He cut his ex-girlfriend’s throat with outrageous brutality and cold-bloodedness. Unbelievable: Their two small children (1 month and 5 years old at the time) must have witnessed the crime. As of today, Omar A. (24) is on trial for murder at Siegen District Court. The 24-year-old listened to the indictment being read out in the best of moods and with a grin. With a full black beard and a turban, he sat next to his defence lawyer. Because Omar A. repeatedly abused his partner, Carina K. (23) had separated from him several times and yet had returned to him many times. But when they travelled to the Netherlands together with their children in August last year, they were no longer a couple. On the way back, on the night of August 14, an acquaintance of the alleged perpetrator travelled in the family car. They left the motorway at Emmerich-Elten on motorway A3 for a smoke break and stopped on a country lane.
According to the indictment, the following happened there: The Syrian asked the mother of his children to perform oral sex on the other man. When she wanted to comply and knelt in front of the man, Omar brutally cut the 23-year-old’s throat from behind with a knife. The public prosecutor’s office is therefore accusing Omar A. of murder with malice aforethought. The inconceivable: the two small children had to watch the whole thing. Then both men got into the car with the children and drove off. They left the dying Carina lying on the road at the edge of the forest to die an agonising death. A farmer who has his farm nearby found the dead woman the next morning at around 9 a.m. in a pool of blood in Emmerich-Elten. On the same day, the North Rhine-Westphalia police in Siegen, around 200 kilometres away, reported a search for a missing woman (23). They feared an act of violence. Hundreds of police combed through a forest and searched for the woman from the air using helicopters. Then, just hours later, it turned out that the dead woman found near the Dutch border was Carina K., the woman they were looking for.
Her ex-boyfriend Omar A. was arrested on the same day and has been in custody ever since. He denies the offence. Many witnesses will be heard in the trial and expert witnesses will have their say. A judgement is expected in mid-May.
Tunisian Muslim living in France says to an Ex-muslim on TikTok : If I had the chance and a weapon I would kill you When asked why are you living in a country (France) that allows mocking your prophet and religion, he answers : I came here because of the money that they give us pic.twitter.com/NmAeGx1af1
Non-Muslims paying for the upkeep of Muslims is a Qur’anic dictate: “Fight against those do not believe in Allah or the last day, and do not forbid what Allah and his messenger have forbidden, and do not follow the religion of truth, even if they are among the people of the book, until they pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” (Qur’an 9:29)
Muslim migrant says he came to France 'because of the money they give us' – https://t.co/Pi7ecCTLbH
North Rhine-Westphalia’s Interior Minister Herbert Reul has announced that a massive police presence is planned during the upcoming carnival celebrations in his federal state. Reul told the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger newspaper that a total of around 62,000 police officers will be deployed in the state on the days of the carnival events. The reason for this is the threat of attacks by Islamists. Reul emphasised to media representatives that the risk of attacks has rarely been as high as it is today – which is due to the global political situation surrounding the conflicts in the Gaza Strip and Ukraine. He encouraged the citizens of North Rhine-Westphalia to celebrate carnival without worries despite the security concerns and advised them to report any suspicious activities to the police. Due to security concerns, in particular due to sexual assaults during last year’s carnival, the traditional children’s carnival parade in Duisburg will avoid the Marxloh district this year.
There were delays there due to a fire brigade operation, during which several young men sexually harassed minors and took photos of girls under their skirts.
October 7th plunged us into the world described by Alasdair Macintyre in “After Virtue”, in which the American thinker imagines that reason has suffered the consequences of a catastrophe and that philosophers are no longer able to understand that they have sunk into a senseless chaos.
The silence on the Hamas rapes by women’s rights organizations was not enough (it took UN Women three months to begin to talk about it) and Israel was dragged to The Hague on charges of genocide. After the October 7 massacre, Israel also ended up in sixth place, tied with Iran, on the list of the world’s top persecutors of journalists, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). Iran and Israel are listed together behind China, Myanmar, Belarus, Russia and Vietnam and do worse than Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, three countries famous for press freedom…
An example of journalists arrested by Israel and why? The American network NBC has cut ties with a Palestinian Arab freelancer arrested by Israel on charges of incitement to terrorism and identification with a terrorist organization.
In which other country is glorifying the murder of 1,200 innocent people not a crime?
HonestReporting, an organization that focuses on media coverage of Israel, found that two Gaza photojournalists working for the AP and Reuters had boasted about footage they had captured while accompanying Hamas terrorists during the October 7 massacre.
Enthusiastically recounting what he had seen in Israel, particularly in Sderot, and the raid on a room where Israelis were hiding before being killed by terrorists, Abu Mostafa urged the Palestinian Arabs to take advantage of the opportunity to raid the Jewish state, saying: “I advise anyone who can go, go, go. It is a unique event that will not be repeated.”
HonestReporting then denounced the presence of Palestinian Arab photojournalists alongside the terrorists, raising ethical questions regarding their morality and professionalism, and the real possibility that they could have known in advance of the Hamas attack.
But Israel is condemned for coming out against this immoral and unethical, even criminal behavior of journalists. After all, it cannot be that terrorists present themselves as “journalists”. Hamas would never do that, no no. Hamas has standards. Hamas would never endanger journalists by doing something like that. Hamas would never use ambulances to transport missiles and terrorists, nor would it place its headquarters under a hospital or a house or a school, nor would it hide missiles in its sacred mosques or use Gazans as human shields, appropriate their aid food and attack those Gazans trying to flee the war…
Israel is the only country from Marrakesh to India with a free press. The only country in the entire region where the press can freely criticize the government and its leaders and write the worst things about them.
But today, to say that Israel deliberately targets the press is not ridiculous: in the wokeized West, just as Iran disarms, Israel oppresses.
A huge part of the decadent West, which babbles about freedom from morning to night, has chosen to believe all the lies of Hamas. They will be next.
In a new article from Reuters, author Daniel Trotta admits that the record rain in California is good for droughts, yet he worries that down the road vegetation may cause fires; see below:
Explainer-California rains: good for drought, fuel for wildfires
The atmospheric river that has inundated California is a mixed blessing, at once easing drought conditions and promoting threatened fish species while also nourishing the growth of vegetation that will eventually fuel future wildfires.
Here’s a look at the environmental implications:
After severe drought conditions for most of this century, California is forecast to have its second wet year in a row, though not quite as wet as the exceptional precipitation of a year ago.
Of course, rain is better than drought for managing California’s water resources, but not all rain is equal.
The current storm is mostly affecting Southern California, which lacks the storage capacity of the northern part of the state and the resources to capture storm water before it drains into the Pacific Ocean.
The additional moisture is generally good for wildfire resistance, but the rain also promotes growth of grasses and brush that will become fuel for future fires when the weather inevitably turns dry again.
They told us an increase in wildfires was a harbinger of the “climate crisis” but now, with wildfires down substantially over the last two years because of a deluge of precipitation, they have to adjust fire, and pivot, claiming all the rain putting out the wildfires is also bad, because now vegetations will grow, and create a risk of fire.
There’s no winning against the “green” agenda. Since all of history, hasn’t rain brought life to flora? Yet, against all odds (thriving plant life), we’re still here! Would the state be better off if it didn’t get the vegetation and the record rain?
Maybe, when vegetation dries out, the state should ignore the bureaucrats and “environmentalists” and clear out the underbrush before it becomes a tinderbox.
Maybe, instead of dumping billions into vote-buying schemes like welcoming endless hordes of illegals, the state uses the taxes it collects to build the proper infrastructure—if the climate crisis really is as existential as they claim it to be.
What would someone with a brain think? They would wonder why a state like California, with long periods of drought, and huge rains and snow sometimes, didn’t build more reservoirs throughout the state if this has been going on for decades.
Maybe California politicians should have focused on building reservoirs instead of pretending they could control the climate by destroying industries that greatly improve the quality and length of life of people who use natural resources.
Maybe California politicians and the federal government could have spent billions on reservoirs instead of pouring money down the drain on the “train to nowhere.” The original cost of the train was estimated to be $33 billion (now it is $100 billion), and they have no idea when it will be done, if ever.
But we are supposed to trust that these politicians and bureaucrats can control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity forever if we just give up our gas-powered vehicles and appliances and stop eating meat.
At least they recognize that California has always had droughts, and always will, no matter what destructive policies California Democrats pass.
A final piece of advice to people in California and everywhere: Stop electing politicians who falsely claim they know what causes the climate to change and can control it, and elect people who haven’t been lobotomized, and who have the common sense to clear out underbrush and build proper water collection infrastructure.
The Times published a report saying UCC will overturn sharia law in India
On Tuesday, February 6, the Uttarakhand government tabled the much-awaited Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in the state assembly.
The bill included various provisions, including a complete ban on polygamy and child marriage, a standardised marriageable age for girls across all faiths, and a uniform process for divorce. These proposals, geared towards promoting gender equality and social harmony, will be discussed during the ongoing special four-day assembly session, which commenced on Monday and will run until Thursday.
The draft of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) covered a wide range of aspects of civil life. It includes suggestions regarding inheritance rights, compulsory marriage registration, and raising the legal age of marriage for girls to enable them to pursue education before marriage. Moreover, couples who do not register their marriages will not qualify for government benefits, signalling an emphasis on legal documentation.
The proposed UCC aims to establish uniform civil laws applicable to all communities within the state and end the complex labyrinth of individual laws that govern different communities, which presents challenges to the uniform enforcement of legislation that is the cornerstone of a secular society.
As the Uttarakhand government tabled the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) Bill in the state assembly on Tuesday (February 6) for discussion, The Times, a British national daily, found an opportunity to perpetuate its longstanding anti-India campaign, vilifying the Modi government and stoking fears among its Muslim population with unfounded claims and patently misleading conjectures.
The headline is a dead giveaway that The Times was up to its mischievous ways to undermine the Indian government and pressurise it to drop the Uniform Civil Code. The Times published an article titled ‘India prepares to pass a law overturning Sharia in ‘Muslim crackdown”, giving a false impression that Muslims remain under a constant threat of persecution in India.
Not only is the headline evidently erroneous since the bill was not tabled in the parliament and by the central government. Instead, it was proposed by a state government for discussion in a state assembly. In their zeal to defame India, The Times and its author went with a headline and a featured image of PM Modi to imply that democratic polity has given way to authoritarianism and the Modi government is moving to pass a law aimed at ‘clamping down’ at its Muslim population.
The preposterous headline naturally created quite a flutter on social media, with several social media users criticising the British daily for characterising the Uniform Civil Code, a set of rules that forms the bedrock of secularism, as a tool of ‘Muslim crackdown’. Facing fierce online backlash that could and should invite legal repercussions for The Times in India, the British newspaper quietly amended the headline and redacted ‘Muslim crackdown’ from its headline.
The Times changed the headline and removed ‘Muslim crackdown’ from it
But it maintained the anti-India and irrational sentiment of the article in its body. Paradoxically, The Times and other Western media houses that routinely hold forth on the need to save ‘secularism’ in India, perhaps out of their historical habit of suppressing Indian consciousness and preventing India from shaping its destiny based on its moral compass, was concerned with the neutering of Sharia law with the introduction of the Uniform Civil Code.
Here’s how The Times rhapsodised the Sharia Law:
The relevant section from The Times article on UCC
If the above paragraph is anything to go by, The Times was not only supporting Sharia Law, but it was also going into raptures about the abhorrent practice of polygamy that allows Muslim men to take more than one wife, thereby contributing to their mental and physical health outcomes, including severe depression, anxiety, psychosis, and in some cases, domestic violence too.
The Times also came out in support of another regressive practice called ‘halala’, which according to Islamic customs, is a practice where the divorced wife has to temporarily marry another person, consummate the marriage and get talaq again. It is intimately linked with triple talaq, which has already been invalidated by Indian laws.
The relevant section from The Times article on UCC
The practice reduces women to being a mere commodity that can be discarded by pronouncing ‘talaq talaq talaq’ and then acquired again by undergoing ‘halala’, which involves marrying her to another man, establishing sexual relations with him and then divorcing him if she wants to remarry her first husband.
The evil practice, of course, has a serious bearing on Muslim women and deeply affects their physical and psychological well-being. But it is of little concern for The Times which seeks to ignore these inequities meted out on Muslim women as long as it helps them in mounting their attacks against the Modi government.
The other casualty of The Times’ perversity is secularism in India. The Western media never fails to pontificate India on “secularism” and the need to protect it, even though India has never been a secular country and “secularism” in India’s context has always been pluralism and composite culture, where people espousing different religions not only found refuge but also thrived and their religious practice protected.
However, despite being a staunch advocate of secularism, The Times and the Western media have no compunction in railing against a law that seeks to abolish oppressive individual laws and introduce a set of rules that apply uniformly to all sections of society and treat them as equals regardless of their caste, creed, and race.
English comedy icon Rowan Atkinson, forever applauded for his on-screen creation Mr. Bean, has been blamed for “damaging” the reputation of electric vehicles (EVs) and contributing to slow sales simply by expressing his opinion on their future – or lack of it.
The actor was name-checked in the British House of Lords on Tuesday during its environment and climate change committee meeting, Sky News reports.
Thinktank Green Alliance outlined the main obstacles the government faces in its bid to push petrol and diesel cars to the kerb before 2035, pointing to a newspaper comment piece by the Johnny English star published in June 2023 as damaging to the cause.
The pressure group told peers in a letter an opinion piece by Atkinson damaged the cause of EV take-ups. The missive read in part:
One of the most damaging articles was a comment piece written by Rowan Atkinson in The Guardian which has been roundly debunked.
Unfortunately, fact checks never reach the same breadth of audience as the original false claim, emphasising the need to ensure high editorial standards around the net zero transition.
The 69-year-old actor’s piece was headlined: “I love electric vehicles – and was an early adopter. But increasingly I feel duped.”
Atkinson wrote EVs were “a bit soulless” and criticised the use of their lithium-ion batteries, as Breitbart News reported.
‘Mr. Bean’ Star Rowan Atkinson Feels ‘Duped’ by Electric Vehicles: Not the Environmental Panacea It Is Claimed to Be https://t.co/DjwfEcsM54
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 8, 2023
He suggested solutions like drivers keeping the same car for longer periods of time and increased use of synthetic fuel would negate the need for EVs, saying: “Increasingly, I’m feeling that our honeymoon with electric cars is coming to an end, and that’s no bad thing.”
Atkinson further noted greenhouse gas emissions created in the production of an electric car were 70 percent higher than in the manufacturing of a gas car due to the use of lithium ion batteries.
“They’re absurdly heavy, huge amounts of energy are required to make them, and they are estimated to last only upwards of 10 years. It seems a perverse choice of hardware with which to lead the automobile’s fight against the climate crisis,” Atkinson wrote.
The Guardian struck back a week later with comment from Simon Evans, deputy editor and senior policy editor of climate news site Carbon Brief, which looked to debunk Atkinson’s claims by taking on an actor who has always been a strong proponent of free speech.
Mr Bean Defends Free Speech: Rowan Atkinson Denounces Scottish Hate Crime Bill https://t.co/j0yvjEIGZN
Evans wrote: “Atkinson’s biggest mistake is his failure to recognise that electric vehicles already offer significant global environmental benefits, compared with combustion-engine cars.”
Atkinson’s views were used to make a wider point about allegedly “misleading” reports stunting EV sales.
Other challenges highlighted during the committee meeting included insufficient numbers of charging points, higher prices on EVs and “a lack of clear and consistent messaging from the government.”
Overall sales of EVs are defying the combined urging of green lobbyists and government diktat with just a quarter making up new purchases for 2023, UK data reveals.
Aside from a lack of electric charging stations and consumer nervousness over reliability, the unit cost of EVs coupled with rapid depreciation remain among the prime reasons consumers are giving for sticking to petrol-powered cars.
Mainstream media outlets have been accused of “downplaying” the size of a recent anti-mass migration protest in Ireland.
Despite numerous claims that more than 1,500 people attended the demo – a considerable number for Ireland – numerous mainstream publications reported figures far lower than that.
According to multiple major news outlets, only a “few hundred people” attended the anti-immigration protest in Dublin city centre on February 5, although the figures reported by each vary considerably.
Massive protest against immigration in Ireland. The people are fed up, demand change. This is becoming a trend across the West. The pendulum is swinging back. pic.twitter.com/lSODF3sYFV
According to The Irish Times, around 700 people were at the main protest despite attendees’ claims there were more than 1,000. The Irish Independent wrotethere were as few as 500 present at the demo.
Other outlets put the number at in excess of twice that, with state broadcaster RTÉ saying the figure was around 1,000, while the Cork-based broadsheet The Irish Examiner put the figure at about 1,500.
One reporter fromTheNew York Times even claimed on social media on the day that the size of the counter-protest was “much larger” than the main event.
Anti racism rally underway on O’Connell Street in Dublin ahead of a planned far right rally planned for later today nearby. Much larger crowd chanting refugees “are welcome here” as others wave Irish flags from the sidewalk in front of the GPO pic.twitter.com/dYzqXTEmRH
That caused uproar among many online, with even the most conservative crowd-size estimates from mainstream media publications having the primary protest substantially outnumbering any counter-demonstration.
By contrast, publications more closely aligned with the Right put the number of attendees as much higher than the mainstream estimates.
Online publications Gript and The Burkean both claimed the numbers as being in the thousands.
"Get them out! Get them out!"
Thousands of Irish protest against mass immigration, expressing their opposition to the country being planted with foreigners
Speaking to Brussels Signal, spokespeople for the NGO Migration Info Ireland also claimed that the number taking part was substantially higher than what was published by Ireland’s mainstream media, citing video evidence.
“Last year’s anti-racism rallies saw an exaggerated portrayal in the media, while anti-migration protests were downplayed,” they said on February 6.
“Video footage and images from yesterday’s demonstration clearly depict a crowd exceeding 1,500 people,” they added, saying that both the Irish Government and media now needed address migration by “acknowledging its existence”.
“The Government and media must earnestly address and engage with people’s concerns around migration and facilitate resolution,” they concluded.
Ireland’s establishment parties are panicking about the public backlash against mass immigration – but their Europhilia means they are left defenceless, writes M E Synon. https://t.co/rtxJql1Pt8
Outraged citizens in Sweden have vented their anger at the state broadcaster for being politically biased and misleading its viewers. In a protest held on Saturday, around a thousand people marched to the headquarters of the public broadcaster to express their dissatisfaction with the reporting of Sveriges Television (SVT) and Sveriges Radio (SR).
📹 Tusentals demonstranter tågar mot SVT-huset i protest mot statstelevisionens skattefinansierade desinformation! pic.twitter.com/lhb452JFB9
The organisers of the protest argue that serious problems faced by society are concealed or treated inappropriately by the broadcaster, while harmful and extreme ideologies are being promoted, and alternative media and its representatives are smeared or excluded from the public discourse.
“This harms Sweden as a nation. We do not want Sweden to be governed by extreme ideologies or international interests,” the organisers state, calling for objective reporting and a more diverse spectrum of opinions on topics such as the adverse effects of vaccines, NATO, migration, climate, and gender issues.
The organisers also want to end taxpayers’ obligation to finance the broadcaster. As of January this year, Swedish citizens have to pay a maximum licence fee of 1,219 Swedish kronor (€107) per year, or 1% of their income. Swedes are obligated to pay the fee regardless of whether or not they have a television set.
The protest coincides with the growing dissatisfaction with one-sided public media broadcasts all around Europe. In a debate in the Austrian parliament last week, Herbert Kickl of the right-wing opposition party FPÖ criticised the centre-right-green government for introducing a modified version of the previous licence fee, which now means that every household has to pay a fee of €15.30 per month, even if they do not possess a television set. Failure to register, or supplying false information, could carry a fine of up to €2,180.
Kickl accused the government of introducing yet another new tax in an era of economic crisis, one that would be used to fund state propaganda. The public broadcaster, ORF, he said, was lacking in both objectivity and independence. He added that his party was a frequent target of the ORF and that they would abolish the tax were they to enter government. Austria is set to hold elections in autumn, and the FPÖ is on course to win around 30% of the votes, although it is unlikely they would be able to form a coalition with any of the other parties.
A similarly negative sentiment towards public media services is being felt in Norway. According to conservative outlet Document, people are turning their backs on the public broadcaster NRK’s daily evening news programme, Dagsrevyen, which has lost 140,000 viewers in the past four years. NRK is criticised by many for being politically biased in favour of the Left, and for talking positively about issues such as the green transition, diversity, multiculturalism, and immigration.
In the United Kingdom—the home of public service broadcasting—500,000 households cancelled their TV licences last year. This allows them to avoid paying the hefty fee of £169 per year, but some would seek to avoid financing the BBC, which seems less focused on entertainment and impartial information than on liberal progressivism and diversity.
The cowardly attack by the left-wing extremist Antifa is in all likelihood connected to the devious and extremely brutal attacks against completely uninvolved people carried out by the international Antifa thugs in Budapest a year ago. In addition, the left-wing thugs, who are usually treated with great leniency by the judiciary in Germany, are unlikely to forgive the fact that such offences are severely prosecuted in Hungary. In addition to the attack on the building of the Hungarian Cultural Institute, the international left also launched a smear campaign against Hungary and its prison conditions.
On the evening of 26 January, the building of the Collegium Hungaricum in Berlin was attacked by the extreme left: „#honourless“ signs were sprayed on the walls of the institution and several windows were smashed. (mandiner)
Antifa hate letter
In the hate-antifa statement, the attack is explained with the criminal trial against German and Italian antifascist thugs that has just taken place in Hungary:
„Our solidarity goes to the antifascists* arrested last year because of this and to those wanted in this context, which we express with the attack. In the case of international smear campaigns, intimidation by the repressive authorities and presumably imminent extraditions, we cannot stand by in silence, but must take a stand. In the case of the international smear campaigns, intimidation by the repressive authorities and presumably imminent extraditions, we cannot stand by in silence, but must actively intervene in what is happening. It is not enough just to attack the Nazis and their structures; the right-wing think tanks and media acceptance procurers of the supposedly superior European culture are also legitimate targets. The trial in Budapest begins on 29 January – let’s show those affected that they are not alone and let’s show the German judiciary and the Hungarian state that we will not remain inactive! „
Against Hungarian migration policy
In addition, in the usual Antifa hate jargon, there was also incitement against a discussion event on Hungarian and German migration policy, which took place in the German-Hungarian Friendship Association, with the participation of the Hungarian Chancellery Minister Gergely Gulyás at the time, in October 2023 in the Collegium Hungaricum.
Interesting because it exposes the Orwellian distortion of reality of the antifa fascists and their fear of the alternative media: In addition to the discussion about a tougher stance towards travellers seeking protection and the stricter sealing off of Europe, the focus was on the racist discourse on „imported anti-Semitism“ that is also taking place here and the alleged threat posed to Europe by migration.
Unsurprisingly, the press invited to the event were Junge Freiheit and Tichys Einblick. According to Junge Freiheit, the evening was introduced by the President of the German-Hungarian Society, Gerhard Papke. He said of Budapest:
„There is no murderous Allahu Akbar shouting on the streets there. Hungarians don’t let people like that into their country. They are smarter!“ The Hungarian state is a driving force and important partner when it comes to promoting murder and the sealing off of the EU borders and has also been conducting a racist campaign against Sinti*zze and Rom*nja in its own country for a long time.“ Obviously, the international Antifa thugs are attacking Hungarian institutions because the Hungarian judiciary punishes such inhuman acts with the full force of the law. And does not tolerate them – as is the case in Germany, for example.