Lincoln Center Cancels Mozart

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Like Beethoven, Mozart is arguably one of the two greatest composers who ever lived. Like Beethoven, he faces cancelation as part of the campaign to eradicate Western Civilization:

In 2020, [New York’s Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts] began promoting a story that a vibrant black community known as San Juan Hill had been deliberately snuffed out in the 1950s to make way for its creation.

Self-hatred is a central pillar of modern liberalism, as is constructing pernicious narratives upon lies.

“The displacement of Indigenous, Black, and Latinx families that took place prior to the construction of our campus is abhorrent,” declares the center’s “Message on Our Commitment to Change.”

What is abhorrent is that those entrusted as the custodians of high culture are actively destroying it:

In consequence, last summer the center canceled its “Mostly Mozart” festival in favor of more “inclusive” fare — sponsoring rappers, pop groups and an LGBTQ mariachi band while hanging a 10-foot-wide disco ball above its fountain.

Pushing Mozart aside in favor of an LGBTQ mariachi band is the quintessence of social justice.

This summer’s programming, just announced, will lead off with “the debut duet of two superstar queens from the blockbuster reality competition ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race,’” followed by “Argentinian queercore,” comedians of “Indian heritage” and “silent disco.”

That’s the cultural heritage that will be left to future generations after Mozart, Beethoven, et al. have been erased.

That building the Lincoln Center somehow oppressed sacred BIPOCs isn’t even true. The neighborhood was overwhelmingly white at the time.

If everything is going to be based on lies, why not announce that Mozart was a transvestite illegal immigrant from Africa who indulged in disgusting sexual practices? That way he might escape getting vaporized.

Moonbattery Lincoln Center Cancels Mozart – Moonbattery

UK: Double trans rapist Isla Bryson slams prison service ‘transphobia’ after being ‘unable to wear make up’

Bryson had initially been placed in a women’s prison, before Nicola Sturgeon intervened to have the double rapist sent to men’s facility HMP Edinburgh, GBNews

Isla Bryson, the transgender double rapist controversially placed in a women’s prison last year, has claimed to be the victim of “misgendering”, “hate crime”, and “transphobia” in prison.

Bryson – born Adam Graham – had been charged in 2019 with sex offences against two women before transitioning in 2020, but was remanded to female-only HMP Cornton Vale under Scottish Prison Service SPS guidance that, for trans people, “establishment allocation should usually be the new gender in which they are living”.

Then-Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was reported to have personally intervened in the case in order to have Bryson moved to HMP Edinburgh after a barrage of criticism from across Scotland and the UK over the safety implications of holding a rapist in a women’s facility.

But now, the 32-year-old offender has spoken out about life in HMP Edinburgh. In a scathing hand-written letter to Scotland’s Sunday Mail, Bryson alleged to have been subjected to “transphobia” by prison staff, and claimed governors had been told to treat trans women in the SPS “like men” – labelling the treatment as “disgusting and a hate crime”.

In the letter, Bryson said that despite being on testosterone blockers, having breasts, and not “sound[ing] like a man any more”, staff “refused” to provide female toiletries and makeup.

The convict also claimed to have had a five-month-long relationship with a fellow prisoner who had been jailed for child sex abuse and drug offences, as well as a three-week relationship with another inmate named Colin.

The double sex offender added: “I want to make this clear, I don’t like women, I’m only into men.”

Natalie Beal, the governor of HMP Glenochil – the male prison to which Bryson reportedly forced a move – had written to Bryson last month to apologise for how they were treated.

In Beal’s letter, she stated that following an incident in which an SPS officer referred to the rapist as “son”, the officer immediately “apologised after realising their mistake”.

The note to the Sunday Mail isn’t the first written complaint aired by the offender. In July last year, Bryson had said: “I’m not doing too good because of abuse from the staff members, all because I am transgender, and other prisoners too.

“This jail is full of transphobic people. The police are involved because of the abuse to do with my gender. People won’t stop being transphobic.”

While in yet another letter, Bryson complained about being made to wear men’s clothes in prison, and claimed to have been given the nickname “Mrs Doubtfire” by fellow inmates.

The SPS has said it is committed to promoting a culture of equality of opportunity and diversity, while it is understood the service provides unisex clothing to prisoners based on individual needs.

A spokesperson for the Scottish Prison Service said: “We do not comment on individuals.”

The letters follow a barrage of criticism levelled at the SPS earlier this year after it failed to release prisoners’ views on trans inmates in Scotland as part of a review into its transgender prisoner management policy.

And despite the outcry over the Isla Bryson case, the service’s official policy still allows transgender women to be placed in female jails, under certain conditions.

The Problem of Detransitioners

Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

There are two accusations levelled at those of us who identify and live as trans but later return to living in accordance with our natal sex: either we suffer from “internalised transphobia” and are trying to escape our “queer destiny” or we were “never really trans in the first place.”

The first accusation supposes that one is born trans, and no amount of talking oneself out of it will change that fundamental reality. The second accusation supposes that one can be (falsely) convinced into believing that one is trans when one is not. To suppose that one is born trans and that said trans-ness is immutable throws a bucket of water on the idea that gender is fluid—and to say that gender is fluid in some and not in others is to push a bit too hard at the boundaries of plausibility. 

Likewise, to suggest that one can mistake oneself as being trans presupposes a level of fluidity—a spectrum, as has been postulated. Yet those who deem it possible to make a mistake will also refute the allegation that there is a social contagion underpinning the rise of trans-identification in teenage girls; it merely reflects the fact, they will say, that society is now more accepting than it used to be of these other identities. As such, these autistic and lesbian girls (in particular) are now free to announce to the world who they really are—that is, not gay or autistic but trans.

Who, then, is to adjudicate upon who is ‘really trans’ and who is merely ‘queer’ or ‘fluid’ or confused? The trans activists say that trans people themselves are the ultimate arbiters of what is and is not trans—which shares a similar circular logic with “a woman is whoever identifies as a woman.” “Listen to trans folk,” they say, rather than question their self-description, for to do so would be conversion therapy. What, then, of the people who—like me—knew themselves to be trans, were told they were trans by other trans people and medical professionals, and had all the purported signs of being trans from a young age but went on to embrace their biological sex and found peace where there once was agony?

If detransitioners are “trapped in the wrong body” but are living in denial of that fact, then being trans is a hardware issue. Their protestation, therefore, that puberty blockers are barbaric, hormone therapy depraved, and “affirmation” surgeries grotesque—not providing long-term or even short-term relief to their feelings of discomfort and depression—should be regarded with the most urgent and grave seriousness. After all, society is morally bound to listen to trans people.

If, however, detransitioners were mistaken into believing they are trans—in part, because gender is being regarded as a spectrum, founded upon stereotypes—then this would suggest transition is more of a software issue, requiring less extreme physical interventions, such as therapy, to relieve distress. The issue of trans diagnosis also re-emerges, with who is sufficiently ‘trans’ to qualify for more extreme interventions like cross-sex hormones being the foremost issue—particularly when, gender being a spectrum, one is liable to feeling more masculine on Mondays and more feminine on Fridays. Questions would also need to be asked about how and why it is that people can come to be mistaken, and in a way that is as all-consuming and convincing as this.

Should an internet activist not be available to divine the authenticity of a person’s queerness, the role of needs must fall to their elected representatives—a therapist or mental health clinician (who, if one is particularly lucky or particularly unlucky, might also be an internet activist or lobbyist). This clinician will adjudicate who is ‘trans’ and who is merely ‘gender non-conforming’ and distressed at the prescriptions of their sex—if one is not a description of the other. They will have to ask some difficult questions of their patient in order to ascertain whether he or she has been ‘born into the wrong body’ or merely misled into believing so. Of course, to question a person who has concluded that they are trans and has come to you for help to “realign” their body to their brain body is, once again, “conversion therapy.” Zero points for you.

There is no question of trying to realign the brain with the body. After all, like being gay, being trans is regarded as a hardware issue—one is born that way, as one is born with brown or blonde hair. Since it has been concluded that it is wrong—and, indeed, impossible—to talk someone out of being gay, it has been inferred that it would also be wrong to try the same in the instance of being trans—which, unlike being gay, is both a matter of choice (‘self-identification’) and happenstance (‘born this way’). According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, those who are gender non-conforming may choose to “self identify as transgender,” construing once more the literature of transgenderism in software terms.

What, then, is a doctor to do? As the recent Cass Review has demonstrated, bury one’s head in the sand and keep mutilating the children.

Dr Hilary Cass’s report finds that “Some practitioners abandoned normal clinical approaches to holistic assessment, which has meant this group of young people have been exceptionalised compared to other young people with similarly complex presentations.”

If there is a unifying factor between detransitioners, it is that they felt they were not interrogated enough about their motivations, and their conception of the world before they were placed on ‘gender-affirmative’ treatment pathways involving social, hormonal, and surgical ‘transition.’ Each of these people report how their comorbidities were not taken into account or sufficiently addressed before they were diagnosed with “gender dysphoria” or “gender incongruity”—all of which rely upon self-report and woolly conceptions of the masculine and feminine. Their self-harming, depression, suicidal ideation, social isolation, anxiety, and anorexia were seen as symptoms of their repressed trans-identity rather than existing prior to their trans self-identification—a perceived method of escape and self-reinvention. This was true in my own case, afflicted as I was with many of these issues from a young age with little-to-no help to overcome them except that I could find within myself and in the suffocating swamp that is Tumblr.

The fact of the matter is that those who desist from gender transition face more scrutiny when readopting their sex-based characteristics than when they were asking to have their genitals severed from their body. Cass attributes this, in part, to the “pressure to take the purely affirmative approach.” But this only gives us a slimy glint at the Leviathan beneath the waves. Why is it “difficult for staff to raise concerns about the clinical approach”? It is not that there is not a lot of money to be made for the gender-conversion industry in the UK—not in the same order as the U.S. at least. 

We Europeans have always been more precious about our ideas than a fast-pay out. The problem of detransitioners is that they have unmoored an idea—a conception of the human. Detransitioners threaten to give credence to idea that being trans is a software issue: one is not born trans but, instead, for as yet unclear reasons to do with abuse, personality, sexuality, and arousal, becomes distressed at their state of being and find comfort and relief in the idea of being the opposite sex. If being trans is a software issue, there are fewer grounds for society adapting its language, changing its rules of sport and social interaction, and demolishing all its public toilets in order to build “gender neutral” ones. Some may experience being trans in the mind, but this does not have any bearing upon the body besides it feeling icky to the wearer—for, in the throes of gender distress, the body feels like a meat suit, and the spirit an electric wire severed and scratching the surface of an angry tide. If being trans is a software issue, it would not carry much more social significance than dying your hair blue or having a tricky liver. But, of course, that is not equity. That is mere filthy equality. And, as we all know, some people know themselves to be more equal than others.

If society is only invested in people being their ‘true selves,’ they should be indifferent to detransitioners, who conclude that they are happier living as their sex dictates. But society is not indifferent. Clinicians would be able to question their regulatory bodies. Schools would not be re-gendering their pupils behind the backs of parents. GPs would not feel “pressurised to prescribe puberty blockers or feminising/masculinising hormones.” And the parliaments of the United Kingdom would not be moving to pass legislation—the paradoxically named Conversion Therapy Ban Bill—that prevented vulnerable children and young adults from having the conscientious but rigorous therapy they need to unearth that their trans-identification may only be a symptom of their distress and not the cause.

Ido not know how this situation will pan out in the short term. I suspect the horror will continue. Whilst the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust is being decommissioned due to safety fears, regional children’s Gender Identity Development services are still scheduled to open in the UK, and the sketchy evidence for interventions ranging from social to surgical transition is still to be pursued via clinical trials, and I anticipate a great rise in the number of clinical trials being pursued.

My question is how many more harrowing testimonies from failed transition victims, detransitioners, and petrified doctors are needed for the mutilations to stop? Cass describes practitioners at the Tavistock as well-intentioned but misguided. If I am a believer in anything, I am a believer in hapless fools. But what well-intentioned clinician does not wait for clinical trial results? What responsible practitioner does not take into account their patient’s full range of conditions—and joke that there will be “no more gay kids left” at their rate of conversion? 

Why did clinics like the Tavistock believe themselves to be above the need of good medical practice—above the need to follow-up with their patients? And, foremost, why do activists—who claim to care only for the welfare of “trans lives”—continue to push for the condemned therapies? Is it that they believe children and people with trans identities are less deserving of a high standard of care? Or simply, that they do not mind how many little girls’ forearms are flayed and how many teenage boys have their guts hollowed out to prove themselves independent of their creator, the ultimate play-doh creature.

As with the mismanagement of COVID, I believe straight answers will never be forthcoming. What I do know, though, is that the people who have been pushing for the sterilisation and mutilation of gay, autistic, and abused children will pretend they were ‘following the science’ all along.

Author of Report Critical of Transgender ‘Medicine’ told Not to Travel on Public Transport over Security Concerns

Dr Hillary Cass, screen grab youtube

The author of a major report detailing the dangers transgender healthcare practices pose to children said that she had been told to avoid public transport amid security concerns.

Dr Hillary Cass, the former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, told The Times of London that she is facing abuse and threats following the publication of her report on the impact of transgender ‘medicine’ has on children in Britain.

“I’m not going on public transport at the moment, following security advice, which is inconvenient,” Dr Cass said.

She went on to accuse many of her critics of spreading “misinformation” about the damning report, including from left-wing Labour MP Dawn Butler, who had asserted in the House of Commons that “over 100 studies have not been in this Cass report”.

Cass said that Butler’s claim was “completely wrong, explaining that the list of studies cited by Butler had “absolutely nothing to do with either our report or any of the papers.”

“If you deliberately try to undermine a report that has looked at the evidence of children’s healthcare, then that’s unforgivable. You are putting children at risk by doing that,” she added.

In her 388-page report, the top paediatrician riled the far-left by claiming that transgender medical practices were “built on shaky foundations” and that the National Health Service should no longer provide those under the age of 18 with puberty-blocking drugs.

In contrast to the radical left’s position, which demands so-called “gender-affirming care” in which life-altering medications and surgeries are plied on youngsters, Cass said that there was little evidence to support the claim that puberty-blocking drugs helped children with their “mental or psychosocial health”, while the long-term effects of such treatment on “cognitive and psychosexual development” have not been thoroughly explored.

The report also noted that many children naturally grow out of experiencing a transgender identity, saying that “for most young people, a medical pathway will not be the best way to manage their gender-related distress” and therefore medical professionals should exercise “extreme caution” in how they treat children with symptoms of gender dysphoria.

The UK’s National Health Service said last month that it would stop routinely providing puberty blockers to children in most cases. However, there are concerns about loopholes through which activist physicians could still provide the life-altering drugs to children.

Health Secretary Victoria Atkins said this week that the government will look to fire any medical professionals who seek to subvert the rules, saying: “I am looking closely at closing, what can be done to curtail any loopholes and prescribing practices, including legislative options. Nothing is off the table and I will update the House in due course.”

Commenting on the threats allegedly sent to Dr Cass, Harry Potter author and critic of the transgender movement, J.K. Rowling wrote: “‘Follow the money’ may be a conspiracy theorist trope and I hate the X cliché ‘let that sink in’, but when a respected paediatrician is advised not to travel by bus, and when lobby groups fall over themselves to discredit a meticulous medical review, both might seem to apply.”

Japanese study finds ‘significant increases’ in cancer deaths after third mRNA COVID doses

A new study has found “statistically significant increases” in cancer deaths after taking a third dose of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines, according to a Japanese study published April 8 in the journal Cureus.

The study looked at age-adjusted mortality rates for multiple types of cancers from 2020 to 2022 in Japanese government data. “No significant excess mortality was observed during the first year of the pandemic (2020),” it says. “However, some excess cancer mortalities were observed in 2021 after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses, and significant excess mortalities were observed for all cancers and some specific types of cancer (including ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer, lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer) after mass vaccination with the third dose in 2022.”

Notably, the rollout of the COVID vaccines coincided with an interruption and slowing of declines in cancer mortality rates that had been observed across all age groups over the span of the preceding decade. Third mRNA doses correlated with “significant excess mortalities” of all cancers, including breast, prostate, and ovarian cancer as well as leukemia. Almost all of the COVID vaccines at issue were mRNA-based, with 78% of those being from Pfizer and 22% from Moderna.

“For all cancers, we estimated the excess mortalities to be -0.4% (-0.9, 0.1), 1.1% (0.5, 1.8), and 2.1% (1.4, 2.8), respectively, indicating no excess in 2020 and statistically significant increases in 2021 and especially in 2022,” the authors write.

Changes in 2020 can be attributed to the height of the lockdowns forcing delays and cancellations of surgeries and other cancer treatments, but the researchers note several potential causal links between the vaccines and cancer deaths in 2021 and beyond.

“Some studies have shown that type I interferon (INF) responses, which play an essential role in cancer immunosurveillance, are suppressed after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-LNP vaccination,” they write. 

“SARS-CoV-2 vaccine has been shown to cause immunosuppression and lead to the reactivation of latent viruses such as varicella-zoster virus (VZV, human herpesvirus 3; HHV3) or human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) in some cases,” the add. “These phenomena could also help explain the excess deaths from lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer in 2022 when mass vaccination with third and later doses was underway.”

The researchers conclude that “[t]hese particularly marked increases in mortality rates of these ERα-sensitive cancers may be attributable to several mechanisms of the mRNA-LNP vaccination rather than COVID-19 infection itself or reduced cancer care due to the lockdown. The significance of this possibility warrants further studies.”

“I have long suspected a cancer link to the vaccines just based on the science of immunology,” MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff told The Epoch Times in response to the study. “What I think is happening, broadly speaking, is that the vaccine is causing impairment of the innate immune response, which leads to an increased susceptibility to any infection, increased autoimmune disease, and accelerated cancer progression.”

significant body of evidence links significant risks to the COVID vaccines, which were developed and reviewed in a fraction of the time vaccines usually take under former President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed initiative. Among it, the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports 37,382 deaths, 215,734 hospitalizations, 21,616 heart attacks, and 28,299 myocarditis and pericarditis cases as of March 29, among other ailments. U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) researchers have recognized a “high verification rate of reports of myocarditis to VAERS after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination,” leading to the conclusion that “under-reporting is more likely” than over-reporting).

In 2021, Project Veritas shed light on some of the reasons for such under-reporting with undercover video from inside Phoenix Indian Medical Center, a facility run under the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ Indian Health Service program, in which emergency room physician Dr. Maria Gonzales laments that myocarditis cases go unreported “because they want to shove it under the mat,” and nurse Deanna Paris attests to seeing “a lot” of people who “got sick from the side effects” of the COVID shots, but “nobody” is reporting them to VAERS “because it takes over a half hour to write the damn thing.”

An analysis of 99 million people across eight countries published February in the journal Vaccine–the largest analysis to date–“observed significantly higher risks of myocarditis following the first, second and third doses” of mRNA-based COVID vaccines, as well as signs of increased risk of “pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis,” and other “potential safety signals that require further investigation.” Earlier this month, the CDC was forced to release by court order 780,000 previously undisclosed reports of serious adverse reactions.

In Florida, a grand jury impaneled by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is currently investigating the manufacture and rollout of the COVID vaccines. In February, it released its first interim report on the underlying justification for Operation Warp Speed, which determined that lockdowns did more harm than good, that masks were ineffective at stopping COVID transmission, that COVID was “statistically almost harmless” to children and most adults, and that it is “highly likely” that COVID hospitalization numbers were inflated. The grand jury’s report on the vaccines themselves is highly anticipated.

Most antisemitic city in Europe -Israeli journalist recounts shocking trip to Malmö

screen grab youtube

In a documentary that aired last week on Channel 12, Israeli journalists Elad Simchayoff and Ohad Hemo traveled to Malmö, Sweden ahead of the Eurovision Song Contest which is set to be held in the city in May. During their visit, the pair discovered disturbing amounts of antisemitism and anti-Israel hate in the city.

Speaking to Arutz Sheva-Israel National News, Simchayoff notes that Malmö has a long-standing negative reputation, “I think we came back rattled, to be honest. Malmö has this reputation, which is not new, of being the most antisemitic city in Europe. Back in 2010, the Simon Wiesenthal Center issued a travel warning for Jews, specifically to Malmö, and generally to the southern part of Sweden. So we knew what we were getting into broadly speaking, while traveling there, specifically going to Muslim neighborhoods and mosques, demonstrations, and the market which is generally controlled and operated by immigrants.”

With this, he was still shocked by what he saw: “Yet still, I at least, came back surprised and as I said rattled because we faced so much hatred and such a poor form of antisemitism. Even I, who covers Europe and antisemitic processes that have been going on the continent for the past 11 years, didn’t think that we would encounter this level of aggression and hatred like the one we encountered in our four days in Malmö.”

Simchayoff sheds light on the delegation that is expected to travel with Israel’s entry into the competition, Eden Golan, and the measures being taken to protect it: “It’s going to be the smallest Israeli delegation to the Eurovision in recent years and the most secured one, by far. We’re talking about tripling the number of security escorts to the Israeli delegation and I can tell you that the participants of the Israeli delegation to the Eurovision received very strict instructions from the Shin Bet telling them exactly when they’re allowed to leave the hotel, that they can only travel together in groups, and so on. It’s a big headache for the Israeli security team and the local security teams in Malmö. We spoke to the local police commander who’s partially responsible for the security of Eurovision, and when we spoke with members of the city council, everyone told us, ‘Yes, the situation is complex but we are getting on top of it, we are handling things.'”

He recalls: “When we were taking part in the anti-Israel protest in Malmö, and speaking to participants and the organizers, they told us that approximately 40 or 50 thousand people would come during the Eurovision from all over the continent, especially Denmark, Norway, and other places in Scandinavia, to participate in anti-Israel protests.”

Regarding the local security which is supposed to protect the event, Simchayoff says: “If you’re asking me whether the security services are ready and capable of handling so many people. Are the local security services ready to tackle so many people and groups that might be more aggressive and inclined to more violent acts than just protesting? I’m not sure, at least that’s not the impression that got. One of the most amazing parts of the documentary that we did was when we spoke to security guards outside the biggest mosque in Malmö equipt with hidden cameras when they heard that we were tourists coming for Eurovision, they told us ‘don’t go’ because there’s going to be a terror attack. When we asked why, they said that it’s because Israel is participating, and the Israeli song talks about Palestine, which is obviously not true. There is talk within Malmö, especially this area of Malmö, about the potential terror attack at the Eurovision.”

Simchayoff says the anti-Israel hate in Europe, especially after October 7th, is clearly interconnected with antisemitism and recalls an incident that occurred several months ago in Malmö: “There was a small protest of anti-Israel activists who burned an Israeli flag. The most interesting thing about this small protest is that it was held outside the big synagogue in Malmö. You can see in the video that was taken from the protest that once the guy burning the flag is holding the pole and the flag is burning, he tilts his body toward the synagogue and proudly shows the burnt flag to the synagogue structure. So, I think that symbolizes more than anything that for many people and for many of the groups and anti-Israel crowds, the things are connected.

According to him, “The anti-Israel slurs you hear are more often than not connected with antisemitic tropes, and the antisemitic tropes that we hear are disguised in some way to act as criticism of Israel. While not all criticism of Israel is antisemitic, since October 7th we’ve seen more of a mixture of the two, where people are saying things that are purely antisemitic and doing it with a facade of criticizing Israel. The bottom line is it’s aimed at Jewish communities, and I’ve heard Jews in the diaspora say how their lives have changed for the worse since October 7th because of the treatment they are receiving from their counterparts and fellow people because their religion makes them into a target from being associated with Israel.”

Watch Elad Simchayoff and Ohad Hemo’s full documentary:

For English subtitles ensure captions are enabled by pressing “CC” on the bottom of the video window.

Most antisemitic city in Europe | Israeli journalist recounts shocking trip to Malmö | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

Populist Political Activist Assaulted in Apparent Leftist Attack in Paris

A populist political activist has reported being assaulted in Paris on Friday, in the latest example of right-wing political figures facing violence in Europe.

The president of the youth movement of Éric Zemmour’s Reconquête! (Reconquest) anti-mass migration party, Stanislas Rigault, 24, said that he filed a police report after he was attacked by a group of six or seven people while waiting for a taxi in the 14th arrondissement of the French capital on Friday evening.

According to a police source cited by Le Figaro, the Génération Zemmour was descended upon by the apparent group of leftists after they recognised him as a right-wing activist and began shouting “fascist” and “Nazi” at the young man.

Speaking to the newspaper of record, Rigault said: “They started to push me, to tell us that we had nothing to do there.”

A female member of the group began to push him, he said, adding: “I push her away and at that moment, she spits on me.”

At the time of this reporting, the perpetrators have yet to be identified by police.

It is not the first time the populist party has faced political violence, with Reconquête! leader and former presidential candidate Éric Zemmour was injured in 2021 during a campaign rally which saw 39 Atifa radicals arrested, some of whom were armed with Molotov cocktails and “bottles of acid”.

Zemmour is not alone in facing attacks from Antifa, with a Dutch branch of the radical leftist group claiming responsibility for an assault on Forum for Democracy (FvD) leader Thierry Baudet, who had a beer glass smashed into the side of his head by a teenage member of the group during a campaign stop in December.

Last summer in Germany, Andreas Jurca, the head of the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the Bavarian district of Augsburg, said that a group of migrants brutally attacked him as he was on his way to a campaign event.

Just days later, an AfD member of the German Bundestag parliament, Beatrix von Storch was attacked in Daun by a man carrying dog faeces.

A survey in the German state of Lower Saxony is causing concern: 45.8% of young Muslims are in favour of an Islamic theocracy, 35.3% justify violence in the event of blasphemy…

Nosta Lgia

These are figures that make people sit up and take notice and give cause for concern regarding the mindset of many Muslim youths in Germany.

The Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony (KFN) conducted a representative dark field study on youth crime for the fifth time. In this study, 8539 pupils (average age 15), including around 300 Muslims, in the ninth grade in the northern German federal state were surveyed on perpetration and victimisation in relation to property and violent offences.

Point 6.3 of the 193-page research report, which was recently published under the title “Niedersachsensurveys 2022”, deals with Islamism.

Some of the answers from the Muslim students surveyed are worrying. For example, around two thirds – 67.8 per cent to be precise – of the participating Muslims emphasised the sentence: “The rules of the Koran are more important to me than the laws in Germany”.

► Just under half (45.8 per cent) believe that an Islamic theocracy is the best form of government.

► More than half (51.5 per cent) of the Muslim students surveyed were of the opinion that only Islam is capable of “solving the problems of our time”.

► 35.3 per cent stated that they “understand violence against people who insult Allah or the Prophet Muhammad”.

► 21.2 per cent stated that “the threat to Islam from the Western world justifies Muslims defending themselves with violence”.

“The data in the latest Lower Saxony survey gives cause for concern and shows how important political education in schools is in the classroom,” Carl Philipp Schröder from KFN told the newspaper Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung.

Of the pupils surveyed, 3.8 per cent attended a primary and special school, 60.2 per cent attended a secondary school (integrated secondary and intermediate school, secondary modern school, comprehensive school and grammar school) and 35.1 per cent attended a grammar school. 50.4 per cent of the pupils were male, 48 per cent female and 1.6 per cent said they were “diverse”.

Aktuelle Studie aus Niedersachsen: Das denken junge Muslime über Deutschland | Regional |

France: Teenager expelled from school after showing his classmates videos of beheadings and cutting up an Israeli flag

The Camille Claudel vocational school in Soissons © Screenshot Google Street View

On Wednesday April 17, a 16-year-old student attending the Lycée professionnel Camille-Claudel in Soissons (Aisne) was permanently expelled from his school. “We have a series of extremely serious incidents, as it concerns the glorification of crime,” the head of the Amiens Academy’s rector’s office, Eric Alexandre, told France 3.
The high school student is accused of showing his classmates videos of beheadings. “It made the other pupils uncomfortable because he laughed a lot about it,” said José Gaspar, CGT-Éducation representative at the vocational school. It was apparently not the first time that the teenager had shown violent videos. The pupil is also alleged to have cut up an Israeli flag that was displayed on a banner that was put up at the school as part of an educational programme. These offences were reported and an investigation was launched. The headteacher’s office is currently not commenting on the possible Islamist nature of these actions. According to the newspaper L’Union, the teenager will be summoned to appear before a juvenile court judge on May 7.

Soissons : un adolescent exclu de son lycée après avoir montré des vidéos de décapitations à ses camarades – Valeurs actuelles

Scottish gender clinics halting puberty blockers could be a tipping point in transgender debate


As the Cass Review continues to send shockwaves through the political and medical establishment, trans activists are running a full-court press to regain control of the narrative. As I mentioned earlier this week, Canada’s state broadcaster has run a single article on the report — nothing has been published since — attempting to debunk the findings; the Guardian also published the complaints of a mother of a “17-year-old trans girl” — actually her teenage son — about the impact on “trans healthcare.”

There have been scandals exposing the true nature of “transgender medicine” before; indeed, for those of us who have been researching and writing on this topic for years, there was nothing particularly new or shocking in the Cass Review. What made the report remarkable was the fact that it was commissioned by the National Health Service, and the findings were taken so seriously that the NHS ended the prescription of puberty blockers.

Indeed, even Wes Streeting, the shadow health secretary for the Labour Party, has publicly stated that the Cass Review should be seen as a “watershed moment” and that the issue had been politicized for too long. The report, he said, is an opportunity to move past “some of the toxicity” to a “more thoughtful and considered” approach. He failed to specify who, exactly, was injecting the toxicity into the debate, but did admit that the Labour Party bore some responsibility for their stridency with regard to LGBT issues, concluding that there is “plenty of blame to go round.”

Additionally, medical experts are publicly concurring with the Cass Review’s conclusion that any open debate or discussion on “transgender health care” was suppressed by trans activists seeking to enforce a narrative while presenting it as expert consensus. Sallie Baxendale, a professor of clinical neuropsychology at the UCL’s Institute of Neurology, faced vicious backlash merely for publishing a review of studies investigating the impact of puberty blockers on brain development that found “critical questions” unanswered.

“I’ve been accused of being an anti-trans activist, and that now comes up on Google and is never going to go away,” Baxendale told the Guardian. “Imagine what it’s like if that is the first thing that comes up when people Google you? Anyone who publishes in this field has got to be prepared for that.” The Cass Review has enabled those who have been questioning the so-called “consensus” for years to push back – hard — against the suppression and censorship they have faced from trans activists and their allies for years.

Finally, Scotland’s Sandyford clinic in Glasgow, the only clinic in the country specializing in “transgender medicine,” announced that it will also be “pausing” the prescription of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in the wake of the Cass Review. According to the statement:

Referrals from the Sandyford sexual health services to paediatric endocrinology for the prescription of puberty suppressing hormones have been paused for any new patients assessed by our young person’s gender service. Patients aged 16 to 17 years old who have not been treated by paediatric endocrinology, but who are still seeking treatment for their gender incongruence, will no longer be prescribed gender-affirming hormone treatment until they are 18 years old.

Unfortunately, Sandyford is not stopping ongoing “treatments.” NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) “paused” these treatments in mid-March; first minister Humza Yousaf stated that the Cass Review would be given “utmost consideration” by Scottish health boards. Dr. Emily Crighton of the NHSGGC also stated that there has been much “toxicity around public debate,” but again did not specify who, exactly, is responsible for it.

Predictably, LGBT Scotland and Scottish Trans are begging the clinic to reconsider, claiming that the decision would “directly harm” LGBT youth and claiming that “gender-affirming care” saves lives. That rhetoric has proven a tremendously powerful took for the better part of a decade. Now, this blackmail language appears to be losing its potency. It is always difficult to tell what the “tipping point” in any cultural shift might be, but I suspect the Cass Review will turn out to be one of them.