The Joséphine-Baker primary school in Pantin in the Seine-Saint-Denis region is hosting an anomalous event on Thursday March 7th. Far from fairs and other school festivities, the Nous sommes Pantin collective and the Pantin-Palestine support committee have decided to organise an evening of “support for the Palestinian people” at the school. Discussions, testimonies, animations… The organisers even made sure to point out that children were welcome on this very political evening. However, the initiative caused controversy. Several opposition MPs and parents of pupils have launched an online petition. They demand the “immediate cancellation of this evening on the school premises” and argue that holding it would “jeopardise the neutrality and secularism of the school”. So far, the petition has collected almost 800 signatures.
The socialist mayor of Pantin, Bertrand Kern, declared that the organisers’ request had been “duly” requested. In addition, the mayor told BFMTV that the Josephine-Baker school is “a public space of the city, available to all”, adding that “meetings are regularly organised by members of all political colours”.
However, the choice of a school as the venue for this evening in support of the Palestinian people is not the only problem. In particular, the initiative aims to raise money for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Middle East. However, UNRWA has been at the centre of a controversy for several months. Several employees of the UN organisation are accused by Israel of being involved in the massacres of October 7.
LR MP Geoffrey Carvalhinho from Pantin was strictly against this fundraising and recalled that France had suspended its payments to UNRWA for the first quarter of 2024. “I remind you that seventeen countries have also suspended their payments to the agency. And finally, I recall that the UN and the EU have launched investigations to clarify everything,” he added via the social network X. He concluded by saying: “We want peace and not division”.
The police operation did not remain unnoticed in this popular neighbourhood of Limoges. At around 6 a.m. on Wednesday morning, the Raid and the National Police intervened in the Vigenal neighbourhood of Limoges to arrest a 47-year-old man.
The radicalised Russian citizen had not complied with a house arrest in Limoges. He had left the country to travel to Belgium and Germany. The president of the criminal court in Limoges had issued an arrest warrant for him at the end of last year.
The man, who originates from Chechnya and is listed in the S register because of his affiliation to radical Islam in connection with terrorism, was taken into custody when the warrant was executed.
He was brought before the magistrate, who decided to place him under judicial supervision until his sentence. According to one source, he has no criminal record on French territory. Le Populaire
When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announced that people would have to stop eating hamburgers because cow flatulence was an existential threat to life on Earth, most people duly chuckled. Nevertheless, AOC’s call for cow-culling was taken up by the United Nations, European Union, World Economic Forum, and “Climate Envoy” John Kerry. Protests defending farming in Holland, Ireland, and Belgium opposed these bold attacks on gentle bovines. Contrary to slanderous arguments by globalist fearmongers, cows are the solution to many of humanity’s most significant environmental problems. Here’s why.
The fertile American heartland was created by buffalo. Hooves pounding the land pressed plants into the ground to mesh with manure and urine, feeding the soil microbiome and nurturing vital soils. The advent of human technology tore into the ground in reckless tilling, releasing massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the air and depleting soil health while proclaiming a “Green Revolution” that initiated the slow desertification of the land. Synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, and GMO chemical adjuncts have compounded and aggravated the problem.
Some cows are more equal than others
Meanwhile, animal husbandry was similarly absorbed by the industrial Borg, consolidating farms and animals into obscene concentrated animal feed operations (CAFOs) on a large, dystopian scale. These concrete-imprisoned CAFO cows are blamed for the consequences of their enslavement — the figures of cow methane recklessly spewed by AOC and her ilk are taken from these unnaturally housed and abused cows. Cows raised naturally on pasture, allowed to roam and graze as intended, feed soils and protect water supplies.
Cows fed grain produce less methane than cows on grass… unless one includes the pollution generated by planting, seeding, harvesting, and processing all that grain. Atrazine, glyphosate, neonicotinoids, and a bevy of other toxic chemicals and fuels are immediately eliminated from the cow-feed pipeline when cows are fed grass only. Grass blades are God’s solar panels — truly renewable, converting the sun’s energy into edible meats through the bodies of livestock, without building a concrete prison or tilling the ground.
Follow the manure
The focus on cow methane is a deliberate ruse by “manure-deniers.” Cows produce methane through enteric fermentation, but they also generate manure and urine that nurture soils, which in turn absorb methane and carbon dioxide through microbial activity, prevent soil erosion and water loss, and improve the soil microbiome and thus crop productivity — all without the toxic intrusion of the U.S. chemical industry.
If cows are eliminated and replaced with synthetic meats, we are told the environment will benefit: yet the opposite is easily demonstrated. Synthetic meats are “cultured” in vats using plant matter as a growing medium, likely soy and/or corn. That soy and corn will be produced using the same destructive GMO practices that are destroying America’s farmland.
Manure can only be replaced with more synthetic fertilizers, particularly urea (nitrogen), which is made from natural gas (aka methane). Urea production gives off nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas identified by the EPA as having a Global Warming Potential (GWP) 273 times more potent than carbon dioxide.
Cow methane from burps is allegedly 30 times as potent as carbon dioxide, but this ignores the increased methane and carbon dioxide absorbed and retained by healthy, manure-enriched soils. CAFO cows create a pile of manure that must be spread with tractors and fossil fuels; grazing cows spread their nurturing plops naturally onto the land, where their net impact is to sequester more carbon dioxide and methane in the soil than they burp out.
Cows are the cure
Industrial agriculture has cheated nature for a century, abusing the ground and animals upon which human food supplies depend. Now those same forces have galvanized behind the WEF and the usual elitist suspects to resist efforts to reform this planet-devouring industrialism using regenerative agriculture. Monsanto (now Bayer), JBS Foods, Syngenta, Dow, and other mighty food oligarchs gather at the WEF table as “partners” to tell the world that only more industrial agriculture and technology can solve the problems they have created.
Bovine climate problems, we are told, do not arise from how cows have been abused and the balance of soil life unnaturally disrupted, but from the cows themselves. But if sensible, regenerative animal husbandry is eliminated, the chemical spigot will open fully wide to produce meat alternatives.
The WEF and its food-monopolizing corporate membership are deliberately maligning cows to further consolidate market share and profit margins. Shifting humanity to a factory-only food system in which these companies will continue to synthetically “fertilize” (and kill) the soil for profit will magnify human dependence on industry without benefiting the climate. Properly managed cows are not climate change culprits: they are the solution to soil erosion and carbon sequestration.
And once again, Polish farmers are out in force to protest, this time enacting a MASSIVE general strike in the capital Warsaw.
In this post, you will see 8 videos showing the massive scope of the demonstration.
At this point, we have talked about it extensively, abd understand what it happening.
WATCH: Massive General Strike Takes Polish Farmers to Warsaw – Clashes With Riot Police – Globalist Tusk Government and EU Commission Cave, Will Regulate Cheap Ukrainian Grain via @gatewaypundit
Concerns about “trans fraud” have emerged after dozens of male civil servants in one small community changed their gender identity reportedly just to get benefits allocated for females. The wave of gender change approvals follows the implementation of the Trans Law, which eased the regulations surrounding legal identity changes.
In the small, autonomous city of Ceuta alone, it has been revealed that 37 male civil servants have changed their legal gender. Of them, the vast majority are associated with the Military, National Police, Civil Guard, or Local Police, and these new “females” have curiously all chosen to retain their male names and continue their lives “as men.”
One of the men has come forward to boast of his success, stating that he changed his legal gender after the Trans Law was implemented in Spain in March of 2023.
Roberto Perdigones, a 35-year-old Army corporal, changed his legal sex to “female” after deciding he identified as an “intersex bigender” person. Perdigones explained that “externally, I am a straight man and internally a lesbian woman.”
Perdigones says he first discovered that changing his registered sex would afford him benefits after reading an update in the National Police Exam syllabus with a list of “possible” gender identities one may have. Perdigones found a gender description he felt he matched, so pursued the change.
“On the outside, I feel like a heterosexual man, but inside I am a lesbian woman, which is what prevails. That’s why I made the legal change to female,” he says. “I did it because I could,” Perdigones admitted to El Español.
Roberto Perdigones.
“Before, I was screwed because I complied with the law. Now, I’m still complying with the law but, after finding my gender situation, I’ve been benefited. And if someone criticizes me, they may be committing a crime of transphobia,” he boasted.
Perdigones filed the paperwork to request a change in his legal sex just one month after the Trans Law came into effect. The new law stipulates that no medical or physical changes are required to apply for a gender or name change, and vastly broadened the protections for “gender identity.” Perdigones only had to ratify that he wanted the change, and officially became a “woman” sometime around August of 2023.
From that moment on, he began to enjoy the benefits: the day he got his new ID card, he showed up at the barracks with earrings, long hair and a beard, now able to disregard dress regulations with no repercussions.
But the benefits are not limited to aesthetic issues, with Perdigones also now qualifying for a mother’s pension as he is a “woman” with a child.
“By changing my sex, as I have been informed, my pension has gone up. Because women receive more in retirement pensions to compensate for the inequality. In addition, I get 15% more because I have a child,” he boasted.
“I even have a private room in the barracks, all to myself, with a private bathroom. Because, being a woman, I can’t be with the men, and I didn’t consider it appropriate to be with the biological women out of respect for them. I’ve had the room to myself since the sex change.”
Perdigones also intends to seek a promotion and will be utilizing the so-called “affirmative action measures” designed to increase female presence in the Armed Forces command. As Perdigones is approaching the mandatory age of retirement for temporary soldiers, obtaining a permanent position would be beneficial for him. Perdigones will be applying as a “woman,” since the physical tests are less demanding and because certain positions are seeking more female representation.
Roberto Perdigones.
Disturbingly, Perdigones also plans to use the law to obtain custody of his estranged teenage son, who he has not seen since he was 3 years old.
“I have a 16-year-old son, from a former relationship. As a father, I hadn’t seen him since he was three years old,” he says. “But now I am no longer a father, now I am a non-gestating mother. This means that I can fight on equal terms with his biological mother. I am in the process of looking for a lawyer to recover what I have lost.”
Perdigones lives in Ceuta, which is a Spanish autonomous city on the north coast of Africa. It has a population of just 85,000 inhabitants, 4,500 of whom are members of the Security Forces and the military, a much higher percentage than in the rest of the country. Since Spain’s Trans Law was implemented in March of 2023, Ceuta in particular has seen a surge in applications from men employed by police or military seeking legal sex changes.
While in other parts of Spain, judges can deny a change of legal sex when they conclude that the applicant is acting with “spurious intent,” Ceuta is an autonomous region which does not have such regulations. Judges in Ceuta who deny legal sex changes could be charged with criminal prevarication. Many believe the combination of a large military male population and little-to-no repercussions for pursuing a gender change, even just to obtain employment benefits, have resulted in the phenomenon exploding in the small region.
Since the Trans Law came into effect, 5,139 people have requested a change of registered sex in Spain, a quadrupled increase from the 2022 data. Of them, 61.49% of the applicants were men. The latest data has resulted in some trans activists expressing concerns about “trans fraud,” despite these same concerns being dismissed when expressed by women’s rights advocates before the law was passed.
In particular, women expressed concerns about abusive men potentially utilizing the law to obscure their identities or gain access to their victims through the court system. If an abusive father changed his legal gender to “female,” he would be considered just as much of the child’s “mother” as a biological mother in the eyes of the court and would have a stronger case for custody or visitation.
Carola López Moya, an advocate for children with disabilities, pointed out this problem on social media while commenting on Perdigones’ case.
“He says that as a ‘woman’ he is going to try to get his son back, whom he has not seen since he was three years old. Thank goodness the boy is now 16 years old, but I know that this law will be used to facilitate vicarious violence against women,” she said, sarcastically ‘thanking’ the Prime Minister of Spain, under whom the Trans Law came into force.
Dice que ahora como "mujer" va a intentar recuperar a su hijo al que no ve desde los 3 años. Menos mal que el chico tiene ya 16 años, pero me consta que esta ley se va a usar para facilitar la violencia vicaria contra las mujeres. Gracias @sanchezcastejon
Over the past year, there have been multiple highly-publicized cases involving men seeking legal gender changes to gain the legal benefits of being a “woman,” or lessen their criminal penalties.
As previously reported by Reduxx, a man in Catalonia who physically abused his partner was able to avoid charges of gender-based violence after changing his legal documents. After police learned he was a legal “woman,” they were unable to charge him with the sex-specific crime or institute special protections for his female partner.
A similar case occurred in Ceuta, where a police officer changed his legal gender to avoid similar charges after beating his wife — but the man was sentenced to prison before his plan could come to fruition.
Wikimedia Commons, HM Treasury and The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP, OGL v3.0
Tory ‘moderates’ are likely to hold “the whip hand” in their party after this year’s general election, according to new polling.
Some conservatives living in Britain may find it hard to believe that after 14 years during which successive Tory prime ministers have presided over mass immigration, flimsy law and order, the betrayal of Brexit, the swallowing of the ‘woke’ and net zero agendas, and the continued wreckage of the family unit, defence and decent education, the nominal Conservative Party is about to become even less conservative. But analysis of polling data by The Times newspaper suggests this could in fact be the case.
The paper says that, of the 169 seats the party is forecast to retain following a proper beating at the next general election, the more socially liberal—so-called ‘One Nation’—MPs will hold the biggest faction. They are expected to retain 50 members, whereas more than half of the 60 Tory MPs who rebelled against Rishi Sunak’s government in an attempt to toughen up the Rwanda illegal migration bill, are likely to be voted out.
Several of the more prominent right-wing Tory MPs, such as former party vice-chairman Lee Anderson, represent working class ‘Red Wall’ seats in the north and Midlands of England, which Boris ‘Get Brexit Done’ Johnson won from Labour in the 2019 election, but which Rishi Sunak’s hopeless party is expected to lose this time around.
One senior Conservative MP, described by the Times as “on the right,” told the paper:
Those on the right playing a long game in the hope of taking back control may be sorely disappointed. In more ways than one, waiting for a heavy defeat could prove to be a disastrous strategy.
Even accounting for supporters of some of the Parliamentary Conservative Party’s more right-wing factions, such as the ‘anti-woke’ Common Sense Group, only puts the number of ‘rightish’ MPs expected to retain their seats at 32—still far behind the number that will be enjoyed by the party’s liberal wing.
The makeup of the party following the election will play a big role in who it chooses to be its next leader—that is, who will lead it into general elections after 2024. This will further determine how long the Tories will spend out of office, during which time their even more liberal Labour counterparts will take the reins.
As one online commentator put it, liberals holding the Tory whip hand “should guarantee an even longer term in the political wilderness. It’s ‘moderation’ that’s sunk them.”
Behind this door lay the dead girl, screen grab youtube
The gang rape case is followed by a gruesome discovery in Vienna: a 14-year-old girl was found dead in the apartment of an Afghan in Simmering on Tuesday morning. Drugged and also abused …
The investigation into the serial abuse, including cell phone videos, of twelve-year-old Anna-Sofia by a 17-member multicultural gang in the hotspot district of Favoriten continues at full speed. The next abuse thriller is already shocking: this time even with a death drama! 14-year-old Sandra (name changed by the editors) from Lower Austria is found lifeless in the apartment of an Afghan on Tuesday morning. Crime scene: Vienna’s neighboring district of Simmering.
According to previous findings, the 26-year-old suspect may have lured the girl into the municipal building with drugs. While the schoolgirl probably ultimately died of an overdose, the young man, who arrived with the wave of refugees in 2015, claims to have had “consensual sex” with her. His asylum application was rejected at first instance, but the judiciary granted subsidiary protection following an appeal.
The State Office of Criminal Investigation has now taken over the investigation into the alarming death. The case has frightening parallels to the murder of Leonie. The then 13-year-old schoolgirl was also drugged and left to die leaning against a tree after being abused in a group by three Afghans.
Meanwhile, there will be a political summit on Thursday with Constitutional Minister Edtstadler and Interior Minister Karner on lowering the age of criminal responsibility. Minors under 14 currently receive therapy and social workers instead of a prison sentence. Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer, himself the father of a daughter the age of Anna-Sofia – all 17 suspected rapists are on the loose – had denounced the “defencelessness of the constitutional state”. And demanded via “Krone”: “We have to talk about punishments.”
The Green coalition partner is, of course, vehemently opposed to “occasion legislation”. Overall, juvenile crime (see chart above) is on the rise.
A Palestinian migrant living illegally in France was arrested on Tuesday after stabbing a man traveling with a 6-month-old child because the baby wouldn’t stop crying.
The victim
The 54-year-old suspect was detained near the train station in the eastern city of Mulhouse, according to a report by Valeurs Actuelles journalist Amaury Bucco on X.
It is understood the victim was traveling with a mother and her 6-month-old baby who was crying on the station platform when the suspect approached the couple and told them to keep the child quiet.
🔴📸 @Valeurs | Voici la photo d'une des blessures infligées à la victime, agressée au couteau dans un train au niveau de Mulhouse, hier soir. La victime se trouvait dans un train avec un couple d'amis et leur enfant de 6 mois, en bonne santé, mais qui n'en a pas moins pleuré par…
An altercation ensued between the suspect and the man accompanying the mother and child before the Palestinian national returned to his seat to retrieve a butterfly knife from his suitcase.
As the train both parties were waiting for arrived at the station, the suspect is reported to have attacked the companion of the baby’s mother, “stabbing him three times in the face.”
Emergency responders were dispatched to the scene and the victim was rushed to the hospital where he is understood to remain in a stable condition, Bucco reported citing a police source.
The suspect was arrested near the crime scene and was held in police custody following further investigation.
Bucco reported the Palestinian national was “in an irregular situation” in France.
Father Custodio Ballester serves a parish in the Archdiocese of Barcelona, Spain./ Credit: Courtesy of
A Spanish priest is facing up to three years in prison on “hate crime” charges for his heated words about Islam.
Last month, Father Custodio Ballester and two other individuals received a summons from a provincial court in Spain to answer charges of an alleged “hate crime” for criticizing Islamic extremism.
If convicted, Ballester could be forced to pay a fine of more than $1,600 and serve up to three years in prison. The charges date back to 2020, when the Court Prosecutor’s Office in Catalonia accused Ballester of a “hate crime” based on what he wrote in a 2016 article titled“The Impossible Dialogue with Islam.”
Four years later, Ballester is still awaiting trial on criminal charges for criticizing the faith that he says aims to “destroy” all those who refuse to recognize Mohammed as “the last and ultimate prophet of God.”
“I know Muslims who were not offended and understood perfectly well that I was not referring to them but to those who live Islam in a violent, radical way,” he told CNA.
Ballester, 59, serves a parish in Barcelona within the archdiocese led by Bishop Juan José Omella. He has long been known for his pro-life activism.
“In Spain, ‘hate crime’ was invented and is directed at any speech that directly or indirectly refers to discrimination, encouragement of hostility, or inducement to violence,” Ballester told CNA. Previously, he pointed out, the criminal code was directed at whether someone had actually done something.
Asked whether he is prepared to spend three years in prison should he be convicted on the hate crime charges, Ballester said: “It doesn’t seem right to be convicted for something I’ve said, but in Spain anything is possible. But if I am convicted, this will no longer be Spain but Pakistan, where you can be killed for blaspheming the Koran or Mohammed.”
“There is no longer any true right to free speech in Spain,” Ballester said.
Ballester has never been reluctant to speak out, even when it means challenging the perspective of his own bishop. The essay that earned him the hate crime charge was originally a response to a pastoral message from Omella titled “The Necessary Dialogue with Islam.”
In his controversial response, Ballester wrote: “This new reactivation of Christian-Muslim dialogue, paralyzed by the alleged ‘imprudences’ on the part of the late Pope Benedict XVI, is very far from becoming a reality. Islam does not allow dialogue. For Islam, either you believe, or you are an infidel who must be subdued one way or another.”
The Minister of the Interior announced on Tuesday the 5th of March that one million investigations will be carried out to secure the Olympic Games in Paris.
Gérald Darmanin was heard in the Senate on Tuesday March 5 on the security of the Olympic Games in Paris ( July 26 to August 11).
Almost one million administrative enquiries had to be carried out for the security of the Games, said the Minister of the Interior, adding that 89,000 enquiries had already been carried out.
In the course of these measures, “we have discovered six fichés S (files for Islamist dangerous persons, editor’s note) through these screenings. People who registered to be part of the organisation of the Olympic Games. Here to work as a private security guard, there to work as a volunteer with the Cojo (organising committee, editor’s note), there to carry the Olympic flame,” said the minister. L’Ardennais