the 15-year-old in the city park, the newspaper reports on the 20-year-old’s motives. She has now been sentenced to a weekend in prison for the offences – more than nine of the ten defendants.

One of the defendants has to serve two years and nine months in prison, the other eight defendants received suspended sentences. The eight who were given suspended sentences must now each complete 60 hours of community service. One defendant was acquitted.

Vergewaltiger als „Missgeburt“ bezeichnet: Höhere Strafe als für Vergewaltiger selbst | Exxpress

German police responding to birthday party group chanting ‘foreigners out’ are surprised by what they find

Wikimedia Commons, Christoph Gottung, CC-BY-SA-4.0

Germany has featured more and more incidents involving young people charting, “Foreigners out, Germany for the Germans,” over the beat of the hit electronic song “L’amour toujours” by Gigi D’Agostino. Now, police are being deployed in “operations” to respond to such instances. This time, police arrived at a birthday party in Cochem on the Moselle River, in the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate, only to be surprised when they learned who was singing the song.

Once on the scene, officers learned that everyone calling for foreigners to leave Germany were actually foreigners.

“What is remarkable in this context is that the women were all non-German nationals and only one woman had any significant knowledge of German,” said the Mayen police department. According to Bild, all the people present only spoke Bulgarian, Romanian and Ukrainian.

The police determined that they were singing the song due to its spread on TikTok and other social media platforms. They were allegedly unaware that those singing the song face criminal prosecution, according to police. However, in similar cases, prosecutors have already dropped such cases, saying they did not rise to the level of criminal prosecution. Top politicians in Germany have called for those singing the song to face the “maximum penalty.”

Police still opened an investigation into “incitement of hatred.”

The first time the “Foreigners out” chant was sung was at a 2023 harvest festival in Bergholz, Germany. Since then, a number of high-profile incidents involving people singing the song have sprung up across Germany, most notably a video from the island of Sylt, which was released in May.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz responded at the time that “such slogans are disgusting. They are unacceptable.”

On Wednesday, during the European Football Championship match between Hungary and Germany, Hungarian fans chanted the song in Stuttgart. It is unclear if a criminal investigation has been opened due to this instance.

France: A 10-year-old boy wearing a cross was insulted as a “dirty Christian” and a “dirty Jew”. Two North Africans also threatened the victim, saying that he “deserved to be crushed”

A disturbing incident occurred in Alfortville in which a young person was the victim of religious insults and anti-Semitic remarks. The incident took place on June 19 at 4.40 pm in the Allée du Douanier Rousseau. A teenager told his parents that he had been verbally abused in the street by two people of “North African origin”, according to a police source.

The two attackers had seen a cross worn by the victim, followed him and uttered particularly nasty insults. The teenager was called a “dirty Christian” and a “dirty Jew” and received verbal threats, with the attackers telling him, among other things, that he “deserved to be crushed” because of his religion. (…) Le JDD

(…) The two 11-year-old boys accused of the offences have been identified by the police. They will be questioned by the investigation department of the Alfortville police station,” the Créteil public prosecutor’s office told BFMTV. BFMTV

Un enfant de 10 ans, portant une croix, traité de “sale chrétien” et de “sale juif” à Alfortville (94). Deux garçons de 11 ans identifiés par la police, ils ont aussi lancé à la victime qu’il “méritait de se faire écraser” – Fdesouche

Muslim cleric used to rape while his wife stood guard: Minor girl in India sexually assaulted in a mosque and blackmailed with videos for 2 months

Uttar Pradesh: Maulvi Rizwan arrested for raping and blackmailing a minor victim inside the Masjid on the pretext of teaching Urdu (Image Source – Dainik Bhaskar)

A shocking case of rape of a 10-year-old minor girl inside the Masjid premises has come to light in Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh. The accused in this case, Rizwan, was working as a Maulvi (cleric) at the Masjid. As per reports, the victim frequently visited the Masjid to learn Urdu and religious education. The accused reportedly recorded obscene videos of the minor victim while committing sexual assault. It is alleged that he committed the heinous act for several months by blackmailing her and threatening to make her videos viral. It is alleged that Maulvi’s wife, Rizwana, also supported her husband in this crime. A complaint was lodged with the police on Sunday (16th June 2024). Subsequently, the accused Maulvi, and his wife were arrested

According to media reports, the incident occurred in Lohianagar police station area of Meerut. On Sunday, the family of the 10-year-old girl filed a complaint. They stated that there is a mosque near their house. In a room within this mosque, Maulana Rizwan, originally from Muzaffarnagar district, lives with his wife Rizwana. He teaches religious education to the local children, including the minor victim. About 2 months ago, Rizwan raped a minor girl.

The family has alleged that the Muslim cleric not only sexually assaulted their daughter but also recorded obscene videos of the acts, which he later used to blackmail her. His wife, Rizwana is accused of supporting her husband in the crime. The accused raped the minor victim for 2 months by blackmailing and threatening to make her videos viral. After suffering in silence for a long time, the victim finally narrated everything to her family on Saturday (15th June). To catch the Maulvi red-handed, the family sent their child to the mosque again on Sunday and secretly followed her.

During this time, his wife stood outside to keep a watch. Just then, the victim’s family arrived there. When they asked Rizwana about their daughter, she couldn’t answer. Hearing the commotion from the girl’s family, the nearby people gathered. When they forcibly opened Rizwan’s room, he was caught in a compromising situation. Afterwards, they started assaulting the Maulvi. After getting information about the incident, Police also reached the spot. 

Based on the victim’s family complaint, the police have registered an FIR against Maulvi Rizwan and his wife Rizwana. They have been booked under sections related to rape, threats, and also under the POCSO Act. The Police have also seized the mobile phone and laptop of the couple. Deputy SP Ashutosh told the media that the case is under investigation and necessary legal action is being taken.

UP: Muslim cleric and wife arrested in rape case of a minor inside a mosque (

Germany: 20 Syrians and Afghans torment German pupil (Video)

TikToK // Screenshot JF

The police in Gera have launched an investigation into the assault that was committed by around 20 Syrian and Afghan youths who allegedly tortured a German schoolboy in front of the cameras. A video circulated on social media shows the immigrants repeatedly beating, choking and verbally abusing the boy. According to the police, he was “slightly injured” by the violence.

“According to preliminary investigations, more than 20 suspects between the ages of 12 and 15 are currently being investigated at the youth centre in Gera,” a police spokeswoman told the Bild newspaper. According to the newspaper, the suspects are Syrians and Afghans. According to the police, the attack took place last week.
Investigators called on all users of social networks to stop sharing the video – which was posted online by the perpetrators themselves. “Furthermore, comprehensive crime prevention measures are being prepared in cooperation with the relevant educational and support institutions for children and young people,” said Gera police.

Gera: 20 Syrer und Afghanen quälen deutschen Schüler (

Poll: Farage Poised for Record Electoral Swing in Parliamentary Seat Race

Screen grab youtube

Just over a fortnight ago, when Nigel Farage announced he was taking over as Reform UK leader and standing for election in Clacton, Reform was expected to win zero seats on July 4th. Pollsters now predict he’s not only going to win the Essex seat but will do so with the biggest swing in modern electoral history.

Separate polling also suggests that Lee Anderson—who defected from the Conservatives to Reform in March, saying that neither Labour nor the Tories “seem to understand what British people want”—will retain his Ashfield seat with an extraordinary 59% of the vote (compared to Labour’s 21% and just eight percent for the Tories).

A win for Anderson would entail “a sensational margin of victory,” according to former UKIP MEP Patrick O’Flynn. Now a well-connected political journalist, O’Flynn added that Anderson’s forecasted win would make Anderson “the only person to have won a [culturally conservative, historically Labour-backing] red wall seat for the Tories [under then-prime minister Boris Johnson] in 2019 to be re-elected to Parliament in 2024.”

In Clacton, Survation polling commissioned by self-styled “bad boy of Brexit” Arron Banks suggests that Farage will win 42% of the vote, putting him well ahead of both the Conservatives (27%) and Labour (24%).

Farage noted yesterday, on June 18th, that “last week the Tory party said Reform would get zero seats. Now [prime minister Rishi] Sunak says we will only get two–three.”

I think he could be in for a big surprise…

Recent polling even suggests that Reform UK’s successes will extend beyond Farage and Anderson. The party could win seven seats at the general election, according to Survation, including in North West Norfolk and Great Yarmouth—both currently held by the Tories.

This polling could, of course, be wrong. Or it could be right at this moment, though voters could later decide that the dangers of Labour’s radical agenda warrant a vote against Sir Keir Starmer anyway—even if that means voting Conservative. Previous UK elections have noted the trend of ‘punishing polling,’ where respondents mislead about their voting intentions so as to menace incumbents—whom they may later vote for.

But if millions do vote for Reform and the party picks up very few (or zero) seats, this will only bolster Farage’s message that the whole political system—including the way elections are held—needs to be reformed. It appears that it certainly wouldn’t stop Farage from working towards much larger gains in the next (likely 2029) general election, which he claims was the plan from the outset.

German doctor sentenced to over 2 years in jail for issuing mask and COVID shot exemptions

Dr. Bianca Witzschel YouTube screenshot

A German doctor has been sentenced to two years and eight months in jail for issuing mask and COVID shot exemptions.

The 67-year-old Dr. Bianca Witzschel was also banned from working as a doctor for three years and fined around €47,000 ($ 50,472), which the court claims is equal to the amount that she reportedly made for issuing around 1,000 exemptions.

Apollo News reports that Witzschel is said to have issued “fake” certificates that exempted patients from wearing masks or receiving the experimental COVID jab in 1,003 cases across Germany between 2021 and 2022.

The court also punished Witzschel for the possession of a stun gun without a license.

The ruling also mentioned the fact that the 67-year-old is said to have identified herself as a member of the “Reichsbürger” movement – a group that is said to reject the modern German state – and to have been part of the “Indigenous People of the Germanites.”

The German judge completely disregarded overwhelming evidence that the experimental COVID injections have caused millions of deaths and serious injuries and the dramatic recent pronouncement from a former Japanese government minister apologizing for such deaths, as well as widespread evidence that masks do not stop the spread of COVID and can actually harm users.

The case of the doctor was treated like that of an exceptionally dangerous, violent criminal by German authorities. Witzschel had been held in custody since February 28, 2023. The first day of the trial took place on November 14, eight months after her imprisonment. The trial began not in the usual criminal courtroom at Dresden District Court but in a high-security wing of the Dresden prison on Hammerweg. In addition, Witzschel was led into the courtroom by several security officers on the first day of trial, Apollo News reported.

In the run-up to the court case, authorities had already carried out large-scale searches of witnesses’ homes. The police searched 140 private homes, mainly in Bavaria. A total of 174 exemptions were seized. According to Apollo News, 360 police officers were involved in the house searches.

After Witschel was arrested in February 2023, journalist Boris Reitschuster compared the immense effort and resources that the German authorities put into her case to much worse, violent criminals who often receive more lenient treatment.

“If the state almost regularly lets serious criminals go free because the justice system is overwhelmed and child molesters, for example, get off without prison sentences time and time again, while at the same time crimes with a political background are prosecuted excessively, then critical journalism must contrast this,” Reitschuster wrote.

According to the state-funded news show “Tagesschau,” supporters of Witzschel had to be escorted out of the courtroom when the judge read the verdict, as they started complaining loudly and sang the German national anthem.

In his explanation of the ruling, the judge claimed regarding COVID: “We had an epidemic that was comparable to the cholera of the 19th century.”

Journalist Stefan Magnet commented in response on X, saying, “The judge who sentenced Dr. Witzschel to a long prison sentence compared Corona in his justification with the cholera epidemics of the 19th century! Back then, every 2nd infected person died!”

“It’s completely insane how this justice system acts today,” he added.

In addition to evidence of deaths and serious injuries due to the COVID jabs, it has furthermore been shown that the injections are ineffective in preventing the transmission of the virus.

Multiple studies have also shown that masks do not help in mitigating the spread of COVID-19 and can have negative health effects for wearers.

A study published in Annals of Internal Medicine in November 2022 found no difference between N95 respirators and surgical masks in stopping the spread of COVID-19. These findings were mirrored in a January 2023 Cochrane meta-analysis on mask effectiveness.

A May 2023 study published in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety indicates that N95 respirators may expose wearers to dangerous levels of toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer.