AfD top candidate Maximilian Krah with his colleague Jian G., who is suspected of espionage Photo: JF/X
The employee of Member of the European Parliament Maximilian Krah, who is suspected of espionage, worked for the German domestic intelligence service for years before he was employed by the AfD politician. The Bild newspaper reports that Jian G. had been listed as an informant by Saxony’s domestic intelligence service since 2007 at the latest. He had previously unsuccessfully offered himself to the Federal Intelligence Service. The latter then referred G. to the Saxon State Office for the Protection of the Constitution.
Since 2007, he is said to have provided information to the intelligence service on his own initiative, which dealt with Chinese state actors taking action against Chinese exiles in Germany. Eight years after his recruitment, the Saxons received a tip-off from the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution that G. could be a double agent, the newspaper reports. In 2015 and 2016, G. was then directly observed by the counterintelligence department of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and was then also questioned by the intelligence officers about the suspicion. However, the investigators were unable to prove with legal certainty that he had also spied for China. He is still being investigated as a suspected case. In 2018, G. was finally removed as an informant by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.
At this point, G. had already made contact with Krah and had been working as his colleague in the EU Parliament since 2019. Since 2020, he has been under intensive surveillance by the domestic intelligence service and was finally arrested in April 2024. Despite the suspicion of espionage, the Chinese national was granted a German passport, was also a member of the Social Democratic Party for a time and was able to pass the security check in the EU Parliament. In addition, the office of Thomas Haldenwang (CDU) failed to inform Krah or the AfD about the suspicion of espionage against the employee. According to the newspaper JUNGE FREIHEIT, this was actually standard procedure in such cases. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution did not respond to a corresponding enquiry from the JUNGE FREIHEIT.
Krah himself commented on the new information. The politician wrote on X: “Remarkable turn of events!”
On today’s #NCFNewspeak, NCF Director Peter Whittle, Senior Fellow Rafe Heydel-Mankoo and SDP London mayoral candidate Amy Gallagher discuss: * Metropolitan Police over-react to English patriotic gathering on St. George’s Day * London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s disgraceful slur on Tory mayoral candidate.
Noga (left), Shiri (middle) and Ilan Weiss (right). (Source: The Times of Israel)
Noga Weiss, an 18-year-old Israeli who spent 50 days in Gaza before being released from Hamas imprisonment last year, disclosed on 25th April that one of her captors had declared they would get married, handed her a ring and stated that she would live in Gaza forever to bear and raise his children, reported The Times of Israel. “He gave me a ring on day 14 (in captivity) and I stayed with him until day 50.” She recounted that he told her, “Everyone will be released, but you will stay here with me and have my children.” She added, “I pretended to laugh so he wouldn’t shoot me in the head,” in response.
Her kidnapper expressed his love for Noga after a few days of being held hostage and informed her that he was going to bring his mother to their apartment so she could approve of their marriage. Afterwards, a woman with an Arab appearance came into the flat. It took Noga a while to realize it was her mother. “I thought she’d been murdered, I thought I was alone. Suddenly, she’s alive, and I’m not alone,” she expressed.
However, 53-year-old Shiri, her mother who was also abducted into Gaza on 7th October and later reunited with her daughter was unwilling to comply. 26-year-old Meytal, one of Noga’s two sisters disclosed that although their mother initially attempted to gently decline the proposal, the Hamas kidnapper did not appear to accept it, so she yelled at him until he understood.
The prospect that she would be stuck in Gaza forever with the terrorist stayed with her even after her mother made it evident she would not accept the proposal. Noga mentioned, “People don’t understand the feeling of fear. I was 50 days, 24/7, with the thought that they would get tired of me and just shoot me or that they wouldn’t need me in the end, or that they would shoot us while we slept in the middle of the night.”
Noga voiced that as long as there are 133 captives in Gaza, she will not be able to grieve for her father. “They have been there for an indescribable amount of time. At one point, they brought us a half-litre bottle of water for two days. You can’t survive like this for 200 days.” She unveiled that upon their vehicle’s entry into Gaza, thousands of Palestinians cheered some of them even younger than her. They attempted to hit her and pull her hair through the broken windows. “I didn’t understand why they were delaying shooting me.”
During her imprisonment, she was relocated between different residences, always wearing a hijab and instructed to clasp her captor’s hand to give the impression that they were married rather than Israeli hostages. “They brought cards for us to play with, and I told myself, ‘I’ll play with them and do whatever they want as long as they don’t shoot.’ Their moods changed so quickly. One minute they played with us and laughed, the next they’d come in with a gun. You always had to please them.”
She remembered how her captors had insisted on calling her an invader and that Israel was their property. One of them claimed to be an elementary school teacher and to have been wrongfully ejected from his house by Israelis. Meytal noted that Shiri observed houses catching fire as she was being removed from Be’eri and was certain that her daughter was suffering the same fate.
Meytal her other sister Ma’ayan (23) maintained daily contact with Noga via WhatsApp while residing in different student residences in different areas of Be’eri. Noga was advised to flee their parents’ burning property by the elder sisters, who spent twelve hours hiding in their safe rooms before being found by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) forces.
Father killed, mother and daughter kidnapped
On 7th October, Noga was in her parents’ Kibbutz Be’eri house when hundreds of terrorists headed by Hamas invaded Israel. At 7:15 am, her 56-year-old father Ilan departed the house to join the kibbutz emergency squad, and he never returned. It was subsequently established that he was killed on the same day and that his remains were taken into Gaza. Ilan kept his wife and daughter in the safe room of the house. “They started shooting at the door, something like 40 shots until they managed to get in. We saw the conversations on WhatsApp and understood what was happening. People were writing that their house was on fire and then stopped answering.”
Shiri told her daughter to hide beneath the bed because she thought the terrorists would shoot her as soon as they entered the room and miss Noga. The young woman conveyed, “I went under the bed, and they came in and took her. After they took her outside, I heard gunshots. I thought she was murdered and not kidnapped.”
Noga was able to leave the house covertly and attempted to hide amid some bushes, but the kibbutz was full of terrorists and she was soon discovered. “Something like 40 terrorists surrounded me with Kalashnikovs. They tied my hands behind my back. As they took me away, I saw the bodies of people I knew from the kibbutz. A few minutes later, they put me in a car and started driving.”
The progressive demand that math education be revised to promote the DEI agenda raises fundamental questions about the nature of mathematics, its relationship to society, and its role in education and life.
We already understand that the relationship between math and society is the consequence flowing from the relationship between math and science, on the one hand, and the well-known relationship between science and society, on the other hand. However, those are conclusions. We need to think about how we got there.
What is the relationship between math and science?
The sciences form a hierarchy. “Physics rests on mathematics, chemistry on physics, biology on chemistry, and, in principle, the social sciences on biology,” wrote evolutionary biologist Robert Trivers.
This places mathematics at the foundation of all the sciences. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), the father of modern science, was an Italian mathematician, physicist, astronomer, and natural philosopher. Frequently attributed to Galileo is the quip that “Mathematics is the language of science.”
That quip is without question a true assertion, and it raises several follow-up questions, two of which are:
(1) If math is the language of science, then what is the language of mathematics?
(2) Exactly what is mathematics?
Each of these two questions has a simple but, perhaps, surprising answer.
First, The language of mathematics is ordinary modern language; that is, English, Spanish, German, Chinese, etc. This means that all that so many math-phobic people view as mathematical gobbledygook is, in reality, a compact and economical rendition of ordinary language.
For a simple example of this, the English statement “Five plus three times some real number x is twenty-three” can be rendered in math-talk as “3x+5=23”. This compact algebraic symbolism is a great convenience, facilitating the development of simple techniques for “solving the equation” that are easily within the grasp of the middle schooler.
As a more complicated example of this, consider the mathematical symbolic statement:
This is the agreed symbolism for the following statement in ordinary English:
For every positive real number epsilon there is a positive real number delta such that for every chain C from 3 to 10 with mesh less than delta and every interpolating sequence I of C, the sum formed by f, C and I is within epsilon of 20.
The average reader unfamiliar with calculus is not expected to understand that passage, but the point is that the English passage and the mathematical notation have the same meaning—and one could do the same with the mathematical notation and any other language.
And secondly, exactly what is mathematics? The answer is simple, albeit perhaps a bit mysterious: Mathematics is logic applied to a quantitative axiom system.
As mathematics is a branch of logic, it serves as a conduit for applying logic to problems. Approaching a problem mathematically is a technique for bringing logic to bear upon it.
Mathematics thus consists of only three kinds of entities: axioms, definitions, and theorems. Theorems are propositions logically deduced from the axioms and definitions.
An axiom is a proposition taken as true without proof. The axiom systems are usually (but not necessarily) deemed (assumed, believed) to describe nature, and the application of logic to the axiom is, therefore, deemed to reveal information about nature.
The key point here is that mathematics, at its essence, is logic applied to nature.
This point is subtle and not always understood, even by those who ought to understand it. In “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences,” an essay written by Eugene Wigner, a famous physicist, Wigner writes that “the enormous usefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences is something bordering on the mysterious and there is no rational explanation for it.”
Wow! There is no rational explanation for the enormous usefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences?! Perhaps Wigner is missing something. Might a rational explanation be formulated from the fact that mathematics is logic, logic is wisdom, and “By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations; by understanding he set the heavens in place.” (Proverbs 3:19)
In this vein, you might also find interesting physicist Sabine Hossenfelder’s video, which marches nicely alongside her delightful book Lost in Math:
What are the axiom systems to which I refer for purposes of this essay? There are several, but the one that occupies most of college mathematics and the one with which the reader is already familiar from K-12 is the Real Number System (RNS). You have studied “properties” of the RNS in K-12 school math textbooks without being told that these “properties” are axioms of the RNS.
The axioms of the RNS fall into three classes: Eight algebraic axioms, four order axioms, and one topological axiom. You are familiar with the algebraic and order axioms of the RNS but probably not with the sole topological axiom, which is the axiom that makes calculus possible.
Sparing you the details of these 13 axioms, the point of all this has been for you to see that the arc of our interest has been from society to science to mathematics to logic.
Logic is the science of correct reasoning. Logic has two major divisions: deduction and induction. Deduction is the science of inference from premises to conclusion, and induction is the art of selecting premises for deduction.
In K-12, there is no course entitled “Logic.” Students first encounter “Intro to Logic” in college. But even though logic does not appear in K-12 expressly denominated as such, the fact that math is logic, and both math and logic are mediated by language, means that all math work is replete through and through with logic and solving math problems, whether pure or applied. That is precisely the reason why math itself in K-12 is so critically important for success in college and in life—and why it is dangerous to America generally, and profoundly damaging to minority children specifically—to degrade mathematics in America.
In an attempt to rejuvenate his flagging campaign and jostle his supporters out of the doldrums, Emmanuel Macron gave a programmatic speech on Europe at the Sorbonne on Thursday, April 25th. He aimed to embody a vision and ambition, but the exercise met with moderate enthusiasm both in France and abroad.
The choice of venue was a nod to another speech on Europe, held on the same premises seven years ago, when Macron had just been elected president of the Republic for the first time. But the tone was completely different. Back then, he was enthusiastic and hopeful. This time, he preferred to play a dramatic tune, speaking of a “mortal” Europe. According to him, Europe―faced with crucial decisions―is threatened with extinction by a lack of ambitious choices.
The refrain is familiar: Europe must make “fundamental choices as a matter of urgency in the face of war, the rise of artificial intelligence, the attack on our values and global warming.” Don’t expect, of course, any kind of revelations in terms of loss of identity, demographic crisis, or economic decline.
The enemies were clearly identified: “uninhibited powers”—in other words, China—but also “American disinterest.” Macron’s ‘Bidenomania,’ which was still alive and well a few months ago, has long since subsided.
Faced with this apocalyptic-looking situation, Macron naturally had a number of solutions to propose, and used his usual disembodied technocratic rhetoric to put them forward. The French president called for “a new European paradigm” based on “power, prosperity and humanism.”
He made a few concrete proposals, for example in the area of defence, putting forward a “credible” project for defending the European continent, “beyond NATO”―a role which Europe would assume “alone if necessary.” It’s not certain that this voluntarist declaration of independence is to the taste of all member states. The whole thing would be based on a “European military academy”, “cybersecurity and cyberdefence” programs, and European industrial programs financed by “joint loans.”
Macron also took a stance on the divisive and long-awaited issue of immigration and border control, calling on Europe to “regain full, complete control of its borders and assume responsibility for them.” To this end, he proposed the creation of a “political structure” to deal with migration, security, the fight against organized crime and terrorism, without specifying its scope or mode of operation.
Speaking in a linguistic coquetry of personalities who often struggle to give meaning to their political action, Macron made one emphatic enumeration after another. A prime example is when he commented on what, for him, Europe’s future budgetary policy should be: “a joint investment shock, a major budgetary investment plan,” mixing up defence, artificial intelligence and decarbonization for ecological good measure.
In Germany, a certain skepticism has greeted Macron’s declarations—far from the enthusiasm aroused by his speech seven years ago. Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor, greeted his French counterpart’s speech with a deliberately vague post on X: “Both France and Germany want Europe to remain strong. Emmanuel Macron’s speech contains good impulses. Together, we will move Europe forward, politically and economically. For a sovereign and innovative Europe. Vive l’Europe!” (those words in French). The German press remained circumspect—a few days ago, Die Zeit was asking whether Macron was a “chaotic or strategic” president. To ask the question, in this case, is to answer it.
It’s always about moving forward, but the destination is as vague and soulless as ever. Macron’s speech came at the same time as the opening of the CPAC event in Budapest, which gave Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán the opportunity to present a different vision of Europe, one in which Hungary would figure as a blissful island of conservatism. Macron preferred to end his speech with a dig at Orban’s supporters, whom he likens to supporters of the Rassemblement National (RN). He accused them of wanting to stay in the European “building” without “paying the rent” or respecting the “rules of co-ownership”—a resolute signal of hostility to the line, now defended by Jordan Bardella and Marion Maréchal alike, that it is possible to change Europe from within without slamming the door.
In conclusion, Emmanuel Macron’s speech was long, abstract and terribly technocratic, as is his wont, proving, if proof were needed, that the Europe he defends has long since lost touch with the people—a people he only mentioned twice during his almost two-hour logorrhea.
Macron certainly presented his vision of Europe, but above all he campaigned for his party, Renaissance, which is struggling and lagging behind in the polls, almost ten points behind the list led by Jordan Bardella for the RN. “Europe is threatened with death. Europe is us. If you want to save it, you know what you have to do on June 9th. Politics is sometimes simple,” according to the editorialists of the centrist magazine L’Express with irony. A little too simple.
Cardinal Gerhard Müller at the National Conservatism Conference in Brussels on April 16, 2024National Conservatism/YouTube
Cardinal Gerhard Müller warned of “absolutely stupid” ideological ideas overtaking the political system and leading to wars and oppression, stressing that “we can never accept ideology.”
Instead, people need belief in the Word of God, the former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said.
Cardinal Müller made his comments during last week’s National Conservatism (NatCon) Conference in Brussels. The first day of the event was disrupted after the city’s socialist mayor ordered a police blockade that essentially trapped some attendees inside while keeping others out, including the catering service. A court order allowed the next day of the conference to proceed as normal.
NatCon posted the interview earlier this week between Cardinal Müller and James Orr, the U.K. Chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation, which organizes the event.
Criticizing Communism, socialism, and imperialism, the cardinal said “ideologies” lead to sin and destruction.
“These ideologies are very destructive with… concentration camps and extermination of the so-called ‘enemies of the system,’ all this racism,” he said.
The “absolutely stupid ideas” of ideologies are “against the logos, the reason. God is reason,” as well as “intellect,” Cardinal Müller said. “Jesus is the logos, the Incarnation of the logos.”
While political leaders spin “dreams of a paradise on earth,” ideologies have actually led to “hell on earth,” the prelate said, criticizing the “murdering” and “subordinating of other people” and “no respect for the persons.”
Based on history, “we can make the prognostic that with ideologies we cannot build a good future for everybody.”
Rather, we need belief in God, he declared. People “have the freedom to accept it or not,” whereas political systems are forced upon people.
“But we can never accept ideology,” His Eminence said.
Cardinal Müller: The state serves man, not the other way around
Cardinal Müller further condemned the political theory that the state exists to serve man, not the other way around.
Correct politics “will say ‘first are the citizens and the second point is the state.’ Not ‘first the state,’” Cardinal Müller said. “We are not subservient to the state, we are not slaves of the state.”
The modern, democratic state develops “from free citizens, that is our standpoint.”
Orr contrasted the cardinal’s comments with the “persecution” of the event by the city’s mayor. He asked how Christians can develop “resilience” in the face of persecution.
“Should we be building new catacombs?” Orr asked.
The cardinal said unqualified people are running countries but they pretend to know what they are talking about.
“The ideology we have today in our Western Europe countries, I think that [it] is a very low-level,” His Eminence said. “So, politicians who want to say what we have to eat, what we have to think, how we have to use our language, [those] are not the high-level professors.”
“They have no academic qualification, and they want to teach us what I have to think, what words I have to use, or not to use. I think these politicians should first go to a good school and learn anything,” he said.
Cardinal Müller criticized “dictators of language” who want to control what people say and what they eat. “We are treated as children. We cannot accept it. And we must refuse this longing for omnipotence of the ideological totalitarian system.”
“We are not a totalitarian democracy,” he said.
Reformation ‘limited’ the influence of the Church
Orr asked if the state is gaining too much power and becoming sacralized, as fewer people believe in God.
While Orr appeared to be speaking of World War II, Cardinal Müller warned of the downfall of the Church-state relationship after the Protestant so-called “Reformation.”
“Absolutism” came about in many countries, including England, with the Glorious Revolution, as well as in France, with the French Revolution, which led to totalitarianism.
Cardinal Müller also said today there is a “great temptation” for a “new absolutism” in the university system, which has become “ideologized,” the former German professor said. Whereas open debates once occurred, “now, we are hearing everywhere… professors are [being] kicked out for their views.”
“Independence” in the universities from political influence must be restored, the prelate said.
The conversation then pivoted to the conflict between “scientific truth” and “secular ideologies.”
His Eminence criticized “Enlightenment” thinkers for beginning the problem, including David Hume, John Locke, and Voltaire.
Cardinal Müller said parliaments “want to change” nature. For example, he said parliaments want to punish people for adhering to the male-female sex binary.
“They want to define… new ‘human rights’,” he added, criticizing the push for abortion.
“Your right to live is the first right everybody has, and the baby in the mother’s womb is a real human being… ontologically. [This is] biologically proved because we have the same DNA as a baby and as an old man, old woman,” Cardinal Müller said.
“The state has no possibility to define the human nature. The human nature is above all possibilities of political decisions,” he said.
Asked if there is anyone or movement that makes him optimistic, Cardinal Müller shared a story of speaking to some students who grew up under “totalitarian” authority.
They understood the errors in the system they grew up in, he said.
“There is an absolute essential difference between animals and humans and no system can deny it. They can suppress people, they can kill them, but they cannot destroy your personal ideas, your conviction,” the cardinal said.
Cardinal Müller called on everybody to use their “free will” and “intellect.”
‘Mankind… is a connection between all the generations’
The German cardinal commented on the “looming demographic winter,” as described by Orr, referring to low birth rates and what that portends for the future.
“It is our conviction God created man,” Cardinal Müller said, but subsequent generations have the “responsibility” to bear children for the “next generation.”
“Human mankind is not only a big number of single persons, but is a connection between all the generations and all the human beings and the past, and the present, and in the future,” the cardinal said.
It is a “great chance to contribute to the mankind” to “give life to a boy or girl,” the cardinal said.
“This is also fulfilling,” Cardinal Müller continued, and it gives “sense” to life.
Even those without children can be like fathers and contribute to mankind and grow in holiness.
“Father, or those who are not fathers, they should live as fathers, not in a selfish way, only to look for yourself, but to take care for the others. That is with father, that is mother to give life, it is a fulfilling of the sense of a female human existence.”
For unknown reasons, a unidentified woman wearing a veil entered the premises of the Lycée polyvalent Auguste Blanqui in Saint-Ouen in the Seine-Saint-Denis department at around 8.25 am on Friday the 26th of April, as reported to us.
After being quickly escorted to the exit by the staff, she insulted the teaching staff in front of the school and called on all girls of Muslim faith to wear a veil in their school before fleeing. The headmaster reserves the right to press charges. An investigation has been launched.
The tightening of asylum policies in the UK is causing ripple effects in Ireland as the threat of being deported to Rwanda spurs migrants to seek refuge in the Emerald Isle.
Micheál Martin, Irish Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Defence, told The Telegraph more than 80 per cent of asylum seekers to Ireland came from the UK after London moved forward on the Rwanda Bill.
Martin said the policy was already “impacting on Ireland” as people were “fearful” of staying in the UK, adding that “maybe that’s the impact it was designed to have”.
He said asylum seekers were seeking “to get sanctuary here and within the European Union as opposed to the potential of being deported to Rwanda”.
According to the Irish Government, migrants leave Britain via Northern Ireland and cross the land-border with Ireland, which is always open as stipulated by a UK-EU Brexit treaty.
The new influx comes as Ireland is already struggling with record numbers of arrivals.
More than 140,000 immigrants came to in Ireland in the year to April 2023 – a 16-year-high and 50 per cent higher than the year before.
Social tensions and violence in Ireland have risen, some say as a result of the mass migration. In one incident in November last year, a man with a migrant background stabbed several people, including three children, leading to large-scale riots across Dublin.
The public’s response has been mixed. Ireland’s more progressive-leaning individuals pointed the finger at the “far-right”.
Others expressed annoyance at the framing of the night’s violence. X-owner Elon Musk described the focus on the “far-right” in the wake of the attack as “insane”.
Ireland is also struggling with a housing shortage that has impacted both those seeking asylum and its own citizens.
The Government claimed the EU Migration Pact will provide the necessary solutions.
Martin noted there are millions of displaced people, some from Ukraine and Sudan, in many nations and that “the sort of knee-jerk reaction like the Rwanda policy, in my view, isn’t going to really do anything to deal with the issue”.
The Irish Government wants the border between the UK and Ireland to remain “invisible”, thus avoiding the installation of related infrastructure such as checkpoints.
“This is the challenge that we have, that we have advocated for an open border on this island,” Helen McEntee, the Irish justice minister, said, The Telegraph noted. “It is absolutely a challenge,” she said.
Across the water in Britain, Tory MPs said the Irish situation proved the Rwanda policy was bearing fruit.
A source close to James Cleverly, the Home Secretary, said: “The message of the Rwanda partnership is ‘if you want to come to the UK, and you do so illegally, you will not get to stay in the UK’. That is the point of a deterrent.”
Richard Tice, the Reform UK party leader, referring to the Brexit deal on the Irish Sea border, sniped: “Oh, the irony of the Irish Republic whining about the very border arrangement they insisted upon with the Protocol.
“Truth is, as usual, Irish leaders blame Brexit for all their own failings.”
On April 25, French President Emmanuel Macron also denounced the British Rwanda move, labelling it as the politics of “cynicism” and a betrayal of European values, adding it would be “ineffective”.
At the New Culture Forum’s annual conference held over the St. George’s Day weekend, we were pleased to hold a hustings for party candidates standing for the London mayoralty and assembly. Howard Cox of the Reform Party and Amy Gallagher of the SDP are both candidates for the London mayoralty. Laurence Fox is standing for the London Assembly. We extended an invitation to Susan Hall, the Conservative Party candidate for the London mayoralty but she was unable to attend. The elections take place on 2 May.
Dutch commentator and lawyer Eva Vlaardingerbroek warns Whites against massive demographic changes in their native countries.
You’ve spoken a lot about White rights and the White replacement. But of course this kind of opens you up to these accusations of racism. So, how do conservatives deal with this Catch-22 of not wanting to be replaced in their native countries, but also not wanting to be attacked with this term?
You can’t. That’s the thing, you can’t. So you have to pick a side. Of course, you’re going to be attacked if you say, “Hey, this continent, Europe, has been predominantly White for the entirety of its history, and now suddenly within one generation, a few bureaucrats have decided against the will of the people that we should suddenly be a minority. Why do we agree with that, or why do we allow that to happen?” If you say that, you are going to be attacked.
But the only other option then you have is saying nothing and have it happen, so the choice is yours, and I’ve made my choice. I think there are many ways in which you can defend yourself, of course, against this ridiculous attack, so I’m sure that they’re going say about me that I’m a terrible racist again. No, that’s not true. I don’t think that any race is superior to another. I just think that mine is also not inferior to that of others.
🚨 EXC: "The choice is yours and I've made mine!"@EvaVlaar tells Remix News she has accepted she will be attacked by the establishment for calling out attempts to make indigenous White Europeans a minority on their own
You’ve spoken a lot about White rights and the White replacement. But of course this kind of opens you up to these accusations of racism. So, how do conservatives deal with this Catch-22 of not wanting to be replaced in their native countries, but also not wanting to be attacked with this term?
You can’t. That’s the thing, you can’t. So you have to pick a side. Of course, you’re going to be attacked if you say, “Hey, this continent, Europe, has been predominantly White for the entirety of its history, and now suddenly within one generation, a few bureaucrats have decided against the will of the people that we should suddenly be a minority. Why do we agree with that, or why do we allow that to happen?” If you say that, you are going to be attacked.
But the only other option then you have is saying nothing and have it happen, so the choice is yours, and I’ve made my choice. I think there are many ways in which you can defend yourself, of course, against this ridiculous attack, so I’m sure that they’re going say about me that I’m a terrible racist again. No, that’s not true. I don’t think that any race is superior to another. I just think that mine is also not inferior to that of others.
So, I don’t have to be pointed at as the root of all evil, as the Neo-Marxist critical race theory does. I don’t have to become a minority in my own country, as Joe Biden said would be “a good thing,” would be “our strength.” No, why actually? Who was the racist here? Explain to me why we don’t have the right to exist, why we’re not allowed to be a majority in the continent, in the countries that we have been a majority in since forever? Explain it to me. Turn the question around.
A lot of right-wing parties here are willing to talk about illegal immigration, but unwilling to address legal immigration. Some conservative parties even promote legal immigration. What do you think about this development?
Well, the problem is of course that if you have tons of illegal immigration, and then you slap the label “legal” on it, then nothing changes. So that’s something that we’ve seen in the past few years that illegal immigration has been made legal in a way, so it’s been made really easy for certain people to come to Europe and also not so easy for others to go through the regular system. I think this problem exists in America to a certain degree as well, that it’s quite hard to immigrate legally to the United States, but illegally it’s not so difficult across the Mexican border.
So, if you look at the problem of immigration, I think you have to look also at demographic change. That’s why I took this dance today on stage. We have to look at the reality rather than the term that they put on immigration. Do we agree with what’s happening here, with what is happening with this rapid change in our demographic makeup? If the answer is no, then something needs to change. It’s as simple as that.
🇳🇱‼️ @EvaVlaar: "If we don't start to fight for our continent, the time in which we live will go down in history as the time Western nations didn't need to be invaded to be conquered. Our corrupt elite invited the invaders in!"
You converted to Catholicism approximately a year ago. How has your Catholicism influenced your politics, if at all?
It has influenced my politics in the sense that my faith has become such a huge part of my life, that even more so than before, I feel like it would be completely disingenuous and wrong for me to exclude my faith from my political messaging. So, as it has such a massive influence on me as a person, I think it’s noticeable to people that I let it seep through a lot more in my speeches and in my discourse than maybe I did before. So, it just inspires my ideas and my ability to go on stage. I pray to God before I go on stage, that is something that I didn’t use to do a few years ago, but it immediately calms me just asking God for guidance and help, you know, to give me the strength to do his will on stage.
What do you think about the fact that most Northern European right-wing parties are shying away from religious messages in their party platform? The AfD, Sweden, Democrats, a lot of Dutch parties keep it in the background, perhaps because people are leaving the church, and many young people are leaving the church. So, how do conservatives reach young people in Northern Europe while maintaining their convictions?
I think it’s a big mistake to leave religion and to leave the Christian faith out of your political messaging, especially if you want to reach the youth. I think that we’ve been brainwashed to believe that if we preach the Gospel, if we call upon our Lord during our speeches, if we speak proudly and openly about the fact that we’re Christians, that we’re then going to scare away the youth. I think the opposite is actually true.
I think there is a moral vacuum that’s either going to be filled with climate insanity or woke nonsense or some other subversive left-wing ideology, or it’s going to be filled with the Holy Spirit. So, you have two choices, and I think that people are looking for truth. People are looking for answers and the best gift that you can give someone is to point them in the direction of the truth rather than to dance around it and sugarcoat it, which I think is what we’ve been doing in Northwestern Europe for a long time and look where it got us.