Germany: Muslims go on the rampage in an asylum shelter because one of the residents is wearing a necklace with a cross on it

There was a commotion at the reception centre on Zeißstraße in Regensburg because a resident was wearing a cross on his necklace,

Serious riots in an asylum accommodation in Regensburg!
The reason: an asylum seeker was wearing a cross on his necklace! According to Regensburg police, several residents, who are of Muslim faith, were outraged by the Christian symbol – a riot broke out. When the security service tried to calm the commotion, around 30 residents attacked the reception centre’s security staff.
The violence escalated in one room of the accommodation centre on Wednesday evening: Several security staff were attacked and more and more residents joined in. Five migrants from the group attacked with bottles and chairs, and there were also attacks with fists. According to a report in the newspaper Mittelbayerische Zeitung, one attacker even pulled out a knife.

Several police patrols were deployed to calm the crowd. Several migrants were provisionally arrested and five Tunisians were brought before an investigating judge at the request of the Regensburg public prosecutor’s office. He issued five remand warrants.
According to information from the newspaper BILD, the suspects, all from Tunisia, are facing charges including particularly serious breach of the peace and causing grievous bodily harm.
Philipp Pruy, the defence lawyer for the main accused, did not comment when asked by BILD. Six members of the security service were injured in the incident, three of whom had to be treated as outpatients. 40 Tunisians are listed as serious offenders and are awaiting trial in custody. Around 270 men live in the reception centre; the asylum seekers from the North African country are housed centrally in Regensburg.
Since the summer of last year, the number of suspected migrants from Tunisia has risen massively. They are particularly notable for theft, bodily harm, drug offences and sexual assaults.

Regensburg: Gewaltexzess wegen Kreuz an Halskette! | Regional |

Anarchy in the UK: Squatters Take Over £13 Million London Pub Owned by Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay’s York and Albany pub in Regents Park, London, image via Wikipedia, Ewan Munro , CC-BY-SA-2.0

A luxurious London pub and boutique hotel owned by celebrity British chef Gordon Ramsay has been taken over by a gang of squatters who are threatening legal action if an effort is made to remove them, according to reports that place the value of the property at 13 million pounds sterling (About $16.2 million.)

Excerpt from the UK Sun report:

The gang, said to be made up of at least six “professional squatters”, used Ramsay’s own kitchen appliances to barricade themselves in and have glued shut the locks.

Photos show the swanky bar area of the venue — which had been temporarily closed for a handover — resembling a tip, with debris sprawled everywhere and a squatter crashed out on a leather sofa.

Ramsay, 57, was about to sign over a multi-million pound lease to new partners when the gang broke in to the York & Albany pub and boutique hotel near Regent’s Park, central London.

The TV chef — who was embroiled in a legal battle over the venue back in 2015 — called the police last Wednesday but has been unable to remove the squatters from the 19th-century building.


They have also slapped a legal notice on the front door, saying they are entitled to stay there as it “is a non-residential building”.

They claim that the law which prevents squatting is not applicable because it “was NOT designed or adapted, before the time of our entry, for use as a place to live”.

Incredibly, they then threaten legal action, suggesting that if anyone tries to enter “by violence” they could end up in jail for six months.

They warn: “Take notice that we occupy this property and at all times there is at least one person in occupation.

“That any entry or attempt to enter into these premises without our permission is therefore a criminal offence as any one of us who is in physical possession is opposed to such entry without our permission.

“That if you attempt to enter by violence or by threatening violence we will prosecute you.

“You may receive a sentence of up to six months’ imprisonment and/or a fine of up to £5,000.”

The note, signed by “The Occupiers”, also warns: “If you want to get us out you will have to issue a claim for possession in the County Court or in the High Court.”

Vatican Court Charges Italian Journalist Critical of Pope Francis with ‘Defamation’

Vatican prosecutor has filed charges against an Italian Catholic journalist, accusing him of “defamation” of Pope Francis as well as divulging confidential documents.

Marco Felipe Perfetti, a conservative Catholic who writes the blog Silere Non Possum (“I cannot be silent”), has called the charges against him an attempt at “intimidation.”

“It is no secret that within the Vatican City State there is no protection of freedom of the press and the activity of Silere non possum has annoyed and continues to annoy those who have always acted to the detriment of this State and for their own personal interests,” the editors of the site wrote this week.

The site of the news outlet alleges that the Vatican initiated criminal proceedings against Marco Felipe Perfetti by communicating the charges to the press rather than to the interested party.

Perfetti has also noted that Silere non possum is managed by an Italian citizen and resident in the Italian Republic, and thus, the jurisdiction over him should fall to his place of residence rather than to the Vatican City State.

The Italian daily Il Fatto Quotidiano reported that in recent years, Silere non possum has become an important “point of reference for those who want to know secrets and affairs of the Holy See.”

Perfetti himself is a Roman lawyer with “many connections” within Vatican walls, the article stated, yet he has not yet received any official notification of the judicial process against him even though the hearing was to begin this week.

According to the popular U.S.-based Catholic news outlet The Pillar Catholic, in essence, “The man behind a well-known, well-read, and well-informed Church news website” has been charged with “doing journalism.”

The Vatican should hope that the charges do not stick, The Pillar added, since convicting a journalist of “disrespecting the pope and exposing dysfunction and scandal in the Diocese of Rome” is about “the worst possible countersign the Church could send in an era supposedly committed to transparency and accountability.”

This is not the first time the Vatican has threatened legal proceedings against what it sees as hostile journalists.

In 2018, the Vatican hired international law firm Baker McKenzie to force a small Spanish website called to close its doors, allegedly for its occasional critical tone toward aspects of the Francis papacy.

The firm threatened a lawsuit if Infovaticana was not shut down and “its internet domain transferred to the Vatican.”

UK: Hardline Muslims will be content to send us back to the dark ages with Sharia law

There is a Trojan horse in Britain, hardline Muslims, who will be content to send us back to the dark ages with Sharia law. It’s emerged that several prominent figures in the British Muslim community praised the Taliban.

Between them, they said the Taliban were beautiful. They felt free in Afghanistan and defended their treatment of women.

Can I just make the point that the Taliban stones women to death and flogs them? People come from miles around to view the stonings and the floggings.

Girls over the age of 12 have been mostly excluded from school, and the government has also stopped most Afghan female staff from working at aid agencies.

They’ve closed beauty salons, barred women from public spaces like parks and gyms and cartel travel for women in the absence of a male guardian. Despite this, Hamid Mahmood the founder of an Islamic girl’s school in East London, told an audience about the freedom he felt in Afghanistan.

He said: “It was somewhat quite sad and painful as an experience leaving that land, because I will be very honest and I’ve said this very clearly, that there was something there. A feeling of outright freedom.”

He can go live there if he wants.

One person, who is reportedly Haitham Al Haddad, said: “Western secular influences were being driven into the minds of the students who were speaking against the Sharia and many vices were creeping in. When it is time to rebuild the country, we cannot tolerate division and therefore temporary suspension of liberal secular education.”

Okay, we have that over here though, don’t we?

According to newspaper reports, her dad was previously described as one of the most dangerous men in Britain and being gay was a scourge and a criminal act.

He reportedly said the Japanese tsunami in 2011, which killed more than 15,000 people, was a “just punishment for the country not being Muslim.” On child marriage, he reportedly said: “The earlier the better, especially for girls. But you have to be careful of the legal issues.”

These people walk amongst us. Mufti Ismail Satia told the 250-person-strong crowd at Queen Mary’s University in London: “We went to Afghanistan with a very open mind. It brought back to me the stories of the Sahaba companions of Prophet Mohammed that we read. They reminded me of those who sacrificed for Islam and those who were willing to do anything for Islam.”

People might say this is just a few fringe people who don’t mean any harm. Okay fair enough. So why was it that an extremist hate cleric called Enayet Ullah Abbasi said: “If anybody dares to criticise our Prophet Mohammed, that person should be declared as a disbeliever and hence his/her head should be chopped off.”

Why was it that he was able to come from Bangladesh and draw big crowds in Nottingham? He was set to draw a big crowd in London until GB News stepped in, alerted the Home Office and he was sent on his way. They can draw crowds because there is a market for them against some elements of the Muslim community in Britain.

The taxpayer has been funding the counter-terror Prevent programme.

A report found that key figures in organisations funded by Prevent are alleged to have supported the Taliban, defended militants, and Islamist groups banned in the UK and hosted hate preachers themselves.

The latest polling shows there are only one in four British Muslims who say it will be undesirable to have Sharia law. 52 per cent want to make it illegal to show a picture of the Prophet Muhammad.

Only around 28 per cent are opposed to making homosexuality illegal. Widespread sympathy with Hamas and the younger Muslims is apparently the most extreme.

Gap Between Muslims & Rest of UK Society Wider Than Ever + Cass TRANS REPORT Should Shame the NHS

On today’s #NCFNewspeak, NCF Director Peter Whittle, Senior Fellow Rafe Heydel-Mankoo and SDP London mayoral candidate Amy Gallagher discuss: * The Henry Jackson Society’s poll into views and attitudes of British Muslims reveals the huge gulf that exists between them and the rest of British society, with a majority wanting to ban homosexuality and restrict freedom of speech. * Dr. Hilary Cass’s long-awaited report into gender identity treatment at the NHS has finally been published and its findings are damning of all those who put vulnerable children on medical pathways to transition and encouraged them to take life altering medication and surgery. * Why does the Foreign Office hate Britain? Should the Foreign Office get rid of its historic “colonial paintings” and leave its magnificent London head quarters?

Queer Carribean Fruit

Sadler’s Wells  Theatre, Wikimedia Commons , Tarquin Binary,  CC-BY-SA-2.5

By Mike McDaniel

Everyone knows the queer are stunning and brave…and morally and intellectually superior…and a higher plane of existence…and…and… and they’re afraid of people eating fruit, which doesn’t seem all that brave or stunning: 

Theatregoers for an upcoming London show have been given a trigger warning over the sound of people eating on stage.

Graphic: X Screenshot

Sadler’s Wells has warned ticket holders for the two performances of Out at Lilian Baylis Studio in Finsbury later this month may find the noise “uncomfortable”.

Out is advertised as a musical duet, which “defiantly challenges homophobia and transphobia” and aims to “reimagine, reclaim and celebrate aspects of Caribbean culture from a queer perspective”.

Customers wishing to purchase the £17 tickets are also told that as the production involves oranges it may not be suitable for those with citrus allergies.

“The performance contains sounds of people eating so those with misophonia might find some parts uncomfortable.”

Just what is “queer” these days? tells us:  

Graphic: Screenshot

So, pretty much anyone identifying as anything other than a Normal American. And what, pray tell, might “misophonia” be?, again, helps out: 

Graphic: Screenshot

Hmmm.  Queer and prone to “impulsive aggression. Stunning and brave to be sure, and apparently all this has to do with “reimagining, reclaiming and celebrating aspects of Caribbean culture from a queer perspective?”  So, fruity violence then, provoked by the sound of eating oranges?

Crazy? Of course, but we live in a time when merely tolerating the antics of the 
queer” is insufficient. “Silence is violence” we are told at ear-splitting volume levels. It is not enough to live and let live. The queer, driven to violence by the sound of orange consumption, must be affirmed and praised. Their moral and intellectual superiority must be acknowledged and worshipped, and appropriate trigger warnings must be provided, not just for normal misophonia victim but for queer misophonia sufferers, who presumably would be the patrons of a queer Caribbean play, or whatever such things are now called.

Odd that. I was unaware of the essentially queer nature of the Caribbean, though I was aware that region produced a great deal of fruit. But far be it from me to get in the way of any effort, theatrical or otherwise, to “reimagine, reclaim and celebrate aspects of Caribbean culture from a queer perspective.” Who knew such was necessary?

And what might those “aspects” be? Will they celebrate queer misophonia, or seek to stamp out eating fruit in the Caribbean, the better to protect queer misophoniacs?

In any case, this is obviously yet another thing about which I must inevitably be silently violent as I cruelly and ruthlessly practice white fruit eating privilege. I think I’ll have an orange.

The Church of England Must Reject Worldliness or Face Extinction

Saint James Anglican Church, Picadilly, London, Photo by Ihar / Flickr, CC BY 2.0 Deed

It pains me to have to write this as a Christian who has become steadfast in the faith in the last few years, having been plucked out of a secular lifestyle devoid of religious ideals. I despised religion and repeated the same mantras, primarily targeting Christianity, reciting such cheap lines as, “Religion is a man-made mechanism and its primary function is to control you.”

I am now seeing the Church of England and many other denominations abandoning their responsibility to preach the Gospel, to assist repentant sinners in acknowledging their convictions, and to proclaim the good news of God’s justification and salvation in Jesus Christ. If anything, the Church has spent recent years enthusiastically affirming sin at a political and cultural level.

In John 15:18-19, we read: 

If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.

This is one of the most important passages on the need to be willing to reject culture and the world. It emphasises that, since we Christians are called to an order higher than this world, our main task must be to prepare for salvation. There is also the equally important reminder that, no matter how much we seek to appease cultural shifts, either by passively complying or trying to outpace them altogether, we will remain hated. As we are now witnessing in real-time, the Church of England is allowing stronger ideological forces, anathema to the faith, to infiltrate and destroy Christianity from the inside.

The Obsession with ‘Diversity and Equity’

A 2003 Church of England document, self-importantly titled “Called to Act Justly,” has a whole section on “Statistics of Ethnic Origin.” It addresses a presentation by Rev. Lynda Barley, Head of Research and Statistics at the Archbishops’ Council, on the findings of an exercise commissioned by the General Synod in November 1999. Its goal was to collect data on the ethnicity of persons on the electoral roll, churchwardens, and parochial church council members. This exercise took place alongside the comprehensive revision of the electoral register in 2002. The aim was to re-educate congregations and maximise diversity in the Church of England.

In 2007, a follow-up was published titled “Celebrating Diversity in the Church of England, National Parish Congregation Diversity Monitoring.” The study, based on the 2002 diversity monitoring programme, sought to evaluate ‘progress’ towards greater diversity within the Church and to inform future “strategic planning efforts.” The document discusses differences in ethnic representation, age profiles, and church attendance trends, claiming to “highlight the importance of promoting inclusion and representation within religious institutions.”

Why did the Church prioritise demographic research to achieve diversity and equity, rather than focusing on salvation and the Gospel to reach lost souls?

Perhaps the peak of the Church of England’s self-sabotage, the ultimate proof that it has surrendered to the delirums of worldliness, was the ordination of the ‘gender-queer’ Bingo Allison as the first ‘non-binary’ priest. As the imposter in question claimed, “God was guiding me into this new truth about myself.” I believe that Christ fulfilled the official priesthood, which means that in a spiritual sense, we are all priests serving God and providing spiritual offerings such as prayer and gratitude. Whether in the Church of England or the Catholic Church, priesthood highlights the importance of sanctification. If there is no evidence of this in a person’s life, no fruit of the spirit like hatred of sin, then anyone who claims to be sanctified is a liar and a hypocrite. They were never fully justified and their faith is an empty, lifeless gesture.

In Matthew 23:1-13, Jesus outlines the seven woes to the Jewish scribes and Pharisees who sat at the helm of the church government as public teachers and interpreters of the law of Moses:

Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat, so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger. They do all their deeds to be seen by others. For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long, and they love the place of honour at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces and being called rabbi by others. But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers. And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Neither be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Christ. The greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

An adulterous priest who continues in sin, yet still sits in a position of power within the church, would have his title removed. The same must be applied here, not only to avoid contradiction and hypocrisy, but also as an example to true sanctification.

Pathological Altruism

Back in February 2024, The Daily Telegraph published an article reporting that the Church of England now admits, after the case of Abdul Ezedi, that it may have been scammed by asylum seekers. Bogus baptisms and fake conversions, it turns out, are a useful way of dodging deportation back to one’s less developed homeland.

In Shi’ite Islam, the practice known as Taqqiyah is used where a Muslim denies his or her faith when faced with either harassment or persecution. The 28th verse of the third sura says that, out of fear of Allah, believers should not show preference in friendship to unbelievers “unless to safeguard yourselves against them.”

Unsurprisingly, the Church of England hasn’t taken precautions to ensure that the church has seen true conviction in the faith. One way to achieve this would be to use something like Peter Masters’s Seven Certain Signs of True Conversion as a measure: the conviction of sin, understanding scripture, the family bond or fellowship, the practice of prayer, the new heart, the measure of assurance, and the antagonism of Satan.

When I read the headline, “The Church of England has become ‘conveyor belt for asylum seeker fake conversions,’” this neither shocks nor surprises me. On November 2021, Remembrance Sunday, a Mohammedan called Emad Jamil Al Swealmeen attempted to use an improvised explosive device (IED) to blow up a women’s hospital. It was later discovered that the Church of England played a role in its conversion of hundreds of asylum seekers, including this Mohammedan, who later tried to commit this atrocity.

As alluded to earlier, there is also the recent case of chemical attacker Abdul Ezedi, who in February doused an alkaline substance on a woman and her two children aged three and eight before attempting to run them over with a car. Ezedi was previously convicted of sexual offences in 2018, during which he had his asylum application denied twice, before having it approved after professing conversion from Islam to Christianity, fooling authorities into granting him the right to remain in Britain for fear his safety would be jeopardised in Afghanistan.

Another case was that of a Bangladeshi man who, having already served 12 years in prison after he murdered his wife, successfully appealed against attempts by the home office to deport him by claiming he had converted to Christianity and that he would be at risk of persecution at the hands of Mohammedans in Bangladesh if sent back home.

It is the same story over and over again: a merry-go-round of the same problem that can only be described as the church submitting to a type of pathological altruism, which undermines not just the Church and its duty, but inadvertently creates more animosity towards Christianity and distorts understanding in the public mind of what it means to be a Christian. Fellow Christians must be firm and uncompromising—assertively and with grace—in facing down ideologues who give Christianity a bad name. To be blunt, the Church of England has a choice: to reject worldliness, just as the scriptures teach, or to face a self-inflicted extinction.

President of Belgian health insurance company promotes euthanasia as solution for aging population

Luc Van Gorp

The president of Belgium’s largest health care fund has promoted euthanasia as a solution for the country’s aging population problem.

Luc Van Gorp, head of Christian Mutuality (CM), pointed out that the number of people over 80 in Belgium will double up to 1.2 million by 2050, putting large financial pressure on the health care system and insurance companies.

According to De Specialist, Van Gorp said the problem cannot be solved with more money and called for “a radically different approach.”

“Doctors and other health professionals are now doing their utmost to make everyone live longer, but for what purpose? Living longer is not an end in itself, is it? It must first of all be about the question: how long can I live with quality [of life].”

“What about the category of older people who receive maximum care, but who still do not have the quality of life they want? That question is asked far too little,” he stated.

Van Gorp said that in addition to the current euthanasia law, there “should also be a softer form for people who feel that their lives are complete,” adding that “Many elderly people are tired of life.”

Instead of calling the process suicide, which has negative connotations, he “would rather call it: giving life back.”

“I know it is sensitive, but we really have to dare to have that debate.”

Van Gorp further asserted that the cost of caring for people – human beings whose lives have intrinsic, God-given value regardless of any suffering – towards the end of their life may not be worthwhile, citing “expensive medication” for cancer patients.

In a telling remark, the executive used the metaphor of a “mountain of meat” that begins to smell to describe elderly citizens.

“I sometimes compare the aging people with a mountain of meat,” he said. “That mountain first ends up in healthcare. Doctors and hospitals get to work on this and make good money from it. But as soon as that meat starts to smell, they pass it on to elderly care. But aging is not only the responsibility of the people who work in elderly care.”

While several left-wing and liberal politicians are sympathetic to Van Gorp’s ideas, according to VRT NWS, Christian Democrat leader Sammy Mahdi opposed the plans, saying, “If someone is tired of life and feels like they are standing in the way and no longer getting visitors, then we are failing as a society.”

Van Gorp reiterated his ideas in an interview with the newspaper DeMorgen, in which he stated:

The demand for care will only increase in the coming years. If we just keep doing the way we are doing today, we’re going for an outright care crash. We can only prevent this if we choose a radically different approach, from a healthy society that puts quality of life first instead of quantity.

“Numerous healthcare providers have long indicated that it cannot continue in this way,” he said. “There are simply not enough professional hands left to provide all care. And as a society, we create too little space to take care of those who are most dear to us.”

In 2002, Belgium was the second country in the post-World War II era that legalized euthanasia. In 2014, it became the first country to abolish the age restriction on euthanasia. It currently allows euthanasia for minors who suffer from a supposedly “terminal” disease, are allegedly close to death, or suffer from chronic pain and have the consent of parents and doctors.

In 2018, a government report revealed that three minors received lethal injections between 2016 and 2017.

The number of legal yearly euthanasia cases has been steadily on the rise since its legalization in 2002, reaching almost 3,000 cases in 2022.

Brussels mayor ‘collaborating’ with extremists to disrupt conservative event

Philippe Close, screen grab youtube

Brussels’ socialist mayor is “collaborating” with extremists on the political Left to disrupt a conservative conference, organisers of the event have claimed.

Those sitting on the conference committee of the National Conservatism conference due to take place this coming week say that Socialist Party mayor, Philippe Close, actively put pressure on the conference’s venue to pull out of the event.

This was allegedly done alongside elements of the radical Left, including at least one so-called “antifa” group.

Such efforts were reportedly successful, with the Concert Noble in Etterbeek no longer set to act as host to the event.

“Tragically and shamefully, it has become apparent that the political establishment in Brussels is actively collaborating with Left-wing extremists to prevent the free expression of political ideas and opinions in the city,” Frank Furedi, one of the event organisers as well as the Executive Director of MCC Brussels, told Brussels Signal.

He went on to claim that the city was now under occupation “by forces hostile to free speech and democracy”, with a press release from MCC Brussels listing the involvement of a “self-described antifascist group” in the campaign.

“This amounts to a failure at the heart of the European Union to preserve the right of all citizens to assemble and freely discuss and express political ideas,” he went on to say.

Other sources close to the organising committee told Brussels Signal that while the venue had pulled out, another location had already been secured, and that claims the event had been “cancelled” were incorrect.

Organisers were adamant that the event would go ahead, with the conference set to star numerous figures from the European Right, including Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, former Conservative Party Home Secretary Suella Braverman, and French populist firebrand Éric Zemmour.

Brussels Signal has approached Close’s office for comment.

Australia: At least five, including a 9-month baby, killed after Islamist mass stabbing in a Sydney mall, multiple victims in critical condition; attacker shot dead

five victim killed, several criticially injured in Mass stabbing incident in a mall in Sydney Australia, lone attacker shot dead (Image Source – News and X_annonymousgiraf)

At least Five people, including a nine-month-old baby, have been brutally killed while multiple victims are said to be in critical condition after a horrifying incident of mass stabbing in a mall in Sydney, Australia. According to the latest information, the attacker too has been shot dead by the police. In the afternoon hours (Indian Standard Time), the incident took place at a Westfield shopping centre at Bondi junction n Sydney. 

Shocking footage has emerged on social media in which the crowd can be seen fleeing in panic and terror to save their lives.

As per reports, the mass stabbing incident unfolded at 3.20 pm (local time) on Saturday afternoon (13th April) when a man in an NRL jersey began stabbing shoppers at random, including a woman and her nine-month-old baby. He attacked as many as nine people, before a police officer shot him, police assistant commissioner, Anthony Cooke told reporters. The police said that hundreds of people were evacuated from the shopping centre after the incident and the police advised people not to go there.

According to the Guardian, at a press conference, Cooke confirmed that the attacker was shot dead by a nearby police officer who was on her own.

The officer said, “She confronted the offender who had moved by this stage to level five [of the mall] as she continued to walk quickly behind him to catch up with him. He turned, faced her, and raised a knife. She discharged a firearm and that person is now deceased.” 

Cooke added that the suspect acted alone and there was “no continuing threat.” He said that officials didn’t know who the offender was yet, and there was no indication of motivation.

Mass stabbing in a mall in Sydney in Australia, at least 5 killed; lone attacker shot dead (