U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres said Wednesday he looks around the world and sees so much suffering for the followers of Islam it causes him pain.
The veteran Portuguese Socialist issued his lament for Muslims in a post on X to mark the end of Eid al-Fitr, which concludes the fasting month of Ramadan.
He said, “Every year, I express my best wishes for #EidAlFitr to the Muslim community around the world.
“My heart is broken knowing that in Gaza, Sudan and many other places – because of conflict and hunger – so many Muslims will not be able to celebrate properly.
Every year, I express my best wishes for #EidAlFitr to the Muslim community around the world.
My heart is broken knowing that in Gaza, Sudan and many other places – because of conflict and hunger – so many Muslims will not be able to celebrate properly. pic.twitter.com/1Z3rWIbhdN
Separately on Wednesday, the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said in a statement it acknowledged the holiday with “hearts filled with sadness” over Israel’s response to the deadly Hamas terrorist attack on October 7, 2023.
As Breitbart News reported, UNRWA and members were directly implicated in Palestinian terrorism against Israel.
Specifically, it was revealed a dozen UNRWA staff had participated in the October 7 terror attacks, apparently joining the massacre at Kibbutz Be’eri, and abducting and holding Israeli hostages.
Real life is better than the movies. No doubt. Today’s surprise comes out of Moscow, with an announcement from the State organization charged with investigating major crimes that the Ukrainian company Burisma was involved with financing terrorists:
Russia’s top investigative body announced Tuesday that it has launched a criminal probe into senior officials in the United States and NATO member countries who are suspected of “financing terrorism.”
Russia’s Investigative Committee, which probes major crimes, said it has “established” that money from commercial organizations had been used to “eliminate prominent political and public figures” inside and outside Russia in recent years, as well as to “inflict economic damage” against the country. . . .
The top law enforcement body named the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings as one of the implicated organizations. U.S. President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden served as a member of Burisma’s board of directors between 2014 and 2019.
Home Office asylum decisions are being overturned by more than half of applicants, as Sky News reveals a convicted sex offender was awarded refugee status after a judge ruled he would be at risk of “mob violence” in Afghanistan.
The man, who was convicted of “outraging public decency and exposure” in 2017, was placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register but was given permission to remain in the country.
The evidence of several doctors at his asylum appeal hearings stated that he “continues to act inappropriately towards females”.
In June 2020, an immigration tribunal judge agreed with lawyers that his “risky behaviours” would expose him to “ill-treatment” in Afghanistan and awarded him refugee status.
Immigration tribunal courts, where judges can overturn the Home Office, have ruled in favour of asylumseekers 51% of the time since 2021.
And the majority of those who are unsuccessful do not return home, staying in Britain illegally.
On average, more than £34m of legal aid per year has been spent on asylum cases since 2017, according to figures from the Ministry of Justice.
The Sky News investigation comes on the same day a watchdog revealed aid spending on asylum seekers in the UK rose to £4.3bn in 2023.
The Independent Commission for Aid Impact said the figure was driven up by the Home Office paying out £2.5bn on hotel accommodation for the year, saying it had “continuing value for money concerns” over the department’s spending.
Home Office minister Laura Farris told Sky News the government wanted to “end this merry-go-round” of illegal arrivals to the UK, and said it was “absolutely right that the public expects that foreign national offenders will be deported when their sentence is concluded”.
Analysis of Home Office data by the Migration Observatory shows almost two-thirds, or 55,273 people, who were refused asylum were not recorded as having left the UK in the decade from 2011.
That figure – which represents 61% of all failed asylum seekers – could be even higher as it does not include partners or children.
Religious conversion is just one reason an appeal can succeed.
Sky News has examined court papers that identify “Westernisation” as an argument made by people whose length of stay in the UK while awaiting a decision means they would face persecution in their home countries.
One Iraqi Kurdish family said their daughter was used to living “as a Western woman”.
The judge said: “If this family were transplanted from Liverpool to Baghdad, and carried on living in the way they live here, they would quickly encounter problems.”
In an interview with Sky News earlier this month, science minister Andrew Griffith MP said: “We can’t run an asylum system based on credulous clerics and lefty lawyers.”
When we thought we had seen it all, Islamic prayer, the muezzin and Allahu Akbar arrived in Westminster. “London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries put together,” said Imam Maulana Syed Raza Rizvi.
Two weeks ago, imams prayed at the Parliament in Brussels.
Old story, the boiled frog theory. If the lukewarm water suddenly burns, the frog will jump out of the pot, but if the temperature is raised little by little in an imperceptible way, it will even be pleasant and when the frog realizes that it is too hot, it will be too late.
And for us it is late, very late indeed. “Late for what?”, replies the Collective Idiot. It seems that for millions of Westerners, the fact that they can buy a croissant at the bar, subscribe to Netflix and book three holidays a year means that everything is fine and that their freedoms are intact.
While Islamic terrorists spread terror in Paris by killing 129 people, in Bedford, near London, during a debate there was open discussion of “establishing the Islamic State in Great Britain” and subjecting the country to Sharia law.
Islamists think big and they’re getting there.
They started with televisions.
It was 2013, it seems like a century ago. Channel 4 – the English public television – announced that it would interrupt broadcasts every day for 30 days to broadcast the imam’s call to prayer. On the first day of Ramadan alone, Channel 4 stopped broadcasting four times to remind viewers it was time for prayer.
A few weeks ago they prayed in front of Downing Street, home of the prime minister. Now London, says the government, is dangerous for Jews on Hamas holiday weekends.
London is increasingly an Islamic city. Englandistan!
Some of England’s most prominent figures have been open to the introduction of sharia. The Chief Justice, Lord Phillips, said English law should “incorporate” elements of Islamic law.
The British establishment is rapidly surrendering to the Islamic fundamentalists, accepting their demands.
Many areas of London have a Muslim population of between 20 and 46 percent.
They have the numbers and the strength to project Hamas slogans onto Big Ben. And they have legions of useful idiots at their side.
Practically every day in London there are prayers on the lawns of Westminster. And no one says anything: politics, police, media.
But it’s not just demographics.
A ranking of London properties puts Qatar even ahead of the Royal Household and the City of London. Today Qatar has more property in London than King Charles III.
If Iraqi Cardinal Louis Sako, leader of the Chaldeans, speaks this week of “forced Islamization” of what remains of Iraqi Christians, the West seems to want it.
The Archbishop of Canterbury presides over a Church fixated on “non-binary priests”, the “gender-neutral God” and slavery, for which he has just announced a billion pounds of “reparations”. His predecessor, Rowan Williams, said he was in favor of Sharia.
I would like to be optimistic about the outcome of this unprecedented experiment in European history, but I can’t be. I see a great green tide, like the high wave of a tsunami, which is preparing to submerge all European countries: first the large cities which are already falling one after the other, then the medium-sized ones and then everything else.
Europe is ending in plain sight and many don’t seem to care.
The Epoch Times recently released a documentary about “Chemtrail” trials being conducted off the shore of San Francisco.
“Unbeknownst to most people, scientists have begun to conduct a secret experiment that involves shooting aerosols into the sky in the hope of preventing global warming.
Specifically, this is a solar geoengineering experiment in San Francisco that’s trying to create brighter clouds that would, in theory at least, reflect more sunlight away from the earth.”
“The Marine Cloud Brightening Program is an academic collaboration of atmospheric scientists and other experts to study how clouds respond to particles — also called aerosols — in the atmosphere. This research aims to further our understanding of how interactions between aerosols and clouds impact our climate system, and to investigate the feasibility and potential impacts of marine cloud brightening.”
How did we get to the notion that “aerosols” affect climate change? CAARE explains:
“Atmospheric scientists are still not certain just how much of a cooling effect these aerosol particles have on the climate overall. Scientists estimate that aerosols from human emissions are offsetting 0.5℃ of global warming from greenhouse gases, but they could be cooling as little as 0.2 ℃ or as much as 1.0 ℃ (Forster et al., 2021). The uncertainty in this number leads to uncertainty about how much warming to expect in the coming decades.”
Translation: They really have no idea. They’re guessing.
“Aerosols have a profound impact on the climate because, just like greenhouse gases, they are able to change the Earth’s “radiative”, or energy, balance. Aerosols can control how much energy from the sun reaches the planet’s surface by changing the amount that is absorbed in the atmosphere and the amount that is scattered back out to space. It turns out that most aerosols are cooling — that is to say, they reflect the sun’s energy back out into space. There is only one aerosol — soot, also known as black carbon — that actually helps contribute to global warming by boosting the warming effects of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.”
Remember the banning of CFCs because it was supposedly destroying the ozone layer? CFCs were used in aerosol sprays. Was it destroying the ozone layer? Who really knows?
What specifically are they doing with this hypothesis and what tests are being conducted to prove the hypothesis? CAARE explains again:
“Lead Engineering Researcher Jessica Medrado describes the Cloud-Aerosol Research Instrument (CARI). This new facility is located in the USS Hornet Sea, Air and Space Museum, an Affiliate of the Smithsonian in Alameda, California. Working with the Hornet staff, our team is conducting science studies on the Hornet’s flight deck.
The CAARE facility is designed to support small-scale studies of the transport and evolution of aerosol particles in the marine atmosphere by releasing sea-salt particles and measuring their evolution over a small area outdoors in a marine environment. The studies involve intermittent brief releases of sea-salt particles, generally undertaken for 5-30 minutes a few times a day, a few days a week, during different seasons of the year.
The particle releases planned for the site are below the thresholds identified for approval processes or permitting requirements and do not include any regulated substances at the small scale they are being released. The studies at CAARE are not expected to have any impact on local weather or climate.”
Well, that’s good news. Apparently, we have nothing to worry about because they’re only shooting small amounts of “safe aerosols” below any threshold for approvals or permits, and they don’t expect any results from these tests because it is “not expected to have any impact on local weather or climate.”
Whew! I thought they were actually doing scientific tests to prove or disprove a hypothesis. After all, that’s what scientists do, right? I’m an engineer and frankly it would be silly and fruitless for me to run a test that yields no results, so why bother?
Well, here’s the kicker: “However, the studies’ relevance to climate intervention research requires registration with NOAA’s Weather Modification reporting process, which was completed in March 2024.” That was last month. It seems they might be planning the “Big One.” After all, what’s a test worth doing without real results that one can actually measure? At least Tennessee is outlawing it in their state, but that may be like fighting WWII with slingshots if larger-scale experiments set off a global cascade of irreversible events.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has claimed to a legacy media journalist that remarks he made in 2021 in which he called people opposed to the COVID jabs “misogynists” and “racists” were taken “out of context.”
While being interviewed on an April 4 episode of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s Matt Galloway show, Trudeau was asked by the host if he “regrets” using “language” that went after people opposed to the experimental COVID shots.
Instead of apologizing for his remarks, Trudeau claimed that the words he used to describe those opposed to the then-mandated vaccines were “taken out of context” as they were intensified via what he called “misinformation and disinformation.”
Trudeau said that he was only really talking about “specific groups of racist, intolerant protesters” when he made the inflammatory comments. However, when looking at his original 2021 statement, this does not appear to be the case.
When appearing on La semaine des 4 Julie, a popular French-language talk show program in Quebec, Trudeau said that Canadians “vehemently opposed to vaccination” do “not believe in science,” are “often misogynists, often racists,” and questioned whether Canada should continue to “tolerate these people.”
This is not the first time Trudeau has denied his statements or policies against COVID vaccine skeptics were severe.
In April of last year, Trudeau came under fire after claiming he did not “force” anyone to take the COVID-19 shots, despite his federal government mandating the novel injections as a condition of employment in all public sector jobs under its jurisdiction, leading to at least 2,560 federal employees being suspended for not taking the shots.
His government also barred those who did not take the shots from all plane, train and sea travel.
Trudeau later did acknowledge that there are “potential side effects in vaccinations,” but insisted that such side effects are “rare” – despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) showing over 30,000 reported deaths following COVID vaccination, in addition to over 65,000 permanent disabilities.
During the Freedom Convoy protests in 2022, before he enacted the Emergencies Act (EA), Trudeau once again disparaged unvaccinated Canadians, saying those opposing his measures were of a “small, fringe minority” who hold “unacceptable views,” and do not “represent the views of Canadians who have been there for each other.”
Last year, LifeSiteNews reported on how the details of the Canadian federal government’s COVID-19 vaccine contract with Pfizer for millions of doses of the mRNA-based experimental shots were recently disclosed after being hidden for over three years.
The contract with Pfizer shows the government agreed to accept the unknown long-term safety and efficacy of the shots. The details of the Pfizer contract do not disclose how much the government spent on the jabs.
A bill introduced by Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre that would have given Canadians back their “bodily autonomy” by banning future jab mandates was voted down last year after Trudeau’s Liberals and other parties rejected it.
Adverse effects from the first round of COVID shots have resulted in a growing number of Canadians filing for financial compensation over injuries from the jabs via the federal Vaccine Injury Program (VISP).
VISP has already paid well over $11 million to those injured by COVID injections.
Earlier this year, LifeSiteNews reported on how officials from Health Canada have admitted that there is “residual plasmid DNA” in the COVID shots after a Conservative MP asked the agency through an official information request if the DNA fragments were in the shots.
A young woman was arrested in the eastern French city of Besançon and taken into custody for holding up a sign calling for the deportation of foreign rapists. She faces up to a year in prison. Her lawyer has stated that she intends to lodge a complaint for “infringement of personal freedom.”
During Besançon’s carnival on Saturday, April 6th, two young women, one of them a 19-year-old, held up signs in the street reading: “Violeurs étrangers dehors” and “Libérez-nous de l’immigration” (“Foreign Rapists Away”, and “Free us from immigration”). On one of the facades of the Grande Rue, one of Besançon’s main thoroughfares, they also unfurled a banner pointing out that “46 women could have been spared if the OQTFs (Obligation de Quitter le Territoire Français for Obligation to Leave French Territory) had been applied in 2023”. They both belong to the feminist identity group Némésis, which regularly denounces the increase in violence against women due to the massive influx of immigrants who do not respect the rules of Western society with regard to women.
The mayor of Besançon, a member of the Ecologist party, denounced the association made “between migrants and rapists,” and announced that she would be filing a complaint on behalf of the city for “incitement to hatred.”
Following this complaint, one of the two activists, Yona, was taken into custody. She faces up to a year’s imprisonment. A police raid was carried out at her parents’ home in an attempt to recover the offending banner, while Yona’s computer was placed under seal by a magistrate.
The president of the collective, Alice Cordier, expressed her indignation on X about the disproportionate treatment of the case. She defended herself to Le Figaro, pointing out that Némésis was merely pointing out proven truths and asking for things to be done legally: “First of all, we put up a banner explaining that 46 women, who were either raped or killed, could have been saved if the OQTFs had been applied. We calculated this figure by looking at all the news items reported in the press over the course of a year. This figure is undoubtedly lower than the reality,” she explains, before adding:
We are calling for the deportation of rapists who do not have French nationality, but we are not saying that all foreigners are rapists.
In her defence, Alice Cordier points out that Marlène Schiappa, former Secretary of State for Gender Equality during Emmanuel Macron’s first presidential term, was in favour of deporting foreign rapists: one of the “concrete solutions” that the collective wants to take up and propose.
This is not the first time that the Némésis collective has chosen to make its voice heard in cities run by the left. At the Braderie de Lille in September 2023, a major public event in this metropolis run by the socialist Martine Aubry, the activists unfurled a banner denouncing the lack of safety and the growing Islamisation of the city, for which they became the object of a complaint for “incitement to racial hatred”. The collective retaliated by filing suits for defamation against the regional newspaper La Voix du Nord, which described the banners as “extremist against Islam,” and Libération, which described them as “racist banners” and an “Islamophobic happening.”
The collective’s lawyer, Frédéric Pichon, denounced the proceedings brought by the mayor of Besançon, as being purely for political purposes. “It’s political, but legally it doesn’t hold water. These are methods of intimidation. Being hostile to immigration is the expression of an opinion,” he told Le Figaro. In return, he announced that the collective would be filing a complaint for “infringement of personal freedom by a person in a position of public authority.”
The announcement of Yona’s arrest sparked a wave of indignation on right-wing social media, which expressed their support for the members of Némésis.
Dans la France d’Emmanuel Macron, une pancarte appelant à expulser les violeurs étrangers (position exprimée, à l’époque, par Marlène Schiappa) suffit à finir en garde à vue.
Ce matin, une militante @Coll_Nemesis a été mise en garde à vue pour avoir réclamé l’expulsion des violeurs étrangers.
Rappel : au moins 46 femmes ont été violées par des migrants OQTF en 2023. 46 vies brisées par le laxisme migratoire. #LiberezYonapic.twitter.com/nUdqO4QLje
Feminist figures such as Marguerite Stern also came out in support of Alice Cordier and her group. The collective, which recently launched an urgent appeal for donations, has been in turmoil for several months after having its bank account closed and having been successively refused by several banks.
Yona was finally released at the end of the day on April 9th.
On the eve of Eid-el-Fitr, the festival marking the end of Ramadan, a 13-year-old girl was attacked by four minors in Achenheim (Département Bas-Rhin). On a bus on the way to her college, she was approached by other pupils from her school who accused her of not observing the fast imposed during Ramadan. As she left the bus, the victim, who is of North African origin, was beaten, according to our information from a court source. The teenager was slightly injured and her face was bruised.
After the attack, the four minors, who are of Muslim faith, fled the scene. While their identities are still being established, the victim went to the police station in Wolfisheim accompanied by her father. She filed a complaint for assault caused by a group. In view of this case, the gendarmerie brigade intends to initiate this investigation. Le JDD
German lawmakers hit out at Slovakia following the presidential election victory of Peter Pellegrini, a key ally of left-nationalist Prime Minister Robert Fico, who also opposes further rearmament for Ukraine and advocates for peace.
The run-off success for Pellegrini on Saturday against career diplomat and Slovakia’s former foreign minister, Ivan Korčok, was met with criticism in Berlin as lawmakers from the mainstream parties expressed their concern at another European electorate opting for politicians skeptical of ongoing NATO support for Ukraine.
Norbert Röttgen, an MP for the German opposition Christian Democrats (CDU) and former chair of the Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee, accused both Pellegrini and Fico of “openly sympathizing” with Russian President Vladimir Putin and suggested they were in cahoots with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán who he described as “Putin’s Trojan horse in the EU.”
“The EU must not and cannot tolerate this any longer,” Röttgen added without qualifying what he expected Brussels to do about Slovak democracy in action and the electorate voting for a candidate he does not agree with.
The CDU lawmaker’s remarks were followed by Anton Hofreiter, an MP for the co-governing Green Party, who cryptically called on Europe to send an unequivocal message to the Slovak government following the electoral victory for Pellegrini.
“It is important that the Slovak government receives a clear warning signal from Berlin and Brussels,” he said, suggesting that “no more money will be allowed to flow from EU funds” to Bratislava if the government does not act in the way that other European nations expect.
Furthermore, he even floated the idea of EU member states that do not conform to the mainstream view among liberal lawmakers in Western Europe being thrown out of the bloc.
“[Hungary] must be shown the door. Slovakia will then have to decide whether it wants to follow Orbán or stay in the EU,” Hofreiter said.
The attacks had been expected by Fico who warned late on Sunday that his country now faces possible “punishment from the West for not electing its preferred candidate in Korčok, even predicting that calls would be made for the European Commission to withhold funds to Bratislava in the same way it has done previously to “dissenting” governments in Hungary and Poland.
Despite the mainstream media’s desire to paint Pellegrini as pro-Russian, he immediately reiterated Slovakia’s commitment to the West under his presidency.
“This is not about the future direction of foreign policy. I also guarantee, like the other candidate, that we will continue to be a strong member of the EU and NATO,” he said.
Not all politicians were outraged by Slovak democracy working as it should, with Hungarian Prime Viktor Orbán congratulating Pellegrini on his “overwhelming victory,” describing the election as “a big win for the people of Slovakia and for advocates of peace all around Europe.”
A man in Germany is now legally recognized by the government as having been "born a woman" after transitioning and converting to Islam at the age of 71.
Manuela Donner, a father of 7, is hoping to liberalize Islam in Germany because it is too "male dominated." pic.twitter.com/ndsZyy6mQh