Dutch supermarket chain stops promotions on meat, to push ‘protein transition’

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Dutch supermarket chain Jumbo will no longer offer promotions on its meat products, to encourage customers to eat “plant-based” food instead.

While many countries in Europe struggle with an energy transition away from fossil fuels, Jumbo says it is working on the ‘protein transition’.

The chain says it aims to help customers move towards a more plant-based diet, in line with a government drive to decrease animal protein consumption.

The Dutch government has set a goal for 2030, aiming for only 40 percent of the protein consumed to originate from animal sources—a target several supermarket chains have pledged to support. Presently, the average stands at approximately 60 per cent.

The drive to reduce meat consumption, says the government, is to promote ESG principles and climate goals.

From the end of May, there will be no further offers for beef, pork, and chicken in all Jumbo branches and online.

“We didn’t rush into it in our pursuit of a 50/50 protein transition goal by 2025”, the supermarket said. “Analyses have revealed that achieving this interim objective can only be accomplished by discontinuing meat promotions.”

“This decision is another step by Jumbo in continuing to help customers make plant-based food a tasty and affordable choice in an accessible way. Jumbo already did this by increasing knowledge about plant-based recipes and developing innovative concepts that are affordable, high quality and tasty,” it added.

Jumbo is the first supermarket to discontinue promotions on meat products in the Netherlands.

Other supermarkets are attempting to achieve similar objectives in their own ways.

For instance, Albert Heijn has promoted plant-based diets, assisting clients opting for vegetarianism.

Jumbo was previously targeted by animal welfare organisations because its number of meat offers doubled in a year.

A supermarket spokeswoman told RTL News that such actions “did indeed strain the responsibility we felt anyway.”

Another said, “It is a difficult challenge to be the first to stop promoting meat,” fearing customers simply will buy their meat elsewhere.

Many environmentalist organisations say they “admire” the move, but others criticise it.

In a statement, animal welfare organisation Wakker Dier says it is happy with Jumbo’s decision. “The supermarket shows that plant-based, healthy food really is a top priority,” says a spokesperson. “We have great admiration for the courage Jumbo is showing with this.”

Caroline van der Plas, leader of the Farmer Citizen Movement, is less pleased.

On X she reacts, “Jumbo stops offering meat: ‘Feeling responsibility’. But no responsibility for all those hundreds of thousands of families who can hardly ever put meat on the table because of the price. And this could be possible with a promotion.”

Other social media users state they will no longer do their shopping with Jumbo.

Some claim that meat in supermarkets is anyway of lower quality compared to artisanal butchers.

“Jumbo stops offering meat because they feel responsible. However, they will continue to advertise sugary products, ultra-processed seed oils, products with carcinogenic additives and alcoholic beverages,” observes one social media users.


Londoners Slam Latest Woke Sculpture: ‘Hideous Political Trash’

The latest “contemporary” sculpture to be unveiled in London’s Trafalgar Square has sparked an uproar, with critics slamming the cartoonish figure as “hideous political trash.”

The square has been home to many art installations over the decades, with the Fourth Plinth featuring a rotating cast of artworks every few years since 1999. Detractors aren’t surprised that the sculpture has been changed, but that the latest replacement doesn’t appear to represent native Londoners.

Lady in Blue is a sculpture of a black woman with abstract proportions, including strangely long arms and very pronounced buttocks and legs. Artist Tschabalala Self said the piece pays “homage to a young, metropolitan woman of color” in a statement obtained by the Art Newspaper.

Self, an American from New York City, has enjoyed “meteoric success with her distinctive works depicting black and predominantly female figures,” the publication reported in 2020.

“Putting the obvious leftist race politics aside why is the proposal so ugly. It’s almost laughable how hideous it is,” wrote one Londoner on X.

“Laughably, intentionally ugly so British people get the message,” complained another. “ChatGPT would have generated something better portioned. Maybe we will get lucky and someone will tear this one down too.”

More critics pointed out the odd proportions of the depicted woman, saying “the basic anatomy is all wrong.”

The new sculpture is set to replace the Antelope, a depiction of African anti-colonialist preacher John Chilembwe and his British missionary friend, John Chorley, in what is now the country of Malawi.

Lady in Blue will be on display on the Fourth Plinth in 2026.


UK: Teacher sacked in trans pupil row warns colleagues being ‘bullied’ by woke policies

A teacher who was sacked for refusing to treat an eight-year-old girl as a boy has warned colleagues are being “bullying” by trans policies.

The teacher has spoken out ahead of an employment tribunal taking place next week in which she will challenge her dismissal.

She says she was ordered by her school’s headteacher to support a pupil’s decision to “socially transition”.

Following guidance issued by the controversial LGBT charity Stonewall, the child was allowed to be given a boys name, pronouns, and wear a boy’s uniform.

The youngster was also allowed to use the boys’ toilets and changing rooms.

Alarmed by the situation, the teacher raised the matter as a safeguarding concern.

On Tuesday a tribunal will begin to consider whether her eventual sacking was wrongful dismissal.

“Teachers are being bullied into not questioning trans-affirming policies when evidence shows that the actual result of the approach is to put the welfare of children at serious risk,” she told the Mail on Sunday ahead of the case.

“I am determined to pursue justice.”

She’s being supported in her case by the Christian Legal Centre. Chief executive Andrea Williams said: “For years, parents and teachers who have raised safeguarding concerns over these issues have been ignored and disbelieved.”

Since the teacher was dismissed, guidance from the Department of Education on how to deal with pupils who wish to change gender has changed.

New guidance released in January said schools should “take a very cautious approach” if pupils want to change their names, pronouns or uniforms.

It said teachers do not have a “general duty” to allow pupils to socially transition.

It urges them to exercise caution, including “watchful waiting periods, and ensuring parents are fully consulted before any decision is taken.”

Speaking about the new guidance, Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch said: “What we are doing is making sure that for those schools that are very unsure about what to do and are getting very bad advice from organisations like Stonewall – among others – understand what the Government believes should be done.

“And this is based on legal certainty. This is based on what the law says.

“The guidance has five pirnciples and two of them are based around understanding the legalities around safeguarding, and understanding the realities around biological sex.

“There is no general duty to socially transition a child.

“A lot of schools think this is something they have to do, or should be doing – and we are making sure they understand what the law says.”


HOAX ALERT: Trump Warns of Auto Industry ‘Bloodbath’ If Biden Wins, Leftists Including Biden Campaign Lie and Claim He Is Declaring Civil War

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Leftists across social media freaked out on Saturday after Donald Trump warned of a “bloodbath” in the automobile industry if Joe Biden wins in November.

Trump made the remarks during a rally in Dayton, Ohio, where he was warning about the impacts on the automobile industry if he is not re-elected.

“Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath. That’s going to be the least of it,” Trump said during a rally near Dayton, Ohio. “It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.”

“If this election isn’t won, I’m not sure that you’ll ever have another election in this country,” he added.

Although Trump was obvously talking about the impact on American workers, left-wing X accounts wasted no time twisting his words as a declaration of an impending civil war:

Criticise Migration, Go to Jail? Ireland’s Woke Revolution: Europe’s Most Serious Free Speech Threat

Why is Irish politics so woke? Will the Irish government’s humiliating referendum defeat make it think twice about its draconian “hate speech” legislation? Will it be able to silence those concerned about the impact mass immigration is having in Ireland? Our guest on this week’s #NCFWhittle is Lorcán Price, an Irish Barrister and Legal Counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom International based in Strasbourg, France.

The Eastern Church Draws the Line

By Victoria White Berger

Pope Francis’ recent scandal regarding blessings of gay marriages has spawned a serious regression in the Western Catholic Church’s decades-long efforts to merge with the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Already many bishops in America, and far more in Africa, have objected to the presumptuous move of Pope Francis in his December 2023 Vatican press release regarding the permission of ‘blessings’ for gay couples within the Catholic Church.

The ‘split’ between the Eastern and Western branches of the Catholic Church dates back to the 11th Century, with the “Great Schism,” of Christianity:

“On July 16, 1054, Patriarch of Constantinople Michael Cerularius was excommunicated from the Christian church based in Rome, Italy. Cerularius’s excommunication was a breaking point in long-rising tensions between the Roman church based in Rome and the Byzantine church based in Constantinople (now called Istanbul). The resulting split divided the European Christian church into two major branches: the Western Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. This split is known as the Great Schism, or sometimes the “East-West Schism” or the “Schism of 1054.”

While many of the differences between these two branches of Catholicism remain, in one form or another — liturgical, theological, and political — the central Christian tenets of both branches are agreed, and much Catholic practical and theological cooperation and practice has been demonstrated by both.

For this enduring communion and other practical and political influences, negotiations aimed at settling (or compromising on within reason) all differences and reuniting entirely. To reunite these two mighty branches of the Catholic faith, both Popes John Paul and Benedict made great diplomatic and practical progress, over their modern papacies, towards the restoration of the two branches to complete comity.

Then, enter Pope Francis in December of 2023 with his statement on same-sex blessings. Following what would seem to be this entirely politically ‘woke’ impulse by the current pope, the talks between Roman and Coptic Orthodox Churches have, as of this past week, publicly and sensationally broken down. It may be two more decades, or never, before progress is restored:

“The Coptic Orthodox Church has confirmed that its decision last week to suspend dialogue with the Catholic Church was due to Rome’s “change of position” on homosexuality.”

“In a video released on Friday, Coptic Orthodox spokesman Father Moussa Ibrahim said “the most notable” of nine decrees emanating from the church’s annual Holy Synod, which took place last week in Wadi El-Natrun in Egypt, was “to suspend theological dialogue with the Catholic Church after its change of position on the issue of homosexuality.”

The video message followed the conclusion of the Holy Synod the day before and an accompanying statement in which Coptic Orthodox leaders had said they were suspending dialogue with Rome

Pope Francis’ December 2023 salvo on same-sex blessings has spawned this serious breach with the Coptic Orthodox Church. Francis’ highly ambiguous recommendation of the ‘blessing’ of gay couples within the Catholic Church is, predictably enough, in continued and fierce debate among Western Catholics.

Above and beyond the Western response, Eastern or Orthodox Catholics are indicating to the Vatican — by their institutional dismissal of the hopeful negotiations — a solidarity of unanimous moral rebuke not allowed any more in the West:

“After consulting with the sister churches of the Eastern Orthodox family,” they wrote, “it was decided to suspend the theological dialogue with the Catholic Church, reevaluate the results achieved by the dialogue from its beginning 20 years ago, and establish new standards and mechanisms for the dialogue to proceed in the future.”

The Eastern Orthodox Church and the Western (“Roman” or “Latin’) Church have been in association for centuries, but with a rugged history, beginning long before the Protestants and an ever more fractured and vulnerably divided Christianity began:

“Eastern Catholics — in contrast to Western, or Latin, Catholics — trace their origins largely to the failure of the ecclesiastical authorities at the Council of Ferrara-Florence in 1439 to unite Christians of the East and West. Stimulated by this unsuccessful beginning, however, and encouraged also by the later missionary activities of such monastic orders as the JesuitsDominicansFranciscans, and Capuchins, the proponents of the goal of the eventual reunion of Eastern and Western Christians began to achieve some elements of success.”

As the Coptic Orthodox Church is rooted in Egypt, the implications for Catholicism in Africa — largely due to Pope Francis’ leftist ideology made public and integrated most unfortunately into the frequent political opinions and attitudes of his Papacy — the Coptic Orthodox disinclination to continue serious talks with its Western brothers and sisters — in perceived moral freefall — may soon be seen to snowball to more consequential reaction and disappointment from African Catholics at large, and their bishops. And this is progress?


Swedish politician regrets ‘refugees welcome’ policy: ‘We were fundamentally wrong on the immigration issue’

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Louise Meijer, an MP for Sweden’s centrist Moderate party, apologised to voters for her previous position on open borders. She regrets “making mistakes” by “pleading for openness and refugees [being] welcome”, she says.

Meijer says she “changed her mind” over her views, in an opinion piece for Expressen this week.

“Now, instead, I am advocating an even stricter migration policy than the one I opposed at the time,” she says.

Political sentiments around migration have shifted swiftly in Sweden, with now even leaders of the Social Democrats saying they favour more strict migration policies.

Sweden today is a “completely different country than it was at the end of the 20th century”. Per capita, it has “received the most immigrants in the Western world” in modern times, Meijer writes.

Today, “more than a third of Sweden’s population has a foreign background. In 1987, the corresponding figure was 11 per cent.”

Meijer is her party’s leader in the Swedish Parliament’s Justice Committee, and is from the same party as prime minister Ulf Kristersson.

Kristersson, since October 2022, leads a minority government, with support from the right-wing Sweden Democrats.

The Sweden Democrats became the second largest party in the Riksdag in the most recent elections, driven by firm opposition to immigration.

Currently “about 20 per cent of our inhabitants are of non-European and non-Western descent”, Meijer says.

In Europe, “only France, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands can show a similar figure, but the structure of immigration in these countries is linked to immigration from former colonies,” she says.

Meijer says in several Swedish municipalities, more than half of the inhabitants have an immigrant background, which has caused fundamental change.

“For me, it is obvious that the large immigration to Sweden has been followed by several major problems”, Meijer writes.

“Large parts of the group of immigrants are not self-sufficient. People of foreign origin largely commit serious organised crime. The honour culture, separatism and Islamism are limiting and dangerous,” she argues.

“A high level of migration in a relatively short period naturally affects the possibility of integration. The conditions for integrating people into Swedish society are becoming more difficult as immigration increases. This leads to exclusion that is burdensome, both for the people who live in it and for society as a whole.”

“For integration to work, people who both want to move here and who already live here need to adapt to Swedish society and our values. You must work, speak Swedish and do your duty before claiming your rights. Those who do not want to adapt and integrate should not stay in Sweden. Expulsion or repatriation should then be a real alternative.”

“It has become clear, for Sweden to be as good a country as possible for all the people who live here, we must have minimal asylum immigration here for the foreseeable future. It is needed for our country to hold together,” Meijer argues.


England, Scotland and Wales All Have Non-White Leaders Now: Apart from Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom executives are entirely non-white

It’s certainly an interesting phenomenon.

Rishi Sunak is serving as the Prime Minister of the UK. Pakistani Muslim settler Humza Yousaf has taken over as the First Minister of Scotland and Vaughan Gething (pictured above), an immigrant from Zambia, will become the First Minister of Wales.

Apart from Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom executives are entirely non-white.

It’s certainly an interesting phenomenon that reflects a rate of not only demographic, but political change in the UK, that has become more rapid than the rest of Europe.

Part of it can probably be attributed to the role of bloc votes, certainly in the case of Yousaf and the rising Pakistani Muslim presence, and partly to the aspirational growth of talented Indian immigrants, but you also have to wonder to what extent failed political establishments are using minorities to paper over fundamental failures.

It’s not entirely a coincidence that Rishi Sunak became the frontman for a failed Conservative party in crisis or Yousaf for a disgraced SNP.

American-style identity politics will use minorities and ‘breaking-the-glass-ceiling’ to change the narrative about a company, a party, or a movie. Put a minority figure out front and suddenly, disparaging it is racist.

The UK has been stuck in the doldrums for a while now. (As has America.) And instead of talking about that, soon there’ll be so many thinkpieces about the newly diverse leadership of the isles. (I just got to it first.)

Why are both world powers stuck? There’s a global situation to consider, but more narrowly, both nations went down the dead ends of liberalism, trashing domestic industries in the name of socialism and then globalism, embracing massive immigration and the international community, only to be left with nothing. Incompetent conservative reactions followed leaving the native population despondent and lacking any way forward.

American liberalism papered over its disaster with Barack Obama leading to a decade and a half of horror. Now the UK gets to pretend that breaking the glass ceiling is the only progress the nation needs.

Why actually deal with the problems when everyone can pat themselves on the back for the new tolerance?


After German police intervened over Smurfs post: Elon Musk now steps in in the case of the 16-year-old schoolgirl

Billionaire Elon Musk has spoken out in the case of 16-year-old schoolgirl Loretta B., who was called to the staff room by the police last week because of a TikTok post. “Is that really all that happened?” asked the head of the Tesla car company via X on Friday. At the end of February, the girl was summoned from the classroom by police officers after she shared a joke on social media.

CANADA: Sadistic Killer Luka Magnotta Claims to Identify as a Woman, Moved to Lower Security Prison

A notorious sexually sadistic killer who fatally stabbed a man with a screwdriver during intercourse has recently been claiming to identify as a woman while incarcerated and was allowed to move from a maximum-security prison to a medium-security facility. Luka Magnotta, 41, born Eric Clinton Kirk Newman, brutally murdered Concordia University student Jun Lin in May 2012 after meeting him through Craigslist for a BDSM encounter.

Magnotta, a transvestite, male escort, and porn actor, has an extensive criminal history that includes disturbing incidents of animal abuse. The subject of a popular true crime documentary series titled “DON’T F*CK WITH CATS,” Magnotta had been sadistically torturing and killing kittens then posting the footage online in the years leading up to the murder. In a similar fashion, Magnotta recorded a snuff video of Lin’s slaying which depicted him dismembering the victim before performing acts of necrophilia and cannibalism.

After the killing, Magnotta dismembered Lin and mailed pieces of his corpse to both the national headquarters for both the Canadian Conservative Party and Liberal Party. Other packages sent to elementary schools contained Lin’s foot and hand.

On May 29, 2012, a man discovered Lin’s decomposing torso stuffed inside of a suitcase that had been left in a garbage pile behind an apartment in the Snowdon area of Montreal. Police quickly identified Magnotta as a suspect, but he had already fled, having purchased a round-trip ticket for a flight bound for Paris.

Three days later, Interpol issued a red notice calling for the arrest and extradition of Magnotta at the request of Canadian authorities. An international manhunt was conducted, with authorities being notified that Magnotta may have disguised himself as a woman.

On June 4, the deranged killer was arrested at an internet cafe in Berlin, where he was reading news stories about himself. Magnotta was ultimately sentenced to life in prison for the horrific crime.

According to an assessment report obtained by the Toronto Sun, Magnotta has now begun identifying as transgender and calling himself Violette. He is first recorded as having requested female hormones from a prison psychiatrist in October 2021, when he also stated that he hopes to undergo genital surgery in the “later future.”

In the partially redacted assessment report conducted by a team of medical professionals at the McGill University Sexual Identity Centre, four doctors recommended “offering space and support to explore around a proper gender identity exploration that would allow Violette to express and present her gender as she sees fit and for her to experience living within this gender identity.”

The report on Magnotta by a psychiatric team at the McGill University Sexual Identity Centre, first obtained by the Toronto Sun.

“Gay is a choice,” Magnotta is quoted saying in the 2022 assessment. “Trans is who I am.”

The McGill doctors who conducted the psychiatric assessment argued that Magnotta does not meet the requirements for a gender dysphoria diagnosis. Instead, they commented that his claims to a transgender status were the result of a “fragile identity and need to periodically reinvent himself,” as a defense against “internal homophobia,” and suggested that he was “rewriting his history.”

Despite this, the medical professionals referred to Magnotta with feminine pronouns. “The narrative of being born in the wrong body may be a way for this patient to wipe the slate clean once again,” they wrote, “and reshaping herself to preserve the illusion of specialness (and innocence).”

The doctors also emphasized that Magnotta employs “pat phrases she repeats, as if rehearsed” to describe his “gender journey.”

The McGill doctors recommended that Magnotta “work with someone she trusts sufficiently to be able to get in touch with her internalized homophobia, understand its roots, and how it has affected her identity development and eventually undo it.” Continuing: “She may then be able to find peace and even pride in living as an effeminate gay man, which seems more in keeping with her longitudinal history.”

“Violette’s desire for gender transition … [redacted] … psychological forces and she does not exhibit distress related to social or body dysphoria or incongruence of gender with sex designation.”

On Monday, March 11, a Parliamentary committee voted to investigate Magnotta’s transfer to a medium-security prison. In August 2022, Magnotta was authorized to be moved from Port Cartier maximum-security prison to La Macaza in Quebec, along with his husband, Anthony Jolin.

Correctional Services Canada prison transfer approval for disturbed killer Luka Magnotta.
Source: The Toronto Sun

News of Magnotta’s transfer reached the public after Conservative MP Frank Caputo toured the La Macaza facility and was startled to see a man later identified to him as Magnotta walking by.

“To see him in medium-security seemingly so soon after his offence was committed … really did shock me,” Caputo told CBC News.

Correctional Services Canada (CSC) confirmed that Magnotta had been transferred to the medium-security prison two years prior, saying that notifications were sent to registered victims, while contending that the CSC does not “typically comment or publicly announce” such transfers.

“To provide further context, we have a number of inmates with affiliations to security threat groups (gangs), and who are incompatible with other inmates, which could make it a safety and security risk to disclose their specific location and placement,” CSC said in a media statement.
