‘Social Cleansing’ of Paris Alleged as Migrants Sent to Regional France Ahead of Olympics

Nosta Lgia

Allegations of “social cleansing” have been made against organisers of the Paris Summer Olympic Games as homeless people, sex workers, and illegal migrants are being taken off the city’s streets and sent to regional France ahead of the event.

Serge Grouard, the mayor of Orleans in central France, went public Monday with his complaints over the unannounced arrival of up to 500 homeless migrants in his town of 100,000 people, AFP reports.

“It has been proved that every three weeks, a coach arrives in Orleans from Paris, with between 35-50 people on board,” he told reporters, adding it was to “clean the deck” in the capital ahead of the Olympics in July and August.

Nosta Lgia

Each new arrival is offered three weeks in a hotel at the state’s expense, but is thereafter left to fend for themselves, Grouard explained.

Paris has long been a magnet for asylum seekers and migrants, mostly from Africa, South Asia or the Middle East, with demand for short-term emergency accommodation far exceeding supply.

As a result, informal camps under bridges or on unoccupied land spring up regularly around the capital, which are periodically torn down by police, as Breitbart News reported.

Occupants are offered the chance to apply for asylum and the government’s policy is to send them out of Paris and elsewhere in the country.

Nosta Lgia

“We haven’t been consulted, either about the creation or about the people who will go there,” the deputy mayor of Strasbourg, Floriane Varieras, told AFP when asked about a new facility near her city in eastern France.

“That’s where I agree with the mayor of Orleans, the rather opaque side of what is happening,” she added.

In January, the major of Lavaur, a small town near Toulouse in southwest France, issued a public letter in which he denounced  the policy of transferring migrants around the country as “irresponsible” and “dangerous”.

“To make Paris in all likelihood more ‘presentable’ and more controllable, six months before the Olympic Games,” wrote Bernard Carayon. “It’s unacceptable.”

In February, an umbrella group of 80 French charities called the Revers de la medaille (The other side of the medal) denounced what it called the “social cleansing” of Paris ahead of the Olympics with efforts to remove migrants, the homeless and sex workers.

The 2024 Summer Olympics, officially the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad and commonly known as Paris 2024, is scheduled to take place from 26 July to 11 August.


Ship collides with Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, causing it to collapse (Video)

Singapore flagged container ship, Dali, was leaving Baltimore heading to Colombo, Sri Lanka, when it struck and demolished the Scott Key Bridge.

BREAKING: Ship collides with Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, causing it to collapse – Greek City Times

Dutch Government ‘pays €4 million a week to put up migrants in hotels’

Wikimedia Commons , Amin, CC-BY-SA-4.0

The Netherlands Government is sending asylum seekers en masse to hotels across the country due to a lack of appropriate centres – at some cost, it has been revealed.

More than 8,000 asylum seekers are currently residing in at least 50 hotels and holiday parks in the Netherlands at an estimated total cost of around €4 million per week.

The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) is resorting to utilising hotels as accommodation. The resulting pressure on the country’s finances, with thousands of asylum seekers arriving on a monthly basis, is biting.

Yet there are not enough shelters for these people, forcing the authorities to come up with alternatives, although details of the search are not made public.

Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf noted on March 25: “Negotiations between hotels and the COA usually remain secret.”

The news organisation said it had obtained the amounts forked out by the COA: “Crisis reception costs on average: Some €77 per asylum seeker per day, double the cost of a stay in a normal asylum-seekers’ centre.

“Renting roughly 8,000 asylum beds in hotels thus costs COA some €600,000 per day or €4.2 million per week,” the newspaper reported.

The hotels in question are said to be getting a “good deal”, making large hotel chains stand in line for accepting all-inclusive asylum seekers in exchange for taxpayers’ money.

The arrivals are, it is reported, assured of rooms and three meals per day.

De Telegraaf warned: “In the COA’s financial accountability report, the organisation admits that it has only ‘limited negotiating power’ when it comes to renting emergency accommodations such as cruise ships and hotels.

“When the COA approaches, the rental rates can easily rise.”

At the end of January, the Netherlands’ caretaker Cabinet announced an additional €600 million had to be allocated for asylum reception – on top of the €4 billion already earmarked.

Geert Wilders, of the right-wing Freedom Party (PVV), who won the national elections promising a clamp-down on mass immigration, said on X: “This needs to stop.”

MP Mona Keijzer of the Farmer-Citizen Movement chipped in: “The asylum crisis is completely out of control financially; the billions are flying out of the State coffers.”

She also pointed out that the mass arrival of asylum seekers further increased the pressure on the domestic housing market.

Owners of shops, stores and restaurants near the rented-out hotels in smaller municipalities are also complaining. The presence of large numbers of asylum seekers in hotels keeps tourists away, many local business operators allege, threatening the incomes of small-to-medium-sized retailers.

“At the local level, this is felt by entrepreneurs,” the Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions warned.


UK: Why Progressives Hate Beauty – The dark design behind a Cambridge museum overhaul

When you observe renowned landscape artist John Constable’s bucolic painting “Hampstead Heath” above, what feelings does it inspire? Calm? Nostalgia? Spiritual uplift? A surge of white supremacist pride and jingoistic fervor?

For some reason – my guess is a toxic mix of colonialist guilt, multiculturalist self-loathing, and pressure from neo-Marxist donors and administrators determined to “deconstruct” Western civilization – England’s Fitzwilliam Museum, owned by the University of Cambridge, recently overhauled its collections with new signage warning sensitive visitors that landscape paintings of the British countryside can evoke dark “nationalist feelings.”

Paintings at the Fitzwilliam have been reshuffled into new categories that are deemed more “inclusive and representative.” The names alone of these new categories – Men Looking at Women, Identity, Migration and Movement, and Nature – reek of a politically woke perspective.

Signage for the Nature gallery, for example, which includes landscape paintings by such notable English and French artists as Constable, Gainsborough, Renoir, and Cézanne, states,

Landscape paintings were also always entangled with national identity. The countryside was seen as a direct link to the past, and therefore a true reflection of the essence of a nation. Paintings showing rolling English hills or lush French fields reinforced loyalty and pride towards a homeland. The darker side of evoking this nationalist feeling is the implication that only those with a historical tie to the land have a right to belong.

Translation: lovely European landscapes = white supremacy. This is the conclusion of a report recently submitted to Parliament by the charity umbrella group Wildlife and Countryside Link which denounces the British countryside as a “racist colonial” white space. You read that right.

The report claims that “racist colonial legacies” have created a rural Britain “dominated by white people.” For those of you not keeping up with the latest targets on the Social Justice Warrior hit list: anything in which white people predominate must be racist, and that includes the landscape, especially if it is beautiful and makes whites feel a bond with their homeland. Ergo, paintings of said landscapes are also racist. And they inspire an unhealthy patriotism, which threatens the globalist worldview of open-borders elites.

The report complains that Britain’s green spaces were influenced by “white British cultural values” which somehow prevent people of other ethnic backgrounds from enjoying the outdoors. It adds that “the assertion of white, Western values and knowledge” comes “at the expense of other values and knowledges” – the multiculturalist suggestion being that voodoo and shamanism are just as valid “knowledges” as Western rationalism and the scientific method. The report further argues that pictures of “rolling English hills” can stir feelings of – gasp! – “pride towards a homeland.” One wonders whether the authors of the report would equally condemn the pride inspired in Zimbabweans or Peruvians by pictures of the African veldt or Andean peaks.

In response, former Home Secretary Suella Braverman felt compelled to state the obvious: “No, the countryside is not racist.” This is what defenders of our civilization have been reduced to – defending the landscape against charges of white supremacy.

Other signage at the Fitzwilliam reportedly informs visitors that portraits of uniformed and/or wealthy sitters were “vital tools in reinforcing the social order of a white ruling class, leaving very little room for representations of people of colour, the working classes or other marginalised people.” And predictably, such portraits “were often entangled, in complex ways, with British imperialism and the institution of transatlantic slavery.”

One of the portraits is of Richard Fitzwilliam, who bequeathed £100,000 to fund the Museum. Labeling for the portrait notes that his wealth “came from his grandfather, Sir Matthew Decker, who had amassed it in part through the transatlantic trade of enslaved African people.” Well, let’s just burn down the whole museum, then.

Here’s a suggestion: to be more inclusive and representative, perhaps the Fitzwilliam should also feature portraits of the black Africans who captured and sold their fellow people of color into the slavery that was a universal practice before white Christian Europeans ended it in the West.

Museum Director Luke Syson dismissed concerns that wokeness had infected the museum: “I would love to think that there’s a way of telling these larger, more inclusive histories that doesn’t feel as if it requires a push-back from those who try to suggest that any interest at all in [this work is] what would now be called ‘woke’.”

His very use of the term “inclusive histories” is the giveaway and confirmation that wokeness definitely has captured the 200-year-old institution. And indeed, the museum’s “About Us” page is bursting with virtue-signaling reassurances about pledging “to champion equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism and accessibility” and to make visitors and staff of all “lived experiences” feel “safe and respected,” so it’s no wonder that the Fitzwilliam would run its collections through the woke ringer to bleed them dry of anything that celebrates English character, aesthetic excellence, and national pride.

Syson previously told The Guardian, “Being inclusive and representative shouldn’t be controversial; it should be enriching. We should all welcome the opportunities to understand each other better through the eyes of great makers and artists.”

Yes, we should, but that’s not what is happening here. Woke radicals do not want us to understand each other better through art, but to pit us against each other by reducing all human experience, including art appreciation, to power struggles among competing identity groups. Politicizing every meaningful arena of our lives and then deconstructing it out of existence is the Marxist way.

The true concern of the Marxist Progressive (but I repeat myself) about museum spaces is not to ensure inclusion and representation, but to ensure that no one is stirred by beautiful art. It is to ensure that no one experiences that sense of transcendence which draws the human soul toward its origin and destiny in the divine.

This is why Progressives loathe beauty – because magnificent art elevates us to a realm above politics and points us toward the True, the Good, and the Beautiful, the source of which is God. And Progressives reject God. Their religion is politics – or more specifically, the revolution is their religion.

Beauty in all its forms threatens the State. It stirs in us passions that cannot be governed by totalitarians fearful of ungovernable citizens – passions for truth, for freedom, for greatness, for spiritual revelation. Beauty frees and enlarges us. Our response to art is simultaneously personal and collective – collective not in the communist sense but in the sense of unifying us through our common humanity. This is not the kind of unity that the State can control, and that is why no art under totalitarianism is acceptable other than propaganda which exalts the State.

The overhaul of the Fitzwilliam Museum is not simply an innocuous, “welcoming” gesture; it is part of the Progressive mission to politicize and subvert the power of art and dismantle the greatness of Western civilization.


German doctor refuses to treat AfD politician

Wikimedia Commons , Wolfgang Sauber, CC-BY-SA-4.0

A doctor in the German state of Baden-Württemberg refuses to treat one of his patients because he is a local politician in the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

The doctor’s decision was reportedly sparked when he saw a photo in the local newspaper of the politician, Heiko Nüßner, at an event for his party’s city association in Lahr. Based on this photo, the doctor told him to find a new practice due to their “clearly different political views.”

Nüßner, who previously served as a Christian Democrat (CDU) politician for 26 years, told Bild newspaper that he was “very surprised by this reaction, as he had never spoken to the doctor about his politics. He described the interaction with the general practitioner as “very undemocratic.”

The AfD politician said, “I was disappointed with the CDU because of its euro and migration policy as well as its exit from nuclear energy. For me, the AfD is the ‘new CDU’ and by no means right-wing extremist.”

The AfD politician suffered an accident three years ago that he left him confined to a wheelchair. When he asked the doctor for a prescription at the beginning of March, he was denied treatment. Nüßner shared a copy of the email exchange shared between him and the doctor, whose name was not disclosed by Nüßner or Bild.

The doctor has responded to Bild, saying that the photo of the politician was only the “icing on the cake.”

“I had already found the patient very unpleasant beforehand, with his demanding and pushy nature,” he said. According to medical ethicists, denying treatment based on “unpleasant” attitudes or because you do not agree with the politics of your patient does not meet medical standards. However, for patients who represent a threat or a major disturbance to a medical practice, doctors are permitted to deny care, but only if there is no immediate medical threat.

The doctor claimed however that the medication requested by Nüßner was “not vital.”

According to the Bild interview with the doctor, he did want to support any “undemocratic tendencies,” as the AfD is being monitored for extremism by the Office of the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), a powerful domestic spy agency.

He said if the AfD politician needed acute care, he would treat him and anyone else “regardless of their ideology.”

In 2021, AfD candidate Andrea Zürcher also had her general practicioner cancel her care, also in the state of Baden-Württemberg. In Zürcher’s case, the doctor also learned about her political activity from a photo in a local newspaper.

“He said that the relationship of trust had been destroyed as a result and that he could no longer give 100 percent in my treatment,” the woman said, who suffer from a chronic illness.

A third of Germans say they would consider voting for the Alternative for Germany, and a majority of Germans — at least in some polls — say they could support a government coalition that includes the AfD. However, there is still a sizeable share of the population adamantly opposed to the party. In the case of doctors, refusal of treatment is considered a serious ethical quandary. Such cases may increase political polarization in Germany.


Massive German document release sheds still more light on the entire Covid farce, as if any more light were needed

Lockdowns, mask mandates and mass vaccination were all implemented strictly according to the science and with the utmost transparency, which is why it is necessary to heavily redact internal records relating to these policies.

Last week, the Robert Koch Institut (the German CDC) released over 2,500 pages documenting the meetings of the “Covid Crisis Team” between January 2020 and April 2021. They did so in response to long-running litigation by journalists at Multipolar.

This is a major revelation – a rough German equivalent of the Fauci email releases from 2021 – which takes us directly into the internal discussions of the pandemic managers throughout the 2020 lockdowns and the early stages of the vaccination campaign. You can download the minutes and agendas yourself here. They’re heavily redacted, but they provide a dismal view of the whole pandemic circus and its idiotic, hapless coordinators. It will take me weeks to finish studying them, but German Twitter has done the Lord’s work unearthing many of the more important revelations, as does this surprisingly critical ZDF article. Here I want to highlight just three points.

1. As Multipolar already reported, there is an intriguing moment in the minutes on 16 March 2020, where we read that preparations had been completed to raise the overall pandemic “risk assessment” – then at “moderate” – as soon as some redacted person (in all likelihood, the Health Minister Jens Spahn) should give the signal. This apparently happened the next day, when the RKI suddenly decided on no clear basis that Covid risk was “high.” On 16 March, you’ll remember, Neil Ferguson and his Imperial College team had just posted their notorious paper calling for rolling lockdowns. This accords with much other evidence suggesting that Covid measures were a prior political decision that required exaggerating the danger.

2. Covid risk: At multiple points, the RKI acknowledges that Covid was far less dangerous than they publicly allowed. On 16 December 2020, at the start of the second, nearly unending German lockdown, we find them discussing lockdowns in Africa, and noting that they “have consequences” that are “in part worse than the consequences of Covid itself.” On 19 March 2021, they emphasise that “Covid-19 should not be compared with influenza, because normal influenza waves kill more people, although Covid-19 is worrying for other reasons.”

3. Masking: On 30 October 2020, the RKI were positively overflowing with scepticism about the effectiveness of FFP2 or N95 respirators. They called the use of FFP2 masks a measure for healthcare professionals only, and said that without correct fit and when used by untrained personnel, the masks would “have no effect.” Mandating FFP2s for community protection was therefore “not evidence-based” because there was no reason to think they would work outside professional healthcare contexts. They even suggested the public should be made aware of this, which of course never happened. Instead, within a few months we got our first FFP2 mask mandates anyway.

There are other things here too, such as the question raised on 8 January 2021, about whether the time had come to “depart from the narrative of herd immunity via vaccination” now that vaccines were actually available; a remark on 5 March 2021 that restrictions for the unvaccinated and as-yet-uninfected were “not technically justifiable” and contrary to World Health Organisation ethical guidelines; and an extended discussion on 19 March 2021, about why no mortality-reducing effects were yet visible after 7 million of the most vulnerable Germans had been jabbed.

We were all called lunatics, hobby virologists, conspiracy theorists and worse for our doubts that Covid was all that dangerous, that lockdowns were worth it, that mask mandates made any sense, and that excluding the unvaccinated from public life was remotely justifiable. A lot of us were banned and ostracised for saying these things. The RKI release shows that our public health managers were having exactly the same discussions in private the whole time. Our politicians told us that all of this lunacy was necessary because we had to FoLlOw ThE ScIenCe. In fact the scientists were mere tools of the prior political decision to force this entire pandemic theatre upon us; they functioned merely to lend the pandemic policies about which they themselves nourished hidden doubts a pseudoscientific aura.

The worst thing is that nothing will come of this, and nothing will come of the still greater revelations likely to follow either.

Massive German document release sheds still more light on the entire Covid farce, as if any more light were needed (eugyppius.com)

Ireland: Men On Horseback Lead Protest Against Dublin Asylum Centre

Attempts by authorities to convert a disused warehouse into accommodation for up to a thousand asylum seekers elicited mass protests in Ireland over the weekend as thousands rallied outside the site of the planned centre.

During the protests, in the working-class suburb of Coolock in north Dublin, young men on horseback and in balaclavas were seen directing a crowd of thousands under the campaign slogan ‘Coolock Says No.’ The incident was just the latest flashpoint in the Republic’s crippling asylum crisis which has seen the issue of migration surge into the mainstream and become a leading political issue.

Locals in Coolock are up in arms against plans by the Department of Integration to place anywhere between 500 and 1,000 asylum seekers into the former paint warehouse, just metres from nearby housing estates. In a series of speeches, attendees at yesterday’s march expressed concerns over the impact on public services as well as the safety of their children.

This spirited community mobilisation was organised by local figures as well as European Election candidate Malachy Steenson. Demonstrators travelled up and down the Malahide Road with chants of “Ireland Belongs to the Irish,” quoting the country’s revolutionary hero Pádraig Pearse, before temporarily blocking off key transport routes into Dublin city centre between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.

There were tense scenes outside a local police station at around 6 p.m., however, as local youths shouting “Get them out” got into a verbal altercation with masked police officers, although no arrests were made during the entirety of the march.

Sunday’s demonstration is just the latest in a series of grassroots protests against mass migration in Ireland. Last November, Dublin city centre was the scene of riots following a mass stabbing by an Algerian migrant.

While the evening’s events occurred without incident, reports surfaced on Sunday night of a physical altercation between what appears to be local youths and a security guard at the location of the planned asylum centre. The Republic has experienced over a dozen acts of arson on various refugee centres throughout the past year.

The location of yesterday’s protest occurred near East Wall, the working-class community which has become synonymous with the recent agitation against mass migration. The recent wave of demonstrations first broke out there in late 2022 when locals protested against the opening of an asylum centre for primarily Albanian and Algerian men in an abandoned office block.

The Republic of Ireland appears to be in a period of transition as over a third of the electorate are now expressing a wish to vote for an anti-immigration party. The country’s ruling party Fine Gael also appears to be entering crisis mode following the sudden resignation of PM (Taoiseach) Leo Varadkar as well as approximately a third of its parliamentary top brass.


While the West ruminates politically correct weeds, Islamists kill

by Giulio Meotti

Bataclan, Paris, 2015: in the ballroom which takes its name from the operetta Ba-ta-clan by Jacques Offenbach, 90 French infidels are slaughtered by an ISIS commando.

Manchester Arena, England, 2017: at an Ariana Grande concert, a boy named Salman Abedi blows himself up, taking 22 English infidels with him.

Nova Festival, Israel, 2023: 364 Israeli infidels are torn to pieces by Palestinian Arabs from Gaza.

Crocus City Hall, Moscow, 2024: 143 Russian infidels are murdered by an ISIS cell.

They know why they do it. They have a prophet and his god on their side and they invoke it in battle against Western divinization of the serene, peaceful and secular life, and they make no difference between the Twin Towers, the buses of Beersheba, the heads of Jews and Christians and atheists, the discoteque of Bali, the station of Madrid, the first day of school in a village in Ossetia.

We Westerners, on the other hand, go on our post-colonial safari, take photos and broadcast live broadcasts. Is it better to communicate together to the Islamic terrorists that they will not prevail or to obtain a statement from the friends of Hamas in the save-who-can strategy? Do they spare me more if I close schools for Ramadan in Milan or if I wear a burkini in Marseille? We continue to ruminate politically correct poisonous weeds.

But all attempts at explanations that do not start from Sharia are futile.

Because whether you’re a conservative Baptist from Mississippi or a gay peacenik from Amsterdam, a slightly beaten up hippie who loves everyone from London or the right-wing Israeli minister Rehavam Zeevi (murdered by terrorists as he left his hotel room) or a Russian citizen from Krasnogorsk, they tear you to pieces with the same enthusiasm.

After September 11, only one record has been broadcast in Europe: “Behead us and our leaders will go to the nearest mosque to say that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’”. Continue to kill gays and mutilate female genitals, and the rainbow groups will march with you against Israel and the West.

We “podemos”, they “pasaràn”.

Whie the West ruminates politically correct weeds, Islamists kill | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

Italy: Salvini says he doesn’t have beef with ‘warmonger’ Macron

Wikimedia Commons , Kasa Fue,CC-BY-SA-4.0

Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini said Sunday that he does not have a beef with French President Emmanuel Macron, a day after calling him a “warmonger”, while stressing that he thinks the idea Macron mooted of sending Western troops to Ukraine was dangerous.
“I don’t have anything against Macron, but a Europe that talks about sending its soldiers to the slaughter outside its borders is one that goes against the principles of the European Community, at a time when we should be working to defend ourselves against Islamic terrorists,” Salvini said an event for his League party in Rome.
On Saturday Salvini said that “with his words, Macron is a danger for our country and for this continent” during a Rome convention of the Identity and Democracy (ID) group that the League party belongs to at the European level.
“I don’t want to leave a continent ready to enter World War III to my children,” he said.

Salvini says he doesn’t have beef with ‘warmonger’ Macron – Politics – Ansa.it

Moscow IS terror cell: They also plotted attacks in Austria

Wikimedia Commons , C.Stadler/Bwag, CC-BY-SA-4.0

The terrorist group “Islamic State – Khorasan Province” (ISPK) is believed to have carried out the deadly attack in Moscow that resulted in 137 deaths. Experts warn: ISPK is one of the most dangerous terrorist groups in the world – and Austria was also targeted.
The terrorist group “Islamic State – Khorasan Province” (ISPK) is one of the most dangerous in the world. The IS offshoot wants to establish a caliphate encompassing Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Central Asian states. The group is not only fighting against the “West”, but also against the radical Islamic Taliban in Afghanistan.

The ISPK has between 4,000 and 6,000 fighters. At the beginning of the year, they killed around 100 people in an attack in Iran, and in January they carried out an attack in Istanbul. After the Koran burnings in Europe, the ISPK threatened attacks in the Netherlands and Sweden.

Several suspected ISPK members have been arrested in Germany and Austria in recent months. Two Afghans were planning an attack on the Swedish parliament in Thuringia and three men were arrested in Vienna the day before Christmas who were planning attacks on St Stephen’s Cathedral and Cologne Cathedral. They were also acting on behalf of the ISPK.

The leader of the terrorist group coordinated the attacks from the Netherlands: Mukhammadrajab B. (30), a Tajik who lived in Saarland until his arrest. He was the liaison officer to Vienna and was in contact with his compatriots, who were sheltering in an accommodation in Ottakring. In May 2023, B. received a directive from the ISPK in Afghanistan to carry out attacks in Cologne. He then met with Murad Tashbekovich I, a suspected member of the Vienna cell.

In December, Mukhammadrajab B. travelled to Vienna twice. Together with his accomplice Madad A., he is said to have scouted out St Stephen’s Cathedral. The two men filmed the church and watched the surveillance cameras. But the two Tajiks were not only targeting St Stephen’s Cathedral. They also spied on the famous Prater.

Mukhammadrajab B. and Madad A. met in asylum accommodation in the Ottakring district of Vienna to discuss the details of the attack which took place in December 2023. Madad A. and his wife (26) were arrested in a raid shortly before Christmas. Mukhammadrajab B. was initially able to flee, but was arrested on Christmas Eve in Wesel, Germany. He was extradited to Vienna in February and is currently in custody pending deportation.

Moskauer IS-Terrorzelle: Sie plante auch Anschläge in Österreich | Exxpress