Loretta standing between her mother Annett and her father, mobile phone with picture of Loretta’s Smurf video: “They wanted to make an example of our daughter”, photo: private /Junge Freiheit
The mother of Loretta, a 16-year-old student recently removed from class and interrogated by police after she allegedly expressed support for Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) and posted right-wing content online, has filed a lawsuit to overturn the actions of the school leadership and local police.
Explaining the reason she and her daughter are seeking clarification from a Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania court, Annett B. said:
It is important that my daughter receive justice here because she hasn’t done anything criminal. Both the Interior Ministry and Education Ministry have repeatedly defended the actions of the police and the principal.
What Loretta had to endure “must not go unchallenged,” she continued, adding that the filed lawsuit was also “in the interests of all future children and their parents.”
A few weeks ago, in what is difficult to regard as anything other than an act of political intimidation, the principal of Richard-Wossidlo-Gymnasium in Ribnitz-Damgarten pulled Loretta out of chemistry class in front of her peers, where three police officers waiting outside the door then escorted her to a teachers’ room to conduct a so-called threat assessment.
Law enforcement evaluation of the potential ‘threat’ posed by the teenage girl came as a result of a collection of social media posts—a pro-AfD TikTok video and photos on her Instagram allegedly betraying ‘right-wing extremist’ sympathies—that were brought to the attention of the school principal. After having reviewed the posts, the principal deemed it necessary to call the police.
“She felt surrounded by the police officers and she was uncomfortable the whole time. I don’t understand the principal. He’s a father himself. Has he never thought about what it would be like if his child was taken to the police and he knew nothing about it? I would have expected more empathy from a teacher,” Loretta’s mother toldBILD.
To Cologne administrative law expert Ralf Stark (Ph.D.), the lawyer Loretta’s mom has hired to bring the matter before the court, the actions taken by the school principal and police were illegal. He argues the measures taken were “grossly disproportionate on the one hand, and on the other hand, there are already doubts as to whether the legal requirements were met.”
Enrico Schult, the deputy chairman of the AfD parliamentary group in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has welcomed the court’s clarification on the matter to “achieve legal certainty for future cases and for all parents.”
“The question remains: How far can the state actually go in the safe space of schools and interfere with the fundamental rights of children and parents?” he asked, adding that if the court does indeed find the authorities’ actions unlawful “personnel consequences would be unavoidable.”
General Secretary of the CDU in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Daniel Peters also has demanded “complete clarification” on the incident, referring to it as “outrageous.” He called the government’s explanations so far “very unsatisfactory.”
Meanwhile, the state government, ruled by ultra-left-liberal Die Linke and the SPD, continues to back the actions taken by the principal and police. In an earlier debate in the state parliament, Interior Minister Christian Pegel (SPD) claimed that “proportionality” was maintained simply because “no arrest” occurred and “no handcuffs” were used.
Anyone who wanted to collect a parcel from a postal partner in the Brigittenau district of Vienna today was faced with locked doors. Photo: Z.V.g.
Social change in Austria is progressing faster than expected due to illegal immigration. People are noticing this especially today, Wednesday, at the end of the Islamic Ramadan, the “Eid”.
As reported, schoolwork has been postponed and it is not only Muslim children who have been given time off school to celebrate the Islamic festival at home. Many parents are of course wondering why Austrian children have to adapt to the beliefs of Muslims and not the children of parents who have arrived from foreign cultures to our customs and traditions.
It becomes worrying when urgently needed medication does not reach the patient due to the “Eid”. This happened today to a citizen in the Brigittenau district of Vienna who wanted to collect a parcel containing syringes and medicines for his wife from the post office. But the man was faced with locked doors – the partner of Austrian Post, an operator of a “mobile phone shop” in Klosterneuburger Straße, was closed. The passers-by, who didn’t quite speak Austrian either, told the man that the postal partner was closed for Eid. There was no sign on the door or in the shop window.
Now the man is presumably forced to wait for his consignment until the festival, which often lasts two days, comes to an end and he can finally collect the medication for his wife.
NHS bosses have been ordered to unveil the fate of 9,000 transgender young people treated at the Tavistock clinic after trusts refused to give information to the Cass review.
The Health Secretary has demanded “full co-operation” after the report found adult gender clinics had declined to disclose whether transgender people who started their treatment as children later changed their minds or suffered serious mental health problems.
Victoria Atkins, the Health Secretary says she has had enough of “a culture of secrecy and ideology over evidence and safety”.
On Wednesday, she met the chief executive of NHS England, Amanda Pritchard to tell her “nothing less than full co-operation by those clinics in the research is acceptable”.
“We simply do not know the lifelong impact of these medical interventions on young minds and bodies to be clear that they are safe,” she told The Telegraph.
The Cass Review, published on Wednesday by paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass, claims young people with gender dysphoria have been “let down” by the NHS, and has called for gender services for young people to “match the standards of other NHS care”.
The report recommended an end to giving powerful hormone drugs to under-18s and urged “extreme caution” when caring for under-25s.
Atkins says that she expects private clinics to also follow these recommendations, as she looks to the Department for Health and Social Care for a way of blocking doctors abroad from prescribing puberty blockers to children in Britain.
She praised those who spoke out to “raise the alarm about how treatment was diverging so far from guidance” before adding that she is “greatly troubled” by the rapid rise in the referral of teenage girls to transgender clinics.
Cass’ conclusions are documented in a 388-page report, making 32 recommendations on how gender services for children and young people should operate.
Addressing children and young people in the foreword to her report, she wrote: “I have been disappointed by the lack of evidence on the long-term impact of taking hormones from an early age; research has let us all down, most importantly you.
“The reality is we have no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress.”
Atkins added: “It is disgraceful that adult gender clinics have not co-operated with the vital University of York research to link data on children at the Tavistock so that we can understand their journey into adulthood.
“This Government took the unprecedented step of changing the law to make this possible. There can be no further delay on their full participation. I know that NHS England will use all the powers at their disposal to compel this if they have to.”
It is believed that health chiefs will use legal powers to order the main seven adult gender clinics to give data they hold on trans patients.
Catholic priest and theology professor Fr. Manfred Hauke has to stand trial at a criminal court in Switzerland for publishing an article critical of homosexual clergy.
Katholisch.de reports that the trial against Fr. Hauke started on Monday at the criminal court in Bellinzona, Switzerland. The court case was triggered after the German priest appealed a fine that he received in December 2022.
Fr. Hauke, who teaches theology at the University of Lugano, Switzerland, is accused of violating a ban against “discrimination” and “inciting hatred” against homosexuals for publishing an article as the publisher of the magazine Theologisches in 2021.
The article was authored by Polish priest Fr. Dariusz Oko and highlighted cases of abuse by homosexual priests and bishops and detailed mechanisms used by “homoclans” or a “homomafia” of predatory clerics to avoid accountability.
The priest described such groups as “a colony of parasites” that “cares first of all for itself, and not for the hosts at whose expense it lives” and as a “homosexual plague” or a “cancer that is even ready to kill its host,” among other things. He stressed that “the existence of such powerful clans” attested to by both Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI “is an obvious logical, ethical, and dogmatic contradiction to the very essence of the Church and her teaching.”
In May 2022, Fr. Oko and 91-year-old Fr. Johannes Stöhr, the editor responsible for publishing the article in the journal, were sentenced to fines of €3,150 and €4,000, respectively, by a German court.
Fr. Wolfgang Rothe, a dissident, scandal-plagued priest with the Archdiocese of Munich, confirmed that he was the one who reported Frs. Oko, Stöhr, and Hauke to German authorities.
Rothe, who is openly homosexual, is one of the most aggressively outspoken promoters of the LGBT agenda in the Catholic Church in Germany.
In 2004, Rothe was involved in a major Church scandal when he had to step down as vice-rector of a seminary in St. Pölten, Austria, after child pornography and photographs depicting homosexual activity involving seminarians and staff emerged. Photos also showed Rothe kissing a man. The seminary was eventually shut down by the Vatican’s special investigator, Bishop Klaus Küng.
In March 2024, Rothe promoted the anti-Catholic hate group “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” on social media.
In 2021, the Cologne Public Prosecutor’s Office declined to investigate Fr. Hauke due to lack of evidence for a criminal offense.
The case against the priest in Switzerland was initiated by a complaint filed by the pro-LGBT group “Pink Cross.”
According to a report by Swiss newspaper NZZ, Fr. Hauke defended the publication by pointing out that the masthead clearly indicated that the opinions expressed in the articles were not identical to those of the editor-in-chief and the publisher. He added that many quotes had been taken out of context.
His attorney, Luigi Mattei, explained that homosexual priests had not been criticized in general but that the analysis concerned certain groups and lobbies of clergymen who had become a kind of mafia organization within the Catholic Church and, thus, a danger. Fr. Oko had often quoted Pope Francis and also campaigned for a synod on homosexuality to be held, the lawyer added.
The verdict in the Bellinzona trial against Fr. Hauke is scheduled to be announced next Monday.
On the first day of Ramadan, many pupils in Vienna stayed away from school. “140 out of 400 children were absent from lessons at my school,” said an annoyed Viennese headmaster. This figure is likely to rise further in the coming years. Muslims celebrated the first day of Ramadan, the month of fasting, today, Wednesday – including in Vienna. Many pupils therefore stayed away from school. One secondary school has already declared April 10th a day off from school. However, many pupils in numerous other schools in the Austrian capital also did not attend lessons.
“140 out of 400 children didn’t turn up for lessons,” Christian Klar, headmaster of the Franz Jonas Europaschule in the 21st district and eXXpress columnist, told eXXpress angrily. This corresponds to more than one in three pupils at a compulsory school. He added: “I have also contacted other school headmasters, who have also confirmed the absence of numerous pupils.”
“I have no problem with students celebrating Eid with their families, but I have clearly announced that it is compulsory for students to come to class on Thursday and Friday,” Klar adds. In the interview, the long-serving headmaster once again draws attention to another problem: “Over the years, I have observed that the attitude of the pupils in the classes is becoming increasingly characterised by a particular religion. More and more children are therefore converting to Islam. In the next few years, the number of pupils not attending Eid will probably continue to increase.”
A leading German homeowners’ association has blamed Berlin after studies showed the Government is missing its targets on building renovation as part of its climate-control ambitions.
Matthias zu Eicken, the Head of Housing and Urban Development Policy at Haus & Grund, with around 900,000 members, told Brussels Signal: “The German Government’s targets seem too ambitious for many homeowners.
“The political targets and political implementation do not match. The ongoing debate on very high requirements for existing buildings have unsettled many owners.
“The accompanying and politically promised relief through financial aid is only getting off to a stuttering start,” he said.
“Financing is the biggest obstacle to achieving climate protection targets, as confirmed by almost 53 per cent of Haus & Grund members in our member survey.
“This is immediately followed by technical barriers to achieving these goals by 2045 – five years earlier than the European deadline. Politics has thus twice failed to provide satisfactory answers to these two greatest obstacles,” he added.
Asked about the effects of the economic slump in Germany and rising construction costs, zu Eicken said: “High construction prices are only part of a structural problem – albeit a very significant one.
“It is precisely these prices that continue to rise. The high requirements on the building stock – not only in terms of climate-friendliness – complete the structural problem on building renovation.
“The recent rise in interest rates has now made this cost structure unfinanceable for many households,” he said.
Despite the excessive renovation costs, zu Eicken noted that homeowners still supported the policies centred on reaching energy-efficiency and climate goals.
“Private owners regularly carry out modernisation measures. For example, 39 per cent of our members stated that they had replaced their heating and more than 37 per cent replaced their windows in the past 10 years,” he said.
Still, zu Eicken added, Berlin was making it difficult for them. “Many owners feel left alone with the implementation of these goals – and sometimes pressured into non-economic investments for climate protection.
“Almost 40 per cent do not know how to switch to climate-neutral heat generation,” he claimed.
“Politicians overlook the fact that the complex task of energy-efficient building refurbishment is carried out by private individuals in 95 per cent of all buildings, who have to manage this task alongside their jobs and everyday lives.”
Regarding how the Government could improve the situation, zu Eicken said: “Reducing regulatory requirements at the level of individual buildings would be an important step.
“The focus of policy should be on a building sector with CO2 certificate trading. The corresponding price signal would provide an effective incentive for energy-efficient building refurbishment.
“In addition, private owners need a reliable funding framework for energy-efficient refurbishment and binding municipal planning for a climate-neutral heat and energy supply for every single property in Germany,” he added.
“Only under these conditions can private owners make the right climate investments for their property.”
Two suspected members of the Islamic State (IS) group have been arrested in Germany and accused of enslaving and sexually abusing a pair of Yazidi girls in Syria and Iraq, prosecutors said Wednesday.
The Iraqi suspects, identified only as Twana H. S. and Asia R. A., are accused of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and membership in a foreign terrorist organization, the federal prosecutor’s office said.
They were arrested Tuesday in Regensburg and the Roth district, both in the southern state of Bavaria.
The pair were married under Islamic law and were members of IS in Iraq and Syria from 2015 to 2017. During this time they held two Yazidi girls, aged five and 12, as slaves, according to prosecutors.
The Yazidis are a Kurdish-speaking group hailing from northern Iraq. They have for years been persecuted by IS militants who have killed hundreds of men, raped women and forcibly recruited children as fighters.
Twana H. S. repeatedly raped both children, with the help of Asia R. A., who prepared a room and put make-up on one of the girls, they said.
The girls were punished with “harsh physical violence” when they made what the suspects viewed as mistakes. The elder girl was beaten with a broomstick while the younger one’s hand was scalded with hot water, the prosecutors said.
The suspects are accused of exploiting the children by forcing them to do housework.
They also allegedly stopped them from practicing their own religion, forcing them instead to follow Islam.
Before leaving Syria in November 2017, the suspects handed the girls over to other members of IS, the prosecutors said.
“All of this served the organization’s objective to destroy the Yazidi religion,” they said in a statement.
The suspects are being held in pre-trial detention.
In another case, a German woman who joined the jihadist group was last year handed a 14-year jail term by a Munich court for enslaving a five-year-old Yazidi girl and letting her die of thirst.
A trans-identified male who identifies as a “minor-attracted person” and has been running a “MAP” merchandise shop online is also working with a prominent pro-pedophilia group that has consulted academics. Katie Cruz, a pseudonym used by a man who calls himself Cali Miller, has been “working behind the scenes” with activist group B4U-ACT, which campaigns to have pedophilia recognized as a sexual orientation, and which has contributed to academic research at some of North America’s top universities.
The term ‘MAP’ is an acronym which stands for ‘Minor-Attracted Person,’ and is used in online pro-pedophile communities as a way to reduce stigma against individuals who seek to sexually abuse children. It was coined by the co-founder of B4U-ACT, convicted child rapist Michael Melsheimer. Melsheimer explicitly stated that the purpose of the organization was to normalize pedophilia where the National Association of Man-Boy Love (NAMBLA) had failed to do so.
On Patreon, Cruz has stated that his “age of attraction” is between 9 and 13 years old. He also claims to identify as having a “trans age” of between “13 and 17ish.”
Katie Cruz, aka Cali Miller, a trans-identified male who advocates for legalizing pedophilia.
In a blog written by Cruz titled “A MAP in Love,” he states that he is “hopelessly in love with little girls” and explains that he holds “radical ideas of legalizing relationships between adults and tween girls.”
“I’ve known for a long time that I was a girl-lover. I’ve always found young girls to be desirable, on an emotional and physical level,” Cruz wrote in 2019. He described how, in 2007, “in the midst of lonely turmoil,” he discovered pro-pedophile advocacy and communities online.
“I read through their heartfelt messages about how much they love and care about little girls. What they were writing was exactly how I felt. And what they preached never changed. They all truly love little girls, just as I do,” Cruz said.
“Every time I help another MAP, I’m so fulfilled. I finally found my purpose in life. I’m still on this MAP journey, myself. Still learning. I believe I can take this experience, and use it for good in this world. The MAP community is where I belong. And helping people with this orientation is my ministry.”
In November of 2022, Cruz authored a blog entry titled “Our Stonewall is Coming” in which he predicts that there will soon be “a societal reckoning on the level of Stonewall, for the MAP community.”
“There will be more harmful rhetoric comparing the LGBTQ community to pedophiles. This will spur violence until we get to a breaking point as a nation… It’ll be up to us as MAPs to help shape the narrative,” Cruz wrote.
“We will have to use our collective voices to speak our truth to sway those who are fed up with the far right’s hatred. When two marginalized groups have a common enemy that is causing so much terror, they’ll be more willing to listen to each other and learn. It’s up to us to use science and show our humanity to convince them and the world that we are not inherently dangerous.”
Cruz also operates a “MAP Merch Shop” which offers various items for sale featuring pro-pedophilia symbols, as well as MAP pride flags and transgender pride products.
Cruz’s alternative social media accounts, under the name Cali Miller, were first connected by Seara Adair, a survivor of child sexual abuse who speaks out against online grooming. Adair combed through thousands of public posts made by Miller and Cruz, documenting multiple similarities between images shared to both accounts in order to prove that they are the same person. However, throughout a series of videos Adair made on the topic, she consistently labeled Cruz a “woman” and referred to him with feminine pronouns.
This is despite the fact that under the alternative name Cali Miller, Cruz has revealed that he claims to be transgender, and has advocated for the medical ‘transitioning’ of children via puberty-halting drugs.
“I was born with anatomy in which I don’t identify. I was raised as the wrong gender, and forced to go through the wrong puberty,” Cruz wrote in 2016.
“But the one thing that troubles me the most is my desire for a companion. It’s all I’ve ever wanted since I was a toddler. Back then, I wanted someone to cuddle and play with. As I got older, it became a longing for someone to cuddle and see the world with.”
In February 2022, Cruz attended a protest in support of “trans kids” at the Indiana Statehouse. The event, titled “Rally for Hoosier Youth,” was organized in opposition to House Bill 1041, which secures single-sex protections for girls’ sports.
Writing about the event for his blog, Cruz says that he sees himself as a role model for “trans kids,” and that he feels it is his responsibility to advocate for their “equal rights.”
“We never had trans elders, because a lot of them passed away long ago due to the AIDS epidemic, and all the stigma associated with LGBTQ people that kept them out of the mainstream. But we’re the elders now. It’s our job to stand up for the next generation of trans kids. We’re the role models, and it’s up to us to fight to protect them and to fight for their future, and equal rights. And that’s what we’ll do.”
Cruz is active in multiple online pro-pedophile forums where participants discuss their “attraction” to children. He is involved in communities that focus both on young girls, as well as young boys. One of the forums Cruz participates in is run by pedophile advocacy organization B4U-ACT.
A list of “MAP Goals” can be found on Cruz’s blog. Objectives include expanding the “MAP community” through outreach, achieving the legal status of a protected, minority group, and removing “pedophilic disorder” from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM), produced by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) published by the World Health Organization.
Significantly, Cruz has pointed to the Fifth Edition of the DSM to support his claim that pedophilia is a sexual orientation.
“Minor attraction is an orientation. It is a hardwired attraction, usually discovered around puberty, just like other orientations such as heterosexuality and homosexuality,” he posted to his blog in 2022.
“Many mental health professionals have called minor attraction an orientation. The DSM-5 states that if the subject doesn’t act illegally on their sexual feelings for minors, and is not distressed by those feelings, it is an orientation rather than a disorder.”
While former co-founder Melsheimer committed suicide in 2010, the co-founder and current head of B4U-ACT, Richard Kramer, who uses a pseudonym to conceal his identity, also has a long history of pro-pedophilia lobbying and has admitted to having a sexual attraction to boys. Prior to his involvement with B4U-ACT, Kramer operated a website called the Male Homosexual Attraction to Minors Information Center, which advocates favorably for what Kramer describes as “feelings of sexual attraction that some men have for underage boys.” The website notes a previous symposium addressing the issue of removing “gender identity disorder and the paraphilias” from the DSM.
B4U-ACT also maintains a robust catalogue of networks within major Universities around the world. On its website, it lists institutions that have carried out research under its guidance or with its cooperation. Much of this research has to do with ending the stigmatization of “minor-attracted persons.”
Most recently, B4U-ACT partnered with a researcher at McGill University in Canada, who then conducted a survey aimed at gaining insight from “child lovers” in online pedophile communities in an effort to attain data on “romantic attraction to children.” The survey inquired about sexual offending against minors while promising complete anonymity and privacy to respondents.
The approach of lobbying for the depathologizing of pedophilia via diagnostic literature mirrors the strategy undertaken by trans activists in their campaign to have the term ‘gender identity disorder’ declassified as a mental disorder.
As previously revealed exclusively by Reduxx, anonymous participants in a fetish forum producing written erotica about halting children’s puberty through castration – along with graphic fantasies of sexually abusing children – claim to have been involved in the process of altering the term ‘gender identity disorder’ to ‘gender dysphoria’ in the Fifth Edition of the DSM. The manual is regarded as the authoritative guide to the diagnosis of mental disorders in the United States, but is also referenced internationally by mental health professionals.
A gang of Tunisian migrant minors is under investigation by Italian police after being accused of burning down their shared accommodation after being caught smoking cannabis and having a laptop confiscated.
The incident occurred on the night of March 3 on via di Novoli, a facility for unaccompanied minors located in the city of Florence.
Il Fatto Quotidiano reported how four minors of Tunisian nationality, aged 16 and 17, were accused of arson at the reception center following an altercation with one of their supervisors.
It is alleged the group was found by a staff member at the facility smoking hashish some hours before the incident.
“The coordinator found some Tunisian boys who were smoking hashish and took immediate action by calling the police, who intervened by carrying out searches and finding small quantities of narcotic substances,” a staff member told Italian media.
Staff also confiscated one of the teenagers’ laptops as punishment, resulting in the minor absconding from the facility the following day.
“The police found him and brought him back to our apartments, and at that point, he went berserk,” staff explained.
The boy was ordered to go to bed by a supervisor, but a short time later, staff could smell smoke coming from the dormitories. Upon inspection, he found several items of clothing on fire in the middle of the room and suspected they had been doused in a flammable liquid such as aftershave. Two of the minors were also attempting to set fire to a mattress in their room.
“At that point, we evacuated everyone and called the firefighters,” staff said.
Emergency responders were swiftly dispatched to the scene and extinguished the fire; following the eyewitness account of the staff member, the four minors were placed under investigation for suspected arson.
It was also alleged that the boys stood in front of the door to the accommodation temporarily to prevent people from evacuating.
An investigation by the fire department confirmed the blaze was caused by the lighting of clothes, mattresses, and pieces of wood.
A police investigation into the incident is ongoing.
Education Minister Giuseppe Valditara is working on a measure that would stop schools from closing for religious festivals if there is no agreement between the State and the faith in question, according to sources. The possible move is being considered amid a row over a school near Milan that was closed on Wednesday to enable its Muslim students, who make up around 40% of its pupils, to celebrate the Eid-al-Fitr festival marking the end of Ramadan. The decision by the Iqbal Masih Comprehensive Institute in Pioltello caused an uproar, with the head teacher getting death threats from right-wingers on the Web. It was also criticized by Valditara and the Lombardy regional school office unsuccessfully called for a rethink. There was a small protest of around 10 parents who opposed the closure outside the Iqbal Masih school on Wednesday. “I don’t think it’s right to scrap another holiday that had been planned from the beginning year to have this day off, when we are all at work,” said Samanta Sacchi, the mother of a pupil. “I had to ask for a day off today and give up the one (I was going to take) between the end of April and beginning of May (between the Liberation Day and May Day holidays), when the rest of my family will be at home”. Mohamed Pietro Danova, the president of the town’s El Huda Islamic Association, welcomed the closure. “It was a joy for us because integration begins at school,” Danova told ANSA. “It is the place where things are cemented between the children. “There are no distinctions for them, they all feel equal, all citizens. “It is better to look for opportunities to unite and strengthen our relationship, for the growth and the development of our country”.