UK watchdog accuses Pfizer of making ‘misleading’ claims, ignoring side effects of COVID shot

Pfizer CEO Albert BourlaVerveridis Vasilis/Shutterstock

The U.K.’s primary pharmaceutical watchdog has accused Pfizer of making “misleading” claims that failed to account for possible adverse reactions by promoting its “unlicensed” COVID shot on social media.

According to the rulingthe complaint made by an unnamed “member of the public” to the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) criticized Pfizer’s “misuse of social media to misleadingly and illegally promote their COVID vaccine.”

The complaint was related to a 2020 social media post by a Pfizer employee on Twitter, which is now called X. The post, which was re-posted by several Pfizer U.K. employees, including one senior employee, read:

Our vaccine candidate is 95 percent effective in preventing COVID-19, and 94 per cent effective in people over 65 years old. We will file all of our data with health authorities within days. Thank you to every volunteer in our trial, and to all who are tirelessly fighting this pandemic.

The PMCPA noted in its ruling that the post “contained limited information regarding the efficacy of the vaccine candidate with no safety information provided.”

According to the PMCPA, the post led to an “unlicensed medicine being proactively disseminated on Twitter to health professions and members of the public in the U.K.”

The U.K. watchdog’s panel concluded that “Pfizer U.K. employees, including two senior employees, retweeting on their personal Twitter accounts about the company’s COVID-19 potential vaccine prior to the grant of its marketing authorization, meant that Pfizer had brought discredit upon and reduced confidence in the pharmaceutical industry.”

According to GB News, a Pfizer U.K. spokesman said the company “fully recognizes and accepts the issues highlighted by this PMCPA ruling,” and is “deeply sorry.”

“Pfizer U.K. has a comprehensive policy on personal use of social media in relation to Pfizer’s business which prohibits colleagues from interacting with any social media related to Pfizer’s medicines and vaccines – backed by staff briefings and training,” the spokesman said.

“The personal use of social media by U.K. pharmaceutical industry employees in relation to company business is a challenging area for pharmaceutical companies, in which we continue to take all of the appropriate steps that are reasonably expected of a pharmaceutical company,” the spokesman concluded.

Pfizer U.K. said it had launched a review of its employees’ compliance with its rules for social media use.

This is already the sixth time that PMCPA has repudiated Pfizer. In November 2022, the U.K. drug regulator ruled that the pharma giant’s CEO, Albert Bourla, was “misleading” the public by claiming that his company’s COVID-19 vaccine was safe and necessary for young children.

The complaint against Pfizer in 2022 was brought forward by UsForThem, a group consisting of parents drawing attention to the specific challenges that children faced during the pandemic.

In response to the latest ruling against Pfizer, the head of legal affairs of UsForThem, Ben Kingsley, said: “It’s astonishing how many times Pfizer’s senior executives have been found guilty of serious regulatory offences – in this case including the most serious offence of all under the UK Code of Practice.”

“Yet the consequences for Pfizer and the individuals concerned continue to be derisory. This hopeless system of regulation for a multi-billion dollar life and death industry has become a sham, in dire need of reform,” he concluded.

The Poisoning of Medical School Education

UCLA’s first-year medical students were required late last month to sit through a two-hour lecture on the subject of “Housing (In)Justice” that was part of a mandatory course on “structural racism” at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine. UCLA’s guest lecturer was a left-wing homeless advocate, Lisa Gray-Garcia (pictured above), who told her captive audience of aspiring doctors that modern medicine is “white science.” Her pagan prayers to “Mama Earth,” which were part of Ms. Gray-Garcia’s presentation, included a blessing for “black,” “brown,” and “houseless people” who, she claimed, die because of the “crapatalist lie” of “private property.”

Wearing a Palestinian scarf, Ms. Gray-Garcia, a Hamas sympathizer who once posted on X that “Israel is Amerikkklan,” led UCLA’s medical students in chants of “Free, free Palestine.”

UCLA’s medical school has declared on its website that its fundamental mission is to champion “Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.” In pursuit of achieving “equity,” the website states, “We have a collective commitment to combat structural racism.” Its “anti-racism roadmap” includes developing “an advisory committee to include experts in critical race theory, social justice, bias, and health disparities.”

The school’s reading list includes books by leading critical race theorists. They include Robin DiAngelo’s “White fragility: Why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism” and Ibram X. Kendi’s “How to be an antiracist.”

UCLA is not an outlier. Indoctrination in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (“DEI”) and Critical Race Theory dogmas is being force fed to medical school students and faculty across the country.

The Oregon Health and Science University’s “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism Strategic Action Plan,” for example, requires “ongoing training and learning opportunities related to DEI and anti-racism for learners, staff, faculty and administrative leaders.” There will be “consequences for individuals who are not compliant with the required training,” the strategic action plan warns. This includes incorporating “DEI, anti-racism and social justice core competencies in performance appraisals of faculty and staff.”

Harvard Medical School states as one of its anti-racism initiatives the development of classes to “acknowledge the ways in which racism is embedded in science and scientific culture and work to redress these longstanding issues.” In other words, Harvard Medical School is on board with the outrageous claim that medicine is “white science.”

The Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons’ Anti-Racism Task Force recommended that the school “Create and implement ongoing faculty development on race and racism for teaching faculty by individuals grounded in critical race theory.”

In developing their anti-racist learning objectives, medical schools like Columbia’s College of Physicians & Surgeons are using a framework drafted by the Association of American Medical Colleges (“AAMC”). The Association of American Medical Colleges published a paper in 2022 entitled “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Competencies Across the Learning Continuum.” The “cross-continuum competencies” described in AAMC’s paper are intended to “help educators design or adapt curricula and help educators and learners in their individual professional development and DEI journeys.”

Aspiring doctors entering their medical residencies, for example, should learn about “multiple forms of oppression or privilege related to clinical decisions and practice.” They should learn how to identify “systems of power, privilege, and oppression and their impacts on health outcomes (e.g., White privilege, racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, religious oppression).” For good measure, AAMC added the impacts of “colonization, White supremacy, acculturation” and “assimilation” to what residents need to be concerned about on their way to joining the medical profession.

AAMC’s paper recommends a series of workshops offered by the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Center for Antiracism in Practice. One of the workshops “prepares participants to identify the manifestations of racism and White supremacy within their courses” while another workshop “guides participants in describing the impact of racism and White supremacy on learners and their future patients.”  In the third workshop of this series, “participants identify concrete change targets within their courses and begin to develop alternative, anti-racist policies and practices.”

AAMC refers readers of its 2022 paper to the meaning of “equity,” as opposed to “equality,” set forth in a another document entitled “Advancing Health Equity: Guide to Language, Narrative and Concept” prepared by AAMC in association with the American Medical Association (“AMA”)..

This document would make the most left-wing advocates of Critical Race Theory and DEI proud. Here is a sampling:

“Narratives grounded in white supremacy and sustaining structural racism…perpetuate cumulative disadvantage for some populations and cumulative advantage for white people, and especially white men. Patriarchal narratives enforce rigidly defined traditional norms, and reinforce inequities based on gender. Narratives that uncritically center meritocracy and individualism render invisible the very real constraints generated and reinforced by poverty, discrimination and ultimately exclusion. Yet a rich tradition of work in health equity and related fields, including critical race theory…gives us a foundation for an alternative narrative, one that challenges the status quo, one that moves health care towards justice.”

“While equality means providing the same to all, equity requires recognizing that we do not all start from the same place because power is unevenly distributed. The process is ongoing, requiring us to identify and overcome uneven distribution of power as well as intentional and unintentional barriers arising from bias or structural root causes.”

“Seeking to treat everyone the ‘same,’ this ignores the historical legacy of disinvestment and deprivation through policy of historically marginalized and minoritized communities as well as contemporary forms of discrimination that limit opportunities. Through systematic oppression and deprivation from ethnocide, genocide, forced removal from land and slavery, Indigenous and Black people have been relegated to the lowest socioeconomic ranks of this country. The ongoing xenophobic treatment of undocumented brown people and immigrants (including Indigenous people disposed of their land in other countries) is another example.”

The AMA-AAMC screed espouses the Marxist belief in redistributing “power and resources to those most in need” and calls for forging closer ties between public health and “social movements promoting racial, economic, and social justice.”

Not that many years ago, medical schools understood that their core mission was to teach students the vital skills needed to competently diagnose and treat diseases and to perform surgeries. But that singular focus on teaching basic and clinical medicine has gone the way of doctors making house calls.

Now, medical schools are teaching their students to view medicine through a racial lens. Helping students to learn how to practice competent medicine based on the Hippocratic Oath has given way to enlisting in the progressive Left’s war for so-called “social justice.”

In short, the increasing emphasis on DEI and Critical Race Theory in medical school programs is poisoning the next generation of doctors.

Submission: Muslim mass prayers at German universities

Photo: Midjourney

The Islamisation of public space continues to progress – including at German universities. This time, the Ruhr University in Bochum was affected by the widespread behaviour in the form of mass prayers. North Rhine-Westphalia is particularly at risk, as Islamisation is even opening the door to the state chancellery there.

While Christians have to endure mockery such as public Good Friday parties from the established parties at Easter, the red carpet is rolled out for new Muslim citizens. The most serious effects of the population exchange can often be observed in North Rhine-Westphalia. On the 28th of March 2024, the General Student Committee (AstA) of Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) hosted an “Intercultural Dinner”. The pictures taken there caused a stir on the German internet: Islamic prayer chants instead of lectures and not a single German can be recognised on the video recordings of the time-honoured Ruhr University.

It is no coincidence that these events are taking place at RUB of all places. In 2022, Rector Martin Alfons Paul turned against the “St. Elisabeth Group (SEG) – Katholische Kliniken Rhein-Ruhr”, which enforced a ban on headscarves for medical students. Paul supported the radical left-wing activists of the student parliament when they launched a smear campaign against the clinic group. As a result of public pressure, a “compromise solution” was worked out and the headscarf ban was dropped.
The Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hendrik Wüst (Christian Democrat), now calls it a “good tradition” to invite representatives of Islamic state associations to the State Chancellery to break the fast. “It is a sign that Muslims and their traditions have long been a natural part of our coexistence,” the CDU leader lets us know and advertises the C in the name of his party for the “Muslim vote” in upcoming elections.

Similar reports to those from Ruhr University Bochum are also coming from Hanau, Braunschweig and Göttingen. It has been proven that preachers from radical Islamic organisations such as DITIB and the Islamic Community Milli Görüs e.V. are also offered a stage at the events. Here, for once, those responsible are not even interested in the assessment of our friends at the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, which has proven that the organisations have links to Islamists. Germans need to learn that the seemingly seemingly abstract headlines about mass immigration have very concrete implications. Ramadan instead of Easter in March may already be the bitter reality for our children’s generation.

Unterwerfung: Muslimische Massengebete an deutschen Universitäten (

Italy: ‘Active member of ISIS ‘ arrested at Fiumicino airport

screen grab YT

An active member of the Islamic State (ISIS) terror group was arrested at Rome’s Fiumicino Airport Monday.   The 32-year-old Tajikistan national was the subject of an international arrest warrant “for having joined the ranks of the Islamic State and having gone to Syria to fight in 2014,” police said.  The man was found to be an “active member of the terrorist organisation ISIS”.

Conservative Law and Justice Party Tops Polish Regional Elections in Setback for Globalist Tusk

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In a blow for globalist Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk in his first electoral test since being installed in office in December, the opposition conservative Law and Justice party prevailed in the local elections held on Sunday, maintaining its position as the largest political party in Poland.

According to Ipsos exit polling, the local elections held in Poland on Sunday determining the makeup of regional councils saw the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party secure the most votes at 33.7 per cent, Gazeta Wyborcza reports.

The PiS once again bested the Civic Coalition of Prime Minister Tusk, which came in second at 31.9 per cent. This mirrors the parliamentary elections held in October when despite securing the most votes of any party, the PiS was kicked out of power after Tusk was able to form a coalition government with the centrist Third Way — comprised of Poland 2050 and the Polish People’s Party (PSL) — and the democratic socialist bloc The Left.

Unlike the parliamentary elections, there was a significant switch for Tusk’s coalition partners, with the Third Way projected to have secured 13.5 per cent of the vote on Sunday, compared to 8.6 in October while The Left fell from 12.6 per cent in October to just 6.8 per cent on Sunday. The flip-flop in results at the local level could see the more centrist Third Way bloc attempt to steer the Tusk government away from leftist policies, however, this will likely cause internal divisions given The Left still maintains more power in the Polish parliament.

The internal division within the Tusk government could further benefit the PiS, who will be seeking to build on the momentum of their ninth straight national election victory heading into the campaign for the European Parliament elections in June.

Commenting on the victory PiS leader Jarosław Kaczyński, said per WPolityce: “For those who wanted to hide us, as Mark Twain once said: ‘Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated’.”

Kaczyński added: “This result shows that today we could get clearly more in parliamentary elections, we could perhaps even gain power. But the election in over three years. We must also win the European elections and then prepare and win the presidential election.”

“Today’s success should be treated as an encouragement – an encouragement to act decisively, energetically, to expand our party, and also to create a grand coalition that will win, because Poland must be a country ruled by Polish patriots and honest people.”

This sentiment was seconded by PiS lawmaker Beata Szydlo, who wrote on X: “We won today and we will win soon in the European elections. And let Tusk stay in his world of fakes and trolls.”

Although the PiS continued to struggle with urban voters in the country’s major cities — which even in Poland are decidedly liberal — it made up for this with strong support in the rural areas of the country, including the support of many farmers, who have become a major thorn in the side of the Tusk government by frequently using their tractors to block off border crossings with Ukraine, which Tusk had hoped to foster better relations with.

The tariff-free imports of cheap Ukrainian agriculture — in conjunction with the negative impacts of the EU’s green agenda — sparked farmer protests throughout Europe over the past year and the PiS will likely see to represent the issues facing farmers heading into the European elections, as the pushback against the green agenda, alongside anger over the economy and rising anti-mass migration sentiments, look to bolster conservative and populist parties throughout the EU.

The elections on Sunday have also been characterised as a condemnation of Prime Minister Tusk’s strongman tactics since coming into power, with the former shut down state broadcaster TVInfo, and dismissing the heads of the management and supervisory boards of Television Poland and Polish Radio over alleged concerns of them spreading PiS “propaganda”.

Tusk has also been accused of using the legal system to target his political rivals, dramatically having officers storm the presidential palace to arrest two former PiS government ministers, in a move that was described by former PM Mateusz Morawicki as an act of “political revenge“.

Despite the defeat on Sunday, supporters of the government have called for Tusk to continue his crackdown on the main opposition party, with prominent neo-liberal journalist Tomasz Lis writing that the “PiS is still powerful. DePiSization must be faster, deeper and merciless.”

Looking further afield towards the next general election in Poland, which must take place on or before November 11th of 2027, former PiS deputy prime minister Jacek Sasin argued that the party should look to build relationships with potential coalition partners, including the centre-right Polish People’s Party (PSL), which is currently in a coalition with Tusk’s government.

Sasin also said that the PiS should look to form an alliance with the populist nationalist Confederation bloc, which has hitherto been critical of the PiS and refused to form a coalition in the past over objections against the PiS being too centrist. Yet, Sasin said that the Confederation — which is projected to have received 7.5 per cent of the vote on Sunday — would be the “natural coalition partner” of the Law and Justice party.

Hundreds of German Police Risk Dismissal Over ‘Extremist’ Views

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser,screen grab YT

Members of the German police force who are suspected of holding opinions deemed unacceptable by Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser and her political allies risk having their employment terminated under a new law. 

Germany’s radical left-activist interior minister has, since taking office in 2021, made it her mission to effectively rid all levels of the civil service of conservatives. The list of so-called ‘enemies of the constitution’ and ‘right-wing extremists’ appears to be ever-expanding.

Under Faeser’s new disciplinary law for civil servants, included in her sweeping 13-point plan to combat ‘right-wing extremism,’ the court process for removing public servants from office has been abolished, opening the door for political arbitrariness. As of April 1st, the state has the unilateral authority to determine whether someone is an ‘extremist.’

By the Federal Disciplinary Act (Bundesdisziplinargesetz), which provides for different measures of punishment if a disciplinary procedure is launched against an employee of the state, the Federal Ministry of the Interior ultimately calls the shots. This puts Faeser at the center of this push to rid the police force of officers with rightist views.

Furthermore, the Federal Interior Minister, under “the right to issue instructions,” is permitted to give directives to the interior ministers of the federal states. 

According to information from the 16 interior ministries of the federal states, at least 407 police officers are already being investigated or face disciplinary proceedings—and could be removed from public service—over suspicions of having ‘right-wing extremist’ views and alleged penchants for ‘conspiracy theories.’

It is unclear what evidence has been collected and presented against the officers in question and by what means it was obtained. The fact is that both state and federal internal intelligence agencies (LfVs and BfV) over the past year have become increasingly hostile to the rightist opposition and its supporters. 

For instance, Thuringia’s head of the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution (LfV) described supporters of the Right anti-globalist opposition party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) as the “brown dregs” of German society, an unmistakable,—and dehumanizing—Nazi reference. The chief of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, meanwhile, has urged Germans not to vote for AfD.

The Bundestag’s Federal Police Commissioner Uli Grötsch, a member of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and a close political ally of Faeser, did his best to play up the idea that ‘right-wing extremists’ have infiltrated all aspects of society and represent an existential threat to the Constitutional order. 

“We live in times in which right-wing extremists are deliberately trying to destabilize the police,” Grötsch claimed. “The danger is greater than ever before. For the entire country. And therefore also for the police.”

The use of the term ‘right-wing extremist’ is employed, perhaps more so than ever, by members of Germany’s political establishment as a means to demonize, marginalize, and exclude their ideological opponents and democratic political challengers.

Even the former head of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution under Angela Merkel, Hans-Georg Maassen, has been slapped with the label by the domestic intelligence agency—and is therefore a subject of its intrusive observation. 

“It is obvious that the BfV is no longer being used to protect the constitution, but is being misused to protect the government and to fight and persecute government critics,” Hans-Georg Maassen said last year in response to the investigation that had been initiated against him. 

Maassen, in an interview with Junge Freiheit published days ago, told the newspaper that “the Office for the Protection of the Constitution has now created dossiers on many citizens in order to persecute them.”

UK: Police launch desperate manhunt after fatal stabbing of woman in Bradford – Public warned ‘do not approach’

Police launch desperate manhunt after fatal stabbing of woman in Bradford – Public warned ‘do not approach’WYP

Police have launched a manhunt after a mother pushing her baby in a pram was fatally stabbed.

West Yorkshire Police confirmed Habibur Masum, 25, is wanted over the attack.

The attack took place in the Westgate area of Bradford at 3.21pm yesterday.

A 27-year-old woman, who suffered multiple stab wounds, subsequently died in hospital.

The force claimed the woman was with her baby at the time of the attack, adding people should not approach Masum.

West Yorkshire Police claimed he was known to the victim but have not confirmed their relationship.

The suspect was described as an Asian man with a slim build.

West Yorkshire Police claimed he was known to the victim but have not confirmed their relationshipWEST YORKSHIRE POLICE

He was pictured on CCTV wearing a duffle coat with three large horizontal lines of grey, white and black, light blue or grey tracksuit bottoms with a small black emblem on the left pocket and maroon trainers.

A witness later claimed the suspect was wearing a grey hoody with the hood up.

Det Ch Insp Stacey Atkinson said: “We have had significant resources following up a number of lines of inquiry to locate Habibur Masum but at this time his whereabouts are unknown.

“I would urge anyone who does see him not to approach him but to call 999 immediately.”

He is also believed to have links to the Burnley and Chester areas.

Following the attack yesterday, Atkinson also said: “This is a shocking incident that has happened in broad daylight in a busy area of Bradford and been witnessed by a number of people.

“A young woman has lost her life in the most awful circumstances, and we have extensive enquiries ongoing to locate and arrest the man responsible, who is understood to be known to the victim.

“We know this incident will understandably cause concern in the local community, and I would like to reassure the wider public that we are working tirelessly to investigate this horrendous crime and bring the person responsible to justice.

“To help us with this we are urging anyone who was in the area who may have dashcam footage or seen or heard something, however small it may seem, to please come forward.

“A scene remains in place which includes some road closures and I thank the public for their patience while we conduct our enquiries.”

Disturbing Poll: Three Out of Four British Muslims Don’t Believe Hamas Committed Rape and Murder During October 7 Terrorist Attacks

The Henry Jackson Society, a counter-extremism think-tank, and J.L. Partners conducted the largest survey of British Muslims since the October 7 Hamas terror attacks on Israeli civilians.

The survey revealed that only one in four British Muslims believe that Hamas committed rape and murder in October, and just under half of those surveyed, 46 percent, said they sympathize with Hamas.

Over half of those surveyed,  52 percent, want to make it illegal to show a picture of the Prophet Mohammed, with over a third supporting the implementation of Shariah law in the UK.

France: Left-wing mayor arrested in 70-kilo cannabis bust at her home

Mayor of Avallon Jamilah Habsaoui

A Socialist mayor and two of her brothers have been arrested in France after a police raid recovered 70 kilograms of cannabis at her home.

Jamilah Habsaoui, the mayor of Avallon, was detained on Sunday along with several others during a widescale coordinated anti-drug operation in the eastern town.

The drugs were discovered in an outbuilding belonging to Habsaoui, who has been mayor of the town since 2021 and is also a regional councilor.

A total of 75 officers including surveillance teams and dog handlers were deployed to seize narcotics and proceeds of crime as part of the “XXL Clean Space” operation.

Nearly 1 kilogram of cocaine, €7,000 in cash, and 20 gold bars were also seized in other locations.

“Seven people, including the mayor of Avallon and two of her brothers, were placed in police custody,” Auxerre public prosecutor Hugues de Phily told AFP.

It is understood the 44-year-old left-wing mayor, formerly of the French Socialist Party, lives with her father and one of her brothers, the latter of whom is already known to police and was previously convicted of drug trafficking and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

According to a source close to the investigation, a further search was conducted at Habsaoui’s office on Sunday.

The tractor referendums: The EU has a choice – more democracy, or more farmer protests?

Nosta Lgia

When a European leader calls a national referendum he is confident he will win, you should picture the old Road Runner villain Wile E Coyote holding a lit stick of dynamite. Something is about to go horribly wrong.

The latest victim is soon-to-be former Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, who proposed adding new language to the Irish constitution “modernising” references to marriage and the role of women.

David Cameron is only now slinking back into politics after his ill-fated Brexit referendum in 2016. That same fateful year, Matteo Renzi vanished from Italian politics after the failure of his proposed constitutional reforms.

And let’s not forget the reigning grandmaster of referendum misfires, the 2005 votes on the new EU Constitution that failed miserably in France and the Netherlands, two of the founding members of the European project.

In each of these cases, disappointed “Yes” supporters thrashed around in their agony for a justification that did not endanger the presumed virtue of their proposals.

They variously blamed bad timing, poor marketing, voter confusion and (lately) evil misinformation, ideally traceable to the Russians. In no case however, did these proponents consider that voting majorities did exactly what they intended: derail an elite project they viewed dubiously.

Rather than investigate voter motivations, EU leaders have drawn the conclusion that referendums must be avoided at all costs. Yet stifling one avenue of popular expression simply channels discontent into less formal, more disruptive protests.

Hence, the tractors besieging European capitals. The proximate causes of farmer discontent are the new rules imposed by the EU restricting pesticide use, curbing methane emissions, and mandating land set-asides for biodiversity. All these regulations serve the EU’s commitment to a Net Zero agenda, which apparently among other things requires that half the livestock in the Netherlands be slaughtered by 2030.

Many European farmers have understandably lost faith in the wisdom of the EU and do not defer to these new regulations. A loss of voter trust is normally remedied by an election that gives failed leaders the sack. But the European Union lacks this democratic feedback loop by a structure explicitly designed to insulate decisions from popular pressure.

Consider this from the perspective of a disgruntled Dutch farmer. He can vote for his parliamentary representative, who may form part of a multi-party coalition selecting a prime minister, who in turn constitutes one of 27 votes on the EU Council.

No Dutch farmer can vote for the Commission, where all these proposals originate and whose leadership is determined by backroom horse-trading among big EU states. Like most EU citizens, he cannot name his representative in the EU Parliament, and again like most EU citizens he cannot understand how the assembly serves his direct interests.

Deprived of a viable democratic voice by this arcane structure, he takes to his tractor, and may add to the fun by bringing along a full manure spreader.

In response, the EU and several member states have pulled back from several of their more onerous proposals, but clearly more as a holding action than a policy rethink. Soon enough, the thinking goes, the farmers must return to their fields and the EU’s grand project of saving the world from belching cows can resume.

While this may prove accurate, it ignores the EU’s chronic difficulty in channeling popular grievances into effective influence on EU proposals. Ideally, the power to formulate initiatives should move from the Commission to the Parliament, where duly elected representatives can hash out proposals amid all the tawdry aspects of a functioning democracy: lobbyists, angry constituents, ugly compromises.

Nothing would raise the visibility of EU Parliamentarians more than giving them the power to craft laws directly affecting their constituents.

The EU was founded as an elite project by leaders like Robert Schumann and Jean Monnet who had a justified fear of the popular authoritarians who drove Europe to ruin in the 1930s. But a mature Union can now accept a greater institutional role for its citizens.

The alternative may be the radical subsidiarity proposed by Marine Le Pen, which would reduce the European project to its prior role as a modest common market.

If the federalist project is to thrive, it must introduce a direct democratic voice into policy-making. The outdated elitism of the community’s founders is now an obstacle to the legitimacy of the European project.

The EU has a choice: more democracy, or more tractor convoys? The manure-spattered buildings in Brussels serve as a warning.